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Midnight Wind

by Jill

Disclaimer: let me check ... nope, still don't own them. Sigh! I'm not making any money off this. I've taken several lines from the Buffy-season-six-episode "All The Way". This episode was written by Stephen S. DeKnight. And I've taken lines from the Angel-season-three episode "Offspring". This episode was written by David Greenwalt.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: B/A (strong in this part!), and the usual pairings from the show
Distribution: my site (, Land of Denial, if you have any of my stories, take it; anybody else tell me where it goes
Timeline: This is set into canon, in an attempt to make the whole series more B/A-friendly. Spoilers: the whole B/A-canon to be sure, follows loosely "Midnight Angel", "Midnight Whispers", "Midnight Rainbow", "Midnight Hour", "Midnight Memory", "Midnight Protector", "Midnight Letter", "Midnight Encounters", "Midnight Eyes, "Midnight Lovers", "Midnight Kiss", "Midnight Song", "Midnight Rose", "Midnight Velvet", "Midnight Sun", "Midnight Shade", "Midnight Secrets", "Midnight Star", and "Midnight Dance". You should probably read it to understand this. And you should have seen season 6/3 or at least read the transcripts (, or you won't know what they're talking about.
Timeline: Set after "Billy" and within "All The Way", and also partly within "Offspring".
Feedback: oh yes, please


Angel shook his head slightly at the noises surrounding him, when he suddenly heard Cordelia's voice on the other end of the line. "Cordy," he said, shifting the phone on his shoulder. "It's me."

"Of course it's you," came her annoyed reply. "Who else would call me without a reason."

"Hello, to you, too, Cordelia," the vampire said sarcastically.

"Uhm," Anya smiled brightly at the customer, cautious to stay on her roller-skates, "Everything on this table's half off. Including the table."

Skating onto the next customer, she smiled again, "Buy one eyeball, get the second for free!" She tilted her head, glancing at Xander who was standing a bit away trying to scare some kids with his pirate-costume. The kids, of course, weren't impressed at all.

"God, this is a circus." Buffy looked around, sighed, then glanced at Angel who gave her a smile, then mouthed 'be careful' when he saw her lifting a heavy box. She gave him a grin, mouthing back 'I'm the slayer'. Leave it to a vampire to make a phone call in the middle of this chaos.

"It's nice of you to call." She sighed loudly, "Where are you? Wait, that's an unnecessary question, of course. I know you are in Sunnydale." She paused for a moment and frowned, "And what's all the noise."

"It's Halloween," Angel replied unnecessarily.

"I know that," she sighed again, rubbed her aching forehead. The last vision had been so painful, she was still trying to get rid of the after-effects. "But what are you *doing* there. I know Buffy's back. And I understand that ... you want to be close to her. Really, I understand. But you've got a life here, you know."

"I know, Cordelia."

"You do? Well, frankly, I haven't seen that. Besides your short visit you're more of a guest these days. We had to get rid of that annoying guy all on our own. Because you were *busy*. Busy. Busy with what?" She snorted, "I could be rude now, but at least I know you and Buffy can't do the nasty thing. So what's keeping you there?"

Glad he couldn't blush, Angel had to clear his throat, again reminded of the fact that his friends still didn't know about he and Buffy. Or rather, he, Buffy, and their baby. "I will be back," he promised. "Soon. I promise."

He saw Buffy coming back from the basement, then lifting another box. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed, "It's just ... at the moment, I'm more needed here. Things are ... complicated."

"Oh, I believe that. Things are always complicated if it comes to Buffy. Angel, you once tried the non-touchy-relationship with her. It didn't work." He heard her sigh deeply, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know," he smiled slightly, "Cordy. And I appreciate this. But I ... look, as soon as I'm back I'm going to explain it to you. And I will be back ... soon."

"Okay," she sighed again, "Is she ... okay?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yes. Physically, she's fine. Emotionally, she's ... she's been through a lot. It's hard for her to ... handle life."

"Sounds a bit like Fred to me," Cordelia replied.

"Fred? No, not like Fred. She isn't ... She seems okay. But she's ... changed. Look, Cordy, it's complicated. I will explain. I-"

"-promise, I know. Okay, Angel. But don't be surprised if I knock you down when you come back. I'm taking lessons you know. Gunn is showing me how to fight."

