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Devastating Past

Author: Valerie

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me

Summary: AU Angel is new at Sunnydale High. He meets Buffy and the gang. They think he's just a regular kid. Not likely.

Timeline: during season 2 of BTVS...sorta. Let's just say that Buffy and the gang are in their Junior year in Sunnydale High.

Spoilers: as far as alternate universe goes...almost nothing. References on demons from BTVS and Angel from time to time, but that's about it

Distribution: You can take it but ask me first please

Rating: There's swearing, there're references to I'll go with PG15.

Feedback: that's what makes me write you know what to do, huh?



Her mind had slipped away a while ago. She was not paying attention to Mr. Peterson's literature lesson, but it's not as if he would notice anyway, so she lost herself in her thoughts. Buffy Summers had finally gotten to a state of mind where she would accept that she was the slayer, the one girl on earth chosen to fight demons, vampires and forces of darkness, hence the lack of time for a social life. She hadn't had a real date for months, and as much as she missed having a boyfriend, she learnt to accept it.

"Buffy!" whispered her best friend Willow. The slayer turned her head toward the redhead, jumping out of her reverie.


"Check out the hottie!" Willow told her, smiling.

Buffy raised her eyebrows "Oh yeah, Snyder definitely IS a hottie. Will, are you sick?"

"Not Snyder! The guy at the door." She pointed to the entrance of the class, where stood a tall boy, leaning against the doorframe. Buffy's eyes fell on him eventually. Her first thought was *he's gorgeous!*. Indeed, every single girl in the class had their eyes all over him. He had short brown hair coiffed in spikes and deep brown eyes, wore a dark blue bottom-down shirt, which had three buttons unhooked and black jeans with a leather jacket.

"Who is he?" Buffy asked her best friend, curious.

"No idea. Never seen him before." Answered Willow, who was trying to understand what their Principal was telling their teacher in private. Snyder was quiet though, so she didn't understand why their Literature teacher kept nodding solemnly at both the boy and the Principal. Eventually, Snyder turned to the boy who was a lot taller than him.

"Be civilized." The shorter man warned the young man, who wore a particularly indifferent expression on his beautiful face. He really looked bored out of his mind. Without another word, Snyder left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Everyone" called Mr. Peterson. "Let me introduce you a new student in Sunnydale High. This is Angel Connelly. I hope you will take care of him. He has to be welcomed nicely, I trust you all."

Angel shot a nasty look at the teacher, recognizing the pitiful tone in his voice he got whenever people knew too much about him. He hated it when people used that tone when they spoke about him. Mr. Peterson only smiled, and pointed a spare chair in the middle of the classroom. "Please sit." Angel did as demanded and sat with a sigh, not bothering to take a look at the students around him.

"Isn't New Boy just a barrel full of fun or what?" Xander commented to his two friends.

"He's just disoriented and lost, with a new school, new class and all. Everyone would act like that." Willow pointed out.

"Buffy didn't." replied Xander.

"Mister Harris, I am sure you won't mind stopping this nice discussion with your friends and act slightly interested in today's lesson." Stated Mr. Peterson, making the boy turn over and smile sheepishly, embarrassed.

As the class passed by, Buffy kept glancing at Angel discreetly. She couldn't help but feel the need to know more about this mysterious new boy. Sure, he was drop dead handsome, the definition of gorgeousness, but there was something more about him that made Buffy focus all of her attention on him.


"Cute is way too weak a term to describe him." Willow disagreed, while walking to the library with Buffy after school, talking about Angel.

"All right, all right! I find him very attractive, ok?" Buffy finally admitted.

Willow smiled. "NOW we're getting somewhere."

"Don't make me say what I didn't say Will, and I know you will. Just don't."

"Come on, you're dying to get to know him! You couldn't keep your eyes off him for a second before."

The slayer rolled her eyes and opened the doors of the library. "Could we just drop the subject? Please?"

"Okay." Willow relented, but she was still wondering why her friend acted this way. She never felt embarrassed talking about boys before.

"Good afternoon." Greeted Giles, walking out of his office. "Hi" Buffy and Willow said in unison. They sat at the table, where Miss Calendar was working on a computer.

"What's up?" the slayer asked both her watcher and the teacher.

"Mister English man here has trouble with modern technology, I'm here to help." Ms Calendar told the girls.

Giles ignored his girlfriend's comment. "We are researching the demon you saw last night Buffy."

"Found nasty looking blue clawed demon yet?"

"We're on it. It shouldn't take much time with Jenny's…web search."

"So...we're Bronzing tonight Buffy?" Willow suggested her best friend.

"Er...sure." She replied with a smile. "I'll do a quick sweep of the cemetery before joining you guys."

"I surely hope you haven't forgotten about training, haven't you?" Giles demanded his slayer.

"Of course not, Giles!" Buffy grinned "I was about to say that I would be right here at 5 this afternoon for training with my dear watcher. What do you think I am? Irresponsible? Dear god, I'm one serious slayer!" she replied, smiling innocently.


Angel was putting away his books in his new locker, when suddenly he felt someone touching his shoulder. With a roll of his eyes, he closed the door of the locker and turned to whoever was standing behind him. He found himself in front of a little blonde who was flashing a big smile at him.

*Please tell me she's not asking me out!*

"Hi!" she greeted happily.

"Hey" Angel replied, sighing.

"Your name is Angel right? I've noticed you're new here!" the blonde exclaimed, touching his arm.

*Fuck!* "Yeah, I've noticed too." He replied with a fake smile. She didn't seem to notice the sarcasm though.

"Do you like it in Sunnydale?" she was flirting shamelessly. "Because you know, it may seem like a small boring town, but if you hook up with the right persons, it starts to be a lot more fun. I can show you around if you want." The girl continued naming all the places she liked in the town, and Angel stopped listening for a moment to focus on her body.

*A petite blonde. Yeah right, as if she was a natural blonde. God, why is she wearing so much make-up? Wonderin' how long it takes to take that off. Nice body though...she could be good in bed...maybe it'd be worth the date...*

"You know, I don't usually wear that kind of outfit, my best friend told me once that my legs looked shorter with it, and that TOTALLY freaked me out!" she kept talking, her right hand stroking Angel's left arm lightly, and her other hand posing on his chest.

*or maybe not.*

"Oh my god, can you believe I haven't told you my name yet?" She giggled, he kicked himself mentally for even picturing himself on her date with her.

"I'm Harmony Kendall. Every one knows me around here, don't worry."

*Oh, thanks, I was dead worried.*

"So what do you say? I'm free the whole evening. When do you wanna meet me? At 8?" she offered.

Angel gave her a sexy half smile, which she responded with a chuckle, then became serious and answered coolly. "You know what Harmony? I wish I could go out with you...but I really don't want to. See ya round." Without another word, he walked away, leaving a stunned Harmony behind.



A week later, Buffy entered the Bronze and walked toward her best friend, who was sitting alone in a couch at the back of the club.

"Hey Will! You the first here?" the slayer asked while sitting next to Willow.

"Yeah. Cordy and Xander should be here soon though."

"Good." A few moments later, Buffy saw Willow staring at her intently.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Can I ask you something?"


"And you promise do be honest with me?"

"Yeah! Spill it already, Will!"

"Ok." Willow leaned over her friend so that no one could hear them. "What do you think of Angel?"

"Willow!" Buffy exclaimed, offended.

"Come on! We're alone, tell me. Please? Pretty please? I'm your best friend!" the red-head whined. Buffy looked around a moment, then sighted and leaned over her friend.

"All right. But you can't tell anyone!"

"I promise. It's a secret."

"I can't stop thinking about him." The slayer eventually admitted with a grin.

"I knew it! You've had this dreamy _expression on your face ever since he arrived."

"I keep dreaming about him at night, and it's crazy! I mean...I haven't even talked to him yet."

"What KIND of dreams?"

"NOT the kind you're thinking about. It's perfectly politically correct."


"Well...most of the time."

"You sure?" Willow insisted. She knew the truth, but she wanted the slayer to admit it herself.

"Ok, ok! I dream about him touching me and doing stuff to me I will never say out loud, so what?" Buffy snapped.

"My, my. Someone's got a serious crush here!" Willow commented with a big smile. It had been so long since the slayer had dated any guy, she was happy that she was interested again.

"Tell me about it. I don't know what's wrong with me! I see a guy once and I'm already head over heels for him!"

"I suggest you at least talk to him. Ask him for coffee or something."

"Yeah. Yeah, I can do that." She paused a second, then she looked up at her friend, frowning. "But what if he thinks I'm asking him out?"

" ARE asking him out." Willow pointed out logically.


"Just talk to him. You stand in front of him and you say 'Hi, I'm Buffy Summers.' You'll see where it goes from there." The red-head advised her.

Before she could respond, Xander and his girlfriend Cordelia arrived.

"Hello ladies. What's going on?" the boy asked, referring to the preoccupied frown on the slayer's face.

"PLEASE, don't tell me some new evil beast is on its way to Sunnyhell!" Cordelia exclaimed with a sigh, sitting down next to her boyfriend.

"No, but there's still the smurf demon somewhere around. Giles and Jenny are researching it...and I'm supposed to check with them and then patrol. Damn!" the slayer sighted and stood up. "Ok then, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Thanks Will for...what you said."

"No problem. Good luck know what."

"What?" Xander demanded, curious.

"Just something about a demon. A tall...mysterious...dark...brooding...handsome..." Willow said that last part under her breath, and exchanged a knowing smile with Buffy just before she left.


"Buffy! Where were you? I was worried!" Joyce Summers exclaimed, storming into the hall where her daughter had just entered the house.

"I was with the gang. You remember? I told you about that party we organized for that new girl at school. Emily." Buffy answered innocently. Her mother seemed a little embarrassed and Buffy grinned inwardly.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't remember about that. How was it? Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was a blast." *Oh my god! Did I actually became THAT good at lying? Or is she just trying to show me that she cares about what I tell her? Tough question.*

"Was Emily glad you all did that for her?"

"Yeah! She was very happy!" *Well duh! Imaginary people love the imaginary parties they are invited to by their so-good-at-lying-to-her-mother-when-she-doesn't-want-to-tell-her-that-she-was-kicking-vamp-butt slayer friend!* "I'm going to bed. Night mom!" Buffy started climbing the stairs to her bedroom but her mother interrupted her.

"Wait honey. I wanted to tell you something."

"What?" she asked suspiciously.

"We're having diner next week with a colleague of mine from the gallery. Next Friday." Joyce informed her daughter.

"We? As in you and me?" Buffy asked incredulously.

"Yes. They have a daughter of your age who'll be there too. You'll make a new friend!" she replied happily.

"But I don't need a new friend!"

"Don't be silly! The girl arrived in Sunnydale about a week ago. Just do what you did with that Emily person from school so that she feels right at home here. You know you're very good at that!" Joyce reassured her and then went back into the living room. Buffy retreated in her room after a moment. *I knew that stupid Emily I made up would cause me trouble. What a bitch. I'm doomed to spent the entire evening with the art geek family and their art geek daughter. Someone kills me now!*


The next day, when Buffy told her best friend about last night's news, she felt truly sorry for her. Willow knew that Buffy didn't like having anything to do with her mother's colleagues, mostly because she didn't understand a word of what they were talking about. "What did you tell her?" she asked finally.

"Nothing! I didn't have much of a choice! And she was really enthusiastic about the whole thing!" Buffy complained.

"Come on, it won't be THAT bad! Maybe they won't talk about art at all."

"Yeah right. I believe ya..." Suddenly, the red-head jumped excitedly. "What? What's wrong?"

"He's here!"


"Well duh! Look behind you." Willow requested. Buffy turned around and saw what caught her friend's attention. He was here, opening his locker, and...

*OH MY GOD!!* "He's wearing leather pants! He's wearing leather pants!" Buffy whispered to her friend, even more excited than her.

"So I've noticed. And what a nice little ass he has!" Willow remarked, smirking.

"Willow! You have a boyfriend! Do I have to remember you his name?"

"Come on, I'm in love, not BLIND!" she retorted, amused by her friend's crush on this guy.

"Oh god. He looks so good. And I don't even have classes with him today...damn it!"

"What are you waiting for?" Willow asked her.

"For what?" she raised her eyebrows, clueless.

"Duh! For talking to him. Doing the 'Hi I'm Buffy' talk. Asking him for coffee!"

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" a third girl walked over them.

"Hey Cordy!" Buffy greeted her with a smile.

"Yeah hi. Why not?" Willow questioned her. Cordelia grinned at them. She liked having the control of the situation, it gave a her the feeling that she was superior.

"Because Harmony already tried that and I respect you too much to let you go through this embarrassment." She answered simply.

"What did Harmony do?" Buffy asked her.

"She did the 'Hi I'm Harmony' talk and asked him for coffee. And isn't he just the gentleman. Completely brushed her off. And not the 'sorry I can't but thanks' kind. It was more something like the 'I'd rather die' kind. Really sweet, let me tell you. Although it was very funny to see Harmony's face when he left. But I can see why you're interested though. Hello salty goodness! I would definitely try him if I didn't think he would do the same to me than he did to Harm." Cordelia explained. She said that last part with her eyes cast on Angel's bottom while he was walking away.

