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EJay Day

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Age: 20

Birthplace: Lawrenceville,GA

Favorite Song: "All I ever wanted was you" By: Mariah Carey

First Concert - Gospel Concert at Six Flags

Last Concert - Pop Odyssey Tour, N*SYNC

Favorite Song - "All I Ever Wanted Is You" by Mariah Carey

Most Embarrassing Moment - I was in a show and my pants buckle popped right off and my pants fell to the ground in front of everyone.

Why Do You Want To Be An AMERICAN IDOL - Because it's every entertainer's dream to be completely wanted and loved by America for his or her talent.

If you couldn't sing, what talent would you want? - Dancing, of course.

Favorite Judge? Why? - Randy, because he is not as nice as Paula, but not as harsh as Simon. A real critic with honest, but not too harsh, criticism.

Least Favorite Judge? Why? - Of course, Simon. He crushes artists. Some artists aren't ready for criticism the way he dishes it out.

Anything You Would Not Change To Become The American Idol - Me, as just a person. But if I had to pick something, it would be my hair. When I have a low haircut, I have this peanut head that doesn't go with my body.

What's In Your CD Player Right Now - Vanessa Carlton

What are you going to call your first CD? - "Fire" or "Eye Candy".

Album Your Friends Would Be Surprised You Own - "Diva" by Annie Lennox