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2600 Shadows

Bermuda Triangle
(by Data Age - 112-007) 

1 or 2 Player
4 Game Variations

Bermuda Triangle
is an underwater game in which you pilot a mini-sub trying to collect artifacts from a lost city with your tractor beam while avoiding deadly laser beams, giant squid, man-eating sharks, explosive mines and aquatic drones.  Score points by knocking out squid, sharks and drones, destroying explosive mines and delivering collected artifacts to the research vessel.

To pick up an artifact, descend to the bottom of the screen.  This will activate a tractor beam which will pick up the artifact.  Be careful not to pick up the egg-shaped bombs.  They will destroy one of your ships!  Once you have picked up the artifact, go to the surface of the water and deliver it to your research ship (the yellow one), but don't deliver it to the red enemy ship and don't get hit on the way up.  If you are hit on the way up, you will lose the artifact and 100 points.

Get an extra mini-sub every 10,000 points (maximum of 3 at a time). Game variations 1 and 3 are 1 player versions.  Game variations 2 and 4 are 2 player versions.



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