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Author: Tiara

Rating: Same as the show.

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, yada, yada, yada, Joss Whedon's and everyone else has rights to them. Scenes are similar to "Teacher’s Pet." All those scenes belong to the writer and junk. But with changes that belong to me.

Author's Notes: The next ep in the series, “Teacher’s Pet.” Just with a different title. I suggest you read the other two before this one or what you read might not make that much sense.

Summary: Just like the ep.... but with my special twist to it.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to Crystal. A friend of mine who has been falsely supportive of my obsession with the b/a relationship. Though she’s not a fanatic like me, she does give me the support when I need it.


~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~

Buffy high kicked the vampire in the gut, then landed in two punches to its forehead. She quickly brought out a stake, “Y’know what? You vamps are always getting in a girl’s way.” The vampire charged at her, but she side stepped and brought her knee up to its gut again. “You always manage to bother her at the wrong time.” She said while pulling the vampire back and staking him in the back.

Buffy made a little elch noise, dusting her untidy cloths off. She sighed, putting her stake away, then moved around and hoped back on top of the crypt. She was suppose to be studying for biology. Or at least, that’s what she told herself. Buffy shook her head, and made herself read about what ever it was that she was suppose to read. It had something to do with ants, didn’t it? She thought.

She was glancing over the some of the ant pictures, when, suddenly, a pair of hands swiftly reached around her abdomen, tapping her lightly. Buffy jumped, sighed, then sent a very irritated look over her shoulder when she heard that familiar velvety laugh.

Angel smiled at her, moving around to sit on the other side of the crypt in front of her. Buffy took in a very deep breath and sent a nasty look at him, “Why do you *always* do that?!” she snapped, “What--were there stealth classes you took in order get like that? And if so, where can I apply that way I’ll know when you sneak up.”

“There aren’t any,” He said, “I just finished up at Restfield. Around five vampires. No real challenge.” He glanced down at her the book she was reading, then looked back up at her, “What’s with the book? I thought you usually brought nail polish.”

“If you *must* know,” Buffy said without looking up from the book. Making it look like she was actually reading, “I’ve been trying to read this thing about ants for the past hour, but each time I start to get into it, a vampire popped out of somewhere.” She flipped a page, “And I do *not* bring nail polish with me.” She breathed in, and said in a soft voice, “I bring a yo-yo.”

He shook his head, “Wouldn’t it be easier for you to study at home?” “Well, I would, but Giles asked me to patrol. And you know me, never able to say no to the Watcher.” Buffy went on. Angel sent her a look, which she went on, “Okay, I almost always tell Giles no, but I’m getting better at taking directions. ’Sides, I told mom I was out and she and Dawn are having a movie fest on the lifetime channel.” Buffy shivered, “Makes me want vomit.”

“Please don’t.” He said, “But, now that you’ve mentioned it, why aren’t you loving it? I thought you were into that girl stuff.” Buffy closed her book, “Shows how much you know about this lil’ Slayer. I for one, hate the lifetime channel. It’s always about poor defenseless women! Why on earth would I want to see that? The only thing worth watching is ‘Unsolved Mysteries’. At least they show some bad guys getting it in the end.”

“Hmm.” Angel swung his legs over the side, “You surprise me.” Buffy grabbed her Slayer’s bag, “Yeah, well, you’ve surprised me, too. And I’m not only talking about the whole, ‘sneaking up on me’ thing. I never thought you’d be the type to have a sense of humor.”

“Do I really look that broodish?” Angel asked. Buffy smiled, “Well, you usually don’t smile. At least that’s what Giles’ said, but he’s noticed that you’ve been smiling more. I’m guessing it’s ‘cause you’re always annoying me and you enjoy it more than anything.” She watched him nod, a smirk on his face, “And you seem sort of thoughtful. Always thinking about something that makes you not smile.” She placed the book inside of her bag, and added sort of as an after thought, “Which I am sure girls could careless about, since all they do is look at your fine body.”

Oops.... Buffy winced inwardly. Why did she just say that? And why was he grinning at her and lifting an eyebrow at her? Fine body? She asked herself, where did that come from? She felt herself blush. “Uh, so I’ve heard.” She tried to cover up. Buffy didn’t look at him. She was too busy wishing for a vampire or two to jump them.

She got her wish. Two vampires tackled her and Angel to the ground. Luckily, the vampire had landed at Buffy’s feet. She kicked the female vampire off of her and crawled to a stand. She took a quick glance at Angel who was wrestling with the rather large vampire. Buffy quickly kicked the female vampire, but she blocked. She to kick her again, but she still blocked. Getting frustrated, Buffy faked another kick, then brought her fist into the vampire’s face.

Grabbing her by the hair, Buffy pulled her in front of her just as Angel did the same. The two vampires hit each other on their backs as Slayer and her companion whipped out stakes and shoved them home. The two vampires crumbled to dust in front of them, leaving Buffy to stare at Angel and him at her. For a moment, Buffy just stared and breathed in heavily. Then getting her mind back, she put her stake away, “Well... that was very.... invigorating.” She said, remembering the tension that had built up inside of her while talking to Angel.

“It was.” He stated while holding the stake in his hands, “Wanna do another sweep?” Buffy looked up at him, and smiled, “You’re on.”

