ONE Shot of Beverage of Choice
1) Giles takes off or puts on his glasses
2) Buffy slays something
3) Connor cries
4) Xander makes some stupid remark
5) Someone consults a book
6) Fred babbles
7) Lorne shows up
8) Giles takes more than three sentences to describe/explain a simple concept
9) Willow either uses magic or is tempted to do so
10) Anya makes some sex reference
11) Anyone says "Wiggins"
12) Spike makes some random comment
13) Connor says something in more than three words
TWO Shots
1) B/A reference (anytime)
2) Reference to previous show in any different season
3) Lorne sings
4) Angel fails to hold baby correctly
5) Giles cleans glasses
6) Slayerette slays something
7) Buffy slays something other than vampires
8) If someone says "just another Tuesday night in Sunnydale"
9) Tara's in episode
10) Cordy begins to float or something demonic
11) Any scenes with Tai Chi
12) Dawn steals something
13) Seeing anyone shirtless
14) Any karaoke scenes
15) Connor is now for some reason not a baby
1) B/A kisses
2) Connor goes to Sunnydale
3) B/S sex "implications"
4) C/A incestuous sex scenes
*Be Cautious of the last two because in those instances the beverages seem not to want to stay down!!!*
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