Author: Jennifer
Rating R (cause most of my stories are for language)
Disclaimer I don’t own Buffy or Angel, im not sitting on a throne! I just own my imagination
Spoiler Right now for The House always wins….TIME TO CHANGE THE STORY
Note There will be spoilers in this entire story. I hated the eppy and since no one was writing about it I figured I would. It takes place at the end of the episode. Time to take my twist on things. Please don’t get offended by anything……if you read my stuff you should know better by now. My imagination can get wild and I can get angsty or happy depending on my mood
One more thing I have no idea how long this will get………we all know me!!
Dedicated to Peygaan since she cant wait for another story of Forever is Forever, Right. I luv, ya peygaan…. also dedicated to everyone who hated the EPPY!
Angel followed the others in and never noticed Fred had stopped dead in her tracks until it was too late and he bumped into her, knocking her over.
“Fred, do tell someone your stopping,” He snapped.
He was having a hell of a day and all he wanted was his bed. Damn, and he never did get to collect on that jackpot at the casino.
“Angel,” Fred whispered.
He frowned at her tone and picked her off the ground and followed her gaze.
“Cordelia?” he said stunned.
She was beautiful he thought, an Angel. She was dressed all in white and she turned to face them and frowned.
Wait a minute she’s not supposed to frown upon seeing me, he thought.
“Who are you people?” She asked.
Angel just let his jaw drop open. She didn’t remember us?
“Come off it kid,” an annoying Jersey accent said.
Angel straightened up quickly upon recognizing the voice. He swirled to the tiny demon. “Whistler,” He growled.
The tacky dressed demon grinned and walked over to Cordelia and snapped his fingers.
“Glad to see you recognize me Angel,” Whistler grinned.
“How could I not?” Angel whispered.
“Getting the impression you forgot a lot of things,” Whistler said flicking his hand around the room.
“You work for the Powers?” Lorne asked.
“You could say that,” Whistler said.
“Look I don’t care why you’re here but you brought Cordy back,” Angel said looking at the vision in front of him. Was she glowing? It had to be his imagination. “She brought herself back,” Whistler said.
“Huh,” Gunn said staring at the little man.
“What you think you have that great of luck Angel, especially gambling,” He muttered giving the vampire a look.
Angel looked at the ceiling and decided to try counting to ten.
“Little Miss Lets Help the Soul Boy out cost her to be cast out, besides they were tired of her bitching and let me tell you she did nothing but bitch, so here she is and no more visions,” Whistler grumbled.
“Cordy’s a bitch?” Fred questioned.
The little demon just stared at her like she had more than one head.
“Do you remember when I said you can go either way?” Whistler asked.
Angel looked back at him and frowned. Of course he remembered.
“Well you went the wrong way. I should have paid more attention, but I thought you were smarter,” Whistler said walking towards the door.
Angel rushed towards him, catching him by the neck and pinning him to the wall.
“Damn! Watch the collar, would ya! Seems to be the going thing with you super heroes and my neck,” He joked.
Angel applied more pressure.
“Lighten up kid, now you don’t have to save any more lives. Go find your kid and live happily with the ex-higher being,” he groaned under the pressure.
“What the hell is he talking about?” Gunn asked.
“Angel, you’re going to kill him!” Fred yelled.
“Too bad,” he said and applied pressure, but felt a hand and turned to face the intruder with game face on. He stared at Cordelia’s face racked with tears and transformed his face into one that wouldn’t scare her. He let go of Whistler and grabbed Cordy and pulled her into a hug.
“I am so sorry, Angel,” She cried as the memories of everyone flooded back and damn it, her head hurt. It wasn’t supposed to, was it?
He pulled her away from him. “Shhh, its ok,” he whispered.
“Actually, its not. Charging people for your help? Down right tacky Angel.” Whistler wheezed.
Angel hugged Cordy who was sobbing uncontrollably and looked at the demon.
Whistler straightened his clothes and smirked. “You were supposed to protect her. Maybe a few smooches here and there. Maybe bump groins, have a few kids, but supposed to protect her. I had everything riding on you. I went out on a limb for you and what do you do? You went the other way. It’s a good thing they already found your replacement.” He said holding his throat.
“Excuse me?” Angel growled.
“You think you’re the only Soul Boy out there?” Whistler asked.
Angel frowned and nodded.
“Don’t be stupid. You were made a Vampire by being stupid, but the Powers have always been watching you. Who better to protect the Strongest Warrior that the Powers had than the Scourge of Europe,” He said sitting down on the couch.
“Keep talking,” Angel said after a few minutes of silence.
“Haven’t you figured it out yet? I had too much faith on you.” Whistler said.
“Figured what out?” Angel shouted.
“You left,” Whistler said.
“Whistler,” Cordy sniffled into Angel’s arm.
Angel gripped her closer and breathed in her scent.
“Look at you, the Slayer not good enough for you?” Whistler said standing up glaring at Angel.
“Buffy?” Gunn asked.
“You are all ignorant. Yes, Buffy! She needed you and you left her that night, didn’t you?” He demanded of Angel.
Angel closed his eyes and sighed. “She doesn’t need me,” He said.
Whistler started laughing. “Your right she doesn’t, they found your replacement, the person she went to when she needed saving. They,” he pointed upwards, “Gave him his soul back. It wasn’t what he wanted but he was protecting her anyway even if it was to get her in the sack and he’s the strongest around to help her,” He sneered.
Angel scowled.
“You lost Angel; The Powers don’t want you anymore. They need someone to count on,” Whistler said walking to the door.
“Wait a minute, why is Cordy back,” Gunn said, slightly ashamed that he asked.
The little demon turned at the door and glared at the fake blonde. “Because she broke destiny on purpose,” He snarled.
Angel’s eyes flew open. Cordelia would never do that and what was with Destiny lately?
Whistler started to laugh, “Did you enjoy not having a Destiny?”
Angel growled. He just had no idea what to say. He hated the loss of what felt so important taken away from him with the snap of a finger.
“It’s a shame you won’t enjoy your Shanshu. You were supposed to stop Acathla from opening, not open it yourself. Told Blondie that,” Whistler mused.
Angel let go of Cordelia and stalked towards Whistler.
Whistler held up a hand, “Just leave the clothes alone, ok?”
“So it’s true I will get humanity?” Angel whispered.
Whistler gave him a sad look and looked away, “It’s not yours anymore. You have failed too many times. Besides, you were the dumb one who gave it up on the day you tried to erase.” He said. He tensed up knowing the blow was going to come up but instead he watched as Angel fell to his knees.
So he continued, “I will tell you like it is. All those answers you need? Here goes,” and he whispered a small prayer and the others backed up quickly as they watched the ceiling start to swirl. It looked like a huge cloud that was darkening and about to drench them. Then it started to rain.
Fred screeched and tried to find a place to hide but Gunn was too busy enjoying the idea that it was raining in the hotel. Cordelia just looked at it with a small sad smile. She didn’t want to see this but knew it was coming. Angel just continued to stare.
“Watch,” He said and walked out the door. Shaking off the rain, he smiled up to the sky and winked.
Connor slipped through the hotel, gathering the few items he had left. He knew his…father…was watching him lately but he ignored it. It didn’t matter, he wasn’t his father anyway. He didn’t know that demon and didn’t care. He felt nothing for him. If he had, he would never have pushed him in the ocean.
He sighed, knowing it was lie. He felt lost, he cried himself to sleep at night dreaming of a beautiful blonde calling to him and his father standing at her side. He closed his eyes, trying to keep those thoughts out of his mind. There was no happiness here, and there never would be.
Hearing the commotion downstairs, he peeked around the corner and stared in fascination at the rain falling. This was amazing; he had never seen it rain in a building before. Of course he was getting used to the idea of buildings. He grinned while watching Fred scream and try to hide under something. Women, he thought. His eyes strayed to Cordelia. Hmm, guess she’s back. He shrugged and ignored his father completely and stared at the rain, which seem to be pouring harder.
“Cool,” He whispered.
His eyes widened as he watched what appeared to be a little girl come down from the rain cloud. He rolled his eyes and decided they were all too busy watching the little girl for them to notice him so he walked down the stairs half way and sat down ready to watch the show.
The little girl drifted down giggling as the rain hit her. She grinned and started to sing very much off key.
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She will... never turn her back on a friend
She is... always there to defend
She is... the one on whom we can depend
She is the one named...
...Sailor Venus
...Sailor Mercury
...Sailor Mars
...Sailor Jupiter
With secret powers
All so new to her
She is the one named Sailor Moon
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
With her Sailor Scouts to help her fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one... Sailor Moon
The little girl just grinned and sang and skipped in the puddles that were forming in the middle of the Hyperion.
Connor just grinned and turned his attention to his father. This should be real interesting.
Angel just stared at her, confused. She looked slightly familiar and he heard Lorne hiss. He turned his eyes off the playful child to see Lorne backing up, holding his head.
Lorne looked at him and shook his head, “Sorry Angelcakes,” he muttered.
“No! You’re supposed to apologize to me!” The little girl stomped her feet and placed her hands on her hips. She glared at the demon. Lorne looked ready to say something but she held her hands up to silence him.
Angel stared at her and paid no attention to the rain falling down. He held Cordy to his side feeling her warmth. He could deal with this.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she grinned looking at him.
“Who are you?” Angel asked refusing to show any emotion.
“Don’t you recognize me?” She asked giggling.
“No,” He said hating this game and hating all little girls. They were nothing but trouble. He had found that out the hard way from Wolfram and Hart.
The little girl sighed and changed into a woman with long dark hair dressed in white robes that seem to glow and she had what looked like a blindfold over her eyes.
“Destiny?” Angel whispered, backing up. He knew his mythology and remembered seeing a picture of a woman like this.
“Seyella,” Lorne groaned already knowing who this goddess was.
“Yes, Seyella!” She snapped even though she couldn’t see anything behind the blind she knew were Lorne was.
“You disobeyed the Powers,” She yelled.
“Mistress…I assure you,” He stuttered.
“Assure me what? That you were going to change destiny?” She sneered.
Lorne bowed his head. Angel stared at him not knowing what was going on. He sighed and sat down.
“Who said you can sit down, lower being,” She snarled.
Angel looked back up at her to see the little girl again.
“Why the little girl?” Fred asked quivering.
“You missy, need to shut up! That whole Kyrumption thing that you and that one,” She yelled pointing to Lorne, “came up with was just too much for me but I figured that my warrior would be able to tell the difference of a simple lie. I guess I was wrong,” she said staring at Angel.
Angel started to feel himself shake from underneath the stare of Seyella. Seems he could do no right and what was this about Kyrumption being a lie.
“You know what I mean,” Seyella yelled with her tiny hands on her hips the rain still pouring down, but to Angel it looked as if she wasn’t getting a single drop on her.
“Why the rain?” Gunn asked amused at what was going on. Angel was getting everything stripped from him and hell this was fun.
The blonde Goddess turned to face him and grinned, “I love a good entrance.”
Gunn found himself grinning back.