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 1 ~~~~~~~~~~

“So, Dr. Gregory gave you a good pep talk.” Willow said as she and Buffy watched the crowd below. Buffy shivered a little. Even with the massive hormonal teen-aged bodies roaming about, it was still freezing! “Yeah. I’m just glad it was a good talk. I don’t think I can handle another lecture.” Buffy yawned, covering her mouth, “Mmm. I mean, it’s not like I can defend myself. ‘Sorry I was late, I was out slaying vampires last night with Angel Carrington. ”

Willow immediately stopped looking for Xander to look at Buffy, “You were with Angel last night?” Buffy glanced at the red head, “Don’t say it like that.” She said, “It sounds weird when you say it like that.” Buffy turned around, leaning against the rail, “He... surprised me last night. After the whole Amy incident, Giles wanted a double duty on patrolling. He says it’s better that way, twice as fast. So, I was sittin’ around, trying to do the homework thing, when he jumps out of nowhere and scares me to death.”

“He is stealth like.” Willow agreed. “Anyway, we started talking about this and that, when a bunch of vamps came at us. We dusted them, and I mean really really quick! It was like we never even seen the vampire before we staked ‘em. So after that we did a few more sweeps through the three graveyards, and I forgot about the time. I stayed out until two in the morning.” Buffy said, “We spent the time kicking vamp butt and arguing.”

She didn’t admit to Willow how she had embarrassed herself in front of Angel, talking about his body. She didn’t admit that she liked having the company on patrol, especially with someone who could take care of themselves. But what she really didn’t want to admit to Willow, Angel, or herself, was that she really was starting to like a sense....

“Hey, why don’t we go down and try to find Xander?” Buffy offered, trying to make herself forget about Angel for a little bit, “I can make him dance for you.”

Willow grinned, “Project: Make Xander dance like an cute idiot commences. Ooh! Note to self: Remember to put on pouty face if he refuses.” Buffy smiled.


Buffy was too distracted to play along with Xander’s little, ‘I da man! Watch me get da chicks’ game. Willow was eagerly returning the hug Xander had pulled her in. Always supporting her friend and major crush in all his wacky ideas. Xander was trying to get Buffy’s attention. On some level she knew he was, but she had spotted someone she never thought she see at the Bronze.

“I don't believe it.” She let out. “I know, and after all my conquests....” Xander started but Buffy seemed to be more interested in something else. He watched as she wondered away from them and toward Angel “Who's that?” He said at first, not recognizing Angel at first. He was leather clad, which Xander had never seen before. Willow squinted, then squealed, “That’s Angel! I think?” She squinted again.

The leather was definitely a big difference in Angel’s appearance. It made him look even more dangerous than he already was. Of course, she was used to seeing him in dark clothing. Sometimes he wore a blue sweater... and those tight jeans that Buffy adored him in. Of course, Willow would never tease Buffy about staring at Angel’s butt whenever his backside was toward her, but she figured if they ever had another truth or dare, girl to girl deal, that she’d bring it up. Xander frowned, “Are you sure?” Willow nodded, “That's him, I'll bet you.”

Xander almost cried, “Well, he's buff! He never had the ‘buff’ look about him! He looks buff!” Willow frowned, lifting an eyebrow and giving him a worried stare, “You think he's buff? “He's a very attractive man!” Xander went on, “How come she never told me that before?”


Buffy came up to him, very ready to let him have it, “Well, look who's here,” “Hi.” Angel said, in a more serious tone than Buffy liked. She folded her arms across her chest, “I'd say it's nice to see you, but then we both know that's a big fib. Especially after you went on and on last night about how *I* spend too much time at the Bronze, which is why I don’t have any time with school.”

“I won't be long.” Angel told her. “No, you'll just give me a cryptic warning about some exciting new catastrophe, and then disappear into the night. Right?” Buffy shivered again. “You're cold.” He stared down at her. Finally, something I can work with, Buffy tilted her head, “You can take it.” Angel started shrugging off his jacket, “I mean, you look cold.” He moved closer to her, and placed his jacket around her shoulders.


Xander and Willow watched as Angel took of the leather jacket and placed it on Buffy. Willow couldn’t help but smile, and started to think about what Buffy must have been feeling at that moment. She glanced over at Xander, with thoughts of him doing nice things like that for her, when she saw his angry looking face. He had one thought came up into his mind: Competition.

“Oh, right! Give her your jacket. It's a balmy night, no one needs to be trading clothing out there!” He shouted. A few teens glanced at him while Willow tugged on his shirt sleeve lightly, while chiding, “Xander...”


Buffy ignored that fluffy bunny feeling she had mentioned to Giles about not feeling for vampires. Just because she didn’t feel them for vampires, didn’t mean she didn’t feel them for guys..... “A little big on me.” Buffy glanced at him, noting a series of cuts on Angel's arm, “What happened?” She asked, concerned. Angel glanced down at the cut, “I didn't pay attention.” Buffy frowned, “To somebody with a big fork?”

“He's coming.” Buffy kept the frown on, “The Fork Guy?” Angel started again, “Don't let him corner you. Don't give him a moment's mercy. He'll rip your throat out.” Buffy started, “Okay, I'll give you improved marks for that one. Ripping a throat out, it's a strong visual, it's not cryptic! But seriously, what’s wrong? You don’t usually go all cryptic unless something bad happened... which explains the big ouchies on your arm but still....”

Angel sighed, “There’s a vampire around. He’s strong and he’s still out there.” Angel lifted his head toward the door, “He’s close. I have to go.” He worked his way around her. Buffy stared after him, “Sweet dreams to you, too.”


Buffy and Giles were walking along in front of the school. She had told him about his nephew’s little cryptic warning and Giles kept frowning as he ate an apple, “That's all he said? Fork Guy?” Buffy nodded, “That's all Cryptic Guy said. ‘Fork Guy.’ He hasn’t contacted you yet?” Giles shook his head, “Ah, Angel is very.... well he doesn’t take directions or rather orders from anyone very well. He is more of the lone type, which makes his work easier.” Giles took another bite of his apple, “But I wouldn’t worry. Angel is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.”

