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Carol Ann's Challenge Assignments

Challenge #1:

Amnesia challenge

Time: Freshmen year of college

Premise: Buffy has been missing for several months. Hearing that the slayer is missing, Angelus pays a visit to Sunnydale and is captured by the Initiative. During his time as a prisoner he discovers what happened to the missing slayer, she is also a prisoner.

Story Requirements:

1) Giles and the Scooby gang don't know that Buffy was captured by the Initiative.

2) Faith is still on the side of good and friends with Buffy.

3) Angelus was never cursed and he never came to Sunnydale until Buffy's freshmen year of college.

4) Buffy never slept with Riley, he betrayed her to the Initiative before that happened.

5) The Initiatives plans for Buffy are broke down into three phases:

Phase one: Study of her mental & physical abilities.

Phase two: Erase her memory

Phase Three: Reprogram her to be a faithful soldier of the Initiative.

6) When Angelus is capture they are in the middle of phase two.

7) Angelus escapes the Initiative and takes Buffy with him, they leave Sunnydale as fast as possible. The Initiative never had a chance to implant the chip in his brain.

8) Angelus telling Buffy that she is half demon, that’s the reason she is so strong and heals so fast. He doesn't want her to know that she is the slayer. She doesn't remember anything of her past.

9) Angelus taking Buffy as his lover and consort since she is the first and only woman that he's found that he considers his equal.

10) Angelus & Buffy traveling to various cities in America & Europe, living the high life.

11) During their travels either the Watcher's Council and/or the Initiative find out about them and start searching for them.

12) Angelus thinks about turning Buffy but finds out that she is pregnant with his child so he doesn't want to change her into a vampire. Also he doesn't want to turn Buffy because then she would lose her soul which he has come to love. She just wouldn't be Buffy anymore.

13) Angelus becoming a very overprotective daddy to be.

14) Claddagh rings

15) Buffy regaining her memory and deciding to stay with her mate.

16) Optional: This takes place after Angelus & Buffy have escaped from the Initiative. Willow, while doing some hacking, finds out about the Initiative and the file on Buffy. After discovering what they did to her, plots revenge. Willow gets Anya, Cordelia and Faith to help with her plans. The Plan: identify the targets, then separate one of the targets, cast a spell and then go to the next target. The spell changes the human into an animal (must be an exotic animal, no cats, dogs, or rats) and it must end up living at the Sunnydale Zoo. So pick an animal that you think personifies the character. Faith & Cordelia help Willow by using their "feminine wiles" to get the targets alone so the rest of the Initiative won't know what is going on.


Challenge #2:

Initiative, and Watchers & Angelus Oh My!

Premise: Angelus was never cursed by the gypsies, so Angel’s soul was never returned. Sunnydale is Angelus’ home base, he lives in the Mansion. He is still one of the most dangerous vampires there is but he is not psychotic.

Pairing: Buffy/Angelus, Faith/Spike, Cordelia/Doyle

1) There is more than one slayer scatter through out the world. Buffy is the Los Angelus slayer, she never came to Sunnydale. Giles is her watcher.

2) Faith is the Sunnydale slayer and friends with Buffy. They don’t get along with the other slayers. Buffy & Faith think of the other slayers as “Stepford” slayers always following the slayer handbook, unable to think for themselves always doing exactly what the Council tells them.

3) Angelus is the one who killed the Master because he didn’t want the Hellmouth opened. Angelus likes the world just the way it is.

4) Spike is Angelus’ second in command.

5) The Initiative base is in Sunnydale.

6) The Watcher Council making a deal with the Initiative to give them one of their slayers for study. The Council picks Buffy because they can’t control her (she’s just like the Buffy on the series), she doesn’t see all Demons as evil.

7) The Initiative kidnapping Buffy. Giles going to the Council for help and finding out what they did.

8) The Initiative running nasty tests on Buffy to see what her abilities are and later plans on trying to breed her with several of their soldiers .

9) Doyle (yes I had to put him in the challenge, I loved his character) is Buffy’s adopted brother and yes he is still half demon and gets visions.

10) Giles going to the enemy for help to rescue her. Angelus and Giles coming to an agreement, and it must somehow involved Buffy .

11) Buffy, after being rescued, having to stay in Sunnydale under Angelus’ protection because both the Initiative & the Watcher Council are after her.

12) Angelus supplying Buffy with a new wardrobe since she doesn’t have any cloths, , Angelus must pick out cloths that he wants to see Buffy in, lots of leather and silk.

13) And of course, Buffy and Angelus getting involved in a relationship with each other.

14) Buffy’s is somewhere between 17 - 19 years old, I want her to still be in her teen years.

15) Some Riley bashing.


Challenge #3

Smut Challenge: Buffy/Angelus Smut Challenge

Premise: the story is to begin during the episode "Surprise" when Angel loses his soul and Angelus comes out.

Requirements for the story:

1) Angel's soul: gone or not gone, you decide.

2) Angelus returns to the apartment and gets back in bed before Buffy wakes up because he wants his turn to have sex with Buffy.

3) Angelus deciding to continue pretending to be Angel to Buffy & the gang and to Spike & Dru.

4) Angelus wanting revenge against Spike & Dru because of what happened in the episode "Whats My Line?" when they used the ritual to drain his blood into Dru to restore her to health, since it would have killed him.

5) Angelus (while pretending to be Angel) teaching Buffy about the different ways to have sex, since she was a virgin and he has over 150 years experience. Have the lessons go from the beginners level (i.e. the different positions you can use while having sex) to the advanced level (the more kinkier ways to have sex using various sex toys).

6) Angelus taking Buffy to the Mansion when they have sex because no one knows about it, not even Spike or Dru.

7) Angelus putting his bite "mark" on Buffy's neck marking her as his.

8) A vampire version of a wedding with Angelus telling Buffy who he is after they are married


Challenge #4

Buffy/Beauty and the Beast Crossover Challenge

Premise: Buffy is at the Initative compound when a new subject is brought in, Vincent. Buffy touches Vincent and a connection is made.

TimeLine: Freshman year at college several months after the episode "I Will Remember You", the start of Christmas break.

Couples: B/A of course, as for the rest of the gang, I'll leave the who's with who up to the writer.

Story Requirements:

1) Buffy has not slept with Riley (I'm in denial and I plan on staying there)

2) Buffy & her friends helping Vincent escape from the Initiative compound.

3) Buffy & the Scooby gang heading out on a long road trip to get Vincent back home to New York. Pick some interest spots for them to stop at along the way.

4) RV, the only way to travel.

5) Angel is to somehow end up on the roadtrip.

6) Vincent & Angel having a long talk about the women they love, with Vincent telling Angel about the mistakes he made in the past, how he tried to set limits on his & Catherine's relationship, making decisions for her, not listening to what she had to say about their relationship.

7) Bad things happening to the Initiative as they pursue Buffy, Angel, the Scooby gang, and Vincent across country.

8) After getting Vincent home, the Scooby gang is invited to attend WinterFest.

9) Giles and Father playing chess discussing their "children".

10) Narcissa fixing Angel's curse loophole.

11) The third season of Beauty and The Beast never happened, Vincent & Catherine are happily married with kids.

12) Buffy & Angel getting back together and lots of smoochies.

13) Any rating.


Challenge #5

Buffy/Deep Space Nine Challenge

Premise: An evil demon sorcercer comes to Sunnydale and steals a very dangerous book causing problems. Before the Scooby gang can kill it, it escapes using magic, however the Scooby gang interrupt the spell and the demon ends up in the future (with a little help from TPTB) on Deep Space Nine. Giles and the Scooby gang find a spell that will allow them to go to where ever the demon went, so they pack their bag and head out to stop it and reclaim the book.

Time: Set in the fourth season of Buffy.

Couples: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya

Story Requirements:

1) Angel is still alive in the future and on Deep Space Nine, he knows that the Scooby gang will becoming there because of TPTB. They sent him a message that this will be his only chance to fix the mistakes he made in past.