"And the fact that you're dating Xander, right?" Willow pointed out.

"Oh yeah, that too." The former May Queen murmured absently.

"You know what Buffy? You should try and ask him out in private. You could walk him home pretending it's your way, too." Willow suggested.

"I don't know Will. I don't know ANYTHING about him. I'm not sure it would be a good thing to jump right on him." Disagreed the slayer.

"I gotta go with Buffy on that one. I talked to him a few times"

"You did?" Willow cut Cordelia off.

"Yeah, we're chemistry lab partners. Anyway he's the lonely brooding rebellious kind of guy. He wasn't especially rude with me or anything, but it was clear he didn't want to talk to anyone. Nor being at school for that matter. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like girls asking him on a date out of the blue. Sorry Buff."



The dreaded night had finally arrived.

Joyce was wearing a fancy long dress that she only wore in these cases. She looked at her daughter who was silent. "Buffy you look fantastic. I'm glad you dressed up a bit." At that, Buffy turned her head towards her mother, startled.

*WHAT? Dressed up?* she looked down and saw that she was still wearing her pair of blue jeans, her white tank top and her black short jacket. *You've gotta be kidding me! She actually thinks I tried to dress up? So much for the rebellious impression I wanted to give. Damn, my good fashion sense is paying me back!*

As the Parker lived only two blocks away from them, Joyce and Buffy had walked to their house. When they arrived at the right number, Joyce walked along the alley that led to her friend's home. Eventually, Buffy took a look at the house. Her eyes widened.

"Wow! It's huge!" she remarked. "I had no idea you made that much money working at that gallery. How come we don't have a house like this? Where is the money?"

Joyce chuckled slightly. "Well, I don't have a millionaire husband Buffy."


"Yes, Diane's husband owns a very big computer company. Come on sweetheart."

Buffy followed her to the front door. After ringing the bell they waited a few seconds and a seemingly fifty year old lady in a black dress with a white apron opened the door.

"Mrs and Miss Summers?" Joyce nodded. "Good evening. My name is Mary. Please, come on in. Mr and Mrs Parker are waiting for you in the living room."

*Holy Jesus Christ! They have a MAID!!!!* Buffy thought, stunned. Inside the house was every bit of what she thought it would be from the outside. It was huge and decorated with an artist's touch. Mary led them to the living room where a couple in their forties was sitting on a big couch in front of the fireplace, chatting happily.

"Mr and Mrs Parker? Your guests have arrived." Mary informed them before leaving the room.

"Joyce, how are you?" Diane Parker greeted her friend, standing and walking to her with a big warm smile. "And this must be Buffy. You look gorgeous if I might say!" she shook her hand friendlily.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Parker." She replied politely. *Hey! I actually like her!*

"This is my husband Frank." Diane introduced Joyce and Buffy to her husband. They exchanged a few nice to meet yous and how are you tonights, and they all sat on the couch, Frank giving them all a drink.

"Buffy sweetheart, I don't think you're going to be interested in the grown up talk. Let me introduce you to Kristin." Diane told Buffy with a grin. She called the girl loud enough so that she would hear her from her room. "This way you'll be able to talk about boys instead of boring paintings!"

"I gotta say, you read my mind!" Buffy replied, grinning too at the charming lady. A minute later Kristin entered the living room. She was exactly what Buffy thought she wouldn't be. Kristin was a tall girl with long brown hair. She was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt with a silver skull printed on the front that was short enough to show her stomach. She had a rose tattoo on the left hip, a tiny diamond piercing on the nose and one on the belly button. Her pretty face was make-up free but she had obviously taken care of her hair so that it would hang around her face without falling onto her eyes.

"Kristen, honey, let me introduce you Joyce Summers, my colleague from the gallery, and her daughter Buffy." Diane told her. The girl looked at Buffy and raised her eyebrows. She was clearly expecting, as Buffy was, some little art geek.

"Nice to meet ya" she finally greeted Buffy.

"Same here." The slayer replied with a smile.

"So girls, are you going to stay around to discuss the new exhibition on African traditions and communications throughout paintings and sculpture or do you want to go do something on your own until dinner?" Frank Parker asked them half-seriously. The two girls exchanged a look and ran out of the living room.


Buffy and Kristin were getting along very well. They sat in the other living room talking about everything, laughing about stories of their previous boyfriends. They understood each other perfectly, seeing that they had both arrived in Sunnydale High School in the middle of the year from Hemery in Los Angeles. Kristin was a freshman in Sunnydale High, so she was two years younger than Buffy, but she looked as old as the slayer. The dinner went amazingly well too, which surprised very much Buffy. She had completely expected to be bored out of her mind, but the Parkers and her mother didn't talk about art at all. Later in the evening, after dinner, Kristin and Buffy went outside for a little bit while the adults were still talking in the dining room.

"Wow! It's gigantic!" Buffy exclaimed when she saw the garden. It was indeed very large, with a big swimming pool, a pool house, an area with chairs and a table…

"I know. I totally freaked when I first came in here. Well…not as much as I did when I stepped into the house." Kristin agreed.

"What do you mean? I thought your parents said they had it built only 5 years ago. You weren't there when the building started?"

"Actually no. I only arrived a few weeks ago. Diane and Frank are not my real parents, they couldn't have children so they asked the social services if they could help by becoming foster parents for a kid. That's how I came in here. I was lucky, they are so cool!"

"What happened? With your real parents? If you don't mind me asking." Buffy asked softly.

"It's all right, I don't mind talking about it. They died when I was 9 after abandoning my brother and me. We were staying at a friend's house for the night. Before they left, they called the social services so that they would pick us up at our friend's and take care of us. But the same night they were killed in a fire." Kristin explained, showing no real emotion on her face.

"That's horrible." Buffy commented, feeling really bad for her new friend.

"Yeah. We felt so betrayed. But with the years we learned to move on. We lived with different foster families…and from time to time in an orphanage. First in our home town in New York. But we just couldn't deal with all of the changes. We started going on the streets, meeting new people and never following the rules. The kids of the streets became our new family. My brother was the leader of the whole group. Ok, it was not a healthy style of life, but we were fine. Then our problems at school and in the families made the social services move us out, they sent us to Los Angeles a year ago. We attended Hemery there. But it was the same than in New York. We made new friends on the streets, and after a full year plus two months, we arrived here."

"But where is your brother? I mean your parents…er…Diane and Frank, didn't mention him."

"Oh, that's the funny part." She replied sarcastically. "See, the social services believed it was all my brother's fault we made that much trouble. Cause he's 3 years older than me, he doesn't give a damn about rules and school and he doesn't mind at all getting into fights. It's not that he's a rebellious kind of guy really…I think he took the fact that my parents were planning to abandon us before they died a lot worse than me. He never showed his emotions to anyone except me. Anyway, when we arrived here they put us in different foster families. He lives 10 minutes from here."

For a moment both girls were quiet, trying to think about what to say next. The wind came a little stronger, making the window of Kristin's bedroom at the first floor open itself. Music came from the room.

//And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest thing to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight//

"You left the stereo playing in your room." Buffy told Kristin, seeing that from what they could see from the garden, the room was completely dark.

"No I didn't." Kristin muttered, sighting heavily.

"Something wrong?" Buffy asked, surprised.

"I don't know. Guess we're gonna have to find out." Kristin walked back inside, followed by Buffy. The two girls climbed the stairs quickly, and as they walked along the many corridors to the brunette's bedroom, the song was getting louder and louder.

//And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am//

Kristin finally opened the door. Buffy could tell the room was huge, even if it was completely dark inside.

"Sometimes you're a real pain in the ass, you know?" Kristin exclaimed loud enough to cover the song which was playing very loud.

// I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am//

Buffy just stared strangely at her friend, who was, as far as she knew, talking to her bedroom (?), her stereo (?), the song (?)...

"I'll never understand what is wrong with you!" Kristin continued, stepping into the room and reaching for the light. She turned on a small lamp next to the door which illuminated most of the room enough to walk completely inside without any risk of falling. Buffy followed Kristin in the room as she closed the door behind them.

"Who are you talking to?" Buffy eventually asked.

// I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am//

Just as the same song was about to start again, Kristin turned off the stereo and turned on a more powerful lamp next to it, which left only a few shadows in the corners. In one of the corners, at the opposite of the door and not far from the window, Buffy was surprised to see that someone was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. A few moments later, when she became used to the little darkness that was still surrounding that person, she recognized the guy.

*OH MY GOD!!* She was a little more than shocked to see Angel.

"You HAVE to stop doing that, you know?" Kristin told him. After a few seconds, he turned slightly his head and glared at her. "WHAT is your problem?" He never answered, he simply turned his head back and buried it in his hands, sighting loudly. "I thought I told you to get rid of that CD? You just HAVE to stop listening to that song!"

"What's wrong with that song?" Buffy asked, curious.

"The lyrics hit way too hard home for him. It's like the guy who's singing talks about his life." Kristin answered.

"Oh." She simply murmured. *'I don't want the world to see me'...yeah, I guess it fits the character. He didn't try very hard to make friends at school. He barely talks to anyone.* The slayer turned her gaze back to Angel and noticed he was looking at her. She smiled softly. "Hi! Angel right? I'm Buffy." She introduced herself politely. He didn't seem to recognize her because he was still staring at her with a frown. "We have classes together." She explained quickly, which he answered by rolling his eyes.

"Angel, you know I don't mind having you here, but what are you doing here tonight? I thought I told you we were having dinner with Diane's friend." His sister told him eventually.

"You did." He replied, coldly.

"Ok...then...what the hell do you want that couldn't wait until tomorrow at school?" Angel looked suddenly at her, hurt and pain in his eyes.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't be here, huh?" He glared at her while standing up. "I'm sorry I interrupted your evening. It was nice seeing you tonight."

"You really don't wanna be using sarcasm with me." She warned him coldly and he smiled at her. It was not a truthful smile, that, Buffy was sure of it.

"Oh yeah? I should know better than that, huh?" he replied angrily glaring at her.

"Gee, what is wrong with you?" Kristin asked, incredulously.

"You tell me." Angel stated coldly.

"Angel I swear if you don't stop that cryptic guy act, I'll"

"You'll what?" He snapped furiously. "Throw me out? How sweet of you to threaten your own brother! But you wouldn't wanna break a nail, wouldn't ya? I'll save you the trouble!" He walked to the door quietly but quickly and left the room. Kristin followed him instantly, she clearly wasn't finished with him. Buffy followed the both of them around the house. She knew perfectly well that she shouldn't be witnessing the whole scene and that it would be better to just wait until they calmed down, but she couldn't help herself.

*God, he's so sexy when he's angry!* she had stared at him from the moment she recognized him, and was fighting to keep control and not hug him tight, kiss him and never let him go. *I sooo shouldn't be thinking that! He doesn't need a groupie right now...more like a friend.*

"I'm sick and tired of you crawling around me! You gotta get a life Bro!" Kristin yelled at her brother, making him stop at the first step of the stairs and turn around.

"I HAD a life!" Angel yelled back. "I've even had THREE different lives in 18 years! Don't you think it's a bit too much?"

"Need I remind you it has been exactly the same for me? I'm feeling just like you right now!" Kristin exclaimed. The fight between the sister and the brother was so loud that Diane, Frank and Joyce heard their argument from the dining room. Alerted by the yells, they came over to witness the scene from downstairs, as Buffy was doing upstairs next to Kristin.

"No you're not!" Angel disagreed. He was completely overreacting and he knew it, but he also needed to scream out his frustrations and all those feelings that were eating him up. "There was a time where you completely understood me without even having to ask! We lived through hell together and you were the only one I could share what I was feeling with."

"It's still true." Kristin interrupted him.

"No, it's all different now. You don't know me anymore."

"I gotta admit you're right on that point. Cause unlike you, I've learned to move on. I deal, but I don't change." She replied harshly, which caused him to darken even more.

"Yeah, you deal. You do real good at that Kris! Brand new house, new school, new even have nice family dinners with your brand new FAMILLY. But you think you didn't change?" Angel shook his head almost violently. "You did. You changed completely. Cause my sister would NEVER allow anyone to replace her true family. A year ago you would have run out of the god damn house the first opportunity you got. So no, I don't deal. Everybody expect me to become a nice polite thankful boy. But guess what, that's not me! I don't WANT to deal!"

"And because you do, I gotta throw away the one chance I have to make things right? You're so jealous that I can move on and"

She was interrupted by Buffy, who couldn't stand to just stand and watch the hurt in Angel's eyes. "Kristin! Go easy on him, can't you see he's hurting?" she told her new friend calmly. The brunette looked at Buffy for a moment, then back at her brother. She saw that he truly was on the edge of the abyss and that he didn't need much more to fall over. His eyes were a little puffy and red. *He had been crying before we arrived.* she realized.

"Who is this boy?" Joyce whispered to her friend.

"You remember when we told you Kristin only arrived in the family a few weeks ago?" Joyce nodded. "Well that's her brother Angel. He's 18...that is 3 years older than Kristin, so the social services decided he was the cause to her troubles in the past and they sent him in a terrible foster family in the other side of Sunnydale, from what Kristin told us." Diane explained in a whisper.

