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Things Happen For A Reason


Even though Willow’s words affected Buffy a whole lot, once she went to see Angel she felt better. He was able to confront her in a totally different way. He held her, wiped her tears and listened to her. That was a plus factor that her previous relationships lacked. Though Riley had all that going for him, though there was something missing. She wasn’t in love with him as she is with Angel.

Buffy was lying on her bed just relaxing and feeling the comfort of her sheets beneath her. She wasn’t too crazy for silk or satin sheets. The comfort of cotton sheets was alluring enough for her. They felt cool, soft and comfortable against her body. She knew for sure how she’d get Angel coming over to her house in a flash. ‘Ooh, the fun we’re going to have. I wonder if he’ll be up for it.’


Well the afternoon was fastly approaching and Buffy decided that now was the time to start and have some fun. She knew Angel’s cell phone number by heart and dialed waiting for him to answer.

“Angel McKeon here. This better be important,” he said seriously.

“Well is that how you greet all your clients that become investors in your company?”

“Buffy,” he said smiling.

“Good guess. I was wondering are you busy right now?”

“Not really. Why you ask?”

“Well I have a bit of a challenge for you.”

“Okay. Tell me.”

“Here it goes. I’m naked and you have twenty minutes before I start putting my clothes back on.” Angel nearly chocked at her words. ‘Buffy’s naked! In her bed all alone waiting for me. I better get going.’

“Bye,” he said and quickly hung up the phone and rushed right out the door.


If there was a first time that Angel broke any speed laws, it was today. He heard the words naked and in bed which sent the lower region of his body feeling very aroused. He quickly parked his car on her driveway and made it to the door, which apparently was open. Angel climbed up the steps tow at a time and then called out her name.

“Buffy, where are you?”

“I’m in the second door to your left. I’m waiting,” she said and then laughed. Angel made his way to her bedroom and was amazed at what he saw. Buffy had her legs crossed with her palms resting on the mattress with a smile across her face.

“Well what are you waiting for? Don’t you want me?” she said batting her eyes at him. He could only nod his head in response and quickly began shedding off his clothes. Angel was only left in completely naked just lie the day he was born. He walked over to the bed in a very quick pace and straddled Buffy’s hips.

“You have been a very bad girl. Didn’t your mother ever told you that you shouldn’t threaten anyone like that?” he asked with a smirk.

“Actually it as a threat. It’s more like a challenge. I wanted to see if you were up for it,” she said smiling back. She then took a hold of his erection and pulled it slightly to cause Angel to moan.

“Apparently you are up for the challenge,” she said smiling back wickedly.

“You bet I am.” He too his knee and parted her legs open. He then took his forefinger and slid it up her clit feeling how wet she was for him. She moaned at his touch and wanted him to do more.

“More,” she begged. He kept on gliding his finger, but added another and then began pinching her clit.

“Ooh,” she moaned. He knew exactly what buttons to push or rather what places to pinch her to make her feel the shivers all over her body. Angel then removed his fingers and adjusted himself right in between her legs. As he kept moving in and out of her, his hands found her breasts squeezing them gently feeling how full and soft they were in his strong hands. His head went down and captured on of her nipples and began sucking it. Buffy’s hand went through the short brown hairs on the nape of his neck and pushed him further into her breast. Angel’s lips kept on sucking, and then he flicked his tongue to lick her nipple. He went over to the other one as the unattended breast, which was wet and exposed to the cool air that permeated in the room. As Angel kept a steady pace going in and out of her Buffy’s orgasm was reaching its peak.

“Oh! Angel!” she screamed. The rush of her orgasm over took her body.

Angel laid next to her pulling her damp body against his and kissed her forehead. Angel’s feelings for Buffy were beginning to change and he wonder what Buffy would think. Little did he know Buffy felt the same way.


Buffy woke up the next day with her head on Angel’s shoulder. She knew for sure that it was his warm, hard chest that she felt against her cheek. She wanted nothing more but to stay in his arms forever. ‘Where did that thought come from? Do I feel that way about him?’ Buffy looked up and noticed that he was still asleep. ‘He looks so peaceful sleeping. I wonder what he’s thinking about?’ She slowly removed his arm from her waist and made hr way out of bed. Buffy found her terry cloth robe and slipped it on.

Angel on the hand noticed or rather felt Buffy’s body moved away from him. He had one eye opened slightly and saw Buffy’s nude body slip right into her robe. ‘I could get use to Buffy in my life. I think she’s the one for me.’

“Where do you think you’re going?” Angel asked.

“I’m going to get something to eat,” she said smiling.

“I’ll be joining you. Just give me a second,” he said getting out of bed and putting his boxers on then his pants. He then put his shirt on leaving it unbuttoned leaving his chest fully exposed. He made his way to her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“I’m ready now.”


Downstairs inside the kitchen both Buffy and Angel were sitting by the table just staring at each other. Buffy smiled at him and let her foot hike up his pant leg. She knew that the effect of her foot against him would make him sigh and he did. Since she could tell that he was enjoying himself she kept on going higher.

“You keep that up and I might not be able to stay in these clothes,” he said holding her leg underneath the table.

“And that’s a bad thing,” she said smiling wickedly.

“No, but I thought you wanted to eat.”

“Yeah. I’m going to order pizza.”


They had finished eating their pizza and Angel had to get going. One of the reasons was because Buffy kept tempting him while eating her pizza pulling the strings of cheese onto her fingers sucking it slowly into her mouth. He swallowed a lump that happened to form in his throat.

“I better get going,” he said standing up.

“Don’t you wanna stay for dessert?” Buffy asked licking her lips sticking her pink tongue out teasing him with a smile on her face.

“I need to go now before,” he said but made no move to the door.

“Before what?” she asked walking towards him.

“Before I take you. Right here, right now,” he said with his brown eyes looking at her hungrily.

“So why don’t you then? I’m here. I’m yours,” she said with her hands touching his chest.

“I can’t. I have to go. I’ll see you soon,” he said removing her hands and then quickly kissing her. He then walked out the door.


Angel made it home and walked right in to see his dog Bertha Blue waiting for him. She kept on barking waiting for her owner to talk to her and pet her.

“Hey there girl. You missed me huh?” Bertha barked and licked his face. Angel then petted her and went upstairs to change out of his clothes. He then went downstairs to his office and sat behind his desk. As he sat in his chair he took the remote of his CD player and pushed play and listened to the music play and started thinking about Buffy. ‘ ‘So is Buffy the one person that I’m truly meant to be with? I know that I’m in love with her, but does she feel the same way. Should I take the risk of divorcing Darla and be with Buffy?’

Bertha Blue looked at her owner and saw how sad he was. She laid her head in between his with her brown eyes looking into his.

“I don’t know what to do girl? I’m falling in love with Buffy more and more every time that I see her. She’s on my mind constantly. Every time when she’s not around, I miss her. It’s getting harder not to stay away from her. She makes me happy. She’s what I’ve always wanted in a woman, a wife, and lover. Though there is a part of me that feels maybe she doesn’t love me the way I love her.”

‘What am I going to do?’


Buffy was sitting on her couch with her legs tucked underneath. She had a mug of hot chocolate in her hands and took a sip. As the hot liquid went down her throat all her thoughts drifted to Angel. She was beginning to wonder what were they.

‘Are we a couple? Of course we’re lovers, but am I in love with him? Is my attraction towards him pure lust or is it love?’

Love it babe. Love it babe. Baby you don't know, what you do to me. Between me and you, I feel a chemistry. Won't let no one come and take your place. Cause the love you give can't be replaced. See no one else love me like you do. That's why I want to spend my life with you. Wanna please you in anyway I can.

“What am I going to do about Angel? Maybe Willow’s right about us. Maybe when Angel’s done with me he’ll go back to Darla. Who am I kidding? I’m in love with Angel. Though is Angel in love with me?” As Buffy continued drinking her hot chocolate she listened to the lyrics of the song. It was like as if the words that were sang by the woman was reflecting her feelings, emotions and love for Angel.

Wanna share my world don't you understand. *Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on you give me a really good feelin all day long. Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on you give me a really good feelin all day long. Turn me inside out make my heart speak.

Don't want nobody else you are all I need. Personality (ty) in everything you do (do) Makes me love everything bout you. Your smile your style so fly I can't deny I got a crush on you and that's true indeed. I'm diggin you your makin me believe. *Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on you give me a really good feelin all day long. Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on you give me a really good feelin all day long.

Buffy felt that Angel wasn’t using her and going to toss her aside. She felt that in her heart that Angel’s the one that she wants. As the lyrics said I’ll give you anything you want from me. Anything you. Anything you desire.

Buffy had this one fear though. That even though she knew Angel wasn’t using her, she was afraid that if she loved him too much, that it would end

I'll give you anything you want from me anything you want anything you need anything your soul desires I'll give you anything you want from me anything you want anything you need anything your soul desires Your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on You give me a really good feelin all day long. Love it babe. love it babe. love it babe

“Why do I even complicate things even more my thinking that? You know why. I just wonder when should I confess my love to him.”

