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jeu d'esprit ch4

Anybody see the move or read the book: The Face On The Milk Carton? The movie starred ER's Lucy, Kelly Martin, with red hair. Anyway the custody situation will kinda be handled like that. Rest easy though, if you haven't read the book or seen the movie it will be explained.

jeu d’esprit
chapter four:

"Sweetheart -- " Adam began.

"Adam," Edward exclaimed finally realizing where he knew the last name Chandler from, Althea he thought his mind racing trying not to panic.

"No," Skye said in disbelief, her voice shaking, "no, no, no"

"Yes," Rae stepped closer to Skye, her head shaking up and down, "you are my child," Rae put a strand of hair behind Skye's ear, "my daughter"

"Don't touch me," Skye pushed her hand away, "Daddy," Skye stuttered almost in tears, "I'm sorry -- "

"Oh, sweetheart," Adam soothed her with his voice, "none of this is your fault"

"That's right," Rae turned around facing Edward, "you stole her from me, didn't you? You old buzzard."

"W-What? I did no such thing," Edward blew off her accusation, "I didn't even know you were pregnant."

"Would you stop it, father?" Alan asked, "He knew, he told me."

"You knew?" Rae questioned.

"Oh," Monica sighed, "God"

"He told me you were pregnant but that the baby had died during birth," Alan wiped his brow and adjusted his glasses, "I'm so very sorry"

"A little late, hmm -- I've gotta get out of here," Skye hurried away from the Q den through the french doors as fast as her feet would take her.

"Now look at what you've done."

"Should we go after her?" Alan inquired.

"No," Adam stood there deep in thought, "she needs time to herself -- to contemplate"

"I can't just stay here and do nothing," Rae headed out the same direction Skye did.

in the park:

Skye sat on a bench, her arms holding her legs up and her chin resting on her knees, jumping up, she heard a noise, "Ohh, Jax," she held him tight, sobbing slightly.

"It's going to be all right, now Skye, I'll make sure of it," Jax stroked her hair.

Skye took her head from his chest and looked into his eyes, "I wish I could believe that," she rested her head back on his chest.

"Look at me," he moved her head up to look into her amber eyes, as his gaze moved from her eyes to her lips as he brushed them with his for a momentary eternity.

"Skye," Rae called, obviously taken aback at what she had witnessed, "oh, I'm terribly sorry," she looked the other direction as both Jax and Skye jumped away from one another, and looked at the ground.

"Who are you?" Jax asked with curiosity.

"I'm Skye's mother, Rae," Rae looked at Skye her face pleading, "who are you?"

"Jasp -- "

"You are not my mother. My mother lives at St. Ann's."

"You're right in all of the ways that count most she is your mother, but I gave birth to you. You are my daughter."

"No, no, I didn't want any of this to happen. All I wanted was to see my birth father. That's all, I just wanted to see him, then I was gonna go back to my father. You have to let me. I didn't want any of this to happen -- for anyone to find out. Please lets just pretend none of this happened."

"I can't do that Skye, I'm sorry. And your not going back with Adam," Rae said, her heart breaking at the sight of her daughter's heart doing the same, "I have legal custody over you, Adam and Althea kidnapped you but I won't press charges against Adam if you live with me. He's already agreed," Rae stepped closer to her.

"Let's get this straight," Skye stepped backwards, "I already have a mother and a father, I don't need you and I don't want you. You may be able to force me to live with you but I don't have to like it."

"No, no, of course you don't. I just want a chance to get to know you. Please -- come back to the Quartermaine Estate."


"Daddy?" Skye sat beside her father on the Q den sofa.

"Skye, oh, thank God you're okay," silence followed then Adam spoke up again, "Rae told you?"

Skye shook her head, "Uh-huh, Rae told me," she said almost inaudibly, "Why?" Skye stood up, "I don't understand. Why can't I have any contact with you or Mom?"

"Sweetheart, it's only for a month," Adam avoided eye contact with Skye.

"I'll I get to do then is call you," Skye sat close to Adam pleading with him, "please, Daddy, don't let them do this, please"

"I think it's time for you to go," Alan then called for Reginald to bring Adam his belongings and Adam left rather quickly avoiding a big good-bye with Skye.

"Your things will be sent over shortly from Pine Valley," Rae informed a sullen Skye, "Until then maybe we could go shopping for some clothes and things"

"I'm perfectly fine, I have some things over at the Port Charles Hotel"

"You were staying at the Port Charles Hotel?" Alan asked surprised.


"Yes," Alan spoke into the telephone, "I'd like to know how a 15 year old gets a hotel room without any identification?"

"I'm 16 since
August the 15th" both Skye and Rae said the date in unison.

"I would like Skye Chandler's belongings sent over -- "

"I checked in under my mom's name"

"Scratch that, Althea Chandler, yes, to the Quartermaine Estate, 66 Harbor View Road. Mm-hmm, thanks," Alan hung the phone up.

"You don't have to go to all that trouble, we could have gathered her belongings and taken them to my hotel room."

"Your hotel room? No, we're all staying here, under this roof, -- together."

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . are very welcome!
Thanks for reading!


jeu d'esprit ch5

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