Title: Love Always Finds A Way
Author: Angelic Brat
Rating: NC-17
Feedback: ddauntb@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: The characters own themselves
Spoilers: Alternate Universe. Buffy and Angel were high school sweethearts, until Buffy and her mom moved to Sunnydale. They run into each other at Angel Investigations when Buffy meets Cordy there. Angel Investigations in the Hyperion Hotel.
Part 1
Summers' House 2005
Buffy Summers surveyed her almost empty bedroom and was filled with excitement that she was leaving for LA. Her and Willow were moving in with their friend from high school Cordelia Chase. Cordelia Chase had been a major witch at Sunnydale High until she dated Xander and that went sour.
"Buffy, get your butt down here!" Xander shouted from downstairs. "Coming, guys." Buffy shouted and went downstairs to where Xander, Willow, and Anya were waiting for her. Xander enveloped her in a hug and said, "I'm gonna miss you and Willow."
Willow and Buffy went back upstairs after they said their goodbyes to Xander and Anya to finish packing up some photos and other keepsakes. "Who's this?" Willow asked whistling. "Man. I haven't seen that picture in ages." Buffy said. "Who is it?" Willow asked. "His name's Angel. We were dating and getting serious. Sadly me and mom moved here and lost touch." Buffy said.
"Do you think he still lives in LA?" Willow asked hopefully. "Don't know. Besides I'm dating Riley." Buffy said disgustedly. "Dump him. Everyone can tell you don't love him, except him and your mom." Willow said. "You're right. I'm telling him tonight." Buffy said. "Where is he?" Willow asked. "Bronze." Buffy said.
The Bronze 9:30pm
"Isn't that Riley over there?" Willow asked. "Yep. Well, well looks like he has a new girlfriend." Buffy said. "Where are you going?" Willow asked. Buffy didn't answer she walked right up to Riley and said, "Riley it's over," and left with Willow. At the house they heard Riley calling to them, "Buffy wait. Let me explain, please. She's just a friend." Buffy turned around and said, "Riley I don't care. I was coming there to tell you it was over. I don't love you like you want me to. Just deal with it." Riley left and went back to the Bronze and met up with the girl and started making out with her.
Part 2
The Next Morning 9:25
"Buffy are you coming down or what?" Xander yelled up the stairs. "Hold on Xander." Buffy said checking to be sure she packed everything. Buffy walked down the stairs with more photo albums and her music, "I can't believe I almost forget these." Willow looked up and said, "Yeah. We must have forgotten to pack them." Xander looked at them and said, "Ready?" After they nodded they got in the '99 Ford Explorer and drove to LA.
Angel Investigations 11:30
"Guys my roommates are coming in soon, could you tell them I went to pick up some coffee?" Cordelia asked sweetly. "Sure thing Princess." Doyle said. "Thanks." Cordelia said kissing him bye. Angel looked up and grinning shook his head.
Ten minutes later Willow walked in and called out, "Excuse me. Is anyone here?" Angel came out and said, "Can I help you." Willow smiled sweetly and said, "Do you know where Cordelia Chase is?" Angel realized this was Cordelia's new roommate, "She went to pick up some coffee. She should be back in a few minutes."
"Thanks. Guys she'll be back in a few minutes." Willow shouted. Cordelia walked in followed by Buffy and Xander. "Jeez Willow shout in my ear why don't ya. Oh sorry. Angel this is Willow and Buffy. Oh yeah, this is Xander."
"Actually Cordy me and Buffy have met. How are you?" Angel asked. "Good." Xander walked up with the cell phone and said, "Buffy it's Riley." Buffy groaned and said, "Hi Riley. Yes, I'm fine. No, don't come here. I said no. Riley we broke up. Yes it's you, now leave me alone. Because I've had it. It's over Riley."
Xander looked at her and said, "Why did you do that?" Buffy looked at him and said, "He's been bugging me since 2 months ago. Besides he was making out with some trashy brunette." Xander shut up and Cordy asked, "I thought you were joking about Riley being a dork. Guess not. How do you two know each other?"
"We dated in high school." Buffy said. "Oh, so this is the high school sweetheart." Cordy said. "How do you know Buffy, Cordelia?" Angel asked. "Sunnydale High. We survived living on the Hellmouth, with Snyder as principal. We weren't friends until I started dating Xander and if you mention it ever I'll have to kill you." Cordy threatened.
