
By: Serena

Synopsis: During the Day That Wasn't, Angel learns that having a reflection is lots of fun -- especially when Buffy's around.
Content: B/A mush, smut, and fluff.
Disclaimer: Pffft! Did anyone see this happen? If I owned them, it would have. Of course, if I owned them the show would have to move to Skinemax, too.
Rating: NC-17 for smut.
Timeline: "I Will Remember You", before the famous chocolate and peanut butter scene.
Spoilers: "I Will Remember You". That's pretty much it. If I had more spoilers, I'd need a plot. Since there isn't're all safe.
Author's Notes: I swear I *will* write a fic that's rated PG one of these days, but until that happens, you get smut. And the title's lame, but I was stuck. It was either that or some cheesy one that used the word mirror too many times. Un-beta'ed, so all mistakes and crappy jokes are mine.
Feedback: It's like sex -- it's not important unless you aren't getting any. Come on, I'm giving you nekkid Angel! What more do you people want?!
Dedication: For Rose, because it's her birthday and I love her. Here's your damn fluffy fic. :)


"Wow," Buffy sighed dreamily as she slumped back into the pillows, her body limp and boneless -- but in a good way. Angel joined her a moment later, flopping onto his side next to the blonde, completely unashamed of his nudity. Why should he be, when she was naked, too?

Running a warm hand lazily up over her rib cage, Angel appreciatively palmed her sweaty breast and said, "Wow is right."

"That was," she agreed, arching up into him, silently asking for more. Angel gladly obliged, not being able to get enough of her and kneading her gently as Buffy cooed in pleasure.

"It must've been if it's reduced your vocabulary this much," Angel teased. Removing his whole hand from her, he trailed a single finger up over her breast, avoiding the nipple that had puckered under his tender ministrations.

She swatted him away playfully after a few more moments of his unhurried journey around the swell of her breast, but the minute she dropped her hand back to her side he resumed the sweet torture, drawing lazy circles across her aroused flesh.

"You're insatiable," she smirked, pulling his face closer to hers for a deep kiss. The same could be argued for her, but she didn't comment on that. He met her lips hotly, his breath sliding into her mouth as their warm tongues wrestled for control. When the kiss broke they were both gasping for breath, and the lovers shared a silly grin as Angel dropped his head down onto his arm and resumed his circles on her skin.

"When it comes to you? Always." Watching in wonder as goose bumps rose in his finger's wake, he traced her nipple several times, making her whine at the lack of contact. Finally he took pity on her and, with a wicked smile, gently scraped his fingernail over her diamond hard flesh, eliciting a moan from his lover.

"Give a girl the chance to catch her breath," she giggled, craving more just the same. She never wanted him to stop touching her, she'd been without him for too long, been denied this beautiful contact too long. And now she had him, had him the way she'd always dreamed of, and there was no way she'd ever let him go.

"You're the Slayer, you should have amazing stamina," Angel argued with a grin before bowing his head to tease with his warm tongue, circling her aching nipple with its tip.

"I-I do," she stuttered, arching up into his mouth, needing more of the hot, wet pleasure. "I'm just not used to it. I mean first it was the table, and then the couch, and then the floor, and then the's not like I'm this big sex fiend. I'm still new to the whole thing."

"Which is the way I like you," he growled possessively against her breast, leaning down to suckle her pert nipple again. Her hands moved up to tangle in his dark hair as she held him to her, her thigh rubbing against his warm, soft cock. Groaning against her chest, Angel bit down lightly, worrying the tender piece of flesh with his teeth over and over again.

"Mmm...oooh, Angel...Angel, stop." He ignored her (he had too much time to make up for to do something as crazy as stop), instead leaning over to lave the nipple he had been neglecting properly. Buffy pushed him off with a bit of force, a gesture that earned her a hurt look. Smiling, she pulled his chin over so she place a soft kiss on his warm lips. "Nature calls."

With that she wriggled out of his embrace and jumped off the bed, padding over to the bathroom in all her naked glory. Angel cocked his head and watched her with interest, memorizing the bounce in her step and the way her hair swayed ever-so-slightly when she walked. Sighing happily for the first time in years, Angel grinned as she disappeared from view, throwing him one last brilliant smile over her shoulder.

Buffy plopped herself down on the toilet to empty her suddenly-full bladder, her toes curling as they reacted to the extremely cold tile of Angel's bathroom. She jumped in surprise as Angel strided in to the small room. Squirming uncomfortably, Buffy looked up at him and said, "Do you mind? I'm doing something kind of private here."

Angel made a show of rolling his eyes at her, leaning casually against the wall next to the door. "Buffy, I spent half an hour eating you out before. I really don't think you have anything to be embarrassed about."

"Oh, great," she scowled, "so now that you're all human you're going to start talking like a regular guy?" Buffy finished her business, stood, and flushed before moving over to the sink to wash her hands.