"What?" Angel straightened, suddenly alarmed, "Cordy! You're what? Cordy..." Realising she had shut down the line, he held the receiver away, and staring at it, he swore, "Dammit. Dammit."

"Trouble in paradise?" Xander came to stand beside the vampire, looking at him curiously.

Biting off an angry retort, Angel stuffed the phone in his pocket, then gazed at Xander, "No." Remembering that the young man had once dated the brunette, he added, "That was Cordelia." "Oh," Xander grinned, propping his elbows on the counter, "I'm sure it was fun."

"Yeah, fun." Angel sighed, then frowned.

"So," Xander tilted his head, "Let me guess. Cordy still doesn't know about you two being back together, or about Angel-junior. Boy, would I like to see her face when you tell her."

The vampire scowled at the other man, not particularly liking the image. "No, she doesn't know. There wasn't ... the opportunity to tell them."

Xander nodded, then turned away, but stopped, put a hand on Angel's shoulder, "I'm just saying one thing. I'm glad I'm not in your shoes here, buddy." With another grin he sauntered off.


Holding a box firmly in her hands, Buffy rounded the stairs in the basement, only to come suddenly face to face with Spike. "Oh," she exclaimed, the box almost dropping from her hands.

She narrowed her eyes at the blond vampire, "Bell. Neck. Look into it."

"Comes with a nice leather collar, does it?" Spike replied, grinning at her.

"What are you doing lurking down here?" she asked, tilting her head.

He sighed, "Came through the tunnels." Holding up a handful of vines, he went on, "With the big Poof around all the time, I have to be stealth guy these days. I was running low on burba weed. Stir it in with the blood. Makes it all hot'n spicy."

It happened so quickly, Buffy couldn't even drop the box, when her stomach suddenly protested against the idea of spiced blood, and she threw up, all over the box, and all over the shocked vampire.

"Hey," he exclaimed, jumping back. "That's disgusting, Slayer."

Wiping her mouth with a tissue from her pocket, Buffy gave him a look, "Oh, that's rich. And that from a guy, who ... no," she shook her head in panic, "No, not ... arrgh..." Before she could do again, her stomach emptied itself for a second time. "God, yuck." She shuddered slightly, stepped back, wiping her face again.

"What? Can't think about blood? Suddenly-"

He yelped when she grabbed his arm with remarkable force, "Don't say the b-word, okay," she ordered, almost growling. "Not now. Not around me. Not ever."

Looking at her stunned, Spike held up both hands, "Okay, okay. I'm good. Don't get all worked up." His eyes narrowed, "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Angrily she shoved him away, turned towards the box, making a face when she realised she'd vomited all over it. With a little sigh, she shrugged, was about to turn away, when Spike's voice stopped her. "Feel like a bit of the rough and tumble?"

She stopped dead in tracks, then slowly turned back to him, "What?"

"Me ... you..."

Her eyes widened at first, then narrowed, anger building in them.

Spike laughed suddenly, "Patrolling? Hello?"

"Oh. Uh ... patrolling ... right," she stammered, feeling herself blush. "Angel's patrolling," she told him. "I'm ... not meant to patrol ... for now."

Watching her closely, Spike said, "I can patrol. I do it all the time."

Buffy sighed, "Spike. Angel isn't exactly friendly-guy when it comes to you at the moment. And I can't really blame him. After the last time," she sighed again, "I just don't want you two blowing up again."

The vampire's mouth twisted into a sarcastic smirk, "Oh yeah, holy Angel. Can't do anything wrong these days. You know, you two are sickening together. I mean, I pretty much got it that you're shaggin' again. But doesn't the guy have a life? I thought he was playing big bad PI in L.A." He turned, "It's not like I don't already have plans," he mumbled, leaving towards the sewer-entrance.

The Slayer shook her head, "so much easier to talk to when he wanted to kill me." Turning towards the stairs, she heard Angel's voice, "Buffy, are you okay down there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she shouted back, hating to lie to him. Okay? What did it feel to be okay, she wondered for a moment. She couldn't remember. Had she ever been okay?


