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Sigma Delta Gamma (cont...)


“Oh. My. God.” Buffy couldn’t believe the sight before her. Angel was in bed with Darla. The buttons of his navy blue shirt were opened with Darla’s fingers on his bare chest. His hand was wrapped around her shoulder, while his hair was all messed up as if they were in an intense make out session. The strap of her dress was off her shoulders and you could see part of her breasts. They both woke up. Darla noticed Buffy and gave her a huge grin.

“I just can’t believe this,” she said laughing and then started crying.

“I never expected that you’d pick Darla. I guess congratulations are in order.”

“Buffy, it’s not what you think. Nothing happened between us,” Angel said making his way over to her.

“Oh, please. She’s practically half naked.” Angel looked over at Darla and noticed how rumpled her clothing was. He couldn’t believe what great lengths Darla went through to get him.

“I can’t believe you, Darla. You know that we didn’t do anything.”

“Oh, come on Angel. When we were dancing you were in the mood for some more,” she said leaning in and rubbing her body over him.

“Get off me, Darla. I never wanted you in that way.”

“Oh, please. You and little-miss-I-got-raped-by-Parker sure doesn’t want you anymore. If I remember clearly, she said that you reminded her of Parker. Isn’t that right, Buffy?”

“I can’t believe you! You were eaves dropping on our private conversation.”

“What can I say? If you hadn’t come into the room, I would have had Angel in more ways than one. We would have made love and come morning, he would have been naked with me under the sheets.” Buffy just couldn’t believe Darla. The alcohol was wearing off a bit. She made her way towards Darla and slapped her across the face. Darla placed her hand in her red cheek.

“How dare you say that to me. Angel would never touch you. He would never date a bitch like you. He’s too much of a nice guy for you. Now get out!”

“Angel, you’re going to let her talk to me like this! She’s not even your girlfriend.”

“Darla, just leave.” She huffed and stormed out the door. Buffy turned back and looked at Angel. She didn’t know if there was anything else to say to him. So she started walking out the door, but Angel called out to her.

“Buffy.” She turned and looked at him.


“Buffy, I just wanted to…”

“Don’t worry about it Angel. You still maybe be mad at me. I don’t blame you. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you.” She then turns the knob on the door and walked out.


Angel just stared at the door. He just let her walked out the door for a second time. ‘Am I that stupid? You love her, so go after her you idiot.’ Angel quickly opened the door and found Buffy on the carpeted floor in the hallway. She sort of decided that after a while the talking and all the alcohol that consumed her that she was tired. He picked her up and she started fidgeting in his arms.

“Let me down, Angel. I’m a big girl Angel. I can walk.” He settled her down on her two legs and just when she started walking, she lost balance.

“There, I got you,” he said holding her firmly by the waist. He led her inside and they went straight to his bathroom. He placed her on the toilet seat and went over to get a washcloth. As he kneeled down before her he was cooling her face off, Buffy was staring at Angel intently. She didn’t want this moment to end.

“Why are you being so nice to me? I mean after all the mean stuff that I said to you.”

“That’s simple to answer. I love you. You’re my girl.” Those words just brought tears to Buffy’s eyes.

“Oh, Angel. I’m so sorry. I should have never said those awful things to you. I don’t know what came over me.” He took her in his arms.

“Shh. Don’t cry honey. I’m not going anywhere,” he said as he rubbed her back gently. She lifted her head and looked into those gentle brown eyes that loved her so much.


“I Promise.” He then kissed her forehead, her nose and then her lips.

“Now, let’s get you to bed.” He lifted her up and walked out of the room, but told her to stay. He quickly stepped out of the bathroom and went to his closet and found a shirt for her.

“Here, change your clothes. I’ll be waiting for you outside,” he said and then kissed her cheek.

“Don’t you want to stay?” she asked with a wicked smile.

“Don’t even tempt me, Buffy.”


Angel was in bed waiting for Buffy to change her clothes. He couldn’t believe that she asked him to stay while she changed. If he had, his hormones wouldn’t be in any control. He just knew that his hands wouldn’t stay at his sides. It just reminded him when they danced on Valentine’s Day. The way she looked, felt in his arms was just perfect.

Buffy stepped out and noticed Angel and smiled when their eyes met.

“Hi, there.”

“Hi. Come to bed.” She just loved the sound of his voice saying that to her. She quickly made her way to his bed and snuggled up in his arms.

“Good Night, Angel.”

“’Night Buffy.” He then kissed the top of her head.


The next day Buffy was up and realized where she was. Angel’s room. It was obvious with the feeling of his strong arm around her waist. She missed feeling that sense of security and love that only Angel could provide her. She lifted her head up and noticed that Angel was still sleeping, but had this smile on his face. So she figured that he was awake already.

“Angel, I know you’re awake.” Still no response. So Buffy figured that she’d have to try harder to get his attention. She took her index finger and traced over his full lips. Angel remained still. Buffy moved her head up and began kissing the exposed skin of his neck. She kept on going until she found her spot right on the lobe of his ear and gently captured it between her teeth.

“Angel, please wake up.”

“Why should I?” he asked and opened one of his eyes to look at her.

“You’re up. That’s great. I’m hungry.”

“I’m not. I’m tired. I’m going back to sleep.” He shut his eye and did just that. Buffy placed her hand on his cheek, turned his face, raised herself up and then gave him a lingering kiss. A kiss that made him groaned and pulled the petite blonde into his arms.

‘Oh, I missed kissing her like this. The way she feels makes me feel is absolutely wonderful.’

‘Oh, kissing my Angel is just amazing. No other word can describe this moment that I’m feeling.’

