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Part 6

The weeks began to fly by exceptionally speedily and between Buffy's classes, a fairly active social life and Angelus' business dealings, the moments that the couple in reality managed to spend with each other outside of their bedroom diminished to roughly nothing. However even with the lack of time that they spent together, things seemed to coast along just as they always did in the household.

Kathy began to spend more and more time over at Joyce's with Dawn. And divergent to Angelus' belief, she wasn't spending time with the woman that he despised more than life itself to piss him off. Angelus knew deep inside that Kathy was purely fascinated to Joyce's mothering; since she had missed out in that department. It absolutely hurt him that the one thing his baby sister wanted was the one thing that *he* couldn't personally supply her with - no matter how good a brother he was.

By the time mid-terms whirled around catastrophe struck. Willow and Tara had a colossal fight which accumulated in Tara moving out for the interim into a motel and Willow spending infinite hours crying her eyes out and being comforted by Buffy, Angelus and an assortment of other family and friends. In a extreme way it reminded Buffy of how Willow had been after Oz's unforeseen death and it was a side of Willow that she had hoped never to see again, but sometimes there was just no way to escape heartache.

So Buffy herself was fairly stressed out by time vacation rolled around. Having to deal with an exceedingly emotional best friend and being semi-stalked by her ex-boyfriend had added to all the usual stressors that exam time always brought. That's why when she was late - to the point of it didn't even arrive - the first month she simply chalked it up to stress. The second month in a row however she couldn't do that and combining the fact with the other symptoms that she had been experiencing - nausea, dizziness and complete lack of energy - added up to the inkling that ultimately the first part of Angelus' marriage agreement was on its way.

After calling the family physician to schedule an appointment for the next day, she found she couldn't wait to know for sure. So leaving Kathy and Dawn at the mansion, Buffy journeyed downtown to the local drug store to buy a home pregnancy test.

The entire trip took her less than ten minutes, but by the time she returned home she was a collection of nervous tension. In a way she wasn't sure she wanted to know now. After all if she was pregnant there would finally be a time limit put on her marriage and she could admit privately to herself that, that fact alone bothered the hell out of her. It was all well and good to form an agreement and marriage for business reasons, somewhere along the line she had forgotten that humans had feelings and that she was a human as the next woman.

Heading to her and Angelus' private ensuite with the all crucial container in her hand, she closed the door and tried to soothe herself. After a few minutes she yanked the box from the plastic bag and read the instructions over and over until she virtually had them committed to memory. At long last she followed through on the test and when she was finished she sat herself down on the corner of the tub, took a few deep breaths and began to wait for the two minutes to be up. Opening her eyes around two minutes later she had her answer, there was a tiny pink plus sign in the window. It was true phase one was on its way to completion.

Sinking down from the edge of the tub to the cool tiles below her, she couldn't help but feel conflicted. Part of her wanted to shout out with excitement, she was pregnant and a different part just wanted to cry over the insecurity that this new condition was going to bring.

She wasn't quite sure how long she sat there on tiled floor lost in her own thoughts, but she all of a sudden became alert to the fact that she wasn't alone. Looking up she saw both Dawn and Kathy standing in the bathroom doorway with looks of apprehension etched across both of their young faces.

"Are you okay, Buffy?" Kathy asked her.

Buffy couldn't help but smile at the concern her young sister-in-law was showing her. "I'm fine, just a little tired."

"Okay... is it all right if I go over to Dawn's?"

Buffy switched her gaze over to her too quiet little sister. "What did mom say?"

"She said it was fine," Dawn replied rolling her eyes. "She'll be here to pick us up in a minute. Can Kathy spend the night?"

"Dawn!" Kathy interjected.

Buffy heaved a sigh, "It's a school night, so it's up to mom."

"Okay," dawn told her as a horn blared from outside. "See you later," Dawn said kissing Buffy quickly on the forehead.

"I'll probably be home late," Kathy said tagging along behind Dawn.