Angel smiled when he saw Buffy and Xander hugging in the Summers' living-room. Some years ago he would have a hard time to control his jealousy seeing the two of them together, today, however, he was grateful to know she had such good friends. His eyes darted involuntarily to Willow, who was just entering the living-room, coming back from the kitchen. He hadn't been oblivious to the changes in the redhead's behaviour. Maybe Buffy would need Xander now more than ever.

"You're getting married," Buffy said, grinning at her friend, enveloping him in a bear hug. "You!"

"Me," Xander's voice was strangled, "Choking."

"Oh sorry," she gave him a little sheepish grin, "I just, I can't believe it. Seems like only yesterday you had to pay a girl to date you."

He huffed, "Like I'd ever pay," he said, then added nervously, "Define 'date'."

The same moment Willow and Dawn came to her side, carrying the bowl of snacks. Buffy looked at them, tilting her head, "I was only out of commission for three months. How many other things have changed since I've been away?"

"Besides you being pregnant?" Dawn grinned at her, when she saw her sister's scowl, "Ooh ... I got a tattoo!"

Buffy's eyes widened in shock, "WHAT?"

"Which is why we told her no," Willow cut in, putting a soothing hand on Buffy's arm.

"Just a little one?"

Buffy gave her sister a stern look, "Over my dead body," she replied, then realising Willow had moved over to the sofa, she added, "The kind that doesn't come back."

Angel frowned at the comment, not liking the dark mood he sensed in the Slayer, walked over to join the sisters. The same moment, Anya entered the living-room, and Dawn turned towards her, "Congratulations," she said, then hugged the former vengeance demon. "You're very lucky. Finding a guy like him."

"Not as lucky as me," Xander cut in, kissing his bride-to-be on the cheek.

Dawn used the moment to turn away, "See you guys tomorrow?"

"Whoa!" Instantly alarmed, Buffy grabbed her arm, "Tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm sleeping over at Janice's. Remember?"

"That's tonight?" Buffy asked, frowning at her. "No," Dawn let out an exaggerated sigh, "It's on the other Halloween. Come on, you said I could."

Buffy's nervous eyes found Angel, who reached over taking her hand, "It's okay, Dawn", he said gently. "Have fun. Besides," he looked back at his lover, "the vampires are taking the night off. So, no danger."

"Yeah, okay," the blond replied hesitantly, her eyes darting from Angel to her sister, "It's just, you know, now with Xander's party, I-"

"Ah, we're good," Xander gave both sisters a grin, "But you have to get us some extra gifts for our reception."

"Yes, please," Anya piped in.

"Come on," Dawn gave Buffy a pleading look, "It's four blocks away. I'll walk straight over. Not like I'm gonna be roaming the streets. Please?"

"O-okay," her sister nodded, holding onto Angel's hand a bit tighter, glad he was a vampire and could take it. Still, she heard his slight groan at the force of her grip, and loosened it a little. But Angel felt that she was far from being alright. His eyes met Giles' over the room, and he saw the same thoughts in the watcher's eyes.


"So I was thinking maybe a June wedding," Anya said with a dreamy smile on her lips, then she suddenly frowned, "But then I remembered that they always had the highest percentage of calls for vengeance." She sighed, looking at Buffy, Angel and Giles who were sitting on the sofa in front of her, then at Xander who was standing beside her . "So, now I'm leaning towards as soon as damn possible. I mean, mortal life being so short, we gotta get in as much marital bliss as we can before we wither and die."

Xander nodded beside her, but began shifting on his feet, looking decidedly nervous.

"I mean," Anya went on, "There's just so much to consider, though, I mean, planning the wedding and, and new car, house and babies. You *have* to plan for babies, or they just run roughshod over your entire existence"

"Yeah," Xander laughed nervously, " gotta know what to call 'em before they hit college."

Giles nodded, smiled at them, "Ah. Rupert is an exceptionally strong name." The ex-demon laughed, "Ha ha ha! Yeah, if we want our progeny to eat paste and have their lunch money stolen."