“Why did I have to fall for a married man? Why couldn’t Angel be single? It would have made things easier.” ‘Though at the same time you like the thrill of having Angel sneaking around and having sex. It excites you. It’s an adrenaline rush that you never want it to end.’

“I’m in love with Angel. He makes me feel like a woman that should be loved. His touch, his lips, his eyes, and his voice just make my heart all tingly. I want him with me forever.”


Angel was still sitting in his office contemplating his feelings for Buffy. To him it just wasn’t sex anymore. He wanted to treat Buffy like the woman she deserved to be, She deserved honesty, respect, and love. She needed a man to make love to her, please her and make her feel that she’s the only woman in his life. Though Angel had no clue as to what approach to establish with Buffy. ‘Why can’t I just get a divorce from Darla and move onto Buffy? You know why. Your father. I just feel like telling my father fuck you and your rules. I’m in love with Buffy Summers.’


Both lovers never touched upon their inner feelings, emotions and love for one another. They both remained foolish and silent never stating anything. So they did what they always knew best, which was having fun.

Angel wanted to have a nice dinner with Buffy with no sex involved whatsoever. No matter whenever they met up with each other, they always ended up tearing each other’s clothes off and having wild, passionate sex. Just that mere thought brought a smile to his face. ‘I have to stop thinking about her in a sexual way. She’s a woman. A beautiful woman that I can’t keeps my hands off.’

“Control yourself. You can do this. You can spend a couple of hours with her without touching her,” he said to himself. Angel took a deep breath and then dialed the seven digits that he knew by memorization and waited for her to pick up.

“Hey Angel,” she said cheerfully.

“How did you know that it was me?”

“That’s easy. I have caller ID,” she said laughing. Her laughter just brought an instant smile to his face. It also brought a feeling inside.

“I was wondering if you were busy and maybe you could tear yourself away for a moment and be with me?”

“Hmm…a moment with you? Let me think about it.”

“Well you better think fast. I might just not give you think Christmas gift that I have for you. I just might give it my mother,” he said laughing. He knew perfectly well that his mother wouldn’t like one of the gifts.

“You better not give your mother my gift. Besides I have something fro you too.”

“Oh, and pack up some clothes. I’m taking you somewhere where we’ll be alone. Just the two of is.”

“Where? What should I bring?”

“I’m not saying. Oh, you can bring jeans t-shirts. You know anything that’s relaxing.”

“Okay. So when you coming by?”

“In about two hours. See you then.”


Angel made it to Buffy’s place and as he walked up her porch, she opened the door letting him in.

“Hi. I’m almost done. I just gotta leave Faith a note.”

“Okay.” Angel admired Buffy’s house and noticed how nicely furnished it was. She had pictures of her friends and family in picture frames throughout the house. They all had happy smiles n their faces. He took a seat on the brown couch and gazed down at the oriental carpet looking at the designs. Angel then went up the flight of stairs and found Buffy’s room by the vanilla scent that permeated the air. He stepped inside the room and noticed Buffy bent down. He had a nice view of her ass. Apparently the Lee blue jeans that she wore were nice and tight in all the right places. ‘How am I going to restrain myself? I can’t believe I made a promise to myself to not have sex with Buffy this weekend. I must be in love. I must be an idiot.’

“Buffy, are you ready?” ‘Please be ready.’

“Yeah, let’s go.” ‘I guess by the way he’s staring at me, he must be thinking something naughty.’ Buffy walked out the door with a sway of her hips. Angel’s brown eyes stayed glued to Buffy’s behind watching them swat and noticed how her jeans were snug and like second skin. ‘It looks like she has no underwear on. I’m such an idiot.’


Angel drove on the highway and arrived at a cottage. Buffy just looked at the house and the scenery and fell in love with it. The colors of the house were pale blue with a framing on the windows. It felt like home. The way all the furniture was arranged and the fixtures and knickknacks were arranges just made you want to stay here forever. Buffy was picturing in her mind that aroma of baked cookies coming out of the oven. Then over where the fireplace was the fire would be cracking bringing a warm, cozy atmosphere. The best part of her revelation was that Angel was sitting by the fireplace with her sitting in front of him. His hands were wrapped around her waist.

“Buffy! Buffy!” Angel shouted her name for the third time.

“Oh, I’m sorry Angel. It’s just that this place is so beautiful,” she said smiling.

“I’m glad that you liked it. It belongs to my family. I use to come here as a kid during the summer. The whole family would spend the vacation here.’

“That must have been fun.”

“It sure was. Come one let me give you a tour of the house and show you our room,” he said taking her hand.


Buffy really liked being away from everyone and spending some alone time with Angel. It just felt great that being with him in a romantic way just enjoying his company. She wanted to know more things about him. The stuff that any woman would know about a man that she has a relationship with.

They had both finished eating their meal that Angel cooked which consisted of spaghetti with marinara sauce, grilled chicken, a Cesar salad with red wine. Buffy just savored the food by enjoying the seasoning of all the spices that were in the meal. They were both sitting by the fireplace looking the fire with the wood cracking bringing in a warm feeling into the house. Angel’s arms were wrapped around Buffy’s waist holding her securely. She leaned her back onto his broad chest that was covered by a black t-shirt. Buffy let her fingertips touch Angel’s forearm feeling how smooth, soft and strong his skin was. She then moved her hands feeling the texture of his denim jeans on his thighs gently squeezing them. Angel moved his hands and placed them on her arms gliding his fingertips over her creamy, soft skin. He then bent his head and leaned into the crook of her neck and started kissing the exposed skin. He continued on then by sticking out his tongue licking, leaving a wet trail and found his refuge in her lips. As soon as their lips made contact it was magnetic. Buffy quickly turned her body around straddling his hips placing her fingers through the short brown hairs n the nape of his neck.

“Hmm,” she moaned loving the feeling of Angel’s tongue playing with hers. He pulled her even closer to his body not leaving any space at all. Angel knew that he wasn’t supposed to go on. He promised himself that this weekend wouldn’t consist of sex. ‘You have to pull away before you reach for her shirt and slip your fingers underneath. Stop now.’

“Buffy, we can’t. I mean I can’t,” he said breathlessly.

“Why not? Don’t you want me?” she asked with her lips all red and pouty.

“Of course I do. But I promised myself that I wouldn’t have sex with you,” he said seriously. ‘I can’t believe that I told her that. What was I thinking? She’ll probably thinks I’m insane.’

“It’s okay. I don’t mind at all.” ‘I think that it’s so sweet of him to do that. I guess that maybe he does have feelings of love for me if he does this. Now why can’t he just say those words to me.’ She then looked at him and saw the love and kindness in his eyes. She leaned her head in and placed her lips upon his and started kissing again. Angel pulled her into his embrace again feeling how soft and smooth her lips are. They stopped kissing and Buffy sat back and looked at the fireplace as her hands were on top of Angel with his fingers entwined with hers.


The day before they left Angel had remembered that he was to give Buffy her Christmas present. He just hoped that she would love them. As he went inside his bag to retrieve her gifts, Buffy did the same and waited for him by the fireplace.

Angel sat down and looked across at Buffy. The fire was crackling, the flames were nice and orange giving a warm air that went throughout the room. He then handed her Christmas gift.

“Merry Christmas Buffy,” he said and then kissed her. She took the red box from him and opened it revealing a green teddy that would reach her mid thigh. She lifted it up and looked at it and then noticed a small box as well. To Buffy’s curiosity she wondered what could be in that box. As she opened it up it was a bottle of her favorite perfume Chanel Number 19.

“How did you know?”

“I could tell whenever I smelled your perfume,” he said smiling.

“That’s sweet of you to say. Oh, here’s your gift as well,” Buffy said handing him a black bag. Angel went through all the white tissue paper and found a pair of black boxers.

“I can tell what you’re thinking,” he said grinning.

“Well you’ve been a good boy this year. So I made sure you got what you deserved. Merry Christmas, my Angel. Oh, and the teddy that you gave me just might appear out of nowhere next time,” she said smiling wickedly.


The weekend between the two lovers was nice and romantic. It was the way that Angel wanted. Through his body or rather a certain part of his body needed attention. He just ignored that factor and told himself that he’d take care of it when he got home.

Buffy on the other hand felt bad for Angel. She knew that he made a promise to himself to not to have sex, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t please him in other ways. They were both in his car driving back to Sunnydale just relaxing and enjoying their time together. Angel would look over at Buffy and smile from time to time. Though it seemed that every time that he’d look at her and gaze at her body a tightness would form in the crotch area of his blue jeans. ‘I have to stop thinking about wanting to take her and tear her clothes apart. I just need to drop her home and then release this aching pain afterwards.’

It seemed that the traffic was getting congested and the cars weren’t moving at al. So Buffy decided that maybe a bit of a distraction might work for the two of them. She scooted over so that she was right next to Angel. Angel looked her way and smiled. Buffy on the other hand just took her hand and began stroking his jean clad thigh. Her fingers began caressing the denim fabric gliding them up and down in a steady pace.