They meet Willow sitting on a bench, “I'll see what I can find out on this... Fork Guy,” Giles glanced up at the sky, “God, every day here is the same.” “Bright, sunny, beautiful, how ever can we escape this torment?” Buffy quipped. Willow gave her a smile. Buffy sat down next to her, while placing her bag down. “Really.” Giles muttered.

Xander came up behind Giles as he turned to leave. “Good morning.” Giles said. Xander nodded, “Mornin'.” He turned to the girls, “Guess what I just heard in the office? No Dr. Gregory today. Ergo, those of us who blew off our science homework aren't as dumb as we look.” He reached down and flipped Willow's book closed, who had to stop it from slipping off her lap.

“What happened, is he sick?” Buffy asked, startled. “They didn't say anything about sick, something about missing.” Xander explained. Buffy’s eyes widened, “He's missing?” “Well, let me think. Um, the cheerleaders were modeling their new short skirts, that kinda got...” Xander’s eyes glazed over, “Yeah! Yeah, they said missing.” Willow and Buffy exchanged a look.

“Which is bad?” Xander started, not seeing the big problem. “If something's wrong, yeah!” Buffy defended. Willow explained, “He's one of the only teachers that doesn't think Buffy's a felon.” Xander started, trying to apologize, “I'm really sorry, I'm sure he'll...” He looked up and saw a woman walking toward them. She had this pretty raven hair and pouty lips.... “I, uh, huh...” Xander stumbled. The girls looked to see what was distracting him. “Uh, huh... huh...”

Buffy stared at Xander and watched as he continued to stutter. For one crazy moment, she wondered if in the mating ritual, if all males gave off that sound before a girl approached them.


Natalie French, well that’s how she introduced herself to the class, was a stunning woman and the sub for biology. Buffy momentarily wondered if she would end up teaching for the rest of the year, and what if they never found Dr. Gregory. Holding up a caged mantis, Miss French started, " The praying mantis is a fascinating creature. Forced to live alone. Who can tell me why? Buffy?” Buffy stared at the green bug inside of the container that Miss French just placed onto the table, “Well, the words 'bug-ugly' kinda spring to mind.” There was a lot of muffled laughter.

“There is nothing ugly about these unique creatures.” Miss French said defensively, “The reason they live alone is because they're cannibals!” Buffy made a face, “Eww!” Everyone in the class looked equally disgusted. “Oh, well, it's hardly their fault!” She went on, “It's the way nature designed them, ‘noble, solitary and prolific.’ Over 1800 species worldwide, and in nearly all of them the female is larger *and* more aggressive than the male.”

Blayne grinned, “Nothing wrong with an aggressive female.” He sent toward Buffy. She angled her head, giving him a look. Natalie picked up her notebook and started to walk around the room, “The California Mantis lays her eggs, and then finds a mate...” She looked at Xander intensely. He stared back. “ fertilize them. Once he's played his part, she covers the eggs in a protective sack and attaches it to a leaf or twig out of danger. Now, if she's done her job correctly, in a few months she'll have several hundred offspring.”

She made it to the front of the class again, “You know, we should make some model egg sacks for the science fair. Who would like to help me do that after school?” All the boys raised their hands. “Good!”


Buffy was still trying to process it all. Dr. Gregory was dead. His body found in the cafeteria refrigerator by Cordelia. His head ..... She choked back another cry as she sat in between Willow and Angel. He had appeared around lunch time to tell Giles that he lost the Fork Guy, when he heard Cordelia scream and came rushing after Buffy and her friends. He seemed less shocked by what they found, which made Buffy wonder a moment if he had seen this kind of thing happen to people he knew.

Surprisingly, Angel had also remained cool and comforting. He had taken Buffy before she could crumbled to the ground and held her close while Xander tried to help Willow and shut Cordy up from becoming a babbling sobbing head case. Buffy appreciated Angel more now. He knew when to call it quits on the annoying thing when it came to important stuff. Buffy stuffed another sniffle as she felt Angel lightly stroke her back.

For a second, Buffy had lost herself in a state of brooding, and didn’t notice Giles come over to her, offering her a glass of water, “Here. Drink this.” Buffy blankly took the glass, “No, thank you.” She mumbled, taking a sip. Xander started, “I've never seen...” Giles looked back at Xander, “I mean, I've never seen anything like... That was new.” Willow finally spoke up, “Who would wanna hurt Dr. Gregory?” Giles sighed deeply, “Uh, he didn't have any enemies on the staff that I'm aware of. He was a civilized man. I liked him.”

Buffy whispered, “So did I.” Willow looked up at Giles, “Well, we're gonna find out who did this. We'll find them and we'll stop them.” “Count on it.” Buffy said while looking at Willow. “What do we know?” Giles asked. “Oh, not a lot, um...” Buffy sniffed and wiped a tear from her nose, “He was killed here on campus. I'm guessing the last day we saw him.” Giles frowned, “How do you work that out?” Buffy explained, “He didn't change his clothing.” Xander asked, tentatively, “This is a question that no one particularly wants to hear, but... where did they put his head?”

Willow frowned again, “Good point. I didn't wanna hear that.” Buffy started, “Angel!” She turned to look at him, “You warned me that something was coming.” Giles nodded, “Yes. Yes you did. Are you positive you don’t know anything else, Angel? I've been trying to gather more information about the Master, our, uh, local vampire king. There was one oblique reference to a, a, a vampire who displeased the Master and cut his hand off in penance.” “Cut off his hand and replaced it with a fork?” Buffy said while lifting a brow. Angel interrupted, “Its not exactly a fork, Buffy. Its more of a ... claw.”