“I’ve had enough! First Whistler, and now you!” Angel snapped.
Seyella turned to stare at him, “Excuse me?” She said, her eyes growing wide and looking pissed off.
“Angel, shut up,” Cordy said shaking with fear.
“No, Whistler told me my Destiny has been changed and I want to know why and who the hell has it now,” He growled.
“Oh, do shut up,” Said the tiny voice of Seyella.
Angel opened his mouth to speak but Cordelia pulled him back. “Do as she says, Angel,” she snapped. Angel could feel her fear and pulled her closer.
“Oh, I have had enough of that,” Seyella snapped and threw her hand out and instantly Cordelia and Angel were separated. Angel scowled, but Cordelia scooted over to where Gunn was and hid her face in her hands. Her hair soaking wet.
“And this has to be changed,” Seyella snarled. She whispered a word and everyone watched in fascination as Cordelia’s hair changed back to her normal beautiful brown hair.
“Hey,” Snapped Cordy her eyes growing wide at what she had done and hid her face once more.
“Who do you think you are? You held information from my champion. You never told him about those visions. You died your hair blonde and now you are a warrior. I thought if I had Skip get you out of the picture he,” She yelled throwing a look at Angel, “would get his act together, but noooo! He whined about you being gone. Disgusting,” she said sighing.
Seyella grinned once more, seeing her black patent leather shoes and jumped into a puddle. She heard a small laugh and turned to face Connor who was sitting on the stairs laughing.
“You were never supposed to happen like that,” She said grinning.
“Leave him out of this,” Angel said.
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up,” Seyella said skipping around the room.
“Why a child?” Fred asked again.
“Cause Angel should recognize me,” She said pouting.
“Well I don’t,” He yelled.
“And this is why you had Destiny snatched from you. You forgot which way you were supposed to go. You forgot the fight. You forgot her,” She whispered, tears starting to build in her green eyes.
“Who?” Angel asked.
Seyella stared at him in shock and she let her tears flow. She stared at the rain cloud, which was flooding the inside of the lobby and whispered a small prayer.
“Learn the hard way and I hope to hell it hurts,” She yelled at Angel and disappeared.
Angel turned around and stared at his family with a scowl on his face, “She could have taken the damn cloud with her,” he growled and started to walk towards Cordelia when he heard Fred screech, ”Look.”
Angel turned to stare at the cloud noticing that it was changing and pictures were starting to form.
Seyella grinned from up above with Whistler.
“You think this is going to hurt?” He asked.
“Hell yeah! I hope it rips his heart out” She snarled.
“Did you bring the popcorn?” He asked.
She groaned, “I thought you did.”
He grinned, “By the way, did I tell you how much I enjoyed the little girl routine.”
“Can I tell you how much that pissed me off, he didn’t even recognize Buffy as a child,” she snapped, handing him the hundred-dollar bill with a groan.
“I told you he went the other way,” Whistler said grinning, pocketing the money.
“Shush, the fun is about to start,” She smiled evilly.
Grins! I know bad place to leave off more soon
Seyella looked down and popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth and smiled. She waved her hand and stopped the rain from falling and said a few words and grinned when the cloud started to form pictures. She glared at her former champion; he is such a pain in the ass she thought. Can’t he get it together?
“You think this is going to work?” Whistler said, throwing a piece of popcorn in the air and trying to catch it with his mouth.
“Maybe,” Seyella said, still glaring at Angel.
“You do realize you had the right idea, taking Cordelia away. It's not your fault if he can't get his act together,” Whistler said, munching on popcorn.
“Do hush and pass me the salt,” She snapped, while watching the once blonde seer move closer to Angel. Doesn’t she ever learn? Seyella huffed when she saw Angel wrap an arm around the seer, ignoring everyone else.
“Here,” Whistler said grinning and handed her the salt.
“Do stop grinning,” She said.
“Come on, admit it! You have been wanting to do this since he broke her heart the first time,” He grinned.
She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.
“Well, I can’t help it if he’s an ass. You know, he used to be wonderful, now he’s nothing more than a….a… help me out Whistler. What’s the word I’m thinking of?” She asked.
“Dork?” he asked.
“Thank you, a dork. He left my champion to her death and torture for this,” she yelled.
“Seyella, calm down. Remember last time you got upset?” Whistler said becoming slightly pale.
Seyella rolled her eyes, “You're just upset 'cause he’s your project and he became a dork,” she whispered. Trying not to think why Whistler had gone pale was because she had decided to whisper into Holland’s ear on bringing back Darla.
“So, they brought her back. I figured he would realize what was going on and remember why she was staked in the first place but, nooo. He turned into a brooding homicidal vamp with a libido problem,” she groaned.
“Well the Powers did you a favor and placed that kid in her,” Whistler said laughing.
Seyella sighed and looked back down at the crowd of people who were staring up at the rain cloud watching it become darker and starting to change. She stared at Connor, “He was supposed to have a wonderful life, full of love and affection and have brothers and sisters, but he didn’t, instead he was taken,” she whispered staring at the boy who was looking at his father.
“Angel doesn’t even notice him,” Whistler said.
“Because he thinks Connor is a mistake,” Seyella said wiping the tear away from her cheek. She had started sending Connor dreams at night of Buffy singing him softly to sleep or holding him close. She wanted him to think he was loved. It was probably cruel but Connor had his own destiny to fulfill.
“Seyella?” Whistler said softly.
“I’m ok, I think however, it's time to prove Angel wrong on everything and if he touches her one more time I’m going to slap him,” She groaned.
“You do realize we are running out of popcorn,” Whistler said.
“Alright I'll get on it,” Seyella groaned. She honestly didn’t want to see what was coming but she had no choice. She didn’t want to hurt the boy but life was life. She lifted her hand and chanted a few words and smiled softly as the pictures came to life.
“And it begins,” Whistler chuckled.
Angel just stood glaring at the rain cloud that was in the middle of the lobby of his hotel and growled. The rain had finally stopped pouring and he was trying to figure out a way to clean up the mess without having to pay a fortune. He placed his arm around Cordelia and smiled. He breathed in her chocolate honey scent and for the first time in four months, he felt whole. She was the stability he needed. She was going to become his life, no matter what was going to happen from here on out. He hadn't lost his destiny; he knew that, didn't he? He closed his eyes and tried not to listen to his son laughing on the stairs.
"This is, you know d..a..d you should really stop hanging all over Ms. 'I'm all Glowy, so love me' and pay attention to what's going on up there," Connor said chuckling.
"Shut it, Connor," Angel said glaring at his son.
"Hey it's not my problem you screwed up like you do everything, and besides I don't think you want to get Seyella mad at you," Connor said laughing.
Angel just growled, but Cordelia laid a hand on his shoulder and for the moment he was satisfied. He turned to her and tried to smile, her hair was brown now. He was going to have to get her to change it back to blonde. He dreams about blonde hair. He shook his head and stared at the cloud, which had started to take shape of pictures.
"Look," Cordy whispered.
He sighed and stared at the pictures and frowned.
"Oh, good God," Gunn said covering his eyes.
Angel deepened his frown, that's not what he thinks it is, is it? He swallowed while trying not to flinch. A man shouldn't have to see this! he thought.
"Push darling," a man said.
Angel frowned; he knew this man, didn't he?
"Shut the hell up Hank, I am never giving you another child ever," the woman screamed.
"It's Buffy's mom, man I'm glad she moisturized cause her face is looking pretty bad at the moment," Cordy whispered.
Angel spared her with a quick glance and shrugged off what he was going to say and turned his attention back to the picture in front of him. It was almost three-dimensional. He reached out cautiously.
"Be careful," Fred whimpered.
His hand went right through Joyce. As neat as it was, when did Joyce give birth again?
"One more push," The doctor said.
"Screw you, your not pushing a damn watermelon through the size of a dime are you?" Joyce yelled.
Angel did flinch as he got a good view of a child being born. He looked away, he stressed to himself men should not have to see this.
"That is so cool," Connor cheered.
"Connor," Angel warned looking anywhere but at the people in front of him. Were they ghosts? No, Buffy's father isn't dead, is he? He was sure she would have told him or at least someone would have told him. If she had any problems he knew she would call and ask for help, right?
"Oh, please," Connor said rolling his eyes.
"Does it really hurt that much," Angel heard Fred whimper.
"It's worth it baby," Gunn assured her.
Angel sighed and looked at the puddle down at his feet. Ok so how am I going to clean this up?
"Hey damn you, look up and pay attention," Seyella's voice screamed through the hotel.
Connor just bust out laughing.
Angel turned his attention back to the vision in front of him.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Joyce whispered.
Hank rolled his eyes, "Ya, I guess she is," he said sighing.
"You wanted a boy?" She questioned.
"No honey, she's beautiful," Hank said softly and kissed his wife's face.
"What do you want to call her?" Joyce asked.
"Elizabeth," Hank said without thinking.
"Oh no! I'm not naming my child after your mother. How about..hmmm.Buffy," She whispered placing a kiss on the baby's head.
Angel cocked his head; he wasn't really seeing this was he? Did he just witness Buffy being born?
"Stupid warrior. My bad ex-warrior," Seyella's voice giggled down to him.
He just growled. He was getting angrier by the minute.
"Isn't Buffy the Slayer?" Gunn asked and Lorne groaned.
"Oh boy, look," Cordelia whispered hugging up on him.
He tensed up when she touched him. She looked at him funny and shrugged and hugged him tighter. He stared at the pictures that were forming again. He let his shoulders drop as he stared at a little girl playing on the monkey bars of a playground. She had blonde hair drawn back in little ponytails and he didn't have to see to know she had hazel green eyes that show her every emotion. She was wearing the same dress Seyella had had on and had little black shoes on. He groaned, he should have recognized her.
"Hey isn't that.?"
"Wasn't that.?"
Confused voices carried in the hotel and one laughing voice of Connor.
"How funny, she's a cute kid," Connor laughed.
"Shut up now, boy!" Angel snarled.
"Or what? You're going to make me? Your nothing but a washed up Champion," Connor yelled across the room, trying not to laugh.
Angel was tempted to show him how wrong he was, but he heard her sweet voice and couldn't help but look up.
"Look mommy!" She yelled from the top of the bars.
"Honey, please be careful," Joyce yelled back up to her. Buffy just giggled and Angel couldn't help but smile. "Mommy, I'm going to save the world one day," She announced. "Hmmm, that's good honey, please get down," Joyce said sternly.
Angel watched as the scene changed to a scene he recognized. He swallowed and stepped away from Cordelia as he watched Buffy bounce down the school steps talking to her friends.
"Wow, guess she was popular back then," He heard Cordelia say softly. He shot her a look and she smiled.
He couldn't stop himself from smiling back.
"Who are you?" Buffy said.
"I'm Merrick, your watcher," Merrick said.
The scene quickly changed to Buffy burning down the school building with tears in her eyes.
"Everything is going to change," She whispered.
Angel stared at her. He hadn't been there for her, he had already been in Sunnydale getting ready to watch over her like Whistler had told him. The look on her face was heartbreaking.