2) You decide whether or not Buffy has slept with Riley. If she has slept with him then future Angel must get very territorital and reclaim her as his, replacing Riley's scent with his own.

3) The demon has been on the station for at least a week before the gang arrives and has already killed several people.

4) Odo & Kira are in charge of the investigation of the murders taking place on the station.

5) Willow bringing her trusty laptop which has Giles demon books downloaded into its memory.

6) Odo is hurt by the demons magic and Tara & Willow has to use magic to heal him.

7) Buffy & Worf having a sparring match which Quark takes bets on, Xander bets on Buffy and cleans up.

8) Xander, when he finds out about the Dax inside Jadzia, making a reference to the Stargate: SG1 tv show. (Optional if you've never watch the series)

9) Future Angel telling Willow & Tara how to bind past Angel's soul so that he can't use that as an excuse to stay away from Buffy. He also tells Willow & Tara about how Tara is killed shortly in their future and how it happened so that they can stop it.

10) Future Angel telling Buffy that she must change the past, that her & Angel were suppose to have stayed together. He tells her about the Darla/baby mess and about what happen in the third season of Angel, how she must stop it from happening, that she, Buffy, was the one who was suppose to get pregnant by him not Darla. That he never received his Shanshu because he wasn't with his soulmate Buffy.

11) Buffy bringing along her sword.

12) The Scooby gang, with out Giles knowledge, pilering various items from the Deep Space Nine station, "souvenirs".

13) One of Buffy's "souvenirs" is to be a bat'leth.

14) One of the Scooby's is to end up in the infirmary where she/he takes a liking to the doctors hand held dermal regenerator (heal small wounds) thinking that it would really come in handy after being worked over by a demon or vampire.

15) Willow upgrading her computer with "borrowed" technology from the station.

16) After returning from the future, Giles finds out about the "souvenirs", Willow & Tara bind Angel's soul, and Buffy heads to LA to reclaim her "mate".

17) Happy ending for Buffy/Angel.


Challenge #6:

Buffy/La Femme Nikita challenge

Premise: The Section has a demon problem and don't know what to do. While on a mission one of the section's teams, confronts a demon and his minions in its lair, the team does not survive. Section has no idea that demons & vampires really exist until they see the team on video getting killed.

Time: some time between high school and the freshman year at college.

Couples: Buffy/Angel, Xander/Anya, Willow/Oz, Cordelia/Doyle (if you want to leave Doyle & Anya out of the challenge and pair Xander & Cordelia together I'm okay with that)

Story requirements:

1) Angel’s soul is permanent and he never left after the accession.

2) Doyle is sent to Sunnydale to help the Slayer. (Optional)

3) Oz has control over his werewolf, so he can change when ever he wants.

4) Xander brings along his handy dandy rocket launcher as one of his weapons

5) Each Scooby bringing along a bag of his/her favorite weapons.

6) George, who is Operations boss, contacting the Watchers Council for help with their demon problem. George has connections with the Watchers Council so he knows about demons & vampires. George doesn't tell Operations anything about the Scooby Gang or their special talents.

7) Operations wondering who the hell these kids are, that are sent to help them.

8) Willow giving Birkoff a little competion in the computer department.

9) Section doesn't know that Angel is a vampire until one of them walks in on Angel, in game face, with his fangs in Buffy's neck.

10) Cordelia being her usually fashionable self along with the additude.

11) The Scooby gang making Section look like amatures when it comes to demon fighting.

12) Operations make plans to keep some of the Scooby gan but gets visit from TPTP, a "slap on the wrist" and warning to leave the Scooby gang alone.

13) Buffy and Angel are lovers.

14) While watching the video feed from when the first team was attacked the Scooby gang making various "comments" about what the team should have done.

15) When Operations assigns the gang rooms at the Section, Angel rooms with Buffy, Willow with Oz, Xander with Anya, and Cordelia with Doyle.

16) The last two years of La Femme Nikita never happened, all of the original characters are still alive.


Challenge #7:

Joyce Gets A Clue Challenge:

Timeline: Buffy is a freshman at college but still lives at home with her mother.

Premise: We're going to do a personality transplant with dear old Joyce.

Pairing: Buffy/Angelus

Challenge guidelines:

1) Angelus was never cursed by the gypsies, so he never came to Sunnydale.

2) Buffy is dating Riley but they have not slept together. (I'm still in big denial over Buffy & Riley screwing)

3) Joyce hates Riley, she thinks he has no class and is tired of him talking about the farm when he comes to dinner.

4) Angelus comes to town, buys the Mansion on Crawford street, and goes to Joyce's gallery to buy some art for his new home.

5) Joyce takes an instant liking to him because of his knowledge of art and languages, etc, and talks him into going on a blind date with her daughter, after she notes his interest in Buffy's picture on her desk.

6) Joyce telling Buffy that she set her up on a blind date.

7) Joyce doing everything she can to keep Buffy & Riley apart.

8) Joyce knows that Buffy is the slayer, but Buffy (and the gang) doesn't know that she knows, Spike is the one who told Joyce about Buffy being the Slayer. Joyce keeps pretending she doesn't know.

9) You have two choices here: a) Joyce are Spike are just friends, he comes over to her house for hot coco w/marshmellows, Buffy doesn't know about the visits or that Joyce & Spike are friends; b) Spike & Joyce were once involved and Spike is Buffy's real father, so when Buffy & Angelus get together, Spike would technically be Angelus' father-in-law.

10) Joyce doesn't know that Angelus is a vampire, and since Buffy thinks that her mother doesn't know about her slaying, she doesn't know how to stop her mother's matchmaking without telling her about vampires and her slaying.

11) Any rating: G - NC17


Challenge #8:

Little Buffy challenge

Premise: What if the Council found Buffy when she was between 2 - 5 years of age and tried to take her from her parents.


1) Joyce and little Buffy know Angel, he saved their lives when they were attacked by vampires, they were out by themselfs because Hank was to busy working. The Council doesn't know that Joyce and Angel friends.

2) Hank is killed by the Council when they try to take Buffy, Joyce takes Buffy to Angel for protection. Joyce tells Angel to take Buffy and leave town and for him to not tell her where they are going so the Council can't get it out of her.

3) The Council assigns Giles to get to know Joyce in order to try and find out where Buffy is hidden, hoping she will lead them to her. Giles falling in love with her and marrying her.

4) Angel takes Buffy to Sunnydale, figuring that the Hellmouth is the last place the Council will look for her. They live in the Mansion.

5) Angel trying to enroll Buffy in pre-school.

6) Little Buffy becoming friends with little Willow, Xander and Cordelia. Maybe their in the same pre-school?????

7) Birthday party for Little Buffy and a sleepover with Willow, Xander, and Cordelia at the Mansion.

8) Mr. Gordo

9) Visit from Whistler

10) Angel’s soul is permanent.

11) Buffy is somewhere between the age 10 - 16 when Joyce gets reunited with her daughter.

12) Little Buffy is very possessive and territorial where Angel is concern, she considers Angel to be hers. Show several women trying to hit on Angel and Buffy taking care of them. You know, accidently throwing food on them, accidently sticking one in the hand with a fork, etc.


Challenge #9:

Reincarnation Challenge

Premise: When Angelus was first cursed by the gypsies and given his soul back, what if Angel's soul was already existing in a human body, he had been reincarnated. What would the repercussions be for the gypsie's actions in causing the current body to die because its soul was removed.

When you see the names {Buffy} and {Angel} in brackets I'm referring to them in their past life.

Timeframe choices:

1) Set before Suprise, Angel has not lost his soul.2) Set anytime in the series but Jenny & her uncle are still alive, Angelus didn't kill them.

Story Requirements:

1) In Angel’s last reincarnation he was a male in his thirties.

2) He was married to his soulmate and they had at least three children.