Giles frowned, “Maybe. I still don’t know what he replaced it with.” Xander stated another question, “So, why would he come after a teacher?” Giles turned to look at him, “I'm not certain he did. There was an incident two nights ago...” He walked over to the counter, picked up a newspaper and returned with it, “uh, involving a homeless person in Weatherly Park. He was practically shredded, but, uh, nothing like Dr. Gregory.” Buffy took the paper, and looked over it with Angel and Willow, “Fork Guy doesn't do heads.”

Giles shook his head, “Not historically.” Buffy looked back up at him, “And Dr. Gregory's blood wasn't drained.” “So there's something else out there?

Besides Silverware man? Oh, this is fun, we're on monster island.” Xander said tiredly. Buffy added, “We're on a Hellmouth. It's a center of mystical convergence. Guess it's the same thing.” She got up and walked toward Xander. Giles cleared his throat, “Well, unpleasant things do gravitate here, it's true, but, uh, we don't know there's anything besides this chap. He's still our likely suspect.” Buffy nodded slightly, “Where was that guy killed? Weatherly Park?”

“Buffy.” Giles advanced toward her, “I know you're upset, but, uh, this is no time to go hunting, not until we know more. Please promise me you won't do anything rash?”

“Cross my heart.” Buffy said sincerely. Angel studied Buffy for a moment. He could read her face like a diary, and immediately realized that she was going to go to Weatherly Park the moment it got dark.


“I don’t believe that.” Buffy whispered quietly. She was seated on the roof top next to her window with Angel next to her. He had followed her like the little slithering snake he was, and some how he knew she was going to be at Weatherly Park, but she didn’t know how. He had helped her deal with Fork Guy who turned out to be Major-Big-Time Claw Guy instead. Angel had met his claw again, but it was less serious than the previous cuts. Together they chased him down until he escaped over a fence and attacked Buffy’s sub teacher, Miss French, then he ran like a puppy with his tail between his legs down a manhole.

Angel glanced from the sky and back to Buffy. He was laying on his back, enjoying the view of the stars while Buffy was still in shock over what she just saw. Angel quirked an inquiring brow, “So she scared off a vamp. Not like it hasn’t happened before... well actually, come to think of it, its never happened before.”

Buffy looked down at Angel, “I still can’t.... I don’t understand how something that vicious can be scared of a pleasant defenseless tiny woman. She’s like perfect bait for a male vamp.” Angel frowned, “What do you mean?” Buffy stared at him, “Are you blind or something? Have you seen Miss French? She’s like one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen. What vampire would not want to go after her? And secondly, are you blind? Cuz, I don‘t see why you wouldn’t...”

“Find her attractive?” Angel finished for her, “Buffy. Miss French is a beautiful woman and I’ve seen the way all the boys at school flaunt after her. But she’s just not my type. She’s older than me for one... well, actually, seeing how I’m almost twenty-”

“Twenty?” Buffy lifted a brow, “Wait are you saying that your-” He interrupted her this time, “Twenty one and yes, you heard right. I told you, helping my mom train and deal with vampires was my main priority. I dropped out of school until I couldn’t help her anymore. And for your information, I’m not the oldest senior in my class. I know guys who are almost twenty five.” Angel sat up, using his elbows to prop himself up, “Miss French is appealing in a sexually way to a boy... but I don’t go for that.”

Buffy gave him a doubtful look which Angel defended, quickly, “Hey, I’m not saying I’ve never been. sexually attracted to a woman when I was Xander’s age. I’m just saying that I’ve learned my lessons and now I look for different things in a woman. Not just her looks, but her personality, y’know?” Buffy nodded, but she still didn’t get it. Either Angel was an incredible guy, or he was really full of it. She pondered which he was for a moment.

“Buffy?” She heard her sister call. Buffy froze and looked over at Angel who smiled slyly, “Oh, you’re gonna have to explain this one on your own.” Buffy came to a conclusion: He was full of it. But she had to admire him for it. He did play the role well. Buffy watched helplessly as the door opened and Dawn looked around the room, “I hate you.” Buffy glared at him while he kept that stupid smirk on his face.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~

“You went hunting last night.” Giles said. “Yes.” He walked into his office and she followed behind him. “When you assured me you wouldn't.” He took a sip from his mug. “Yes, I lied, I'm a bad person, let's move on.” Buffy said, “Besides, Angel was there, too.” She hoped that Giles would be able to punish him in some way. Giles was his guardian, wasn’t he? Opening his file cabinet, Giles sighed, “I know. He called me last night and told me he was going to try and search for him again. Uh, did you see someone with a fork?”

“More like a jumbo claw.” Buffy said. Turning to face her, Giles noted, “Oh. Well, uh, at least you're not hurt.” “And we saw something else. Something much more interesting than your average run-of-the-mill killer vampire.” Buffy said. “Oh?” “Do you know Miss French, the teacher that's subbing for Dr. Gregory?” Buffy asked. Giles smiled, which Buffy found kinda creepy since she just asked him about a fellow teacher, “Yes. Yes, she's lovely. In a, a common, extremely well proportioned way.” He put some files away.

“Well, Me and Angel are chasing Claw Guy last night, and Miss Well Proportioned is heading home. The Claw Guy takes one look at her and runs screaming for cover.” Buffy summed up. Confused, Giles glanced at her, “He what? Ran away?” Buffy nodded, “He was petrified.” “Of Miss French?” Buffy nodded again, “Uh, huh! So I'm an undead monster that can shave with my hand... How many things am I afraid of?” Giles frowned, “Not many. And not substitute teachers, as a rule.” “So what's her deal?” Buffy asked seriously. Giles took a breath, “I think perhaps it would be a good idea if we kept an eye on her.” “Then I better get to class.” Buffy said before she left the office.


“Like, how even used Mercedes still have leather seats!”

