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Part 7

College finals came around speedily that semester and Buffy was thoroughly comforted that the semester was ultimately coming to a denouement and that she would now have time to focus on the changes occurring in her life and her body. There would be no more classes, homework or last minute study sessions with Willow; she could just take it easy. At least she could do that as soon as she accomplished her last examination, psychology.

Sitting in the congested lecture theatre next to Willow, she apprehensively awaited the appearance of the question paper. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and she felt like she was going to throw up, even though it possibly might be morning sickness rather than nerves. Before she knew it the paper was in front of her and she was hard at work answering each question printed. Three arduous hours later the assessment was at long last over and she was free once more.

As she and Willow went to make their way out of the lecture theatre, they were stopped by a withdrawn looking Riley Finn. Just wanting to get away from him as soon as they possibly could without making a scene, both Buffy and Willow agreed to listen to whatever he had to say to them. Grudgingly the two girls followed him to his office and sat down to wait for any impending information. They didn't have to wait long because once he was seated Riley began to speak in earnest.

"First of all," he started apprehensively. "I immediately want to make an apology for any difficulty or distress I may have caused you, your friends or your family. The reality of it is I was living in some fantasy world because my life hadn't quite worked out the way I had planned. I idealized the time that we dated, Buffy and in actuality looking back on it now, it wasn't so fantastic."


Ignoring Buffy's sardonic interruption, Riley continued, "I thought I'd just let you know that you don't have to be concerned about me hanging around anymore. I'm heading back to Iowa and I'm going to beg my wife to give me another chance. Good luck with your life Buffy... and you too Willow. Goodbye."

Buffy and Willow rapidly bid their goodbyes and rushed from his office, flabbergasted at the abrupt turn of events and an ending to an distasteful circumstances that was not in the slightest unpleasant. By the time they reached Willow's motor vehicle in the student parking area, the relief had well and truly set in and both girls felt the need to commemorate the occasion. Since Angelus was out of town - much to his own rampant discontentment - and Kathy was spending the night at a friend's house, they headed over to Buffy's to do the girl bonding/celebration thing.




The next few weeks sped by so hurriedly for Buffy that they were more or less a blur. Not that they didn't contain some tremendously remarkable moments, like the week Angelus took off from work and they spent the time fooling around and decorating the room across the hall that was to become the nursery for their firstborn in a mere four months. It wasn't just the stunning room that they had created for their child that she'd remember but the being together, Angelus relaxed and smiling which were indeed very rare things.

Dawn still came over to the mansion to visit with Kathy on a regular basis, but things were to some extent strained between her and Buffy and in all probability this would continue to be so until the situation with Joyce was at long last resolved. Kathy on the other hand was exceptionally propitious, neither Buffy nor Angelus had asked her to choose a side in this dispute or stipulate that she stop visiting the Summers' household.

Willow used the start of her vacation to do a little soul searching, to come to a decision about what she wanted out of life and love. After numerous days and an extensive heart-felt discussion with Tara, the two reciprocally decided not to get back together. They were simply meant to be friends and not lovers at this time in their respective lives. So Willow started dating again - and much to her parents relief the bulk of the dates were men - but still hadn't found anything even close to what she was looking for in a partner.

A pleasurable incident also occurred and it was the arrival of an old friend to Sunnydale. Rupert Giles had been the high school librarian at Sunnydale high while Willow and Buffy had both attended there. He had been not only a mentor to the girls, but also a surrogate father to Buffy before he had returned to England after the girls had graduated. Now he had returned and was taking a position as a History and English professor at UC Sunnydale. Both Buffy and Willow helped him move his countless belongings into his brand new office and Giles had been staggered - to say the least - that his almost daughter was now not only married, but about to become a mother herself.

Nearing the end of July, Sunnydale was struck by a heat wave - which was insufferable for a five and half month pregnant Buffy - and an extraordinary instance was scheduled to transpire; her and Angelus' first anniversary. It also brought about an additional bout of ambiguity for Buffy; was she supposed to arrange something? Angelus had not even mentioned it or hinted around the event. In the end she simply settled on getting him a small gift and letting the rest sort itself out.



The morning of her first anniversary as a married woman dawned much like every other day, with her husband already left for work and her sister-in-law out with friends. Buffy nevertheless wished that she did not feel the disenchantment over Angelus' absence, after all their marriage was simply a business arrangement they had agreed to and was not real - no matter how much she had come to wish it were so lately. Just because she had developed feelings for her wayward husband did not mean that he would do the same for her. Consequently Buffy spent the entire morning moping around the bedroom in her pyjamas.

