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Wolf Pack (Continued)


Chapter Fourteen: The Walk

"It's not a big deal. Really," Buffy said as she held up a top against her chest while looking at a floor length mirror. "It's just a walk in the town with Angelus. It's not that serious."

Cordelia rolled her eyes as she continued to flip through her magazine on Buffy's bed. "Please, look at you. You're a mess," she scoffed.

Buffy spun around and stared at her, completely terrified. "Why? It's my make up isn't it? It's too much," she gasped in horror, "Or maybe it's my hair. It screams 'trying to hard?' God! I knew it," she said and grabbed a brush from her vanity table.

Willow snatched her arm before she could do damage to her curly golden stresses. "Don't you dare. It took you an hour and a half deciding what to do with your hair and another hour and a half getting it done," she said in he resolve face, and at the same time, trying not to laugh at the look on Buffy's face.

"It is too much," her best friend complained.

"No," Willow assured her, "It's perfect."

"But . . . "

"Cordelia's just being . . . well . . . Cordelia. You look fine . . . sophisticated, casual, sexy, and yet . . . simple," Willow smiled.

"You sure?" Buffy asked, still unsure of herself as she looked in the mirror again.


"Why do you care anyways? I thought you didn't like Angelus. Isn't impressing him kinda screw up that whole idea?" Cordelia teased, sharing a knowing look with Willow.

"I don't and I'm not," Buffy almost stuttered.

Cordelia gave her a disbelieving look.

"And who ever said I didn't like Angelus? I said, I didn't like the idea of being his mate . . . I never said I didn't like him," Buffy insisted.

"Whatever," Cordelia muttered.

"And second of all, I'm not trying to impress him. It's just . . . well . . . " her friends looked at her expectantly as she struggled for the right words to say.

Buffy growled in frustration and flopped down on a chair, clutching a dress and staring at her two friends dejectedly. She didn't know how she felt. She could definitely say that she enjoyed Angelus' company and took pleasure in spending time with him whenever she actually had the guts to do so . . . but she didn't exactly know her true and real feelings for him. And now, her friends were expecting a definite answer, but she couldn't give it to them because she wasn't even sure herself.

Willow shot Cordelia a look and the brunette sighed, understanding Buffy's dilemma no matter how simple it was. The girl was in love and so was their new pack leader. It was obvious from the start, but Cordy wasn't about to tell her best friend know that. Not only did Buffy had to figure this out on her own, but to see her squirm was the funniest thing to watch on earth and it greatly amused her. She loved the girl, but she liked torturing her as well.

"We won't say a thing and we won't bother you with your true feelings about the guy . . . And go for the boots, the jean skirt with the slits, and that new blue sweater you haven't worn yet," Cordelia advised, sitting up on the bed.

Buffy smiled and hugged her two friends. "Thank you," she said softly.

"Yeah, yeah," Cordelia said with a grin, "You just better tell us what the hell is going on between the two of you before you do the dirty."

"You two will be the first to know," Buffy promised.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Even though the town was small, the classic elegance it held made up for its size. It looked like a New England village, cool and old fashioned, transported to the West Coast, warm and modern. It was petite yet humble, ancient yet fresh.

But like so many other small towns, news traveled fast among them, especially when two new strangers from the mysterious mansion on Crawford Street, along with twenty or something people, were walking their streets.

"Just keep cool. Act normal," Angelus advised wisely as they walked the main cobble stone street of town.

Buffy smiled at an old couple who stared at them suspiciously. "Too bad we're not," she said through her clenched teeth as she tried to keep up the façade.

"Don't sound too disappointed," Angelus said.

Her smile disappeared and she frowned up at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Angelus shook his head. "Nothing," he lied, knowing he would get a rise out of her. To see her fume was the cutest thing . . . well . . . actually . . . he could think of a few other things that were cute but . . . getting off the topic.

"Angelus, I'm proud of who I am," she began, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, "I love being a werewolf, don't doubt that," she said in a low whisper. "I'm a different being, and I come from an ancient civilization older than these humans and I'm damn proud of that," she said defiantly. "I just . . . I don't think these people care about that fact," she said and looked at the ground sadly, "Jessie died because of his difference . . . his gift . . . this beautiful gift that we were given . . . And he died along with my father because of it." She looked up at him sorrowfully, "They had to pay for something so magnificent and something that all these humans have been misunderstanding for centuries."

Angelus was quiet as he gazed at her. He never envisioned being a werewolf as a gift before. He found it more as a power and a blessing that made him greater than the typical meat packages that walked and talked. He often believed that he was a higher being . . . But to appreciate the power of being a werewolf as a gift . . . well . . . the idea never crossed his mind before.

"That's a good way of putting it, love," he said and smiled down at her.

"My dad had always made me believe in that," she said, smiling slightly at the remembrance of the man she had called her father. "During my early teen years, I began getting resentful. I believed being a werewolf was a curse . . . but my dad . . . " she looked up at him, "He told me that to be given the natural power to change and become one with the night was a gift that no other human being possessed . . . it was a miracle. He made me cherish being a werewolf, he made me love ~what~ I am."

Angelus smiled. "You miss him," he stated, not asked.

"Of course," she smiled back. "He took care of me . . . He loved me. What wouldn't I miss?"

He draped an arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," Angelus said, and stopped on his tracks to hold her hands in his own as he looked into her blue orbs. "I wish I could make the pain go away," he said sadly, "But I can't . . . I can only try and makeup for it instead . . . and hopefully . . . that pain will ease."

Buffy looked into his sincere dark brown orbs and knew he was being truthful. She took his face between her hands and kissed his lips softly; wanting the feel of completion she felt whenever he was in his arms.

She quickly pulled away. "We should go," she reasoned and hurriedly entered the bakery shop they had stopped in front of.

Angelus stared after her, fear and excitement clutching at his heart. She was definitely coming around, but there were still many layers of walls he had to go through to finally reach her heart. And he will, one way or another, he'll fight for her, even if the battle was against her, he will win her in the end.


Chapter Fifteen: The Conversations

Carol looked up from the counter and was surprised to encounter the pair the town had been gossiping about since early that morning. The two looked beautiful, handsomely picturesque and stunning. The type of people a person would find in magazines, specifically in perfume or leather jacket adds.

The girl looked like she was around her early twenties. She wore her flowing golden hair long and wavy. Her bright blue eyes were warm and untainted. She was elegantly dressed in an ankle length denim skirt, black boots, and a baby blue turtleneck sweater with a little string tied loosely around the waist. She looked like a model of perfection with her confident and graceful stature.

Her form was small and tiny compared to the man who accompanied her. He was handsome and strong with dark brown hair and gleaming black eyes that screamed power yet gentleness. Dressed casually in black slacks, a red sweater, and a black coat that went down to his knees, he looked almost dangerous. But the girl by his side showed that he was tender. Carol had a pretty good idea that a young woman like her wouldn't be caught dead with a man like him. And from the look in his eyes as he stared at the golden form, it simply proved that his wolf-like eminence hid his gentle inner persona.

"How may I help you, youngens?" she greeted them with a smile.

The girl smiled. "We'd like to have . . . " she looked at her companion.

"Three loaves of white and wheat bread, please. And can we have two French breads along with that?"

"Certainly," Carol answered. "What are you gonna do with all these carbohydrates? Feed a pack of vegetarian wolves?" she joked.

Buffy and Angelus' eyes widened and almost chocked at her words, but caught themselves and gave her a chuckle. "We have a large family," Angelus reasoned coolly.

"We stick together. It's a tradition," Buffy added.

Carol accepted it and bagged their order. "I'm Carol Matthews by the ways. My husband and I own this store as well as another one. He's in the butcher shop down the street. If you need anything at all, any bread or meat produce, just come by," she said with a smile, instantly taking a liking on the striking couple.

"Why thank you, Mrs. Matthews. We definitely will," Angelus said and paid.

"Just Carol," she told them, "And can you at least tell your names?" she added curiously.

"Oh! How rude of us!" Buffy exclaimed embarrassedly. "I'm Elizabeth Summers-Giles, but everyone calls me Buffy. This is . . . "

"Angelus O'Connor, her fiancé . . . almost fiancé, anyways," he said and winked at Buffy who blushed madly at his bluntness.

Carol laughed at the adorable scene and shook their hands. "Well, it's a pleasure meeting the two of you. It's good to know that you two aren't as bad as what people have been saying all morning," Carol said, and instantly regretting the words once it finally came out of her mouth. "I'm sorry . . . "

"It's alright," Angelus smiled reassuringly. "People talk. We understand."

Carol shook her head with a bitter smile. "I'm usually not one who gossip. It's against who I am," she reasoned.

Buffy and Angelus nodded.

"Again, thank you for your kindness," Buffy said sincerely.

"It was my pleasure," Carol smiled and watched the pair leave the shop.

"She was nice," Buffy nodded.

"That she was. I just had no idea the rumors were worse than I thought," Angelus said worriedly.

"We'll fix it," Buffy assured him.

They walked on in comfortable silence as the other pedestrians studied them curiously, whispering their thoughts and opinions to each other as they eyed them wearily.

"So," Angelus said, breaking through the silence and trying hard to ignore the stares, "Tell me something about yourself."

"What do you wanna know?" Buffy asked, amused by the sudden turn of subject.

"Something I don't," he retorted.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Obviously. You wanna be more specific than that?"

"Your childhood. Life with the pack."

Buffy smiled. "How 'bout you tell me something about yourself instead. You seem to know a lot about me already," she said, knowing he's been receiving many facts about her from the other clan members. "But you . . . I don't know much about and your own life story."

Angelus shrugged. "There's nothing much to it. My parents were from Ireland and I was conceived and born there. They belonged to a pack called the Mackenzie Clan."

"I've heard of them," Buffy said, surprised and stunned. The Mackenzie Pack was just as old as the Slayer Clan, if not older since they originated in such an ancient country as Ireland.

"I never knew you were from their blood line," Buffy said, knowing that if the others knew, they would praise Angelus more because of the strong blood that ran through his veins as well. He wasn't a mutt that was created in the streets from a pair of horny werewolves in some unknown night of passion and craze.

"Yeah, then you probably heard they were also killed by a mob," Angelus said a little bitterly as his jaws clenched and unclenched from the fact that he couldn't even remember anything. Not only was he still a baby when they were attacked, he was hidden in a barn some twenty miles away from the scene.