“I guess you’re not tired anymore, huh?”

“Tired? No. Though I’m not getting up. I’d rather stay here with you in my arms.”

“Awe, that’s so sweet.” She rewarded him with a kiss.


Spring Break was around the corner and the topic was where to go. They could go to Cancun, Mexico, Daytona Beach, Florida or somewhere nearby. Either way the eight of them were going to have some kind of fun.

Angel was in his dorm room when someone entered. When he lifted his head he spotted the blonde haired man.

“Spike, what do I owe this pleasure?” Angel asked with a smirk on his face.

“Oh, please Angel call me William when we are in public. I thought I’d visit my best friend,” he said smiling back.

“Spike, it’s so thoughtful of you. But really why are you here?”

“Fine. The reason why I’m here is because I knew you’d be having Spring Break and thought I’d tag along.”

“Gee, Spike I’m touched. Really you shouldn’t have,” Angel replied sarcastically.

“Okay, quit the bullshit Angel. So can I?”

“Fine. So you planning to get some girl knocked up like you usually do?”

“Of course not Angel. I’ve changed.” Angel laughed.

Spike thought back to the weekend that he stayed over at the McCrohan household.

“Oh, William it’s so good to see you,” Mrs. McCrohan said smiling at him.

“It’s good to see you too.” He then embraced Angel’s mother.

“Come on. Lets settle your things up in my room,” Angel said dragging Spike up the stairs.

Both men were in Angel’s room just talking about old times.

“So Angel, who’s the new lady in your life?”

“Her name’s Buffy. You’d like her,” he said with a smile on his face just thinking about the blonde beauty.

“You’re in love aren’t you?”

“Yeah. It’s a great feeling.” Angel was about to ask Spike about his love interest when Faith entered the room.

“Hey Angel. Hey Spike. It’s good to see you again.”

“Faith! My, my you’ve grown into a lovely lady.” He was checking her out in her outfit, which consisted of black leather pants, black t-shirt and black boots. ‘She definitely has the curves in all the right places. Little Faith sure had grown up. Oh, I’m going to enjoy this weekend.’

“Thanks Spike. So has my dear brother bored you to death with his new girlfriend, blondie?”

“She has a name. It’s Buffy. I just want you to treat her with respect. Oh, and before you think of a sarcastic comeback, just remember who taught them to you. Yours truly,” he said smiling.

“See what I have to put up with? I wasn’t even going to say anything about her.” Angel just glared at her and then left the room.

Spike just couldn’t stop looking at Faith. The little sister of Angel’s had changed into a young lady with a sharp mouth. He just felt something since she entered the room. He had no idea what kind of attraction he could be having.

Faith made her way closer to Spike with each single step causing the tension in the room to rise. She sat down, looked into his eyes, licked her lips and then spoke.

“So Spike you have a girlfriend?”

“No,” he said swallowing the lump in his throat. She moved even closer until her thigh brushed up against his.

“I think I can change that.” She then leaned her head in and captured Spike’s lips in for a kiss. As the kiss deepened between them, Spike’s hand held the back of her neck. As they parted a part, Faith was the first to say something.

“How’s that for a welcome?” Faith then stood up and walked out the door leaving a stunned Spike remaining.

Spike definitely wanted to relive that moment, but a part of him feared what would Angel think of it? ‘He could beat the shit out of me. Though I really like Faith and she definitely has that wild streak that I’m looking for in a woman.’

“Oh, I don’t mind with you go out with. It just better not be Faith.” Angel had a feeling that something happened with Spike and Faith in his room.


Buffy was up in her room the night before everyone was going to head out for Spring Break. She was thinking about her Angel and wondered what she was planning to give him for his birthday. ‘I could get him an ID bracelet or a nice shirt. Or it could be a surprise that I just thought up of.’ Buffy picked her phone and dialed Angel’s phone number. She wanted to speak with him one last time before she went to bed.

“Hello,” a male voice responded on the end of the line.

“Hey Angel,” she said smiling on the end of the line.

“Buffy. Are you excited about tomorrow?”

“Of course I am. Though I don’t see why your sister has to come along.”

“Buffy, you know what my parents told me. I can’t go unless she goes. So don’t worry about my sister, okay?”

“I won’t. So I’m finally going to see your friend Spike?”

“Yeah. You’ll finally get to know him. I can’t wait to see you in your swimsuit.”

“Oh, really. Well I’m picturing you in my mind now with a nice outfit as well.”

“You are naughty, Miss Summers,” he said laughing.

“What can I say? I’m very open-minded.”

“I have to get going. ‘Night Buffy.”

“Goodnight, my Angel.”


The whole gang arrived at the hotel in San Francisco Hotel. They were now getting dressed in their bathing suits to head over to the beach. All the guys shared a room, while all the women shared another.

“So Angel are you excited about seeing Buffy in a bikini,” Spike said smiling.

“Sure I am. She’s my girl. You’ll know what it’s like one of these days when you meet the right girl,” Angel said smiling back.

“Yeah.” ‘You have no idea, my friend. Today just might be the day that you’ll find out.’

Xander and Oz were dressed in their trunks and were waiting for the other two so they could head out and meet the girls.


The girls were in their room getting dressed as well when Faith decided to tease the young blonde.

“So Buffy, this might be your moment to be with my brother.”

“Faith, could you just shut up.” Buffy was getting irritated with the brunette. She was constantly nagging Buffy about her and Angel being intimate. ‘If she only knew what really happened to me she wouldn’t be acting like a bitch.’

“Don’t worry about Faith, Buffy. She’s just jealous that you found a man that is totally in love with you,” Willow said.

“You got that right.”