Buffy sighed in reprieve and smiled at having the mansion to herself, not having to deal with anyone until Angelus got home. She slowly got up from her place on the floor and grabbed hold of the incriminating package that had been lying halfway into the sink. Moving towards the door she tossed it into the small trash can that was located in the bathroom. Then she simply went downstairs to the kitchen to see what she could nuke in the microwave for dinner.




Angelus was impatient to get home, his business transaction that he had been working on for over a month had at long last been accomplished and with luck his little sister was over at the witch's house, so he and Buffy could spend a little alone time together.

He hustled up the driveway and more or less hopped out of his car before he had even pulled to a stop. As he crossed the threshold into the mansion he could hear exceptionally flamboyant cursing coming from the direction of the kitchen and became conscious that if Buffy was in reality in there he should probably call the fire department in case she started a fire like she had last time she had tried to cook for him.

"I'm home," he called out as an alternative, giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Buffy stopped whatever the hell she had been doing and stepped into the vestibule. "Hey," she replied apprehensively.

"What's wrong?" he asked, alarmed that she'd wounded herself with what she had been up to.

"It's really nothing," she told him. "I just sort of... exploded dinner."

Angelus threw down his coat and attaché case near the front door and meandered over to Buffy, kissing her swiftly on her enticing lips. "I guess that means we'll just order in."


Angelus kissed her all over again, "Anything you want."

A split second later, after Buffy's nod of ascension, he headed over to the touchtone phone and dialled the only Chinese delivery place in Sunnydale and gave them their habitual order.

Turning back to his wife he said, "I hope Kathy's hungry."

"She's at my mom's."

"Really?" Angelus replied trying disastrously to hide his wolfish excitement. Pulling Buffy into his arms and leaning in for another kiss, he whispered, "Good, we've got some time alone."

Buffy leaned into her husband's kiss, but her mind was spiralling with more than the standard baser emotions. All she could think about was how she was going to tell Angelus about his impending fatherhood.

"It's a pity we only have thirty minutes until the food arrives," Angelus said as he pulled away allowing them both to absorb precious oxygen.

Buffy heaved a sigh, "That's not much time."

Angelus all of a sudden looked profoundly into her eyes, "I could do thirty minutes."

"Point of order, honey," Buffy answered him smirking. "That really isn't a selling point."

Angelus smirked back, but not at her endearing little observation, but at her use of the term 'honey'. Before he had a chance to reply the phone rang and he sighed. "Sorry baby, but I am expecting an important call."

"It's okay. You deal with your business and I'll call you when dinner arrives."

"All right. I won't be long."

Buffy stared at him as he rushed off to his den and heaved a sigh. It was then that she resolved that no matter what, as soon as dinner was over she was going to tell him of her pretty much confirmed suspicions.




In the interim across town at the Summers' residence, Dawn, Kathy and Joyce were eating their dinner in absolute silence. It was disconcerting to Joyce because typically both girls would on no account shut up. However tonight the only dialogue that went on at the table was between Kathy and herself and then only when she asked Kathy a question.

In the end she couldn't take it anymore. "Okay, what's going on?"

Kathy just shrugged, as confused as Joyce was with the situation. However when she looked in Dawn's direction, she noticed a guilty look flash across her daughter's face.


"Nothing," Dawn answered quickly. She knew something all right, but was uncertain whether or not to tell her mother what she knew. If she was mistaken about it Buffy would without a doubt kill her and if she was accurate, her mom might kill both her and Buffy.

"Dawn Summers?" Joyce said looking at her closely.

Dawn took a deep breath, "I think Buffy's pregnant."

Joyce dropped the utensil she was using and stared off into the distance in shock. The kind of shock that could actually kill a person if they didn't have a healthy heart.

"Mommy?" Dawn questioned. "Are you okay?"

Joyce didn't answer; she simply picked up her fork and began to eat once more. It was as if she could actually pretend that Dawn hadn't spoken if she ignored her.