Giles gave her an insulted look, but Buffy started to giggle then turned her head and buried it in Angel's broad chest, her upper body shaking with laughter. The watcher gave her back a stern look, then gazed at Angel who was struggling to keep a straight face. It was the first time Buffy had laughed so freely and Angel felt a knot loosening inside his gut.

Recovering, Buffy straightened again, "Look," she smiled at Giles, "all that matters is that they're happy." Then she turned her smile at Anya, "Everything else is thick gravy goodness."

"I know," Anya smiled back, "I mean, I am the luckiest ex-demon in the world. I mean, to be able to find the one person in all dimensions that I was meant to be with, and have everything work out exactly as I dreamed. I mean how often does the universe allow to happen?"

While Xander smiled at her Buffy's and Angel's eyes met. She tilted her head for a kiss, but just before their lips met, his cell phone rang again. Closing his eyes for a moment he gave Buffy an apologetic look, glad when he saw her smile and nod.

With a little sigh he reached into his pocket and answered, "Angel."

"It's me."

Another sigh escaped his throat, "Cordy. I already told you," he stood, moving away from the sofa, not to disturb the others with his phone-call, "I'm coming as soon as possible, you don't need to-"

"I know what you told me. I was there, remember? And I also know what I said. But that was then. This is now."

"And what's so different *now* that you had to call me?"

"Oh, nothing big," she said casually, "Just that Darla's here."

"What?" Angel asked, suddenly feeling as if his legs might give out any moment. The knot that had just loosened tightened again, becoming more gigantic by the second.

"Don't you understand plain English?" she asked sarcastically, "Darla's here," she repeated.

Angel gritted his teeth, otherwise, he thought, he wasn't quite sure he'd be able to suppress a scream. "What exactly do you mean by 'Darla is here'," he ground out.

He could almost hear Buffy's head come around with a snap, and Angel was suddenly, painfully, aware he wasn't alone in this room. There wasn't just Buffy, but all her friends, and Giles.

"Well," he heard Cordelia's voice over the phone, "let me think what I could mean by that. Maybe that she's standing here in the lobby. As in right now?"

"What?" Angel felt panic rising inside of him. Darla back in L.A. could only mean trouble. And with Buffy in her current state, still emotionally fragile, and pregnant, it could lead to disaster. Plus, there was still the tiny, unimportant detail about the night he'd had with his sire. The night Buffy still knew nothing about. The night Darla would only too gladly rub in the Slayer's face.

"Gee, I always thought my pronunciation isn't that bad. I even took classes at one point, you know." He heard her sigh, "Of course that was when I still thought I could become an actress. *Before* the Powers and your friend Doyle decided to gift me with head splitting migraines."


"No," she interrupted him instantly. "Don't even say it. Because I'm not going to calm down. Darla is standing right in front of me. Okay, Gunn and Wesley are both pointing crossbows at her heart, so she might not be actually dangerous, but-"

"Darla is always dangerous," he cut her off. "Don't underestimate her."

"Good of you to tell us. We were just going to ask her to join the agency. You know, because she's so nice and cuddly." He heard her take a deep breath, "Angel, you need to come. *Now*. I'm not at all interested what's going on in Sunnydale, or if Buffy can handle it. This needs your instant return."

"I'll try-"

"No," she interrupted him again, "No trying. Now. This very minute. And if you've still got problems convincing yourself that you're needed, maybe you should know that Darla didn't just come to L.A. herself. She also brought a tiny little surprise with her. And you should be glad you're far away because if you were here I would *so* kill you, and-"

"Cordy," he growled.

"She's pregnant," she snapped.

A blow into his midsection couldn't have been more precise. If his heart had been beating, Angel knew it would've stopped right now, "What?" he managed.

"Yeah. And want to know another interesting piece of news, Mr I-would-never-sleep-with-Darla. She says the baby is yours."


Buffy found Xander on the porch, fanning himself with his pirate hat. "You okay," she asked him, hugging herself.

"Yeah," he gave her a forced smile. "I just ... it's just, I didn't think it would be so much."

She looked at him for a long moment, "But this is good," she told him, "I mean, this is the way life's supposed to work out."

"Right," he nodded, looking at the moon, "Deep pools of ooey delight. I'm wallowing, not drowning."

"Define wallow action."