"Do we have to watch this?" Lorne whispered.
"I don't think we have a choice," Gunn snapped, but to Angel's eyes it looked like he was enjoying the show.
Connor snickered.
Angel groaned when he saw the next scene start to take place.
"Ah, hey. Is there a problem, ma'am?" Angel said.
"Yeah, there's a problem. Why are you following me?" Buffy demanded
Angel grinned, "I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I don't bite."
"Hey Angel, it's you! I think I might actually enjoy this more now" Gunn said grinning.
"Shut up Gunn," Cordelia snapped.
Angel was too engrossed at the site of the meeting. His first meeting with her had been like heaven. She was so beautiful and he noticed right away that her eyes got darker when she was pissed off. She had a light around her and even standing in the middle of this damn hotel he was able to see it again.
"Angel," Cordelia snapped.
He slowly turned his attention back to her and gave her a wobbly smile.
"Whoa big boy," Lorne whispered.
"Wow, you were thinner," Fred muttered.
Angel gave her a dirty look and turned back to the visions in front of him. Everything in him was telling him not to look. If this kept up, he knew what was coming and it was everything he had been trying desperately to escape for the last few years.
Angel groaned at the site in front of him.
"It's beautiful," Buffy whispered.
"My people-before I was changed-they exchanged this as a sign of devotion. It's a Claddagh ring. The hands represent friendship; the crown represents loyalty... and the heart... Well, you know...Wear it with the heart pointing towards you. It means you belong to somebody," Angel said before kissing her.
"I don't want to see this," Cordelia groaned.
Angel didn't bother to even look at her but stared back down at the ground, which was covered in water. He didn't want to remember, he just. Didn't want to remember. He didn't want to remember her. He closed his eyes at the words he heard.
"You're married?" Gunn said.
"No, he's not! It's just a stupid ring," Cordelia snapped.
"It's not a stupid ring," Angel said softly.
No one heard but Connor, who had been staring at the woman in the picture and his eyes were now going back and forth between the show and his father.
"It's her," Connor whispered.
Angel looked at his son sharply and didn't like the way his son was staring at Buffy. He noticed his son staring at her with tears in his eyes. Why the hell was he doing that? He had never met Buffy before and he never will.
"Sorry to end this at the moment, but we ran out of." Seyella's voice drifted down and Angel was pretty sure he heard Whistler. He really wished he didn't have bionic vampire hearing at the moment because he was pretty sure Seyella said popcorn.
Lorne groaned, "Dear God, they think it's a movie."
"Ok, so I wasn't the only one to catch that? And how did you hear that?" Angel snapped.
"Angel, I read souls for a living," Lorne snapped taping his ears.
"What's popcorn?" Connor asked.
Angel groaned and walked over to the front door and tried to open it so the water could drain out but the door wouldn't budge. Well, that and the fact he wanted to flee from the hotel as fast as he could.
"Shit," He snapped.
Seyella laughed, "He's just slower than your average bear," She giggled.
"You want home style or movie style," Whistler said chuckling.
"Just hurry up," She snapped, watching Angel try to break the windows with a chair.
It's going to be a long night, she thought and the best has yet to come.
Angel growled with frustration, he sure as hell didn't want a lovely 3-D re-enactment of his life with Buffy. He threw the chair across the room when he realized that he couldn't even break the damn window.
Fred screamed across the room in terror and he snapped his head in her direction and had the decency to look remorseful.
"Man, what are you doing?" Gunn asked helping Fred up.
"I wasn't looking.I." Angel sighed. He didn't mean to throw the chair at Fred, he just threw it in general.
"Should have hit her," Connor mumbled.
Angel deepened his frown, "What the hell are you doing here anyway?" he growled at his son.
"Enjoying the show?" Connor quirked.
"You shouldn't be here," Cordelia commented staring at her shoes and the bottom of her beautiful white dress that was soaked through.
"Why's that?" Connor quizzed.
"Because you're a mistake," She snapped.
"What?" Angel said softly.
She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Honestly, two vampires can't make a child Angel," she whispered in his ear.
Angel looked at her stunned. She had always said he was a miracle. Now what was she saying? "I . Cordelia what are saying?" he said softly.
"Nothing baby," She whispered showing perfect white teeth. She walked away from him and headed up the stairs to sit a few steps under Connor who was glaring at her. Angel sighed; he was just going to overlook that. Of course there was a nagging thought that he was overlooking a lot, but he ignored it like he did most things. In his many years he learned to just tune things out.
"Look man, we are all a little jumpy, not that I'm not enjoying seeing you in pain because well I enjoy it, no offense man," Gunn said grinning.
Angel knew his eyes were flashing.
"Whoa! Settle down Angel cakes, a lot is happening and Seyella wants you to see it and I promise you it's not a good idea to get pissed.
There is no telling what she will do next," Lorne whispered, looking at the ceiling.
"You know Lorne, you are finally listening," Seyella's voice snapped.
Angel looked at Lorne and the green demon turned to stare at him and he flinched. Angel frowned, what the hell was going on? Was there something everyone wasn't telling him? Lorne wouldn't keep secrets, would he? Would Cordelia? He looked up at the former blonde and smiled a little when she waved back at him.
Angel turned back to Lorne, "What does she mean?" he asked narrowing his eyes.
Lorne actually looked greener, "Nothing, nothing," he muttered and walked over towards Fred and Gunn. Angel walked over and plopped down on the wet couch that made a squishing noise when he set down. He heard Connor snicker but ignored it. He wanted to strangle the kid. Did his father feel like this with him?
He sighed and looked towards the ceiling, "Well, we're waiting. Did you get the right kind of popcorn?" he sneered. Connor burst out laughing.
"Have it your way," she quipped. "And here I was, going to give you a slight break to collect your thoughts, but seem to want more," she said laughingly.
"Yeah right," Angel muttered.
"My dear, you are right, I just needed to get some more to snack on before we get to the good part," She snapped, her voice changing. Angel looked up noticing the pictures forming again, "Here we go again," he whispered, steeling himself for what was to come.
He hissed when he saw the rain.
"Watch Warrior," Seyella demanded.
He heard her sweet voice and blinked his eyes, hoping maybe that the image would go away, but he knew what was coming.
"You almost went away today," Buffy whispered
"We both did," Angel whispered back.
"I feel like I lost you," Buffy sobbed.
"Shhh. I..." Angel stuttered trying to sooth her.
"You what?" She questioned softly.
"I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop," Angel admitted.
Buffy beamed, " too. I can't either," she said with a beautiful smile on her face.
"Oh God, I don't want to see this," Cordelia yelled at the ceiling.
"Shut the hell up," Seyella's voice trailed down and echoed from the building.
Angel looked down, lost in his thoughts. She had been so beautiful, so bright. What happened to her? On their last meeting she didn't have that glow around her. The sparkle was gone, there was darkness.
He groaned, trying not to think about how silky her skin had been, how he would get lost in her kiss. Her taste, her innocence. She showed him how much she loved him that night and he had been lost. So lost, Angelus showed up.
"This is the bad part," Cordelia whispered.
"Bad part?" Fred groaned.
"Remember, happiness thing," Cordelia snapped.
"Ohh.ohhh," Fred whispered and hid her face in her boyfriend's arm.
Angel watched as his so called friends backed up at the sight of
Angelus. He didn't blame them. He had tried to torture everyone Buffy ever cared about and succeeded in killing Janna and her Uncle. He blanched at the sound of her neck breaking. He winced on seeing Giles' face when he found her and he let out a ragged breath while watching Angelus grin, watching Buffy collapse. He was trying his best not to watch anymore but her sweet voice made him want to look up. God, she was so innocent then and he ruined it.
"This is where it changes," Seyella giggled.
Angel's eyes widened, he had always wondered about this.
"Put your hands on your head! Do it!" The Officer yelled holding a gun at Buffy.
Buffy slowly raised her hands but the police officer was kicked unconscious.
"Hello cutie," Spike said grinning.
"He's all she had and he knew how to use it," Angel muttered under his breath.
Angel knew only that Buffy had somehow gotten Spike to help her. He had no idea Spike had come to Buffy. He had often wondered about how she had been so cocky when she popped up in the mansion.
"So that's what happened," Cordy said.
The picture swirled again and started to change again and Angel heard the distinct sound of swords. Angel looked up to see his worst nightmare come true. The nightmares that plagued him. He remembered bits and pieces of this and just stared open mouth as the woman he used to love and his demon fought with swords.
"Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends... No hope," Angelus taunted.
"Take all that away... and what's left?" he sneered.
Angelus drew the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. Buffy reached up with lightening fast reflexes and catches the sword between the palm of her hands. She opened her eyes and stared at him with a cold steel in her glare.
"Me," She whispers
"Wow she's good," Connor whispered.
"Ya right. Miss 'I'm so perfect'," Cordelia snapped.
Angel ignored them, staring at the fight. He could remember every detail perfectly. He had after all relived it in hell over and over again However Buffy was always grinning and taunting him in his dreams. He couldn't remember her like this. She saved the world, again because of him. He shook his head watching her whisper that everything will be ok. He watched the tear drop from her face.
"Close your eyes," She whispered. Angel whispered the words along with her. Two of the most important times in his life he has been told to close his eyes. It's slightly ironic.
Connor started laughing.
"Stop that you brat," Cordelia yelled.
"Oh please you just can't stand the idea he loved someone else," Connor said grinning.
"Well, now he has me," She snapped and waded back through the water and made her way over to Angel and grabbed his hand and kissed it and grinned up at Connor when Angel made no move to remove her hand.
"Delia," Lorne warned staring at the screen in horror as the blonde Slayer broke down.
"Goodbye, I will always love you, forgive me," Buffy whispered kissing her Claudagh ring and setting it on the floor and never looking back.
Angel opened his mouth in wonder as he fell on the floor.
"She brought him back," Lorne said softly feeling greener than normal. He looked to Angel who was just staring, looking lost in thought.
"I could have done the same thing," Cordelia whined.
"Honey, just stop," Lorne said.
Angel heard Cordelia sigh and he gripped her hand. Nothing has changed, he thought. I love Cordelia and this is the past. Wasn't it? He hissed when he saw the snow and tightened his grip on Cordelia's hand and ignored her protest of pain. He was lost.
"Then fight it," Buffy screamed
"It's too hard," Angel sobbed
"Angel, please, you *have* to get inside," Buffy said desperately pulling his hand.
"It told me to kill you. You were in the dream. You know. It told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again," Angel said sobbing.
"I know what it told you. What does it matter?" Buffy asked still pulling on his hand.
"I wanted to! Because I want you so badly! I want to take comfort in you, and I know it'll cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn't care." He yells.
"Oh God, I don't want to watch this," Cordelia moaned, trying to break Angel's grasp on her hand.
"The globe," Fred blurted out while watching the snow fall
Everyone stared at her except Angel.
"You wanna explain honey?" Gunn teased.
