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Part 21

Very soon after Meghan turned eight months old, Buffy and Angelus’ second wedding anniversary transpired. As you would expect the couple was not absolutely comfortable with this occasion after recent proceedings and were to a certain extent prepared to let it fade away with little fuss made. Regrettably Dawn and Kathy had other ideas for their siblings…

They roped Joyce into helping them and even though she was not a prevalent fan of her daughter’s marriage – or choice of significant other – she was not going to dishearten anyone by letting the occasion pass-by. Since she had not believed that the marriage would last even six months and now it had been two and counting, plus a grandchild, she felt a little in the wrong for being such a nuisance.

So the three women had planned the evening splendidly. They had arranged for Willow and Lindsey to take care of Meghan and keep her overnight. Kathy was going to stay over with Dawn and herself for the weekend. Joyce had pulled in a small number of favours from clients and had arranged for Eduardo – the most all the rage and brilliant chef in Sunnydale – to cook the most romantic dinner for them. Whatever was to occur after that was in the hands of the happy couple.

The evening commenced with Buffy dressing –in an unimpressed manner – with Willow’s assistance. By the time she was prepared to face Angelus; she had been primped, primed and stunningly dressed. Her lengthy blonde locks were curled and piled up on top of her head and were the picture perfect contrast for the blood red silk dress Buffy had purchased on a impulse – and with vigorous encouragement from a so-called best friend – virtually a year earlier and had never had the bravado to wear.

Very soon after half past eight, Willow and Lindsey departed with Meghan and the assurance of dropping Kathy off at Joyce’s for the night. This left the celebrating couple more or less alone for the first time in months and comparatively uncomfortable with the state of affairs. Even when the meal was at long last served the tête-à-tête went from non-existent to pretentious small talk, each of them trying to force an intensity of intimacy that they did not at the present time feel.

With not much in addition to do, but have their meal and tolerate each other’s company, both of them indulged in the assortment of fine wines that accompanied their meal. By the time the dessert course had been cleared away, they were both in a unequivocally ridiculous frame of mind.

Since mutually Buffy and Angel were more than a little tipsy, they were consequently more comfortable in each other’s company; they were chatting and giggling like they were the best of friends or the closest of lovers. Abandoning the exceedingly decorous dining room, the couple headed into the living room where extraordinarily Angelus managed to start a fire – without burning himself or the house down.

He then joined Buffy on the plush rug, where their behaviour became more inconsistent. Talking and laughing became kissing and fondling. The fragile peace they had established over the previous month teetered on their unrestrained passion. With one quick suggestion the laughing couple left their cosy rug and headed upstairs to their bedroom.

As soon as they reached it, Buffy felt herself turn to liquid in his powerfully built arms and she allowed him to disengage the zipper on her blood red silk dress. It fell away from her body, showing him that she was wearing the most diminutive and laciest bra and panties set in black, which he hurriedly dispensed with. Without impediment he began to place vigorous kisses along her tanned skin, softened and scented with a concoction of vanilla and gardenia from her distinctive body lotion.

In the subdued illumination of the room, Angelus' body looked even more exquisite than she committed to memory. She ran her dexterous hands wonderingly over his broad shoulders, traced the contour of his pectoral muscles and planted kisses of her own upon each of his nipples.

He pulled her down to lie at the side of him on the king-sized bed, so that the swell of her hip fitted seamlessly to the camber of his waist. Then he rolled on top of her and fitted his thighs between her own, and she felt the tip of his manhood touch her thigh, his breath upon her glowing naked skin caused goosebumps to be raised.

He lifted his head and smirked at her before he lowered it and kissed and nipped his way down her sun-kissed flesh, parting her firm thighs as he knelt between them. Still smirking at her, he slid his hand towards the entrance of her vagina. It felt like an epoch until his finger at long last breached her labia and touched her interior. She permitted her hips to buck upwards, pushing his finger deeper as she moved. She sought after more than anything to be penetrated by him.

Buffy wrapped her petite hand around his immense shaft and began to manoeuvre his erection. His smirk contorted into a manifestation of rapture as blood flooded through his veins. It was not long before he climbed on top of her once again and thrust his penis into her yearning feminine core. Buffy let her eyes drift to the place where their pelvises met, to the way he was thrusting in and out of her so that their bodies appeared like two parts of a well oiled machine.

She felt her vagina begin to pulsate in positive reception of him from the very first powerful stroke. It was a relentless rhythmic pulsation that began to spread little by little throughout her limbs like an unrelenting heat. When he was sure that she was effectively excruciatingly aroused, he changed the direction and vigour of his thrusts. Whether he was aiming straight for her g-spot or just tickling the edges of her labia with the very tip of his throbbing shaft, each and every stroke was scrupulously premeditated to drive her closer to the moment of ultimate release.