Everyone arrived at the beach and set their chairs up. They sky was clear, sun shinning brightly and the beautiful white clouds were vast and endless for miles. The sand was a shade of tan that wasn’t too hot on your bare feet as your toes touched the granites rubbed against them.

Buffy laid on her back with a towel, placed her blue sunglasses on and closed her eyes. She felt the warm heat of the sun’s rays penetrate right through her skin. She had already taken off her shirt to reveal herself in a blue bikini.

“Buffy, honey I’m going to the water. You wanna join me?”

“Okay,” she said as she lowered her sunglasses to check him out. Angel was wearing black trunks that were short enough and tight enough. As she followed Angel she could see how firm his ass was. ‘Ooh I can’t wait to see what’s underneath those shorts. Bad Buffy.’

They entered the ocean and started swimming. As Buffy looked around her she couldn’t believe the sight of the water. It was blue as the sky with hints of turquoise. She faced Angel as he embraced her body with his hands wrapped around her waist.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you looked in your bikini?”

“Actually now that I think about it. No, you didn’t.”

“You…look…beautiful,” he said in between kisses. She moaned softly under his gently kisses as her fingers threaded through the short hairs on the nape of his neck. They both parted from the heated kiss and gazed into each other’s eyes. He took her hand in his and both out of the water and went straight to the towel that was laid on the sand.

As Buffy lay down on the blue beach towel while Angel was on top of her with his elbows at each of her sides. His brown eyes gazed down upon those green eyes and saw how much love she had for him and vice versa. He leaned down and began kissing her. Both their bodies were flushed, lips fused together and legs tangled with one another. They were so caught up into their emotions that they rolled around in the sand just being content with one another. Their moans from the other’s ministrations grew louder that they didn’t even notice a person appearing before them.

“Oh, Angel!” Xander said imitating Buffy. Buffy and Angel spread apart to see the smirk on Xander’s face.

“Xander! What do you want?” Buffy asked.

“Nothing actually. I thought I’d say hi. Oh, and also you two should tone it down a bit. You are in a public place.”

“Xander, just leave. I’m in no mood to joke around,” Angel said.

“Fine. I’ll go.”

“Angel, honey I just realized that I’ve got sand stuck all over my body.”

“So do I. Let’s go take a shower,” he said taking her hand in his.


They headed over the shower and washed the sand away. Angel decided that it was best to share one shower instead of two so other people on the beach could use it.

“I like my idea. Two of us, one shower,” he said grinning.

“I totally agree with you. It’s best not to waste water,” she replied smiling back.


It was the day before everyone had to leave back to Sunnydale so everyone decided to head back to the beach once more and have a bonfire at night.

Angel was walking around the beach feeling the sunrays against his back and the warm feeling of sand beneath his toes. He was looking for some seashells for Buffy when his eyes landed on a coupe with a blanket covering up their body. The thing that caught his attention was the blonde head. ‘It sure looks like Spike. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend. He never mentioned it to me. I wonder why.’ As he lifted the blanket he said.

“Spike, who’s the girl…” He didn’t even finish his sentence when he spotted the girl to be his sister Faith.

“Faith, what are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m making out with my boyfriend.”

“Oh, really. Since when? Tell me Spike. I’d really like to know,” Angel said angered. He couldn’t believe what he saw.

“Since the weekend I stayed over at your house. That’s when.”

“Faith, you’re coming with me,” Angel said grabbing his arm.

“Let me go, Angel.” The rest of the gang heard the commotion and ran over.

“Angel, what’s going on?” Buffy asked. She noticed her boyfriend had s firm grip on his sister.

“Spike and my sister,” Angel said through gritted teeth.

“That’s not the problem. You’re my problem, big brother. You have everything you ever wanted,” Faith said releasing her grip from Angel.

“I earned it Faith. I deserve this happiness and so does Buffy, especially after what she went through.”

“Oh, no here we go again with Buffy. What problem does blondie over here have? She has the perfect life, family, friends and to top it off my brother, Angel. Nothing horrible has ever happened to her. Everything is sunshine. What could possibly make her have a bad day? Her hair isn’t fixed the right way or her nail broke. Huh? Tell me.”

Buffy heard everything that Faith had said. She felt this anger boiling inside the pit of her stomach. The tears were beginning to form in her green eyes.

“Tell you! I’ll tell you! You think I’ve got the perfect life and that nothing bad happens to me. Well you’re wrong. I was…I was raped. You’re happy now, Faith. Now you can tell all your friends that blondie got hers,” Buffy said with tears cascading down her cheeks. She then ran away from everyone. Faith and Spike stood there shocked. They were the only ones that didn’t know.

“Raped? Whom did she get raped by?” Faith asked Angel.

“Parker,” he answered silently. Faith heard the name of her brother’s worst enemy and once friend.

“That asshole! Why didn’t you tell me?” Faith then hit her brother on the arm.

“I didn’t think you needed to know. Especially the fact that I know you weren’t fond of her.”

“Oh, come one Angel. You thought I’d pity on her or laugh about this. That getting raped isn’t something to take lightly. I may not be singing cumbaya when she’s around, but I’ve come to the realization that she loves you. That she’s not Dru.”

“You getting soft on me now? You’re a good sister. A smart ass, but I still love you.” He then embraced his sister.

“So Spike huh?” he whispered in her ear. She laughed.

“Yeah, I like him a lot. He treats me nice.”

“If he tries anything, I’ll break his kneecaps,” Angel said loudly enough for Spike to hear him.

“You won’t. I better go find Buffy.”