"Don't you remember the water globe in Angel's office that I, um, broke? Angel said he hadn't seen it snow in California but he had, didn't you Angel?" Fred demanded.
Angel had his eyes staring at the pictures swirling in front of him.
"It reminded him of her," Lorne said.
"Yes," Fred squealed and suddenly lowering her head in what looked like shame.
"We should have never done it honey," Lorne said softly.
"Done what?" Angel snarled.
"Nothing big guy," Lorne whispered.
"Now your getting it honey," Seyella said and Angel frowned. What was he supposed to get and was she chewing on something?
"Waaaa! I don't want to watch anymore," Cordelia cried out.
"Oh man," Gunn said softly.
Angel snapped his head up and closed his eyes at Buffy's moans. The taste of her blood, he could still remember. He would never forget how she shivered and moaned and came. It was one of the most erotic experiences of his time.
"Oh wow, I don't think the minor should be watching this," Lorne said looking away and pointing to Connor.
"I'm eighteen," Connor snapped while looking on with interest.
Angel sighed and let go of Cordelia's hands, lost in his own world of trying to forget. Didn't anyone understand it was so hard to forget times like these?
"You left," Connor said.
Angel snapped his head to his son and gave him a questioning look and Connor pointed upward. He watched himself leave.
"See now, it gets better because he meets me!" Cordelia squealed with delight.
"Argh, She is the most annoying.demon ever.Um.Why exactly did they make her?" Seyella asked.
"Well, that's actually funny coming from you," Whistler said grinning.
Seyella was not amused and showed it by flipping him off. So she happen to be the goddess of Destiny but come on! The only person she was worried about was her Slayer, she didn't care what happened to Cordelia and it's not like she knew everything..of course she was supposed to, but with Cordelia she tended to look the other way.
She glared at Whistler as he flipped her off back. The little toad had the nerve to flip her off? Well, he wasn't going to be invited over for her next party, no matter if he was entertaining when he was drunk. She would just have to invite Doyle, who was just as raunchy and funny when he was drunk..hmm the two of them together?
"I need to get.." She got herself saying out loud. She ignored Whistler's questioning look and stared down at her vampire, who was now sitting on the stairs with Cordelia. Is he really that dumb? Come on, it's not like Cordelia wouldn't turn on him in a minute. So she may have been faithful working for him.sometimes, but what happens when she meets a rich handsome young man who could take her to the beach and slather baby oil all over her? Yes, yes, she would drop Angel. say something stupid like, 'It just wasn't meant to be. You're a demon who could lose control. Yes, I know I'm a demon freak, but I don't drink blood so you are more of the freak!'
Seyella sighed. She could definitely see Cordelia breaking his heart. She was sure it would happen after Buffy found out about the relationship. She was positive that this would be a breaking point for her Slayer. Buffy was starting to get it together and she had left Spike because she realized what she was doing. Did they put most of the brains in Buffy and not give any to Angel? Damn you would think two soul mates could figure out that they were supposed to be together. But noooo...
"Are you going to do something about her?" Whistler asked.
"Very good question. I thought about it since this whole relationship crap started and I thought Cordelia would be out of the way up here and Angel did nothing but think of Buffy while he was in the damn ocean but his first words were 'where is Cordelia'. Truly annoying.yes, but no I am not going to do anything to her. If Angel truly wants to be with her after all this than I won't be in the way. I shall let him stew in his own stupidity and maybe send someone like the Rock to be her love slave," Seyella said chuckling.
"The Rock?" Whistler asked. Throwing some popcorn into the air.
"Well, yes, he's droolable in The Scorpion King," She said staring down at the annoying brown head woman who was shrieking and shook her head.
"Nope, never saw it," he said scowling.
Seyella bust out laughing and threw a piece of popcorn at him, "Liar," she giggled.
"You do realize we don't have all day, we have an apocalypse to watch over," Whistler groaned, thinking that he was going to have to talk to the blonde Slayer soon and reached up to massage his neck. She was going to go after it, he knew it.
"Relax, we still have about twelve hours before the first big bad arrives," Seyella grimaced.
"You still have three years of Buffy's life to go through and I know you! Since Angel wasn't there, you are going to throw in things that never happened to her," Whistler said staring at the beautiful goddess.
"Hey! Which one of is the Goddess here? I know what I'm doing! So, maybe Angel deserves a little pain, have you ever thought of that?" She snapped. Knowing exactly what he was talking about. She did have an over active imagination..
"Just sayin'." he groaned knowing she was close to being pissed off.
Seyella brightened up, "It's time," She said pointing at the Vampire who was now getting into a fight with his son.
"You just enjoy letting him get pissy don't you," He said grinning.
"Yup," Seyella said smiling from ear to ear. That boy needs some more encouragement to stand up to his father, especially for what was to come.
Angel stared at his son, couldn’t that kid just get the chip off his shoulder? So he lived in a hell dimension. Been there, done that. The kid wasn’t going to give him one ounce of respect, damn Darla and damn Holtz. Angel wasn’t going to admit he wasn’t the best of fathers. He knew he should have talked to his son after he came back but all he wanted was him out of the hotel. All he could remember was the sweet smell of baby powder. The soft brown fuzz that had been on his head and the way his baby eyes had lit up at seeing his demon side. Where was that baby? Technically, he should only be a year old. He should be trying to take his first steps, not trying to kill him every chance he got.
Angel sighed, "Can you just shut up for a few minutes?”
“No,” Connor snapped his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Angel frowned, the look in his eyes made him stop. He had seen that look before…but where?
“I can’t help it, you left her,” Connor snapped.
“Oh please, every one leaves Buffy,” Cordy said studying her nails.
“Why do you care?” Angel asked his son suspiciously.
“I … none of your business,” Connor snapped, giving his father a seething look.
“Look Connor,” Angel tried.
Connor stood up quickly and stepped towards his father and pushed him.
“You are such a screw up, tell me its not hereditary,” Connor seethed, pushing past his father who was on the floor.
“Listen you little brat, he's not a screw up,” Cordy said, never looking up from her nails.
“Thank you Cordelia,” Angel muttered.
“Ya… shut..shut… your pie hole..,” Fred stuttered, looking tough and straightening her back and squaring her shoulders.
Angel and everyone else just stared at her.
“Your pie hole?” Lorne asked, grabbing Fred by the shoulders and pulling her towards the office.
“Well…I.., crap Lorne we screwed up didn’t we? Did you see her, she loves him so much and he loved her. I know we…ughh agreed,” Fred whispered.
Of course Angel could hear this because he had bionic hearing. Every once in awhile, he expected to hear na na na na na, like in the Bionic Man. He shook his head, where the hell had that come from? He stood up and didn’t bother about his clothes being wet since he was already drenched and stared at the two people he had become to think of as family in the corner, whispering.
“You two realize I can hear you,” Connor spoke softly but his voice was full of venom.
Angel jerked his head up to stare at his son. Connor only typically reserved that voice for him and Lorne but never Fred. Even though Fred hated him, the kid seemed to like her.
“You two are so…what’s the word?” Connor questioned to no one in particular.
“Dumb?” Cordy supplied.
“Cordelia!” Lorne said in surprise.
Cordelia looked up from her nails finally, “What?” she asked.
Gunn finally got up from his little corner of the lobby and stared at her, then he made eye contact with everyone in the room. “You people are crazy, you know that?” He said incredibly.
“Gunn…” Fred squeaked.
Angel finally chuckled, “Yes…yes we are,” He said softly. His chuckles became full blown and he started laughing so hard, he fell to the floor again.
“My dad always said you were crazy,” Connor said, standing over him with a frown on his face.
Angel sobered up quickly and surged upward and grabbed a stunned Connor by the throat and flung him against the wall.
“You will not call that mad man your father,” Angel snarled.
“You're right, I won't call you father,” Connor snapped.
Angel’s jaw dropped, staring at his son’s frame leaning against the wall. Looking small and broken staring up at him with fury in his eyes. What the hell had he done?
Angel lifted his hand and pointed at his son. “Look…I…,” He said, shaking his head and closing his eyes and he turned on his heel to only slip and his right foot went out from underneath him and he fell flat on his back in a puddle of water.
“Now, that was entertainment! You really are smooth,” Connor chuckled.
Angel stared at the ceiling, “Why me? You could start anytime now,” He muttered.
Seyella was about to give Angel his wish when Doyle popped up. She loved Doyle, he had this charm about him. Maybe he wasn't the cutest, but he was a doll. Just loveable and smart mouthed that you couldn't help but love him.
"Well?" She asked the half demon.
"You didn't save any for me?" Doyle asked looking around for the popcorn.
"You took too long," Whistler hummed.
"Couldn't be helped. That lass stays in trouble. The baddie is already doing a number on her and her friends," Doyle said sitting down.
"Already!?" Whistler yelped.
"Ya," Doyle said nodding.
"Seyella, you said it would be hours," Whistler cried out.
"Calm down, Yes I said they had a few hours, but you know as well as I that he's been watching them for years. The whole reason we are here is Angel has to work with the Slayer to defeat the First. She will die again without him. Yet, he doesn't seem to understand this. The Mohra demon told him to fight together and that was four years ago. He's not getting it," Seyella sighed.
"My pal Angel down there has some issues, Seyella," Doyle said, staring at Angel.
"Well he needs to get over them and see that my Slayer has some issues as well," She snapped.
"He's not going to like what he sees," Doyle muttered.
"I honestly don't care. Things have to change, or all is lost," Seyella yelled and closed her eyes.
"Seyella?" Doyle whispered.
She wiped the tears away that were falling down her cheek.
"All will be lost if he." she whispered.
"What is the future?" Doyle said in a tiny voice that was not becoming to him.
"I shall not tell you of the future, for it can change, but things that will not change are coming. The one thing that neither of my warriors have ever thought of. Pain and misery will be brought to all, I'm afraid. My own worst nightmare is starting," Seyella said staring at her two faithful companions.
She raised her hand and all three turned to watch what would happen next.
The images began to swirl and everyone in the hotel turned to look except Angel, who was lying on his back in a puddle of water. He slowly pushed himself up and stared at his clothes. Did that Goddess not understand how much this suit cost? He finally realized it was ruined and sat down in the water and rested his arms on his knees. He shook his hair feeling the drops of water drip down to his face and instantly thought of Buffy in the rain.
He missed her, but she was gone.
He steeled himself for what was going to happen because he already knew most of it.
"Was I.bad?" Buffy croaked.
"I could tell you weren't.experienced," Parker said ignoring Buffy.
Buffy looked stricken and took off out of the room.
"What a slut!" Cordelia yelled laughing.
Angel heard himself growl. Was it for Cordelia's words, or for what that punk ass kid did to his Buffy?
'His Buffy?' When did she become his again?
Angel was glad he was sitting on the floor for the next part. He could only thank the Gods above that Buffy remembered none of it.
"I..I ate at that table!" Cordelia cried, giving him a particular nasty look.
"Cordy," Lorne warned.
"And you accused me of the Peanut Butter when you knew all along," Cordy snapped ignoring the looks she was receiving.