"You were the only one left," Buffy breathed.

"A lone wolf by the name of Lorne quickly heard of the attack and went to look for survivors. He found me and raised me," he explained, "We moved to New York soon afterwards. We weren't the best of friends, but he took care of me as best as he could in the city. When I turned eighteen, I left to fend for myself. That's when I met Gunn. He was working as a bar tender at a club in Manhattan. We became friends, met up with Penn, and shared an apartment together. We survived by managing our own club called Werewolves a block away from Time Square. He's taking care of the place, but I still handle some of the business areas since we've expanded. So there's a few more clubs all over Europe and Japan."

"Impressive," was all Buffy could get out after hearing about his family. To continue on living without his clan must have been hard on him. If she were in his shoes . . . well . . . she didn't know what she would've done growing up without a pack to take care of her.

Angelus smiled, wanting to change the subject before he got emotionally unstable and begin bawling in the middle of the street.

God, he was turning into a wimp. He needed to talk to Gunn soon. He always got emotionally solid whenever he talked to his best friend, maybe it was because they were able to relate to each other more than they were ready to admit.

"How about women?" Buffy found herself asking, yet not wanting to know.

"What about them?" Angelus asked, grinning playfully.

"Well," Buffy began and took a deep breath, "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you were not a one woman type back in New York. I bet you had many lovers to satisfy your sexual appetite."

"A well done conclusion," he said proudly, although deep inside he felt ill at the fact she knew he was a womanizer and hoped to the Moon Goddess that it wasn't the reason why she wouldn't take him.

"It's not a tough conclusion to make," Buffy said, trying to will away the visuals of Angelus with other women from her mind.

"I had many lovers," Angelus finally replied, knowing that if he continued to steer away from the subject that it will cause only more uneasiness. The only bad thing about it was he didn't want to push Buffy even further away from him, especially when he was finally making some progress. But the more he thought about it, the more disgusted he got. He usually wasn't the type who got worked up about his past affairs . . . but when Buffy was the one who was asking, a girl he truly felt things for, then that was a different matter.

"But it was just sex, you know? Nothing more than that . . . Never really found the right gal back in New York," he said, trying to reassure her that it was just that. 'I didn't find her in New York . . . 'Cause I found her here,' he added silently, his eyes darkening a bit from the thought.

Buffy bit the insides of her cheeks from screaming out at the unfairness of it all. She was destined for a man who wasn't so easily satisfied when it came to women. He went through them like socks and underwears. It made her wonder that when they do finally end up together, if he would sniff up the other females of the pack . . . like Cordy or Willow . . . even Faith.

Buffy shut off those thoughts as well as their subject of conversation as they entered the Butcher Shop.


Chapter Sixteen: The Cafe

"George, I can't. I'm sorry. My wife and I are driving to UCLA tomorrow for our daughter's graduation," Henry explained as he looked up and waved at the two new strangers who had just walked through the door.

"Well, who's going to do it now? I've called everyone I know, and they're either busy or unavailable for one thing or another," George Johnson said gruffly through the phone, "I'm telling you, they just don't want to put up with those damn kids."

'No kidding there,' Henry thought silently and watched as the pair lightly argued about getting either ham or steak. He smiled at the sight. 'Ah, young love.'

"Ask around," George continued to grumble on the phone, "Call me if you find someone able to put up with a class of juniors."

Henry smiled. "You got it," he said and hung up the phone with a sigh. He looked at the couple and gave them a friendly hello. His wife had called him ten minutes earlier saying something about the two foreigners that were making their way down the street, and telling him to be nice for they were a wonderful twosome.

"What can I do for ya today?" he asked brightly.

"Five pounds of ham and ten pounds of steak," Angelus answered.

Henry quirked an eyebrow. "That's a whole lotta meat for two very fit people," he commented wittily as he set off to work.

Angelus chuckled. "That's exactly what your wife said, but in different wordings," he replied.

Henry smirked at the mention of his wife. For twenty-five years he had to put up with her and vise versa . . . yet here they were, still standing tall and proud . . . still in love and together. And these two would make a lovely pair, just as Carol said on the phone. And from the way the stood together and stole glances of each other, he knew how in love they were.

"Henry Matthews," he introduced himself, taking a liking on them both instantly. Carol was right, he was as much of a romantic as her.

"Angelus O'Connor, and my fiancé, Buffy Summers-Giles."

"It's a pleasure," Henry said, beaming at the thought that these two would soon marry. "Is it possible that one of the two of you or maybe your family members are free tomorrow? I have a job opening available, and it needs to be filled by seven tomorrow morning."

Buffy perked up from the thought. A job? She slightly rejoiced at the thought of actually doing something other than staying in at the mansion and doing nothing in particular. Being cooped up in the immense building wasn't exactly all hugs and puppies. Especially when Angelus was around.

"What kind of job?" she asked.

"A substitute for the high school. Biology to be exact," Henry answered, sizing up the girl and immediately concluding she was either too young or too frail to handle a bunch of sixteen and seventeen year olds. Plus, the girl was too pretty, the young men would be jumping like a bunch of hooligans before she even stepped completely in the room.

Buffy smiled. "It's your lucky day. I happen to have nothing great going on tomorrow," she said excitedly as the butcher wrapped the fresh steak in paper.

Henry frowned. "Aren't ya a bit young?"

"I graduated high school at sixteen and graduated from Icatha College just this year," she explained. "I have a degree in zoology. I was going to be a trainee at the Pennsylvania Zoo, but things came up. But it works perfectly."

"I'll take it up with the advisor, but I won't guarantee a thing," he said, but smiled at her barely concealed excitement. He packed the rest of the meat and handed them to Angelus before the young man paid.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you kids. Don't get into trouble now."

Buffy smiled. "Who? Us?" she said before the pair walked out the door with a new added bounce to her step.

"You're not the teacher type," Angelus stated firmly as they walked to the car he had parked at the end of the street.

"Then what type am I?" Buffy asked expectantly.

"My type."

She rolled her eyes and helped him place their groceries in the trunk of the car. "What else are we getting?" she asked, silently rejoicing when he took her hand in his as they walked off to another street.


"Candy? What for?"

Angelus smirked. "I have a sweet tooth that can only be satisfied by numerous amount of sugar. If it doesn't, I get irritated and can't go to sleep."

Buffy quirked a brow. "You've been lacking candy for a while now, huh?"

"Why do you ask?" he asked, amused.

"Cause you've been irritated for sometime now."

Angelus shook his head and sighed dramatically. "No, that's not it . . . It's just 'cause my mate keeps me half awake at night. Leaves me all tired and irritated in the morning," he whispered huskily in her ear, causing her to blush at the amused looks they were getting from the townspeople.

"You're a pain," she said, glaring at him lightly.

He just chuckled.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"So, what's your story with Spike," Angelus brought up bluntly.

"Why do you wanna know?" Buffy smirked.

"Call me curious," Angelus shrugged, sounding a little too casual about the topic.

"How 'bout jealous?" she asked wickedly and took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Yeah, that too," Angelus said, deciding not to hide his immense jealousy when it came to the bleached blond ass.

His face suddenly hardened and his eyes darkened.

They sat in comfort at a café right after practically raiding the Chocolate Shop of all its sweets. Buffy had laughed as she watched Angelus slowly turn into an excited young boy as he prowled the isles for chocolates after chocolates of various kinds. It was an adorable memory, especially when he smiled, not those quirky grins he often gave, but a real genuine smile that she'd never seen before.

Buffy sighed and took a deep breath as she let the heat of the cup warm her hands. "He was my best friend," she stated simply as she looked around to study the café so she wouldn't have to look into his eyes. It was small and intimate espresso shop with two tables out front with a pair of dark blue umbrellas towering over it.

"That's all you're gonna tell me," he stated rather than asked as he studied her. Not only was he getting angry that Spike had suddenly become a sore subject for her to talk about, but it hurt to know that the Billy Idol wannabe had meant a lot to her . . . and still might do.

Buffy gazed at his eyes and found a mixture of emotions running through them like an orchestra playing continues melodies of tranquility and turbulence. "I really don't know what you want to know," she said softly, taking another sip of her drink.

"Did you love him?" Angelus asked, unconsciously clenching and unclenching his jaws at the thought of her feelings towards the man he loved to loath.

"I did," she nodded, not noticing the hostile look on Angelus' face. "At some level . . . I loved him deeply. He knew me and I knew him, he accepted me, and I did the same to him. For a long time, he was mine . . . and I was his."

"Do you still love him?" he asked, not intending to choke on the words just as he did.

Buffy stared at him. "Do you love me?" she asked instead, surprising him more than herself.

He was silent as he searched her eyes, looking for any sort of hint on what kind of answer she wanted. He loved her. He never knew it was possible, but at some point in time, he fell hard for her. But he didn't want to scare her away. They had only known each other for a couple of months . . . but what if she loved him back?

But it was too late to answer. Just as he opened his mouth to say 'Yes,' she had stood up from her seat and began her walk home, silent tears streaming down her cheek.

She had misunderstood his silence for a silent 'No,' and her heart constricted in utter pain at the fact that he didn't love her at all. She was a fool to believe anything else. He was Angelus. A werewolf who had met many different women, and who had bedded just as much . . . why would he fall in love with a small town girl who was too innocent for her own good?

And she walked on . . . her heart breaking with each step.


Chapter Seventeen: The Teacher

Buffy stared down at the piece of paper she clutched tightly in her hand as she pushed herself through the throng of students who crowded the halls of Sunnydale High. Loud chatter and laughter echoed mightily through the passages as she continued onwards with much struggle, much like a fish swimming against the tide.

The bell suddenly rang and seconds later, she was alone in the middle of the hallway with the last echoes of young voices leaving her lost within the school.

"Amm . . . “ she looked around and could’ve sworn there were crickets chirping around the corner. With a heavy sigh she muttered, “Welcome back to high school,” and looked up at the numbers of each of the classes to find the one she was to teach.

Back in Pennsylvania, she had gone to the public elementary, middle school, and high school for a while, but she was mostly taught at the mansion with the others and by Wesley. And through all those few months she went there, she should know how to find a class in such a fairly sized high school. It shouldn’t take an Einstein to figure it out!