3) {Buffy} and her children have some talent for magic and they swear revenge on whomever it was who stole {Angel's} soul.

4) It takes several generations for {Buffy} and {Angel} descendants to become powerful enough to take on the gypsies.

5) Jenny and her uncle getting a message from their tribe that someone is cursing the clan members with various afflictions.

6) {Buffy & Angel's} descendants coming to Sunnydale to go after Jenny and her uncle.

7) {Buffy & Angel} descendants meeting Buffy & Angel and discovering who they once were.

8) The descendants finding out about the curse loophole and fixing it.

9) One of {Buffy & Angel's} descendants taking a fancy to Giles giving Jenny some competition for his affections.

10) Happy ending for Buffy and Angel.


Challenge #10:


Write a story using the following requirements:

1) Angel's soul is permanent.

2) There is no Dawn.

3) Willow & Oz are to be together, no Tara.

4) Jenny is still alive.

Premise: This story is to start at the end of the episode Surprise, with a few changes. Angel gets on the ship with the Judge's arm and Buffy jumps aboard and joins him for the trip. The gang is to find out that Buffy went with Angel.

1) While at sea there is a terrible storm and the Judges arm ends up at the bottom of the ocean and Buffy and Angel end up going overboard and get stranded together on an uninhabited island. Some of the cargo from the ship ended up going overboard and washing up on the island also giving them a few basic items to get them started on the island.

2) The island has plenty of plant and animal life and is riddled with underground lava caves so that Angel can move around without getting a "fatal" case of sunburn. Buffy and the animals provide Angel with the blood he needs.

3) Make use of Angel's knowledge from before he was turned, i.e. how to butcher an animal and tan its hide , how to make your own candles, to smoke meat to make it last longer, etc.

4) Angel putting his bite "mark" on Buffy's neck, marking her as his mate.

5) They are to be trapped on the island 2 - 3 years and the Scooby gang thinks their dead. Joyce finds out about Buffy being the slayer after she is presumed dead.

6) Two stories in one, show Angel & Buffy's life on the island while showing what is happening in Sunnydale while they are gone. The fun part will be will be keeping the timelines straight between the island and Sunnydale.

7) Giles is to be wrong about vampires not being able to have children, they can if the female is a slayer. Buffy is to give birth to at least three children while on the island. What can I say, they can't keep their "hands" off each other.

8) Kendra still gets killed by Spike & Dru and Faith is called.

9)When Faith comes to town she is to live with Giles, who becomes her surrogate father, just like he was for Buffy, so Faith does not become evil.

10) On the Sunnydale side, you are to try to follow the show but with Faith doing the things that Buffy would have done (i.e. Faith is the one who kills the Mayor during the ascension, going to Sunnydale Univ., getting involved with Riley and the Initiative, etc). Pick the episodes your want to use and give them a Faith twist.

11) Spike still gets v-chip by the initiative and Faith eventually ends up dumping Riley for Spike. At least with Spike, Faith doesn't have to hold back on her slayer strength during sex, like she would with Riley.

12) After Buffy & Angel (and the kids) get rescued, show them readjusting back to their old lives in Sunnydale, how they handle Faith being involved with Spike, Joyce's reaction to Buffy & Angel's kids, and Buffy developing a friendship with Faith, etc.

13) And finally, Buffy & Angel getting married and moving into the mansion with their kids.


Challenge #11

A Few Good Women Challenge

Pairing: B/A, X/A, W/O, C/D, G/J, S/F

Time Frame: High School or College, your choice

Place: Sunnydale

Premise: Angel, Xander, Oz, Doyle, Spike, and Giles are from another planet that has a shortage of females. So they plan a little visit to earth, which has an overabundage of females, to find each of them a mate to take home.

Story Requirements:

1) Buffy, Willow, Anya, Cordelia, and Faith are currently each dating one of these guys, Parker, Riley, Owen, Scott, Penn, you decide who's with whom. If you choose to have Willow be gay in the story then she is currently dating Darla and we will omit Oz from the story. Jenny is currently dating Holtz.

2) Holtz is a P.E. Teacher, control freak, doesn't treat Jenny very well.

3) All of the guys, Angel, Xander, Spike, Oz and Doyle are virgins , Giles is the only one of them who's had real sex with a female, all of the other guys have only had sex with a hologram (like on Star Trek Deep Space Nine, the holosuites where you can play out your fantasies) because of the shortage of females.

4) Angel(us) is the one who thought up and plan the little expedition.

5) Giles wearing an earring.

6) Giles getting into a fight with Holtz.

7) The guys pick the Mansion as their base of operation.

8) Find a way to include Snyder "the troll" in the story, even if its just a small part.

9) Think up a bad character flaw for all of the guys ( and gal if you use Darla) the girls are currently dating, i.e. bad temper, fooling around with another girl on the side, drinking problem, always short of money on the date so the girl has to pay, snobish, etc.

10) After Angel and his group pick out the females, Buffy and her friends, that they want as their mates, they start making plans on how to get rid of the current boyfriends.

11) Angel(us) wanting to reinact some of his hologram fantasies with Buffy to see how the real thing compares with the hologram version.

12) All females on Angel's planet are require to give birth to at least four offspring, more if no female child is produced in the first four children. All women on Angels planet are held in high regard, and the ones who give birth to the most female offspring have the highest ranking, On Angel's planet the women get to choose who they mate with, not the men.

13) Optional: if you prefer Willow with Tara, then have Willow to be currently dating Darla and replace Oz with Tara in the little expedition. Have it where Tara is looking for a female lover also.

14) Any rating.


Challenge #12

The Offspring Challenge

Premise: Hank is really a demon, he goes to Sunnydale aka The Hellmouth, in order to sire some offspring. He picks Sunnydale so his offspring will be more powerful because they will grow up on the Hellmouth. He marries Joyce and gets her pregnant then makes plans to get her female friends pregnant as well.

Pairing: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, Cordelia/Doyle

Story Requirements:

1) Joyce has lived in Sunnydale all of her life and her female friends are Willow, Cordelia, and Xander's mothers (I can't remember their names).

2) Hank makes Joyce's female friends think that they are sleeping with their husbands when their really having sex with him.

3) Hank "the demon" is the real father of Buffy, Willow, Cordelia, and Xander.

4) Buffy, Willow, Cordelia, & Xander do not know about their demon heritage or that they are half brother and sisters.

5) Anya is still a vengeance demon, she was only human for a short time, but she still fell in love with Xander.

6) Willow & Tara fixed the loophole in Angel's curse.

7) Angel never left Sunnydale, instead Doyle came to Sunnydale to help him there.

8) Hank coming back to Sunnydale to reclaim his offspring (since they are "coming of age" and their demon heritage will start showing itself) and to tell them that he has arranged a demon marriage for each of them and that the demons will be showing up in Sunnydale soon to claim them.

9) Hank doesn't know that Buffy is the slayer, that Willow is a powerful witch, or that Xander & Cordelia are very good at slaying demons & vampires.

10) Cordelia doesn't find out that Doyle is a half demon until after she finds out that she is a half demon.

11) Cordelia making some type of comment about what her kids would look like with two half demons as parents.

12) Anya getting pissed when she finds out that some demon hussy is after her man. Anya is a "Vengeance" demon, let's just say that the "hussy" doesn't fair to well.

13) The rest of the nasty demons not fairing well with their intended mates either.

14) Buffy and Angel having a happy ending.

15) Option: If you want Faith in the story, then you can make her one of Hank's offspring also. I'll let the writer decide who's paired up with her.

16) Any rating


Challenge #13

21 Jump Street Challenge

Main Characters:

Buffy: Senior at Sunnydale High

Angel: Undercover police officer, pretending to be a new student at Sunnydale High

Willow, Cordelia, & Xander: Buffy's best friends.

Angel's partner: You decide who the other undercover officer is

Drug Dealers at school: Riley, Parker, Graham, Forrest, Darla, and whoever else you want to add.