Buffy was sitting on the rocks by the ocean. The current waves were high enough for the water to splash on Buffy’s lower legs. She was pouring her tears out when she heard someone approaching. So Buffy quickly wiped her tears away.

“Angel, is that you?”

“No, sorry. It’s just me, Faith.”

“Oh, what you’re here to rub it in my face some more,” Buffy said facing the brunette.

“No. I came to apologize for the mean things that I’ve said to you. If I knew that Parker had hurt you that way, I would have kicked him in the balls for you.”

“Really?” Buffy had to laugh.

“Of course. He’s an asshole.”

“Oh, don’t you worry. I heard that your brother gave him something to remember,” Buffy said smiling.

“That’s my brother. Come on. Let’s go before my brother gets worried.”

“So Spike huh?”

“Geez, do you and my brother share a brain?”

“Maybe,” Buffy answered smiling. Faith laughed.


Everyone was sitting by the bonfire. All the couples were paired up together with the girls sitting in between their boyfriend’s legs with their back flushed up against their chest.

Angel had his head laid on Buffy’s shoulders as his arms were wrapped around her petite waist.

“So you enjoyed your time,” he said kissing the side of her neck.

“Yeah, I had a great time.”

“Even when Faith said those harsh things to you?”

“Yeah, even that. I guess I can see where she’s coming from. I would be somewhat envious of myself if I were in her place, but I can sense that she actually has someone that loves her,” Buffy said looking at Faith and Spike.

“But Spike?” She turned her head and faced him.

“Spike knows her well enough. Besides if he caused her any harm, he knows that you’d beat him up.” Angel laughed.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Angel McCrohan. I wish we were alone now,” she said and then kissed him.

“Really? Why?” She leaned in closer before saying her next few words. She didn’t want everyone to hear her.

“’Cause maybe I’d show you how much I love you,” she said huskily. Angel groaned. The look in his brown eyes said it all. He wanted her and she’s evil.

“You’re evil.”

“I aim to please,” she said gloating.


Since Spring Break Buffy and Angel have been extremely close to one another. They would constantly be making out and then have to stop because Buffy felt that it wasn’t the moment to go further on. Angel had always expected, but it was beginning to be unbearable for him. Though he knew that when the time was right they both would know. He just didn’t want to be the butt of all jokes with his friends because he waited for the right woman to be with intimately.

It was the day before his birthday and Angel was thrilled about celebrating his birthday with Buffy. He just knew that no matter what happened, that it would be special because of her. His past birthdays were rather dull and boring. He either didn’t feel like celebrating or somehow Dru would be off in her own world and completely forgot about his birthday.

Angel and Buffy were in his dorm room on his bed making out. Their lips were fused together, tongues dueling with one another for dominance, hands were roaming all over each other’s body and the heat was rising rapidly between them.

“Angel,” she said breathlessly. She was looking down at those brown eyes that showed love while her elbows were leaning in between him on his bed.

“We should…” She just lost her train of thought because her petite frame was leaning right on top of his tall, strong stature.

“Yeah,” he said and them leaned up capturing her lips once more. His right hand roamed over her back then made it’s journey underneath her shirt letting his fingertips touch her bare skin, which in return made her moan. His other hand went through her blonde hair and lightly massaged her scalp.

Buffy’s right hand caressed his cheek, while her other hand slipped underneath his t-shirt lightly scratching the side of his abs. He moaned as well from her touch. The passion between them was increasing rapidly and they both knew that they had to stop, but didn’t want to. As they continued on kissing someone gently opened the door and walked right in.

“Hey Angel, I was…” The two bodies parted from one another and looked right at the person that rudely interrupted them.

“Xander, don’t you knock? Actually, what really concerns me now is how could you barge in like that?”

“I had no idea man. I’m sorry.” Buffy quickly fixed her rumpled shirt, her hair and stood up.

“Where are you going?” Angel asked looking at Buffy.

“I think I should go so you can talk to Xander.”

“No, don’t go. Xander should he going,” Angel said glaring at him. Angel stood up and walked towards Buffy.

“Honey, please stay,” he said pouting.

“I wish I could, but Xander here looks like he needs your help. I also have to get ready for your birthday,” she said smiling.

“Birthday? What are you gonna give me?”

“I’m not saying because it won’t be a surprise anymore.” She kissed him once more than walked out the door.

“So Xander, what do you want?”

“Actually, I really didn’t need your help.” Angel looked at him at first angry, but then launched at him and shook him senseless.

“Xander, I can’t believe you.”

“I try.” Both men laughed.


Today’s Angel’s birthday and he’s turning twenty-one. He hoped that this birthday would be a memorable one. He wanted to have so much fun with all his friends, but especially Buffy. He recalled that Buffy said that she’d make it up to him on his birthday when they were together on Valentine’s Day.

“What does Buffy have planned for me? I hope it’s going to be fun and worth my while,” he said smiling. Faith decided to make her appearance.

“Hey Angel. Happy Birthday.” She then went over and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was thrilled for her brother and knew that he’d enjoy this day.

“Thanks Faith. So what wonderful gift do you have for your favorite brother?”

“Actually I’m not telling you yet. You’ll just have to wait until later,” she said smiling. Angel just laughed. He knew that whatever his sister chose for him that he’d love it. They always knew what the other liked.


Buffy was in the shower washing her hair lightly massaging in as her nails gently scrapping her scalp. She closed her eyes so none of the vanilla scented shampoo wouldn’t get into her eyes. She had a faint smile across her face while her thoughts drifted off to the first time she kissed Angel.

“Angel, stop that!” Though he didn’t stop, he was quite enjoying himself seeing a wet, soaked and drenched Buffy. As the water nozzle went down Buffy went after him with a bucket full of soap and water.