She was growing frustrated. Not only because of her lack of knowledge in where her class was located, but because of the time she had spent crying over Angelus in bed all night. She wanted to hit herself . . . ‘Get over it, Buff . . . It’s not you had a good chance anyways.’

“Having problems, Miss Summers-Giles?” an eerie voice behind her asked, causing her to shiver from trepidation.

She turned around and was met with the principle’s cold gaze. “I can’t find my classroom,” she said truthfully, knowing that if she let her pride get in her way she would be lost within the school halls for centuries after.

“It’s the one to your left,” Snyder replied coldly.

Buffy looked up and found room 214, right in between a group of lockers with stickers and the school logo covering the ripe cherry color it originally was. “Right,” she said with a tiny laugh, “I knew that.”

“I’m keeping my eyes on you, Elizabeth,” he said, purposely using her real name, and pointed at his eyes, “I see all, thus I know all,” he added harshly and disappeared as quickly as he materialized.

Buffy glared at his back and childishly stuck her tongue out at him. Feeling a bit foolish at her display, she shook her head with a sigh. “It’s too early in the morning for this,” she muttered under her breath before taking a deep breath and gazing at the door that would lead her inside the class.

"Here goes nothing,“ she breathed and stepped into the room.

The class immediately ceased all conversations the moment she stepped inside. A single paper airplane flew towards a young man in the front row, hitting him in the head, but he continued to stay still as all eyes landed upon their substitute.

“Holy shit,” one student muttered as jaws dropped and eyebrows rose.

Buffy smiled nervously as the students assessed her. She didn’t know what she would expect from a group of young men and women three years younger than her. They would either see her as a responsible adult or a teenager like them. Yet with her attire of a simple white blouse, a black skirt that reached her knees, a pair of black high heels, a silver watch, and thin wired glasses, she hoped she looked more like a grown up.

But in the eyes of the student who sat opened mouthed like fishes out of water, she looked more like a movie star than a teacher.

“Hello, class,” she greeted cheerily and turned to face the chalkboard. “My name is Elizabeth Summers-Giles,” she said, writing it down in her big loopy handwriting, “You can call me Buffy.”

“You’re our substitute?” a girl asked with most comical expression on her young face.

Buffy nodded.

“For real,” a young man murmured in awe.

Buffy smirked. “Mr. Callahan will be returning tomorrow . . . ”


Buffy’s eyes narrowed in amusement. “Until then, open your books to page 253 and we’ll begin our lesson for today. I‘ll take roll at the end of class just in case people are coming in late.”

A collective amount of groans and complaints scattered within the room followed by a few giggles and whispers.

A young boy raised his hand.

“Yes?” Buffy asked, an eyebrow quirked up in question.

“How old are you?”

Buffy laughed.

The boy blushed. “I mean, you look pretty young to be teaching and all. Too young in fact,” he explained.

“I’m twenty, not married, living in the mansion on Crawford Street. I‘m a natural blond, blue eyes, 5‘3 . . . anymore questions?” she asked sarcastically.

The class was silent and the boy looked flushed as he sank lower in his chair. She smiled, knowing that if she handled them with shyness, they would believe they could walk all over her. Her father once taught her that to handle a pack, you must have a firm hand . . . yet a gentle touch.

And with that, she turned to write some notes on the black board beneath her name. “Alright, what’s this unit about?“

“Carnivores,“ people mumbled.

She smiled. “This time with less enthusiasm,“ she laughed, “Alright. Carnivores . . . someone want to tell me a little known fact about carnivorous animals?”

No one raised their hands and Buffy smiled knowingly. “If I don’t get volunteers, homework will be assigned for tonight.”

A few finally raised their hands. “Yes . . . “ she looked down at her clipboard at the seating arrangements, “Emily?”

“They prefer eating meat.”

“Yes,” she said with a nod, “Anyone want to give me an example of carnivorous animals?”

“Wolves,” someone replied.

Buffy’s eyes twinkled as she leaned against the teacher’s desk, white chalk leaving a powdered trail on her tanned hands. “Alright,” she said, beaming slightly at the turn of topic. Now wolves she knew . . . knew like the back of her hand. “So . . . can someone tell me any general facts about wolves? . . . Yes?”

“The relationship between the pack members,“ the young man answered. “Even through the constant rage and fights, they always stick together,“ he explained, “Fighting the fight . . . surviving the world.”

Buffy smiled. “Very well put . . . Mr. . . . Billy Ford.”

The boy grinned.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Angelus crossed his arms against the doorway and listened to the lecture she was having presenting about wolves. He had to smile at that, the way her voice beamed with pride and excitement.

Her voice sounded sweet and intoxicating in his ears, making him lean against the locker with his eyes closed and a groan escaping his lips. He knew that he shouldn’t be here, it was school hours and only those who were known as ‘Visitors’ by the principal were allowed within the school. But he just couldn’t help it, he had to see her, and explain a few things . . .

Angelus watched the eager students and chuckled softly at the young males who gawked at her like a peace of meat.

“Within the pack, there’s an alpha male and an alpha female. Those two would be seen as the leaders, but between the male and the female, the male would still be the most dominant,” she explained,

“Yeah!” a few of the young men cheered, giving each other high fives. The ladies rolled their eyes, including Buffy herself.

He watched with curiosity as she suddenly stopped mid-sentence to stare at the door, Angelus stepped out of site, but she couldn’t be fooled. They were after all bonded by the Moon Goddess, neither of them could shut it off or turn away from it. Their connection would be there until one of them died.

The door to her class opened and Angelus waited for the following . . .

“What the hell are you doing here?” she hissed.

Angelus smirked. “What? I can’t say hi to my girl.”

“First of all, I’m working. And second, I’m not your girl,” she glared at him.

Angelus sighed. “Listen . . . about yesterday.”

She held up her hand. “I don’t care. It doesn’t matter,” she said, pain clearly visible in her tone as she went back inside her classroom.

But Angelus would not be defeated that easily, and he stepped in. “Buffy . . . “

“Heeeelloooo,” a girl in the front row drawled as she eyed him with appreciation, biting on her pen with a seductive look on her young face.

Angelus quirked an eyebrow and ignored her. “Can you at least just let me explain.”

Buffy smiled weakly at her students and turned to glare one more time at Angelus who sat on the teacher’s desk looking quite smug.

“I think you should leave, Mr. O’Connor,” she said tightly, “As you can tell, I’m a little busy here.”

He looked at the class. “You guys don’t mind me being here, right?” he asked, crossing his arms against his chest.

No one spoke, but most of the girls nodded their heads in enthusiasm.

Buffy sighed and rubbed her temples impatiently. “Can we please do this another time?” she asked weakly.

Angelus smile slowly turned into a frown as he noticed for the first time how tired she looked, and nodded. “Are you alright?” he asked softly.

“I‘m fine,” she said with a sigh. “Can you just go? Please?”

“Okay, I’ll see you at home,” he said, jumped off the table and leaned in to give her a kiss. But Buffy quickly pulled away and walked towards the chalkboard, her back towards him.

He sighed, hurt at being rejected, and walked out of the room, leaving a stunned class of juniors behind.


Chapter Eighteen: The Talk

A soft knock on the double doors stirred Buffy out of her deep thoughts. She sighed and did not answer, wanting to be left alone with her contemplations and over all pathetic brooding. But before she could go back to her moping and self-pitying, the door to the locked room at the end of the North Wing opened.

Willow entered the large room. It was as enormous as a bedroom combined with a study room. An old and battered mini sized merry-go-round sat quietly in the middle of the large and dusty room. The sporadic twinkling of an old tune emitting from it was the only sign that it was once grand and beautiful from a time long gone.

A single window at the far end gave off the only light, a few rays of the sun as big as a throw pillow caressing the floor. It gently created a certain glow and picturesque scene of the tear stained young woman sitting sadly on the tarnished carousel horse.

Buffy didn’t even look up from her seat on a rusty white horse with the dirty and chipped pink and lavender saddle.

She had asked Angelus a few weeks before to maybe move the entire thing into the large garden in the backyard for the twins and the upcoming new generation of the Slayer Clan.

Her idea was then turned into a flirting frenzy about copulating.

Men, of all species, were so typical.

“Hey,” the red head said gently.



“Angelus is looking for you,” Willow finally said.

“Oh,” was Buffy’s only reply as she continued to stare off into space.

Willow sighed at her friend‘s lack of response and carefully sat down on another white horse with a blue and pink saddle with dark blue reins that had a few dirty smudges on it. “What happened, Buffy?” she asked, staring at the face of her long time friend and confidante.

“How did you find me?” Buffy asked, changing the topic of their conversation.

Willow sighed and then smiled impishly, trying to lighten the tension in the air that came off in waves from Buffy. “I know you. When you don’t want to be found, you go to the one place where anyone would least expect to find you.”

“Except for you,” the golden one retorted.

“I’m your best friend,” Willow said quirkily.


“What’s wrong?” Willow asked, sensing the amount of negative feelings Buffy was releasing in tidal waves. It was like a tsunami of torrent emotions that was a mix of pain. . . defeat, and sorrow.

“It doesn’t matter,” Buffy answered, her head resting once again on the rusty pole that has once been as shiny and as golden as a wedding band.

“Of course it does,” Willow urged, “You’re my best friend . . . and I know something’s wrong and I want to be able to help you . . . ‘cause that’s what I do.”

Buffy said nothing and Willow became even more concerned and frantic. Buffy was usually so alive and vibrant, even after Giles‘ death, Buffy was able to pick herself up. Maybe not as quickly, but it was her father after all. But this . . . this was just strange and completely new. She had never seen Buffy so down and so depressed.

“Please, Buffy?” the redhead asked hopefully, “Let me help you.”

Buffy let out a breath, sending the dust that had gathered on the horse in the air, and causing it to encircle her like a cloud of snow. “I know you mean well, but I just . . . I don’t want to talk about it right now . . . “

Willow looked at the blonde and studied her carefully. Buffy wasn’t much of a talker when it came to the men in her life. When Jessie and Giles died, Buffy didn’t talk about it much. But she had managed to survive it in the end anyway because she was strong like that, powerful and not easily beaten and crushed.

Buffy silently replayed the scene earlier that day . . . the heartache she went through, and still going through.

She closed her eyes . . .

He didn’t love her.

God. All this time, mooning over him and fantasizing what it would be like in the future was just a waste. There weren’t going to be any “I love you” ’s or warm nights and embraces. It would all just be carnal and purely sexual. Why wouldn’t it be? There was no love there after all. She would just be his mate . . . his wife . . . nothing else.