Principle Snyder: being his usual troll self

Giles: still the school's librarian and Buffy, Willow, and Xander's mentor/unofficial father figure.

Holtz: the boss of the undercover officers.

Premise: Sunnydale High is suddenly suffering from an increase rise in drugs, so undercover cops are sent in to find the source of the drugs.

Story requirements:

1) Buffy seeing a drug deal going down and reporting it.

2) Buffy finding out by accident that Angel is a cop so she helps him out with his cover.

3) Buffy getting Angel to take her to the Prom.

4) Angel breaking the rules and making love to Buffy.

5) Shooting at school

6) Joyce finding out that her daughter slept with an undercover cop.

7) Buffy being threaten.

8) One of the drug dealers coming to Buffy's house to intimidate her and Joyce beats the stuffing out of him.

9) Buffy's on the Pill.

10) The Queen C, Cordelia, humiliating Darla at school.


Challenge #14

New Beginnings challenge

Premise: Hank was having an affair while Joyce was pregnant with Buffy and got his lover pregnant also. When the child is 3 or 4 years old, the mother, not wanting the child anymore dumps the child on Hank who plans on giving the child to Social Services because he doesn't want her either. Joyce refuses to give up the child because she is Buffy's half sister and she thinks the child shouldn't be punished for her parents sins. Faith is the half-sister.

Story requirements:

1) Buffy & Faith are very close and have a strong bond.

2) Show what happen in LA with Joyce & Hank's divorce procedings, why Joyce pick Sunnydale to move to, did somebody influence her decision on where to move to when the divorce was final?

3) Faith is a slayer in waiting, she hasn't been called yet, Buffy is the only one who knows about this. She is keeping quite about it so that the Watcher Council won't take her sister away. Buffy helps her sister train and takes her on patrol with her.

4) There is no loophole in Angels curse because I don't like the happiness cause and it would be very stupid of the gypsies to give Angelus a way to get free.

5) Faith & Buffy are still virgins when they move to Sunnydale, Joyce was very good at putting the fear of god in the boys that they dated. And even though Faith dresses in tight cloths and leather, she wants her first time to be with a "man" not a "boy". Buffy's first time is to be with Angel a course.

6) Joyce is not as obvious to Buffy’s nighttime activities as she thinks.

7) Faith's biological mother coming to town and causing trouble.

8) Angel owns a Private Detective agency with Doyle in Sunnydale.

9) Harmony pissing off Faith, so Faith ties Harmony to a headstone in the cemetery with a sign around her neck saying "Dinner". Of course Buffy & Faith don't actually let a vampire eat her.

10) Willow & Xander already know about the vampires in Sunnydale, their weapon of choice; the handy dandy supersoaker watergun filled with holy water.

10) Optional: use the character Brennan Mulwray from Mutant X, he the one who generates electrical bolts and pair him and Faith up together, maybe have the Brennan work for Angel's agencey Here's a site that has some pictures of Victor Webster who plays the character, very nice looking, he would be perfect for Faith:


Challenge #15

Buffy/Angelus Smut Challenge:

TimeLine: Freshman year at College

Premise: Buffy is kidnapped, taken from Sunnydale, and put on sale at a demon slave market (you pick the location but it can't be in Sunnydale or LA).

Story requirements:

1) Angelus was never cursed by the gypsys so he never came to Sunnydale.

2) Angelus is very wealthy.

3) Darla is still alive but her & Buffy's paths have crossed in Sunnydale.

4) Joyce is alive.

5) Its up to you, the writer, as to whether or not Buffy has slept with Riley.

6) A leash & collar.

7) Riley and the Initiative go to rescue Buffy but instead screw up her escape, so she is recaptured along with Riley's group.

8) The Initiative being put on sale and bought by various demons, I'll leave it up to the writer on whether or not Walsh is able to recover any of her soldiers.

9) The Demons, who run the slave market, keep Buffy weak by using the same drug on her that the Watcher Council used on her 18th birthday.

10) Angelus has one of his minions bid for him at the auction when Buffy is put on the auction block, he doesn't want any body to know that he is the one buying her.

11) Angelus killing the minion after he brings Buffy to him because he's the only one who knows that Angelus bought her.

12) Angelus telling Buffy that he will return her to Sunnydale only after she has killed certain Demons & Vampires that he wants out of his way. He doesn't want anybody to know that he's the one who had them killed, hence his need for Buffy's help. Darla has to be one of the vamps he wants dead.

13) The demons & vampires that Angelus wants dead are located in different cities. So it will take some time to kill them all.

14) One of Angelus' conditions for Buffys return to Sunnydale is that during the time it takes for Buffy to kill the demons & vampires she has to except Angelus as her lover and take her place in his bed, so lots and lots of smut.

15) Happy ending for Buffy & Angelus

16) Rating: NC17 of course.


Challenge #16

"The Trial" AU Challenge:

The story is to start shortly after the episode "The Trial", when Dru turns Darla, with a few changes:

1) Darla, Dru, and Wolfram and Hart kidnap Angel and use a spell to release Angelus. Unbenost to them, Angel's soul is still there just bound like Angelus was. They want Angelus to kill Buffy, he however, has other plans, like reclaiming his mate.

2) Angelus plans on killing Darla, Dru, and Wolfram and Hart one by one because they are a threat to his mate.

3) Angelus goes back to Angel Investigations & pretends to be Angel. Angelus convinces Darla & her gang that is part of his plan to destroy Buffy.

4) Angelus is to secretly kill Dru first so that she can't have any visions and betray his plans to Darla.

5) After killing Dru, Angelus goes to Sunnydale and reclaims Buffy as his mate and takes her back to L.A.. You decide if she's slept with Riley or not.

6) Angelus & Joyce's paths are to cross while he's in Sunnydale.

7) The TPTB do not send Cordelia any visions warning them about Angelus.

8) Angelus is to be the one who finally kills Darla, since Angel was the one who killed her the first time. Its only fair that Angelus kills her the second time.

9) Before Darla is killed by Angelus, she is to find out that Angelus has chosen Buffy as his mate and that they are lovers.

10) Buffy was the one to dump Riley after finding out about his vamp fetish.

11) Faith was paroled and works for Angel's Investigations and her and Buffy have made peace with each other.

12) Spike has a crush on Faith not Buffy.


Challenge #17

Bad Boys Challenge

Bad boys, bad boys

Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do

When they come for you.

Premise: Buffy, Dru, and Jenny are assigned by TPTB to try and bring Angelus, Spike, and Ripper over to fight on the side of the light.

Buffy, Dru, Jenny: sisters, Buffy is the baby of the family so Jenny & Dru are very protective of her.

Angelus, Spike, Ripper (Giles): bad "boys", male witches, touched by darkness, when they see something they want they take it, are related to each other.

Kate, Darla, Harmony: female demons who can assume human form, trying to get Angelus, Spike and Ripper to fight for the darkness.

Wesley: works for Buffy, Dru, and Jenny, takes care of their home, unofficial mentor.

Story requirements:

1) First contact: secret admirer, motorcycle race, elegant dinner party, chose one of these for each girl, Buffy, Jenny, and Dru, as a first contact method for the bad boy they are each going after.

2) Blood red rose

3) Buffy planning on using seduction to bring Angelus over to her side without her sisters finding out what she is up to.

4) Harmony chasing/stalking Spike who wants nothing to do with her, she's still a flaky airhead just like on the TV series.

5) Buffy, Dru, Jenny, Angelus, Spike and Ripper are to each have a different abilities/powers.

6) Ripper wears an earring.

7) Buffy telling Angelus that she is still a virgin to stroke his ego, to make him want to be her "first" lover.

8) Dru, dressing like a prude but wearing various types of sexy undergarments under all of her cloths and using this to tease Spike. Giving him a little peek, making him want to see more.

9) Jenny sending Ripper one of her books, she is a published author, the subject of all of her books is sex and lovemaking.