Angel was lost in the images above him. He didn't need to watch this. He knew it by heart. Her voice filled with pain, her tears welling up. It was something he always wondered why he took back. Why did he do that? Was it because he wanted her safe? She died anyway, or was it because he was selfish and was afraid not to have his super strength, knowing he wouldn't be able to protect himself or anyone else?
Most likely all of the above.
"So we just start forgetting," Buffy's voice full of pain and anguish.
"You really are a bastard.Dad said you would never change, soul or no," Connor spat.
"I.I ca.." Angel's voice trailed off as he was able to watch Buffy walk out of his apartment. He hadn't been able to see this and it caught his attention. Finally something he really didn't know about.
Buffy walked slowly down the sidewalk when she doubled over. She reached for her stomach and groaned. She fell on her knees and cried out in pain.
"Ms? Are you ok?" a young woman passing by asked.
Buffy raised her head and nodded, "I...I think so," she said, trying to stand up. Her hand still clutching her stomach.
"You don't look ok. Please let me take you to the hospital," the woman asked.
" I'll be alright, thank you so much," Buffy said, giving her a wobbly smile.
"It's my pleasure, warrior," The woman said softly.
Buffy looked up with a startled glance and questioned her with her eyes.
"Things should have been different, and we are truly sorry," the woman said.
"Huh...what...huh?" Buffy asked confused.
The woman reached up and placed a hand on Buffy's head, "Remember, young one," and she disappeared before her eyes.
Buffy grabbed her head along with her stomach and moaned. She suddenly stood up straight and turned to face Angel's apartment. She stood there staring with tears in her eyes, letting them fall down her face.
"You bastard," She whispered and turned around and walked back down the sidewalk.
"! They said she would have no memory of the events. NO!" Angel stood up, screaming at the ceiling.
"You are a strong minded warrior, what were they suppose to tell you. You made the decision, but I felt that Buffy had the right to know," Seyella yelled.
"No you didn't!" Angel yelled.
"This is why I did it," Seyella yelled back. Her voice getting more annoyed.
"What?" Angel asked, slightly confused.
"This was your destiny Angel, remember you asked for it," she yelled.
"Baby push," Angel said, holding Buffy's hands.
"I don't wanna," Buffy screamed as she pushed.
The scream of a baby was heard through the room.
"Oh my God, Angel we have a baby," Buffy cried. Her tears of joy falling down her face.
Angel was crying as well. He looked shocked.
The baby was placed in his mother's arms.
"Have you decided on a name?" the nurse asked smiling.
"Yes, I want to name him Connor Liam," Buffy said, smiling up to Angel.
"No!" Angel cried.
"No," came a smaller voice of his son.
Angel glanced up at him and grimaced at the hatred on his son's face.
"You don't care about anyone, do you? You . do what you want, no matter whom you harm in the process," Connor spat out, hatred filling his eyes.
Angel looked at Lorne, "Did you know about this?" he asked.
"No, Angel this is only what could have been," Lorne said softly placing a hand on the vampire's shoulders.
"What should have been," Seyella's voice said snapping.
"This would never have happened. It...wouldn't .have.would it?" Angel said in a small voice.
"Angel, you know you and Darla did not produce Connor?" Lorne whispered softly to his friend.
"No, he's Darla's. I can smell her on him," Angel cried.
Gunn stared straight at Angel and said, "He did come from her, she did give birth to him, what would you expect to smell?"
Angel opened his mouth to speak but the words just didn't come out.
"I knew it," Connor whispered.
Angel was in complete denial. He didn't have long before the pictures swirled again.
"There is more," Seyella said sadly.
"Buffy you cannot fight a Goddess," Angel snapped staring at his wife adoringly.
"Baby I love you, but she has my sister," Buffy sniffed.
Angel reached down and rubbed her belly, "Think of the baby," He cried out.
"I am." She whispered. She reached up and kissed him softly.
"You're always my girl?" He croaked.
"Always," She whispered.
They grabbed their weapons and followed by the both teams, headed out to find Dawn and defeat Glory.
Everyone in the lobby watched in fascination as the battle took place.
"Buffy! No baby!" Angel cried out as Buffy started to run.
"Buffy!" Dawn screamed.
Buffy took one look over her shoulder and watched in horror as Dawn gave her a sad look. "I love you. Remember me," Dawn whispered, tears falling and mingling with the blood that was dripping off the platform.
"No.NO!" Buffy screamed. She lunged forward towards Dawn to stop her, but couldn't reach her sister in time before Dawn stepped off the platform and into the swirling opening of the dimension.
"Oh God," Fred moaned watching through squinted eyes.
Buffy dropped to her knees at the end of the platform and sobbed. There was no sign of her sister and the opening to the dimensions closed. It was like Dawn had disappeared.
Buffy screamed and Angel wrapped his arms around her crying along with her.
However, Buffy screamed again and grabbed her stomach.
"Buffy?" Angel asked worryingly.
"It's not fair, one dies and another is born," She sobbed.
Angel picked her up and walked right by their friends and family who were staring around confused. "Hospital," He muttered, while passing them.
Angel made it to the hospital in record time, with the Scoobies and the Fang Gang following at his footsteps. He had called ahead, and now they were in the delivery room, waiting for their new child to be brought into the world.
"It hurts," Buffy cried.
Angel looked at his wife and held her hand, knowing she wasn't just talking about the pain in her stomach.
"Last push," The Doctor said.
Buffy pushed with all the slayer strength she had and let out a gut-wrenching scream that could be heard throughout the entire floor. Angel stood there, whispering comforting words and stroking her hair, praying that her pain would end soon.
"It's a girl," the doctor said, holding the screaming child up.
"I thought it was supposed to be a boy?" Angel said, slightly confused.
Buffy smiled, "It was. Hello Dawn," Buffy said softly, reaching for her child.
"I think Dawn is a beautiful name," Angel said.
"God, you two are like bunnies," Cordelia snapped, looking slightly greenish.
"None of that is real!" Angel cried out. Ignoring the looks he was receiving from his remaining friends and his son, Angel started crying.
"It's very real," Said an Irish voice from the past.
Angel, like everyone else, turned to the voice in the corner. He couldn't believe he was seeing Doyle. He heard Cordelia let out a small whimper and from the corner of his eyes saw her scoot upwards on the stairs. Angel dried his tears and shook his head and along with Cordelia backed up. This was not Doyle. Doyle was dead. Dead and it was his fault. All his fault.he should have jumped, but instead a single soft punch took him out and Doyle had jumped to save the world.all his fault.
"You're dead," Angel croaked.
Everyone else just looked on in confusion. Angel could heard the whispers, "Who the hell was he? Another God? Evil Demon?"
"Aye," Doyle said sympathetically.
"Doyle," he croaked out.
Doyle offered one of his trademark grins, "Hello Angel."
"Doyle," Cordy whimpered.
Doyle turned to look at her. "Hello Princess," He said softly, letting no emotion show on his face.
Doyle turned back to Angel ignoring everyone in the lobby as if he and Angel were the only ones that existed in the lobby.
"You see, this could have happened that day. I already knew about it. I tried to get you to wake her but you had to be stubborn and do it on your own. That could have been yours. You would have had three babes in total, and I might add, happily human. That Slayer of yours." he said grinning.
Angel just stared at his dead friend. He pointed his finger out and shouted, "You're not real! None of this is." however his voice lacked conviction.
"I am truly sorry old friend, no words can prepare you for what you must see or for what is coming, however I know you need to start using your head and your heart. Things aren't always what they seem, Angel," Doyle said, giving Angel a sympathetic smile. He vanished right in front of their eyes.
"Who was that?" Connor asked, staring in shock at Cordelia who had lost all color.
"No one," Angel said staring at the spot where his friend had disappeared.
"What did he mean?" Fred asked.
"Got me there honey," Lorne said staring at Angel
"Be ready," Seyella's voice drifted down.
"Riley," the young man said.
"I'm Willow and this is Buffy," Willow said.
Buffy just squeaked a 'hi' out.
"What. a. l.looser!" Cordelia chuckled through her tears.
Angel was seething. He was about to lose all control over his emotions. He couldn't give in to them. What he wanted to do was to go upstairs, find a particularly long book and pretend to read it. However, he didn't want to see anymore of Buffy's life. He didn't want to know what could have been or what should have been. He didn't want to see the look of happiness in her beautiful smile; he didn't want to see the misery in her cat like eyes. the name dredged up hatred. The boy had everything, everything Angel wanted and more. His emotions turned to anger and he could feel Angelus wanting to come out and play. He could feel the demon roaring at the boy's name. The way Buffy was looking at him.
Angel didn't even bother to say anything to Cordelia, he just grunted and turned towards where his mate was ogling over Riley Finn.
"Marry me," Spike said down on one knee.
"Ohh.. Spike, yes," Buffy said jumping up and kissing him all over his face.
"What the hell!?" Angel roared.
Cordelia gawked, but the others were confused.
"Look Giles," Buffy said, sticking a hideous ring that Spike had given her in his face.
"Urrgh yes, I ....see," Giles said, looking slightly sick, rubbing his eyes and blinking.
Angel was livid as he listened to the hideous wedding plans that the happy sickening couple were making and was slightly happy when his name was mentioned even if it was out of hatred. Angel could feel himself sweating and growing angrier by the minute, Angelus wanted out. How dare his Childe touch his mate.
"Spike lips....Spike lips, oh God," Buffy screeched, jumping away from the blonde vampire, looking like she was going to be sick and wiping her mouth.
"Bloody Hell," Spike roared, spitting out any taste of the blonde Slayer.
"Magic Spell?" Connor asked to no one in particular.
"Looks that way, her friend is powerful and has the potential to become more," Lorne muttered.
Angel tried to let himself relax but Angelus was having no part of it. Spike had tasted her, he knew her scent, felt her body heat. Angel thought for a moment how ironic this was, Angelus hated both Spike and Buffy, and he would never admit he loved them both. Buffy.Angelus had to have her. However nothing could replace the sight of Spike and his love kissing each other. It may have been a spell, but they enjoyed it too much. The look Spike was giving the Slayer was not one of complete hatred. He felt his body grow rigid. Something was coming and he wasn't going to like it.
Angel let out a roar at the next scene that popped up.
"Go away," Buffy moaned.
"Ignore them," Riley whispered kissing her neck.
Angel growled, the boy was touching his mate, touching his mark.
"Buffy open up," Willow yelled.
"My birthday, feels good..." Buffy moaned as Riley sucked right above her breast.
Lorne ran up the stairs and covered Connor's eyes. "Sorry kid, this isn't how you should experience the worldly ways of love by seeing your.....umm...mother I guess would be the right term, having sex...making love," Lorne croaked out. His eyes never straying from the beautiful blonde.
Lorne groaned. "
Damn how long are they going to get it on?" Gunn asked.
"Angel, can you?" Cordelia muttered.
Seyella wanted Angel to see everything that had happened on her nineteenth birthday. He needed to see it, he needed the emotion. He needed to be jealous.