"Perhaps the lady would prefer 'I just spent what was arguably the best half hour of my life with my face between your thighs'?" he asked as he reached over the sink to pull the large black cloth off the mirror that Cordelia had made him buy a few weeks before. When she wasn't using it he kept it covered, not liking the constant reminder of his vampiric nature. It wasn't like he needed it, the demon whispering inside his head was more than enough.

Now, though...he had a reflection, and he wanted to see himself. Tearing the cloth down, he exposed the antique mirror and leaned in close to stare at his reflection.

"Well, now that you mention it...what do you mean by arguably?" she demanded playfully.

Smoothly, Angel replied, "It all depends on what happens in the next half hour."

Buffy smirked as she slid her arm around his waist and curled against his side, her gaze locked on his in the mirror. Seeing them together, *really* seeing them together -- not just in some picture -- for the first time...damn, they were a beautiful couple.

The sight of the two of them together left Buffy and Angel speechless. They had always been denied this simple act of looking at themselves together in the mirror, as they had been denied so many other things in the past. Though it had never really bothered Buffy (she'd loved having him touch her in front of one, feeling him on her skin but not seeing any reflection), now she realized just what it was she had been missing.

And Angel...he couldn't believe how *right* they looked together. Light and dark, tall and short, they contrasted and complimented each other in every way. It felt so natural to have her snuggled up next to him in the middle of the was as though this was the way it had always been.

And then there was the whole issue of them both being naked.

The ex-vampire traced the outline of his body in the looking glass, running his gaze over the cut of his chest, his sculpted abdominal muscles, his semi-hard cock. Resisting the urge to turn to the side so he could check out his profile (he hadn't been able to see himself for over two centuries, he was entitled to be a little vain), Angel simply slung his arm over Buffy's shoulders and hugged her to him, their gazes locked in the reflection. Buffy obviously appreciated the view as well. Her hungry eyes nearly devoured Angel's body as she gazed over every inch of his pale skin, noting that he had a little more color already -- probably from the blood that was pumping through his veins. His cock grew under her lust-filled stare, jutting out tall and proud from his body. The sight made her whimper and rub her thighs together, hoping to create some of the friction her core was craving. "So, are we done being vain?" Buffy asked breathlessly, craning her neck to press a kiss to his shoulder as her hand crept down to wrap around his erection.

"Not by a long shot," Angel groaned, ducking his head down to brush her hair aside and pepper her neck with warm kisses. Buffy teased the head of his cock with her fingertips, drawing some of the moisture that gathered at the tip down to coat the rest of him as she stroked.

Whimpering, Angel thrust gently into her hot little hand, making sure he kept his eyes open so he could watch her work in front of him. The sight of her slowly jerking him off was one of the most incredibly erotic things Angel had ever seen -- and that was saying a lot. To feel her hand on his erection and her lips on his shoulder and her body pressed up against his was heaven.

He stood quietly and let her work, his gaze locked on the sight before him. Buffy's grip tightened as she picked up speed, running her hand up and down, from root to tip, over and over again.

She abandoned his shoulder in favor of meeting his gaze in the mirror again, and when she saw what he was staring at, she looked too. It was so amazing to watch herself turn this seemingly-invincible man into a stuttering mass of flesh and nerves, and she longed to see him explode, watch as his seed spurted out into her welcoming palm.

His orgasm was fast-approaching, and Angel wanted to hold it off as long as possible. Buffy's hand was still stroking him steadily, and the fact that they were practically devouring each other in the mirror wasn't helping him stave off his climax. After a few more moments Angel gently tugged on her wrist, urging her to release him. At the Slayer's whine, he chuckled, bringing her hand up to his lips as he said, "If you don't stop now it'll be over before we even get started."

"And we definitely can't have that, can we?" Buffy teased.

"No, we can't." His eyes stayed trained on hers as he stepped behind her, pressing his hard cock into her backside. Buffy moaned as she felt his rigid flesh brushing up against her. "Are you...up for anything?" she asked breathlessly, rubbing his cock with her body. Angel groaned.

"Oh yeah, I most definitely am," he told her, thrusting lightly against her warm skin. "I believe you had a little something to do with that."

"There's nothing little about it," Buffy winked, and then suddenly she found herself kneeling on the marble counter with her knees spread, one on each side of the sink. Startled, she glanced over her shoulder at Angel and whimpered at the smoldering look he gave her. "What--" He pointed at the mirror before him, and Buffy had to stop and swallow as she looked down and saw her damp curls and the head of Angel's cock teasing her folds. "Ohh...that's what we're doing."

"Did you think we were going to play Scrabble?" Angel teased, rubbing his erection over her throbbing clit. Their repeated love-making had left her ultra-sensitive and so he only brushed it lightly as his fingers delved up into her hot core. "You're dripping, Buffy."