Buffy shook her head. She didn’t want to hear about Cordelia and how she handled the whole headless teacher deal. So, why was she listening? “Because I can hear through this wall.” Buffy grumbled while fiddling with one of the rings she was wearing. Talking over what happened to Dr. Gregory was something Buffy just wasn’t in the mood for today.

“Why are you moping around here?” Angel asked as he took a seat beside her. For the first time, Buffy could think of, Angel didn’t intentionally startle her. Buffy glanced over at him, “Oh, Mr. Flutie’s a worry wart over this whole Dr. Gregory thing. He’s making me see the school counselor. Cordelia’s already in there. I’m sure you’ve heard about her. ” “Oh yeah. I think I met her a week ago. She’s sort of been hanging around when ever she gets the chance.” Angel shivered slightly, “Makes me a little uneasy.” She almost giggled at that, “Uneasy?”


Pop quiz. Why do I have to take pop quizzes? They just screw up my well planned day... Xander thought as he glanced around the room. The day I plan on... planning... He immediately gazed down at his paper when he heard Miss French’s voice, “Keep your eyes straight ahead on your own test.” He did as she asked, until he heard her soft voice whisper, “I think you meant 'pollination' for number fourteen.” When she put her hand on his shoulder he felt his palms start to sweat, “I'll see you here after school.”

Outside the class room, Buffy came running down the hall. Once she reached the door, she looked in through the door window, “Oh, great, a pop quiz.” She muttered as she watched Natalie straighten up. She turned her head around, causing Buffy’s eyes to go wide with amazement. She quickly rolled away from the window. Trying to understand what she just saw.

Miss French just did a one eighty..... with her head.....


Buffy walked into the library with Willow by her side, “No, I'm not saying she craned her neck. We are talking full on Exorcist twist.” “Ouch!” Willow cringed. “Which reminds me, how come Blayne, who worked with her one-on- one yesterday, isn't here today?” Buffy wondered. “Inquiring minds wanna know.” Willow agreed.

“Any luck?” Buffy asked as Willow sat down in front of the PC and began a search. “Um, I've not found any creature as yet that strikes terror in a vampire's heart.” Giles said. “Try looking under things that can turn their heads all the way around.” Buffy suggested. “Nothing human can do that.” Giles stated. “No, nothing human. There are some insects that can. Whatever she is, I'm gonna be ready for her.” Buffy turned, hopping up the stairs to the stacks.

Giles took off his glasses, “What are you going to do?” Buffy turned back to answer, “My homework.” Willow looked up at her and smiled, then continued her search.

Buffy came running back not too long after, “Where are the books on bugs?”


Xander hurried to the science room. He had been so out of it earlier that day that he had accidentally gotten himself into a small bit of detention. After persuading his teacher to let him go, he rushed toward the classroom, intent on finding his sub inside.

“Hi!” Xander said as he entered the room, seeing Natalie settling down with some bread. “Oh, Hi! I was just grabbing a snack. Can I fix you something?” She asked. “No thanks, I never... eat when I'm making egg sacks.” Xander glanced at the model, “Wow, if this were real the bugs would be...” Natalie smiled, “ big as you!”

“Yeah! So! Where do we start?” Xander asked, ready and rarin’ to go. “Oh, Xander!” Miss French got up, “I've done something really stupid. I hope you can forgive me.” Xander frowned, “Oh, forgiveness is my middle name! Well, actually it's LaVelle, and I'd appreciate it if you guard that secret with your life.” He gave a little laugh, in hope that she would do that.

Natalie giggled, “I have a teacher's conference in half an hour, and I left the paint and papier-mâché' at home. I don't suppose you'd like to come to my place tonight to work on it there?” Xander swallowed hard, “Come to, uh... your place?” In his mind, he could see himself and his guitar solo for a moment. “Seven thirty? Here's my address.” He watched as she wrote it down.

Shocked, Xander watched as Natalie handed him her address, “I'll see you tonight?” Xander, in a high squeaky voice, answered “Yeah!”

Once outside the classroom, Xander grinned, pumping his fists into the air, “Oooh, yes!”

Inside, he was unaware of the poor crickets that Natalie French just consumed.


Buffy came out of the stacks with a book, “Dig this, 'The praying mantis can rotate its head 180 degrees while waiting for its next meal to walk by.'” Buffy slammed the book shut, “Ha!” She watched as Willow and Giles remained silent. Buffy frowned, “Well, c'mon, guys. Ha!” She emphasized the word, ‘Ha’ a little more.

Willow started, trying to make sense of what her friend was implying, “Well, Miss French is sort of big. For a bug?” “And she is, by and large, woman shaped.” Giles added. Buffy made her way down to them, “Okay. Factoid 1: Only the praying mantis can rotate its head like that. Factoid 2: A pretty whacked-out vampire is scared to death of her. Factoid 3: Her fashion sense screams predator.”

“It's the shoulder pads.” Willow acknowledged. Buffy nodded, “Exactly.” “If you're right, then she'd have to be a shape shifter or a perception distorter. On a helpful note, I had a chum at Oxford, Carlyle, advanced degrees in entomology mythology.” Giles explained.

Buffy lifted a brow, “Entomawho?” “Bugs and fairy tales.” He clarified. Buffy smiled, “I knew that.” Giles started, “If I recall correctly, poor old Carlyle, just before he went mad, claimed there was some beast...” The PC beeped, causing Willow to shout, “Buffy, 911! Blayne's mom called the school. He never came home last night.”

“The boy who worked with Miss French yesterday?” Giles asked.

“Yeah!” Willow said, “If Miss French is responsible for... Xander's supposed to be helping her right now! He's got a crush on a giant insect!” Buffy said calmly, “Okay, don't panic, I'll warn him. But I need you to hack onto the coroner's office for me.” “Well, what are we looking for?”