“Buffy, what are you doing?” Angel asked. He knew exactly what she was doing. She was getting him turned on and it was working.

“I’m going to make you feel better,” she said smiling. Her fingers then found its place on the zipper of his jeans. As if she’s done this a million times before she gently let the zipper slide down.

As Angel heard the metal zipper going down, his mind was just going crazy. ‘What is she going to do? Is she going to give me a blowjob? Well whatever it is I know I won’t be able to control myself.’

Buffy started kissing Angel’s neck and then took his earlobe into her mouth. She began sucking it gently flicking her tongue.

“Hmm,” Angel moaned. Oh, he didn’t want her to stop, but he also realized that they were outside. He had to think rationally before things got out of control.

“Buffy, you have to stop,” Angel said out of breath.

‘No, you deserve this,” he said whispering in his ear. Her hot breath just brought shivers down his spine. Buffy continued her ministrations by placing her hot fingers inside the slit of his boxers and grabbed a hold of his throbbing erection.

“Well someone’s hard,” she said huskily. She then began gliding her fingers up and down his hard shaft making him moan with anticipation. As Buffy was keeping a steady pace, Angel’s hands stayed firmly on the steering wheel for support. The feel of her the ridges of his hard shaft was beginning to get wet due to the semen that was making a nice lubrication. Buffy just kept on going being encouraged by Angel’s moans.

“Ugh,” Angel grunted. He grabbed the steering wheel firmly and his knuckles were white with no blood flowing through them. Angel’s semen squirted underneath the steering wheel and all over Buffy’s hand. Buffy grabbed a napkin a glove compartment and handed to Angel so he could clean himself up. Buffy on the other hand just licked it right off her hand. Angel fixed up his jeans and looked over at Buffy.

“You are something else,” he said smiling.

“Don’t I know it,” she said smiling back.

The drive back to Sunnydale was tension free and relaxing. Angel could get the thought out of his mind that Buffy sure had made him feel better. He held that release of sexual frustration that only Buffy could provide for him.


Angel walked Buffy to the steps of her house to wish her goodbye.

“So I hope you enjoyed this weekend as much as I have?” Angel asked.

“Sure. It’s one that I won’t forget. Oh, and I know that I said this already, but thanks for my Christmas present.”

“Your welcome. It’ll look good on you. I gotta go. So I’ll see you soon okay?” He then captured her lips into a kiss leaving her breathless.

“Okay.” Angel walked off and went into his car as Buffy stepped inside her house and was surprised to see the face her.


The two lovers had spent their romantic weekend just remembering the fun that they had spent. It seemed that these two were finally reaching a point into their relationship that it wasn’t lust but love. Both if them admitted to themselves and to others that they are in love. So what’s the problem of revealing that you’re in love with a person that makes you happy? In most a cases it‘s fear; the fear of when you say those three words I LOVE YOU can either make things better or just make things more complicated. So what’s the next best thing to do? There’s always a good memory to make you just forget for the time being.

Buffy and Angel each have a memory or fantasy of one another that sticks out perfectly in their mind.

Angel was in the bathroom getting ready for his shower before going off to bed. It seemed like throughout the day at work his mind was focused o his blonde beauty. It just seemed that every time when someone on his staff would be talking about something, he would zone out. One specific person would be Willow Rosenberg. He still hadn’t confronted her about what she said about Buffy though for now he didn’t want to think about that.

As Angel stepped into the shower and began to wash his body all his thoughts drifted off to Buffy and a moment to remember.

The both of them were in bed in their underwear lying right next to each other. Buffy looked into his brown eyes and felt that intense gaze that he sent her. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Angel in return pulled her closer into his embrace and while he continued kissing her, his hands found it’s way to her bra and unclasped it. His hands then slowly slipped right though her bra straps sliding them off. As the kissing increased between them, he let his tongue out and parted her lips seeking entryway into hers. His hands then cupped her breasts feeling the fullness of them.

“Hmm,” she moaned into his mouth. She released the kiss and started laying wet kisses down his broad chest while her breasts brushed up against his body causing him to shiver which in return caused her nipples to get hard. She stopped laying wet kisses at the elastic band of his boxers. Buffy looked up at him and smiled. She then proceeded on by slipping her small hands in the waistband of his boxers and slid them off. As she slipped off his boxers, she squeezed his firm behind causing him to moan.

“Oh,” he moaned. Buffy placed her hand on his erection and began stroking him up and down in a steady pace. She kissed the tip and then letting her pink tongue stick out tasting him. Her tongue then proceeded on by licking him root to tip every so slowly with such expertise. As her tongue was licking him from root to tip, she could feel how soft, but yet hard his erection is. Her mouth opened

Angel’s in the shower reliving the memory as if he was right there now in the moment with Buffy. He had one hand leaning on the white tiles of his shower wall, while the other grabbed onto his erection and began stroking it up and down at a fast pace which started to cause a shiver in his groin area.

Buffy used her teeth and gently grazed it along the length of his member and stopped at the tip and began sucking again. She moved her mouth even further taking as much of him as possible. Her head was bobbing up and down at a fast pace with Angel’s hand still inside her hair until, until his hips jerked up causing him to come inside her mouth all the way shooting down in her throat. Buffy lifted her head, licked her lips and smiled up at him.

“High Protein Diet,” she said smiling wickedly.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“You taste so good,” she said and then laughed.

Angel went down to where she was and grabbed her into his arms and kissed her.

“You have such a devious mind,” he said.

“That’s what you like about me.”

As the moment came quickly rushing back into Angel’s mind, his hot seed came jetting out and landed on the white tiles.

“Ugh,” he moaned.


Buffy was lying on her bed dressed in a white tank top and white panties with her cotton bed sheets at her waist. Buffy just couldn’t sleep because all her thoughts were consumed by the dark haired, brown eyed man that she stare at for hours. Well the thoughts of Angel made her start touching her body. She began touching the soft cotton material of her tank top and slid her fingers feeling the smooth skin of her stomach moving her fingers inch by inch which caused her to shiver. Her fingers kept trailing upwards until she found her breasts and cupped them gently massaging them.

As her fingers kept on massaging her breasts the nipples became harder. Buffy then moved one hand towards the waistband of her panties, and then moved them around her inner thigh. She was caressing her inner thigh feeling how smooth her skin was then gliding her fingers towards the crotch of her panties feeling the wetness seeping through. Her hand went inside her panties feeling the smooth skin of her shaved mound caressing it gently causing her to sigh.

Her fingers went and parted her legs wide open delving through her slick channel feeling the wetness of her arousal against her fingertips. The more she thought about Angel doing unconscious able things to her, the more her arousal increased.

“Oh, Angel,” she moaned and continued on touching her clit slowly beginning to pinch it to elicit another moan.

Buffy was envisioning in her mind of Angel enjoying kissing and going down on her. She knew for a fact that he had a way with his tongue when it came to kissing. His kisses were nice and wet, addictive and could make any woman’s body get all hot bothered. Then as the moaning continued on Buffy moved her middle finger into her opening that only Angel has satisfied her fully and completely.

“Ooh,” she moaned and jerked her hips forward so her ass was sticking up in the air. As she proceeded on letting her finger enter in and out of her all she wanted was Angel to give her oral pleasure. His mouth, his tongue and his teeth doing the most spectacular things to her clit just brought her over to the edge.

“Angel,” she sighed. Her hips went back down, her breathing went back to normal and her heartbeat just beat rapidly. The shivers from her intense orgasm gave her a soothing affect. She pulled her sheets over her body and slept peacefully dreaming of Angel.


Angel decided that after the monthly board meeting at McKeon Industries that he would have a chat with Willow. He couldn’t believe that Willow would but into his personal business. She had no idea what was going on between him and Darla. Well he’s gonna set things straight.

His brown eyes wandered around the room looking at all his employees listening to the redhead named Willow Rosenberg. ‘I just can’t believe that she said all those awful things to Buffy. How could someone be a friend and not even know the whole story?’

“So that concludes everything in the computers department,” Willow said.

“Thank you Willow. It’s great how things are coming along. Well that’s all for today. Have a great day. Oh, Willow could you stay for a moment,” he said.

”Sure thing.”


Everyone had left the room and Willow was sitting in her seat waiting for Angel to talk to her. ‘I wonder what Angel wants to talk to me about. I doubt it has nothing to do with Buffy.’ Angel closed the door and walked over to his seat and sat next Willow.

“Willow, you must be wondering why I wished to speak to you alone.” Willow nodded in response.

“Well since you know this already it isn’t a secret any more that I’m with Buffy. She told me what you told her about her and I. You had no right whatsoever to treat your friend like that.”

“It’s just that…”

“Let me finish Willow. I know that I’m married and I also know that I’m having an affair on my wife with Buffy. Though I don’t think that this concerns you.”

“I’m sorry Mr. McKeon,” Willow said sadly.

“It shouldn’t be me that you should say sorry to. I could care less of you knowing that I’m having an affair. If I were you, I’d try and find Buffy and talk to her.”