"Okay," Xander sighed, "So, once more into the breach?" he nodded towards the house.

She slightly shook her head, "Oh. I think my breaches are wearing a little thin. I'm gonna take Spike up on that offer to patrol. Gotta be something out there cruisin' for a smackdown."

Looking at her with concerned eyes, Xander put a hand on her arm, "Buffy, you shouldn't go on patrol. Think about the baby."

"The baby, yeah," she said, but it didn't sound happy.

"What's the matter?" Xander asked, his hand moving to her cheek. "It's me, Xander. Your best bud. Tell me."

She sighed deeply, "No," she shook her head, stepping back from his touch, "It's just me being silly. I just need a bit away time. Besides it's Halloween. Nothing's going to happen tonight."

"You sure?"

"Uh-huh," she gave him a slightly smile.

Trying a different approach, Xander said, "Angel-"

But as soon as the name was out, she cut him off, her eyes hard, "Yeah, well, Angel's not here. He's gone. To L.A. Which means he isn't around. Which also means I'm responsible here." She was still furious with him for leaving her tonight. Darla was in L.A. So what? Big deal. She would have certainly waited until tomorrow. Was his crew so weak, they couldn't handle a single vampire?

Sighing inwardly, she knew she wasn't fair. She reminded herself of the problems he'd gone through when Darla had been around some months ago. Remembered the darkness that surrounded him then. No, she realised, she wasn't really angry he'd gone to take care of the problem. What really made her furious was that he'd refused to take her with him. What the hell did he think she was? Some fragile girl? She was the slayer for God's sake. She was strong. Hadn't she come back from death twice? So why did he think she couldn't handle Darla? Unless, a voice whispered inside her head, he had something to hide.

Hating herself for her lack of trust towards a man who'd done nothing but taking care for her the last few days, she turned away and walked into the night, missing the thoughtful expression on Xander's face when his eyes followed her retreating form.


"Okay, now I'm here," Angel announced his presence, rushing into the lobby of the Hyperion. "Can somebody please tell me what the hell-"

The words died in his throat, when his eyes fell on the people sitting on the sofas in the lobby looking expectantly at him. "Darla." It was the only word he was able to utter. His sire was sitting beside Cordelia, staring at him with unconcealed hatred. And she was undoubtedly pregnant.

Her lips turned into a sarcastic smirk, "Hello, lover," she greeted him. "Long time, no see."

Shaking off the shock, Angel narrowed his eyes, "Well, when did this happen?"

Slowly she stood, her eyes never leaving his, "You know *exactly* when it happened."

"Angel," Cordelia looked hurt, "Did - you - and Darla..."

Ignoring her question, he continued to look at his sire. "This is impossible." Oh yeah? a little voice said in his head. Buffy' s pregnant. So why should this be impossible? At the thought of Buffy, Angel felt suddenly hot and cold. Oh God, Buffy. How would he ever be able to explain this? He had managed to keep his cool saying goodbye two hours ago, somehow hoping that what Cordelia had told him was nothing but a big misunderstanding. Seeing Darla standing in front of him, however, made it painfully clear, that it was obviously true. Darla was pregnant. And he couldn't deny that he had slept with her all those months ago.

"Tell me about it - daddy!," Darla hissed.

"You slept with her?" Cordelia demanded to know.

Still ignoring her, Angel turned towards Wesley, "Vampires can't have children. Wes?"

Shaking off his own confusion, the former watcher stepped to his friend's side, "Ah, no, he's right. It's not possible."

"That's not what I asked," Cordelia growled.

"You know we can't," Darla said, "I know we can't. But - we did. What the hell did you do to me?" With a swift movement of her arm she hit Angel across his face, and he stumbled back against the weapon's cabinet behind him.

"Stop that," Cordelia demanded hotly, stepping between them.

"It's okay," Angel straightened, wiped his mouth. "It's alright. I'm okay."

The brunette shot him a look, "You'll hurt her! Haven't you done enough?" Turning to Darla, she motioned to the sofa, "Here, sit down. You should get off your feet." Then her accusing eyes met Angel's, "Did you or did you not look me in the eye and say that you would *never* do a thing like this with her?"