Angel stared at his beautiful mate with confusion and jealousy written all over his face. He wanted this, hell he wanted the two other children and days filled with happiness. He sighed and fought back the tears that threatened to fall.
"Shit," Cordelia groaned.
"She's awake," Buffy whispered.
"But...but no one called us," Willow muttered, her hand coming to her neck.
"No one knew for a while, she..." Buffy trailed off, turning to look out the window.
"Buffy, this is hard I know, but can you...will you find her?" Giles asked.
"I don't really have a choice in the matter, she's going around killing people again Giles. I...I didn't want to kill her the first time but...." her voice trailed off and Willow placed an arm around her.
"I know Buffy," Willow whispered.
"Should we call Wesley?" Willow said turning her attention to Giles.
"Dear Lord I hadn't thought of that," He muttered.
"No!" Buffy said strongly.
"Buffy, he's her watcher," Giles said.
"He's also mine. However, I believe Faith can still be saved but if Wesley is around... she may go nutso," Buffy snapped.
"She has to take on the world, doesn't she," Lorne muttered.
"What's wrong with people with superpowers? Are they all this stubborn?" Gunn sighed.
Angel could tell he was getting antsy and who could blame him. He played no part in this, none of them should really be here they just got caught in Seyella's game.
"Stupid Boy," Seyella's voice drifted down.
Angel groaned and turned back to the pictures.
Buffy and Faith were fighting and it looked like her house.
"Come to save mommy?" Faith snapped.
Buffy snapped her fist across Faith's cheek and Faith grabbed an opportunity to grab Buffy's hands and Angel was stunned as a green light which looked eerily familiar enveloped both girls.
"What the hell?" Faith said.
Buffy grinned and knocked the stunned Slayer out.
"What just happened there?" Fred whispered.
"I don't know," Angel snapped.
However he had a sneaking suspicion that perhaps Faith hadn't told him the entire truth of what she had done to Buffy while in Sunnydale.
Buffy stood there watching as Faith was taken away and turned towards the house and grinned.
Everyone in the hotel lobby backed up a few steps and felt a shudder run down their spine.
"No, no you don't understand!" Faith, screamed, fighting her bonds.
"You're a killer, lass, and you will be dealt with properly by the council," Said a scruffy looking man who spat in her face.
"She's out there," Faith screamed.
"Give her some more," The man said to his companions. One came closer with a needle full of green liquid.
Angel frowned, he knew these guys. He met them when... Angel groaned. Buffy had mentioned she had run up against them.before.
Faith stopped struggling and laid down. As the first man approached she quickly wrapped her legs around the man's neck. "I'll kill him and you next," she growled.
"Lass, we don't care," said one man.
Faith cocked her head and squeezed with her legs and the man dropped lifelessly to the ground. She looked up at the other two men and grinned, bringing her hands around to show they were no longer bound.
"Buffy, I love you," Riley whispered, staring into green eyes.
"I....God," Buffy snapped.
Angel didn't miss a beat, Faith was Buffy and Buffy was Faith. Shit, no wonder she had been so pissed off when he had seen her in LA.
"Hey Angel, didn't that happen to you, sort of?" Fred mumbled.
Angel closed his eyes; Faith had said she slept with Buffy's boyfriend; she didn't bother to explain in Buffy's body.
Buffy hit Angel hard and he turned around and slapped her.
"Seems you're always protecting her," Buffy snapped.
"Buffy you need to leave," He snapped back.
"Not until I get what I came for," she yelled.
Angel had always felt guilty about that but why had he never seen the anger in her eyes. The pain and frustration. He knew looking at her that all her anger wasn't directed at Faith most of it was directed at him.
"I have someone who loves me now," She yelled, looking down slightly.
"Go home," Angel snapped.
He turned around to see her gone. He turned and hit the wall.
"You did the right thing," Wesley said.
"Did I?" He asked.
"Enough!" Angel roared his frustration to anyone who could hear his voice. The occupants of the Hyperion tensed up for what was next to come.
Chapter 11
"Is this worth it?" Whistler asked.
"He's always been stubborn," Doyle proclaimed, staring at his flask.
"Yes..Don't you two understand it's not much longer. She needs him and he needs her. They can not continue on this path, for if they do, life as we know it shall not exist. Light will become dark, my friends."
"Seyella, do you write those damn prophecies?" Doyle muttered.
Seyella gave a tiny grin.
"I'll go check up on the lass," Doyle muttered.
"Do that," Seyella nodded slowly her eyes closing in what looked like pain.
"Seyella?" Whistler questioned.
"I'm ok, doesn't he understand that she's dying without him, she died once, we cant let that happen again? I'm dying, Whistler," Seyella muttered.
"But...but you cannot, you are Destiny," Whistler practically yelled.
Seyella gave him a pitying glance, "There is no destiny without those two, they give us our destiny, they always have," she whispered and said a small prayer and raised her hand.
"We have to keep trying," she whispered.
Whistler nodded, not knowing what to say and turned his attention back to the angry vampire.
Chapter 12
Buffy ran as fast as she could out of a cave but fell and slid down the rest of the way and hit her head on a rock.
"Day later," Angel murmured.
"Ahh, so he does speak! I was thinking Holtz was right and you are a monster that really isn't civilized," Connor snapped.
"Boy," Angel warned.
"Blah Blah, you wouldn't do that if Buffy was around," Connor muttered.
"Connor," Lorne warned
"Fine, what would make her run like that?" Connor asked staring at the picture of his mother hurt.
"I... don't know. I remember that things were frantic around Sunnydale then," Angel muttered.
"Frantic?" Gunn asked staring in awe at the men in uniform getting their asses kicked. "Who the hell are they?" He asked.
"The Initiative," Cordelia said, finally speaking up after some time.
Everyone turned to look at her.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing," Fred mumbled and Connor just shrugged, not really caring.
"I do talk to Willow," Cordelia said, letting it slip.
Angel looked up at that new information and stared at the women he had started to love. His own voice bringing him back to the pictures in front of him.
"I don't like him." Angel said walking away.
Buffy gave a faint smile and shook her head. She watched as he walked away. "Didn't think you would," She whispered.
"True love, my ass," Cordelia snapped.
"I don't know what's going on here but I've had it. I now know why there isn't a prophecy about a Slayer and her band of friends," Buffy snapped and stormed out the door.
"Over dramatic much?" Cordelia asked looking bored once more.
"So what your telling me is you let Spike trick you? Hello evil!" Buffy grinned.
"Err, not that I would think you would actually think I would be better in the Army," Xander said blushing.
"I'm going to kill him....again!" Willow yelled.
"Guys as much as I would love to kill Spike we have other problems," Buffy said sadly.
"I think we...Tara and I...that is can help you with that. I was able to hack into that disk. I got it all, schematics, everything," Willow said almost jumping up and down.
Buffy grinned, "Good work Will," she said chuckling.
"That's a family," Lorne muttered.
"Well, so are we," Fred snapped.
"Precious, I didn't mean anything, we are a family but they are somehow more closely knitted," Lorne said softly.
Cordelia snorted.
Angel had by this time started to ignore the newly brunette.
"Holy shit," Gunn exclaimed.
Angel's own eyes opened wide in horror as he stared at what Buffy was fighting.
"She can't win," Connor said softly and flinching as his mother was getting kicked around the room.
Buffy ducked behind a metal desk as bullets flew from the demons arm.
"You can not win," The demon chuckled.
Buffy stood up suddenly and her eyes changed over. The _expression on her face went serine and the demon shot more bullets out but Buffy raised her hand and the bullets became birds.
"Can we get her on our side?" Gunn mumbled.
"What kind of magic is this?" The demon growled looking perplexed.
"Love," Buffy said, however her voice was a mix of everyone who loved her.
"Did I just hear Xander?" Cordelia asked, who was trying not to pay attention but couldn't help it and looked on in amazement.
"You did," Angel said softly hearing the voices of Willow and Giles as well. Buffy reached up and pushed her hand into the demon's chest and grabbed his life supply and almost as quickly as it started she stumbled and her eyes changed to normal.
Willow, Giles and Xander relaxed, completely drained.
"They combined their essences!" Lorne exclaimed.
"Nice trick," Gunn said laying a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder and slightly massaging.
"Why do we have to see this? What does any of this have to do with Angel?" Cordelia snapped.
"Cordelia for once, shut up!" Gunn snapped.
"Charles!" Fred exclaimed staring at her boyfriend.
"Hey, all of you hush this is just too good, like going to the movies without paying for it. It's got it all, drama, romance and horror and let's not forget the ass kicking," Lorne chuckled, his eyes never straying from the blonde.
Chapter 13
Angel felt the jealousy grow as he watched the woman he loved most in the world climb out of bed with that Captain America. Was that her bed? He knew deep down it was, he knew every inch of her room, he knew she placed Mr. Gordo on her dresser at night. She said when she was a child, that Mr. Gordo watched over her as she slept. He kept the bad guys from taking her away.
Buffy quickly climbed out of bed and pulled on some clothes. She ran as fast as she could. The wind floating through her hair. She was determined she was on a mission. She found her prey.It didn't take her long to dust the fledgling. She went right back to her house and climbed into bed without Riley ever waking up.
"What did she just do?" Fred asked curiously.
"She's getting stronger," Lorne whispered to the brunette.
"What is..huh?" Fred asked.
"Nothing Doll," he whispered, patting her head like a child.
"Looked like hunting," Gunn commented.
Connor nodded his agreement.
Buffy was in the graveyard again fighting a vampire pretty easily; she turned and walked right through the dust as she staked him. She cocked her head and turned and suddenly there stood a man with walking toward her out of the darkness.
The man looked at her, "Very impressive hunt," He said softly.
"Such power," He said, staring right into Buffy's core.
Buffy smirked, "That was no hunt, just another day on the job."
He started towards her.
"Care to step up for some overtime?" Buffy quipped, raising her stake.
"We're not going to fight," He said.
Buffy gave him an odd look, "Do you *know* what a slayer is?" She asked.
"Do you?" He asked smirking.
Buffy actually lowered her stake at that comment. "Who are you?" She asked.
"I apologize. I assumed you knew. I am Dracula," the man said giving a bow.
Buffy chuckled and her eyes widened and she had a look of a child getting a present at Christmas time. "Get out!" She exclaimed.
"No way!" Gunn shouted.
"He's real?" Fred asked.
"I only heard rumors," Angel muttered, not liking the idea of Buffy and Dracula. He heard rumors that he had super powers.
"How come we can't get vamps like that? How come most of them don't know how to dress. Cause, hello! I know Armani when I see it!" Cordelia exclaimed. "Damn Buffy," She muttered.
Lorne rolled his eyes, which was uncharacteristic of him. "This can't be good," He said to Angel.
Angel just let out a " Hrmph." But nodded n agreement.
"I'm the good guy, remember?" Buffy asked.
"Perhaps, but your power is rooted in darkness. You must feel it," Dracula said urgently.
"I could take him," Gunn snapped.