"Hey Princess." Doyle said entering the room and kissing Cordelia. "Who's the guy Cordy?" Willow asked. "Oh sorry. Buffy, Willow this is Doyle my boyfriend." Cordy said smiling and looking at him in adoration. "Princess?" Doyle asked. "Yes." Cordy answered. "Who's the guy?" Doyle wondered. "What guy? Oh him? That's Xander Harris." Cordy said in disgust.
"Well who are these lovely ladies?" Doyle asked charmingly. "Oh. That's Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg. Don't forget about the party tonight."
Part 3
Cordelia's Apartment 9:30pm
"Buffy you need to mingle." Cordy said. "I don't know anyone, here." Buffy said. "Not true. You know me, Willow, Doyle, and Angel." Cordy said. "Fine. Your worse than my mother." Buffy groaned. Buffy started walking around looking for Willow or anyone from the Scooby Gang and saw Angel walking toward her.
"You look like you'd rather be tortured." Angel said grinning. "Well you know me. I never really liked parties." Buffy said sighing. "Wanna dance?" Angel asked. "Sure." Buffy said and together they walked onto the dance floor and started a slow dance.
"What do you think you're doing Buffy?" asked a male voice. Buffy turned around and said threateningly, "What are you doing here? I told you not to come." Riley looked at Angel and said, "What did you think you were doing messing with my girl?" Buffy punched Riley and said, "We broke up, that means you leave me alone and I leave you alone which is fine with me. Get out. Now!"
Riley got up and walked out the door. Buffy walked to her bedroom and shut the door and started looking through her albums. As she was looking through the last one she found a picture of her and Angel at one of their dances and hanging out with their friends.
When Angel came in he saw Buffy looking at a picture of the two of them and lightly running a finger over the image of his face. As Angel watched her he noticed she was crying so he asked, "Buffy?" She looked up startled and said, "Yeah."
"Everyone's leaving. I just thought that I'd say bye and maybe see you later." Angel said hopefully. "Yeah. I'll see you later." Buffy said sadly. "Are you okay?" Angel asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." Buffy said sniffling. "Okay. Bye." Angel said leaving. "Bye."
Part 4
Buffy's Bedroom 9am
"Buffy, it's time to get up." Willow said excitedly. Buffy groaned and said, "What time is it?" Willow looked at her and kept jumping on the bed and said, "It's 9. Come on, it's time for shopping." Buffy jerked up and asked, "Shopping? Did someone say shopping?" Willow laughed and said, "Yep. Sure did. Cordy's coming to."
"Cool. It'll be like old times, we'll be shopping together and maybe get hit on by some really handsome men." Buffy said dreamily. "Speak for yourself. Me and Cordy are taken." Willow said. "True. Oh well more for me." Buffy said smiling. "You'll never change will you?" Willow asked laughing.
Angel Investigations 5:30 pm
"Hey Cordy." Buffy said. "Hey Buffy. What's up?" Cordy asked. "Me and Willow are going shopping wanna come." Buffy asked knowing Cordy couldn't say no. "Give me a few minutes and then I'm yours. Guys I'm taking my break." Cordy said. "Where are you going?" Angel shouted. "Shopping." Cordy said and practically ran out with Buffy.
Cordy, Buffy, and Willow came in and chanted, "Buffy's in love, Buffy's in love, Buffy's in love." Angel and Doyle came out and asked, "Who is he? Someone you met at the mall?" Angel had a neutral look on his face and asked, "Do I know him?" Buffy looked at him and said, "I'm not in love. It's an old friend. We're just going dancing. Yes, you know him. It's Pike." Angel looked shocked and asked, "Didn't he annoy you in high school?" Buffy said, "Yeah. How'd you remember that?" Willow and Cordy shared a knowing look they had known Buffy was in love, but they knew who now. "Buffy you coming?" Pike asked. "Yeah. Give me a second." Buffy said smiling. "Ok." Buffy turned around and said, "Bye guys."
