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jeu d'esprit ch5

jeu d’esprit
chapter five:

"What were you thinking?" Monica asked sharply.

"Monica" Alan put his finger to his mouth and surveyed the room.

"Oh, shut-up Alan, this is my house -- "

"Now don't start with that again Monica."

"What again?" AJ sauntered through the door throwing his backpack to the floor.

"You haven't seen Skye have you?" Alan seemed concerned.

"Didn't you say Rae was going to pick her up from school?"

"She was supposed to but Jason got home half an hour ago. I'm worried."

"How would I know? I'm in ninth grade -- in a completely different school, but your too busy to remember that -- aren't you?"

"Not now," Alan held his hand up indicating to stop.

"Of course not," AJ grabbed his backpack, dragging it across the floor and up the stairs.

"You know," Edward entered the foray, "if you spent a little more time with your son he wouldn't be around as much to get on my nerves. Look what he's done," Edward held up a newspaper with a hole cut in the front page, his face showing through.

"Ugh" Rae uttered, fidgeting with an umbrella that did not want to cooperate, "It just started pouring but look now it's stopped. I'm telling you this is not my day."

"Where's Skye?" Alan's voice concerned.

"She wasn't there," Rae shook her head back and forth, "I searched the entire campus but no one knew where she was, then it started raining so I came here to see if she was here."

"She's not," Monica bent over at the waist trying not to break out laughing, which was not working very well, her face red.

"Monica!" Alan looked at her, "my daughter turns up missing and you have this incredible urge to laugh?"

"It -- It's not thhaatt," Monica resumed her normal standing and pointed to the steps outside the front door to Skye and Jax.

"Thank you," Skye hugged Jax and kissed him on the cheek.

"Get your hands off my daughter!" Alan became enraged, dragging Skye in the house as Jax followed.

"Get your hands off of me!" Skye pulled away, "Jax just gave me a ride"

"I don't want you near my granddaughter again, do you hear me?" Edward waved his finger up and down, "You're no better than your father, a ruthless corporate raider"

"I think it's time for you to go home," Alan escorted Jax to the door and slammed it shut. "You know nothing about him."

"Oh, puleeze, I know more about Jax than I know about you or you," Skye gestured to both Alan and Rae, "and I've known him longer."

"I -- I don't want you seeing him."

"I don't think this is the way to handle the situation," Rae intervened.

"The situation?" Skye asked Rae, "You mean me?"

"No I mean your complete and utter disrespect for me and your father"

"He is not my father and you're not my mother. You can't stop me from seeing Jax. Maybe you take my mom and dad away but we attend the same school."

"Yeah? Well, maybe you don't anymore." Alan hung his head.

"Oh, okay, I see what you're trying to do: 'Let's take everything she's loved or even liked and take it away,' hmm? 'see how she'll do with nothing' no mother, no father, nothing, not even a friend. Well -- if you think I'm sticking around for this you're the insane ones, not my mother," Skye hurried up the stairs to her room.


"Get out of my room," Skye said quite calmly as she packed her suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Rae stepped further into her room.

"Telling you would kinda deplete the point of running away now wouldn't it Rae?"

"What made you hate me so?" Rae's face full of emotion.

"God -- you took away the only people I have ever loved. Why do you think I can't stand you? I can't even call my mom and my dad."

"You'd rather have Althea as a mother, after everything she put you through?"

"Put me through? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I was her therapist, Skye" Rae's face now placid.

"So -- the only crime Althea's guilty of is neglect, mother. She never took my father away and she loved me no matter what you say."

"I love you -- since before I even met your father -- "

"My father is Adam Chandler"

"Your biological father. Since the day I dreamed of having children. I knew I loved you then. Althea could never love you like I do and from what I've heard she didn't"

"Shut-up," Skye spat the words out like poison, covering her ears with her hands.

"Listen to me," an emotional Rae grabbed hold of Skye's wrists pushing them down away from her ears and pulled a sobbing Skye into an embrace.

"no," Skye whispered, "no," as she continued to sob.

"I love you," stroking her hair Rae whispered over and over that she loved Skye and let Skye just cry in her arms.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . are very much welcome, so reply if you feel so inclined.
Thanks For Reading!

***Side Note: My condolences to those affected by Sept. 11, 2001 events. I know kinda what it's like 'cause I live in Oklahoma City, really the metro area and my friend lost her grandmother in the bombing. The building was a wreak and we thought we lost a lot of people. This -- this is a real travesty and you're in my prayers.
God Bless America


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