"Sure you could," Cordelia said from across the room. She stood up stretching her arms and giving Angel a winning smile, which he returned slightly crooked.
"I still don't see the point of all this," Cordelia said.
"None of us do Cordelia," Lorne said cocking his head.
"Well I'm hungry. They don't actually feed you when you're a higher level demon," She snapped.
"Do you always think about yourself?" Connor asked.
"You were never meant to be born," She snapped.
Connor shrugged.
"Stop," Angel roared.
His eyes were glued to the mist drifting into Buffy's window to her bedroom.
"Damn," Gunn muttered.
Buffy woke up with a gasp and noticed Dracula standing at the foot of her bed.
"You are magnificent," Dracula whispered coming closer to Buffy on the bed.
"Why is she letting him...?" Connor trailed off.
"I bet you say that before you bite all the girls and drain them of all their blood and leave their bodies on the floor showing their throats mutilated!" Buffy whispered.
"No, you are different. Kindred, I want you forever my dear, you shall be my Queen," Dracula whispered, pulling her hair away from her neck.
Angel's eyes widened.
"Buffy!" Angel yelled knowing she couldn't hear him.
"I have searched the world over for you. I have yearned for you, a creature that rivals my own darkness," Dracula whispered coming closer to her. He tilted her neck to the side and fingered the scar Angel had left on her.
"You have been tasted?" Dracula asked.
"He...he was..." Buffy trailed off.
"Unworthy, he let you go," Dracula whispered.
Buffy's face screwed up and pain showed in her eyes, "No," she whispered.
"Shhh, do not fight," He whispered and leaned down to her neck.
"NO!" Angel shouted.
Buffy's eyes widened and scrunched up in pain as Dracula bit down. She closed her eyes and fell backward on to the bed.
"I shall make you mine," Dracula whispered.
Angel's eyes flashed and everyone in the lobby ran up the stairs and stood staring over the railing at the vampire who was currently tearing apart the living room, screaming and ranting.
"This is not real," he yelled.
"She would not let this happen," He screamed, destroying the rest of the furniture in the room.
"There is more but we must hurry on to other things," Seyella's voice echoed in his head.
Angel stopped for a second.
"You left her," she said accusingly.
His eyes flashed.
"You choose your path, now watch," she demanded.
"God, do all vampires smell this bad?" Buffy asked, kicking the vampire in the stomach. The vampire reached around and grabbed her stake and plunged it into her stomach. Buffy's eyes widened with horror and pain. She was scared, she went into shock and took off running, limping and bleeding.
"Oh my God," Lorne said.
Angel was shaking, Angelus was roaring. Their mate..hurt, tasted, abused and not by them.
"I need to know Giles," She pleaded.
"Buffy, I wish I could help you," Giles said looking at the stack of books.
Buffy looked like she was lost in thought.
"I know someone who can," She mumbled and walked away.
"Is she coming here?" Connor asked never taking his eyes off the blonde he knew was his mother.
"Nope she didn't come here after that last trip, thank God," Cordelia muttered.
"What I want to know is how," Buffy said attacking Spike.
"How what Luv?" He smirked.
"How did you kill them? The Slayers," She asked.
Spike turned to look at her. He gave her a thoughtful look and said, "I'll show you."
Angel frowned, why the hell did she go to him? She could have come to me, she knows...doesn't she? Angelus had a taste for Slayers. However Angel was amazed that Buffy and Spike were playing a game of pool and eating hot wings while telling a tale of death. Angel could feel Angelus whispering to him. Driving him, making his rage grow.
"You see every Slayer gets their fill of death, you're a killer luv. It's what you do and after so much you can't take it. Both had this look in their eyes begging me to end it for them. Only so much they could take," Spike whispered trailing off.
Spike reached down and cupped her face lightly and ran a finger over her cheek. "I love you," Spike said softly reaching in to kiss her.
More then one emotion ran through Buffy's eyes at that statement. She looked startled, she closed her eyes and breathed and opened them and with a hardened look said, "You're beneath me," She looked at him with a confused look and threw the money at him and walked away without another glance.
"You can't kill her," Harmony yelled.
"Oh my God, he's Blondie bear?" Cordelia yelped.
"It will only hurt for a few hours but she will be dead in the ground," He said pumping the rifle.
"Shit," Gunn muttered.
Buffy sat down on the steps and cried silently. She looked up at Spike's approach. She noticed the rifle in his hands but never bothered to get up from her position and she closed her eyes and let the tears drop.
Spike stared at her a moment and sat down beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small pat.
"You want to talk about it?" He asked.
Buffy turned to look at him and stared in confusion.
"Not happening...that would never have happened. It didn't happen!" Angel yelled.
"What the hell is this?" Angel whispered.
"Oh My God," Cordelia shouted.
"Err, he's evil, isn't he?" Fred asked sounding completely confused.
"I don't understand. Does he have a soul? Not that it would matter," Connor asked.
"Just stop," Angel shouted, there were too many emotions running through his body and he didn't want to see what was coming up. He didn't want to see her death, he...damnit! He was unsure what was real and what wasn't. What facts were twisting around to make him more miserable? Buffy and Spike? Never they detested each other..didn't they?
Angel tensed remembering something Willow had mentioned about Buffy wanting Dawn with Spike. He hadn't really thought of it, hell he barely remembered her saying anything at all he was lost in the fact he hadn't noticed her presence missing, her life, he should have felt her earlier and yet he hadn't. Why hadn't he?
He sighed too many questions and they way his blood was pounding too little time. And he really needed to get upstairs and change out of these wet jeans and boxers. the damn things were starting to chaff. Water and silk really don't match.
Chapter 14
A small, tiny figure grinned while staring down at the occupants of the Hyperion. She could feel Seyella's power draining from the show. She honestly wasn't sure why the old.old and I mean really old bat, was wasting time with the show anyway. Did she honestly thing Angel was going to go running after the petite killing machine after he learned how hard her life was? Or how she had fun fucking Spike? What a show that made!
She sighed, "Most likely, he's a champion after all," She giggled softly so no one would hear her. Not the time to interrupt the display of emotions going on down there! Love to make it worse, gotta make it worse.
She grinned, enjoying the dreams she had given both Angel and Cordelia. She didn't want Angel running after her savior, the one who let her out. The one who had snapped the threshold of her confinements. Technically it was the three friends who had snapped that precious line.
Definitely some wicked, wicked dreams but damn it all if the Powers didn't try to stop him by taking the bitch out of the equation. As soon as her body becomes flesh again she's going to have to try to do some of those wonderful pleasurable tricks she had shown Angelus how to do.
Getting into their minds had been rather easy and she would have thought Angelus would have had a barrier up to try to protect himself. Leaving the Hellmouth and The Slayer had made him slightly irrational and not too bright. So many years ago he had been able to plant the seed of doubt in his mind, she never thought he still had it. It was too funny.
It had been her pleasure to meet Buffy instead of Angel at their *meeting *. She had beaten him there and he played the part of Angelus well. Telling her to go home, to give up hope, he never loved her and he was in love with Cordelia and he was going to have a baby. The look on her face had been priceless.
When Buffy had turned and left crying, Angelus had shown up to an empty lot. He waited and waited but no Buffy. It was simply too easy and extremely marvelous!
Now getting into Connor's mind had been interesting. His father had taught him nothing except bible quotes and to not play with yourself or look at women.
She almost let her presence known by letting out a squeal of delight. It was a nice touch to place Angelus in the ocean. True true evil, baby! That's my boy!
She frowned, would the course of the future change if Angel did finally snap out of his trance? What if he did run to Buffy, would that change the course of destiny? Escape was just too damn close for her to let that happen. Soon all will bow before her again and respect her as they should now.
Didn't they understand that Buffy Summers was The Slayer? That she is always in danger; that she is supposed to live her life alone. Doing nothing but kill, kill, kill! She isn't the sweet person they think she is. Her life is full of danger and blood.
When the first Slayer was created, she wasn't just created from just an angel, she was created from two angels. The light and the dark. It's why Slayer's crave the hunt, why killing gets them all hot and bothered. It's why Buffy would rather fuck a soulless demon than the simple Joe that walks in the sunlight.
It's funny how Angelus should have known this already but alas, I had already gotten my claws into him. That stunt years ago, was pathetic but perfect enough to send Angelus packing and away from true love.
It's not like Buffy was in real danger now, no danger, maybe a few broken ribs some internal damage but not from death anyway. She is going to live, she will be cherished in the underworld, or will that be upper world. Her true nature will come out! She is my key. Now if she would only stop getting in the way.
The tiny, perfect blood red mouth frowned and pouted. Didn't she understand it was time for evil to shine, time for darkness to fall? Thanks to Buffy, evil will reign, but would Angel stop it?
"Hmmmm," said a sweet soft voice. Tapping her red nails on the banister she stared down at the vampire in question.
She licked her lips, wanting a taste. It was funny to have all these memories and not to be able to use them. The boy does know how to please a woman. Maybe I should send him to her and make sure he keeps her busy. I have too much to do for her to keep getting into the way like this.
She shrugged and gave a wolfish grin. Maybe it was time to give Angelus a real show? To show him what Seyella probably wouldn't, no need in risking the chance of the boy showing up in Sunnydale to help his wandering Slayer.
He definitely doesn't need to know his soul has been intact since he was recursed. She grinned again and let a tiny, "Meow," out. How funny to think that he could have been fucking her the entire time. Now, had he known this, she wouldn't have been able to use him all those years ago.
She shook her hair, her golden locks falling down around her face.
No, no, I want them together I want them as guards. Soon.very soon they will be with me. What an interesting pair those two are. One dark and the other darker than she knows. A Slayer and a Vampire!
"Show time," She whispered and giggled. Taking the time to straighten her clothes. It's so much fun being a woman, she thought as she pushed her breasts up until they were perky.
Part 15
Observez mon cher Angel. Montrez Le Temps!
Means My Dear Angel. Show time! in French.
"Seyella!" Whistler cried.
"No," Seyella whispered sadly. She had truly hoped this would go unnoticed. She knew she was foolish in her hoping.
"Tell me this isn't happening?" Whistler moaned.
"Yes my dear Whistler it is," She whispered.
"Aren't you going to do something?" He practically begged.
"No I won't. I can only hope that what we have shown him was enough," She said staring down at the vampire whom she loved.
"You know it wasn't. You know he had to see her death and his Childe and..." Whistler trailed off. His eyes growing in horror at the figure standing at the top of the stairwell. Didn't anyone notice her?
"One can only pray," She whispered.
"Bravo..Bravo...well done Seyella, isn't this just the best show ever!" Darla shouted. She giggled as she clapped her hands.
All eyes went to the blonde at the top of the stairs. Every one of them couldn't take their eyes off the vision of Darla standing there in all her glory with a red tight slinky dress on with red pumps. Her hair pulled back from her face. She really was a vision.
"Oh God, psycho dead bitch," Cordelia yelped, being the first one to come out of her shocked state and ran down the stairs and to the door and started banging on the door. "Let me out, she's a psycho!" Cordy screamed.
