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jeu d'esprit ch9

jeu dТesprit
chapter nine:

"Come on, Monica, just give it a rest," Alan rubbed his forehead

" 'a rest'?"

"You heard me, leave Skye alone."

"With all the trouble she's caused?"

"None of this was her fault and on today of all days have some compassion."


"Skye?" Rae asked from the corridor in front of a closed door, "Skye?" she questioned again this time opening it, her eyes falling to Skye's bed where she lay.

"Yes?" Skye replied almost inaudibly not moving an inch.

"What's the matter," Rae grew concerned, "why aren't you ready? The funeral should start shortly."

"I'm not going," Skye answered flatly.

"Not going?" Rae asked as she had a habit of repeating what people said.

"I don't wanna be surrounded by people who hate her -- hated her -- or even people like Monica. She doesn't care one tiny bit about me, yet she'll be attending? No," Skye shook her head back and forth, "no, if people are going to go mourn her and don't even like her I'd rather they at least care about me or someone who was close to her."

"Okay, then get ready, I'll take care of Monica," Rae left Skye's room forgetting to shut the door.

"Okay, fine, I'll shut the door," Skye said to herself as she walked towards the door to close it.

"Skye?" Jason stopped the door from shutting, AJ behind him.

"We have something to say," AJ entered her room.

"May we come in?"

"Sure why not," Skye answered in reply as Jason entered her room also.

"I'm very sorry about Althea," Jason told her, "I know you loved her and I lost my Mom too so I kinda get what it's like. Even though our situations are completely reversed; with my birth mother dying and everything. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am for your loss."

"Thank you," Skye said touched by his words as he left.

"Skye?" AJ asked.


"I'm sorry too. And don't worry that thing with Jax; it'll will stay with me 'til the day I die, I promise."

"Thanks," Skye chuckled slightly as she closed the door behind him and started getting ready.


"I don't care, she's not coming if Skye doesn't want her there."

"Rae please let's just get through this day together -- as a family," Alan tried appealing to her.

"My only family is Skye and my Mother and -- "

"Hey, I didn't want to come in the first place," Monica interjected.

"And," Rae tried to finish her statement, "I will not have Skye around this hatred. My God, her grandfather sold her -- "

"I did nothing of the sort," Edward defended himself.

"And her father's current wife can't stand her. I will not hesitate to take Skye away from this, Alan."

"Fine," Alan decided it best not to argue, "it's settled, Father and Monica will not be attending."

"Fine with me," Edward went off in a huff as Monica walked off, too.


"Daddy," Skye flew into Adam's arms.

"Skye," Adam held her closely, "Sweetheart -- "

"Daddy, I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it in any longer."

"It's okay, none of this is your fault, none of it."

"Adam," Rae said rather coldly as they shook hands.

"Rae, Alan," Adam avoided any and all eye contact, concentrating on Skye.

"Adam," Alan greeted him.

"It was a lovely service, Rae," Myrtle approached them, "I'm very sorry about Althea, Skye, I know you loved her."

"Thanks, Myrtle," Skye replied.

"Oh, sweetheart, please call me grandma."

"I'm gonna go find my brother and sister, excuse me," Skye left in search of Hayley and Junior.

"Don't mind her," Rae told Myrtle, "she's been very upset, with everything that has happened."

"Of course -- of course she has my darling, of course."


"Skye?" Dixie neared her sitting under a tree, "Adam told me you were looking for your brother."

"Hi, Dixie," Skye smiled slightly when she saw Junior in her arms, "how is he? Gosh, he's gotten so big."

"He has hasn't he? Would you like to hold him?"


"Sure, why not? You're his big sister," Dixie put Junior in Skye's arms

"Yeah, I am, aren't I?"

"Mm-hmm. Your very good with him."

"It's easy I love him and no one's ever gonna take him away from me -- he's my brother -- I can't loose anyone else, Dixie."

"I know, you know Will would be very proud of you -- the way you're taking what you're dealt in stride. He loved you a lot, Skye."

"You think so?" Skye's eyes teared up, "I really miss him -- I loved him so much, Dixie."

"I know."

"I still do. I wish death would change feelings but it doesn't. A person dies and you just go right on, the feelings -- they -- they don't go away -- they don't die with the person."

"It takes time, Skye."

"It's been a year. How much longer is it supposed to take until I forget, until I don't remember."

"You never forget, Skye, never. The memories stay but you'll find a way to move on."