“I know that sir. Though I feel bad about what I told her. She probably was upset.”

“Upset? Upset! That doesn’t begin to explain how Buffy felt. You really want to know how she felt? She came to see me and couldn’t stop crying,” Angel said seriously. Willow just stood their sitting in her seat shocked. She was speechless.

“Well Willow I have to get going. See you Monday,” Angel said and walked out the door.


Angel was thrilled to get out the office. He just knew if he stayed Willow wouldn’t continue her thoughts. Out of nowhere a black Lincoln stretch limousine came driving right in front of Angel. ‘Who could this be? I don’t have an appointment with anyone.’

The black tinted window rolled down and what appeared before Angel’s brown eyes was a petite blonde with a smile on her face.

“Buffy,” he said smiling.

“Would the gentleman care for a ride home?”

“As long as the beautiful lady doesn’t mind the company.”

“Come on in.” Angel entered the limo and sat down in the black leather interior of the car. He turned his head and smiled at her.

“Your ideas get much more interesting,” he said with their lips nearly inches apart.

“Well if you think this ones interesting wait until you see the next one,” she said and then kissed him. As the kiss intensified between the two, Angel pulled Buffy and her straddling his hips. Her legs stayed firmly locked on his hips as his fingers glided in her legs hiking up her skirt feeling the softness of her thighs.

“Hmm,” she moaned as they continued kissing. Her fingers went sifting through the short brown hairs lightly massaging the back of his neck. She let her tongue part his lips open and slid hers right in he feeling his wet tongue massaging hers.

His hands went higher lightly squeezing her thighs going further up hiking her skirt exposing her legs even more. He kept kissing gently biting her lower lip and left a wet trail leading down to the crook of her neck. Angel’s tongue crept out licking her skin, then letting his teeth nibble her skin causing her to moan.

“Oh, Angel!” She pulled his hair slightly and pushed him further into her neck. Her chests flushed underneath her blouse pressed up against his suit. Her hands left his hair and went inside the sleeves of his jacket letting it fall off his shoulders. Then she went on by pulling the shirttails of his shirt letting her fingertips crept it’s way on the sides of his chest.

Angel fingers slipped inside her blouse and pulled her blouse open letting the buttons fly all over the limo. He grabbed her and placed her on the seat and looked right into her eyes.

“I want you,” he said huskily.

“I’m right here. Come and get me,” she said breathing heavily. Her breasts were heaving beneath her lacy black pushup bra. All the kissing and touching that went on between them caused her body to get hot and feeling wet right in between her legs. She slowly licked her lips letting her pink tongue stick out luring Angel towards her.

Angel leaned in and kissed her once more covering his chest over hers. His hands went underneath and unhooked her bra and slipped his hands and cupped her breasts.

“Hmm,” she moaned. Her fingers found it’s way towards his belt quickly unhooking it and then went straight for the zipper doing the same task. Her hand found it’s way inside the slit of his boxers and felt how hard his erection was. She gently squeezed him and pulled him a bit.

Angel’s other hand went underneath and pulled her panties down yanking then and sliding them off her legs. He parted her legs open with his knee and slid himself right into her. They both hissed at the contact feeling one another. As he kept thrusting in and out of her, she looked up at him and noticed his brown eyes gazing intently at her. His intent gaze showed signs of lust, want, need and desire for the blonde beauty that was beneath him.

“Oh!” she moaned as she clenched her inner muscles on his hard shaft. The more squeezing she did, the faster he went in and out of her body. The feeling of them moving together as one was overwhelming at times.

He took his hands squeezing her breasts and lightly pinching her nipples making them hard.

“Ooh.” She pushed her body against his encouraging him on and pushing him further inside her. The more further he was inside her, the more her moans increased rapidly.

“Angel,” she exclaimed. Angel grunted once more and laid himself on top of her. He slowly lifted his head and smiled at her.

“You are amazing,” he said to her.

“You’re not bad yourself,” she said smiling back.


Buffy was thinking about what happened to her a couple of days ago. Well actually who was inside her house. It was her mother, Joyce Summers. Let’s just say that Buffy’s relationship with her mother wasn’t always sunshine and roses. The two of them always argued about what type of guys she went out with to the career that she chose to do.

“Hello Buffy. Long time no see,” she said smiling.

“Hi Mom. What brings you here?” Buffy asked and then walked over to the sofa and sat down. She crossed her legs and her skirt hiked up a bit and smiled at her mother slyly.

“Can’t a mother want to see her daughter?”

“I’m your only daughter. Oh, and you’re not here to have a mother-daughter bond. So what’s your motive? Why are you really here?”

“I’m here to see you and spend some time with you. I also wanted to stay a couple of days with you.”

“You have to be kidding me! There’s no way you’re staying here,” Buffy exclaimed.

“Why you have a boyfriend here with you? Or do you even have a boyfriend after you broke up with Riley?”

“No, I don’t. Oh, and it’s none of your business if I gave one, but I do,” Buffy said smiling thinking about Angel.

“So who is he? Is he someone that I know?”

“No, mother I won’t say. Would you just drop it? You haven’t been thrilled about my decision with me ending things with Riley.”

“I know…”

“Let me finish. Riley was a nice guy, but something was missing.”

“So this mystery guy is the one that fills that something?”

“Yes. Now mother it’s time for you to leave. If you want you can call me where you’re staying. Bye.”

Well that was what happened. She envied Angel for the way his parents loved him and cared about him. Though Angel’s father seemed a bit controlling. ‘Oh well one thing for sure is I’ve got Angel and I think sooner than later he’s going to know my true feelings.


Today was May 17th just an ordinary day in Los Angeles, California. It was sunny, hot and humid all rolled into one. Though the fact of the matter isn’t to state the weather, but to mention that it’s Angel’s 31st birthday. As he turns thirty-one in a loveless marriage that he can’t wait to get a divorce; though the only bright side for Angel was that Buffy was in it. ‘Hmm, if I could only see her for my birthday it would be one wish that I wouldn’t regret.’

Angel just sat in his black leather chair and kicked his feet up on his wooden desk with his arms crossed behind his head. He closed his brown eyes, his face relaxed with no wrinkle appearing upon his forehead with the cutest smile on his face.

Karin, his secretary walked in and brought him his coffee and had to smile at the sight of her boss. ‘He looks so gorgeous. It’s too bad that Buffy Summers took his heart. It’s so obvious that he’s in love with her and not his wife.’

“Mr. McKeon, I brought your coffee. Would you like anything else sir?”

“Actually no. Thank you for the coffee. Did you know that today is my birthday?” Angel asked smiling.

“Actually I did. Happy Birthday,” she said and kissed him on the cheek. She then quickly went out and went to her desk drawer and pulled out a bag. Karin went back and handed him the bag. Angel looked at her a bit confused.

“You didn’t have to you know,” he said smiling.

“You know that I always do. Come on. Open it,” she said excitedly. He laughed. He went to the card and read the inscription and then went straight to the gift. He took all he white tissue paper and found a picture frame with a picture of him and Buffy dancing on the Christmas party. He was surprised that someone was taking pictures and let alone them.

“I hope you like it. I’m the one that took the photo. I figured that you’d want a memory of that night.”

“Yeah, it’ll be a memory that I won’t forget,” he said with a wicked smile. Oh, the fun that he had that night.

“Thank you, Karin,” he said and then kissed her on the cheek. She blushed and couldn’t stop smiling.


Darla knew that it was Angel’s birthday and she could care less. She knew that Angel could care about her presence. Besides she had plans with Lindsay. Lindsay’s the one she wants to spend her life with. He made things easier in every way. She drove up to his building and walked right in and took the elevator to his apartment. She knocked on the door and Lindsay opened up.

“Hello beautiful,” he said and pulled her right in kissing her fully on the lips.

“Lindsay, I’ve missed you,” she said with her lips all pouty and red.

“I’ve missed you too. I think we have a lot of catching up to do,” he said and kissed her once more.


Angel drove home feeling happy, but yet he was a bit sad. You could see the sadness upon his face, but there was nothing could do about it. Buffy was at home in Sunnydale and he was alone in Los Angeles with his dog.

He opened the door and noticed a trail of clothes that were leading upstairs.

“Oh, great! Darla thinks I’m in the mood to have sec with her. This is the wrong time.” Angel started picking up the articles of clothing. First his hands found a black mini skirt, then a matching blouse. Afterwards while he reached the stairs he found a pair of black nylon stockings, red panties and a matching bra. Finally he found her shoes and walked right inside the bedroom.

“Darla, I’m in no mood for this,” he said then looked at the woman lying in is bed.

“I’m not Darla the last time I checked,” she said smiling wickedly. She was lying down in green silk sheets that matched the color of her eyes.

“Buffy,” he said and then dropped all her clothes on the carpeted floor. “That’s me. The one and only.” “You’re here in…in my bedroom naked. How did you get in here?” The idea that he knew she was naked underneath those sheets were already causing a pain in a certain part of his pants. The silky material had a nice fit around her body. Her blonde hair was draped on her shoulders and her arms were bare and visible.