“Oh, no you don’t Buffy.”

“Oh, yes.” She then poured the soapy water on him. He was now completely drenched as well. The foam of the soap was all over his body from his hair right down to his legs. Buffy looked at him and couldn’t help, but stare at his body. The T-shirt he wore clung to his chest as second skin revealing his pecs and abs. ‘He is definitely in great shape. What I’d do now to see him without a that shirt on?’ He wiped the excess soap from his face.

“I’m going to get you for this Buffy,” he said smiling.

“Try and catch me if you can.” She then went running around the car until Angel grabbed her by the waist.

“Gotcha.” She turned around and looked at him. They were so close that not an inch of space was left between them. Buffy gulped and caught her breath. He was staring at her intently. It was as if he could read what was on her mind.

“So what are you gonna do about it?” Buffy finally said after finding her voice.

“I’m gonna kiss you.” He nipped her lower lip, and then moved on deepening the kiss. Buffy felt the need to keep on kissing Angel. Her hand went through his wet hair lightly massaging the nape of his neck. The other was on his arm. Angel’s arms held her firmly around her slim waist. She fit perfectly in his arms. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Angel looked over at Buffy and clearly this time he could see definitely much more of her body. Her shirt clung tightly that her bra was revealed as well were her pert nipples. Buffy looked down at herself and realized what Angel was gazing at.

“Okay, that was all too revealing. At least guys don’t have to worry about covering up anything.”

“That’s true. We guys can just take our shirts off.” He then proceeded on to doing that.

“I was getting a bit hot anyway,” he said with a half smile. The sight of that smile melted her heart. She was then now able to see what was underneath that T-shirt of his. It’s not that she hadn’t notice, but with one less article of clothing things looked clear. Crystal clear. ‘Those were the arms that held me not so long ago. In his arms for what seemed like a minute made me want to be in his arms for an eternity. My tiny body was flushed up against his broad chest. Those lips, oh how much I love those lips when I hear him talking to me, but especially his kiss. He was gentle and sweet with the softest touch. I can definitely keep on kissing those lips and never ask for anything else, but for his love. Love? Am I already falling for the brown eyed guy?’

“I better head inside and change. See you later.” As she turned to walk in Angel called out her name.



“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For the kiss,” he said smiling.

“Your welcome.” He watched her back as she entered inside the door.


Even though it was Angel’s birthday he wanted to pick up Buffy at her house. As he rang the doorbell he stood waiting fully dressed in his black slacks, white shirt with the first two buttons opened, his leather jacket and black boots. Just when Angel was about to ring the doorbell again, Buffy opened the door and left Angel totally speechless.

“Hi,” she said smiling. She could tell by his heated gaze that he loved what she was wearing. He looked at her attire and just knew that she looked fabulous on Valentine’s Day, but today this topped it off. She wore this black silk dress with short sleeves that reached her knee with a slit on the right side. Her blonde hair flowed on her back making her more mature and sophisticated for a nineteen year old. He leaned down and gave her a kiss.

“So are we ready to go?”



Buffy and Angel arrived at The Bronze and as soon as they both entered everyone yelled out surprise. Angel looked over at his girlfriend and smiled.

“You did this for me?” he asked.

“Yeah, but everyone else chipped in as well. Our friends, your sister and your parents made sure everything was set. I just…” He stopped her babbling with a kiss. She relaxed completely into his kiss.

“Thank you.”

“Uh-huh,” she said breathlessly. Angel just looked into those green eyes and smiled. Faith made her way over to her brother to swish him a happy birthday again.

“Hey big brother, happy birthday.”

“Thanks Faith.” All their friends made it over to wish him a happy birthday.


It was time for Angel to gather around his friends while they each handed him his gift. The only gift that he really wanted was from his girlfriend. As the gifts kept on rolling he wondered what Spike and his sister Faith would be giving him. Xander gave him a boxing nun, Oz gave him a card with two tickets to a football game, and Cordelia and Willow gave him a gift certificate to H & M. Both his sister and Spike came forward with a bag.

“Here you go,” Faith said with a smirk. Angel had that gut feeling inside of his stomach that it was something memorable. As he took the box out the blue bag, he unwrapped the blue wrapping paper to reveal a box of TROJAN condoms. His beautiful brown eyes practically popped out of his head. He was in total shock.

“I can’t believe you two. I hope you two aren’t using these?” he asked looking at them.

“Of course not,” Faith replied smiling. She just loved teasing her older brother. He raised his eyebrow.

“Oh, don’t worry Angel. I wouldn’t take advantage of your sister yet,” Spike said with a smirk.

“Spike. If you…” Before he had the chance to respond, Buffy snatched the box away from him.

“Buffy, what do you need that box for?” She came up, placed her hand behind his neck pulling him closer and whispered in his ear.

“You never know when we might need these things,” she said huskily. The breath of her voice in his ear just made him shudder. She then winked and let him be.

‘Are we going to have sex tonight? Is Buffy ready to take the next step? Oh, great now she’s definitely going to leave me with horny thoughts for the whole night.’ Just when Angel was about to go after Buffy to ask her what she meant, all the guys surrounded him.

“So Angel tonight might be the night that could change everything for you,” Xander said.

“You won’t be considered as the oldest virgin anymore,” Spike said. Oz just looked on.

“I don’t know. And I don’t think it’s any of your business,” Angel then made his way toward his parents.


Buffy was chatting away with the girls. She couldn’t believe what bold move she made. She knew for sure that tonight would be the night.

“So Buffy, you and Angel are going to get intimate?”