"You're obviously mistaken, Dawn," Joyce finally replied. "Isn't she, Kathy?"

"I know nothing," Kathy uttered, not wanting to get involved.

Joyce put her fork down and pushed herself away from the wooden dining room table. "Dawn, could you please call your sister and let her know that Kathy will be spending the night. I suddenly don't feel well enough to drive."


Kathy laid a hand on Dawn's arm, "I think she needs some time to herself."

Dawn sighed, "I think I should've kept my big mouth shut for once."

"Yeah, you should have. Regrettably you didn't and if it's true what you said, I think she in all probability would've taken it better coming from Buffy and Angel."

Dawn smashed her head into the table and wished for once she could have restrained her mouth. Because she all of a sudden had the feeling that once the astonishment or whatever had worn off, her mother was going to be pissed and Buffy would be the first target.




When the food ultimately arrived, Buffy positioned it all on the hearth rug in the living room and went to collect Angelus. She found him still in his den, just hanging up the phone from his call.

"I'm ready," he told her as he got up from behind his desk.

Buffy didn't reply, she merely offered him her hand and led him towards their living room. Angelus was taken aback to see what Buffy had done to the ordinarily sparse room. The cream collared walls twinkled with the flames that the substantial number of candles she had lit emitted, romanticizing the atmosphere. Their recently arrive food was spread across the furred rug that lay in front of the copious fireplace and was encircled by velvet cushions that beckoned you to lean upon them. As he surveyed the scene, Angelus couldn't help but smirk at the thought that his sweet little wife had planned his seduction.

They sat down and began to devour their dinner, all the time they were doing so Angelus kept sneaking looks at Buffy and waiting for her to make her move. Eventually he realized that she wasn't going to do so, at least as long as she was stuffing the sweet and sour pork into her face, so he decided to make the move for her.

"Buffy?" he whispered leaning towards her.

Buffy stopped eating momentarily and looked up at him, "What?"

Angelus leaned in even closer and pushed the remaining food containers out of his way. Lifting his hand up he stroked Buffy's cheek and pushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes, then he kissed her softly on her lips. Pushing her gently down among the cushions, he moved over her and kissed her more passionately.

Buffy found herself being swept up in the emotions of the moment and although she didn't want to she forced herself to withdraw from the moment. "Angelus... wait."

Angelus moved away to some extent, "Are you okay?"

"We should talk."

"So talk," he told her, not moving from his position.

Buffy didn't quite know what to say, all of things she had rehearsed had flown from her head the minute that he had laid his hands on her.

"I... uh..." Buffy muttered quietly. Meeting his eyes and seeing the unadulterated distress for her in them, she heaved a sigh. "I think I'm pregnant. In fact I'm pretty sure I am."

Buffy watched as the distress in his chocolate collared eyes turned into amazement and then an emotion that she infrequently saw reflected in them, unqualified pleasure.

"We're... pregnant?"

Buffy nodded and bit her lip waiting for his verbal rejoinder. Even though she had seen his eyes and his face form a representation of his feelings, she really needed to hear him say the words.

Angelus kissed her ardently and when he at long last pulled away, he smirked down at her and positioned one of his huge hands over her still flat abdomen. "Wow."

"So I guess this means that you're happy?" Buffy asked him now that the fear of his reaction had lessened.

"I'm thrilled," he told her. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine," she replied. On the other hand she wasn't absolutely sure that she was fine, but for her own sake and the baby's, she was going to put her and Angelus' stupid agreement out of her mind. And pretend that she was in an nice normal marriage and that her baby was not the signal of the beginning of the end.

Angelus pulled away from her and stood up. Offering her his hand, he said, "Let's go upstairs."

Buffy took the hand he offered and once she was on her feet, he swept her up into his arms and carried her off towards their bedroom.