It was all a game to him . . . He was the player . . . and she was his game piece. But what he would win in the end was still a mystery to her. He already had the trust and the love of all the members of the clan . . . well . . . maybe not Xander’s or Spike’s, but close enough. Plus, he was already pack leader . . . and he already had Buffy as his future mate . . . what else did he want?

“You’re falling in love with him,” Willow whispered knowingly.

Buffy was silent, but didn’t look up at Willow, and the red head already knew without getting an answer from Buffy, that it was true.

But the blonde shook her head. “No, Will . . . I’m not falling in love with him,” Buffy answered firmly, “ Because . . . because I already fell,” the girl finally answered breathlessly.

Willow could only nod . . . and Buffy began to sob, and the red head got up and pulled Buffy in her arms for comfort. “Shhh,” she cooed as she stroked the other young woman’s golden locks.

“I can’t fall in love with him, Will, I just can’t,” Buffy said, shaking her head in denial as she continued to cry in her friend‘s shoulder.

“Why not?”

“Because . . . he’ll just hurt me. I know it. I look into his eyes and I know . . . I just know,” Buffy continued to sob, endless tears running from her eyes down to Willow’s soft cotton shirt, “He’s dangerous and . . . “

Willow closed her eyes. “You’re lying to me,” she said quietly, knowing how blabby Buffy got whenever she lied. “Why, Buffy?” Willow asked again, “Why not?”

Buffy sobbed. “Because . . . “ Buffy wept, “Because . . . because I’m afraid,” she finally replied.

“Afraid of what?”

“That he’ll leave . . . that he’ll find someone better, someone who’s beautiful . . . someone who knows who she is . . . who knows what she’s doing when it comes to him,” Buffy stuttered. “Someone that’s not me . . . someone he can actually love,” she cried helplessly.

Willow smiled. “Are you sure that’s what he wants?”

“Yes,“ Buffy answered, but then shook her head, “No . . . I . . . I don’t know.”

“Buffy, look at me,” Willow said, pulling away to look at her blue eyes. “Angelus loves you, he just doesn’t know it yet. It’s either that or he’s just not saying anything.”

Buffy shook her head once more, denying her words as she placed a clasped fist against her heart, wanting for the ache to stop as she rocked back and forth to try and comfort herself. She was hysterical, and the pain had built up in her chest and she couldn’t breathe. She couldn‘t believe she could dissolve into a helpless and whimpering animal when it came to a man like Angelus. He just didn’t deserve it. Yet here she was, hyperventilating because he didn’t love her.

“No, don’t,” Willow continued, wiping away a fallen tear as she tried to stop her friend from rocking. “I see it in his eyes,” she assured the blonde and then smiled. “ . . . We all do . . . “ Willow nodded, “And we see it in yours as well.”

Buffy nodded. “I do . . . I love him.”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Can’t wait ‘til we leave for Vegas,” the tall black man told his friend as they moved freely through the sterilized compound.

“What’s wrong with this place?” the other asked.

“Too small,” he replied, “Too boring.”

The large man laughed. “Not for long . . . after all . . . we just got here,” he said with an impish grin on his face.

“Welcome to Sunnydale, gentlemen,” the woman with the white doctor’s coat greeted the group of young hunters who had made their way towards the small town in California just a few days earlier. “Our mission for this month . . . gather werewolves for the continuation of our studies of these wild creatures. . . “

“Yup,” Riley Finn whispered to Forest, “The fun’s about to start . . . ‘cause the hunt has just begun."


Chapter Nineteen: The Apology

The sound of heels clicking against marble echoed through the empty halls of the East Wing of the mansion on Crawford Street.

Everyone was asleep and in their own bed chambers. Except for Joyce and Spike who were probably in the kitchen indulging themselves in a cup of hot cocoa and talking about Buffy in particular. And possibly Faith as well who almost certainly snuck out to meet up with Meat Boys, as Spike liked to call them.

Buffy sighed and rubbed her aching shoulder. She had stayed practically the rest of the afternoon and the evening locked up in the room of the North Hall, just talking to Willow. Not only about Angelus, but of life in general and everything else that makes it so painful to live.

Willow had gone down and told everyone that Buffy was fine. She then returned with food, drinks, and the expression of total fear.

“What happened?” Buffy had asked, worried and concerned that something might have occurred while she was away.

“Everything‘s fine,” Willow assured, “Angelus was just kind of . . . pissed. But I yelled back at him for being such a jerk,” she said cheerfully.

And after Willow assured Buffy that she was fine and was kind of proud of herself, they stayed within the room, junking out on pizza, ice-cream, soda, and stories of the past.

A soft whimper suddenly reached her ears, causing her to stop dead on her tracks to listen more closely. Another whimper escaped, and Buffy noticed it was coming through the closed door to her room.

She frowned, walking towards it with silent steps, and held up her head against the polished wood before she heard it again.

She slowly pulled her head away as she clasped the gold doorknob, turning it carefully to the right before prying the door open with deliberate caution, not wanting to frighten the obviously small and terrified animal that was within.

She peered inside her dark room, and from Buffy’s heightened senses, she could tell that there was something else occupying the area.

She flipped the light switch, squinting at the bright light that radiated from the lamp on her bedside table. She gazed around until her eyes fell on a small dog sitting patiently on her bed, a red ribbon tied around its neck.

“Oh, my, God!” Buffy squealed as the small puppy bounced up onto its feet and began wagging its tail excitedly.

“Aren’t you the cutest thing?” Buffy cooed and took the puppy in her arms. “Where did you come from?”

“Carol and Henry.”

Buffy turned to find Angelus leaning against the doorway, a small smile on his lips as he watched her distractedly with his chocolate brown eyes. It was one of those sincere expression she rarely saw, yet thrived on witnessing as much as possible, especially when the reason was something about her.

“They had a litter of them born five months ago. Jack Russell,” he informed her.

She stared down at the dog as she petted him softly around his neck. He was still small, still a pup with a soft and limber body and big dark eyes. His coat was pure white with a dark brownish red spot that was shaped like puddle on his back. There was also color on both his ears that stretched down around his eyes.

“I want to apologize for the other day, Buffy,” Angelus said softly, trying to hide the desperation in his voice with a composed stature. He didn’t want to sound like a pathetic werewolf. He was the dominant male of the Slayer Clan, he shouldn’t show weakness . . . especially when it came to the girl of his dreams.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Buffy chuckled bitterly. “It was a stupid thing to ask when I already knew the answer.”

Angelus stepped towards her and shook his head defiantly as he touched her arm. “You got it all wrong, luv,” he said through clenched teeth.

Buffy shrugged out of his touch and placed the dog on her bed. “It doesn’t matter, and don‘t call me luv,” she said, looking up at him with clear azure orbs, “I’m not your ‘luv’ . . . I’m not your anything.”

Angelus grabbed her arms and forced her to look at him. “Don‘t say that!” he said and stared at her brilliant blue eyes.

He couldn’t even begin to fathom why she didn’t believe that he loved her. And all because of that one day that started out so glorious and had sadly became so dark when she asked if he loved her. And his stupid silent reply caused them both a heartache, and all because he didn’t have the guts to accept her complete rejection of his willing love for her is she didn’t love him back.

“Do you love me?” he asked suddenly, and she pulled away and stared at him angrily.

“Don’t get cocky and don’t rub it in my face,” she said, tears threatening to spill from her striking eyes.

“Tell me.”

“Yes!” she cried, the tears that she had fought to keep at bay finally escaping, “Are you happy?!” she yelled, trembling at the ferocity of the pain that surged through her chest at the final revelation.

“Are you now happy to know that I fell in love with you during the first time I laid my eyes on you?! Are you happy that I fell in love with a man who I was destined with . . . but who won’t be able to love me back! Is that what you wanted to hear?!” Buffy grabbed the closest thing in reach and threw it at him.

Angelus dodged the hairbrush and stared at her in awe.

She loved him . . . she loved him.

It was the only thing that kept running through his mind.

“Get out!” Buffy screamed.

“I can’t,” he answered softly.

Buffy gave him a look of desperation as tears continued to flow from her eyes. “What else do you want from me, Angelus?” she asked in an overwhelming hopelessness. “You have my heart and my soul! Why don’t you let me keep what’s left of my pride and my sanity?”

“Buffy . . . please . . . “

“Just get out,” she said, her voice shaky and uneven.

“I love you . . . “

She shook her head and gave a hysterical laugh. “Fuck you, Angelus,” she said angrily, not believing any of it. Angelus might be a great leader, but just as he was intelligent and wonderful, he was malicious as well.

“Don’t screw with me . . . don‘t turn my love for you into something mocking. Just . . . please . . . don’t,” she begged. “If you don’t love me,” she said softly, “It will be all I have left . . . “

But Angelus urged on, his soul rejoicing at her devotion and at the same time, ripping apart at her sadness. He grabbed her hips to pull her closer to her. He tilted her chin up for her to meet his eyes. “I’m in love with you. From the moment I saw you run before my eyes in a flood of white fur and innocence . . . I fell in love with you.”

“Don’t mess with me, please,” Buffy begged, wanting his words to be true.

Angelus let out a frustrated growl. “What do I have to do to prove to you that I’m in love with you?” he asked, “Get down on my knees? Exclude myself in the woods for days without eating?” He stared into her eyes. “I would die for you . . . “ he stated firmly and without a second thought, “I’d kill myself for you.”

More tears streamed down Buffy’s face. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with fervor, with all her passion and her love.

And he kissed her back with the same amount of ardor if not more.

And at that moment, the two souls’ bond, sturdy and fierce from the moment they met, became even more stronger.


Chapter Twenty: The Life

"What are you gonna name him?" Angelus asked, caressing her arm as they stared at the small town that laid before them in the darkness.

Buffy stared down at the dog who slept peacefully on her lap and smiled at the adorable picture he made. "Tiger," she answered simply, gently running a finger from the dog’s forehead to his neck.

Angelus quirked up an eyebrow and held her tighter against him. "Tiger?" he asked doubtfully. Sometimes, this girl surprised him too much. "Well . . . you can’t be anymore creative than that, now can you?" he said, sliding a warm hand inside her shirt so he could caress the smooth flesh of her flat stomach.