“I had a key made. Surprise. Happy Birthday, Angel.”

“Yeah, I’m surprised.” Shocked was more what Angel felt like. He couldn’t believe that his wish came true.

‘Thank you God.’

“Well what are you waiting for? Come on over and unwrap your gift,” she said pointing towards him.

Angel started taking off his jacket, tie, his shoes and socks and finally his pants. He was about to unbutton his shirt when Buffy stopped him.

“Angel, no! Come over here. I need talk to you. I have to tell you something,” she said softly. Angel walked over and sat right next to her.

“What is it Buffy? Tell me sweetie,” he said concerned. His hand caressed her face and kissed the palm.

“We’ve been together for quite a while now and were getting closer. I feel that I love you,” she said looking into those brown eyes that stole her heart.

“I think I have been since the first day, but I think it clicked that weekend we spent together. You were the perfect gentleman and that was so sweet of you,” she said smiling.

“Well apparently you helped me out afterwards in the car,” he said smiling back. Buffy laughed.

“Though now that you mentioned it, I love you too,” he said with a smirk. She hit him on the chest.

“Hey mister, I pour my heart and you just say that to me like that,” she said pouting.

“Sweetie, my Buffy I do love you. You’ve made me happy. You make me love being around you all the time. I love you, Buffy Anne Summers.”

“Thank you. I know that today’s your birthday and all, but I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“I want you to make love to me. I don’t want us just to have sex,” she said and hen bent her head down in embarrassment.

“Of course I would. It would be the first time we wouldn’t be tearing each other’s clothes off. It will be memorable,” he said raising his eyebrows.

“So let’s start this memorable moment,” she said and leaned into kiss him. The green silk sheets slid off her body and her bare breasts were pressed up against his white cotton dress shirt. His hands went to her shoulders, and then making it’s way to cupping her face and finally threading his fingers through her blonde silky hair.

Buffy’s fingers started unbuttoning his shirt and released the kiss and slowly placed wet kisses across his chest journeying her way down his lean sculpted abs. Her hands went through his shirt as it fell off his broad shoulders as her manicured nails lightly scratched his back causing him to moan. She lifted her head back up and gazed into those brown eyes that she truly loved and kissed him deeply once more.

“Make love to me Angel,” she said breathlessly. Her hands went straight for hid boxers opening the snap, began sliding it off his waist giving his ass a nice gentle squeeze and finished off sliding it off with her feet.

“With pleasure,” Angel said smirking. His hands were at her calves moving his way up to her thighs feeling the smooth, soft silkiness of her skin. He then removed the sheet exposing Buffy totally in the nude. He pulled her lithe body up against his hard body holding her securely. As the kisses intensified the heat became apparent for these lovers.

Angel released the kiss causing Buffy to moan. He quickly kicked off his boxers tossing them aside. Buffy laid her head down on the pillows and looked into Angel’s eyes with the need of love for her man. Angel slowly made his way and placed his arms at the side of her shoulders. He then leaned down for a kiss, then moved onto her neck and started kissing her shoulders and captured one nipple into his mouth.

“Oh!” she moaned in pleasure. Her fingers threaded into his brown hair massaging his scalp to encourage him on. His tongue continued licking her nipple and then he moved onto the next one. As the other one was left unattended his hands came over and cupped the soft flesh massaging and pinched the wet nipple.

His hands moved further down slowly removing the sheet letting it fall to the floor. His fingers caressed her thighs feeling the soft, smooth delicate skin. He then slowly parted her legs open apparently noticing how wet her arousal had became. He let his fingers touched her shaven mound and slowly toying with her clit.

“Oh,” she moaned. His fingers were hot like fire and he hadn’t even begun his exploration of this beautiful woman before him. Angel placed two of his fingers at her clit slightly pinching it and then slowly inserting a finger into her hot wet channel.

Buffy’s automatic response was to squeeze her inner muscles and clamp down onto his finger. So Angel went in and out of her intervals. Finally after a while Angel released his fingers and replaced it with his tongue. His tongue slowly but surely licked her clit causing her to shiver and stir up her arousal even more.

“Hmm,” she moaned and her hips jerked up a bit. Angel placed his hands on her hips bringing them back down. He continued on with his task of devouring his beauty’s sexual arousal making her moan even more.

“Angel!” she exclaimed after what may seem hours was just minutes for orgasm to be reached.

Angel quickly shed off his boxers and knew that Buffy was still yearning for some more. Her breathing went down and the shivers from her orgasm subsided and now she was ready for him. He gradually slid inside teasing her with the tip of his penis.

“Please honey I need you,” she begged. Angel looked down at her.

“You sure about that?” he asked with a smirk. He just couldn’t help looked at her glistening body with her breasts heaving.

“Yes, my love.” Angel slid all the way starting off nice and slowly to build up an intense orgasm for the both of them. The faster he went the more he could feel his arousal stirring up.

“Oh,” they both exclaimed as they came and Angel laid right next to her pulling her body into his embrace and kissed her forehead.

“I love you, Buffy.”

“I love you, too Angel.”


Buffy was in Angel’s bed with her leg over his hip and under the covers. ‘How did we cover up? The last I remembered the sheets were on the floor.’ Her head was on his bare chest, while his arm held her waist securely. His grip on the petite blonde was as if he wouldn’t let go of her go for one second. She caressed his chest softly letting her nails scratch him.

“Hey,” he said opening his eyes and smiling.

“Hey. You slept well?” she asked smiling back. She then crawled on his chest.

“Of course I did. You made me feel so wonderful. Thanks for my birthday gift,” he said wiggling his eyebrows. She swatted his chest.

“I have a gift for you. Hold on.” She kissed him then slid off the bed. Buffy walked around in her nude body and got a box. She then made her way back to him and handed him the box.

Angel took the small black box and opened revealing gold cufflinks with his initials on it. Angel couldn’t believe eyes that Buffy bought him such an expensive gift.

“Buffy, it’s so beautiful. Thank you,” he said smiling.

“Your welcome birthday boy,” she said and then captured his lips into a deep searing kiss. She parted his lips open and placed her tongue inside swirling it around with his. In the meantime Angel’s hands gripped onto Buffy, pulling her closer to his body. Both her full breasts were crushed up against his broad chest while the kissing between both lovers intensified.

“Hmm,” Buffy moaned as the kissing went on. His hands wandered all over her smooth bare back. He made little circles going the way down to her behind. His hands squeezed her firm posterior causing her to wiggle her body against his.

“No fair Buffy,” he said smiling. He then rolled them over so that she lay beneath him.

“Angel. I wanna be on top,” she whined.

“Nuh uh. It’s my birthday. What I say goes,” he said with a smirk and captured one nipple into his mouth. He let tongue tease the nipple and then plucked it out and went to the next.

“Oh, Angel!” His ministrations towards her always drove her insane.

“So no more talking,” Angel said and made his way down kissing her body.

“Uh huh,” was all she said.


After the second round Buffy decided to slowly get out of bed and get dressed. She looked at the clock by the bed and noticed it said five o’clock. ‘Oh, shit! His wife is going to be home soon. I better get dressed.’

As Buffy put on the last finishing touches of her outfit Angel woke up.

“Buffy, where you going?”

“I’m going home. I’m leaving before wifey comes back,” she said smiling. Angel stepped out of bed walking towards her with nothing but his glorious naked body.

“Don’t go. Stay. I’ll make it worth your while again,” he said and kissed her.

“Hmm tempting. Though as long as you’re married, I can’t stay overnight.” They both made it downstairs and to the door.

“I’ll see you soon,” she said kissing him.

“You can count on it,” he said against her lips. Buffy stepped out the door and towards her car and drove off.

Darla had just arrived and noticed the blonde leaving her house. ‘I knew it! Angel was fucking that blonde chick! Oh, he’s gonna get it from me.’


Faith had Spike over her place from the night before. The chemistry between these two was magnetic. They couldn’t let go of one another. The both of them were in bed sprawled out, sheets rumpled with a calm serene look of an afterglow of having sex all night.

“So Spike what do you wanna do this morning?” she asked wandering her body down lower and lower.

“Um. I can tell what you want to do,” he said smiling slyly.

“Oh, come one Spike. It isn’t like you’re tired or anything. Besides Buffy and Angel do it all the time,” she said smiling back.

“True. Though one of these says Darla will find out. Oh, when she does she’ll sink her claws into Angel’s money.”

“Well I doubt he’ll let her do that. He doesn’t seem like the type to let her do that to him.”

“Well only time will tell. Why don’t we have our own kind of fun?” Spike pulled

Faith closer and kissed her fiercely.


Buffy had the feeling that all her moments of passion with Angel could one day lead the to inevitable. She was in her bathroom with pregnancy kit and just took the test. She was waiting for those minutes to tick, which seemed like forever. A part of Buffy wished that Angel were there to share this moment. Buffy looked at the strip and it was a plus. She was pregnant with Angel’s child.

“What am I going to do? I can’t tell him. He won’t leave his wife because all of the sudden I’m pregnant.”