The subsequent morning Buffy was brusquely awoken by a relentless ringing noise. Lifting her head ever so slightly from its resting place upon Angelus' chest, she fleetingly wondered what on earth was making the truly aggravating noise. Ultimately realizing that it was the touchtone phone on Angelus' side of the colossal bed, Buffy reached across her slumbering husband and picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" she managed to murmur drowsily. All she sought was a little more sleep, after all it was not like she had gotten much the night before during Angelus' epic we're having a baby observance.

"Hey Buffy," Willow's much too chirpy voice came down the line. "Is there a reason you haven't picked me up for class?"

"Oh fuck!" Buffy shrieked, inadvertently waking her snoozing husband. "Sorry Wils, Angel and I spent the evening celebrating and we... well, I didn't get much sleep."

"I can speculate why with Mr. Tall, dark and studly, just why you didn't get any sleep... but what were the two of you celebrating? Your mom's still alive right?"

Buffy was wordless for the split second, part of her sought to keep quiet about the baby; but Willow was her best friend in the entire world and she should know. Besides sooner or later she was going to have to tell everyone anyway.

"I'm pregnant."

Willow squealed in evident delight, "Congratulations, Buffy." Then her tone sobered up and she asked quietly, "It is congratulations, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is," Buffy reassured her. "On the other hand I don't think I'm going to go to class today, even if it is first day back."

"I absolutely identify with and I'll even let you copy my notes on the lecture," Willow replied still hyped from the news she had received. "I'll call you later and you can tell me everything. Bye."

"Bye Wils."

Just as she completed putting the receiver back into its cradle, Buffy felt Angelus take hold of her diminutive wrist and found herself suddenly flipped over until she was lying trapped beneath his hard body. Looking up into her husband's self-satisfied, smirking face she couldn't help the giggle that erupted from her.

"What are you doing?" she asked him as she tried to stop the overflow of laughter.

Angelus nuzzled his face into her neck and began to lay demonstrative kisses from just below her earlobe to across her collar bone. "I assumed it was reasonably apparent," he muttered against her soft skin.

Buffy's chuckles turned into a gasp when Angelus moved his exploration down to her sensitive breasts. "What? Wasn't last night enough of a celebration for you?" she managed to hiss a few moments later.

Angelus pulled away from her body and looked deep into her eyes, "Never." Before she had a chance to respond to his statement, Angelus captured her lips with his own effectively cutting off verbal communication as he began the celebration all over again.




Joyce intolerantly waited outside of the Kent Academy gates after classes were over for the day, anxious to collect both Kathy and Dawn as they came out of the school. For once she was glad that it was her turn to pick the two teenagers up, this way she could confront Buffy over Dawn's allegation when she dropped Kathy home, instead of waiting for another time. The instant that both girls had climbed into Joyce's vehicle she sped off towards Buffy and Angelus' home, hell bent on getting to the bottom of the so-called situation.

Less than ten minutes later Joyce screeched to a halt outside of the mansion where her eldest daughter now resided. Taking a deep breath she climbed out of the automobile and walked rapidly towards the weighty wooden front door, entering milliseconds after Kathy had managed to unlock it. Stepping into the copious, spacious entrance hall she heard what sounded like giggling coming from the living room; wanting to see what was going on, she barged straight in. She found - to her surprise - her daughter and the evil bastard she'd married sprawled across the plush white leather couch.

"What is going on here?" Joyce demanded instantaneously.

Angelus looked up and removed Buffy from his body, uncomfortable with the position they were caught in, in front of Joyce. "Nothing much. Thank you for bringing Kathy home."

"That's not what I am talking about. I am talking about the rumour that I am about to become a fucking grandmother."

Buffy paled apprehensively, "Who told you that?"

"Dawn did," Joyce replied without blinking, concentrating all her energy on her daughter and son-in-law.

Angelus put his arm around Buffy securely, in a gesture of support. Clearing her throat she began, "Congratulate us... it's true."

"What? Are you stupid or something?" Joyce screamed at the top of her lungs. "You are way too young to be having a baby and if you think for one microsecond that Mr. I'm-so-rich is going to hang around and help you to change the diapers, then you are wrong. Men like him and your father aren't in it for the long haul."