Buffy laughed and looked up at him, placing a hand over his roaming one before it went even deeper within her shirt. He pouted and she made it up to him by placing a sweet kiss on his stubbly chin before turning back to watch the twinkling lights of Sunnydale below them.

After the revelation up in her room, the two of them had silently walked out into the dark woods and towards the bare hills that overlooked the entire town they had made their home in.

It had already been three hours since they first sat there, holding hands . . . kissing, and talking about nothing . . . but everything.

A sense of understanding had built up between them. Trust and acceptance had just been added to their bond, strengthening it even more than ever.

"It’s a good name," Buffy insisted. "It defies his dog breeding. It‘s a good contrast, an even balance between feline and canine," she explained happily.

"Whatever you say, lover," Angelus said, kissing her crown with a smile.

Buffy sighed and snuggled even deeper in Angelus’ embrace. "This is the life," she shared out loud.

"Are you sure?" Angelus asked jokingly.

"Yup," Buffy said with a perky nod, "Sitting with the love your life in a cool night with a new puppy." She nodded a bit more eagerly this time, "Yup. This is definitely the life."

"Good," Angelus whispered in her ear before nibbling on her lobe and saying, "Same goes for me."

Buffy smiled up at him, biting her lip at his sweet and tender manners. She leaned back against him as the two of them stared up at the night sky, the twinkling stars the only light shining down upon them.

"I can steal all the stars in the sky . . . yet the brightness won’t compare to yours," he said softly, causing her to close her eyes and shiver from his voice and his proclamation.

He was a charmer, a man after her own heart. She couldn’t have asked for more . . . And obviously . . . neither could he. Angelus never knew he would be able to touch anything so pure and good. It was luck, to have her here at this moment, with her stating her love for him. And it was perfect. All perfect.

"I can’t believe this is happening," Buffy said softly. "This has got to be a dream."

"No," Angelus said, shaking his head, "This is reality . . . and reality is, I’m with you," he told her self-confidently, "And I’m always going to love you. Nothing will ever change that . . . Nothing."

And nothing would, he realized. Just being there, with her, was enough to make him comprehend that nothing could ever to compare to the feeling of completeness and utter bliss he felt with her by his side.

Buffy smiled and closed her eyes once again before asking, "What drove you here?"

"The promise of leading a pack," he answered truthfully, stroking her hand with the pad of his thumb in a comforting pattern, "And the rumor of a beautiful werewolf who was protected within."

She turned to look at him, searching his eyes for something she didn’t even know. "Was it worth it?"

He kissed her lips. "You’re here in my arms . . . of course it was worth it," he countered with a goofy smile.

Buffy smiled and snuggled deeper within his warm hold. "So . . . what’s gonna happen now?"

Angelus frowned. "Well . . . I was thinking of getting married . . . Then maybe have a butt-load of children after that. But then . . . maybe we should wait a little while . . . cause . . . well . . . you know, being on our own for some time would be nice and . . . "

"Well . . . that answered my question about that," Buffy laughed.

Angelus smiled sheepishly and nestled her against him even more. "I’ve never been in love before," he whispered in her ear, "I’m sorry if I’m not reacting in a way you want me to."

Buffy placed a hand on his cheek as she stared up at him with her soft blue eyes. "I’ve never been in love either." Buffy grinned, "So . . . let’s not worry about that now. Let’s talk about something else."

"Like what?"

"Amm . . . the future of the pack?"

Angelus shrugged, nervousness ceasing a hold on him as it made him tense, yet not enough for her to notice. "I don’t know. What do YOU want to happen?"

"Just . . . to live here for the rest of our existence," she sighed, "Just quiet and peaceful. Like the life we lead back in Pennsylvania."

"Isn’t that a bit boring?" Angelus asked carefully, not knowing if she’d be a little offended.

But Buffy only shook her head, knowing how Angelus’ life was before he became leader. She had to understand where he was coming from. After all, he never had a stable and permanent home before, nothing that had particularly kept him in place.

"No. It wasn’t boring," she chuckled, mocking his tone, "It was just the kind of life fit enough for werewolves," she explained. "I mean . . . I know it may sound boring and monotonous but . . . we were free."

"I can give you that same life here," he promised.

"I know," Buffy smiled. "I’ve always believed that life would always be the same. A year ago, if anyone asked me where I would be now, I would’ve answered ‘In Pennsylvania . . . and with my father,’ " she said a bit sadly as she stared at his large hands that held her own and kept it warm.

"Life is full of surprises," Angelus commented.

"Don’t I know it," Buffy grinned. She toyed with his fingers, admiring the long fingers that had worked so hard to get her and the rest of the pack where they were now. "And what happened . . . with my father, no matter how horrible it was . . . it taught me something."

"And what‘s that?"

Buffy chuckled sadly. "That life is more than just living . . . It’s love . . . and it’s pain. Without the obstacles we go through, we wouldn’t be able to survive to see another day." Buffy sighed. "Maybe life back in Pennsylvania wasn’t all hearts and roses," she said with a slight shrug, "I mean, we went through our own troubles, I won’t deny that. But in the end . . . it made us stronger than before," Buffy said thoughtfully.

Angelus was silent.

"How would you feel if werewolves took over once again . . . if werewolves became the strongest species once more?" he asked, wanting to know her opinion about it.

"I never really thought about it."

"But . . . if it was possible."

She shook her head. "I don’t think it would be the best thing to happen."

Angelus frowned. "Why not?" he asked, feeling a bit conscious of his own morals and values. If his clashed against Buffy’s . . . he didn’t know how that would effect the two of them.

"The Moon Goddess and the Shadow King killed off most of our kind for a purpose," Buffy began.

"What purpose?"

"When werewolves ran free on this planet, they took everything that was given to them for granted," Buffy began, "Our kind killed off brother and sister species for pleasure instead of survival." Buffy paused and looked at him. "And then we started killing humans . . . a species that’s part of us . . . And then we began killing each other." Buffy sighed, "The Moon and the Shadow gave us this gift . . . . and we turned it into something evil and carnal."

Angelus gulped.

"If this is the life that they wanted us to have, then we should be happy with it," she said wisely. "At least we were lucky enough to have gone on this long."

Angelus just rested his chin on her shoulder, his thoughts elsewhere.

The two of them had learned something tonight, as they held each other in the safety and confines of each other’s souls and embrace: love overcomes the darkness and pain . . . that in the end, love would be their savior . . . or maybe . . . their down fall.


Chapter Twenty-One: The Promise

"Aww . . . isn’t this the most touching scene you‘ve ever witnessed?"

Buffy and Angelus quickly gathered themselves and sat up, staring into the cold brown eyes of their intruder. They quickly got on their feet, Angelus pushing Buffy behind him as he gazed at the strange man with suspicious and dangerous eyes.

The man took out a small black radio, smirking as he held up his large gun at them in warning. "Walsh, we found the alpha male and the alpha female. Awaiting orders."

"I’ll be there in a moment, Forest. Keep them at bay. Do not hurt them," a voice replied back through the radio.

"Run, Buffy," Angelus snarled.

"What!" Buffy squeaked back, eyeing him as though he was the craziest man she had ever laid eyes on.

He shot her a look that was supposed to cause fear, but made her stare at him even more defiantly. "I’m not leaving you here," she snarled.

"Go," Angelus growled dangerously while keeping an eye on their unwanted guests.

"No!" Buffy said rebelliously, "I told you I’m not leaving you here."

"That’s right. No one’s going no where," Forest answered, glaring at the pair before placing a finger on the trigger of his gun.

Angelus covered Buffy with his body, jaws clenching and unclenching in worry and anger as the group of young college males followed Forest and held up their own guns at them as they surrounded the two of them.

"Go. Get the others," Angelues ordered.

But Buffy shook her head and shot the group a frightened expression. "I’m not leaving you here," she cried and then stared at Tiger, who gazed at them with a mixture of fright and concern.

Panic ceased Buffy as the feeling of more danger arriving surged through her body, giving off vibes of death. The werewolf blood inside her veins screamed as her heart pounded against her chest.

She stared at the dog and her eyes flashed a color of bright silver. Tiger barked and sprinted off into the night and disappeared in the dark woods.

A few of the men chuckled. "Go get ‘em, Lassie," they laughed.

Angelus frowned at her, not knowing what the hell just happened.

"Order!" Forest shouted, causing the men to stop.

"No one’s leaving," a woman’s voice called out, "Forest. Restrain the subjects." She held out a small radio. "Finn, prepare the team for male and female alpha. Arrange the lab and gather the doctors. I want everyone and everything ready by the time we get there. Understood?"

"Yes, Professor," a voice replied back.

"You are not restraining anyone," Angelus growled as he roared and threw his head skywards as he called on the powers of the Moon and Shadow for a change.

The sound of bones crunching, muscles melding, teeth and jaws rattling echoed in the human‘s ears. Angelus slowly morphed into wolf form, his black coat matching the sky, his eyes glowing as he crouched down in an attack position, snarling and showing off his sharp and deadly teeth.

The concern for the threat finding out his identity didn’t cross him mind. This was about survival and protection now. Angelus‘ instincts had not only taken over . . . but his true feelings had to do with it as well. And all he wanted to do was to defend and guard Buffy. That was all that mattered at the moment. His life be damned, he’d die before any harm came her way.

"How extraordinary," the woman commented breathlessly, furiously writing notes on her clipboard.

An echo of roars reverberated in the distance. The woman turned in time to see the rest of the pack, all in their wolf forms and growling gravely at them. Buffy sighed in relief and changed as well, joining her fellow clan members.

"Professor Walsh . . . awaiting orders," Forest stated a bit shakily as the pack began to advance towards them.

"Attack," she said simply, as if it was the answer to everything.

But before her men could react to her command, the group of werewolves had pounced on them. Snarling, biting, and nipping carelessly at their opponents with much strength and power. The Shadow King sang and the Mother Moon danced in their bodies as they fought on. The instinct of survival and will power resilient and tough in their blood.

Wolves were thrown off, but the easily got back on their feet and attacked once again. It was an endless tango between the two species, similar and yet so much more different in many ways.

"Retreat! Retreat!" Walsh cried as Xander tore at her white lab coat with glossy white teeth that he showed off quite proudly.

Angelus let out a loud roar . . . and the pack instantly moved back, still sending off warning growls at the group of beaten and bleeding assembly of humans.