“Autopsy on Dr. Gregory. I've been trying to figures out these marks that I saw on his corpse... I'm thinking they were teeth. And, uh, these cuddlies?” Buffy pointed to a picture of a mantis, “Should definitely be brushing after every meal.” Willow began to type, “And you were saying something about a beast?” Buffy asked her Watcher.

Giles moved to his office, “Oh, uh, yeah, I just need to make one transatlantic telephone call.” He stopped and turned back, “Um, this computer invasion that Willow's performing on the coroner's office, one, one assumes it is entirely legal?” Willow and Buffy answer simultaneously. “Entirely!” “Of course!”

“Right. Wasn't here, didn't see it, couldn't have stopped you.” Buffy nodded, “Good idea.”


Buffy wondered down the hallway. Still confused what had just happened. She had tried desperately to convince Xander that Miss French was an evil bug.... or something like that. He had refused to believe her, blown her off, and brought up Angel into the mix. What did Angel have to do with any of it?

She was about to quicken her pace, remembering that French was dangerous when she ran into Angel. “Oh, Angel,” Buffy breathed, “Thank God. I needed to find you.”

“What is it?” Angel asked, concerned.

“We’ve got trouble,” Buffy said, guiding him toward the library.


When Natalie answered the door, sounding pleasant when she chirped, “Hi! Come on in!” Xander was in more in shock at her dress. He stared at her as he comes in, at a certain part that he would probably get kicked for if he said out loud.

“Should I change? Is, is this too...” Natalie closed the door. “No, no, it's, the most beautiful chest... dress I've ever seen.” Xander said lamely. She smiled, going back into the living room with Xander following close behind. “Thank you. That's sweet. Martini?” She offered him one, “Oh, I'm sorry, would you like something else?” Xander quickly accepted the drink, not wanting her to think of him as a boy.

“I just need to relax a little, I'm kinda nervous around you.” Natalie laughed, sitting down, “You're probably cool as a cucumber!” Xander sat down, “I like cucumbers. Like in that Greek salad thing with the yogurt. Do you like Greek food? I'm exempting Schwarma, of course, I mean, what's that all about? It's a big meat hive.”

He laughed nervously as he watched her laugh in a way he never heard her laugh before. He quickly gulped the martini down, “Hhhhhhho! Hello!” Natalie smiled, “Cheers!” She clinked their glasses, “Can I ask you a personal question?” She placed her glass down and moved closer to Xander, “Have you ever been with a woman before?”

Xander almost choked. With a... in the sense of... like in... a woman? “You mean, like, in, uh, the same room?” Natalie chided him softly, “You know what I mean.” “Oh, that, uh... Well, let me think. Um...” Xander was having trouble answering. He couldn’t concentrate on Natalie’s words when she was running her fingers though his hair and around his ear the way she did.

“Yeah, there was, uh... several!” Xander squirmed as she continued her stroke down to Xander's chin. “I mean, and, uh, quite a few times...” He stumbled, “And then there was, uh... Oh, she was incredibly... No. Uh-uh.” Natalie smiled gently, “I know. I can tell.” Xander frowned, “You can?” “Oh, I like it. You might say, I... *need* it.” She said, pointedly.

“Oh! Well, needs should, uh, y'know... Needs should definitely be met, as long as it doesn't require ointments the next day, or...” He trailed at the odd sound of muffled yelling.... Muffled yelling? What? “Do you hear...” “No...” “Sounds like someone crying...” Xander started but Natalie said firmly, “I don't hear anything.” She took his hand, “Your hands are so hot!”

Xander flashed to his dream, remembering the way Buffy had so much concern in her voice when she cried, “Oh, you hurt your hand!” He blinked, leaning back on the couch. The room was getting just a little bit too blurry for his liking.

“Buffy. I love Buffy. Wow!” Xander laughed a little, “So that's a martini, huh?” “Mm-hm.” Xander sat back up, “Do you hear...” Interrupting, Natalie started, “Would you like to touch me with those hands?” Xander looked at Natalie's hands, “Your hands are sss... really...” He squinted at her hands. They morphed into serrated! His mind laughed at that, even though he was becoming more dizzy each moment, “Oh, wow, that martini, I... I really think I have to...”

Before he could finish, Xander fell to the floor unconscious. Two mantis claws dragged him away by his feet.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 3 ~~~~~~~~~~

“Frankly, madam, I haven't the faintest idea what time it is, nor do I care. Now, unlock his cell, un-strap him, and bring him to the telephone immediately. This is a matter of life and death!” Buffy could hear Giles cry. She sighed, glancing over at Angel who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

“Got it!” Willow shouted, “Coroner's report, complete with... Yuk! ...color pictures.” “There *are* teeth marks. Which match perfectly the one insect that nips off its prey's head.” Buffy said idly. “Okay, I-I don't like this.” Willow said. “Huh!” Buffy thought, “It's the way they feed, head first. It's also the way they mate. The female bites off the male's head while they're...”

Willow shook her head, “No, no, no! See? Xander's, I like his head! I-it's where you find his eyes, and his hair, and his adorable smile...” Buffy lightly touched Willow’s arm, “Hey, hey, take it easy, Willow. Xander is not in any immediate danger. I saw him leave school. He's probably safe at home right now.”


“Oh, God! Oh, God!” Blayne shouted. “Are you all right?” Xander asked. “Oh, God!” Blayne inhaled deeply, “You gotta get me outta here! You gotta! She, she, she gets you, and, uh...” Xander frowned, “What?” “...she, she...”