"Look, Angel...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you this way." Kristin apologized softly. "I...I hate seeing you like this. Just tell me what your problem is." Angel looked at her for a moment, then sighted and walked all the way downstairs. Kristin and Buffy followed him, wanting to stop him from going away. "I don't understand why you don't wanna try starting fresh...a new life. Without any troubled past, only future ahead." Explained Kristin when Angel reached downstairs. He turned around and looked at his sister, amazed by what she said.

"Do you even have to ask?" he replied, his eyes wide open.

"What's wrong with this life?" she asked again.

"I HATE this life! I hate where I live, I hate that I have to go to SCHOOL, I hate the whole fucking town!" He spat at her.

"You don't even try making friends, how do-"

He cut her off immediately. "Where the hell do you want me to make friends? At school? Are you kidding me? I would NEVER make friends with those snobby morons! I am NOT one of them, and I refuse to become one of them. They have no idea what the fucking life is made of! I'm not a naïve little kid who believes life is the best in the best of the worlds anymore. It stopped a long time ago."

"You don't know, it's not that bad. Give them a chance, people might surprise you."

"No. Nothing can surprise me anymore. Sunnydale is worse than Hell for me! I'm suffocating here."

"Yeah. Because it's a small town, and there is no one you can be the leader of. I get that. I was there next to you Angel. I know you, believe that. You ruled the streets of New York for years and when we moved to LA, you won the streets in a couple of months. In Sunnydale, there's none of that. No gangs, no lost family to create again."

Even without knowing what happened after their parents' death, Buffy knew that what Kristin just said was exactly the truth just by looking at Angel. He was staring at his shoes, trying to keep a hold on his emotions. After a moment of silence, Diane walked quietly over Angel.

"Angel, I want you to know that you are welcome here. You can visit Kristin as often as you want, you don't even have to ask for permission." Diane told him kindly.

"You are a member of our family too, son." Frank replied, putting a hand on his shoulder for comfort. Instantly, Angel backed away, glaring at the Parkers.

"I am NOT a member of your family. You are nothing to me, and you are certainly not my parents." He told them coldly.

"Angel honey, you should calm down." Diane continued. "What your parents did to you was traumatizing, but I swear you don't have to worry about us doing the same thing. We would never abandon you."

"You know NOTHING about me or my parents!" He yelled at them. "You are nothing to me, you understand? Nothing! And you are not my sister's parents. No matter how hard you try, you'll never replace them. I won't let it happen! I'll kill you if I have to."

"Angel! Stop that!" Kristin screamed at him, joining his side and keeping him away from her new family. "Angel, listen to me. You are my only family, I love you. No one will ever change that, no matter what. I swear. But I'm only 15, I can't do it by myself. Especially now that you're not allowed to live with me. I need adults to help me start my life. They are not my parents. Our parents are gone, but nothing can take their place." He cast his gaze on the floor again, but his sister would have none of it. She raised his chin with her fingers until their eyes locked, and she could see a solitary tear making its way down his cheek. "Why did you come here tonight?" He took a few minutes to answer her question.

"I-I...I wanted to see you. To make sure I wasn't alone. Kris, I feel so lonely, it scares me." He admitted, tears rolling freely on his face. They hugged for a long time, comforting each other that they were still here for the other. When they finally pulled back, Angel looked at Diane and Frank, and a feeling of guilt coursed his body. "Huh...I'm sorry...for what I said. I didn't mean it." He apologized, unable to meet their gazes.

"It's alright Angel. We can understand that you were upset, it's forgotten." Diane reassured him with a warm smile. "And you're welcome to stay here the night."

"Thank you...I appreciate."

"Not a problem. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to leave you three kids alone. We have to talk about grown-ups stuff." She told them, taking her husband's arm and leading him and a stunned Joyce back to the living room.

"I'm really sorry for everything I said." Angel apologized to his sister again.

"Oh, it's already the past. Now let's tease you to death for the rest of the evening." She told him, grinning. He rolled his eyes as Kristin took an also grinning Buffy by the arm, going back to her room. Angel followed them quickly, his tears already dried on his cheeks.



"So…I've heard you've met Sunnydale's own personal hell bitch." Buffy told Angel from where she was sitting on the king-sized bed. The young man was laying on his back on the other side of the bed and his sister was sitting on a big armchair, her legs resting on the bed. The three of them had been chatting and relaxing for half an hour after the end of the argument, and they all enjoyed each other's presence.

"Excuse me?" he asked, snapping out of the intense staring he was doing. Buffy was oblivious to the fact that Angel hadn't rested his eyes on anything but her, but Kristin noticed it very much. She was really glad that his brother was interested in girls that way again. Ever since he was old enough to have sex, almost every date he had, had led to sleeping with the girl and forget about her the next day or so. Not that they minded anyway, the girls they used to frequent were more interested in getting into her hottie brother's pants than a life time commitment.

"Harmony. She has a few classes with us." She explained, amused by his disbelief. He tried to remember where he had heard that name for a minute, then he remembered.

"Ooooh...yeah. That blonde snob who tried to get me into a date in hell with her. How do you know about that?" He locked his gaze with hers, and she would have felt over if she hadn’t been sitting. Her knees felt like jelly. He wasn't doing any better, the minute her big hazel eyes looked into his brown ones, he felt his insides melt. For a moment they were the two only people in the world, until Angel looked down, overwhelmed by those sudden feelings.

"Well, Harmony's one of the most popular girls at school, so she gets people's attention. Anyway I heard it from my friend Cordelia. She used to be Harmony's best friend, but when she started dating Xander...that would be my other best friend, the girls of her group excommunicated her...if I might say. However, Cordy's still miss popular at school, so she gets all of the gossips from anyone." Buffy explained, fingering the covers of the bed to keep her hands occupied instead of resting them on Angel's muscular chest, burying them in his hair, tracing the line of his lips...

"'re like one of the popular group of the school." Angel deduced, feeling a pang in his heart as he said it. He had vowed to himself that he would never fall for the most popular girl at school after what happened last year...

"Not really...everyone tend to refer to me as the freak." *Oh my god, was that relief that I just saw in his eyes?* "But I used to be a snobby self-centered popular cheerleader, you know? It stopped during my freshman year...I realized it wasn't the life I was meant for...and I got into troubles with the teachers...burnt down the gym in LA..." *Stop it! Stop it! How stupid am I telling him about that? He'll think I'm dangerous or something!*

Angel stared at her for a moment, he seemed annoyed by something. Just as Buffy was feeling ready to punch herself for sharing her troubled past, he turned at his sister, who had been quiet for a long time, enjoying seeing the two of them smiling and looking at each other while talking about their lives. "Does that mean I'm actually gonna have to FIGHT to be the student who causes the more troubles? Damn!" He exclaimed, sinking back into the pillows. Kristin couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Don't worry Buffy, my brother's just used to be the one destroying school material. I'm sure he's glad he has a little competition."

"Yeah, but it shouldn't be too hard." He responded, sighing.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Buffy asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, let's face it, you're a girl." He answered, grinning devilishly at her.

"Ouh...yeah, and getting into troubles at school is such a manly thing. Beware, you don't wanna mess with me." She told him sweetly.

"Maybe I do." He replied simply, with a half smile that made her heart skip a beat. She had no clue what it was supposed to mean exactly, but she didn't have time to think about it as Kristin interrupted their exchange.

"So Buffy, do you have a boyfriend?" she asked the blonde, but looking at her brother. He instantly seemed to be waiting for her answer with great interest. *I KNEW it, he totally has the hots for her!* she thought.

"You asked me that earlier already." Buffy replied, frowning.

"Yeah, but my brother wasn't there to hear your answer." She explained, smiling sweetly at Angel as he was giving her that don't-mess-with-my-love-life look. Yeah, as if she cared about that.

"Well, no, I don't have a boyfriend." Buffy eventually answered. Angel fought very hard not to show the huge joy he felt from her answer. Before Kristin had a chance to reply, someone knocked at the door.

"Yeah, come in." Kristin said, not moving. Mary opened the door, smiling warmly, and let Joyce enter the room.

"Buffy sweetie, I'm gonna go home. Do you want to come with me? Or you can stay a little more, it's up to you." Joyce told her daughter.

"Hum...I think I'll stay a bit longer." Buffy answered. She wasn't gonna see Angel until class on Monday, and she really wanted to make the moment last for as long as she could.

"Ok, I'll see you at home, not after 11."

"Bye mom."

"It was nice meeting you Kristin."

"Same here." The brunette replied with a smile. Joyce stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her, and went home after saying goodbye to Diane and Frank.

About an hour later, at 5 to 11, Buffy finally decided she should go home. They had talked about a lot of other things, Buffy and Angel staring at the other when he wasn't looking, which Kristin enjoyed immensely.

"Ok, I better go home, or mom will freak." Buffy stated, standing up.

"Where do you live?" Angel asked. He didn't want her to leave that early, but he hadn't much of a choice.

"Two blocks down the streets." Buffy answered with a smile.

" you mind if I walk with you? I'm gonna go back anyway." Angel suggested with a smile. Kristin looked at him in surprise, but he wasn't paying attention.

"Sure, if it's on your way." Buffy replied, hiding the sudden happiness she felt.

"Yeah, it is." They all went downstairs, and the Parkers came to say bye.

"I'm sorry again from what happened. I just wanted to say thanks for your comprehension." Angel told them softly.

"It was nothing. Don't forget, you're welcome here any time." Diane replied. Kristin then led Angel outside, waiting for Buffy to say thank you and goodnight to Diane and Frank.



"You do realize Buffy's way home is the complete opposite of YOUR way home. Right?" she teased him.


"So when you told her you would walk with her...what you really wanted was to spend more time with her. Alone." She stated, smiling wickedly.

"I just don't want her to get hurt. She could be attacked by a vampire or something." He defended himself.

"A VAMPIRE would attack her on her 2 minutes long way home, in the residential area of town...where no vampires hang around because they can't be invited anywhere? Sure!"

"What? I'm gonna hit the cemeteries for a little while after that. And it IS the way to the cemetery." He argued hopelessly. His sister always knew when he was interested in a girl, even when no one suspected anything.

"Huh, huh. And do you plan to include kisses in that scenario?" she asked innocently.

He sighed "I don't know...I'd love to, but...maybe she doesn't want to. Do you think she'd be upset?" He demanded, checking that Buffy was still talking with the couple.

"If I can give you a piece of advice, don't do it tonight."

"Why not?" He looked really disappointed and it saddened Kristin a little, but she wasn't sure he could stand Buffy's rejection. It was the first time he looked at a girl with such interest and he seemed really nervous to do anything. That was new for the guy who's used to have any girl he wants.

"We talked about boyfriends and stuff earlier tonight, and she said that she wasn't really looking for a boyfriend right now. Something to do with her complicated life or something. My advice is to wait until you know her better. Start becoming friends with her…close friends. Don't rush things, it takes time. Show her that you want her but not with kissing."

"But I'm good at kissing." He complained. Never in his years did he have to use a different method. He would usually hit a little on the girl and kiss her, and she'd do anything for him. Well, except than one time with THAT girl...would he ever be able to forget?

"Yeah, well start something new, I know you can do it." She reassured him as Buffy joined them.



Late on Sunday, or rather very early on Monday, Angel made his way home after a few hours of hunting.

After leaving Buffy on her front porch, where he had done as Kristin advised and kept his mouth to himself, he couldn't get her out of his system the whole week-end. After he had accepted the offer from the Powers That Be to become a warrior for their cause, Angel had learnt that he could escape for a moment his problems by kicking some serious demon ass.

It all started a year after his parents' death, when he started hanging in the streets. He discovered then that vampires and demons existed, and decided to fight them after a vampire killed his girlfriend. It was this day, when he found his first serious girlfriend covered in her blood laying dead in an alley, that he found his only purpose in life. After a year, he met a demon called Whistler who told him the Powers That Be offered him to join their side, and gave him his new powers. Ever since, it never mattered to him that he was not exactly a normal human being, the only important thing was that he was finally able to make a difference. The Powers That Be made him part vampire, part human, so that he would have the capacity to fight the forces of darkness with ease. He can't stand to touch crosses and holy water, he gets this weird tingly feeling when he's under a bright sun, and he can morph into a demon what?

Tonight though, as every minute since Friday night, he wouldn't think of anything else than Buffy Summers. No matter how hard he kicked, how many demons he found (and he was amazed by the number of demons he could find in such a little town), she wouldn't leave his thoughts. Not that he wanted her to, really. After a few hours of hunting, he had given up trying to change ideas and came back home. If he could call this home. He lived at the Evans, who reminded him of the Adams family. Bob and Joann were a couple in their forties, like the Parkers. However, it was simply impossible to even imagine referring of them as Angel's parents. Bob was a lawyer and Joann worked as a nurse at the Sunnydale general hospital. From Angel's point of view, they were two alcoholics who kept fucking all around the house. They had two devilish 8 and 10 year old boys, Mike and Carl, who took so much pleasure annoying Angel, kicking him and screaming all over the house, especially in his bedroom. Then there was Joey, short for Josephine, a 17 year old blond girl who went to some catholic private girl. The girl kept hitting shamelessly on Angel, who was not at all interested. He was however quite annoyed to find her on regular basis in his room, checking out his underwear.

