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Blood and Roses

Author: Jill

Disclaimer: hysterical laughter - not even in my dreams I would want them - oh wait, should I say nightmares?

Category: Angst/Drama/Romance

Pairing: B/Aus,

Rating: definitely NC-17

Distribution: my site (, ffnet, several lists including BA_Fluff, if you have any of my stuff, just take it, anybody else please tell me where it goes

Spoilers: everything up to "Killed By Death" in season 2 BtVS

Summary: What if Xander hadn't been staying in the hospital to watch over Buffy?

Feedback: oh yes, please!!!

Dedication: This is for Alee and her amazing writing talent. Hope you'll write something new soon.

Note: I admit this will probably be a one-time-lapse of me. As much as I love Angelus as a character I'm not really into the Aus/B stuff. This, however, is different. I just re-watched "Revelations" and although I love the kissing and Tai-Chi, I've also got issues … so this is my way dealing with them. Can you guess I have a bloody second persona? *g*

He'd always loved the smell of roses. They were the flowers of kings and queens. And these he'd picked with special care. All five of them. The flowershop-keeper wouldn't miss them - not anymore. A wicked smile played around his lips, and that although the old toad hadn't even tasted that good.

Would she like them? He wondered for a moment. Of course she would. So far he hadn't met a woman not liking his flowers, or him for that matter. Well, if they survived knowing him in the first place he thought with a chuckle.

She certainly hadn't.

She was so cute when she was sleeping, her eyes closed, her mouth pursed into a half-pout, her nose twitching from time to time, even now when there wasn't a need for it. He'd been waiting patiently, but now he was reaching the end of his rope. He wasn't the most patient person around. Never had been. Darla had sometimes complained about that. For a moment he thought about his dead Sire, then dismissed her. She wasn't that important anyway. Although it might have been fun seeing the two women in the same room together - now that Buffy would be an equal opponent.

Why the Hell was she still sleeping? She should be awake by now, shouldn't she? None of the other had ever needed that long. But then she was certainly extraordinary. It didn't bother him that he'd only gotten to her because she'd been unconscious with fever. Maybe it should have bothered him. He shrugged to himself, then frowned because she was still not moving an inch.

Still, he could have a closer peek, couldn't he? He got up from his chair in the corner, when suddenly her lids fluttered, and after a moment her eyes opened, disoriented at first, but soon he saw recognition in them, and finally they settled on him.

He saw her blink once, twice, then slightly shake her head.

"Hey, look who's finally up and shining," he walked over to her bed. "Thought you'd never rise."


There was still that little quiver in her voice when she said his name, and it was a dead turn-on. No wonder soul-boy was so hung up on her. He had a hard on just looking at her. "Hmmm," he made, held out his hand, and the flowers, "I brought you roses."

Hesitantly she took them from him, then buried her nose in them for a moment, before she looked up at him again, this time a definite glimpse in her eyes, her gleaming amber eyes, "Can I keep calling you Angel? I kind of like the ring of it."

At that he chuckled.


"You know," she said, pulling on her pants, "the first thing I have to do?"

He held the roses in his hand, enjoying the view of her only half-clad bottom, "Kill your family?" he suggested.

She looked at him over her shoulder, a wicked grin on he face, "Has possibilities. There's just a problem, none of us is invited. No, but I thought …," again that grin came over her lips, "leather pants. Just to match yours."

He grinned as well, "I can go with that. And I'm particularly going to like pulling them off you."

"If I let you," she shot back and enjoyed when he growled deep in his chest. "Hey, I was the Slayer. Doesn't that mean I have super-powers now?"

"Dunno," he murmured, nuzzling her nape. God, she still smelled great. Like honey and something so entirely Buffy, he'd had whole nights of smelling dreams. But the foul odor of humanity was gone now. That made being close to her a thoroughly enjoyable experience. "Aren't you … hungry?" he wanted to know. He could hardly wait to see her devouring her first real meal. The idea of Buffy's fangs sinking into soft flesh, sweet, sticky blood running down her throat - it sent frissons of lust through him.

"Now that you're mentioning it," she replied, licking her lips in anticipation, making his leather pants way too tight. "I always wondered about the taste…," she trailed off when suddenly the door opened and the night nurse entered the room.

Pursing her lips in disapproval she glared at the two people in the room. "This is not allowed," she said sharply. "Miss Summers is in no way released from the hospital. And the time for visitations is definitely over." When her words didn't cause any reaction, when the man simply continued to … kiss … the woman's neck, she made a step towards them …

… and never had the chance to scream when the woman suddenly whirled around, sinking her fangs deeply into her throat, sucking greedily.

