Fluff Series

House Hunting 101 - Set directly after A Deadly Game. Buffy and Angel go house hunting. On the Hellmouth.

Furniture Shopping for Dummies - Buffy and Angel's new house needs brand new furniture. Buffy's in her element, while Angel can barely stand the tortures of shopping.

Moving Day - Buffy and Angel are officially moving into their house!

Meow - Buffy finds a stray kitten outside Sunnydale High. Will Angel let her keep it?

Interview with an (Ex)Vampire - Angel has a job interview at an unlikely place. What happens when he gets it?

Browsing and Buying - Cordelia, being true to her word, takes Buffy and Willow shopping.

An Unexpected Guest - An important person in Buffy's life shows up, demanding to know why she's not living under her mother's roof anymore.

Germs - Angel hasn't been sick for two centuries. It's not exactly a picnic when he gets a cold for the first time in a *long* time.

A Night of Hellmouthy Fun - Buffy's friends decide it's time for Buffy and Angel to get out of the house for night. Mini golf and the Bronze ensue.

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