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2600 Shadows

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 
(by Wizard Video Games - 008)

1 Player
? Game Variations

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
is a super rare game for the Atari 2600! 
Based on the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you control Leatherface, a psycho with a chainsaw.  In classic horror movie style, you chase after screaming young girls and buzz them into a bloody mess!  What are your enemies?  Well, you pretty much are the only "bad guy", so I guess time is your enemy...sort of.  OK, so how do you loose?  You have a limited amount of fuel for your chainsaw.  Your chainsaw always has the motor running.  When you rev up the chainsaw, you burn even more fuel than usual.  When you are out of fuel, your turn is over (3 turns per game).  You can't get more fuel and you can't get more lives.  You also must avoid obstacles that are in your way.  The obstacles in the game are cow skulls, fences, tumbleweeds and wheelchairs.  They will slow you down and you'll have to rev up the chainsaw, wasting fuel, to plow through them.  What an awesome game concept!


As far as I know, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween (based on the movie Halloween) are the only two games produced by Wizard Video Games, but I'm not sure.  Even though the graphics aren't very good and the gore isn't very realistic, parents freaked out over the idea, so stores sold the games only behind the counter.  That meant no one knew about the games, so they didn't sell well, so the company went out of business.  This game is HARD to find.


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