After only a few short moments the body went lifeless in Buffy's arms and with a snort of disgust, she let it fall to the floor. Licking her now bloody lips she smirked at her mate, "Kind of … really bad … in a disgusting sort of way."

"High blood pressure," Angelus commented with a glance at the overly fat, elderly nurse. "And probably high cholesterol."

"Yuck," Buffy shuddered, "Could have warned me."

His lips turned into a wicked grin, "Some things you have to find out for your own."

"Mental note to self, keep your hands off the fat ones."

"Oh, I wouldn't … dismiss them in general. Some of them can be quite tasty." He grinned when he saw her roll her eyes. She was cute when she slept, but she was a lot cuter awake. Especially with the smell of death all over her now. But he was still getting bored with this. Killing an old nurse wasn't what he'd imagined for tonight. "You know I'm living with Spike and Dru now," he said casually, watching her reaction from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah. I do. But the loony bin better keeps her hands off you." Her eyes narrowed, and a low growl came from her throat.

He chuckled, "I always liked the possessive types. More fire in them. More passion. I can tell just from smelling you," he let his nose trail over her hair, breathing in the scent of sunshine and light. It would disappear with time, but it wouldn't make her less attractive. "By the way … The same goes for you. Keep your hands off Spike. I know there are … women who think he's attractive. All high cheekbones and the freaky accent …," he shrugged, "well, personally I never understood what they found in him, but … all in all he and Dru really deserve each other."

"Couldn't agree more," she quipped, giving the dead body on the ground a last glance. "I'm getting bored here. Can we leave now?"

At that he grinned.


They didn't go back to meet Dru and Spike, in fact they were doing anything but. Buffy was insatiable. Two alleys down the block she found a street hooker and killed her so fast, Angelus couldn't do anything but be stunned by her skills. He wouldn't have to show her how to hunt and kill - she did it as good as he. Well, almost, he amended, hardly able to wait to show her how to properly make out your prey, to plan strategies to make it an art.

He'd never been one for the fast kill. Well, not all the time, anyway. It was the hunt that made his blood boil, that gave him the thrill of anticipation, of reaching his goal without just being brutal or vulgar, the way Spike loved so much. Angelus liked the challenge - and with Buffy at his side … just think about the possibilities.

She turned then, grinning at him wickedly, her prolonged canines still smeared with blood, her amber eyes filled with a combination of lust and passion that had his dead heart almost jump-starting in his chest.

Without further thought he reached out, grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to him, his lips taking possession of hers, the taste of blood on them adding a special thrill. He heard himself growl deep in his chest, while his tongue wandered over her teeth, enjoying their sharpness, using it to rip into his flesh.

She went wild the moment she could taste his blood in her mouth. Never in her life Buffy had encountered anything more stimulating than feeling his essence pour over her tongue, running down her throat. She felt all nerve endings in her body quivering. Nothing mattered anymore, than the man in her arms, the lover she was finally united with. Her Sire.

Only thinking the word made her snap. The wildness that was so much part of her being now - maybe had always been - overcame her.

Primitive. Brutal.

In her rush to be with him she ripped his shirt, the buttons flying through the air, bouncing back from the walls surrounding them, then falling to the ground. She didn't care, nor did she care for the dead body lying at their feet. If anything it only heightened her passion. She heard him growl, his hands already underneath her blouse, searching for the front clasp of her bra, while she was already fumbling with his zipper, feeling so close to orgasm just by touching him.

"Hurry," she hissed, when she felt her bra give way, his hands cupping her breasts roughly, squeezing them, making her moan. "Oh, God."

"Not here, baby. It's just me," he chuckled, loving her passion, the smell coming form her body, hitting his nose, almost driving him insane. This was even better than he'd anticipated. She was wild for him, couldn't wait to have him. He clamped his arms around her, lifted her off the ground and slammed her against the wall, groaning once again when her strong legs wrapped around him in a vise-like grip, grounding his groin at her soaking wet centre. Her arousal was intoxicating, and his own was almost painful when she finally managed to open his zipper and free his cock, wrapping her hand around him with a sureness that surprised him.

"Damn…," he muttered, feeling himself almost jerking off there and then. That was not what he had planned for tonight. But then her small, cool hand felt so good, he couldn't really find it in him to care. He heard her laugh deep in her belly, while she continued stroking and squeezing him. Forgetting all about his usual finesse he simply ripped her pants off, and attacked her centre, plunging two fingers into her core, letting his thumb flip over her clit. She came instantly with a shout that sounded through the dark alley, her body arching into him.