“What does she do?” Xander asked sternly. “Oh, God! Oh, oh, no!” Blayne cried. “Blayne! What does she do?” Xander demanded. Blayne stuttered, “She, she... she, she takes you outta the cage, and she ties you up, and, and... she... she starts movin', and throbbin', and these eggs come shootin' out of her! And then...” “What?” “She mates with you!” Blayne shouted.

Xander’s eyes widened, “Sheeee...” “That's not the worst part!” Blayne cried. “That's not?” Xander asked, not sure if he wanted to know. “You seen her teeth? Right while she's, you know, right in the middle of... I saw her do it! I don't wanna die like that!” Blayne was whimpering. “Blayne! Blayne! Chill! It's okay. It's gonna be okay. We'll get outta this.” Xander said firmly. Trying to keep positive.

Blayne looked at Xander, hopeful, “You gotta plan? What is it?” Xander gave a nervous laugh, “Just, uh, let me perfect it!”

“Oh, God... Oh, God... Oh, God...”


Giles was still talking with Carlyle on the phone in his office, “I-I understand, Carlyle. Yes... I-I'll take every precaution. Uh, absolutely, i-i-it sounds exactly like the creature you described. Y-you were right all along about everything. Well, n-no, you weren't right about your mother coming back as a pekinese, but... uh... Try to rest, old man. Yes... Ta! Bye now!”

Willow and Buffy were at the PC. when Giles came out, “Dr. Ferris Carlyle spent years transcribing a lost pre-Germanic language. What he discovered he kept to himself until several teenage boys were murdered in the Cotswolds. Then he went hunting for it.” He glanced over at his nephew, leaning against the counter.

“It being...” Angel started. “Uh, he calls her a She-Mantis. This type of creature, the Kleptes-Virgo, or, or virgin-thief, appears in, in many cultures. The Greek sirens, the Celtic sea maidens, who, who tore the living flesh from the bones of, um...”

“Giles, while we're young!” Buffy cried. “Uh, well, basically the, uh, the She-Mantis assumes the form of a beautiful woman and then lures innocent virgins back to her nest.” Giles said. “Virgins? Well, Xander's not a, uh...” Buffy glanced at Angel, then back to Willow, “I mean, he's probably...” “Gonna die!” Willow shouted, moving to the phone. “Okay, okay,” Buffy walked around Giles, “so this thing is breeding and we need to find it and snuff it. Any tips on the snuffing part?”

“Uh, Carlyle recommends cleaving all body parts with a sharp blade.” Giles suggested. Buffy glanced over to where Willow was, she was babbling to Xander‘s mom, “Slice and Dice.” Giles frowned, “Well, whatever you do, it had better be certain and swift. This beast is extremely dangerous.”

“Well, your buddy Carlyle faced it, and he's still around.” Angel said. Giles turned to him, “Yes, in a straitjacket, howling his innards out day and night.” “Okay, Admiral, way to inspire the troops!” Buffy snapped. “Sorry...” Willow got off the phone, “Xander's not home! He told his mom he was going to his teacher's house to work on a science project. He didn't tell her where.”

“See if you can get her address off the substitute rolls.” Buffy said, then turned to Giles, “And you need to record bat sonar, and fast!” Giles started, “Bat sonar, right. What?” “Bats eat them.” Buffy led Giles to the stairs, “The mantis hears sonar, its entire nervous system goes kaplooey.” “Where am I gonna find the...” “In the vid library? There're no books, but it's dark and musty, you'll feel right at home, go!” Buffy exhaled to herself, “I guess I'll handle the armory.”

Angel started up the stairs, “Not alone, your not.” Buffy shook her head, “No. No, no. You can’t--you might--” “Buffy, in case you haven’t noticed, I can take the hits like the best of them.”


Xander gazed at Miss French. She was looking... pretty mantis like... And he had just broken the cage to use a crowbar like thing which he dropped on his foot. She was looking back and forth between the boys. “Oh, God!” He heard Blayne run through the hole into Xander's cage, “Uh, he did that, he broke the cage, take him, not me, take him!”

Xander turned to look at Blayne. His eyes wide, in shock and disbelief.


“What now, exactly?” Giles asked, “We can't just kick the door down.” He, Angel, Willow, and Buffy had just ran out of his old car, preparing to confront Miss French at her home, but Giles was a little reluctant, wanting to know exactly how Buffy was going to handle the situation.

“Yeah, that *would* be wrong.” Buffy was about to kick the door down, she was too worried to think about the consequences, but the door opened before she got the chance to knock it down. An old lady stood in the door way, “Hello, dear! I thought I heard... Are you selling something? Because I'd like to help you out, but... You see, I'm on a fixed income.”

“I'm looking for Miss French.” Buffy said. “I'm Miss French.” The old lady said. “Natalie French,” Buffy said, blinking, “the substitute biology teacher?” The old lady laughed, “Goodness, that's me! I taught for over thirty years. I retired in 1972.” Buffy turned to Giles, “I can't believe this! She used Miss French's records to get into the school.” She gritted her teeth, “She could be anywhere!”

Miss French was a little confused, wondering if the blond headed girl was all there, “No, dear! I'm right here!”

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 4 ~~~~~~~~~~

“Moe?” Xander whispered, letting his terrified face show beneath all the ounces of hope he was holding onto.

In Mantis form, Natalie opened the door to Xander’s cage. He was more nervous than when she had asked him if he ever been with a woman.

Xander crawled out on his butt, bar in hand, “I'm comin', I'm comin'.” When he was just out of the cage he took a breath and swung the bar, hitting Natalie as he moved to his feet. She staggered back while he ran for the stairs. Halfway up, Xander couldn’t stop the moment of triumph that burned in his throat until Natalie tripped him with her claw, and he came tumbling back down the stairs.