"What if I don't want to move on? What if -- what if you know that the love of your life is gone forever and that you'll never come close to being as loved again? Because that is scary, -- it's a scary thought wondering if I'll ever find that again, knowing that you won't but hoping. I hate myself for wanting to find love with someone other than Will. For needing it, dying without it; Dixie I have so much love bottled up inside myself for him but he's not here and I hate him for that. God, Dixie, I hate him. Why did he have to die?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that he would want you to move on. You're family to me. Not just because I'm your stepmother but we're sisters, Will made us that, he loved you so much, Skye, I never saw him so happy -- so elated about anything or anyone and I know you two would've ended up together -- through anything -- maybe even gotten married."

"Over my father's dead body," Skye chuckled.

"Uncle Palmer's, too," Dixie smiled "Skye, Will is gone, as much as I miss him, he -- he's not coming back. You have to accept that."

"I know," Skye became rigid.

"Do you? Because if you find someone you think you can love just a little you need to go for that -- for Will's sake -- for your own. Don't hide behind Will because your frightened, use the love that you know is possible and give that gift to someone else, like Will did for you," silence followed as they sat there neither knowing quiet what to do next.

"I'm going to introduce Junior to my new brothers and visa versa, if that's all right with you" Skye asked cradling Junior in her arms.

"Okay, just think of what I said, hmm? You'll always be your father's daughter, you know that right? You'll always be loved."

"Yeah, Dixie, I know -- I know," Skye left in search of her siblings.



"Skye, I'm real sorry about Althea."

"Thanks, it means a lot that you're here. I'd like you to meet my new brothers, Jason and Alan Jr. or as we call him AJ. This is my sister Hayley and my littlest brother Adam Jr. We all call him Junior.

"Hey," Hayley greeted Jason and AJ as they did the same, "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Jason replied.

"Does this mean I've got another brother and sister?" AJ asked a little confused.

"Not really you but I'd be happy to be your sister if you want me to," Hayley responded, "I've always wanted a bunch of siblings."

"Are you Althea's daughter?" a woman walked up to Skye.

"Y-yeah," Skye said a little unsure how to answer.

"You little brat, do you know what she did to me? Your mother was the most horrible witch -- "

"Excuse me," Rae interjected, "what gives you the right to talk to my daughter or anyone else for that matter like that?"

"She said she was Althea's spawn from hell."

"Well, for your information Althea stole her from me. Okay? None of what Althea did was Skye's fault."

"They killed my son"

Skye's eyes got wider after she heard the woman, "Shh," Skye clutched Junior in her arms protectively as he fussed, "now look at what you've done you upset him," Skye walked away, trying to pacify him and hoping to escape this nightmare that never seemed to end the one they called her life.

"I don't know what you think happened to your son but Skye is as much a victim as you are. Don't you ever speak to her like that again," Rae went after Skye


"Ah, Boo," Skye played peek-a-boo with him, "Ahh Boo. Come here Silly," Skye lifted him in the air and made faces that made him coo. She then took him and sat him down on her lap, "You know I love you, right? I know I haven't been around lately but that's not entirely my fault. 'Cause I woulda been there -- with you but I couldn't and I'm sorry and it doesn't look any better for the near future. But it's important that we have these talks, you know. 'Cause me and you we're connected and we always will be," Skye turned Junior around to look at him in the face, "You look a lot like Will, you know? He was a wonderful person, your uncle, sweet and kind and I know you'll be even better, if that's possible."

"Who's Will?" Rae approached Skye from behind.

"So, now your eavesdropping?" Skye asked trying not to have to tell Rae anything.

"No -- no, Skye, I swear I'm not. I just brought a gift to you from your Grandmother Myrtle," Rae extended the present to Skye who just looked at it to the point of examination.

"What is it?"

"You'll have to open it," Rae handed Skye the tiny wrapped box as she sat beside her, "Who's Will, Skye?"

"Junior's uncle -- Dixie's brother."

"I didn't know Dixie had another brother besides Del."

"She doesn't anymore -- he's dead"

"Oh, did you know him well?"

"We were in the same grade -- same classes that sorta thing," Skye evaded.

"That's all?" Rae asked sensing more.

"No, I miss him, Mom, so much," Skye laid her head on Rae's lap, sitting Junior on the ground but still holding him with her arms, "We -- we were in love and then he died and I feel like I'm dying now right along with him, 'cause I don't have him anymore. I don't have anyone."

"You have me"

Hope you liked this part and I know what some of you are asking 'Where's Jax?' but I had to get the whole Will thing over and done w/b4 I could let Skye truly give her self to any other person and b4 Alan and Rae would let a relationship continue. Please reply and tell me what you think!


jeu d'esprit ch10

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