10) One of girls being put in the hospital by one of the female demons.

11) Optional: Cordelia is a second rate actress who got on the bad side of the female demons and is now stuck being their servant.

12) Rating: R or NC17


Challenge #18

Dragon Fire Challenge

Premise: Buffy gets a pet, Hellmouth style. Buffy is entrusted with a dragon's egg to protect until the Watchers Council can come for it.

Timeline: summer after graduating from High School thru Freshman year of college.

1) Find a way to included Angel in the storyline, B/A romance.

2) Joyce is alive and there is no Dawn.

3) The egg hatches early and the baby dragon imprints/bonds with first person it sees Buffy and thinks that she is its "mommy".

4) The Watchers Council, who were delayed in collecting the egg, was not planning on letting the egg hatch and wants it killed.

5) The dragon likes to eat demons, so it grows very fast since the hellmouth has lots of demons.

6) When the dragon gets bigger it can breath fire.

7) Xander never left for the summer, he stayed in Sunnydale.

8) Buffy & the gang become very attached to their new "pet" and try to "train" it.

9) Angel accidentally drinks some of the dragons blood and ?? happens to him.

10) When the dragon gets bigger, Buffy hides it at the Mansion.

11) Buffy, Willow & Xander enroll as freshmen at Sunnydale Univ.

12) One of the Initiative's G.I. Joe wanabees getting pee'd on by the dragon.

13) The dragon is very intelligent.

14) Give the dragon a name.

15) Xander wanting to try and ride the dragon when it gets bigger.

I hope someone will consider taking the challenge.


Challenge #19

Buffy/Signs Challenge

Premise: outside of Sunnydale crop circles begin to appear. The story starts a week before the aliens begin the full invasion. The aliens don't know what their getting into when they invade Sunnydale looking for humans.

Couple: Buffy/Angel

Story Requirements:

1) The Scooby gang thinking the aliens are just another form of demon, using stakes & holy water on them.

2) Super soaker watergun

3) One of the aliens trying to use his poison gas on a vamp and getting a big surprise.

4) A vamp or demon chowing down on a alien and saying "taste like chicken".

5) Joyce is alive.

6) Angel becoming very territorial of Buffy and Sunnydale (Angelus starting to come to the surface). Like in the movies where the dogs started getting more vicious because they sensed another predator invading their territory.

7) One of Willow, Xander, or Cordelia's parents getting taken by the aliens. Joyce has died enough, its time for one of the other parents to die.

8) Mansion or Buffy's house; chose which place the gang holds up at the night the invasion begins.

9) Xander using the phrase, "Beam me up Scotty" if he gets trapped and needs help.


Challenge #20

Pitch Black Buffy Style

Okay to do this challenge you have to have seen the Vin Diesel movie Pitch Black.

Premise: we're redoing Pitch Black Buffy style. I was just recently watching Pitch Black for the first time, while reading some Buffy stories, when it hit me, Angelus would make a perfect Riddick. You are not require to follow the movie exactly, just because a character died in the movie doesn't mean they have to die in this story.

Cast of Characters:

Angelus: Riddick, the convict character.

Buffy: Carolyn Fry,the pilot character.

Holtz: Johns, the merc character.

Jenny: Shazza character, please don't kill her

Dawn: Jack character

Giles: Imam, the holy man character. Has one son and two daughters in this challenge.

Connor: Giles' son

?: Giles’ daughter, you choose

?: Giles’ daughter, you choose

?: Zeke character, you choose

?: Paris character, you choose

Misc characters: any addition characters you wish to add, if there's a certain character from either the Buffy or Angel series that you don't like, add them to the story and let the critters eat them.

Story Requirements/changes to Pitch Black:

1) You can't kill Angelus or Buffy, anybody else is fair game.

2) Angelus did not have his eyes fixed, instead he comes from a planet that has seven months of darkness, three months of full light/summer, two months of transition between summer and darkness. Because of this Angelus has a natural ability to see in the darkness, his eyes still glow in the darkness.

3) Even though Angelus' people eat regular food, they have to drink a certain amount of blood to stay healthy, on his planet animals are raised, but not killed, to supply the blood they need. They can drink directly from an animal or human, they possess small fangs for this, once done there is a coagulant in their saliva that seals the wound.

4) Angelus' people have heighten senses, hearing, smell, increase strength, etc.

5) A few of Angelus' people made an unfortunate emergency landing on Earth during the Dark Ages and this is how the earth legends of the vampires got started. First contact did not go well.

6) Angelus & Buffy having sex while on the planet. And Angelus feeding from her during sex.

7) Because Angelus comes from a planet that is mostly darkened he still needs to wear goggles in the well lighted areas just like Riddick.

8) Use Cordelia in the story some how and have her suffer a very painful death. I just saw "Awakenings", the first episode of Angel I've seen in a very long time, and Cordelia must suffer after that horrible scene near the end of the show. If you seen the show you know which one I'm talking about.

9) Rating: R - NC17

As with my last few challenges, my sister has made a graphic to go with this story. Unfortunately Web Shots, where she had all of her alter Buffy graphics posted, deleted her Buffy photos saying that they were a copyright infringement. So she made up a page just for this graphic only. Check it out by clicking here.

So dear, wonderful writers, please consider taking my challenge.


Challenge: #21

"Daddy Dearest" Challenge – AU

Premise: Sometimes what you wish for isn't what you get, Buffy has always wanted her father to come back.

Main Story Characters:

Buffy: age somewhere between 19 - 21, on her own taking care of her younger sister.

Dawn: Buffy's baby sister, age somewhere between 8 - 10, same mother, different father (Buffy does not know who Dawn's father is)

Joyce: Buffy & Dawn's mother, deceased

Hank: Buffy's father, divorce her mother when she was child, never seen again. Remarried, has one child with second wife.

Angel: son of Hank's second wife by a previous marriage.

Hank's second wife: Does she or doesn't she know about Buffy

Rupert Giles: Was engaged to married Joyce at the time of her death

Story Requirements:

1) Buffy works, takes care of her sister, goes to college part time, and does side jobs of dancing & popping out of cakes (no nudity, think very skimpy outfits/belly dancing) at parties to help cover living expenses. Buffy's mother did leave her some money but she's trying to save it for Dawn's future college expenses.

2) Buffy's father tracking her down using a private detective/Doyle.

3) Buffy thinking that her father finally wants to be a part of her life and get to know her. 4) Buffy finding out that the only reason her father came to see her is because his son or daughter by his second wife has cancer and needs a bone marrow transplant.

5) Buffy's father threatening Buffy with Social Services, having her younger sister taken away by telling them about her side job of dancing & popping out cakes at parties, that she's unfit to raise a child if she doesn't help him.

6) Her father wanting her to be tested and if compatible, donate the bone marrow, after which he doesn't plan on ever seeing her again.

7) Buffy donating the bone marrow.

8) Buffy's best friends are Willow & Cordelia. Cordelia also does side jobs dancing at parties for the extra money.

9) Angel taking care of Buffy after the operation.

10) Angel & Buffy falling in love, which Hank hates because he doesn't want to have any thing to do with his daughter after the transplant and that won't happen if Angel & Buffy get together.

11) Buffy performing a private dance just for Angel's eyes only.

12) Angel arguing with Hank over his abandonment of Buffy and the way he's been treating her.

13) Giles is the only real "father" that Buffy & Dawn has ever known.

14) Happy ending for Buffy & Angel

15) Any rating


Challenge: #22

Birthday from Hell

Premise: Buffy is going to LA to spend her 17th birthday with her father, while her mother takes off for Paris for vacation.

Story Requirements:

1) Hank forgetting that his daughter is going to be spending the week with him, leaves for vacation with his secretary (and lover) Darla.

2) Since Hank didn't meet Buffy at the bus station, she takes a bus to where he works and finds out that he left town.

3) Buffy heads to her father's new upscale apartment to stay but the complex manager/security will not let her into her father's apartment because they have no record of her and Hank did not arrange with them to allow her access to his apartment.