“Maybe. I’m not saying Cordelia. A girl just doesn’t kiss and tell that she’s going to have sex.”

“Ah ha. You thought about it.”

“Okay. I have, but that doesn’t mean anything.

“We want details.”

“I sure don’t. He’s my brother.”

“Oh, don’t you worry Faith. I won’t be saying a thing,” Buffy said smiling.


Angel went over to talk to his parents. A part of him felt embarrassed about receiving the box of condoms in front of them.

“Mom, Dad, I’m really sorry about Spike. I didn’t…”

“It’s okay, son. We were young once too,” his father answered.

“Yeah, but I just…”

“It’s okay honey. You don’t need to apologize for Spike’s action,” his mother responded and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“You’re our boy and whatever you do with your life is your responsibility. We both have faith and know you always make the right decisions,” his mother added.

“Thanks, Mom.” He hugged her and his dad. His parents handed him a set of keys.

“We both decided that you deserved a new car and this is our gift to you.” He was stunned. He couldn’t believe that his parents bought him a new car.

“Don’t worry about your old car. Faith is getting it.”

“Happy Birthday my sweet Angel,” Kas said with tears in his eyes. He just smiled.


All their friends left and now Buffy and Angel were heading back to the dorms. Angel was going to drop Buffy off and then hit the sheets and sleep soundly.

“I’m dropping you off and then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“No, it’s okay. I want to spend the night with you.”

“Okay.” Though he had no idea that when she meant the night, that they’d be together, naked and making love.


They made it to his dorm room and opened the door and he was stunned with what he saw. There were vanilla scented candles lit up in the entire room. Buffy closed the door behind them and made sure that it was locked. He turned around to face her.

“So is this part of my birthday present?”

“Some of it.” She went to his CD player and let the tune play as the female singer sang the lyrics. She went back to him and placed her hands around his neck as his went around her waist. She looked up into those brown eyes that she could drown herself into for hours and then she started talking.

You're a song
Written by
The hands of God Don't get me wrong
This might sound
To you a bit odd
But you're the place
Where all my thoughts
Go hiding
Right under your clothes
Is where I'll find them

“Angel, do you know how much I love you?”

“Well I guess not.” He wondered what was the point for the question. He already knew in his heart that Buffy Summers was his.

She smiled at his response. She made sure that both their bodies were flushed up against one another. His hard muscled chest that was underneath his white cotton shirt, while the curves of her breasts were beneath her black silk dress and the feeling of both their bodies being that close to one another brought shivers down both their spines like an electric shock. Buffy knew perfectly well that her boyfriend soon to be lover would be feeling more than that.

Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And of all the things
I deserve
For being such
A good girl honey

“Buffy, what are you up to?”

“Now, if I told you wouldn’t the surprise be ruined?” She then slipped off his jacket letting it fall to the wooden floor. Then her hands slipped on his shirt on the waistband of his pants letting her fingertips lightly caress his smooth skin. She got on her tiptoes and kissed him. He closed his eyes and moaned into the kiss. He was beginning to feel things inside his body. As she released her lips from the kiss, she slowly unbuttoning his shirt placing a wet kisses down his smooth bare chest and brushed her body against him sliding her hands on his shoulders letting his shirt to fall right on top of his jacket. He had to breathe in deeply for not wanting to tear off her dress.

Because of you
I forgot the
Smart ways to rhyme
Because of you
I'm running out of
Reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We'll still belong
To each other

“Buffy,” he sighed. She placed her fingertips on his lips to silence him. She lightly pushed him towards his bed until he sat down. She took her left leg and parted his legs open and placed herself between him. He closed his legs holding her firmly as his hands went to her waist. Buffy lowered her lips and started kissing Angel as her fingers threaded through his brown hair. His hands journeyed its way until he founded the zipper sliding it down slowly. His went back and slide the dress off her shoulders making the silk glide off her body. Angel continued on sliding his hands up her legs, her back and found fastener of her bra when Buffy pulled back.

“What’s wrong?” he asked with lust in his eyes.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” She then moved back and showed him her attire, which consisted a maroon lace bra and matching panties.

“Surprise!” He was surprised that’s for sure. He thought the sight of her in a wet t-shirt made him feel happy, but this definitely topped it off. She walked back to Angel as his hands held her waist.

“Angel, make love to me.” She wasn’t asking him a question, but just wanted someone she loved to make her feel special.

“I’d love to,” he said with his trademark smirk. His hands found the clasp of her bra and unhooked it and slipped his fingertips in the straps letting the lace material fall to the floor. His hands cupped her breasts squeezing them gently causing her to moan.

“Angel.” She just loved the attention his fingers were giving her breasts. If she felt this excited now, she wondered what it’d be like when they made love.

His hands left her breasts and went directly to the waistband of her panties and slipped his fingers inside caressing her but and gave it soft squeeze and slipped off the discarded material.

“Oh,” she moaned. She was now completely naked before him. He stood up, picked in his arms and placed her on the bed. As his brown eyes looked into those green eyes he knew that this was right. He began kissing her again. Both their hands roamed over each other.

Buffy’s hands found his belt opened it up, the top button and unzipped his pants down. Angel heard the zipped but totally ignored it and went onto her neck sucking on the exposed flesh. Her hand found the slit of his boxers and was a bit hesitant to touch him. ‘Why am I afraid? It’s Angel. I love him and I’m willing to touch every part of him because he makes me feel special. So get over it.’ Her hands went inside touching his erection. It felt smooth, soft and she could feel the ridges that were distinctly him. She slid her hand up and down setting a slow pace and gradually increasing the speed feeling him grow under her caress. He moaned under her touch.