Buffy shook her head in utter disbelief. She hadn't expected her mother to be thrilled with the news, but she had at least expected some sort of support. "I can't believe you just compared Angelus to daddy. If daddy had been even half the man Angel is then... he would have made sure that Dawnie and I would be okay, not left us destitute and out in the streets."


"No mom, it's you who doesn't get it. Angelus and I are having this baby regardless of your *objections*. Now you can either deal with the situation, or not be in *our* child's life. I refuse to put up with this crap any longer."

Buffy got up and marched straight out of the room, past both her sister and her sister-in-law without uttering a single word. Making certain that her daughter was well out of earshot, Joyce turned to Angelus.

"I know all about you, McKenna. You can't possibly want this child," Joyce said to Angelus. "For all our sakes, convince Buffy..."

"If I were you, I wouldn't even dream about finishing that sentence," Angelus told her, his voice chilling her to the very bone. "I want this child very much, as does Buffy. If you don't, then I suggest that you keep out of *all* our lives from now on."

Joyce perceptibly was shocked by Angelus' attitude and words. Without uttering a mono-syllable she turned around and walked out of the mansion with an extremely confused and upset Dawn trailing behind her.

Closing the door on his evil bitch mother-in-law, Angelus sighed and tried to reign in his anger, so he wouldn't further upset Buffy in her condition. Once he was certain that the effects of Joyce's visit were under control he went off in search of Buffy. It didn't take long to find her; she was sitting by the colossal in-ground pool, wading her shapely legs in the cool, clear blue water. Without speaking Angelus removed his hand-crafted Italian leather shoes, designer socks and rolled up the legs on his Armani trousers, before he joined her. Not knowing what else to do, he put his arm around her and held her as she sobbed her heart out over her mother.




The next few weeks were hard on Buffy - both physically and emotionally. The emotional was naturally due to the tension between her and Joyce over the baby, plus the added stress of the extra hormones coursing through her body because of the pregnancy. The physical stuff was mostly due to the subtle changes occurring in her body not that at this early stage of her pregnancy there was much going on - besides morning sickness.

The appalling bouts of morning sickness had come on out of the blue and contrary to its name, it didn't simply strike only in the morning hours. It had been so dire at one point that Angelus - after seeing her wretch her guts out for virtually a two days without break - had dragged her off to the emergency room of Sunnydale General, only to be told by the overworked and underpaid physician on duty that this happens to some women. Then concerned for a second opinion, he dragged her off to the family doctor, who offered as a last resort medication and once that was rebuffed, simply told her to take it easy.

Consequently she ended up missing a few classes here and there. After she missed three psychology classes in a row, Riley confronted Willow about what was going on and if Buffy was all right. Dependably her best friend told Riley nothing but to mind his own business and to stay away from Buffy. Alas when she finally did return to her classes Buffy had, had to give explanation as to why she had been missing and the psychology professor informed Riley of his ex-girlfriend's pregnancy. Accordingly a few days later, Riley offered Buffy his earnest congratulations and left her alone, forever out of reach.




"So you actually did it!" Lindsey acknowledged as he eyed his long time friend warily. "You managed to knock up the ice queen, Buffy Summers."

"That's Buffy McKenna to you my friend. Besides my wife never was an ice queen - trust me on this."

Lindsey merely shook his head, "You are *so* screwed."

"Linds, shut up. You don't know what the hell you are talking about," Angelus replied brusquely, as he sipped the expensive scotch that his friend had poured him.

"Angie, it's you who doesn't have a fucking clue. Buffy has got so wrapped up around her little finger that if she wanted you to, you'd wax your ass and streak through O'Brien's Tavern during Happy Hour."

Angelus couldn't help but snigger at his friend's portrayal. "One, my ass does not need to be waxed - unlike yours. Two, O'Brien's went out of business years ago and Three..."

