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jeu d'esprit ch6

jeu d’esprit
chapter six:

"Jax," Skye said breathlessly as she answered the door.

"Hello Skye," Jax stepped into the foray.

"I don't know if it's the greatest idea that you're here. You know, after my father and all."

"Your father?"


"That's why I waited this long. I didn't want you to get into anymore trouble."

"That's very -- that's very thoughtful."

"Well, you know we're friends."

"Mm-hmm -- friends," Skye smiled at Jax as her gaze fell from him to the floor, "uh, would you like to come into the den? We could talk -- whatever."

"That sounds great"


"I haven't seen you at school lately. You're okay right? I was worried."

"Yeah. My dad he made well on his word -- I started an all girls school mid last week."

"Wow, he really must not like me."

"I don't know, Rae -- my mother," Skye corrected herself, "said he's afraid he'll loose me or something. I just don't see how you can loose something you never had in the first place. 'Cause he never had me, you know?"

"Mm-hmm, the only reason I asked was because Jason wouldn't tell me anything about you"

"You can thank Alan for that. You're not even sposta be here, you've been outlawed."

" 'outlawed' " Jax chuckled.

"Yeah he forbade me to see you. Which only makes it more appealing, of course."

"So you're not going to stop being my friend?"

"No," Skye shook her head back and forth.

"Good," Jax got up from his seat and hurried upstairs.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Skye followed after him


"What are you doing?" Skye questioned Jax who was rummaging through her room.

"I've never been in a girls room before," Jax's smile made Skye's knees weak.

"Yeah? Well, maybe you should ask permission next time," Skye grabbed a figurine from his clutches and placed it back in it's rightful place.

" 'next time' so there will be a next time?" Jax plopped down on Skye's bed.

"Get off," Skye tried to sound outraged but couldn't help grinning, "my mom and dad will kill me if they see you, let alone in the house but on my bed?"

"Oh, your no fun," Jax slightly bounced on the bed as he sat, "come here," he gestured.

"Come on Jax I'm serious, you'll break my bed."

"Fine, but first you have to come here," Jax took hold of her arm and pulled her on the bed as they both lied down, leaning over he took a deep breath and whispered, "I lied"

"About what?" Skye rose her head slightly using her hand for support.

"Being friends," Jax's face was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her lips, "'cause we're more than just friends," Jax leaned even closer as the barely audible uttering of 'uh-oh' could be heard form the doorway to Skye's room.

"AJ!" Skye yelled after him, "no, this is not good," Skye rested her head back on the bed, "now he's gonna tell Alan and Rae too, you've gotta go," Skye said standing up.

"First," Jax stood up in front of her, "I want to hear you admit you don't like me too."

"It's not that I just don't want my father to kill you, I mean as it is I'll never be allowed to leave the house there's no reason you can't run for your life."

"I don't run from people I like," Jax looked her in the eyes sincerely, putting his hands around her waist he leaned in and kissed her soft at first but growing with more anticipation and longing as she put her arms around his neck and resipricated

thanks for reading
Oh, and please reply and tell me what you thought good or bad.


jeu d'esprit ch7

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