Angelus slowly changed half way into human form before snarling out, "Run . . . "

And that was all it took for the Initiative . . .

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Angelus hissed in pain as he felt the stinging sensation of the alcohol scorching his back. "I’m sorry," Buffy whispered and lightly blew on the deep wound on his shoulder blade before hesitantly touching the deep red welt.

Angelus captured her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles with tenderness and clearly enjoying the soft feel of her creamy and smooth skin. "It’s fine," he insisted gently.

Buffy shook her head. "It’s not."

Tiger barked his agreement on the floor of Angelus’ study room.

"I knew I shouldn’t have bought you," Angelus scolded the dog who just replied by wagging his tail. "What did you do?" Angel suddenly remembered, "When he went and got the others."

Buffy shrugged. "I’m not sure," she answered truthfully. "Probably some unknown power from the family."

"Possibly," he smiled, letting his gaze wander back up at Buffy. He sighed when he noticed the utter worry written in her azure eyes. "You could’ve died tonight . . . " he said softly.

"Same with you," Buffy cupped his face and kissed him softly on his also wounded cheek.

"I could’ve lost you . . . " he added, ignoring the sting of hot tears that would soon fall from his eyes if he wasn’t careful. " . . . when I just had you."

"You’ve always had me," Buffy said, staring deep into his brown orbs.

Angelus closed his eyes and leaned against the touch of her hand against his face.

"I’m not going to lose you, Buffy," he said firmly, opening his eyes to capture her blue ones. "I promise . . . " he pledged gallantly, "I’ll protect you . . . even if it means my death."

Buffy looked away and continued to tend his wound as he sat casually on his desk in nothing but a pair of black sweat pants. "Don’t talk as if you’re gonna die, Angelus. You’re not . . . you won’t," she said fiercely, her lips trembling at the terrifying thought.

"You don’t know that," he sighed, and then hissed as she purposely poured more alcohol on his injury. She threw her supplies on his desk and rubbed her eyes, wiping away the tears that would soon and definitely flow.

"We don’t even know who they are yet. They may not be as dangerous as they seem . . . "

Angelus stood up and soothingly grabbed her hands. "They’re called The Initiative . . . and they’re as dangerous as a group of serial killers."

"How do you know them?"

Angelus looked away and stared outside the window of his study room. "It doesn’t matter."

Buffy placed a hand on his arm, a comforting gesture that made him close his eyes. "Tell me."

"Gunn . . . " he said simply, taking her hand in his own as he stared at the contrast of smallness of hers and the largeness of his. " . . . He had a sister . . . let’s just say they took her. Gunn wasn’t able to function properly for some time after that. He blamed it on himself."

"Doesn’t mean you have to blame yourself either," Buffy said.

"It’s not that . . . " Angelus sighed, gripping her hand tighter in his own as he remembered the sweet and young face of the young woman. "I loved Alana like she was my own sister . . . but-but the things they did to her. All the tests and torture she went through . . . " He turned to look at Buffy, "I don’t want that to happen to you."

Buffy leaned against him and rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as Angelus softly caressed her golden spun hair.

"I trust you . . . my angel," she said breathlessly.

Angelus smiled and caressed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Angel, huh?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood, "Seems kind of girly . . . don’t you think?"

Buffy chuckled against him and stared up at his soft brown eyes, her chin pressed firmly against his chest. "Nothing wrong with it . . . a lot of men in Mexico are named Angel."

"It’s pronounced differently," Angelus argued.

"Whatever," she shrugged. "I like that nickname, so you’re gonna keep it."

Angel smiled. "Alright, you win . . . whatever you want, my love," he said, kissing her crown, "Whatever you want."


Chapter Twenty-Two: The Changes

"So . . . what the hell are we gonna do about the commandos?" Gunn asked, staring out of Angel’s study room window the following day.

Angel scribbled furiously down a few notes on a legal pad with much concentration. "We take them out," Angel said seriously, "No going back this time . . . "

"No mercy," Gunn stated with a frown.

Angel looked up from his plans of action to look at Gunn, whose jaws were clenched so tightly that he was afraid his friend would break his own jaws from the sheer power of his absolute anger.

"No mercy," Angel finally repeated.

"Good," Gunn said with a curt nod.

Silence permeated the room, and Angel went back to work as he searched through the internet about any other information about the Initiative.

"What are the plans?" Gunn finally asked.

"First, we search during the day. The girls are going to town in an hour to find out any people who’s moved in during these past few months. Buffy’s leading the team," Angel said, proud of his girl.

Gunn nodded again.

"Tonight, we search for it," Angel continued, "If the girls don’t get any info, Wesley and Willow’s doing some mojo to search for it instead. All supplies for the spell are being shipped as we speak just incase. It will arrive at exactly three today so they can begin early," Angel added.

"I don’t want Cordelia getting hurt. I want these bastards killed, understand, Angelus?" Gunn said dangerously.

Angel glared at him. "Don’t order me around, Gunn," he growled back. "You’re pushing our friendship to the limits."

Gunn turned away, his fists clasped tightly into a ball. "I’m sorry."

Angel sat back on his chair and frowned at his friend. "You’re not the only one who’s in love and protective here," Angel began, "I have Buffy to guard . . . and an entire pack to fight for. Don’t start acting all high-n-mighty with me. I’m still pack leader, and no matter how much I hate to remind you, I’ve let you stay within the pack without any questions or macho bullshit. Don’t make me banish or challenge you out for disrespecting me."

"I know," he said and then stared at the hardwood floor. "She’s the one, Angelus . . . I’m in love with her as much as you’re in love with Buffy."

"Then you know as well as I do that I’ll do anything for her as you would do anything for Cordelia," Angel said wisely, "Just realize this . . . save your anger for the monsters who deserve it the most."

Gunn was silent but nodded anyway. "After we take care of the Initiative dilemma, what happens then?" Gunn asked, changing the subject to a much lighter tone. "Do we move out of here?"

"We stay," Angel answered gravely before returning to his work. "We’ve already began our lives here. We’ve made our mark in this town. Once we defeat the army, we stay and make this our true and permanent home."

"Still going for that crazy plan of yours?" Gunn suddenly asked.

"It’s not a crazy plan," Angelus snapped.

Gunn snorted and casually sauntered towards a chair and flopped down on it, knowing that he could specifically tease his friend about this certain topic without hesitation. "Oh yes," he said sarcastically, glad he could turn on the humor to make things a bit lighter through the tension Angelus was setting off in large and negative waves. "To take over the world? Am I right?"

"Fuck you," Angel grumbled.

"No, no, no," Gunn teased, "This is my territory. I know you, Angelus, I know that since coming here, the two of us have both gotten pussy whipped like no other. Penn was right," he said, finally agreeing with the jackass for once. "Don’t you fuckin’ tell me that life like this is better than the life you’ve been wanting for some time now."

"Let it go, Gunn," Angel growled menacingly.

"Those people in town . . . the people we’ve met, humans and werewolves alike, since moving here . . . you love them as much as I do. Love them as much as Buffy does," Gunn continued on, "You can’t deny the fact that your dream of turning this world into Werewolf kingdom is in the very back of your mind right now . . . that . . . or it’s completely gone. You care about this town too much to start infesting them with werewolf bites."

Angel laughed humorously. "All those people are sheep, just waiting to be slaughtered," he persisted.

Gunn grinned. ". . . Makes me wonder what Buffy would say if she heard you talking like that."

Angel looked at him for a second before letting himself rest his head against his hands. "I AM whipped," he confessed.

Gunn chuckled, stood up, and patted him on the back. "Me too," he said good naturedly. "Don’t tell anyone . . . and I won’t tell anyone about . . . well . . . you know," he chuckled.

Angel growled.

"Oh, and, Angelus?" Gunn said, before leaving the study, "Or should I say . . . Angel?"

Angel’s phone came crashing against the door, causing Gunn to laugh harder before he left, his chuckles echoing down the hall of the empty East Wing.

Angel smiled, stared at the picture of Buffy that sat on his desk before murmuring, "Yup, whipped as a domesticated dog."

And at that moment, Tiger chose to come sauntering inside, barking happily.

Angel groaned.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Faith smirked as she watched Angelus lounge back against his chair, a picture of Buffy in his hand as he gazed dreamily up at it. Tiger, the stupid mutt, sat on his lap.

It was a sickening sight, to see such a powerful werewolf with big dreams pant for the Princess.

Faith smiled again and stared at the black recorder in her hand and rewound it as she walked down the hall.

She pressed the play button. "All those people are sheep, just waiting to be slaughtered," Angel’s comment repeated once again.

Blackmail . . . for future use.


Chapter Twenty-Three: The Passion

"Hey," Buffy said softly as she entered Angelus’ study room.

He gazed up at the stack of papers that littered his desk and smiled as she walked towards him with a slight sway of her hips. He smirked and grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap, nibbling on her neck.

She chuckled and finally pulled away, staring at him with bright blue eyes.

"Find anything," he murmured against the creamy column of her neck.

"Mmm," she mumbled and sighed. "A house was bought three months ago on a street right by the college campus. Maggie Walsh moved there early this week to work as a professor in the college with a few handsome exchange ‘students’ with her."

Angel smiled against her neck. "That’s my girl," he rumbled, "You make me proud."

"Do I?" Buffy asked teasingly, straddling him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, biting on her lower lip innocently.

Angel groaned at magnificent purity that she was made of. "I love you," he whispered.

Buffy looked at him for a moment, and Angel grew worried at the lack of response he was receiving. But she smiled and said, "I love you more."

"I doubt that," Angel laughed, sitting back on his chair.

Buffy looked at his desk and quirked a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

Empty plates with grease stains on it was piled high in the corner, empty soda cans rolled haphazardly on the floor, papers with scrawled notes on the sides were strewn carelessly everywhere, yellow post-its practically covered his computer screen, and she wasn’t even going to mention the overflowing trashcan by his desk.

"You’re a great leader . . . but a messy organizer," Buffy stated amusingly.

Angel got testy and cupped her ass.

Buffy gasped and stared at him in surprise.

"Kiss me," he ordered.

Buffy smiled. "My pleasure," she whispered and plundered her mouth against his.

His eyes widened at the amount of ferocity in which she kissed him, but did not complain as he kissed her back with equal ardor as his hands traveled from her ass to her waist as he pressed her closer to him.