He didn't give her time to recover. The instant she went over the edge he impaled her on his now abandoned erection, hissing loudly at the feeling of her tight pussy gripping him. "Yes," he heard her voice at his ear, felt her fangs scratching the sensitive skin behind them, and started drawing back only to slam back in, her bones cracking against the wall behind her back. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her hands fisting in his hair holding him close, she was so caught up in pleasure in ecstasy, she was mindless.

"More," she screamed, clinging to him with all her might. Meeting each of his deep, forceful strokes with movements of her own body, they easily settled into a steady rhythm, he pounding into her with all his might, she groaning and moaning, taking him deeper and deeper, fusing their bodies together as if they were only one.

When Angelus felt his own orgasm coming, he bent into her, his fangs sinking into her creamy white skin, the double intrusion making the passion almost unbearable. Fortunately she understood instantly and mirroring his actions her own fangs plunged into him, making them come together in growls and shouts.

Afterwards they were lying in the dark alley, Angelus sitting on the ground, Buffy sprawled on top of him, both still barely clothed, both too exhausted to stand.

"That … was …," she groaned, feeling his still inside of her, still powerful, even though his cock had gone soft now.

"Yeah," he replied, nuzzling at her ear, flicking his tongue over the lope. "I knew it would be like this."

"Did you." He could hear the laughter in her voice and chuckled.

"Hell, yes." He tightened his grip around her, "So," pulling slightly away he looked at her. "What do you feel doing tonight?"

"Nothing right now," she retorted, her head falling on his shoulder.

"I thought you might want to pay your little friends a visit."

Instantly her head came up, the wicked glint back in her eyes, "If you put it that way." She scrambled off of him, trying to get her clothes back in order, then laughed when she realized it was impossible. She tossed her head, her blond hair shining in the light of the streetlamp, "It's just as well. Might give Xander a little look," she grinned when she slowly made her way from the alley, certain he was following her. "It will be the last thing he's going to see in his life."

Her laughter carried through the night. Oh yeah, Angelus thought when he followed her, the swing of her hips enticing and thoroughly erotic. He could barely wait to watcher her kill the annoying brat, could barely wait to see the panic in the human's eyes when he realized the girl in front of him wasn't his beloved Slayer but his worst nightmare.

Later, he would help himself to the little redhead. He could already hear her screams, taste her blood. Or maybe they'd keep her. Play with her a little. He hadn't used his chains for a while.

"Are you coming already?"

He suddenly realized he had stopped, was standing there, and she was waiting for him, with an impatient pout on her kissable lips. "You're insatiable, aren't you," he said, joining her at the corner.

She laughed - a deep, throaty sound, "And you love it."

"Hell, yes. I do," he agreed, pulling her to him, kissing her roughly.

She laughed again, "I see this as the start of a very," she licked her lips, "promising relationship. And now let's go kill Xander. I'm hungry."

"Let's," he kissed her again, diving his tongue deep into her cavity. "I can hardly wait."

She almost panted when their lips parted, her eyes dark with passion and renewed lust. "Or we could do other things …and spare Xander for later."

"We could."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "You're awfully easy to please."

"Just tonight, baby. Just tonight."

"So you're going to make it harder for me," she wiggled her brows suggestively.

"Harder, yeah," he pulled her close, grinded their groins together, letting her feel his once again rock-hard erection.

Her lids fluttered, "Oooooh … seems something needs my attention." And so quick it almost startled him, she was on her knees before him, not caring that they were underneath a street lamp right now. She pulled out his cock with one hand, cupping his balls with the other. He could barely moan, before her cool mouth engulfed him, her tongue twirling around the head, while her hands were stroking the throbbing member.

His knees almost buckled and he was glad to feel the post of the lamp behind him to lean onto. Speech was impossible for him, at the feeling of her throating him, sucking him. For a quick, insane moment he wondered where she had learned to blow him like this, but then all sane thought fled, his lust leaving no room for anything else.

He came with a shout that sounded almost like a groan, gripping her head with both hands, pulling her upwards, kissing her deeply, tasting their combined fluids on her tongue. When they finally let go of each other, he saw her smug smile. "Feeling pleased?"

"I don't know," she grinned, "I thought you were pretty pleased just a moment ago."

His eyes narrowed, when he remembered the way she'd brought him to orgasm, "Where did you learn to do that?"

She shrugged, the smug smile returning, "Pays to read Cosmo from time to time."

"You had that from a magazine?" He stared at her in total disbelief.


"Maybe we should get a subscription."

She laughed - pleased, satisfied. "And now," she smacked her lips, "Let's go kill Xander."

"As you wish, My Lady," Angelus replied with a bow, holding out his arm for her.

A brow rose, "Didn't know you had such old fashioned manners."

"There is a lot you don't know about me," he said leading her in the direction of the Bronze.

She would bet she didn't. But she could hardly wait to find out.



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