4) Buffy not being able to get a hold of Joyce or Hank.

5) Buffy getting harassed by a pimp (Spike??) as she wanders the streets of LA trying to figure out to do. Optional: have Cordelia be one of the pimp's ladies.

6) Buffy ending up staying at a homeless shelter and getting her suitcase stolen.

7) Buffy feeding some of her food to a stray dog (who was abandoned by his owner) who then follows her every where she goes.

8) Buffy being force to eat at a soup kitchen when her money runs out.

9) Angel is a volunteer at the soup kitchen and that's how he meets Buffy. Angel comes from a wealthy family. We can't have our Angel being poor now can we.

10) Angel finding out about her parents neglect and that Buffy had to spend her birthday in a homeless shelter.

11) Angel taking Buffy to his home to stay, to get her out of the shelter.

12) Joyce leaving a message on Hanks answering machine that he needs to keep Buffy for a few more days because she's going to be in Paris longer than she thought. Hank gets the message when he finally comes back from his trip and then remembers that Buffy was suppose to spend the week of her birthday with him.

13) Hank trying to find Buffy before Joyce comes home, he doesn't succeed.

14) Angel/Buffy romance.

15) Optional: if you want you can make Buffy the slayer and Angel a vampire and have it were they never met until now. And have it where Buffy's Watcher is in Europe and she can't get a hold of him either. Just adjust the requirements to fit a slayer and an vampire.


Challenge: #23

Buffy Tarzan & Jane Challenge

Premise: A retelling of Tarzan and Jane our way.


Lord Henry (Hank) Summers: the snobbish overbearing father of Buffy Summers

Elizabeth (Buffy) Summers: Age range 16-18, independent, speaks her mind

Lord Rupert Giles: Angel's friend, has a plantation in Africa

Angel aka Liam: his parents were explorers who died in the jungle where he grew up alone

Spike/Riley/Parker/?(you choose): Buffy's unwanted fiancé

Cordelia: Hank's mistress, accompanies them to Africa

Story Requirements:

1) Angel was around the age four when his parents died, Angel was the name his mother called him, which stayed with him as he grew up.

2) Rupert & Angel's paths crossed in the jungle when Angel was in his teens and Giles taught him how to read & write. Angel still has his wild nature, the jungle is his home.

3) Hank, Buffy, her unwanted fiancé, and Cordelia, travel to Africa on an expedition. Hank is in search of riches.

4) Buffy is being forced into a marriage to Riley/Spike/Parker/?, by her father, because he has money. Buffy loathes him and is trying to find away out of the engagement.

5) Headhunters

6) Angel spying on Buffy as she swims in the nude.

7) Angel saving Buffy in the jungle and taking her to his treehouse home.

8) Buffy dressing in animal skins when her clothes get ripped.

9) The only thing Angel knows about sex is what he has observed from the jungle animals. The strongest & most aggressive male gets his pick of the best females. Buffy is the first female Angel has ever wanted to mate with.

10) Cordelia complaining about everything, she doesn't like roughing it. Her and Buffy don't get along.

11) Cordelia waking up and finding a tarantula in her bed, Buffy put it there.

12) And like all traditional Tarzan movies, extra bit players that come along on the expedition that get killed off during the trek through the jungle. So if you have a character from either the Buffy or Angel TV show that you don't like here's your chance to kill them.

13) Rating: R or NC17


Challenge: #24

Bloodlines Challenge

Okay, I'm in the mood for a Buffy gets pregnant story. After watching the fourth season "Angelus" episodes of Angel, I've been avoiding the show for the last couple of years, I've discovered that Connor is one annoying, not very bright, brat. He definitely did not inherit any of Angelus' brains. So we're going to redo the "bloodlines".

Premise: The "Harvest" episode never happened, the only way the Master can get free of his prison is the blood of a baby born of a Slayer & a Vampire.

The story begins in LA before Buffy has been called or found by the Watcher's Council.

Story Requirements:

1) Angelus, bringing along Spike & Dru, being summoned and ordered by the Master to get the Slayer pregnant. Angelus decides a pre-slayer will be easier pickins. All of the Master's previous attempts have failed, either the Slayer killed the vamp or the Slayer ended up being killed in the "line of duty" before the pregnancy was very far along.

2) Dru tells Angelus about Buffy, who is to be the next slayer, and where to find her.

3) Darla being pissed that the Master picked Angelus to get a slayer pregnant.

4) Angelus meeting, seducing, and getting Buffy pregnant, shortly before she is called.

5) Angelus leaving Buffy after he gets her pregnant but leaves her a message/or tells her, that he will be back for her.

6) Angelus seeking out and killing the current slayer after he has gotten Buffy pregnant because only an active slayer can survive the pregnancy.

7) The pregnancy not showing up in any blood test.

8) Buffy has no ideal that she is pregnant because she continues to have a light period each month.

9) A vamp/slayer pregnancy last approx. 2 years, the baby doesn't begin to show until the last three months when it has an accelerated growth.

10) Buffy getting odd cravings throughout her unknown pregnancy and being anemic every now and then because the fetus is feeding on her blood.

11) Buffy discovering who she really slept with when she see's Angelus' picture in one of Giles’ book.

12) Dru knows what sex the unborn baby is but won't tell. Dru is not as crazy as she lets on.

13) Dru doesn't want "daddy" to give her baby sibling to the Master.

14) Angelus is not planning on giving his child to the Master, he doesn't want the Master to get free.

15) At the start of the last three months of the pregnancy, Buffy develops small fangs because during those months, Buffy will need to feed on the blood of the baby's father, Angelus, in order for the baby & her to survive till the birth. The baby needs the blood to finish its growth.

16) Angelus, Spike, & Dru vs The Master, Darla, and Penn (Angelus' other childe gives his alliance to the Master).

17) Darla & Angelus parted company when Darla tried to set Angelus up to kill a gypsy girl, fortunately for him Dru warned him in time about what would happen if he killed her, cursed with a soul, so he gave her back to her tribe unharmed.

18) An of course, Angelus developing feelings for Buffy and they end up together.


Challenge: #25

"Salvage" Episode Challenge

Challenge premise: Give the "Salvage" episode a different ending or shall we say "beginning". After Angelus called and talked to Dawn, Dawn told Buffy about the strange call. Instead of calling the Hotel, Buffy calls Angel's cell phone (lets pretend Angelus called Buffy's house using a cell phone not a pay phone), not knowing about Angelus because those fools in L.A. didn't bother to call Sunnydale and warn them. After Angelus kills the "Beast" either have Buffy come to L.A. to see "Angel" (Angelus didn't let her know that he's back when they talked, and is going to get her to help him to stop Cordelia) or Angelus heads to Sunnydale, Cordelia can't get her claws into him then, to take out the "First" who is threatening his mate.

I hope somebody will consider taking my challenge.


Challenge: #26

"Expiration Date" Challenge

Premise: What if the slayers had an expiration date, that they (and their Watchers) didn't know about it. Long, long ago, near the beginning of the Watchers, a slayer lived past her 21st birthday and began to develop new abilities and powers and revolted against the Watcher's Council. After they finally found a way to kill her, they, the Council, gather together ancient magic to lay a curse on the slayer line, that none would live past their 21st birthday.

Story requirements:

1) Angelus was never cursed with a soul.

2) Spike was still chip aka neutered by the Initiative.

3) Buffy is several months away from her 21st birthday.

4) Spike & Doyle are drinking buddies.

5) Doyle is the one who tells Spike what happens to Slayers on their 21st birthday.

6) Spike and Buffy are just friends.

7) Doyle telling Spike that the only chance Buffy has is for a vampire (the older the better) to drain part of Buffy's blood and feed her his blood. Slayers can't be turned into vampires, part of their heritage.