"Yeah... and what?"

"She can't have me wrapped around her little finger because she has absolutely no idea of the power that she has over me," Angelus sighed. "Buffy doesn't know a thing about my feelings."

Lindsey felt the utmost empathy for his friend's predicament, but didn't show it. "Angelus, it's better for the sake of your contract that she doesn't know."

"But how is she supposed to want to stay if she doesn't?"

Lindsey slammed the crystal scotch glass down onto his mahogany desk, leaving a slight dent. "I fucking knew it, you are an idiot. Buffy doesn't love you; you're a business arrangement to her - nothing more. Do you honestly think that Buffy's going to pop out Angelus junior and suddenly proclaim her undying love and devotion? Well, do you?"

Angelus didn't answer him; instead he put down his glass and stood up. "I'd love to stay and talk, Linds; but I have to pick Buffy up from her class. I'll see you later."

Lindsey followed his friend and client out into the outer office area, ignoring his silly little secretary. "Angie, I do mean this. Congratulations to you and to Buffy... on the baby."

Angelus left the office with a nod of acknowledgement and Lindsey headed back into his private sanctum, neither of the two men had noticed Harmony Kendall absorbing every word that was said, her mouth hanging open in a permanent state of shock.




After he had finished up his work for the day, Riley Finn headed over to the campus tavern for a beer before he headed home and did some of the pile of marking that had accumulated on his desk. He had been there a little while and was nursing his one indulgence and contemplating calling his wife back home in Iowa and begging for another chance, when someone sat down next to him.

"Hello again."

Riley heaved a sigh, but didn't take the trouble to look. "Get lost."

The bartender walked over and Darla gave him her order. When he was gone she spoke again, "Look, I'm going to give you one more opportunity to help me."

"No thanks," Riley replied instantly. "I can't do it, it's wrong to mess around with other people's lives, Doris."

"My name is *Darla*. And it's not messing with their lives; it's saving them from a mistake."

Riley shook his head, "It's never a mistake when there's a child involved."

"A what?"

"They're pregnant," Riley informed her as he stood up and left a few bills on the bar as payment for his drink. "Why don't you just leave them alone?"

Darla simply sat there and sipped the drink that had finally arrived as Riley walked away. She was imagining the possibilities that she could use this titbit of information she had been given. Maybe if she planted the seed of doubt, Angelus would toss Barbie back out onto the street where she belonged and put Darla back in her rightful position.




Angelus had made a swift stop by his office before he went to pick Buffy up and now was impatient to see her, even though he had called her a myriad of times throughout the day. He just wasn't going to be satisfied that she was fine until he could see it for himself. Exiting his office building he headed towards his motor vehicle and received a repulsive surprise waiting for him. Darla was sitting on the hood of his car with a very evil smirk lighting up her face.

"Angelus... I hear best wishes are in order for you and your little Barbie Doll."

"Fuck off, Darla," Angelus said removing her from his car and unlocking the driver's side door.

"Angelus, Angelus, Angelus," Darla answered shaking her blond head at him. "Always working - did you ever stop to think that maybe Barbie's brat isn't actually yours? She does seem to spend an awful lot of time with all those college guys, especially... Riley Finn."

Angelus tossed his briefcase inside the car and turned to Darla, his eyes flashing with only just repressed anger. "You manipulative little bitch. Do you honestly think that I would believe the lies you tell? Buffy is my wife, my love, my life and the mother of my unborn child. If I were you I'd leave town for awhile, because if I was to find out that you were hanging around spreading rumours about *my* family... well, let's just say they would *never* find the body."

Darla stood there in shocked silence as he drove away; when he was gone she slowly made her way to her own vehicle and got inside. Once she was in the safety of the car she gave into the fear coursing through her body and began to shake. She had never seen Angelus so angry - especially never directed at her - and decided that his suggestion might be a good idea. She would leave town for awhile and let him cool down before trying again, after all Europe was always beautiful at this time of year.