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TITLE: Reasons Why

AUTHOR: Kelly Rowe

DISCLAIMER: The WWF and all characters belong to the almighty Vince McMahon and the WWFE.


SUMMARY: The real reason behind the E and C break up.

TIMELINE: Post E and C break up. Just before Christian joins the alliance.

DISTRIBUTION: You want you can have it; just tell me where you put it.

NOTES: Edge's POV.

When Christian turned on me it broke my heart. After all, the guy wasn't just my brother; he was also my very best friend. His betrayal cut me deep in my soul and I began to wonder how long had I been oblivious to Christian's feelings towards me, of the resentment. How could I not have noticed that he was jealous of my newfound success? That he felt neglected by the fans and me? Had he always felt like that or was it a new thing? The questions float through my head slowly driving me insane.

The truth is I'll never know what is going through his head. All that I seem to know is that somehow he began to think that I was better than him and he twisted into a paranoia to rival Austin's. But at least I know that in my eyes he's always been my brother and that I've never thought that I was better than him and I never will.

Knowing that I'll not rest until I make him see that no matter what differences we may have or how many tricks or one-man conchairtos he gives me, he'll still be Christian… my brother, my equal. I go to his locker room, the one he asked for over the other side of the building from me and arrive just in time to see Paul Heyman enter. Another betrayal, but this time not only to me but the entire WWF and Mr. McMahon the one who gave us employment and supported us throughout the years. He was deserting the WWF for the alliance. Does he truly hate me that much? So much he has to work for the rival company?

I decide to wait until Heyman leaves before I go talk to him, giving me a chance to figure out what is going on. Christian had always bagged the alliance and all that Shane and Stephanie stood for, so why was he interested now? Fifteen minutes pass and I tire of waiting for a moment of my brother's time, I decide to barge in and stuff Christian's right to privacy. When I enter another part of me dies on the spot. I see Christian and Paul Heyman… together. Something that I couldn't and wouldn't imagine in my worst nightmares is right in front of me and Christian's defection suddenly makes sense. It's not that I'm shocked or horrified over my brother's new lifestyle, just his choice to express it with… Paul E. Heyman the poster child for the before stacker 2.

They didn't notice my intrusion so I quickly leave them alone and rush to my own private locker room far away from them and the bad memories that they represent. I can barely wait until the show is over for the night and I am free to drink myself into oblivion. Not to block Christian, but to block the heinous image of Paul's bare ass. All right part of it may be to block Christian out, not the person just the betrayals. The fact that my brother destroyed our team, our friendship and out brotherly relationship and for what… for him.