8) Spike tricking Angelus into coming to Sunnydale so he can use him to save Buffy and he wants to sit back and watch the fireworks when Buffy & Angelus' paths cross. They put on a better show than the soaps.

9) Giles confronting the Watcher Council after he finds out that Slayers die on their 21st birthday, trying to get them to help Buffy.

10) After the blood exchange, Buffy slips into a coma, show the battle going on inside of Buffy as she is fighting that part of herself that is trying to kill her.

11) The Watcher Council doesn't know what the slayer will become when they reach "final" maturity.

12) Buffy/Angelus romance.

13) Buffy issuing some "payback" against the Watcher's Councils using her new abilities and powers.

Hope someone will consider taking my challenge, and as always, the story requirements are flexible, so you can change or not use a story requirement if you wish.


Challenge #27

Lost Childhood challenge

Premise: Angel & Buffy each deserted by parents who didn't deserve them, who's paths are about to cross and find true love.

Main Story characters:

Buffy: raised by her Aunt Jenny since she was two years old.

Joyce: Buffy's mother, a social climber who wants to live the good life. Met & married Holtz after she gave Buffy to Jenny to raise.

Buffy's father: unknown

Jenny: even though shes Buffy's Aunt, Buffy considers her to be her mom.

Angel: the unwanted son

Holtz: Angel's father

Uncle Giles: brother of Angel's mother.

Story Requirements:

1) Holtz & Angel's mother were forced into marriage by their parents when she became pregnant. She died in childbirth.

2) Angel was raised by nanny's until he was old enough to ship off to boarding school.

3) Buffy hasn't seen Joyce since she was 2 years old.

4) Angel was cut off by his father when he turned 18, he then went to live & work for his Uncle Giles. Angel has done well for himself.

5) Joyce & Holtz have two children together, twin boy/girl, who are in their teens and are spoiled brats.

6) Because of some political/business problem????, Joyce & Holtz need Buffy & Angel to act like part of the family, so they must convince their disowned & forgotten children to come stay with them. Buffy & Angel have never met.

7) Joyce requesting Buffy to come live with her & Holtz but Buffy refuses, Joyce then threatens to cut off Buffy's college money if she doesn't come (Jenny convince Joyce to at least pay for Buffy's education if nothing else).

8) Holtz orders Angel to come back to the Mansion and he agrees only because he wants to find out what his father is up to.

9) Angel teaching Buffy how to waltz. Optional: Buffy teaching Angel how to do the Salsa and they perform it in front of their parents.

10) A fancy black tie event that requires Buffy to wear an evening gown.

11) Buffy and Angel don't know that they have two half siblings.

12) Angel & Buffy joining forces against their parents; doing what ever they can to irritate them.

13) Angel taking Buffy on a shopping spree after Joyce makes some nasty comments about her cloths.


Challenge #28

Sugar and Spice Challenge

What are little girls made of?
"Sugar and spice, and all that's nice;
And that's what little girls are made of."

Premise: During one of her custody weekends, Darla takes off with her daughter, later while traveling through Sunnydale with her latest lover, Spike, she decides to get rid of the kid because she's too much trouble. She dumps her at the local Sunnydale carnival.

Main Characters:

Buffy: age between 19 - 21, still lives at home with her mom and Faith

Faith: Buffy's foster sister, lived with the Summer/Giles family for 5 years

Joyce: alive & well and married to Rupert Giles

Angel: father of the "Wee Lass" and ex-husband of Darla

The Little Girl: Angel's cute as a button daughter, age between 1 1/2 to 3 years

Darla: the sorry excuse of a mother of the "Wee Lass"

Rupert Giles: Husband of Joyce and Buffy's step father, knows how to handle our wild child Faith because of his "Ripper" past.

Story Requirements:

Buffy is at the carnival with her friends, Faith, Willow, Cordelia, & Xander when she finds the abandoned crying child.

The little girl refusing to be separated from Buffy.

Joyce is a registered with Social Services as a foster parent because of this Social Services lets the girl stay with Buffy.

The little girl having nightmares unless she sleeps with Buffy.

The little girl is with Buffy's family for several months before Angel finally finds her.

The little girl calling Buffy mama.

Buffy taking the little girl shopping, Cordelia goes along to make sure Buffy buys the "proper" clothes.

The little girl has some bruises caused by Darla.

The little girl wanting her Daddy & her "Mama" Buffy together.

The little girl getting upset when Angel tries to separate her from Buffy, because of this Joyce invites Angel to stay in their guest room.

Angel seeing Buffy & his daughter playing together making mud pies.

Beagle puppy - the perfect pet for a child (What can I say I'm bias, I grew up with beagles)

Darla coming back & making plans to rekidnap her daughter in order to get money out of Angel because she has a drug problem.

Faith's mother was a drug addict and because of this she figures out that Darla is on drugs, so Faith plans on making sure Darla is never alone with the little girl.

Faith was very much a wild, undisciplined, disobient child when social service assigned her to Joyce, it took time and patienct but Joyce, Giles, & Buffy finally taught her what family really is.

A Buffy/Angel happy ending.

Any rating.


Challenge #29

Buffy/Forever Knight Crossover

Premise: Natalie finally gets fed up with Nicks inability to choose between her and Janette so she decides to start over in a little town called Sunnydale not knowing the problems shes about to cause.

Pairing: Buffy/Angelus or Buffy/Angel, Giles/Natalie, everyone else is fair game on who you want them pair with.

Story Requirements:

1) There are two completely different species of vampires, Angel(us) kind which we will call "Demon" vamps and Nick's kind that we will call "Souled" vamps. Since the "Souled" vamps can fly we're going to even the playing field by making the "Demon" vamps stronger strenght wise.

2) Natalie & Joyce are cousins, Joyce is the one who convinces Natalie to take a job as Medical Examiner/Coroner in Sunnydale. (The city had so many coroners/medical examiners die on the job that they are elated to find someone who doesn't know about their reputation for losing coroners)

3)Natalie getting pissed that vamps are missing up her life again when bodies drained of blood start showing up in the morgue, so when she does the autopsy she places a piece of wood in the heart of any body that has massive blood loss.

4) Buffy, the Scoobies, Angel(us) & Giles and on the other side the Vampires & the Demons they work for, wondering whats going on when the fledgling population goes down to almost zero, they don't know that Natalie is placing wood in the hearts of the ones they are trying to turn.

5) Giles & Natalie meet and start dating.

6) The Demons & Vamps finding out what Natalie is doing and want her killed, the Scooby gang has to protect her. Buffy making herself Natalie's personal bodyguard, butting in on Giles & Natalie's dates.

7) Nick, LaCroix & Janette coming to Sunnydale because Nick wants her back and LaCroix is there to "bring her across" on orders of the Enforcers.

8) Angel(us) going against LaCroix and the Enforcer(s).

9) Giles protecting Natalie using magic.

10) Willow/Janette face off with Willow kicking her ass using magic and Cordelia making rude comments about Janette's clothing.

11) Buffy getting pissed over this new type of vampire invading her territory.

12) Buffy & Natalie having a heart to heart talk about the ups and downs of dating a vampire.

13) And of course a Buffy/Angel(us) romance.


Challenge #30

"A Genie on The Hellmouth"

Premise: Buffy is a Genie who has been trapped in a bottle for a very, very, long time. Then one day her bottle ends up in the hands of a vampire name Angel.

Time: You decide which season of Buffy this is set in.

Story Requirements:

1) Faith is the slayer of Sunnydale, the things that happened to Buffy in the show happened to Faith instead, except her and Angel are just friends, they were never involved romantically.

2) Buffy calling Angel "Master" all of the time.

3) Angel helping Buffy adapt to the modern world.

4) Buffy giving Angel a moment of true happiness, Angelus comes out, Buffy using her genie powers to put the soul back. Because Angelus is a demon, he can not command a genie.

5) Buffy getting Willow's help to put a spell on her bottle so no one can take it away from Angel.

6) Genies & Demons are immortal enemies.