“Mmm. You have to stop Buffy,” he said placing his hands on top of hers.

“Why? You don’t like? ‘Cause the way I see it you were enjoying it as well,” she said looking down at both their hands. He felt that he was getting harder by the minute with her hot little fingers.

Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And of all the things
I deserve
For being such
A good girl honey

“Oh.” He lifted himself off her and quickly shed off the rest of his clothes. Now he was completely nude before Buffy’s very eyes. He went back to kissing Buffy as her hands roamed over his smooth back feeling the contours of his muscles rippling beneath her fingertips. His lips went towards her neck, and then captured her nipple in his mouth lightly kissing it then gently sucking it. The moans increased even more inside Buffy’s body. He then went to the other and did the same task to the neglected one. His lips kissed between her breasts, kissing down to her navel letting his tongue lick her skin. His hands touched the sides of her body gliding all the way down sliding his fingers into her panties sliding it off. As the last article of clothing was removed both soon to be lovers were waiting to become one.

Buffy leaned over and took the box of condoms and handed it to Angel. He knew perfectly well what to do. As he was done, he gently parted her legs open and looked into her green eyes. He leaned himself and was about to enter when he felt Buffy stiffened.

“Buffy, look at me,” he said placing his right hand caressing her cheek. She stared right at him.

“It’s me Buffy. I would never hurt you. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” That was all they both needed and Angel leaned in and entered inside her slowly, gently. As he kept going in and out of her with a steady pace, her inner muscles kept contracting squeezing his throbbing erection. He lowered his head and kissed her lips. His tongue parted open her lips finding her and danced together as one.

The feeling of both their naked bodies pressed against each other as they both rocked back and forth in unison. Buffy knew that her orgasm was near. The tingling down in her loins was beginning to stir.

“More, Angel.” She was almost there and Angel felt his orgasm approaching as well they both yelled each other’s name once more.

He laid next to her turned his and looked at her.

“That was…”

“Wow,” she answered.

“Yeah, wow sure pretty sums it up.” He pulled her closer to his sweat body while his other hand pulled the sheet to cover their body. She placed her hand on his chest and draped her arm over his waist.

“So you enjoyed your birthday gift,” she said tiredly looking into his eyes.

“That was it? I thought there was something more like an actual gift,” he said teasingly.

“Why you…”

“No, it was lovely and I truly cherish it. Now lets get some sleep.”


It was the day after Angel’s birthday. Technically any other birthday would have been nothing, but this was different. This morning was the day after his birthday with Buffy in his arms after they made love. He looked down at her and lightly played with the strands of her hair until her beautiful green eyes looked right into his brown ones.

“Morning,” she said shyly. She still couldn’t believe what happened to them last night. ‘I made love with Angel. My Angel.’

“Morning beautiful,” he said smiling.

“Angel, you know what you were right. You did make me forget about Parker.”

“I’m glad. Buffy, I have a confession to make.” Buffy wondered what could it be that was so important to tell her now. ‘Did I do something wrong? Did he regret us making love last night? Please let it not be that.’ He saw the look on her face and it looked serious and in deep thought.

“It was wonderful last night. I never regretted what happened last night. I wanted to tell you that last night was my first experience with a woman.” Buffy was stunned. She couldn’t believe that this man that was in front of her was a virgin until last night.

“You’re serious?”


“I just thought that someone like you would have been sexually active already.”

“Well you’re wrong. You’re the only one. I hope that it will remain that way forever,” he said smiling.

“As long as you want me.”

“Well in that case, let’s have some fun.” He pulled the covers above them and Buffy began giggling.



* 1 year later *

Things between Buffy and Angel have never been better. Since the night of his birthday and the day after waking up in her arms, he knew she was the one. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with this girl, this beautiful woman, and his lover.

The day was sunny, clear blue sky and the birds were chirping. Angel was walking towards the platform to pick up his diploma. As he shaked hands with the principal, he looked towards the crowd and spotted Buffy and as their eyes locked from afar he smiled at her. She smiled right back.


As Angel went to see his parents, his dad was the first one that gave him a hug.

“Congratulations, son. I’m very proud of you.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Mrs. McCrohan decided to make some interference and hugged her son as well.

“Congratulations, my Angel.” She then kissed him on the cheek. Faith just looked at her brother as Spike’s arms were wrapped around his waist.

“Congratulations, my little Angel,” Katherine McCrohan said pinching his cheeks.

“Grandma, please I’m all grown up now,” he said embarrassed. He blushed at how his own grandmother could make him still feel like a five-year-old. Buffy looked at the interaction between the two and thought it was so adorable. His grandmother turned over and saw Buffy and smiled at her.

“Awe, that’s so cute.”

“Angel, she’s so cute,” she said and pinched Buffy’s cheeks as well. Buffy had the same embarrassing look as Angel.

“You know when Angel was a little boy, he use to run around naked and I would see his cute little tush and wee wee hanging.”

“Grandma!” Buffy on the other hand had her own personal thought to his grandmother’s comment. ‘His tush ain’t little anymore and neither is wee wee. Those parts of him have grown drastically through the years.’ She then looked at Angel and smiled.


Angel told his parents that he’d meet up with them later. He wanted some alone time with Buffy. The last thing that Angel wanted now was an audience. He took Buffy by the hand and they walked side by side. As they made it to the bench, Buffy had yet to congratulate him the way she wanted to.

“Congratulations.” She then went on her tiptoes and have him a kiss. He accepted it willingly and pulled the petite blonde in his arms. As the kiss deepened Buffy let her tongue part his lips open seeking refuge with is. He moaned at the contact, but quickly released the kiss.