She locked gazes with him in the mirror again, giving him a purely feminine look. "I'd better be," the Slayer teased wantonly, her hand trailing down her ribcage to join his at her center. Boldly, she thrust one finger up inside herself, somehow managing to entwine it with Angel's. "Oooh, right...right here...yeah, like that. Oh Angel, don't stop, don't -- why'd you stop?!"

Angel smirked and leaned down to press hot, open-mouthed kisses on her exposed throat as he positioned himself and, after bending her over a bit and pulling her back against him, easily thrust up into her. "That's why," he mumbled into her ear before kissing the little spot behind it that he knew drove her wild.

"Ohhh Gooooood, Angel," she whimpered, her head falling back against his shoulder as her eyes slid shut. Her body instantly molded itself around his intruding member, and fire shot through her as he moved inside of her, burying himself deep.

The position allowed Angel to sheath his thick cock to the root, his head lightly bumping her cervix. Hands crept around to palm her breasts as he rolled his hips while deep inside of her, his erection rubbing over every inch of her swollen tissue.

Again he found himself staring at their entwined bodies in the mirror before them, and the sight of his body locked so intimately with hers nearly was his undoing. Angel gyrated his hips again, watching the way she moved with him so perfectly, her lower body relaxed and receptive to his ministrations.

Buffy screamed as pleasure coursed through her, her hands grasping at him, desperate to hold on to something as he did it again, moving his hips in a clockwise fashion.

"Angelangelangelangel," she chanted, her eyes squeezed shut. He did it yet again and her vaginal muscles fluttered around him, trying to suck him in deeper. Every inch of his rigid flesh was in complete contact with hers, and Buffy had never felt so connected with him. She honestly couldn't tell where he ended and she began -- and she loved it. The pleasure that built inside of her was suddenly too much, too fast, and Buffy pulled at his hands, yanking them off of her. She desperately entwined her fingers with his and bucked against him, trying to get away, to get some reprieve. Her knees slipped and she pitched forward, nearly hitting her head on the mirror. Angel caught her easily, hauling her back up against his chest, and she collapsed against him thankfully. Her body was too over-pleasured, too raw, for this torture, and she felt as though she was about to explode from the pleasure and the pain.

"Stop, Angel, stop, stop, stop, stop," she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut so tightly that she saw stars behind her lids. Her blood roared through her body, the sound mixing with their combined panting to create a rush in her ears. Her every nerve felt raw and open, stretched thin, and she was sure she would die from the pleasure. It was just too much.

"Shhh, shhh," Angel whispered, tightening his arms around hers as his hips stilled. "It's okay, Buffy, just ride it out. Go with it, baby, just go with it."

"I-I can't, it's too...too much, Angel..." she whined as she turned her face to nuzzle his neck, seeking his comfort while her body rippled around him wildly.

"Shhh, shhh, I've got you," he murmured. Pressing a soft kiss to her throat, he shut his eyes and tried desperately to hold off his orgasm. It was only his two centuries of self control that allowed him to do so while sheathed deep inside of her.

"Angel, I-I need it...I need it," Buffy moaned, drawing herself off him slightly and then dropping back down, making his eyes cross at the feeling of her hot walls dragging against his cock.

"You sure?" he grunted. He urged her to wrap her legs back around him, opening her up more. It was awkward, but it let him thrust into her with more ease.

"Yessss." The harsh sensations had faded, giving way to the deep hunger that spread from her womb to every cell of her body once more. Consumed by the suddenly-fierce need, Buffy leaned forward to brace her hands on the mirror, hoping to gain some leverage. "Come on, Angel, fuck me."

With something that sounded suspiciously like a growl, Angel pulled back and thrust up into her hard, causing Buffy to whine sharply at the change of pressure in her core. His hands strayed to her hips and he pulled her down onto him while pumping up into her in a steady rhythm, building their pleasure. The position was awkward for Buffy, but she met him as best she could and helped by moaning like crazy. She knew it turned him on.

Her hot walls clung to him as Angel joined with her over and over again, his body humming. She felt amazing, so tight, so hot, better than he'd remembered from their one night together. He hadn't been human then, hadn't been as hot or able to taste her like he could now. He knew without a doubt that he would never, ever get sick of being with her like this. As he pumped his hips, his gaze strayed down the large mirror, and he could barely make out his cock disappearing up into her in steadily in the shadows of her dripping folds.

"Oh, Angel, ohmyGoditfeelssogooddon'teverstopdon'tstopdon'tstop," Buffy whimpered, pressing herself back against him. Her words barely registered as Angel stared at the place of their joining, dislodging one hand to slip it down into her nest of golden curls.