The Parkers hadn't given him a key to the house, so he climbed up to his bedroom window, which he always left open. He entered his room, and his body tensed as soon as he looked at his bed.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" He exclaimed, not loud enough to awake the entire house, but close.

"What's wrong baby?" Joey asked seductively. Angel raised an eyebrow, not willing to state the obvious. He finds the daughter of his guardians in his bed having sex with some random guy, and she dares ask him what's wrong.

"Why can't you do that in YOUR bed?" he asked, sighing. He had no power in his house, no matter what was the problem it was always his fault, even if he wasn't even involved.

"Well, let's be serious for a second. My room is right next to mom and dad's. I wouldn't want to wake them up with the noise." She explained innocently.

"Yeah right. You've done it before." He replied coolly. After all, it was not that much of a surprise to find her doing something like that. She had once entered his room while he was reading and started undressing right under Angel's nose, pretending she liked the mirror in his room better than hers and that she needed him to tell her if she had a bite mark on her butt from her last lover, alarmed that her date this night might notice it.

"I know, but...oh sorry, Angel, this is Paul. Paul this is Angel. Angel lives here, but he's not my brother." she shows with her hand the guy who was laying under her.

"H-H-Hi..." He stuttered, extremely ashamed.

"Hey, so nice to meet you." Angel replied, rolling his eyes.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Paul here is a very nice lover, and I was afraid I would scream a little louder than usual. So as you were not here, I figured I would borrow your room, which is far away from my parent's room."

"And right next to your brothers' bedroom." Angel reminded her.

"Yeah, well you can't please everyone." She sighed, but then a smile spread on her lips. "You wanna join us? There's room for one more, and I'm sure I could find a way to excuse myself. And Paul could help, too." She turned to her lover, who was confused, and smiled sweetly at him. Then she turned back to Angel, who stared at her, not showing any special interest. "He'll give you a nice blow job, his mouth is like a hoover. Oh! I'll give one to you, too, if you want." She licked her lips slowly. Angel sighed, and took off his t-shirt, then threw it carelessly on the floor. He noticed Paul was starting to freak from the fear, and turned red from embarrassment. He sighed, rolling his eyes again.

"Jeez! Relax man! I'm only changing clothes. I'm out of here!" He took off his pants, wearing only his boxers. Joey had seen him a lot of times with his boxers. She had even seen his bare ass, so he had no reason to feel underdressed, even as she stared hungrily at his butt, his tattoo and his naked chest. Angel quickly put on his leather pants and a burgundy shirt, shoved a stake in a bag, grabbed his leather jacket. "Try to have fun without me, and...please change the sheets!" he told them before climbing out of his bedroom.

Joey broke the silence a minute later. "All right, where were we?"


The next Monday, Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, Oz and Willow entered the library to find two very grown-up persons making out.

"Ugh! Gross!" Xander exclaimed, as everyone else made a face.

"Please don't do that in front of our virgin eyes!" Buffy pleaded, covering her eyes quickly and trying to forget she ever saw that.

" about that." Giles mumbled, turning into a bright red. Jenny, on the contrary, seemed totally cool.

"So Buffy, how was patrol this week-end?" the teacher quickly changed the subject.

"If you meant: 'did you kill the demon we spent hours researching this week', then, it wasn't fructuous." The slayer answered, as she plopped down on a chair, along with the rest of the Scoobies.

"You didn't find him? I thought we had figured where he lived." Her watcher was clearly surprised...and kinda annoyed. They had spent the whole week working on that demon.

"Oh, I found him alright." She replied, shrugging.

"Buff, we're waiting for the rest of the story here!" Xander informed her.

"Well...there's something you forgot to tell me about that demon, guys. He's NOT the patient type."

"What do you mean?" Willow asked.

"He didn't wait for me to kill him. He was already dead when I came."

"Oh." Was all Giles could find to say.

"The big bad monster had his head about 5 meters away from his body." The slayer clarified.

"Suicide?" Suggested Willow. She was still dumb-founded and didn't really think of what she was saying.

"Somehow, I doubt it." Oz replied, placing a light kiss on her head.

"Well...maybe he had a bad day and was feeling very desperate." Cordelia continued while checking her nails.

"Oh yeah, good point Cordy!" Xander exclaimed sarcastically. "The big bad evil killing demon was in a bad mood, so he took a sword, cut off his head and threw it away."

"Definitely not suicide, guys! The demon didn't lose its head because of a sword, it was more like a pipe. I saw it covered with demon blood next to the body. He lived in a cave that has access to the sewers, so he probably had it from there." Buffy added.

" can you decapitate a demon with...a pipe?" Jenny asked incredulously.

"Well...I could do it." The slayer told them. "But...I'm the slayer. I doubt a human being could be strong enough to do more than kick him in the neck."

"Maybe it was an other demon." Willow said.

"Why would a demon attack one of its own? No, I don't think so. I think however...that we have a new demon hunter in Sunnydale." Giles replied seriously.

"Ok...that's nice, right? One more good guy on our side. Couldn't hurt." Cordelia pointed out.

"Yes, but I'd like to know more about that person. Buffy, I want you to be careful when you patrol. Be sure it is an evil vampire or demon before you kill it. That person should be hanging at night in cemeteries, and we don't want him dead."

"Got it Giles. We're done?"

"We're done. You can go to class."


After lunch, Buffy, Willow and Cordy were sitting on the grass next to a tree in front of the school and talking, when a dark haired girl came over.

"Hey Buffy!" Kristin greeted her friend.

"Hi Kristin, how are you?" Buffy replied, a big smile on her face.

"I'm good, you?"

"Enjoying the sun on a break from school, so I'm great!" She noticed then the looks her friends sent her, asking her to introduce them the new girl. "Guys, this is Kristin. Kristin, this is Willow and Cordelia, my best friends."

"I've heard about you two. It's nice to meet you." Kristin told them.

"You remember that dinner with her friends that mom made me go to? Well I met Kristin there...and it turned out to be a very fun evening. No art geek to bore Buffy to death!" she joked, exchanging a knowing smile with Kristin.

The three girls talked for a few minutes, and Kristin spotted her brother, leaning against the only wall of the school that was in the shadows. She understood his dislike of the sun, but it saddened her that he didn't come out more often during a sunny day. It's not like it would kill him. Just a little tingle of discomfort can't hurt! "Hey guys, I'll be back in a minute." She told her new friends before walking over her brooding brother.

"Hello!" she greeted him with a bright smile.

"Hi." He replied simply, not looking at her. She followed his gaze. Oh surprise, it led to Buffy, who was laughing with her friends.

"Why don't you go say hi?" she suggested after a moment.

"I can't." He shook his head slowly.

"Yeah you can. It won't kill you, it's just sun!" She disagreed.

"It won't kill me, but I'll be very uncomfortable and I'll act weirdly. I don't wanna make a fool out of myself in front of her and her friends."

"Come on, you'll sit under the shadow of the tree, it's fine! She likes sun, she won't be getting up before classes start again. Do you really want to stay here brooding until then?"


"Buffy, your new friend has the hots for your honey. She's all over him." Cordelia informed the slayer. She turned around, to see Kristin arguing with Angel and trying to make him move from his position by taking his hand.

"You think there's something going on between them?" she asked her friends, hiding a grin.

"Well, they seem awfully close. We could have guessed a hottie like that would have a girlfriend already." Willow answered.

"You think they're dating? Oh my god, Willow, it's gross! Do you have a problem?" she asked her, making a face as she saw Kristin and Angel making their way to them.

"What? What did I..."

"Don't say anything. It's disturbing enough to imagine Kristin and Angel together, thank you very much!" Buffy smiled brightly as Angel and Kristin were approaching. Angel seemed bothered about something around him, but it stopped as soon as he stepped into the shadows. His disturbed features were replaced by a sexy half smile that was only for her.

"Willow, this is Angel. Angel, Willow. Cordelia, you already know him, right?" Kristin introduced them before sitting down next to Cordelia, careful to leave space between Buffy and her so that Angel could sit here. Which is what he did instantly. *Man, he really got it bad for her! I'm sure he doesn't even realize his feelings.*

"Yeah, he's a damn bad lab partner but it's nice to finally have someone as uninterested in chemistry as me to talk to." Cordelia told them, making Angel nod in agreement.

"Nice to meet you Angel." Willow told him nicely.

"Same here." He replied, smiling slightly.

"Are you okay? No offense, but you seem really tired." Cordelia asked him, noticing how beat he looked.

"I'm fine." He stated simply, not really wanting to explain that he stayed up all night yesterday, fighting demons and walking around the town with coffee to keep him awake because the daughter of his guardians was having sex in his bed.

"Angel?" Buffy murmured. He turned his head to him, and she gently stroked his right temple. "What's with the black eye?"

He shivered under her touch, drowning into her hazel eyes. "I had a rough night." He shrugged. He briefly wondered how she could have seen it, when Kristin and the other two had stayed oblivious. Somewhere in the middle of the night, he was sitting in a park and had dozed off a few minutes, only to be fully awakened by a powerful punch in his face by a vampire. His vampire healing powers had already softened the color of the blow, so it was just slightly gray now. It merely looked as if he was really tired, but not like the reminders of a black eye.

The arrival of Willow and Cordy's boyfriends made them change the subject, something Angel was grateful for. He didn't like the fact that their arrival had made Buffy stop touching him, though.

"Hello ladies. And the other one." Xander greeted them, sitting down next to Cordy with a welcome kiss.

"That's a nice way to welcome someone man." Oz commented after his kiss with Willow.

"Yeah. people?" Xander exclaimed with a goofy grin. He had only seen the guy one minute and Angel already disliked him. It looked like the feeling was mutual.

"Angel, Kristin, this is Xander and Oz. Guys, this is Kristin and Angel. We met last Friday night." Buffy explained quickly. "Kristin's a sophomore here, and we have classes with her brother."

"Brother? Oh! Oh ok." Willow suddenly understood what her best friend meant earlier. She smiled at her, silently asking for more details later.

"All right, you're the new boy every one keeps talking about, huh? How do you like all the attention?" Xander continued.

Angel stared at him coldly. "Makes me wanna shoot myself."

"Angel stop it!" Kristin hit him on the chest. She hated it when he talked like that, because she never knew if he was truthful or not after the three times he had tried to kill himself in the past.

There was a moment of silence, before Angel broke it with a groan. "Oh fuck no." he mumbled when he noticed the blond guy that was walking towards him.

"Hi Angel. Do you remember me? Paul." The guy announced himself, embarrassed under all of the curious looks he received from the other students. Angel glared at him for a moment, then sank on his back on the grass, putting his hands on his head.

"Why the fuck are YOU talking to ME?" he asked, his voice low.

"Hum...I saw you sitting here...and I wanted to apologize for last night. I am really sorry." He murmured, turning slowly red. Angel sat back again and stared at the guy in disbelief, ignoring everyone around him.

"Duh! Go away!" He snapped at him.

"No, you see, I really didn't mean to do that. She didn't tell me it was YOUR bed, and I didn't realize until when you showed up. What she said about us, I didn't really understand it, but I've thought about it now and I'm really embarrassed." He continued.

Angel laughed in annoyance. "Look boy, I'm over it, ok? If you hadn't showed up right now, I would already have forgotten the whole thing!"

"Angel, about this threesome thing, I hope you didn't think I would have done it. Not that I think you are not attractive, cause you are, but it's just that I was nervous." He started babbling all over again and didn't seem to be stopping.

"Shut the fuck up!" Angel yelled at him, trying to stop himself from slipping into his demon face from the anger.

"Do you think she was kidding about asking me to do a blow job to you? I mean I know she would have done it, but I didn't really realized what she asked." By now, Kristin had understood it was yet again something that happened with Joey and was laughing so hard she thought she would never be able to stop. Angel was controlling his annoyance, his whole body was tense from the self control he did to stop himself from ripping the guy's head off. The Scoobies were shocked at the scene.

"Where in hell did she find a moron like you?" Angel asked, shaking his head incredulously.

"Oh. Hum...we met at the supermarket. I was working there and she asked me if I wanted to see her again." He answered nervously.

"God, what a whore." He muttered to himself. Then he got up and stood right in front of Paul, glaring at him. "Look kiddo. You're gonna forget about what happened, ok? I'm used to it. The girl's a nympho, AND she'd do anything to get into my pants. Not that it's any of your business, but I am not gay. And I wouldn't have slept with the two of you for the world. She was fucking kidding, got it?"

Paul looked at him, scared like hell. "G-G-Got it." He stuttered.

"Good. Now get the fuck out of my sight." He ordered, a dangerous look in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry...I didn't know that" As he was about to keep going on, Angel grabbed him roughly by the t-shirt and pushed him away. He fell on his butt about 10 meters away from them and slowly got up and turned away. Angel glared at his laughing sister and sighed heavily.

"Can I crash at your place tonight?" He asked her while sitting back down. Kristin had tears rolling down her cheeks as she nodded, trying to control herself.

"This is just so great!" she murmured, sighing happily.

"Could my life get anymore screwed?" Angel asked no one in particular, burying his head in his hands.

"That was nice. I've learnt a lot today. So, you don't expect any blow job from us, right?" Xander asked Angel, willing to tease him to death. Buffy shot him a nasty look, clearly disapproving that he could joke about that. Angel didn't even bother responding, he got up and started walking away. Buffy stood up but didn't walk toward him.