‘Decisions, decisions. To many to make. I know what to do.’


Joyce Summers had decided to see Buffy and see if they could work things out. She wanted to make things right so she headed on over and made her way to the steps of Buffy’s house.

Buffy heard the doorbell and opened it up and spotted her mother in the other side.

“Hello mother. It’s good to see you. Would you like to come in?” she asked her mother.

“Sure.” Joyce stepped inside and sat on the sofa in the living room. Buffy followed her mother and wondered whether or not she should tell her mother that she’s pregnant. ‘I already know what she’s going to say. So I might as well tell her.’

‘What is she thinking about? I just know that she’s got something that’s going to disappoint me.’

“Mom, I’m pregnant.” ‘There I said it.’

“You’re pregnant for that mystery guy that you wouldn’t give me his name,” Joyce said seriously.

“Yes. His name is Angel.”

“So does he know about you being pregnant?”

“No, doesn’t. He never will.”

“Why is that?”

“Because he’s married.”

“Oh, Buffy! I’m so disappointed in you.”

“I’m not surprised that you said that mother,” she said glaring at her.


A part of Buffy did feel disappointed because she knew that she couldn’t tell Angel about her pregnancy. She knew that he wouldn’t leave his wife for her. Though she knew that he loved her, but she couldn’t picture him leaving Darla. So Buffy decided to see him at his job and end things with him. ‘It’s the only way I can do this. If I don’t things will get worse.’

Buffy made it over to Angel’s office and Karin let her in. She made her way inside his office. His chair was turned facing his widow, so he couldn’t see the ad expression on her face.

“Buffy, what a surprise,” she said swiveling his chair around. He got off his chair and walked towards her and kissed her. She responded back by placing her fingers through his hair and pulling him closer to her petite body. ‘I have to tell him before I forget. I’ve got to stop kissing him.’

“Angel, we need to stop,” she said breathlessly.

“You sure about that?” Angel said smiling. His index finger traced the outline of her lips feeling how soft and delicate they are. His brown eyes just intently fixated on her lips.

“Yes,” she said quietly. She had to think rationally before she let her emotions take over her.

“We need to sit down. I have to say something.” They both walked over his sofa and sat down.

“Okay. I’m all ears. Spill.”

“There’s no easy way to say this. I have to break this off. You and I just can’t continue this. It’s over Angel.”

“What?!” He couldn’t believe what she was saying. She wanted to break things off. ‘Why? What caused her to think this way? I need to know.’

“Why Buffy? What changed?”

“I just can’t be the other woman in your life. I want to be the only woman in your life.”

“But you are. You know that Buffy. I love you.”

“I know, but as long as you’re married to Darla, I can’t believe you. The only way I’ll believe you is when I see the divorce papers in your hands,” she said seriously.

“You know it’s complicated for me. It’s not that easy Buffy.”

”Yes, it is. You can file for a divorce and we’ll be together,” she said with tears forming in her eyes.

“I can’t.”

“Well I got my answer. Goodbye Angel,” she said kissing him once more and then walked out the door. He just sat there and stared at his door and couldn’t believe that he was paralyzed and didn’t move at all. ‘What the hell have I done? I just let the woman that I love walk out the door. I mist be insane.’


Since that moment that Angel and Buffy had in his office they both never spoke to each other. Well actually it was more along the lines of Angel calling Buffy and her avoiding his voice saying that he missed her or loved her. It was just unbearable.


Angel had been frustrated with work and couldn’t stand his wife. ‘Oh, please god let me through this. I can’t be with this woman any longer. I need a way out.’ He had found a way to obtain the family lawyer. He explained the situation to his lawyer and they both came to an agreement.

Angel was on his home got the divorced papers in his hands. He was going to finally get rid of the blonde bitch. ‘Bye, bye Darla. Hello Buffy.’ Angel quickly went through the door and headed up the stairs to his bedroom.

“Darla, we need to talk?”

“What about Angel?” ‘I swear if he’s leaving me for that Buffy Summers, he’s got another thing coming.’

“I want a divorce from you. I’ve got the papers all ready. The only thing we have to do is sign and it’s official. We’ll be divorced.”

“You’re doing this for that Buffy chick you’ve been fucking,” she said yelling out loud.

“Yeah, I’m doing it this for Buffy. Though don’t you want to get rid of me so you can fuck Lindsay senseless as well? If I recall pretty well, he’s been in between your legs for quite some time,” he said smirking.

“Ugh. You’re pissing the shit out of me Angel,” she said furiously.

“I’m glad that I’m pissing the shit out of you. It makes me so happy that I can touch you right here on the inside,” Angel said tapping his heart.

“You’re so full of yourself.”

“Of course I am darling,” he said sarcastically.


The divorce between Darla and Angel was finalized. She was awarded nicely and wasn’t allowed to keep her shares at McKeon Industries. Darla was now a free woman and was able to be with Lindsay and not keep it secretive. As for Angel he felt a huge weight lifted off his back. He was now going to try one more time and see if he can convince Buffy to see him.


Buffy was up in her room and placed her Alicia Keys CD in her player and pushed the desired selection.

I keep on fallin’
In and out of love
With you
Sometimes I love ya
Sometimes u make me blue
Sometimes I feel good
At times I feel used
Lovin you darlin’
Makes me so confused

I keep on
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you

Oh, oh, I never felt this way
How do you give me so much pleasure
And cause me so much pain
Just when I think
I’ve taken more than would a fool
I start fallin’ back in love with you

I keep on
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you

She was listening to the lyrics and all she could think of was Angel. It seemed like the words just fit perfectly with her relationship with Angel.

Oh baby
I, I, I, I’m fallin’
I, I, I, I’m fallin’

I keep on
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you

I’m fallin’
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you

I’m fallin’
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you

Then all of a sudden her phone started ringing. She looked over and noticed that it was Angel. ‘What is it that he’s going to tell me now? It’s not as if anything’s changed.’

“It’s Buffy. Leave a message after the beep. I’ll get back to you soon. Bye.”

“Buffy, baby please pick up the phone. I know you’re there. I miss hearing your voice. Well I’ve got some great news. Darla and I are divorced. I hope you’re happy Buffy. I love you, baby. I hope to hear from you soon.”

As soon as Buffy heard his voice on the answering machine the tears in her eyes came streaming down on her face. She just laid there in her bed shocked at what she had just heard. Angel was divorced. He was free now. ‘I’m happy for him. I really am, but I don’t know what to do. Sure you do. You’re going after your man.’

Faith lightly knocked on Buffy’s door and stepped right in. She saw the petite blonde lying in her bed with a sad look on her face. A face that meant one thing. Angel. Faith had overheard the message that Angel left. She was thrilled that Angel divorced his wife. It seemed that no matter what went on between Angel and Buffy, Buffy just wanted more.

“Hey there. So that was tall, dark and handsome that just called you?”

“Yeah, it was Angel.”

“So what are you gonna do?” Buffy looked Faith right in the eye.

“I’m pregnant.”

“You’re kidding right?!”

“No. I’m pregnant with Angel’s child and he doesn’t know.”

“Come on Buff. You gotta tell him. You love him, don’t you?”

“I do. Though I just can’t right now.”


Spike hadn’t heard from Angel in quite some time. He had heard about the news of the divorce. He could tell by the sound of his friend’s voice that something was making him sad. So he decided to call Angel and they were gonna meet up at a bar.

“So you and Darla are over?”

“Yes, for the fifth time that you’ve asked me that. We are over.”

“Though I don’t see you jumping up and down with excitement. It all has to do with a little blonde named Buffy.”

“Yes, and you know that,” Angel said looking at him. He didn’t need Spike to remind him why he was depressed, sad and tired,

“So go after her then.”

“I’ve called her a ton of times. She’s never responded back to any of my calls.”

“Well maybe lightening will strike and Buffy will be right before your eyes.”

“I hope so.”


Darla was driving on the highway just listening to a tune on the radio. She was just content because her life was just about to begin with Lindsay. Even though things with her and Angel didn’t workout things worked out for the best.

“Nothing bad can happen to me now. I’ve got Lindsay by my side and nothing else matters,” she said smiling.

Though out of nowhere a car came at eighty miles an hour and just rammed right into her. In return caused Darla to have a head on collision. Her head hit the steering wheel, which caused her to have a concussion. Cars passed by and ignored the smashed up car. Though finally a car stopped and dialed 911.

Darla arrived at the hospital as a dead on arrival. No matter what the paramedics have done to resuscitate her heart, it just didn’t want to beat at all.

So as soon as the doctors knew who she was they contacted her ex-husband Angel McKeon. Angel got the all and was surprised at the news. He quickly called her parents and headed over to the hospital to take care of matters. When everyone arrived they were shocked at the sight of Darla’s appearance.

“Oh, my God!” Darla’s mother exclaimed. She went into the arms of her husband and started crying. Angel was just shocked at the bruises that were all over Darla’s face. All the blood ruined her beautiful face. Darla’s blonde hair was caked in blood, which looked like crimson.