At least she got away with doing so until noon when Willow showed up out of the blue and insisted that they go shopping at the town's most recent mall. Powerless to resist spending money, Buffy ultimately got dressed and headed out with her best friend. It was only after they arrived that Buffy began to grow sceptical over the redhead's out of character behaviour, Willow was hell-bent on convincing Buffy to clothes shop and had totally ignored her favourite store's new home.

However it didn't take long for Buffy to get caught up and push aside any reservations she had about her best friend's motives. By the time she finally arrived home in the early hours of evening she was weighed down by the many packages she had purchased, things not only for herself but also for both Kathy and Angelus. Willow helped her to carry the many purchases into the mansion's foyer, but declined to stay citing a family dinner as the reason for her hasty departure.

Heaving a sigh at the contemplation of another evening - especially this particular evening - alone, she picked up s few of the lighter parcels - leaving the rest for her absent husband to carry - and slowly climbed up the staircase. Upon entering the master bedroom she gasped in astonishment, dropping her purchases onto the emerald green carpeting. Lying across the black velvet duvet was the most striking blood red silk dress that Buffy had ever laid eyes on. She walked over to the bed and sat down, all the time staring at the dress; it was then that she spotted the note lying next to it.

Dearest Buffy,

I am so sorry that I could not be there when you awoke this morning, but an emergency arose at work. Please put on this dress and meet me in the foyer at eight o'clock and I will endeavour to make it up to you.


Buffy smiled at the note and tenderly touched her fingers to the delicate fabric of the silk dress. All of a sudden a proposal sprung to mind that she hoped would knock Angelus senseless and allow her a little payback for all the times that he had done it to her in their year of marriage. Without stopping scrutinize her motives for such an action, Buffy picked up one of her shopping bags and headed towards the ensuite bathroom to prepare for the evening ahead.




At eight o'clock sharp Angelus walked through the front door of the mansion and tossed his leather briefcase aside, uncaring about what may happen to it. The only thing that he cared about was the same thing that had consumed most of his thoughts since high school, Buffy - his wife. He was in reality panicky about how she would respond to his surprise, because even though he had Willow's reassurance that Buffy would adore the evening he had planned, he needed to see it for himself.

Hearing a noise coming from the top of the stairs, Angelus slowly looked up there and what he saw almost made him swallow his very own tongue. In the store the dress he had chosen - with a tiny bit of help from Kathy - had seemed merely beautiful, but now that his wife was actually wearing it he had to revise his opinion to spectacular. The blood red silk hung to just above her knees, skimming he shapely thighs and emphasizing all of her curves. As an added bonus - and to his absolute delight - it also showed the gentle swell of her abdomen, where their unborn child rested.

"Wow," was all that he managed to mutter, his tongue refusing to cooperate with speech as it was still drooling over her.

"I could definitely say the same about you," Buffy replied as her hazel eyes took in every inch of his tuxedo clad body. "Did you feel like wearing something new to work?"

"I - uh - changed at the office," he offered lamely.

Buffy didn't retort to his rejoinder, so as an alternative he watched her as she unhurriedly and with poise descended the stairs to the foyer and paused diametrically in front of him. Unable to be in command of his impulse any longer, Angelus gave into it and dragged Buffy into his arms and kissed her until they both needed to surface once again for air. As this happened he let her go resolved that they were not going to spend their entire first anniversary in their bedroom, he was going to take her out and show Sunnydale what a lucky guy he was.

"We should go... or I'm just going to drag you upstairs," Angelus whispered huskily, audibly showing her the powerful effect that she had on him.

To his surprise and relief Buffy's breathing was also laboured, "Okay. I'll just grab my coat."

A few moments later Buffy returned with her jacket and Angelus helped her to put it on. Once she was ready Angelus held out his arm to her and when she took it they headed off on Angelus' surprise anniversary adventure.



Angelus' surprise was just what the doctor ordered for this exceptional occurrence, even if it was to a certain extent opulent. He had booked out every single table - the entire premises essentially - of Sunnydale's newest and only five-star restaurant, The Gilded Petal, for this memorable rendezvous. Once they had arrived at the subtly lit eatery they were seated in a secluded corner, away from the inquisitive eyes of passers-by through the restaurants large front windows and the eavesdropping staff.