"Angel wait, don't pay attention to Xander, he's always like that but he's not serious." She told him, making him turn around to face her.

"Don't bother being nice to me, I'm not worth it." He said coldly, shielding his emotions from her.

"Where are you going?" Kristin asked her brother.

"I gotta kill something." He grumbled as he walked away, his hands in his pockets. Buffy stared at him, feeling like crying.

"What just happened?" Willow asked Kristin.

"He's going through a hard time and he wants to be left alone. I can understand but I don't like it." She answered sighing.

"But...what was that all about? With this guy?" Cordy demanded.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me, but I'm pretty sure it's about Joey. She's a girl who lives at his place. She a real nymphomaniac and she's been looking to bed him ever since she saw him. She keeps looking through his underwear, trying to join him while he's in bed, taking pictures of him in boxers, walking on him in the shower...that kind of stuff." Kristin explained.

"She's not in Sunnydale high, is she?" Oz asked her.

"Nah, she goes to some catholic private girl school."

"But he never slept with her?" Buffy asked, feeling jealous of this Joey girl. She was close to him even if he didn't want her to. Kristin smiled at her, raising an eyebrow.

*Those two are so right for each other!* she told herself. "Nope. She's too crazy for his likings. I'll bet all you want that Angel caught her having sex in his bed last night with this guy."



"Angel! Angel wait!" Buffy exclaimed, seeing Angel leaving school at the end of last class the next day. He stopped and turned around, waiting for her to catch up with him.

"Hey." He murmured softly. He felt guilty for what he told her the day before when she was trying to be nice with him. He was afraid he had screwed up the little that was going on between them.

"Are you ok?" she asked with a concerned smile, facing him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Look, Buffy...I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I-I didn't mean to be unpleasant. I appreciate your concern."

"It's alright, I'd be a little upset too if something like that happened to me." She replied, grinning, as they resumed their walk home.

"I guess, but I should learn to control my emotions once in a while."

"Come on, you say that as if your life was at stake or something. It was fun. Utterly embarrassing, I admit, but how many times does this kind of situation happen anyway?" She asked, chuckling.

"About everyday." He replied seriously. Buffy raised an eyebrow at him, stunned.


"Yeah. I'm used to it though. But yesterday was different…that guy started telling the story in front of everyone...I mean, I'm sure your friends are great, but I don't know them at all. Kristie's the only one who knows everything about me. I never share my feelings with anyone but her."

"Well, you kinda shared stuff with me, too last Friday." She pointed out.

"You're different." He turned his head towards her as they were walking and their eyes locked. "Most people who learn that my parents abandoned us and died when we were kids...and that I've sorta lived the past 6 years in the streets...they have that look in their eyes."

"That look." She didn't understand.

"It's pity. It makes me feel weak...helpless and vulnerable. I hate it." He explained, sighing. "But you didn't do that last Friday. After you saw us arguing...there wasn't any pity in the way you were looking at me. And trust me, I've learnt to recognize it. It feels easy to talk to you. Kristin's the only one who I feel that with...well, now there's you, too."

She smiled, slightly blushing. "I guess I can relate. I'm not saying I know what you're going through, cause I honestly don't. But I've got a weird life, too. My parents got divorced last year, I've had a hard time dealing with the new situation. I'm still not quite sure I'm alright with it. I miss my father and my mom turned into full overprotective mother mode."

Angel said nothing for a moment. He wanted to comfort her. It was a weird feeling, because he didn't care if he was happy, as long as she was.

"You miss your life before they divorced. When everything was easy. I do too." After that, they fell into a comfortable silence, resuming their walk to Buffy's house. Slowly, Angel reached out and took Buffy's hand in his. He didn't dare look at her to see her reaction, so he kept his eyes on the road, but he released a breath he didn't realize he was holding and his lips curved into a small smile when she squeezed his hand back.

"So, you're staying at Kristin's tonight?" Buffy asked when they stopped in front of her house and reluctantly pulled their hands apart.

"Yeah. She made me leave a few clothes in her room so that I could stay whenever I want. I'll go back tomorrow, though. I don't wanna intrude or anything."

"Do you..." Buffy really wanted to ask him out, but she was afraid he'd say no, so she covered what she was about to say by something a little less date-looking. "The whole gang is going out Saturday. You, movies, Bronze. Or maybe movies then coffee and Bronze...or well we can still do"

"Buffy." He interrupted her, smiling. "You're babbling." *She's so cute.*

"Oh...ok. Huh...I was wondering if you would come with know...Kristin already said yes, so..." *Why does he have to be so gorgeous? I can't form a coherent sentence when he looks at me like that*

"Are you asking me out?" He asked her, eyebrows raising slightly. His mind was screaming victory.

"Well, yeah, but out with the gang. So you can get to know them better. And I'll be there too." She clarified, blushing.

*Man, she's gonna kill me if she keeps smiling at me like that!* "I'll be there."


So? When are you planning to do it?" Kristin asked her brother.

"Do what?" He demanded. His mind was really not in the conversation he was having with his younger sister. He couldn't stop thinking about Buffy. They were on their way to the Expresso Pump where they were meeting Buffy, Willow, Cordelia, Xander and Oz, and Angel's heart was making flip-flops.

"Duh! Kiss Buffy!" She replied, making it seem as if it was obvious what she was talking about.

"Oh. That." He murmured, his lips curving into a smile thinking about it. "Honestly I don't know. I've been dying to do it the whole week, but every time I'm close to her, I start shaking and babbling. I've never felt this way before."

"You're scared?"

"Yeah. I'm afraid she won't react as I want her to."

"Well...what do you want her to do?"

"I've been picturing the thing ever since I met her. You know...I'd lean over, brush our lips and start kissing her. She's respond immediately, wrap her arms around my neck...then I place my hands on her waist...then on her back holding her tightly against me...the kiss turns more passionate, and..."

"And you lower her on the bed and make love to her until she falls unconscious." Kristin flashed him a bright amused smile.

"Busted." He admitted, smiling wickedly.

"Aaww that's so cute! Who would have thought that MY big brother, the big bad vampire hunter, warrior for the Powers That Be and half vampire Angel would ever fall in love?" She chuckled.

Something snapped inside his head, a reminder of a past he would never be able to run from. "I'm NOT in love!"

"Sorry...I just meant it was new to have you fantasize on just a kiss..." She quickly amended. She had forgotten for a moment that it was not a good idea to talk about certain things.

"What can I say? I really like her. I mean, she's so hot and sexy!'s different from what I felt for every hot girl I've dated. It's important if she's happy...or sad...disappointed. You know what I mean?"

"Yes. You care for her. You touch kiss to her, laugh with her, go out on dates, make out..." She trailed off, smiling at the dreamy look on her brother's face. "You want a girlfriend, Angel. Not a one-night stand like you've had for years."

"I guess I do."

"Oh, here we are." She pointed at the Expresso Pump, totally excited. They entered the shop and walked to the Scooby Gang, who was fully represented, except for Giles. Angel immediately spotted Buffy, who was sitting between Cordelia and Oz.

*Damn!* He really wanted to sit next to her. The table they were sitting at was rather small, and he really wouldn't have minded if Buffy had to squeeze herself against him, or even sit on his lap.

"Hey guys!" Kristin greeted cheerfully, sitting next to Xander. Angel took a seat next to her, across from Buffy. He nodded with a polite smile at the hellos he received. He looked for a moment at his sister, totally amazed by the girl.

*She has changed so much.* He remarked. Back in the New York days, and even at the beginning of their life in Los Angeles, she was a lot more like her brother. She was a lot more dark and lonely, just like him. But now, he realized, she had really changed. The fact that she was living an almost normal life was certainly influencing her behavior. Now, she started to wear colored clothes, not so much leather. He felt a pang of guilt when he figured that all this was certainly because she didn't hunt vampires and demons anymore. When they were living together, with Angel's gang, she was always part of the hunting, and Angel never thought that she might not like it. It was a part of him and he enjoyed hunting a lot, because it proved him that he was important to the world. But Kristin never asked for this.

Just as he was beginning to jump into brood mode, he was pulled out of his thoughts by the light voice of his favorite blonde.

"Hey Angel." She greeted with a bright smile. "How're you doing?"

"I'm okay. You?"

" far I can't complain." She told him, her eyes sparkling.

"Which movie?" Xander asked suddenly, breaking the hypnotizing look Buffy and Angel were sharing.

"NOT a scary movie." Cordelia stated, relaxing in the arms of her boyfriend.

"Yeah, and NOT the kind of guy movie with bombs, terrorists and hot half-naked girls." Willow continued, enjoying the feel of Oz's hands on her back.

"So what? A chick flick? Please!" Xander retorted, groaning.

"Works with me." Buffy told him, chuckling.

"Yeah!" Cordelia, Kristin and Willow said in unison.

"As long as Willow is happy, I'm happy." Stated Oz.

"Angel? Please tell me you are manly enough to protest with me here!" Xander whined at the older boy.

"Huh?" He had no idea what they were talking about, seeing all he had been able to do was stare at Buffy.

"Oh, we really don't need his opinion. He hasn't been to the movies for years, he wouldn't know what he's talking about." Kristin answered for him. He received weird looks from Xander, Cordelia and Willow, who were surprised that a teenager never went to the movies.

"Yeah, like she says, whatever." He murmured, shrugging.

A few minutes later, the waiter gave them their drinks, and they started chatting happily. Angel didn't say much, he just listened from time to time, more interested in watching Buffy. However, Cordelia pushed the discussion to the subject of their new friend, so he had to follow the whole thing.

"So you do any sport? Cause with THAT body, I'm guessing you didn't get it without doing anything." Cordelia asked him, receiving a jealous look from her boyfriend, and an amused smile from the girls.

"Basketball. I tried football during my first sophomore year but I dropped it after two months and I came back to basketball. Quarterbacks get way to much attention. I don't like it."

"First sophomore year?" Willow repeated confused.

"Yeah. I'm 18, I suck at school. Had to repeat my 6th and 10th grades." He explained briefly.

"Are you gonna join the basketball team here?" Buffy asked.

"I'm the head cheerleader." Cordelia informed him. "The team is really great, I'm sure you'd love it."

"I'll think about it." As Buffy listened to Angel and Cordelia talk about basketball, she felt something on her foot.

*Oh my god!* Her mind screamed. She was totally shocked when she realized it was Angel's foot on her own. She glared at him but he was talking with Cordelia and Xander. Cordelia was telling him all about Sunnydale's sport teams exploits, while Xander was giving the sarcastic comments. If the slayer wasn't sure that it was Angel's foot, she would have sworn he was innocent. He looked completely not distracted when he talked. Slowly, Angel moved his foot up, and pushed up her pants leg. She made no move to stop him, which made him smile slightly.

"What don't you like in football?" Oz asked Angel.

"Well, apart of the whole deal with getting everyone's attention, I don't like the equipment and stuff. Having to wear a helmet and everything, it's just annoying." He answered half-truthfully. There was another reason that made him deeply dislike football, but he couldn't say it to anyone and Kristin had learnt not to mention it.

"So you just did it 'cause being the star quarterback is a real chick magnet, right?" Xander told him, smirking.

"I don't need to be in a football team to get dates, man. I've got my ways on girls." He replied, looking at Buffy, who was blushing. He couldn't help but grin at that. Somewhere during the conversation, after he had caressed her ankle for a few minutes, she had returned the favor and they had both slipped out of their shoes. Their socks were as down as the other was able to lower it, so that they would be able to touch more. Angel had pushed Buffy's pants leg all the way up her calf, and the others had no idea of what was going on, as there was not even a glance exchanged between the two. They both acted like nothing was going on, it made the game more fun this way. At least for Angel, because Buffy was seriously blushing.

"All right guys, we should go if we don't wanna miss the beginning of the movie." Xander exclaimed suddenly. As everyone was getting up, Kristin noticed Buffy bending over to fix her pants leg and her sock rapidly and grinned at her brother, who was acting innocently after he had slipped back in his own shoe.



"Busted." Kristin whispered in Buffy's ear as the gang was walking to the movie theater.

"What?" the slayer asked, confused.

"Enjoying playing footsie with my brother, aren't ya?" she clarified, smirking. Buffy looked quickly around, and when she saw that her friends and Angel were far enough not to hear them, she turned towards the brunette.

"You saw us?" Buffy was embarrassed, mostly because she didn't know what Kristin thought about what was going on between Angel and her.

"You guys were very discreet, I gotta give you points for that one. But I know my brother, and that look he had when we left the table? Way too innocent to fool me. And I kinda saw you fixing your pants." She explained, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay..." Buffy murmured, unsure of what to say.

"Aaww come on, tell me how you feel about him, I'm dying to know here."

Buffy smiled, realizing that Kristin was her ally, not her enemy. "He's so sweet. I like him a lot." She admitted.

"Well, you would make a sweet couple. I'm with you if you ever need help." Kristin told her when they arrived at the theater. They paid for the tickets and bought popcorn, then they went to their seats. Kristin made sure that Cordelia and Xander were together, then she sat on a seat two rows behind them, next to Willow and Oz, leaving Buffy and Angel next to each other behind Cordelia and Xander.