“If the both of you would want I can take care of the funeral arrangements. I could have the reception at the house afterwards if you’d like?”

“Oh, that would be wonderful Angel. Even though Darla and you have parted ways, I know she’d really appreciate it,” Mr. Morgan said.

“Of course. I don’t mind at all,” Angel said with a sad smile.


Meanwhile Buffy was at home dressed up in her blue pajamas with red hearts. Her hair was in a ponytail twist. She just couldn’t stop thinking about Angel in their unborn child. It still amazed her that she was going to be mother. While she sat on her sofa with her legs tucked in the sound of her bell went off.

‘Who could this be? I know it’s not my mother. I wish that it could be Angel. Maybe it’s him.’ Buffy quickly went to the door, opened it and her smile faded away.

“What do you want? Are you here to insult me even more?”

“No, I’m not Buffy. I just would like to talk to my friend.”

“Friend?! I’m a friend to you, Willow. Since when?”

“Please Buffy, can I come in?”

“Why not.” Willow stepped inside the house and sat on the sofa/

“So what gives Willow? Are you here to give me some inspirational words of wisdom?”

“No. I wanted to sat that I’m sorry.”

“Sorry, for what? Me being a slut? Or me prostituting myself? Or how about the best one ever me sleeping with Angel for my selfish reasons?” Buffy said angrily.

“I know. I feel horrible about all those tings that I said to you. Angel even scolded me and to mine my own business,” Willow said sadly.

“That’s right. It isn’t your business. It’s between him and me. We both knew what w were getting ourselves into.”

“Buffy, I’m truly sorry, I don’t know what else to say.”

“I don’t know either Willow. Things have changed between us. I still need time to rethink my friendship with you,” Buffy said seriously.

“Okay. It’s your decision.”

“Yes. I think you should leave now. It was nice seeing you Willow.”

“You too Buffy.”


Later on that evening Buffy was sitting curled up on her sofa watching television. Her show CSI has just finished on CBS and was now time for the eleven o’clock news. As she was listening to the news and was about to shut it off, she head the announcer mention Darla Morgan.

‘Isn’t that Angel’s ex-wife? Yeah, that’s her.’

She kept listening and heard that she died in a car crash.

“Oh, my God! That’s horrible. I know that she was a bitch to Angel, but her life ending this way is awful. Angel must be taking this heard.” ‘Oh, Angel I miss you so much.’


All things had been arranged for Darla’s funeral. Angel made sure that everything was set to the way he knew Darla would have wanted it. She was a perfectionist in her own way. So Angel had her favorite flowers, which were lilies throughout the funeral home.

At the first row were her parents, other family members, friends and Angel. Everyone was dressed in black with a somber look of sadness across their faces. You could see the pain and grief for the loss of Darla. Lindsay was there as well with tears forming in his eyes. He was so much in love with Darla that the two were planning on marrying in the next two weeks.

So after when everyone had arrived for the wake it was time for Darla’s father, Michael Morgan to say a few words for his daughter.

“Good Afternoon. As you know losing a child is very heartbreaking for any parent to go through. Darla was my girl, my little angle. I know for sure that everyone will miss her dearly,” he said with tears in his eyes.

“So after when everyone has pain their respects, we’ll have a gathering at the house. Then tomorrow after the funeral we’ll have one as well.”


All family and friends were gathered in the cemetery standing over Darla’s pale casket. The weather was sunny, but hints of cloudiness that made you wonder if rain was about to occur at any moment. The priest started his words, which made a lasting impact on everyone.

“Darla was brought to this earth and has spread her love to everyone around her. Though she was taken away from her life too early by the unexpected tragedy, she’s in God’s hands. God has taken her and she will live on amongst everyone’s memories.”

So after the father’s last words of ashes to ashes and dust-to-dust, everyone threw their roses at the casket. As roses were thrown tears were streaming down everyone’s faces. A part of Angel wished he had someone here to lean on. He knew that thinking about Buffy over his ex-wife’s grave felt a bit weird, but he wanted her here.


Everyone was at the McKeon residence paying their respects to the Morgan family. Each person told both parents how much they loved Darla and giving their condolences. Though not too many of them went towards Angel. Darla apparently made comments about Angel, which caused tension.

“Can you believe him? He actually had some nerve attending the funeral,” said the blonde lady.

“I know. Though do you actually believe those tears? He was glad that she’s dead,” said the brunette lady.

Angel had overheard both of the women and turned his head to look at them. His brown eyes became even darker and glared at the two women that said don’t fuck with me. He may have his problems, but he never expected her to die.

“You have something to say to me? “ Angel looked at both women and waited for a response. Both of the women didn’t say anything at all.

“I thought so. It’s none of your business about my relationship with Darla. You’re here to pay your respects and remember all the good memories you with her.” He then got up and left.


The crowd of people at eh house began to diminish and Angel was left all alone with his dog Bertha Blue. He had his legs kicked up on the table, with his black tie loosened and Bertha Blue’s head on his lap. His hand patted his dog’s head just relaxing and was glad that he was alone. Then as he sat on his sofa being all relaxed the bell rang.

‘Who else could it be? Everyone already came. I so don’t need any company.’

As he opened the door the last person that he expected was his blonde beauty Buffy.

“Buffy,” he said with a small on his face.

“That would be me,” she said smiling back. Bertha decided to stop the intimate moment between the two and started barking.

“Hey there girl. How are you?” Buffy said kneeling down petting Angel’s dog.

“Come on in Buffy. I was just about to head upstairs and take a nap. Would you care to join me?” he said holding out his hand, She placed her hands in his and headed upstairs.


They made it inside his bedroom and Buffy sat down on the bed. Angel took of his jacket and placed it behind the chair. He then took off his tie and unbuttons the top button and then sat right next to Buffy. Angel placed hi hand on her knee lightly letting his thumb graze over her skin.

“I missed you Buffy,” he said looking into those green eyes that he loved so much.

“I missed you too,” she said and placed her hand on the top of his.

“I’ve called to tell you that…”

“I know. I know everything. I heard about your divorce and then later Darla’s death.”

“Yeah.” He removed his hand from her knee and went to touch her stomach. As his hand caressed her stomach he felt a slight bulge and was surprised.

“You’re pregnant?” ‘So she’s moved on without me. I guess I’m really late to take her back.’

“Yes,” she said softly.

“So…so who’s the father?” He had to know who the lucky guy was.

“It’s you. Who else would it be?”

“Wow. I’m a dad,” he said smiling. It’s been the first smile that he has had for a long time. He placed his hand by her face cupping it and placed a kiss on her lips. She responded by placing her body closer to his. His lips left hers and slowly made it’s way on the column of her neck. As his tongue was licking her smooth skin, Buffy couldn’t help but moan at he loss of Angel’s touch.

“Angel. Angel, we need to stop,” she said softly.

“No,” he mumbled against her neck.

“Yes,” she said and pulled him away from her neck.

“Why?” he asked with his brown eyes that always melted her heart.

“Because now isn’t the right time for this. It’s just weird.”

“Okay. But you’ll sleep with me?”



Angel’s parents decided to go see him and wanted to see how he was doing. They had a key to the place.

“Angel, are you here?” called out his father.

“Maybe he’s sleeping Patrick. Why don’t we leave and come back tomorrow?”

“No. We’re heading upstairs.” So they made it to the top step and slowly opened Angel’s bedroom door. His parents weren’t expecting to see a woman in his bed. Angel was in bed with his arm around Buffy’s body. Her head’s on his chest and her hand placed on his chest. They both had serene look on their faces.

“Patrick, we should leave. Let’s not disturb him now.”

“No. Angel, what is the meaning of this?”

“Dad! Mom! What are you two doing here?”

“We came to see you honey.” Angel smiled at his mother.

“Well it’s a good thing that we did. You and your lady friend or whatever she is for you, caused your divorce to Darla.”

“Her name is Buffy. She’s my lover. She’s the woman that I love. Oh, and she isn’t the reason why I divorced Darla.”

“Oh, come one Angel! She is so the reason why you’re not with Darla.”


“Well you’re not getting married to her.”

“Yes, I am. She’s the mother of my child. I plan to spend the rest of my life with her,” Angel said seriously. He decided that it was time to stand up to his father.

“I’m going to be a grandmother!” Both men looked at her.

“What?! I’m happy for my Angel,” she said smiling and then looking at Buffy.

“Thanks Mom,” Angel said kissing his mother’s cheek.

“This isn’t over Angel,” Patrick McKeon said seriously.

“Yes, it is Dad. I’m planning to marry and spend the rest of my life with her until I die. So if you don’t want to attend my wedding then it’s fine by me,” Angel said looking at his father straight in the eye.

“Patrick, let’s leave. Angel we’ll se you later.” Angel’s mother escorted her husband out.

Angel turned around and sat next to Buffy. Buffy was in a state of shock at the harsh words that were said between father and son. ‘Did he say marriage? I didn’t remember a proposal.’

“Buffy, you alright?”

“Yeah.” ‘Marriage? Angel wants to marry me!’