The rest of the crew on the stairs jumped up and ran down and grabbed a weapon, all except Connor who had no idea what was going on and staring at the blonde with fascination.
Darla frowned, "Now, now, that's not nice, is it my dear boy? It still surprises me you have her around. Really, what use is she? It's not like you could ever lose your soul with her. " She grinned at Angel who was in complete shock. Darla's eyes twinkled, "I can understand you want to fuck her my boy. At least with her, I'm not jealous. She can't compare to me in anyway, however Bu..ffy," She said in a singsong voice.
"Wait you're dead? Aren't you? Gunn asked.
"Thank you very much, it's so sweet you noticed!" She said blowing him a kiss.
Angel took a few steps backwards. He knew that wasn't Darla standing in front of him. Hell, he would be able to smell her but he just felt evil almost like the time.
"Now darling, did you enjoy the show?" Darla snapped bringing him out of his revere.
"Seyella!" Lorne yelled.
Angel looked away from the blonde in front of him to stare at the green demon.
"Angel Cakes, we need to leave," Lorne hissed.
"I agree," Angel muttered.
"You're leaving? AM I not to your liking?" Darla pouted and Angel hissed when Darla changed into a voluptuous looking Buffy who was pouting at him. "Is this better?" Buffy asked, licking her lips.
Angel groaned. God help him he was turned on by the simple fact she licked her lips and winked at him. It wasn't Buffy. It, like Darla didn't smell like her but it looked like her except for the coldness in her eyes. He had never seen coldness like that in Buffy's eyes.
"You're not Buffy," He growled when he finally found his voice.
Buffy gave a stunning smile that never reached her eyes. "Believe what you want to believe, you always did anyway. Look at you, telling me to go on with my life. 'Buffy, you need a normal life with kids and sunshine and I just can't give you that,'" She mocked, pointing a finger at Connor and Cordelia.
"Hey, let me tell you something Miss Thing! You are a freak, and I can give him everything he needs and more," Cordelia snapped.
Buffy turned on her. "I bet you can," and winked.
Cordelia let out a scream of rage.
"Cordelia, I think you need to calm down," Lorne whispered.
"What are you?" Connor asked.
Buffy looked at the boy and smiled. "I am you little boy. It's a shame you didn't kill your father when you had the chance. Would make my work easier," Buffy smirked.
"I know what you are," Angel snapped.
"Do you? Because I don't think you a clue," Buffy snapped.
She stomped over to where Angel was and her clothes changed from the same dress Darla had been wearing to a pair of overalls with a white baby pink T-shirt underneath it. Her hair had been pulled back into a pony tail and she looked like the picture of innocence.
"Angel, look out!" Fred squealed.
"Is this what you want Angel? You want me to be your perfect little Buffy. I understand that you want to picture me like this. I have a dark side Angel, you knew that long ago. Is that why you left? Did I do something?" Buffy sniffed, her eyes blinking as if tears where going to fall.
"Shut up!" Angel roared.
Buffy giggled, "Your still so much fun to play with!"
"Get out!" Angel demanded.
Buffy walked closer to him so that they were only inches apart. "Oh baby, I can't do that, I think that I should show you all the things Seyella wasn't prepared to show you," She whispered into his ear. She reached up and licked his ear. "Better than Spike," she whispered sensually into his ear.
"Observez mon cher Angel. Montrez Le Temps!" Buffy shouted in French and clapped her hands together. She paused and looked up at ceiling.
"After this is over Seyella, he will be mine again. You wouldn't happen to have any of that popcorn left," She giggled and turned to watch the show.
"Don't count on it!" Angel growled but his eyes betrayed him and once again they widened on the things that should never have happened.
Buffy sat up in bed. "Riley?" She asked.
"Hello Pet, it's me," Spike said sighing.
Buffy rolled her eyes. "Everytime you show up like this, you risk body parts," She snapped.
"Buffy, I have good reason; why else would I be here?" Spike groaned, staring at the white sheet that revealed everything that his dreams didn't.
Buffy rolled her eyes again, "Get out and good night Spike!"
"Serious Pet, we have to hurry," He said, grabbing her arm while trying to get more of an eye full of what she was wearing underneath her shirt.
"Get out!" Buffy snarled.
"Not until you come with me," he snapped back.
Buffy gave him an odd look and sighed. "Turn your back," She ordered.
"What the hell is that boy doing in her room?" Angel growled.
Buffy giggled and tapped her finger on her perfect pink lips. "I'll never tell!" She giggled.
"Oh shit," Gunn yelled. Everyone looked up to see what they knew to be Buffy's boyfriend, being sucked on by what looked like...Vampire Hookers??
"I didn't know there were Vampire Hookers," Fred exclaimed.
"Riley?" Buffy questioned. She gave an agonized cry and ran out of the room.
"Pet, wait up," Spike yelled.
"Why....why would you show me this?" She yelled, hitting him in the nose.
"Damnit woman! I'm doing you a favor! Mr. Farm Boy isn't what you need luv," He whispered, grabbing her by the shoulders.
Buffy looked up at him and her eyes full of tears. "And you are?" she snapped and turned and walked home.
"I'll kill Spike and Riley," Angel snarled, his hatred growing more and more by the second. The demon wanted to come out and play.
"Aww, that's so sweet of you! Did you know that I burned the place to the ground and broke up with Mr. All American but I actually ran to him," Buffy mused.
"Pet, I love you, don't you understand? I'm willing to kill Dru for you baby, my dark Princess," Spike yelled at the blonde who was currently chained and struggling.
"Please, been there, done that," Buffy said calmly.
"You're all over him. First daddy, and now my own William," Dru moaned.
"Oh God, Shut her up!" Buffy snapped.
"Daddy....hasn't been a good boy," Dru giggled.
Buffy stopped struggling with her bonds. "IS that who did that to your face?" She asked the deranged vampire.
Dru sighed, "Daddy was just punishing Darla and me. He killed those lawyers," She said, letting her eyes roll back.
A sour look came over Buffy's face. "Darla's dead, and Angel wouldn't....would he?" she asked no one in particular.
"So yummy, Daddy and grand mum made the stars twinkle," Dru said, twisting her hips and moaning.
Buffy grimaced and shuttered.
"Boy," Angel yelled.
The LA gang had long since backed up behind Angel and were holding weapons, but they were starting to wonder who they might have to use them on.
"You're in a safe place," Buffy said, walking into the crypt with her mother and sister behind her.
"Lorne, you have the tranquilizer?" Gunn asked.
"I can hear you," Angel muttered.
"Mom?....Mom?.....Mommy?!" Buffy cried.
They all watched in silence as the Slayer found her dead mother and the things that happened afterwards.
Angel closed his eyes.
"Can you promise me forever?" She whispered.
"Forever," Angel whispered and kissed her.
"You didn't!!!" Cordelia cried.
All were shocked to see tears in her eyes.
Buffy watched as Angel watched away. "Come out Spike," She snapped.
"Hello cutie," He said whipping out a cigarette.
"Go away," She said dejectedly.
"Pet, let me help you. You need to cry Luv. Angel left you ducks, he doesn't love you," He said grabbing her shoulders.
"Yes he does," She snapped shrugging off his hands.
"Does he? You need him and he just promised forever yet where is he? Heading off to the City of Angels and leaving you in your misery," Spike said snugly.
"I.. I know," She said hanging her head.
"What the hell!" Angel growling and his eyes flashing towards Buffy standing in front of him.
"I needed you baby," She whispered staring at Gunn and licking her lips.
"Stay away from Charles," Fred snapped.
Buffy shrugged and turned her attention back to the vampire.
"A girl can only take so much Angel! Her mother died, and you promised her forever...knowing you were going to come home. Joyce....died," Cordelia moaned.
Angel gave her a strange look.
"It's alright, my Angel. I knew for a long time that any promise you ever made to me was false," Buffy whispered, hatred filling her eyes.
"That's not true," He said, walking up towards her.
"You left, they all leave, but he didn't," She whispered.
"Buffy, what do we do?" Dawn asked quietly.
Buffy turned from the window and stared sadly into the distance. She turned to her friends.
"We run," She said softly.
"Buffy?" Giles asked.
"I just don't know anymore. Stay here, I will be back with transportation," Buffy announced, walking out the front door.
"She's running?" Connor asked.
"She doesn't seem like the type who would run away," Gunn said.
"Maybe she had no other choice," Fred said, gripping his arm for comfort.
"Maybe," Gunn whispered, kissing her forehead.
"Glorificus," Lorne whispered.
"Ahh, she's a bitch," Buffy snapped.
It was like watching a really bad movie. The good guy you turned to to help the other good guys, turns out to be predictable as he turns out to be the bad hell goddess from another dimension. All were entranced while watching the battle.
"Dawn," Buffy cried out and fell.
"It was a logical try," Anya said.
"Buffy, please, we need you!" Willow cried out.
"Everyone needs me," Buffy yelled after a few minutes of staring into the distance.
"C'mon Buffy," Willow whispered, helping Buffy up.
"Gotta be hard," Lorne whispered.
"More then you know," Buffy grinned.
"Giles, how do we defeat Glory?" Buffy asked.
"I'm sorry Buffy, but the only way would be to kill Dawn," Giles said, nonchalantly.
"She's not your sister!" Giles yelled.
"NO! She's more! The monks made her out of me. ME! She has my blood Giles. I hold her, and I feel her, she's my sister," Buffy yelled back.
"Buffy, if she is allowed to live, you will fail, you will kill us all," Giles said softly.
"I'm sorry. I love you all, but I'm sorry," Buffy whispered.
"Does that mean me too?" Spike asked.
"If any of you try to hurt her, I will kill you," Buffy said with determination in her voice.
Buffy walked with Spike to her house.
"Spike, you're not a monster," She said softly.
"Luv?" Spike asked bewildered.
"If something happens to me....take care of her," She said, grabbing a few weapons.
"Me?!" Spike asked, shocked.
Buffy nodded.
"Wouldn't Angelus be better suited for that?" He asked.
Buffy's eyes dropped. "No," She whispered and they headed out the door.
The place went quite dead.
"NO!" Angel shouted, and looked at the Buffy in front of him.
"She wouldn't not do that. Trust her sister to that monster over me!" he yelled, and advanced on her, only to find himself frozen in place.
"Of course I would lover. Where were you? Saving Cordelia from being a Princess? You left me, you never loved me. William may not have loved me then, but he did want me, and he did protect my sister," Buffy said sultry.
"Poor Buffy," Cordelia sniffed.
"The girl has it tough," Gunn nodded.
"Dawn, tell Giles I get it, and tell....tell's too late..," she shook her head. "I love you Dawn, live for me," She whispered and kissed her sister and ran towards the end of the platform and jumped.
"BUFFY!" Spike screamed as he spotted the Slayer's broken and bruised body. He covered his bloody face and cried.
"No!" Willow cried.
The Hyperion was reduced to tears for the fallen Slayer and her friends.
"I really know how to make an exit," Buffy sighed.
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