Angel, Giles, Willow and Buffy headed back to the car. Worried, Willow asked, “What do we do now?” “Abject prayer and supplication would spring to mind.” Giles said. “I saw her walking past this park with her grocery bags. She lives in this neighborhood.” Buffy said firmly. “I'm gonna start banging on doors.” Willow said, heading for the next house.

Buffy reached over, stopping Willow, “Wait, no, we do *not* have time for that!” “We have to do something!” Willow exclaimed. “We will.” Buffy said firmly.


Angel recognized the manhole cover immediately. It was the same one he and Buffy saw the vampire go in. Buffy lifted the cover of it off and started to climb in, “I won't be long.” She started to go down. “W... Buffy?” Giles said, just as Angel started to follow.


“Can I just say one thing?” Xander asked as the She-Mantis held him, “HEEEELLLLP! HEEEELLLLP!”

Suddenly, the basement window smashed open and Buffy slid in. Panicked, Blayne glanced at the blond, “Uh, hey, o-over here, hello! In the cage!” Buffy pulled her bag through the window, “Let him go!” She ran down the stairs and set the bag down as Willow climbed in the window.

Buffy pulled two cans of insect spray from the bag and sprays Natalie in the face while Giles climbs in. Willow ram behind Buffy to open the cage.

“Help me! Help me!” Blayne shouted. Buffy turned to Giles, “Get them outta here!” She pulled the tape recorder and a machete from her bag. “Hey, help me! Help me!” Giles undoes the leather straps that were holding Xander as Natalie retreated to the back of her nest. Buffy started to close in on her, “Remember Dr. Gregory? You scarfed his head? Yeah, well, he taught me, you do your homework, you learn stuff. Like what happens to your nervous system when you hear this!” Buffy pressed the play button.... and Giles' voice plays.

Buffy stared at the machine in disbelief as Giles’ recorded voice played, “...extremely important to file not simply alphabetically...” Buffy stared back at her Watcher, “Giles!” Giles was on the floor pointing at Natalie, “I-it's the wrong side!” Natalie took her chance, knocking the tape recorder and machete from Buffy's hands. Giles watched the recorder fly over him, hit the ground and slide under a refrigerator. He scrambled to get it.

Natalie tried to trip Buffy, but she jumped over her claw. Xander came up next to her with a can of bug spray and sprayed it into Natalie's face. Buffy pushed him away from danger, and Natalie took the opportunity to knock her down. Raising herself onto her hands and one leg, and with the other, Buffy did two crouching side kicks to Natalie's legs to keep her at bay. She kicked again. Then spots the machete on the floor and grabbed it.

Giles grabbed the recorder now, jumped around on the floor with the recorder in front of him and played the tape. The sounds of bat sonar severely hurt and disorient Natalie. She flailed her claws around. “Bat sonar.” Buffy said smugly, “Makes your whole nervous system go to hell. You can go there with it!” She slashed at Natalie fiercely and repeatedly with the machete, hacking her to pieces. She's winded afterward.

Giles gets up as Willow ran over to Xander. Blayne is out of his cage. They look at the carnage. Giles cleared his throat, “Well, I... I'd say it's deceased.” Willow nodded, “And dissected.” “You okay?” Xander asked Buffy. “Yeah.” “Just for the record, you were right, I'm an idiot, and God bless you!” Xander cried, causing Buffy to lower her head.

“And thank you guys, too.” Xander said to the others. “Yeah, really!” Blayne shouted. “Pleasure...” Giles began. Willow sighed, “I'm really glad you're okay. It's so unfair how she only went after virgins.” Xander laughed and looked back and forth between the girls. “What?” “I mean, here you guys are, doing the right thing, the smart thing, when a lot of other boys your age...” Blayne shook his head, “Flag down on that play, babe. I am not...”

Giles clarified, “Well, you see, that's the She-Mantis' modus operandi. Uh, she only preys on the pure.” “Well, isn't this a perfect ending to a wonderful day!” Xander exclaimed while Buffy’s mind started to wonder. She didn’t hear Blayne’s protests about his father being a lawyer, but she did wonder about two things. Where was Angel? And secondly... if the She-Mantis only went after male virgins... did that mean he wasn‘t...


Buffy was at the bar wearing Angel's jacket when she felt him came up behind her. She looked up at him as he smiled, “I heard a rumor there was, uh, one less vampire walking around making a nuisance of himself.” “There is. Guess I should thank you for the tip.” Buffy joked.

Angel smiled, “Pleasure's mine.” Buffy started, “Course, it would make things easier if I knew where exactly you run off to.” Angel stated, “I'll be around.” “Or who you were.” Buffy finished. Angel just smiled, moving around to the other side of her, “I talked to Giles. Everyone seems to be okay.”

“They are,” Buffy said, “Except for Blayne who’s denying ever being a virgin. Xander can barely look at me or Willow without feeling weird. But, I think he’s getting over it. Being a *virgin*. I mean.” She watched him, trying to read his face. He smiled faintly, “Not being a virgin isn’t all its cracked up to be. Sometimes its better to be a virgin, than to do it, and then find yourself regretting it.”

Buffy let his words sink in. It made sense. And yet, her heart seemed to break. Is that what he went through? Did he give himself to a woman who through that great experience in his face? Did she not want him? And if she didn’t, then what was wrong with her? Buffy shook her head, stopping herself from getting worked up over a woman she wasn’t even certain existed, “Well... Anyway, you can have your jacket back.” She started to take it off. Angel held up a hand, stopping her, “It looks better on you.” For a moment, he ran his hand along the collar, then turned to leave. Buffy stared after him just as Angel gave another look back and disappeared into the crowd.

To herself, Buffy breathed, “Oh boy.”

The End


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