Ten minutes after the movie started, Cordelia and Xander were engaged in a heated make-out session. Oz was watching the movie, not really interested but having nothing better to do anyway. Kristin and Willow were half watching the movie, half spying on Buffy and Angel. The two girls had shared a look and understood that they had the same intentions, which were to get Buffy and Angel together. Willow knew all about Buffy's feelings for the older dark-haired boy, while Kristin was the only person Angel shared those types of feelings with. They would succeed, they had no doubt about it.

Buffy found herself not really interested in the movie, but she watched it anyway, to get her mind as far as possible from Angel. She had the urge to kiss him madly right now, but she knew it wouldn't be a good idea. It was hard to concentrate on the movie though, because Angel's hand was now resting on her right knee. He stayed still there a long time, a very long time, then he started making feather-like movements on her knee with his thumb. Buffy breathed deeply to keep her emotions under control. She never would have thought that an act so simple could seem so erotic. After a moment, Buffy reached out and rested her hand on his. He turned his hand so that their palms were facing and intertwined their fingers. He kept his gaze on the movie, aware that Buffy was looking at him, he didn't want to see any kind of rejection in her beautiful eyes. Angel was seriously lacking self-confidence when Buffy was the matter. Then, she squeezed his hand softly, and he felt his lips curving into a small smile. Their legs brushed, and Buffy tangled her foot around his.

"Aaaww, they're so cute!" Willow whispered to Kristin, so softly that only she could hear it. Kristin smiled, seeing her brother and new friend's hands firmly clasped together.

They both stopped moving for a while, enjoying the feel of the other's skin against their own. Buffy tried to concentrate on the movie again, but she had trouble focusing with Angel so close to her. Then, he pulled his hand away slowly.

*Hey! Don't!!!* Her mind was screaming at the loss. However, she did nothing to show it, which troubled a little Angel.

*Man, she doesn't seem too upset that I let her hand go. Damn! Oh well, let's see how she reacts now...* He brushed his hand against her arm, and put his arm around her shoulders, in a possessive but gentle grip.

*OH MY!!* For all she cared, she could have screamed her surprise out loud. *He's got his arm around my shoulders...oh boy that's even better. Or is it? My hand suddenly feels so empty...* she pouted inwardly. *ooh, THAT's better.* She couldn't hold the smile when he took her hand in his other free hand, stroking lightly her skin there. She leaned on his shoulder, sighing happily when he tightened his embrace.

*She smells so good. God I wanna kiss her so badly* He thought, watching absently the screen.

*Mmm. That feels the best. I could stay forever in his arms, just like this. Well, maybe it would add a little something if he was shirtless. I guess it'd be touch his skin...kiss his chest...*

*Yeah, kisses would be great, but it'd be even better if she didn't have that shirt on. And those pants! Why can't she wear a skirt? It's easier to touch with a skirt...well ok, I wouldn't be able to see her cute ass if she wasn't wearing those tight pants...* Angel rationalized.

*Are leather pants harder to take off than regular pants?* Buffy wondered, frowning slightly. *Cause boy does his butt look good with those leather pants, but I guess it's a tricky business to get them out of the way.* Suddenly, Buffy realized what she was thinking about and blushed furiously. *Oh god, I've known the guy for a week and I'm already thinking about taking off his pants!*

Angel however, was still deeply thinking about what Buffy wears that makes her look this hot and sexy, without blushing at all. Well, he was indeed a man, and one with a pretty big and long sexual experience with that. Anyway, he was still engrossed in his dreams when he felt someone shaking him from behind.

"Angel! Movie's over!" Kristin told him, smiling and raising an eyebrow at his brother, who was still holding Buffy against him.

"Right. Let's go." He murmured, disappointed. With a sigh, Buffy pulled away. They both stood up and got out of the theater with their friends.


They arrived at the Bronze not long after they left the movies.

"My ladies, would you care for a dance?" Xander asked the girls, bowing in mock politeness.

"Why surely kind sir!" Cordelia replied taking his arm.

"Buff? Will? Kristin?" Xander insisted.

"Comin'!" Buffy exclaimed, always ready to dance with her friends.

"Er...we're gonna go over there." Willow informed them, meaning her and Kristin. They took off giggling, excited about their new friendship through matchmaking. Angel eyed them suspiciously, as they made their way to the other side of the club. He didn't like when Kristin got that excited. Not a good sign, it was always because she was planning something he wouldn't appreciate.

"Angel?" He looked at Buffy from where he was sitting on the couch. She looked at him with a shy smile. "Do you wanna dance?"

"Oh., thanks. I-I don't dance." He replied, sighing.

"You okay?" She worried.

"Yeah, I'm good. Go ahead, I'll stay here." He told her, smiling half-heartedly. He didn't mind dancing usually, but he swore a few weeks ago that he would only do it if he couldn't help it, only slow dances, and only if it was the only way he could get the girl. Right now, it was not really a slow dance, and he didn't need that to kiss Buffy. He just needed courage and the good moment...and THAT he can't have with a dance.

"Well, your loss is my incredible gain!" Xander exclaimed happily. "Come on ladies." He took each girl by the arm and led them to the dance floor.

"Should we worry?" Oz asked to make conversation, referring to his girlfriend and Angel's sister who were talking seriously.

Angel glanced at the two girls. "Yep."


"You don't dance?" Angel replied.

"Only with Willow." Oz answered, shrugging.




"K." Soon they were both silent, looking around. It was not an awkward moment, they just didn't have anything to tell each other, and mono-syllabic guy number one doesn't usually start a big conversation with mono-syllabic guy number two.

Angel was watching Buffy dancing, but the fact that three guys were around her didn't help making him focus on her. He let himself think, which he knew wasn't a good idea. He thought about a few years ago, when he was still in New York. He used to go clubbing almost every night, with Spike and his girlfriend Faith, and Steven. While Spike and Faith were busy dancing (well mating would be a more appropriate term), Angel would look around for a girl, find one for Steven too, as his best friend was too much of a good boy to do it himself and also, Steven was still a virgin, making Angel try even harder to find him a girl with whom he would finally do it. After a few hours Spike, Faith, Steven and Angel...and most of the time Angel's new conquest, too, would go home or walk around for a moment.

Then when Angel and Kristin were sent to Los Angeles, Steven decided to live with his big sister who had just transferred to UCLA a month before. Angel and Steven started to go out again, even more now that Steven wasn't a virgin any more. Now it was Angel's turn to be teased because he was going from one-night stands to one-night stands, whereas Steven never slept with a girl he hadn't dated for a few weeks and when he finally found one, they would do it all the time.

Angel looked around the Bronze, sighing. He used to do everything with Steven. He hadn't been clubbing again after what happened, and it was starting to get depressing tonight. If he had stayed in LA, he would have gone out again a long time ago, because Gunn and the others, who were very often with the two of them, would have dragged him, threatened him to have fun like old times.

He chuckled bitterly. *Oh yeah, I can see Xander and Oz threatening me to kick my butt if I didn't join them. God it's boring!*

"Angel, Oz, sorry to interrupt your highly interesting conversation." Cordelia smiled, as she, Buffy and Xander came back. Willow and Kristin followed quickly.

"Silence saves oxygen." Oz stated, welcoming his girlfriend on his lap.

"Yeah, you're the best!" the red-head murmured before leaning for a kiss.

"So, we're hanging out tomorrow? I'm sure we can do something interesting." Xander suggested.

"Yeah." "Sure." Some of them replied, the others nodded.

"Angel, you'll be there?" Willow asked the older boy.

"Actually I gotta do something. Kris, do you think Frank would mind if I borrow some of his tools?" Angel asked his sister.

"Ugh." Kristin groaned, rolling her eyes. "You're not gonna try to fix that stupid motorbike again, aren't ya?"

"I am. And it's not stupid." He replied.

"Sure. But I don't see why you don't get rid of it, there's always something in need to be fixed in that thing!" She complained.

"Well, that THING is pretty damn expensive, and I hate walking."

"I don't like it, it's impossible to ride."

"Then, let me remind you that YOU're the one who asked me to buy it. Also, you don't KNOW how to ride it." He told her with a mock smile.

"Whatever" She muttered under her breath, crossing her arms against her chest in defeat.

//And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest thing to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now\\

Hearing the beginning of that song, Angel cast his eyes on the floor, trying not to think about what he had been thinking ever since he entered the club. Buffy and Kristin looked at each other then at Angel.

"Oh! I love that song! Come on guys!" Cordelia exclaimed, dragging Xander back to the dance floor and wrapping her arms around his neck while he put he hands on her waist and they started dancing and kissing for times to times. Willow and Oz followed soon after.

//And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight\\

"Angel? You're okay?" Buffy asked softly.

"I'm fine." He replied absently, staring nowhere in particular, deep in thoughts.

//And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am\\

"Angel please say something." Kristin demanded as she sat next to him and took his hand into her own.

"I'm fine Kristie don't worry. I can't help thinking, that's all." He told her quietly.

"Do you wanna go home with me?" His sister suggested.

//And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am//

"Nah, stay here, you're having fun. I'll hit the cem..." He stopped when he remembered Buffy was there too. "Streets. Go back t-to the house." He couldn't call it home. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Angel stood up and turned towards Buffy. "It was great seeing you today."

"Yeah, it was." She agreed with a smile. "See you on Monday."

"I can't wait." He replied, his voice deep and sexy, which made her knees weak.

"Night Sis." He said, turning back towards his sister. He reached in the back pocket of his pants and threw something on the lap of his sister. "Try not to need it. It's just in case." He added with a smirk as he was leaving.

"Funny." Kristin rolled her eyes at the condom her brother had just given her. "Oh well, we never know." She put it in the pocket of her jacket and stood up, looking at Buffy, who was giving her weird looks. "I'm gonna dance. Feel free to join." She smiled and walked towards a crowded area of the club, leaving Buffy behind.



"Mr. Connelly. It is nice to see you enter the house by the front door once in a while." Mary told Angel the next day when he showed up at 4 in the afternoon at the Parker's.

"Aaaww, come on sweetheart, call me Angel." The dark haired boy replied smirking. He annoyed the hell out of his sister's maid, and he loved it.

"Miss Kristin is not home at the moment, but I'll tell her that you came here." She said, about to close the door.

"Hey, I won't go without a kiss babe." She winced at the nickname he used.

"I'm afraid you won't have those here." She told him politely.

"I guess people who say women reach their sexual peak at fifty were lying, huh?" He faked being sad, enjoying the look of disgust on the fifty year old maid.

"Angel!" Frank Parker stopped Mary from replying as he approached.

"Mr. Parker, hi. Kristin said it was okay that" Angel begun, shaking hands with the man.

"Yes, yes, it's not a problem at all."

"Well, if you don't need me anymore" Mary trailed off.

"Bye honey." Angel said as the lady was leaving. He saw her stiffen and he chuckled.

"Were you hitting on her again?" Frank demanded.

"Did you see how hot she is? Can you blame me?" He retorted, an innocent look on his face which made Frank laugh.

"Ok, let me show you my tools so you can work on that bike of yours." Frank said, leading Angel towards the garage of the house where he kept his tools.

A few minutes later they came back out and walked to Angel's bike, which he had parked in front of the house.

"Wow, this is a beautiful bike you got here Angel!" Frank exclaimed.

"Thanks. I've had it for about three years but it never got old."

"How did you...I mean I thought you were..." He was embarrassed to ask him, but couldn't help wondering.

"Poor? Yeah, I am trust me. I'm dead broke. This is all I have, really. I had to work during nights, week-ends and holidays full time to be able to afford it. And I knew a few persons who made it a little easier, but it was tough work. I swear I've never worked that hard! Not even to get my car." Angel explained as he was working cautiously on the chain.

" you need any help?" Frank asked, watching the young man taking care of his bike professionally.

" thanks, it's gonna be fine." He laid down on the grass after taking off his shirt, so that he was only wearing his white top, and checked under the engine.

"Alright. I'll be in my office if you need anything. You can ask, just ask me, I'm sure Mary's busy." Angel looked up and grinned at the man, who left soon after.

"Ok, just you and me now baby." He murmured, taking a screw-driver and fixing a few things under the engine.

About one hour and a half later, a car stopped in front of the house and 6 friends got out, after a trip at the mall. "Hey Angel. How's your baby doing?" Kristin asked her brother as she knelt down next to him.

"Fine, nothing's broken. I was afraid the break hoses were too sharp, but I checked them and they're fine. So I figured it was because of my old tires. I guess the snow screw them completely." Angel explained.

"So what did you do about it?" Angel had explained to her how everything worked, but she didn't pay attention at the time so she didn't understand anything he said now. *He's not supposed to know that, I can fake being interested, right?*

"I'll change them tomorrow. And by the way, you don't have to pretend to be interested, I know you don't give a damn and you didn't understand a word of what I just said." He replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh. Well I'm off, see you later everyone." She stood up and entered the house.

Angel stood up as well. "Hi." He greeted the others.

"Hi Angel." Willow said, smiling brightly. She had seen the smile her best friend and new friend had exchanged.

"'re an expert on bikes, huh?" Cordelia commented, seeming impressed. *Guys, cars and motorbikes? What a turn on. Why can't Xander be like him?*

"Kinda." He answered, taking his keys and turning the engine on. It made a low deep growl, but Angel didn't seem satisfied.