"Not here," he said, suddenly pulling away regretfully and getting up on his feet.

Buffy, a bit startled and confused, followed him as he led her out of his study and out to the hall a bit breathlessly.

Angel looked back and froze. She looked too good . . . with her hair tousled, her face flushed, her chest heaving. His eyes darkened with lust as he became impatient.

He grabbed her hips and lifted her as he pressed his lips against hers once again.

Buffy automatically wrapped her legs around his waist as their tongues intertwined, and their lips melded together in an erotic dance.

"Buffy," Angel sighed as he non-too-gently slammed her against the wall and began licking and nipping her neck; foreplay . . . that was part of his animalistic nature.

Buffy, in return, ran her fingers through his short spiky hair, massaging the back of his neck as she held onto him tighter.

Angel’s kisses traveled down to her chest before latching onto a cotton covered breast.

"Oh God," Buffy gasped and brought Angel’s lips up to greet hers.

"Bed. Need bed," Angel managed to grunt as he carried her towards the master’s bedroom.

He kicked the door open and closed it by shoving Buffy against the wooden door.


"Sorry," he said a bit embarrassedly, and kneaded her bottom with his large hands to make up for it.

A moan escaped her lips.

"Bed," she whispered, and Angel complied without a word.

He gently laid his golden goddess on the bed, cushioned against the soft velvet beddings and silk covered pillows. He stood up and anxiously ripped off his black silk shirt.

If Buffy wasn’t so excited and afraid, she would’ve laughed at his complete eagerness, but her eyes widened instead at the sight of his gorgeous body, tanned and glistening lightly with perspiration.

Angel’s eyes became hooded with lust as he bent forward and captured her lips in another tantalizing kiss that caused her to moan.

This was it. Here was the woman of his life . . . his heart, and he was about to take her . . . and she was allowing him.

"Are you sure?" he asked softly, still uncertain that this was what she really wanted.

Buffy nodded. "Make love to me," she said breathlessly.

He sighed and pulled her blue top over her head and his eyes darkened when she was left in nothing but a white lacy bra from the waist up.

"You are so beautiful," he exhaled as he carefully and slowly kneeled on the bed, hands wrapping around her small and tiny waist.

Angel unbuttoned her jean skirt and slowly slid it off of her young and alluring body made of soft flesh and supple muscles. And he continued to kiss her with much love and ardor he could create.

He undid her bra . . . and let gracefully fall away from her creamy shoulders.

Her laced panties came next . . .

. . . And a wolf howled in the distance.

"Make love to me," she whispered, staring intently at his dark eyes.

"You don’t have to tell me twice," replied and took off his pants that piled down onto the floor along with the rest of their clothes.

Angel settled between her legs and she stared up at him, with the light glow of the crescent moon shining down on their motionless forms.

The Goddess Moon rejoiced . . . and the Shadow King smiled.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

He inched his cock inside her wet depths, relishing at her warmth and her tightness. Nothing felt this good . . . absolutely nothing.

Buffy gasped as he gently pushed himself deeper and deeper inside of her with deliberate carefulness as of not to hurt her.

Angel felt the barrier of her womanhood and silently prayed for more strength to be able to do this . . . to take away the last innocence of the woman he loved.

"Please," she begged quietly.

And that was all it took as she softly cried at the pleasurable pain that surged through her body . . . firing up her insides as though an entire bonfire had been set off within her . . . making her blood boil, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes as she bit her lips, hard enough to draw blood.

Angel slowly licked the red droplets off and stilled as he waited patiently for her to get use to his size.

When she quieted down, and her silent tears began creeping its way down her cheeks . . . he began to move, shifting gently within her at an unhurried and cautious speed.

Buffy placed her hands on his shoulders, feeling his muscles ripple beneath her touch as he continued to move.

She became impatient. "Faster," she ordered, "Harder."

Angel groaned and surged deeper into her at the sound of the command, a reflex form what the woman he loved wanted from him. And of course, being the whipped leader he was, he had to obey.

Buffy cried and arched against him, and Angel began to fear that it was too much for her to take. But when she shoved against him, he took that as a ‘no’ and continued on at a much faster pace.

Buffy felt her peak approaching and Angel immediately noticed as he plunged a bit deeper into her.

With a roar, he came spilling his seed within her warm and welcoming body.

And Buffy soon followed, screaming out his name in the darkness of the bedroom.

Angel collapsed on top of her as the pair panted . . . sweat dripping from their sated forms.

And the two lovers . . . joined by the Moon Goddess and the powers that surrounded them, finally became one.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Angel!" Buffy screamed through the other side of Angelus’ bedroom.

Faith growled and quietly ran down the hall of the East Wing.

Blood would be shed tonight.


Chapter Twenty-Four: The Enemy

"You have to keep your head high, Bite Size," Spike said, lifting Cole’s arms a bit more as the young boy clutched the baseball bat with forlorn concentration.

"I’ll never get this right," he complained, this being his fifth try at hitting the ball.

Spike frowned at him and chucked his chin. "Never show weakness, kid," Spike whispered, "Never let them hear you whine. It’s not manly."

Cole’s eyes widened in shock and purposely stood taller as he stared at Dylan with more confidence on his young face.

"That’s it," Spike coached.

Cole nodded and fixed his brother a dangerous stare inside their playroom, and Spike smiled proudly at the hint of werewolf characteristic that went along with that glare.

The room was quiet except for the hum of the fan above their heads. Their only audience was the set of Disney characters painted on the walls as well as the numerous amount of stuffed toys that littered the corners around them.

"You ready, Snack Size?" Spike yelled over Dylan who stood at the far end of the playroom with a trace of mischief in his twinkling blue eyes.

Dylan nodded and took a deep breath, trying to stare down his brother with his own fixed stare before throwing the ball in the air and towards Cole.

But before his twin could hit it . . . someone caught it instead . . .

"Nice throw, twerp," Faith smirked at Dylan as she tossed her dark hair behind her.

The boy gaped at her, irritated and insulted, as she threw the ball in the air and caught it once more with a clear smack as the surface hit her palm.

Spike rolled his eyes and groaned under his breath.

Him and Faith did NOT get along.

It was just something about her . . . the darkness that obviously encircled her and the bitterness that consumed her.

"What dya want . . . Precious?" Spike fancied the name ‘slut’ when it came to Faith, but not in front of the boys. After all, he was the ‘super-cool’ older brother for the twins . . . didn’t want to be a bad influence or anything.

"I need to talk to you," Faith said with dead seriousness as she pitched the ball to a very startled Cole, who caught it against his stomach with a small ‘oomph.’

The twins frowned at her for her callousness.

Spike shrugged and followed the dark-haired beauty out the playroom doors.

"Keep practicin,’ " he ordered the twins with a light smirk before he closed the door behind them.

Faith scratched the back of her head, deep in though as she tried to replay what she was going to say in her mind . . . the pros and the cons of the plan.

She crossed her arms against her chest, biting her bottom lip as she began pacing.

Spike began itching for a cigarette.

"I’m gonna ask ya again," the blonde said slowly and gravely, "Spit it out."

She stopped in the middle of the hall and finally stared up at him.

"I have a deal I‘d like to discuss with you."

Spike quirked a dark brow and leaned casually against the wall. "What kind of deal, pet?" he asked, " ‘Cause one thing’s for sure, I ain’t bloody well gonna sleep with you if you were the last person on this earth."

Faith looked disgusted. "Trust me, Bleach Wonder, it’s a mutual thing."

Spike snorted.

She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Look," Faith began, "Why don’t you just get over yourself for one minute here and let me say what I have to say."

He stood there silent and waiting.

"I know how in love with Buffy you are. I know how much you want her back," she said with a slight smirk as Spike’s posture to stiffen as he glared daggers at her in warning, "And I’m longing for Angelus myself . . . "

"If you’re about to suggest what I bloody well think you’re about to be suggestin‘, then you better find someone else to play minion to you on this one," he said dangerously. " ‘Cause one thing’s for sure, pet . . . " he said with a nod, "Those two are bonded," he reminded her. "Not just dominatrix bonded . . . but BONDED," he declared and then shrugged, trying to hide his own heartache from just hearing himself say it.

"You can try all you want to separate them two," he said, "But their link is stronger than what you expect . . . "

Faith’s jaws clenched visibly as she took in his words with silence.

"After all," Spike continued, "The Gods and Goddesses of our kind had blessed them the night of the battle. . . " He looked away and said, " ‘N if you haven’t witnessed their constant make-out sessions, then you’re just bloody blind . . . " he told her and then smirked arrogantly as he continued to mask his pain, " . . . That or just bloody stupid," he spat.

Faith shot him a cold glance. "So you’re not going to help me?" she asked as she tried to control her anger beneath a cool and calm exterior.

He shook his head with a indifferent leer that made his cheekbones more prominent beneath the dim lights of the hallway. His blue eyes then darkened a shade as he studied her. "No . . . " he shook his head and pretended to think for a minute, "Wait . . . that’s not just a no, that’s a bloody HELL no," he answered and gave her a large and sarcastic smile.

"And you say you love Buffy," Faith countered, hoping that the comment would pop his conceited bubble that he always seem to surround himself with.

Spike frowned at her.

"I love her . . . " he said with much sincerity and force, "With as much honor and truth for a bloke like me," he said, a small smile tugging at his lips at the bitter irony of it all.

A chap like him, never once believing that he’d fall for an innocent school girl like Buffy. But here he was . . . the living proof of it. A man, who once only cared about no one and nothing, fell for a girl practically opposite of who he was.

He shook his head and stared at Faith’s distant and furious brown eyes.

"Don’t doubt my love for Buffy, ya understand?" he warned, "But the girl is happy, and there’s no bloody way I’m gonna get in the way of that. If the bastard makes her smile . . . makes her laugh . . . then I can only stand back . . . and let her go," he said defiantly before turning to enter the playroom.

"Go on ‘n chase your human meat-boys, Faith," Spike threw behind his shoulder, " ‘Cause there’s no way in hell Angelus will shack up with you anyways."

Faith glared at the shut door.

Not only did Spike reject her proposition . . . he didn’t even listen to it. And the fucker got the last word.

With a growl, Faith turned and sprinted across the hall and down dark main staircase. Tears of confusion threatening to spill from her eyes as she ran past Wesley and Willow who stood at the bottom, talking about what might be keeping Buffy and Angelus from the meeting . . . even if they had an idea of what that might be.