Buffy lifted her legs from the bed and wrapping them securely around Angelus' body, at the same time grasping his buttocks with her hands and using them to bring him further inside her still. Her fingers dug hard into his firm flesh as she grew more energized; forcing him to increase in intensity the pace of his movement to keep in time with her racing breath. Holding him forcefully against her diminutive body using her thighs, Angelus pumped his pelvis more and more frenetically. It was unmistakable that he was no longer in control of the desire. Buffy's eyes widened with amazement when she felt the established signal of his penis pressing up against her g-spot. Buffy's vagina started to pulsate and contract in picture perfect synchronization with the pumping of his penis. It was the definitive shared moment.

After it was completed, he remained inside her, his manhood unhurriedly becoming softer but she was disinclined to break the connection. As he rolled over onto his back, she was taken with him and sprawled across his chiselled upper body, where she fell without delay into an impenetrable and contented slumber.



When he awoke the next morning, he felt exultant and untroubled – in spite of a minor headache – more than he had in a long time. Angelus looked down at the heaviness that fell across his muscular chest and was astounded to see that it was Buffy – at least until the memories of the night before resurfaced a minute later. Ever since he had moved back into their bedroom, she had kept her distance from him but last night… it was almost like before.

Unsurprisingly he did not think that it was going to persist. The second she at long last woke up she would realise that she had made a horrendous blunder and he’d be banished once more to the opposite side of the bed. So he positioned his arm around her slender form and decided to take pleasure in the feeling of her in his arms, while it lasted.

A few minutes later, he felt her awaken against him and he tensed in anticipation of a commotion. It never came; she simply snuggled up nearer to him and lay there without a sound. Not wanting to interrupt the moment, or obliterate it either, he remained in his posture; indecisive about how to proceed. In due course he merely came to a decision to speak and investigate what would transpire.

“Buffy?” he whispered softly.

“I suppose you want me to say last night was a mistake…”

“No, I don’t,” he told her. “It wasn’t a mistake. It just… “

Buffy elevated her head off of his upper body and looked up at him, “What we needed?”

He pushed an errant tress of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “It was what I needed… but I don’t want to push you into anything you aren’t ready to resume…”

“Did I just lay there?”


“Did you have to seduce me?”


“Didn’t I give as well as I got?”


“Then why do you think that you have to push me into anything? If I hadn’t wanted to have sex with you, I wouldn’t have…”

As she delivered her speech he felt her wriggle against him, causing another part of his body to stir awake. “Point taken. You are your own woman and I cannot compel you to do anything…”

“Exactly,” she replied in a self-aggrandizing way. “Now if you’ll excuse me…”

She made an attempt to get up and detangle herself from his arms, but Angelus had other plans for his wife. For once they were unaccompanied in the residence. He had no work to do, Willow and Lindsey were not due to return Meghan until six and Joyce was keeping Kathy for the whole weekend. This was an opportunity he was not about to squander.

He rolled over, taking her with him and tucking her underneath his body. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Away from you.”

“I don’t think you really want that…” he whispered against her ear. “I think you want to stay and play with me…”

“Maybe…” she whispered back as their lips met and they were once more swept away on a tide of passion.



Buffy and Angelus were downstairs snuggling on the chesterfield when Willow and Lindsey arrived to drop off Meghan. When Lindsey left the room to go and talk with Angelus about something business related, Buffy sat her best friend down and made an effort to ask about how Meghan was without them overnight.

“She was an angel,” Willow told her friend. “Now spill the juicy stuff.”

“Like what?”

Willow looked at her attentively until Buffy blushed. “Like did you two do it hanging from the chandelier? I want details.”

“No chandeliers, but it was more… intense,” Buffy mumbled. “More intimate.”

“That’s good, right?”

“No, it isn’t,” Buffy sighed. “I’m in love with him. To him I’m some weird business contract and I…”

Willow hugged her friend close, as her God-daughter played blissfully oblivious on the rug. “How long have you…”

“I think it was high school. If it wasn’t love back then it was huge crush…”

“But you kept saying how much you hated him…”

“Denial is not just a river in Egypt,” Buffy told her. “I just don’t think back then I was equipped to handle my feelings. Hell, I don’t think I’m equipped now.”

“Well… I guess that explains why no one else ever stood a chance with you,” Willow reflected on Buffy’s romantic past. “So what are you going to do?”

“I have no idea,” Buffy answered. “I guess I’ll just have to play it day by day.”

Willow smiled, “Maybe he’ll fall in love with you too…”

“Wils, I don’t think that is even a distant possibility. I mean… I think he likes me, but love…”

“Listen to me Buffy Summers-McKenna,” Willow ordered. “If he didn’t *more* than like you, do you think that little girl would be here right now? So if he has any feelings for you, they can grow and change. So it is more than possible… it is practically assured that he will fall in love with you.”

“I hope you’re right…”



End Part