"What's wrong?" Buffy asked. It was truly delightful to watch him so concentrated.

"Some of the bolts are a little loose." He answered as he looked around for the right tool.

"Alright, we'll go home." Xander announced. "Buffy, you comin'?"

", it's ok I'll walk."

"K. See you tomorrow guys."

"Bye." Angel and Buffy said in unison. When the car left the street, Buffy crouched next to Angel, who was laying under his bike again.

"Can I help?"

"Do you know anything about motorcycles?" He teased her, smiling.

"I'll just watch." She stated sheepishly. "But you'll have to teach me how to work on those engine thingy sometime." She added as an afterthought. Angel grinned at her, nodding.

"Sure, I'd love to." *She's so hot. Oh god! She leaning over! Wow, I can smell her scent...Vanilla. Nice.* "Enjoying the view?" He asked after a moment of silence. He knew she was looking at him, and especially his bare well-muscled arms. His vamps abilities were able to notice her pulse quickening.

"Actually yeah, a lot." *Oh my god did I just say that?* "So...why do you have a bike?" she asked in a lame attempt to change the subject. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at Buffy without moving. He checked her out very obviously, smirking.

"It's kinda so that I don't have to walk. But it's mostly because I've heard it turns girls on. Is it working?" He turned back at his work, still smirking at Buffy's shock.

"Well I don't know about the bike but there's definitely some turn on material around here" she answered truthfully, although she made it seem it was as an answer of his joke. He dropped his screw-driver from the surprise of what she just said and it fell on his forehead as she chuckled.

"Ouch!" He yelled half from the pain and half from the humiliation of being tricked at his own game.

"You ok?" She was still chuckling.

"Yeah." He groaned, sitting next to Buffy and massaging the spot where the tool hit him.

"Stop it, you're putting grease on your face." She informed him, holding his wrists.

"Oh shoot" He realized his hands were covered in grease from the engine. He looked at Buffy and frowned when he saw she was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You're all dirty." She took the cloth he was using for the bike and started to rub up the grease on his forehead.

"It shows that I take care of engines and other dirty stuff you girls can't stand to touch. Makes me look more manly, ya know?" He joked.

"You don't need to have gross black stains all over your face to look manly, believe me." She replied, her attention focused on what she was doing and NOT what she was saying.

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, trying not to smile. Suddenly she realized she had implied she had thought about it.

"Er...well...I-I-I..." she stuttered for a moment, until Angel pressed his thumb on her lips and his palm on her cheek, silencing her. She melted under his touch, but was troubled by his way too innocent look. "What?" She asked as he removed his hand. Suddenly it hit her that he had done that to put grease on her face. "Oh you JERK!" She yelled, hitting him playfully on the chest as he laughed openly. They started to squabble, laughing more and more as they succeeded to put grease on the other's face.


Meanwhile, Kristin was watching the two at a window of her bedroom. She was completely amazed by the scene, but it brought a huge smile on her face. *It's been so long since he's laughed like that.* That was then that she was convinced their move to Sunnydale was the best thing that could ever have happened after this whole thing with Steven. And maybe it was even the best thing after their parents' betrayal and death. Yeah, he'll finally move on in Sunnydale.


"You are so dead!" Buffy exclaimed, pushing him and he fell on his back. She straddled his waist so that he wouldn't be able to get up and put her hands on his chest, immobilizing him.

"Wow, you're strong for a little girl." He commented, losing himself in her eyes.

"I might have to show you how strong I am if you're a bad boy." She replied, loosing her hold on him under his deep stare.

"I'd be glad to see that." He whispered as they closed the distance between them. They were millimeters apart, and they both closed their eyes, anticipating the kiss. Their lips were merely brushing when Kristin yelled at them from her room.

"Buff, your mom's just around the corner. I would get up from my brother if I was you."

Buffy rolled of Angel's body and stood up just as Joyce's car stopped in front of the house.

"Buffy, sweetheart." She greeted her daughter from her seat.

"M-Mom. What...are you doing here?" Buffy glanced nervously at Angel, who was still laying on the grass.

"I met your friends on my way, they said you were here. I figured you'd rather drive home than walk."

"Oh. Yeah. Ok." She turned towards Angel. He was looking at her, sitting where they had been almost kissing. *Key word: almost* "I guess I'll see you at school." He nodded with a sigh. "Bye Kristin, and...thanks!"

"No problem Buff!"

With that, the blonde was gone and Angel collapsed on the grass in frustration.


"So, did you have fun today?" Joyce asked her daughter.

"Yeah, it was great." Buffy replied with a smile, which was not caused by their trip to the mall but by what had almost happened with Angel. *We were about to kiss. He actually was about to kiss me. He likes me, I can't believe it.*

"That boy wasn't with you, was he?"

"What do you mean? What boy?"

"The one related to Diane's daughter."

"Kristin's brother? Angel." She told her, frowning. *Why is she talking about Angel?*

"Yes. Did he spend the day with you and your friend?"

"No, he had to repair his motorbike. Why?" she asked suspiciously.

"No reason."

"Mom, tell me!" Buffy insisted.

"Alright, I think you shouldn't hang out with this boy."

"Why?" She screamed, her eyes wide with anger. * I overreacting? I don't need to be that upset, I just didn't understand what she...*

"He is older, bad at school, doesn't respect rules. He is a bad influence and I don't want you to have troubles because of him." Joyce said firmly.


"Don't be upset, sweetie, I'm just saying that to protect you."

"From what? From Angel? Mom, you've gotta be kidding me!"

"No, I am serious. I have nothing against that boy, I only want to tell you what I've heard."

"Heard? What have you heard?" They got out of the car, but Buffy wouldn't stop there.

"Well, he has been expelled from school a few times, he has been in jail too. They say he causes trouble everywhere he goes. He has even spent a long time in an psychiatric institution.

Buffy paused for a moment. *No, no it's not true.* "Who told you this?"

"I've been to the hospital for a check up and I talked to a nurse who was complaining about him."

"A nurse?"

"Yes...Joann Evans. She's nice, that Angel boy causes many problems in her family. She suspects him to make moves on her daughter. The poor girl is too innocent to understand that he wants to have sex." Joyce shook her head.

"Mom, you don't know anything. That girl is a real slut. He caught her having sex with some guy from school last week, in HIS bed. I'm not saying he's the perfect man, but he's had lots of problems in his life. Did you even know his parents abandoned him and Kristin just before they died? No wonder he's not the trusting sharing polite type!" Buffy retorted, really upset with her mother.

"Well, he has obviously had a very bad education. Maybe it was a good thing his parents died."

"Do you even hear you talking?" As Joyce was about to reply, Buffy held her hand in the air, interrupting her. "No! I don't wanna hear it. You think whatever you want, but I'm telling you: Angel is my friend, and he's a great guy. You just don't know him." She went to her room without another word.



The next day, at school, the Scooby gang was reunited for a daily Scooby meeting.

"What is this?" Giles asked as he watched what Buffy just gave him.

"It looks like a stake." Oz stated.

"Yeah. Where did you find it?" Willow questioned her best friend.

"Here's the funny part. We were patrolling with Xander last night when we heard a fight. So we ran toward it. Only we were stopped by a few vamps..." Buffy began.

"A few is an understatement. There was a LOT of them." Xander pointed out.

"Right. So the thing is, we were fighting them when a demon came crashing just next to us."

"What? He jumped?" Cordelia asked, frowning.

"No. He was thrown. He crashed next to us." Buffy rectified. "We realized we had staked only like...half the vamps we had seen, 'cause the others were already dead."

"Lots of dust." Xander commented.

"We looked around but we were alone. And we found this" She pointed at the stake "Deep in the heart of the demon."

"So there's definitely a new player in town, huh?" Jenny assumed.

"This is no ordinary stake Giles. Look at it. There are inscriptions carved on it, it has a metallic handle and everything." Buffy continued.

" looks like names. A lot of names. They cover all of the stake except of the pointy part." Willow said as she was looking at the stake.

"And there's an other thing written at the top right before all the names. It says 'You are our protector, we love you'. Pretty cool gift huh?" Buffy joked.

"We don't know any group of people at school who are called by those names. So I say the guy's a stranger." Xander said and everyone nodded.

"Yes. Hum...Buffy, this is getting serious. From now on, you will look for that person. He hangs in the cemeteries by night, you should meet him sooner or later." Giles ordered softly.

"Got it."

"Hey, is Kendra still alive?" Cordelia asked suddenly.

"Er...I believe so. Why?" Giles answered.

"It could be an other slayer." The brunette clarified. Everyone looked at Buffy with a strange look.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I didn't die again!" She defended herself.

"I'll ask Kendra's watcher if anything happened. Now go to class." The watcher advised everyone.


"Wow, what's wrong?" Kristin asked Angel when she saw him at school that morning.

"I lost my stake." He replied, obvious pain in his eyes.

"The one we all got you for your birthday?"

"Yeah. I killed a demon with it last night, then I saw vampires running away so I went to kill them, and by the time I came back to get the stake, the demon had morphed into some king of weird slime thing, and the stake was gone." He whined like a little boy. The thing was that he loved that stake. When he had been locked up in that institution for three months last summer, his gangs from New York and Los Angeles had joined to carve a special stake for his birthday, which was in the middle of July. It was especially made for his hand, with a metallic handle and everyone's signature carved on the length.

"I'm sorry, I know it meant the world for you." Kristin smiled softly. And it DID mean the world to him. By the time his birthday arrived, he had just learnt that he would move to Sunnydale, and was feeling completely depressed and lonely. That gift stood for all of his friends, his family, who would always be there for him and loved him.

"I called Spike yesterday." Angel informed his sister as he made his way to his locker.

"Oh yeah? How's it going on the East coast?"

"They're fine. They had troubles with Jackson's new gang for a few months, but Spike eventually kicked them out of Manhattan. Now the business is slow, which is what he complains about. Faith says hi by the way."

"Oh cool." Kristin liked Faith. She had been one of her best friends in New York, she could relate to her because she ran away from her alcoholic mother in Boston and came to New York without anything. She was nice. A little wild, but hey, that's what Spike loved about her, anyway. "What about Gunn? He's doing alright taking your place in LA?"

"He manages. A few days ago he almost begged me to come back one time and take care of some business, but I'm sure he did it fine. I don't wanna have to go back every time there's something that doesn't work fine, Gunn will never be accepted as the leader otherwise. I trust him, that's why I passed him the responsibility of everything. Anyway, Penn came back yesterday from his trip, everything's fine."

Kristin decided to change the subject. "I saw Buffy this morning."


"She was wondering why you weren't with me." She informed him with a grin.

"She was?" He couldn't believe it. He had played what had happened the day before over and over again in his mind, he didn't get over the fact that she had almost kissed him.

"When will you ask her out bro?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I could do it...I mean if her mother hadn't shown up we would have kissed. But I can't take her to the restaurant 'cause I'm completely broke and I'm saving for my apartment anyway, and I WON'T accept money from you."

"Why don't you just take her to the Bronze or something?"

"It wouldn't be right, I don't dance and she would want to." He disagreed.

"You used to dance. Angel you're a great dancer why don't you do like old times?"

"Because it's over." Angel snapped angrily at her, hurt that she could even ask. "It's different now. I can't enjoy myself like this again. I used to do it all the time, and Steven was ALWAYS with me. It was a best-friend kind of thing. I can't do it without my best friend. I don't wanna do it now that I'm alone." Kristin couldn't find anything to reply, so he walked past her toward his English class, feeling even more depressed than before. He knew it was stupid to feel so bad about losing his stake, but it was almost the only thing that connected him with his friends. Ok, Kristin had thousands of pictures, because her dream is being a photographer so she takes pictures of anything that moves, but pictures were another deal. On half the pictures, Steven was beside him, he so didn't need to be reminded of that time.


"Angel?" Buffy repeated a third time. This time he finally looked up, startled. The girl that haunted his dreams lately was sitting on the chair right in front of his, and was smiling at him sweetly.

"Oh, sorry. Hi." He told her, almost in a whisper.

"You ok? 'Cause you're not usually mister 10 minutes early." She teased.

"Er...yeah. I had a bad night."

"So I see."

"What?" He asked, surprised.

"You've got an other black eye." She remarked, tracing the outlines of his eye with her pointing finger. He was clearly surprised that she noticed it.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"See that I got a black eye when it's almost gone." He clarified, obvious to the fact that her finger was still on his face.

"Habit." She answered simply, making him even more curious. "So how did you get it?"

"Er...accident. With my bike. I-I lost control. Ran into a...tree." He lied lamely. *What was I supposed to say? A demon punched me?*

"Does it hurt?" She placed her palm on his cheek and caressed softly his brow with her thumb.

"Not anymore." He whispered, staring intently at her with a smile.

She grinned. *God I love it when he's flirting with me!* As she removed her hand, he quickly took it in his, intertwining fingers. "You look tired." She remarked.

"I kinda stayed up all night. Couldn't sleep." He answered truthfully.



"And what about?"

"You?" He grinned raising an eyebrow.

"Hey!" She complained, hitting him softly on the arm. "I only cause dreams. I am not nightmare material! I resent that!"