Things between the two lovers slowly progressed and Angel had made a huge decision in his life. He decided to reside in Sunnydale. He didn’t want Buffy to move to Los Angeles. It wasn’t a decision that his father didn’t take it lightly, but Angel didn’t give a shit. Buffy was his future and his everything. As he finished packed up the remaining things into his black Jeep Cherokee he was ready to start his new life. He had popped in his Dave Matthews CD and played his favorite song. As he heard the lyrics he knew for sure that where Buffy was is where he wanted to be.

Where are you going, with your long face pulling down?
Don’t hide away, like an ocean
But you can’t see, but you can smell
And the sound waves crash down I am no superman I have no answers for you I am no
hero, oh that’s for sure
But I do know one thing for sure Is where you are, is where I belong I do know, where
you go, is where I want to be Where are you going, where do you go?
Are you looking for answers, to questions under the stars?
If along the way you are growing weary, you can rest with me until a brighter day
It’s okay, where are you going, where do you go?
I am no superman I have no answers for you I am no hero, oh that’s for sure
But I do know one thing for sure Is where you are, is where I belong I do know, where
you go, is where I want to be Where are you going, where do you go?
Are you looking for answers, where do you go?
Where are you going?
Where do you go?
Let’s go.


Angel had everything planned and knew for sure that Buffy would be surprised and never forget this moment for years to come. Buffy is and always be his love. Angel made it to the door of her hours opened the door and stepped inside.

“Hey Angel. Have fun,” Faith said smiling.

“Thanks. I know I will,” he said with a smirk.

“Oh, and Faith?”


“Don’t hurt Spike too much.”

“I’ll try not to,” she said with a smile and then left.


Buffy was waiting eagerly for Angel’s presence. It had been quite a while since the two had been together in any way. She couldn’t help but smile and then the knob on the door opened.

“Hey baby,” he said smiling.

“Angel. I missed you,” she said smiling back. Buffy was sitting on her bed. She had a red nightie with straps that reached her mid-thigh. Her legs were crossed and her nightie slid down exposing her smooth legs. Angel just swallowed the lump in her throat.

“You look incredible.”

“You say that now wait until later and tell what you think,” she said huskily. Angel laughed at her response and started taking off his clothes. He made sure that everything was off except for his boxers. Angel made his way towards the bed and lay next to his blonde beauty.

“I missed you,” he said kissing her neck.

“Hmm. Me too. So how are your parents?”

“They’re fine.” He kept on licking, sucking and moving his mouth towards hers.

“And your brothers and sisters?”



“I don’t want to talk about them. I’m here with the woman that I love and I want to with her.” Buffy smiled at his words.

He leaned in, captured her lips and started kissing her. His hands started having a mind of their own and reached her soft shoulders. As he slipped his fingers through the straps of her nightie, her breasts were fully exposed to him. He then let his hand cup on of her breasts squeezing it tenderly.

“Hmm,” Buffy moaned against his lips. She pushed her body forward urging him on. Angel understanding his lover’s action and continued on by moving his lips over to neck, sticking out his tongue and stared licking nibbling her skin. Her fingers went straight to his hair massaging his scalp.

He looked into her eyes once more and gave her his trademark half smile. He laid her down, then placed himself and straddled her hips. His next move was to capture her nipple in her mouth. His tongue flicked and teased her nipple and sucked right into his mouth.

“Oh,” she moaned. When he was done with the breast before, he went on to the neglected one. His hands caressed her stomach with her protruding belly due to their child. He quickly placed a kiss on it. Angel proceeded on and kissed her hips, then her shaved mound and kissed either side of her inner thigh.

“Tease,” she whined.

“Oh, you know that you like it. Besides I have a bit of a surprise afterwards,” he said smiling wickedly.

“Ooh.” His tongue found her clit and started licking her while her moans had just started. He kept going on while his hands found her breasts again. She leaned forward and slightly pushed his head forward urging him to do more.

Angel lifted his head from its spot giving Buffy her orgasm; he was ready to have more fun. He set himself and slid right inside her and started moving in and out of her. As he quicken, Buffy wanted him to go deeper inside her.

“More Angel!” she exclaimed. She then crossed her legs and locked Angel in place. His thrusts inside her kept going faster and faster until he yelled out her name.

“Buffy!” He then lay right next to her and pulled her sweaty body right next to his.


Both lovers were peacefully sleeping in each other’s arms. Their legs were entwined, arms holding one another and the serene look of two lovers that are truly in love. Angel slowly and carefully disentangled himself from Buffy without waking her. She felt him move and held onto him strongly.

“Buffy, sweetie I need to get up,” he whispered in her ear.

“No. You’re staying here with me,” she said mumbling against his chest.

“I’ll be right back. I promise.” Angel then slowly removed Buffy off his body. He stepped out of bed as Buffy looked at his retreating nude form. She had to smile.

Angel found what he was looking for and then kneeled before Buffy.

“I love you, Buffy.”

“I love you, too.”

“I want you to know that when I told my father that I plan to spend the rest of my life with you I meant it. You’ve made me feel love. You’ve made me become more spontaneous with all the various places we had sex.”

“Though nothing makes me feel closer to you than when you’re in my arms. I need you Buffy Summers. You complete me. I’d love you to be my wife and spend the rest of your life with me,” he said and opened the little black velvet box.

“Oh!” Buffy exclaimed. She had tears running down her eyes.

“Yes! I’ll marry you Angel.” He placed the diamond ring on her finger and kissed her.

“I guess I should repay you mister,” she smiled wickedly.

“Mister? So what do you have in mind?” He asked raising his eyebrows.

“I have a couple of ideas. Why don’t you return to bed and I’ll show you all the ways, okay?”

“You’re the boss.” He quickly made his way back to the bed.


*Epilogue: 1 year later*

Buffy was getting ready to walk down the isle and marry Angel. She knew that after all the things that she went through with Angel they were finally going to be together forever. Each of them filled a void in the other’s heart. Now that their daughter Tracey McKeon was born they would have a proper honeymoon. She was the cutest little girl with her mother’s blonde hair and her father’s brown eyes. Tracey was dressed in a white dress and matching shoes. Angel’s mother in the church was holding her.

The organ of the church music was being played and Buffy was walking down the isle with her father right next to her. Buffy was all smiles, as she looked left and right at all the familiar faces that she knew. Though the one face that she wanted to see was her Angel. That name would always make her smile even bigger. Her father kissed her on the cheek and handed her over to Angel.


The exchanges of vows were made and now Buffy and Angel were officially husband and wife. They made it outside and all their friends were throwing rice at them. Every family member took the opportunity to give hugs and kisses to the newly married couple. They stood for a while to take photos.

“Kiss!” everyone exclaimed. Angel pulled Buffy into his arms and kissed her. They quickly told everyone that they’d see them later and headed towards the limousine. They both sat down in the black leather interior and just laughed.

“I can’t believe we’re married!” Buffy exclaimed.

“I can’t believe that we’re in a limo again. You remember the last time we were in one?”

“Yeah. But this time around I don’t have to worry about sneaking around,” Buffy said smiling.

“You think Faith told Spike the news yet?”

“I have no idea Angel.”


Faith was happy, but she had a surprise for Spike.

“Spike, I’ve got something to tell you.”

“What is it love?”

“I’m pregnant.”

“You’re what?!” He couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth.

“You asshole you heard me. I’m pregnant.” Faith then smacked him on the face.

“No, I’m happy for you. I’m happy for us,” Spike said and then kissed her.


*Epilogue: 10 years later *

Buffy and Angel have enjoyed their wedded bliss for so long. It was like yesterday for these two. Buffy and Angel are still madly in love with 3 children of their own. Their eldest daughter Tracey was heading out with her best friend Christine. Christine is Faith and Spike’s daughter. Both Spike and Faith had decided to get married after Christine was born. Spike and faith being the unlikely pair sure made a great daughter.

“So Tracey, where are we heading out tonight?”

“We’re going to the Bronze. Don’t you want to see Robert?”

“You know I do. You on the other hand want to see Michael?”

“Yeah, but don’t let my Dad find out.”


Angel and Buffy were in their bedroom and were just done making love. Buffy turned her face and smiled at him.

“You still got the stamina of ten years ago.”

“Of course. You’ve taught me a few new ticks while we were having sex,” he smiled back.

“Oh, that is true. Though I haven’t had sex in your office, limo, or the men’s room for that matter,” she said smiling. “You are wicked Mrs. McKeon.”

“I can’t help it. I love the man that I’m with.”

“Where are the kids?”

“Ah…Tracey is going out with Christine and Liam and Susan are watching TV downstairs. Why you ask?”

“I’m not surprised about them. So Tracey thinks that I don’t know about her crush on Michael.”

“Angel, you promised me. You won’t say a thing to her.”

“Okay. I promise. Now that we cleared things up, why don’t we have some fun?”

“What kind of fun do you have in mind?”

“I was thinking that maybe you and me can get reacquainted in other ways,” he said kissing her neck going down her body.


“Yes, my love,” he asked with his head raised up.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The End!!


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