He twined his fingers through the short hairs and pulled gently, causing Buffy to buck and arch against him in shock. Her head lolled forward so that she could watch him work. Grinning, Angel moved his fingers down to play with her clit, rolling it between his talented digits as he increased his pace.

"Buffy, look at us. Watch us," he growled in her ear, his eyes still trained on the mirror, watching their bodies join over and over again. Obediently, Buffy did as she was told (not that she really minded), staring as Angel pulled out of her so that she could see that his cock was glistening with her juices before thrusting back into her channel again.

Angel skillfully manipulating her clit didn't let Buffy do much besides grunt and spread her thighs more, trying to urge him deeper. Angel repositioned himself a bit, hoping to get more leverage as he slammed into her at a jarring pace.

Little high-pitched squeaks escaped her parted lips with each hard thrust and her hand moved down to join his so that together they could bring her to orgasm. Buffy felt her flesh humming, felt Angel as he moved in and out of her, and she forced herself to look into the mirror before them and watch, burning the image into her mind.

Buffy's body tensed and stilled for a moment before her orgasm. Angel pulled almost all the way out of her and thrust back in, angling his hips so he'd stroke her g-spot long and hard. She came violently with a silent open-mouthed scream, her face contorting as though she was in pain as she bucked and ground herself down on him.

With one last, hard stroke Angel fell into orgasm as well, nearly blacking out for a moment as the pleasure swarmed him. He shouted her name as he spilt his living seed into her waiting womb, jerking against her in short spurts as her inner walls milked him greedily.

Buffy collapsed back against his chest when she came down off of her high, and Angel wrapped his arms around her middle to hold her to him. When her legs started trembling he pulled her off the counter and set her on her feet, letting her lean into him.

Turning her face to nuzzle his chest, Buffy purred, "Again with the wow."

"That was definitely wow-worthy," Angel agreed with a chuckle, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"You know, that's the kind of sex that makes me want to start smoking. Just so I can light up afterwards and say 'damn, that was good.' Don't you feel that way?"

Angel smiled against her skin. "I just got my mortality, Buffy, I don't need to go shortening it by smoking."

"In theory, I mean," the Slayer said, wiggling her eyebrows at him in the mirror. Her eyes drifted down and her hand came up cover the one that he'd absentmindedly placed on her stomach. Buffy squeezed his fingers gently as she leaned back against him, their sweaty skin sticking together. "You just *had* to look, didn't you?" she teased after a time, gesturing towards their reflection. "I bet that's why you bought it."

He grinned. "Well, I have to admit it was definitely a lot better than the porn that comes on late at night -- not that I watch that kind of thing. It's just I was flipping through the channels looking for a documentary and...well, there it was."

"Riiiight," Buffy said, her eyes twinkling. "Because vampires never have to jerk off."

"That's what I have you for now," Angel smirked, his hands roaming over her well-loved flesh. Her skin was flushed, her hair damp with sweat...and she'd never looked more beautiful and sexy. "You look good when you've been thoroughly ravished."

"You look good all the time," she said.

"I think next time we should videotape ourselves," he said suddenly.

Buffy groaned. "You're going to turn me into a nympho."

"A person does not get turned into a nymphomaniac, they simply are encouraged to explore their sexuality, and having lots of sex is usually the way to do that. So, really, I wouldn't be turning you into anything. I'd be helping," Angel grinned. She rolled her eyes and turned so that she could kiss him soundly, her arms curling around his neck as she pulled him closer to her.

They broke apart as their stomachs growled collectively. Laughing, Buffy pulled back to look at him, brushing a piece of sweaty hair out of his eyes. She'd never seen his hair so disheveled -- and she loved it. Buffy liked that *she* had been the one to mess up his hair. "I think they're trying to tell us something."

Angel smiled -- with teeth -- and kissed her once more before grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the bathroom.

"I love being hungry," the ex-vampire said. Buffy giggled as she walked over to his wardrobe on her own and reached inside, pulling one of his black silk shirts out and throwing it over her shoulders.

"Hunger is good," she agreed.

"What do you think you're doing? I thought we said no clothing for at least a week," Angel asked. She turned around to face him, smirking as her lover put his hands on his hips in mock annoyance after gesturing to the shirt.

"Making sure we don't get distracted while we eat."

Angel quickly crossed over to her and swept her up in his arms, earning a surprised shriek from his love. He carried her over to the bed and plopped her down on it, leaning over to brush his lips against hers as he said, "You stay, I'll go see what I can find."

"I'd prefer something that didn't have red blood cells, if you can manage," Buffy teased.

"You're safe, I made Cordelia go out and pick me up some food when I went to find you." He turned to leave, and Buffy's mouth went dry at the sight of his sculpted backside.

She waited until he had disappeared from view so that she could regain her composure before calling, "See if you can find any chocolate! Oh, and peanut butter -- preferably crunchy!"



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