Part 5
"How'd it go?" Willow asked. "It sucked. I hated every minute of it. He's worse than ever." Buffy said groaning. Cordy walked in and sat down beside Willow. "How about Angel?" Cordy asked. "What about him?" Buffy asked. "Come on. We know you're in love with him. Why don't you ask him out?" Willow asked. "He doesn't feel about the way about me." Buffy said sadly. "So that's why you were so sad whenever a guy came up to you." Willow said.
"You've been in love with Angel for 9 years?" Cordy asked in shock. "I guess so. But unfortunately he doesn't feel that way about me." Buffy said. "What are you talking about? Of course he is!" Cordy shouted.
They were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Doyle what are you doing here?" Cordy asked. "Just come by to see my Princess." Doyle said smiling. "Oh your so sweet." Cordy said giving him a kiss and pulling him to her bedroom.
Part 6
Angel Investigations
Angel got up and walked to the door thinking it was Doyle and was greeted by, "Buffy. What are you doing here?" Buffy took off her glasses and Angel saw she was crying and said, "Come on in. Buffy what's wrong? Did Pike do something?" Buffy looked at him and smiled slightly, "No. I need to ask your opinion on something. Were you ever in love with someone for a long time and they never returned the feeling?" Angel looked at her and said, "Yeah. Why? Who is he?" Buffy looked at him in surprise, "What do you mean?"
"Come on, Buffy. I know you're in love with someone. What moron isn't in love with you?" Angel asked. "You." Buffy said looking down. "Me?" Angel asked in shock. "I know you don't feel that way about me. Willow convinced me to at least tell you that and I'd feel." Buffy was cut off when Angel grabbed her and kissed her gently until passion took over.
"Angel." Buffy moaned. "We can't, Buffy." Angel said. Buffy grabbed him and wrapped her legs around his waist and Angel carried her to his bedroom. As if by magic their clothes disappeared and soon they were skin to skin keeping contact. Angel decided to torture Buffy to ecstasy and did just that as he kissed and suckled her breasts then moved down to between her legs and nursed both roughly.
"Angel, please. I need you inside me now." Buffy begged her eyes glazed. Angel couldn't hold out any longer and finally plunged into her and Buffy shouted out in pleasure. As Angel thrust into Buffy she wrapped her legs around Angel and pulled him against her and he plunged deeper into her.
As they came together repeatedly, they could feel their climax approaching and it finally overtook them both. They lay together in silence until Angel asked, "Are you okay?" Buffy sighed dreamily and said, "Never better." As Angel was trying to calm down a bit, Buffy climbed on top of him and slid him inside her and gently moved up and down at first. Then Angel grabbed her hips and brought her down harder and together they thrust harder and hit more sensitive areas inside of her.
Angel flipped Buffy onto her back and thrust harder and gained deeper access, as their tempo increased and became frantic. When they finally climaxed Angel and Buffy lay together in silence, "I've missed you so much." Angel looked at her lovingly and asked, "Why did you think I didn't love you?" Buffy looked at him, "I don't know. I guess because you wouldn't touch me and you hardly talked to me."
"I'm sorry beloved. I never wanted to make you feel that way. I love you." Angel said. "I love you to." Buffy said kissing him then passion took over and they proved how much they loved each other until the wee hours of morning.
Part 7
The Next Morning 11:45
"Where's Angel?" Doyle asked. "I don't know. Hello. Hi Willow. No I haven't seen Buffy. I'll call you if I see her." Cordy said hanging up. "What did Willow ask?" Doyle asked. "If we had seen Buffy." Cordy said. "Maybe we should ask Angel if he's seen her." Doyle suggested. "Good idea." Cordy said and followed Doyle to Angel's apartment upstairs and opened the bedroom door. "Doyle come on shut the door." Cordy said seductively. Doyle shut the door groaning from passion and together they ran to one of the other apartments.
5 Years Later
Buffy and Angel had gotten married a year later, followed by Cordy and Doyle two months afterwards. Willow and Oz had gotten married a month after Cordy and Doyle. Buffy and Angel were looking out at that sunset with their two little girls. Jackie and Amanda had fallen asleep and were carried to bed by their loving parents.
"Cordy and Doyle will be terrific parents don't you think?" Buffy said. "Yeah." Angel agreed. Buffy was now 5 months pregnant with their third child and Angel put his hand on her belly and together they felt their son kick for the first time.
They fell asleep together like that until she gave birth and together they named him Liam Caleb and together they were a happy little family.
The End