"Oh, he lied?" Darla gave Angel almost the same look, Cordelia had just before, "What a surprise."

Suddenly getting fed up with all this, Angel put his hands at his hips, "Okay. Shut up. All of you now."

Silence. They just stared at him. "Fine," he went on, "Yes, I slept with Darla. It's not as if I need to tell you those things," he shot at Cordy. "I'm not asking you about the guys you sleep with. Besides, it wasn't like that. Maybe, one day, I'm going to explain it to you. But not now. Now I want to know if this is possible, and if it's possible I want to know how. We don't know what's inside of her. She's evil. She could-," cutting himself off, he ran a hand through his hair.

"We need to find out what it is, she carries inside of her." He gave Wesley a pleading look and the former watcher instantly sprang into action, hurrying for the books with Fred at his heels, while Gunn didn't move an inch. He was still pointing a crossbow at Darla. And Angel was grateful for it. At least one of his friends didn't lose his common sense over a pregnant vampire.

"Watch her," he ordered, looking at Gunn. He had to get out of her. He needed to get away from all this. At least for a moment. "She's dangerous. Don't let her talk you into anything," he warned.

Gunn gave him a grin, "Don't worry. For me, she's still just a vampire chick. Okay, a pregnant vampire chick, but still."

"Thanks," Angel replied, feeling sick to the core. The only thing he could think of was Buffy. Buffy, who still knew nothing about all this. Buffy, who was pregnant with his ... other ? ... child. Oh God, this was a mess. "I'm going to see the Host," he announced and walked out of the door.


Buffy gave Xander and Anya an apologetic gaze, "Sorry about the party."

Xander made a dismissive gesture with his hand, "Aah. Don't worry about it. We know all about slayer duties." The blond smiled at him gratefully, "Combined with some older sister duties this time. I still can't believe Dawn didn't realise the guy was a vampire."

"Hey, it's not your fault," Xander put a hand on her arm. "Besides. She's fine. You saved her in time."

"And it gave me more time to plan the bridal shower," Anya smiled brightly at her, "Where do we order obscenely muscular male strippers?"

Her fiancée stared at her in shock, "Anya."

"Well, I'm kidding. Geez."

He cuckled, relieved, then looked back at Buffy. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Touching the bruise at her eye, she winced, "It's no big. I'm good."

"You really shouldn't go out slaying anymore," Xander told her, grinned, "I'm already looking forward sitting Angel-junior. So don't disappoint me."

"I won't," she replied, unable to hide the tears that were welling up in her eyes. "Thanks, Xand."

"Hey, I'm your friend, remember." He leaned towards her, kissed her cheek. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you." She watched them leave, then almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Spike standing behind her.

He was watching her through narrowed eyes, "Guess I should bugger off. Something about big bads not venturing far from their crypts on Halloween." He was about to turn, then stopped, looked at her again, "Angel-junior, huh?"

She winced again, then nodded.

One of his eyebrows rose, "How did this happen? Vampires can't have kids. Seems Angel isn't just shooting blinds like the rest of us."

"Obviously," she said, feeling uncomfortable about discussing this with him.

"I already wondered where the second heartbeat came from," he informed her then, grinning when her eyes widened. "Oh, come on, Slayer. I'm a vampire. We hear those things." He suddenly laughed, "So you're going to have Angelus' kid. Makes you my grand-mom. Well, kind of."

She narrowed her eyes, "In your dreams."

"Yeah. Sure," he replied, turning away. "Say," he stopped again, "Didn't the watcher say something about Darla being back in L.A.?"

"Yeah," she answered. "That's the reason Angel had to leave."

He laughed again, walked away, but her voice stopped him. "What?" she demanded, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he shrugged, "Just vampire grapevines, you know."

"Oh?" she narrowed her eyes, "And what about them?"

"As I said, just ... talk." He sighed, looked at her again, "About my grand-sire ... and ... Darla. Seems they were really close the last time she was around."

"Really close?" Her voice had gone dangerously soft. "Define really close."

He rolled his eyes, "Close," he repeated the word, making an unmistakable movement with his lower body. "I wouldn't turn my back on them, if I was you," he said, then with another laugh disappeared in the night.

The End


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