They spent nearly all of the evening just talking as they meandered over the exquisite food and drink, discussing everything from his work to her schooling. To Angelus' amazement and satisfaction, Buffy informed him that she did not intend to resume college during the fall when he enquired about her subject choices. Feeling to some extent culpable over his exhilaration he asked the motivation for this impulsive change of direction, all she replied was that she wanted to be there at home after the baby was born; spending time with her child and not doing homework and chasing classes. However she did also not rule out the likelihood of returning later on to finish her degree.

After they had completed eating, Angelus clasped Buffy's dainty hand and led her out onto the provisional dance floor that the restaurant had only been too pleased to set up for the instance. The four-piece band that Angelus had hired continued to play romantic tunes that stimulated slow dancing in each other's arms. Buffy and Angelus merely held on tight and swayed gently to the music for all but an hour, blocking out everything except the here and now.

Once they were done with the restaurant, the contented and relaxed couple climbed into Angelus' BMW and drove away into the dark night. However instead of heading back home to the mansion, he drove them towards the edge of town and the inn that was situated there. The inn was set back away from the main road, surrounded by apple trees - hence it's name The Apple Tree Inn - and had just recently been voted one of the ten most romantic inn's in California. As they pulled up in front, Buffy began to realize that Angelus' surprise anniversary evening was far from over.

Within a few minutes Buffy found herself swept upstairs to an exceedingly pleasing to the eye amorous room. Staring at her new surroundings she was in a state of astonishment and exhilaration, she just could hardly believe that Angelus was going to this length to romance her - didn't he know that he only had to crook his little finger and she was his for the taking? With this much effort being put in, Buffy could almost fool herself into believing that they were a nice, ordinary married couple.

Pushing the fanciful and traitorous thoughts from her mind, Buffy turned around and saw Angelus place two overnight bags near the dominating-sized bed. Suddenly it dawned upon her exactly why Willow had been acting so suspiciously earlier, her so-called best friend - and incurable romantic - had been in on Angelus' anniversary scheme. At this point in time, Buffy was unsure whether she was going to hug or kill Willow the next time she saw her - luckily she had plenty of time to decide.

"Come here," Angelus said holding out his large hand to her.

Buffy walked slowly towards him, wondering about what was going to happen that night - well, besides the obvious - and stopped a few paces away from him. "Why don't you come here?"

Without vacillation Angel took the remaining steps to his wife and pulled her into his waiting arms, kissing her like there was no tomorrow. In due course they had to part as breathing became an issue for both of them, but while their lips provisionally parted company they did not let go of each other. Lamentably a moment later Buffy freed herself from his unyielding grasp.

"Are you and the baby all right?" Angelus asked speedily.

Buffy nodded embarrassed at her behaviour, "Yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom again."

Angelus chuckled with relief, "Take your time, honey. I'll be waiting when you get back."

Buffy scampered off hastily to the bathroom, pausing only once to retrieve her overnight bag. When she was inside the well lit bathroom she stared at her dishevelled appearance in the large oval-shaped mirror that hung above the vanity and took several deep breaths trying to clam herself down because she didn't want to overstress the baby. Inwardly she wondered what had happened to her illustrious plan that she had come up with earlier in the evening, but she knew what had happened, Angelus. Just one look from the man and she was ready to do his bidding and it truly disturbed her that she could want and need someone so much; especially someone who in a few years would simply toss her aside as per their agreement.

After carrying out her bathroom business, she removed the silk dress that she had been wearing earlier in the evening, hanging carefully over the towel rack and opened her overnight bag looking for her hair brush, instead finding an added surprise. It was a vibrantly covered package with a card and upon inspection she found that it was from Willow. Opening the gift she found it to be a shockingly sheer chemise in a pale green colour, holding it up against her body she thought it gorgeous but preposterous for a pregnant woman to wear. Putting it back in her case and brushing out her long blond locks of hair, her eyes and thoughts kept drifting back to Willow's present and giving into temptation Buffy grabbed it.

After removing her lingering undergarments and putting on the blatant nightgown, her opinion had not been revised, but it was her first anniversary and she deserved to drive Angelus out of his mind - just a little. Taking one last deep breath and giving a speedy stroke to her ever-growing abdomen, Buffy exited the bathroom - nervously - and headed back into the romanticized room.