“Buffy, let’s have a seat.” She was still a little hazy after that amazing kiss. They both sat down and Angel wondered how he was going to tell her this. He knew she was the one for him. Though this little part of him had doubts about her reaction.

“Angel, just tell me.” She cupped his cheek with her hand and kissed him.

“Buffy, you know that I love you so much.” She nodded.

“You’re the first girlfriend that I ever had that I really loved me. You weren’t trying to please me, or being nice to me because of Faith. When I first kissed you, it hit a nerve inside my body that I never felt before. I guess what I’m trying to say is Buffy Summers, will you be mine forever?” He had said those very last words as he was down on one knee and opened the black velvet box. Buffy was stunned. She couldn’t believe that Angel had just proposed to her in the day of his graduation. She kneeled before him and kissed him fully on the lips.

“Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you,” she said those words showering kisses all over his face. He slipped the diamond ring in her finger. The whole time he slipped the ring on her finger he was looking right into her eyes.

“Though we can’t marry right away because I’m not done with college and…” He quickly shut her mouth with a kiss.

“It’s okay. We can wait after you graduate. I’m in no rush. I just want everyone to know that you’re mine and your taken,” he said grinning wickedly.

“A sense of ownership, huh?”

“You got that right. You’re mine and mine alone.” He then showed her by kissing her.


* 23 years later *

Buffy and Angel were happily married with four children of their own. Nina, who was eighteen and has gotten accepted to UC Sunnydale, Chris who was fourteen and going to Sunnydale High, Robert who was ten and was going to start fifth grade and finally little six-year-old Kathy was going to start first grade.

The both of them were on the couch making out. One of the Angel’s hands was behind her neck grasping the blonde hair, while the other was holding her securely by the waist. Buffy on the other hand had her hand on his bicep and the other on his thigh. As the kissing kept on going Buffy knew that they had to stop because their children were home. Though she also knew that Angel wouldn’t care. He always loved showing his devotion to her.

“Angel, we should stop,” she said breathlessly.

“Hmm,” Angel said as his lips were nibbling the sensitive skin on his neck.

“The children will catch us.”

“Don’t care,” he mumbled and went over to the other side. His lips made its way back to hers and claimed it once more.

Nina was heading towards the living room when she saw both of her parents making out. Her siblings were with her as well.

“Ooh, kissy face.”

“Oh, that’s gross.”

“I can’t believe this. My parents are making out like teenagers.”

“Mom, Dad how could you?” Buffy and Angel parted and was faced by their four children.

“Actually it’s really easy Nina. I kiss your mom and she kisses me back,” he said grinning. Buffy hit him playfully on the chest.

“Angel, don’t embarrass her even further.” Kathy made her way over and nudged herself in between her parents.

“Hi Daddy.” She then leaned her head on her father’s arm. She always felt a little jealousy towards her mother when it came to Angel. Whenever she had a nightmare or heard thunder in a rainstorm, she’d called out to her daddy. He would come in and hold her until she fell asleep or would bring her in and slept with her parents.

“Hey, there my little girl.” He then kissed her little nose.

“I thought that I was your little girl,” Nina said jealously.

“Ha, your jealous of Kathy,” Chris said smiling.

“Oh, you shut up. Or I’ll tell mom and dad that you spend way too much time in the bathroom.” Chris bent his head down him utter embarrassment.

“Nina leave your brother alone.”

“But Mom he started it.” Chris smiled.

“Okay, let me ask you something. Have you decided where to go to college this fall?” Angel asked.

“Let’s leave Robbie. You coming Kathy?”

“No, I want to stay with mommy and daddy.”

“Kathy, why don’t you go with your brothers and play a game with them. Mommy and daddy will come up and play tea party with you after we talk to Nina.” Kathy pondered on the thought and then smiled.

“Okay.” They all left leaving behind their parents and sister.

“You were jealous of your sister weren’t Nina?” Angel asked.

“Yes,” she said shyly. Angel walked over to her.

“You’re my first born. You’ll always be my little girl. So like I said before, where are you attending college?”

“UC Sunnydale.”

“That’s great. Do you have any activities that you want to join?” Buffy asked.

“Actually, I was thinking about joining a sorority. Your sorority Mom.” Both Buffy and Angel looked at each other.

“You really don’t have to join one. They’re dull, boring and you wouldn’t find a nice guy.”

“But Mom you met Dad in one. He’s nice. So are Uncle Xander and Uncle Oz.”

“True, but your father is totally different. He and I were forced into joining.”

“You got that right. Look the thing is Nina, that sometimes when a young lady like yourself joins a sorority she could get hurt badly.”

“Like who?”

“Like your mother,” Angel said looking at his wife.

“What happened to Mom?” Nina asked, concerned.

“I got raped. That’s why I want you to really think about it. Some of the guys are jerks, but like you said your father is one of a kind.”

“So don’t join because your friends pressured you okay?”

“Okay. Though you never know, I might find a guy like you Dad or maybe like Uncle Xander,” she said teasingly.

“Sweetie, I love you, but your Uncle Xander is enough for everyone.” Buffy looked over at Angel and smiled.

“I’ll leave you two to make out. Bye!” Both Buffy and Angel laughed. Angel started kissing his wife again. As his lips found her neck like he did earlier, Buffy started talking again.

“Angel, aren’t we suppose to meet Faith and Spike today?”


“Angel.” “I…don’t…care,” he said in between kisses from her neck trailing to her lips.


“But nothing. Buffy just shut up and let me kiss you,” he said grinning and pulled her into his lap. She looked into those brown eyes a thousands times simply said.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” He slowly leaned in and kissed his wife and held her closely not even letting her go.

The End


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