The pair stared at the brunette as she rushed out of the mansion and out the door in mere moments before the they could say anything.

The air was damp and cold outside. The promise of a storm visible and clearly composed within the atmosphere.

"Stupid Fucker," she growled, dodging low branches and jumping over fallen logs and trees as she dashed through the woods.

It was a stupid plan.

To sneak into Angelus’ room and seduce him.

To ask Spike, of all beings, for help.

"Ha!" she shouted.

What a joke.

Instead, Spike had dissed and dismissed her like she was trash . . . and instead of seducing Angelus, she was met by moans and groans and a definite scream from a very satisfied Buffy.

How screwed up was that?!

"God! Stupid bitch!" she screamed, blaming everything on the golden child of the Slayer Clan.

She suddenly tripped and fell, crashing to the ground with a clear thud.

"Fuck!" she shouted, trying to get on her feet.

But a loud clank stopped her, and the next thing she knew, she was inside a cage . . . barred and jailed like a wild animal.

She shook the bars that had suddenly enclosed her, looking wildly around for an opening so she can escape.

The air became thick with the smell of her fear, and Faith growled as a group of men appeared from the trees.

"Shit," she cursed, staring wildly around.

"Look at we have here," one of the camouflaged men practically sang.

"Get me the fuck out, you assholes!" she yelled through clenched teeth as she rattled her cage.

"Spunky little thing, isn’t she?" a familiar black man said.

Faith tried to grab him through the space between the bars of the crate. "I’ll show you spunky, fucker!" she promised, trying to reach for him in her position.

The group laughed.

One of them took out a radio. "Walsh, Finn here, we have a female in our hands."


"Caged and ready for transport," he answered proudly.



"Loner?" Faith repeated in horror.

"Bring her in."

"NO!" she screamed as the cage was raised slightly in the air, four wheels appearing beneath it.

Faith racked her brain for something . . . anything at all to get herself out of this mess. "Please," she begged, the instinct of survival coming through loud and clear through her actions.

The group ignored her.

"Let me out . . . "

"Now, why would we do that?" Finn chuckled dryly.

Faith’s eyes widened, and a certain twinkle of wickedness entered her eyes. "I can give you the alpha female . . . for my place. I‘ll give her to you . . . " she said desperately.

Finn stopped dead on his tracks and stared at her, and Faith knew there was hope after all.

She nodded. "I can lead her into your hands . . . "

Finn paused for a moment, and finally took out his radio. "Walsh . . . we may have something more here."

"Like what, Finn?" the Professor said impatiently.

"The alpha female!" Faith screamed hurriedly, "I can give you the alpha female of the Slayer Clan."


"Bring the captured subject in," Walsh replied through the radio, "We’ll talk. Conjure up a deal perhaps."

Faith smiled.

"You’ve just become my new best friend, my dear," Walsh added before clicking off.


Chapter Twenty-Five: The Morning

The light of the early morning dawn streamed within the bedroom, the rays of the sun dancing prettily on the marble floor, like a ballet of stars in daylight.

Two perfectly content and blissful forms lay in a bundle of flesh, red velvet, and silk on a bed made of clouds and a touch of wispy air.

The light song of the blue jays outside the down-seat window drifted sweetly through the large glass as Buffy and Angelus slept on with content smiles on their beautiful faces.

His hold on her tightened as he pulled her closer to him, her bare back against his strong and naked chest.

Buffy’s eyes fluttered open first as she took in her surroundings. First of all, she wasn’t in her room because the usual light colors she was greeted with every morning had turned a deep shade of red and black.

But she suddenly smiled and remembered where she was as she took a deep breath and glanced behind her at the sleeping form of her lover.

The look of peace and contentment lightened his handsome face. He looked like a young boy when he was asleep.

Buffy’s mind rapidly began to drift to the night before . . . of the soothing touches, the promises and soft whispers of love that were exchanged, the loud beats of two hearts . . . as well as the thickening of their love and the link that united them.

Her smile widened as she snuggled closer to Angel’s body.

The tall dark attractive man woke up next, mumbling something about coffee and Buffy so they could stay up all night without sleeping.

The girl mentioned grinned and turned to look at him.

"Morning," he grumbled, eyes still closed, but a smile playing on his lips as his hands traveled down to her waist, the pad of his thumb rubbing her hip in a calming pattern.

"Mmm," was Buffy’s response.

Angelus opened his eyes and was met by beautiful blue ones. He kissed her forehead and rested his against hers.

"A very good morning indeed," Buffy sighed and kissed his lips.

"You can say that again," Angel said with satisfaction.

Buffy chuckled lightly and let her fingers dance lightly on Angelus‘ taut abdomen. "We missed the big search last night for the Initiative base," Buffy reminded him.

"We’ll take care of that later," Angelus said, not wanting to think about the threat that was looming just above the horizon . . . especially when he was in bed . . . and with Buffy.

"I don’t ever wanna get up," Buffy complained, trailing her fingers down to his chest and past his stomach and to his very prominent erection.

Angelus smiled and thrust into her hand, savoring the feel of her hot palm.

"I think I can help you with that," he ground out and pounced on her, making her yelp in surprise as he pressed her against the mattress.

He began nuzzling her slim neck, licking at the small hollow between her collarbone. His kisses then traveled down to her breasts, softly suckling and biting at her nipples.

Buffy softly cried and arched against him, wanting more of his touch.

Angelus slowly kissed a tormenting path down to her stomach as she tangled her slender fingers through his soft brown hair, urging him upwards and towards her lips.

He stopped and stared at her stormy blue eyes, a hurricane of emotions and a tornado of zeal locked in her cerulean eyes. He took her lips and slowly kissed her, savoring the sweet taste that was uniquely Buffy.

"Angel," she gasped quietly as he pulled away and began stroking her face, watching with much satisfaction as love and lust clouded her eyes.

Needing him more than she could possibly say, she pulled him to her, afraid this would all be just some sort of dream and she would wake in her bed and alone. She urged him forward, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her.

Angelus felt her dilemma and forced her to look at him. "I love you," he whispered, brown eyes full of intensity.

Buffy smiled, relaxing in his arms. "I love you too," she whispered back.

In one powerful thrust, Angelus was deep inside her, buried to the hilt in her inviting warmth. She was as tight as the first time . . . and the second time, and the third time. His eyes nearly crossed at the feel of her surrounding him.

The two destined werewolves cried out together, and began murmured incomprehensible thoughts and words of love.

Angelus continued to move within her, plunging deeper into her scorching channel, amazed at the secure fit she offered.

They climbed to the peaks of their passion, and Angelus convulsed as he spilled his hot seed into her womb.

Buffy cried his name and followed him, bucking against him.

And they lied there, shaking in each other’s arms, with their sweaty limbs entangled, their sated bodies still joined, as they waited for their breaths to slow down.

"That would be number nineteen since last night," Buffy breathed.

"Twenty on my count," Angelus corrected.

Buffy could only laugh.

"I’m so lucky to have you," Angelus said honestly as he pulled her within his embrace, his eyes closed as he relished the feel of her smooth body within his arms.

Buffy grinned. "It rained last night," she commented, remembering the thunder and the lightening . . . the fire as well as the passion.

"That’s nice," Angelus grumbled.

"People are gonna wonder what happened to us," Buffy told him.

"Let them."

"We’re gonna need an explanation," Buffy added, playing with his fingers.

"We made love all night long . . . will hopefully have a repeated performance tonight, and the next night, and the night after that . . . " Angelus said, a smile tugging at his lips.

Buffy hit him playfully on the arm. "I’m serious," she said.

Angelus took a deep breath and stared at Buffy’s blue eyes. "What do want to happen?" he asked her.

Buffy frowned, but shrugged. "I want to take care of the Initiative . . . I want the pack safe and grounded again," she said, "I want a lot of things . . . do you want to hear them all?"

Angelus slowly shook his head and Buffy smiled.

"I mean," Angel said, taking her face between his hands as he made her look at him, "What do you want from *me*?"

Buffy looked into his soft russet brown eyes, finding nothing but a mixture of emotions: of love and fear, of comfort and apprehension. "I just want you to love me," she whispered truthfully, "What do you want from me?"

Angelus smiled sincerely and dug his hand underneath his pillow.

Buffy frowned . . . but her eyes widened when he suddenly took out a beautiful white platinum gold ring. "I want your hand in marriage," he replied.

Tears sprung from Buffy’s eyes as she took in the sight of the white gold ring and the nervousness in Angel’s brown eyes.

"Just my hand?" she asked through tears.

Angelus chuckled. "Hand . . . feet, breasts . . . all of you," he said.

The tears poured from Buffy’s eyes and she nodded. "Yes," she answered, her chin and bottom lip quivering, "Of course . . . "

Angelus let out a sigh of relief as he gently took her left hand and placed the ring through her ring finger.

Buffy stared at it, still crying happy tears.

"It’s a claddagh," he explained as she studied the heart with the large heart shaped diamond in the middle, a royal crown a top of it, and a pair of hands holding it carefully. "My people exchanged them back in Ireland," he informed, watching her face as she gawked at it in complete awe. "The crown stands for loyalty, the hands . . . friendship . . . and the heart," he smiled, "Well, you know . . . love."

"It’s beautiful," she breathed.

"I want to give you a gold one . . . on our wedding day," he informed her.

"I love it," she said, looking into his eyes, "But I love you more."

Angelus kissed her forehead and sighed. "You better."

He pulled her closer to his body as she continued to admire the engagement ring with a smile. "Can’t wait to shop for my wedding dress," she breathed.

Angelus chuckled. "Is that all you’re thinking about?"

"That . . . and how you would look in your tux . . . and of course our honeymoon," she laughed lightly as they threaded their hands together, "And not to mention the song we’ll play for our first dance as husband and wife . . . possibly that Bryan Adams song . . . "

" ‘Everything I do, I do it for you?’ " Angelus grinned. "Isn’t that a bit corny, lover? How ‘bout ‘Who Let the Dogs Out?’ It‘ll be quite fitting."

Buffy’s jaw fell and stared at him in complete shock and horror. "Not on my wedding day."

And at that moment, Tiger barked urgently outside the door, wanting to be let in.

The pair laughed.

Angelus became serious and kissed her again. "I’ll make you happy," he whispered in her ear, "I promise."


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