*She's so cute.* "Well, maybe it was a dream and I couldn't get you out of my mind all night." He flirted.

"Maybe?" She flirted back, licking her suddenly dry lips. Just as he was about to reply, Mr. Peterson entered the class, interrupting their conversation.


Later that morning, in the middle of chemistry class, Principal Snyder entered the lab. He exchanged a few words with the teacher, and looked directly at Angel, who had been talking with Cordelia about basketball, and had been surprised to see he was enjoying talking with the Brunette. Well, as long as they were talking about his favorite sport, 'cause she was scary when it came to shopping.

"Mr. Connelly. I'd like to have a word with you." Snyder announced coldly.

"Great, my first meeting with the principal. I missed those." He murmured as he stood up.

"Don't worry, he seems intimidating at first, but he's just a tiny dwarf, he won't do anything to you." Cordelia whispered to her lab partner.

"It's ok Cordy, I'm used to stick around in the Principal's office. It gets fun after the fiftieth time." He whispered back with a half smile, before he followed Snyder out of the classroom.

When they reached the office, Angel plopped down on the chair and sighed heavily.

"What did I do?" He asked innocently. Actually, it was different from the countless times he had been in a Principal's office before, now he really didn't know what he had done.

"Nothing. YET." Snyder answered as he sat on his chair behind his desk. "I received a call from the social services a few days ago. They wanted to talk about you."

"How come?"

"Probably because of your little trip in the hospital last summer." Snyder smirked.

*Fucking bastard.* "So...what did they want?"

"They insisted that you participated in an activity outside of school. Sport, clubs, whatever that could help you focus on anything besides spreading havoc around school and slicing your wrists." Snyder informed him with a smirk at the end.

*I swear I'll kill him before the end of the year* Angel was particularly annoyed by his superior look. The bastard obviously loved screwing his students' lives. As the dark-haired boy remained silent, the Principal explained HIS point of view. "I don't really care that you respect the wishes of the social services, BUT, I'll make a deal with you."

Angel grinned. "Trying to corrupt me Mr. Snyder?"

"As I was saying" the short man ignored his remark. "I don't want to mess with a governmental institution because of this, so I'm asking you to follow orders for once."

"What's up? You're ashamed to say you need me, sir?" Angel chuckled under his breath as Snyder shot icy glares towards him.

"6 of our basketball players have been attacked last Sunday night while they were in the streets, all of them ended up in the hospital, and they won't be out before at least three months. Also, the coach is out of town for a few weeks. There is a very important game for Sunnydale in a little more than a month. We need players, at least one more so that we can have a full team."

"So you thought about me. How touching." Angel replied sarcastically.

"You better accept my offer Mr. Connelly." Snyder stated coldly.

"Or what? You'll report it to the goddamn social services?"

Snyder remained silent for a moment, going through his papers. "I read your file. I know you are as good at basketball as you are at causing trouble. I spoke with the principal of your last school, and after his long whining about your unspeakable behavior, he relented to say you were an amazingly talented basketball player. Before I knew it he was bragging about all the games you helped winning thanks to your incredible capacity to score a 3 pointers from the very end of the field at the last second."

"Jeez, you're making me blush sir." Angel rolled his eyes. Only a moron like his former principal was able to hate him with such intensity and passion as a student and admire him so much when he was holding a basketball. Suddenly, the bell rang, announcing the end of that period and also the lunch break.

"Angel? What do you think of my offer?"

"I guess I don't have a choice, do I?"

"No you don't."

"Then I accept. I wouldn't want to disappoint a polite man with a good heart like yourself, would I?"

"Follow me." Snyder commended, his glare more and more intense as they left the office.

Angel followed Snyder reluctantly around the crowded corridors of the school, to an area with couches and chairs not far from the cafeteria.

"They are always at the same place. Always in groups, packed in so-called gangs. This is pitiful." Snyder groaned under his breath as he made his way towards a group of people. Angel didn't recognize anyone except Cordelia.

"Chase, Martin, Lowell and West." Snyder called for their attention. The four of them stopped their chat and turned toward their principal.

"Yes sir?" Percy West spoke.

"In case you don't know who this young man is, this is Angel Connelly. He has been transferred from Los Angeles" As Snyder was briefly introducing Angel, the annoyed demon hunter was calmly walking away hands in his pockets, the older man oblivious that the student had left. Cordy, Hogan, Brad and Percy had noticed the boy leaving and had to bite their lips to keep from laughing. Eventually, Snyder looked over at where Angel had been standing and saw he was gone. Much to the four remaining students' surprise, Snyder didn't say anything. He merely shook his head before talking again. "When you see that boy, try to talk to him. He's joining the team. He's an official Sunnydale High basketball player for now on. He shall participate in every practices and meetings and games. Got it?"

"Got it." The four answered in unison, as Snyder was leaving.

"How the hell does Snyder expect us to win the game if the first loser he sees join the team?" Brad, one of the best players, asked Cordy, Hogan the captain of the team, and Percy.

"Wow! Angel is my friend, buddy!" Cordelia snapped at him. "I might not have known him for a long time, but I know enough to guess that he's a pretty good player. He's been playing for years at school."

"I've got nothing against the guy, but we have no more replacements, so he better be good. You talk to him, get him on the field this afternoon after school." Percy told Cordelia. He wanted to believe the cheerleader, but he couldn't help the idea that a guy chosen by Snyder wouldn't be their best shot at winning the state championships.



*Oh finally I found him!* Cordelia thought as she spotted Angel after school. She caught up with him quickly and made him turn around. "Hey Angel!"

"What do you want?" He asked sighing.

"Look, I don't know why Snyder made you join the team, but you were thinking about it anyway, right?"


"You've got a meeting with the guys on the field now. You better go if you want my opinion." She advised, smiling sweetly.

"I don't know Cordelia...I don't like being the center of attention."

"Well, it's now friendlily or later with a kick in the butt from Snyder." She half-joked.

"Alright, I'll go. Do you mind showing me the way?" He asked, smiling. He liked that girl. She could be amazingly annoying most of the time, but she was also able to be fun and nice. She reminded him of Faith in some way. The bitchy behavior that was hiding a soft heart. But she was way less dark and rebellious than Faith. Still, when Cordelia was focused on basketball, Angel liked her. As surprising as he thought it was, he would be glad to be her friend. Although, if she started talking about make-up, clothes and dates, he knew he would be the first one to run.

As Cordelia was leading Angel to the basketball field, Buffy, Xander, Willow and Oz saw them. They were smiling at each other and even laughing at the comments the brunette was making of Angel's new co-players. The slayer felt as if someone had punched her in the face seeing the two of them together, and Xander's dislike for the new boy was coming out again.

"What does he think he's doing?" He snarled angrily, making the other jump.

"Nothing!" Willow blurted suddenly, hoping Buffy wasn't thinking what she was sure she was thinking. "They're just talking. Having a nice conversation. Nothing to worry about. Cause Cordy's with Xander. And she's not Angel's type."

"What do you know of Angel's type?" Xander asked suspiciously.

"Well...he has a thing for blondes. Not brunettes. Kristin kinda told me that two days ago." Willow admitted.

"I gotta go." Buffy murmured softly. She left quickly, tears threatening to fall. *He doesn't give a damn about me. He likes Cordelia, not me. Cordelia. Cordelia and not me. Why not me?* She was dead jealous of Cordelia. *I know why. Because she's miss popular, she has time to date, to go shopping. I'm always busy with slaying, everyone sees me as a freak of nature. Angel too. God this is so unfair!*


Meanwhile, Cordelia and Angel had reached the practice fields, where the whole basketball team was talking and the cheerleaders were stretching not far from them.

"Good luck Angel. I've got a cheerleading practice, otherwise I would have stayed to support you." Queen C told Angel with a bright smile.

"Okay. I'll see you later." He murmured as he made his way towards his new co-players.

"So. That's THE replacement for our SIX injured players, huh?" Some tall blond guy said.

"Yeah, Snyder's choice, man." Brad replied, shaking his head.

"Hi Angel. It's cool you could make it." Hogan greeted him with a smile, shaking his hand.

"Yeah, whatever." Angel answered shrugging. Hogan and Percy introduced Angel to every guy of the team, some of them seemed ready to give him a chance, but most of them were not.

"So, we usually come everyday after school here to practice for an hour, and 2 hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We" Hogan started to explain, but he was interrupted by a chuckle from Angel.

"What?" Percy asked, frowning.

" actually expect me to come over to...practice every day? You kidding right?" He asked, his tone relatively neutral. He seemed a little amused by that fact though.

"Why?" Hogan was surprised, as were the others.

"Er...because...I won't." Angel answered simply.

"What about what Snyder said, man?" Percy reminded him.

"I really couldn't care less about whatever he said."

"But you don't have a choice. That's how it works, we gotta practice." Hogan replied.

"Well I've got better things to do." Angel stated before he started to walk away. He was interrupted by Brad, who raised his voice dangerously, attracting the attention of the cheerleaders.

"Hey dumb ass! You really think you're better than us? You think you're a pro?" Angel turned around and glared at the boy. "Well you know what? Why don't you show us why you don't need practice. We make a deal."

"Right, 'cause I didn't make enough deals today." Angel grumbled, but Brad had his attention.

"You pass the test, you do things your way." Brad started, grinning. He would truly enjoy seeing that guy making a fool of himself.

"That means no everyday practices?" Angel asked, wanting to make things clear before engaging himself in a bet. He had learned that from the streets.

"Well, you really need to show up once in a while." Hogan added. Everybody knew what the test was, and they were sure he would fail.

"Alright. What's the test?"

"You've got one shot to score." Brad told him. As Angel looked at him in disbelief, he added the last part of the deal with a smirk. "From the opposite side of the field."

"Angel!" Cordelia called him. "You don't need to do that, just accept to go to practice, it won't kill you!"

"I'm in, man." Angel told Brad as he took off his jacket so that he was only wearing a white t-shirt. He took the ball from Percy and walked to the spot Brad was showing him, at the end of the field, ignoring the chuckles and jokes he received from some guys. He stopped and made the ball bounce a few times.

"We're all watching my friend!" Brad called. Indeed, both teams, the basketball players and the cheerleaders, were watching Angel. The dark-haired demon hunter looked at the basket on the other side briefly. He made the ball bounce once, twice, three times, before he threw it in the air professionally. Then he put his hands in his pockets, sighing. Everyone except Angel jumped in surprise when they saw the ball landing perfectly into the basket. After a beat, every head turned toward Angel, who was already making his way back.

"That was incredible man!" Hogan exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah, like he said. Wow!" Percy added, and a few others congratulated him too. Angel shrugged and took his jacket in one hand, ignoring the stunned boys and girls around him.

"I guess I won't see you soon then." He simply stated, smiling at Brad. Not leaving him time to answer, Angel walked to his motorbike and took off.


The next day, Buffy, Xander, Willow, Oz, Cordelia and Kristin were hanging in the corridor of Sunnydale High, talking about their plans for the next week-end. Kristin had accepted to invite everyone for a sleep-over the whole week-end, seeing her foster parents were in Chicago for a few days. Buffy was still mad at Cordelia for the way she and Angel had acted around each other the day before, but she tried not to show it. Xander had acted as if nothing had happened, but Buffy and Willow were convinced he was jealous of Angel.

Anyway, Cordelia was oblivious of her friends' feelings, and when she saw Angel entering the building, she got totally excited. "Oh my god! Don't wait for me guys, I'll see you in class!" She told them before running to meet Angel as he was about to turn in another corridor. "Angel!" She called at him to make him stop, which he did. He smiled slightly when he saw Cordelia, who was wearing a huge grin.

"Hi Cordy." He greeted her softly.

"Oh my god Angel! Yesterday, that was SO fantastic!" She told him excitedly, hurrying him in a quick hug. He looked at her with an amused half smile on his face when she pulled away. He didn't know the others were watching them.

"Er...thanks. I guess." He replied, his hands back in his pockets.

"Where did you learn to throw a ball like that? It was amazing!"

"Hum...practice. I've been playing ever since I'm 8." He answered truthfully, although he didn't show any particular emotion. He was being polite, not bragging.

"You totally threw Brad on his ass! He's always the guy who wants everyone to know he's the best, but he made a fool of himself with that test, it was precious!"

"Well I'm glad." He answered, grinning. Yeah, he had enjoyed THAT part.


"What in the world can they be talking about?" Xander asked, obviously jealous.

"I have no idea. Cordelia and Angel sharing a conversation? It's like an other dimension." Willow answered, trying to cheer Buffy up. There wasn't much she could say, though. The red-head had listened to Buffy's complains all evening when they were on the phone, and she had tried to comfort her and stop her sobs, but she was running out of ideas.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I don't know!" Kristin said seeing everyone's gaze on her. "I haven't seen my brother since yesterday morning. I called him yesterday afternoon but he was late because he had a job appointment, but he didn't say anything else. He wasn't home at night, but it's not the first time, he does that very often. I'm as surprised as you guys."


"Look Cordy, I don't mind talking to you, but I've gotta see Miss Calendar, the computer teacher. Do you know where her office is?" Angel asked, checking his watch.

"Oh yeah. I've got a class with her in like 5 minutes, I'll take you there." She offered with a smile.


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