7) Cordelia & Faith taking Buffy shopping for new cloths, each trying to dress her in their style of clothing.

8) Buffy & Anya had meet before she was imprisoned in her bottle when Anya was still a vengeance demon.

9) Mr. Gordo

10) An evil villain causing trouble.

11) Jenny is still alive.

12) If possible find somebody new to pair Faith up with (not Spike), he doesn't have to be a character from the Buffy or Angel show.

13) Optional: if you want you can give Angel some of Angelus' traits/personality, make him a little more forceful.

14) B/A romance, that's a given

15) Any rating

And my sister was sweet enought to make me a larger graphic to go with my story you will find it here: here. Its the 11th, 12th and 13th thumbnail pictures.

As always, my story requirements are flexible, if you want to change or leave out a requirement that's okay.


Chapter #31

Masks Challenge

Premise: Buffy has been forced by her mother & father to pretend to be a boy all of her life. The reason: Greed. Joyce & Hank can only be in line to inherit money from a rich male relative of Joyce's only if Joyce has a son.

Story requirements:

1) Joyce gave birth to twins, a boy & a girl, because of complications, the boy died and Joyce was unable to have any more children. Joyce used the boys birth certificate for Buffy and told everyone that the baby girl died instead.

2) Buffy having a secret stash of girly clothes.

3) When Buffy starts high school its as a boy.

4) Buffy was home schooled most of her life to keep her from being exposed as a girl.

5) Buffy dealing with mental abuse from her parents for being the one who survived the birth instead of her brother.

6) Buffy & Angel(us) meeting and falling in love.

7) Willow & Xander seeing Angel(us) & Buffy kissing while Buffy is in her boy disguise.

Okay, your choice, you can make the story completely AU, no vamps, slayers, or demons or . . . . . you can set it in the Buffy verse where Buffy becomes the slayer when she's fifteen, but the Council can't find her because she's pretending to be a boy.

If you choose the totally AU verse, use the following additional requirements:

a) Buffy seeing Angel(us) naked in the boys locker room.

b) Angel(us) seeing Buffy in her girly cloths when she sneaks out for a night.

c) Angel(us) finding out that she's a girl and trying to help her.

d) Buffy's rich relative setting up a trust fund for her after finding out what her parents did to her.

e) Buffy having a hard time in PE because of her small size.

If you choose the Buffy verse where she's a slayer, use these following additional requirements:

a) Angel figure out that she is a girl but keeping it a secret, per her request, Angel can smell that Buffy is a female.

b) Angel helping Buffy train so Giles won't find out that she is a girl.

c) Buffy using her increased strength to help herself out in PE against the other boys.

d) Everyone, except Angel, thinking that TBPB screwed up and that Buffy is a male slayer.

e) Joyce's rich relative has a very nasty secret, but I'm only going to tell the person who takes this challenge. To see a response for this challenge, check out Tiara's "Billy" link found here.


Challenge #32

"Brady Bunch" Challenge

Till the one day when the lady met this fellow
And they knew it was much more than a hunch,
That this group would somehow form a family.
That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch.
The Brady Bunch,

Premise: Joyce Summers wins a four week cruise, meets Rupert Giles, who is also a winner in the contest, fall in love and they get married by the end of the cruise.

Joyce: Divorced, mother of Buffy, Faith and Drucilla

Buffy: daughter of Joyce, twin sister to Faith, best friends with Willow and Xander

Faith: Buffy's twin, likes leather, and thinks that most boys are immature pigs

Drucilla: Buffy & Faith's older sister

Rupert: widow father of Angel & Spike, uncle to Max

Angel: shy, wild, brainy, a jock, I'll leave it up to the writer as to his personality

Spike: Angel's older brother

Max: (picture Jason Behr from Roswell) Angel & Spikes cousin, who lives with them, parents are dead, Max's father & Rupert were brothers .

Pairings: Buffy/Angel, Dru/Spike, Faith/Max, Joyce/Giles

Story requirements:

1) After the marriage Giles & his family moves to Sunnydale and moves the family into Joyce's house.

2) The house being two small for everybody so the new family goes house hunting.

3) Giles & Joyce individually telling their kids that they got married and that they will be moving in together.

4) Angel's family has a pet dog, one of the Summer sister's a pet ferret.

5) Buffy, Faith, & Angel are still in high school, I'll let the writer decided on the others.

6) Snyder is the principle of Sunnydale High that they will be attending.

7) One kid from one family walking in one of the kids from the other family in the shower.

8) Cheerleaders putting the moves on Angel and Max and the Summer Girls don't like it.

9) Buffy's into kick-boxing.

10) A pregnancy scare involving one of the above couples.

11) Parker being Principle Snyder's nephew and he keeps trying to get Buffy to date him,

12) Somebody getting a broke nose.

As always the story requirements are flexible, so if you want to delete or alter a requirement that's okay.


NEW!! Challenge #33

My Brothers Keeper Challenge
My Brothers Keeper Challenge

Premise: Angelus & Angel (Liam) are twins with a very strong bond. Of the two, Angelus was the one their father always picked on and beat. Angel loved his brother and sometimes pretended to be him to take his share of Angelus punishments. Angel was away at school/job?? when Angelus met Darla and was turned into a vampire. Angelus, secretly, went to see his brother and brought him across. Angelus made sure Darla did not find out that he had a twin brother.

Story requirements:

1) Through out the years following them being turned, Angelus & Angel made sure no one knew that there was two of them. They took turns being Angelus while the other hide in the shadows.

2) Darla still gave Angelus the gypsy girl to drink but it was Angel who got cursed with his soul because of it. Darla abandoned "Angelus" but Angelus did not. Even as vampires the brother/twin bond was still there.

3) Because of the curse on Angel, whom everyone believed was Angelus, Angelus had to "disappear". Angelus enter the human world of business and began to acuminate both power & wealth. Angelus used a magic spell to make himself appear to age, every once and awhile "dieing" and leaving everything to his "grandson" Angelus, so he could quit using the spell for awhile. Angelus also began, secretly, developing a power base in the demon world as well, keeping his fingers in all of the pies.

4) Angel's curse does not have a loophole so he can have as much sex with Buffy as he wants.

5) Angel meeting Buffy and making love to her on her 17th birthday and placing his "mark" on her neck.

6) Angelus has kept in contact with his brother, looking after him, making sure he's okay.

7) Doyle works for Angelus as a seer.

8) Angelus finding out that someone has placed a kill contract on Angel, so he heads to Sunnydale to protect his brother.

9) Angelus already owns the "Mansion" in Sunnydale and had those special windows, the type that Wolfram & Hart uses in their offices, installed there.

10) Angel never told Buffy about his twin brother Angelus, its always been their most guarded secret. Angel also kinda "forgot" to tell Angelus that he is involved in a relationship with the Slayer.

11) Buffy running into Angelus while she's out patrolling and thinks he's Angel, that he finished his business in L.A. early. Buffy surprising the hell out of Angelus when instead of trying to stake him, she starts kissing him and trying to stick her hands down his pants. Angelus (after smelling & seeing Angel's mark on Buffy) taking Buffy back to his mansion and having sex with her for the rest of the night and the next day.

12) Angelus putting his "mark" on Buffy, it can either be next to Angel's mark or on the other side of Buffy's neck.

13) Angel smelling Angelus on Buffy.

14) Angel having to explain to Buffy that because of the "bite marks" she is mated to both him & his brother Angelus.

15) Angel, Angelus, & Buffy moving into the mansion together.

16) Wolfram & Hart and Angelus' company are rivals, Wolfram & Hart have made several attempts to take over Angelus company but has always fail (losing a few employees in the progress).

17) happy ending for Buffy, Angel & Angelus.

As always my story requirements are flexible, so if you want to change or delete a requirement that's okay.

I hope someone will consider taking my challenge.


So you want any??? Take them, just email the professor first and tell her where you found the challenge and which one


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