Upon re-entering the room, Buffy had to watch her step so that she did not tumble over Angelus' hastily discarded clothing. As she looked up at the colossal-sized bed she heard a choke-like gasp and saw that Angelus was staring at her with a concoction of amazement and untamed fervour swirling in the emotive depths of his chocolate brown eyes.

"So - uh - you decided to buy something new?" Angelus managed to choke out.

Buffy blushed under his gaze, "It was a present f-from Willow."

"Remind me to thank her."

Buffy austerely nodded as she endeavoured to take in his reaction, she could hardly believe that she was garnering that type of response from someone as worldly as Angelus. Moving ever so slowly she climbed up upon the bed and virtually slithered her way up Angelus' hard, ready body. As he reached out to draw her to him, Buffy avoided the contact and instead pulled away the duvet, exposing her mate's nude body.

Keeping her eyes locked sensuously with his, she lowered her lips to his straining erection and blew tenderly across its glistening head. Hearing a further gasp emanate from her husband, she smiled somewhat evilly as she guided it lightly into her mouth. Buffy swirled her hot tongue around the head of his penis feeling out what she was supposed to do in this situation and desperately trying to remember all the things her friends had discussed way back in high school.

Since whatever she seemed to be doing was working, Buffy continued to lick and suck as she bobbed her head up and down to an instinctual cadence. As she felt him hold back from her more and more - evidently apprehensive about her delicate situation - he pulled her away from his aching body, answering her cry of protest with his tender words.

"Not tonight, sweetheart. The only way I'm going to come tonight is with you, while I'm inside your delectable body."

Buffy all of a sudden found herself pulled along the length of Angelus' body with her moist core rubbing against the part of him she had a moment ago been worshipping. She felt Angelus reach up under the nightgown and using one hand to clasp lightly onto her sensitive breast, he used the other to guide himself inside her. She moaned in rapture at the feeling of his hard length inside her, as Angelus laid his now free hand along her rounded abdomen and he thrust into her for the first time. Each and every movement filled her so entirely that she began to feel almost giddy as the breath was pushed from her body.

Digging her long graceful fingers into his muscled shoulders and feeling his textured skin against her fingertips almost sent her into sensory overload. Without much warning his hand slipped away from her abdomen and flicked softly across her clitoris sending her into a skyrocketing orgasm. As the overheated muscles within her clamped down tightly around his shaft, he pumped his very own orgasm into her waiting body.

She collapsed delicately against Angelus and listened to the gentle beating of his heart. After a few minutes, he reached up and gave her a quick kiss before lifting her off of him and gathering her into his arms. As they lay there in the afterglow, Buffy began to wonder how - when the time eventually came - she would be able to live without him.




They managed to suspend reality for a few more hours the next morning by ordering room service for their breakfast and feeding each other in bed. Ultimately they had to return home, back to the reality of their situation and the suspension of the fantasy that they had anything more than a business marriage. No one was at the mansion when they returned and Buffy quickly headed up to the bedroom while Angelus enclosed himself in his private study, he knew it was silly of him to do so but he felt he needed the time away from Buffy. The previous night he had come so close to admitting his feelings for her and screwing up his master plan by doing so much earlier than was called for.

Sitting down -dejected - at his desk he stared at the telephone and fought off the urge to call Lindsey for his advice, knowing exactly what his so-called best friend would say to him. So instead he brooded over his situation for who knows how long, he only stopped when he heard the front door slam and the exuberant sounds of his sister entering the home.

"Hey Angel," Kathy said sticking her head around the study door. "Did you have a good anniversary?"

"It was fine. How was your stay at Stacy's?"

"Fine? Gee, you're just romantic," Kathy replied sarcastically. "Buffy certainly got a catch when she caught you."

Angelus looked up sharply at his baby sister, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that an anniversary is supposed to be romantic. A time when you get to put the world aside and just be with the one you love and have pledged to spend a lifetime with. Not just *fine*," she told him in no uncertain terms. When Angelus remained silent, Kathy sighed, "I'm going to check on Buffy and see what she thought of whatever you did - and I'm not referring to the perverted stuff."

Angelus called to her just before she left, "You didn't answer me. How was it at Stacy's?"

"To quote my worldly older sibling - it was *fine*," she said flouncing snippily away.

Angelus waited until she had gone before he slammed his fist down the desk sending papers and files flying through the air due to his fit of temper. With is anger somewhat purged Angelus simply returned to his favourite pastime and brooded.