Is To Love You


Synopsis: Look how far we've come.

Content: B/A smut and fluff. We all need it. If you think you don't, I suggest signing up for therapy.

Rating: NC-17 for smutty fun.

Disclaimer: If I were Joss, all those nasty rumors about handcuffs and ballet and public sex would be in reference to Buffy and Angel. I'm not, so I don't own the characters.

Timeline: Hmm...probably about four and a half years in the future.

Spoilers: Consider everything through BtVS Season 6 'Wrecked' and AtS Season 3 'Dad' spoiled, although there really aren't references to anything that's happened on BtVS lately.

Distribution: My site, ( for anyone who's interested); everyone else who has anything of mine, consider this blanket permission.

Author's Notes: Don't believe this could happen? Well it's going to! How do I know, you ask? I've seen the script. How is that possible? Oh, Joss has it all written out. They'd never show anything so graphic on TV? That's what Skinemax is for! ...who, me? In denial? What gave you that crazy idea?!

Feedback: It's like sex. You think it's not important...and then you don't get any for a while. Really gives you a whole new perspective. Feed me.

Dedication: To everyone at the Babble Board for keeping hope alive. Janice, for her help and because it's her birthday (yay!), Molly because I love her, and my friends for a night I will NEVER forget.


The sunlight streaked across the dark green carpet, inching slowly over the floor before creeping up the side of the large bed, bathing its occupants in a soft, soothing glow. The couple was wrapped tightly in the white goosedown comforter, buried deep beneath feathers and soft cotton sheets.

Their heads were nestled together amid the abundance of pillows piled high against the headboard, dark and light contrasting against the stark sheets as sharply as night and day. Huddled together, she on her stomach, he lying on his side with a protective arm heavy across her back and one secured beneath her head, they slept.

Angel woke first, slowly, leisurely. Blinking, he cracked open the eye that wasn't buried in the soft pillow and immediately squinted at the harsh daylight that streamed in through the glass doors. Reluctantly, he lifted his head with a groan, glancing at the clock on the night table. He was surprised, but thankful, that they'd been able to sleep through the night completely uninterrupted.

Squeezing his eyes shut to close out the blinding sunlight, he nestled back down into the warm bed. Angel turned his head to the side so he could bury his nose into her silky, golden hair properly as he drew his arm from where it had been resting across her back. She moaned, a little breathy escape of air, and burrowed back against him, practically begging for him to hold her.

With a smirk, he lifted his hand to rest on her back, drowsily tracing each vertebrae of her spine, smoothing his large palm over her prominent shoulder blades. She sighed a little and shifted in her sleep, and when he dipped down to press a soft kiss to the center of her backbone she whined, stretching the length of her warm, naked body against him.

He was loathe to wake her, though he couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. Slowly, ever so slowly, Angel trailed a finger down her back, tracing the tiny tattoo at the base of her spine. Back in the early days of their relationship, when she was sixteen and they were still skirting around their feelings, she had been curious about his and had asked, running her nails over the dark lines gingerly as he had explained the significance of the Griffin to her.

He had mentioned the Morrigan in passing, and Buffy had made a snarky comment when he told her the goddess had possessed the gift of prophecy. She'd asked him to elaborate, and he had told her that as the goddess of battle, strife, and fertility, the Morrigan was very powerful, but was made vulnerable when she gave her love to a man who had later abandoned her.

Buffy had felt as though she'd found a kindred spirit in the Celtic goddess. The Morrigan disguised herself as a raven, Buffy had to hide the Slayer in her beneath the woman. Angel often teased her that she was a physical manifestation of the goddess, as they were both passion, sensuality, and birth all rolled into one. It was the very embodiment of her life, her calling, her independence, her rebirth, her love, all in the tiny symbol.

He hadn't been able to suppress a chuckle when he'd first discovered it. That she had not only listened, but remembered the significance of it and chosen to etch it into her skin still gave him with a warm, tingly feeling, and when she wore those low-slung jeans of hers and it would peek out from beneath her tiny t-shirts...oh, how she teased him, the ink seeming to shimmer surrounded by her golden skin, just begging to be kissed.

The sunlight danced into the room, illuminating the millions of tiny dust particles that floated lazily on the nonexistent breeze. The deep, soothing warmth slid into her hair like a lover's caress, accentuating the natural highlights and making it seem as though it was glowing with an ethereal shine.

Unable to resist, his hand moved up to sift through the mane of spun gold as he leaned down and covered her thin shoulder blades with warm kisses, tasting the tan skin as he was overwhelmed by her.

She moved beneath him, smooth muscle rippling as sinew stretched and flexed when she shifted, a soft moan escaping her parted lips. Not bothering to turn her head or even open her eyes to chastise him properly, she mumbled, "This is the first time in months that we've been able to sleep in properly, and you're going to ruin it by doing something like waking me up?"

Chuckling, he nuzzled her soft skin with his cheek. "I just couldn't help myself," he murmured.

"Mmm," Buffy sighed, rolling over to face him, her eyes still firmly shut. She snuggled into his embrace, fitting her head neatly in the curve of his neck after kissing his Adam's apple. "Maybe I'll be able to sleep in a few months when I get all fat and cow-shaped and you won't want to touch me."

"I doubt I'll change, if last time was any indication." He felt her wrinkle her nose against his throat, knew she was about to protest. "If it were possible, I'd say I'll probably want you more."

"If...possible?" she muttered, her mind still gliding through the web of sleep that infused it.

"If possible," Angel confirmed, smoothing his cheek over her silky hair, watching the light play across her beautiful features. "Since I already always want you with everything in me, I don't know if I can want you more. I mean, if I have nothing left to give...see where I'm going with this?"

Buffy finally tilted her head back to look up at him, bestowing her first smile of the day upon him, the smile that made him want to keep making her happy over and over again just so he could be rewarded with the billion-watt grin and twinkling eyes continuously. The way her lips curved upwards and her rosy cheeks dimpled tugged something deep inside of him, and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep her smiling just like that for him all day long.

"You're even smooth first thing in the morning," she said, her voice dreamy and little girl-like.

"My sweet talk, maybe," Angel smirked, lifting his hand away from the circles it was drawing on her warm skin to acknowledge the stubble that had grown overnight.

"Mmm...kinda like it," she mumbled, leaned up to rub her cheek against his, the short hairs teasing her skin, sending pleasant shockwaves up and down her spine as he lazily stroked the length of her back. "Makes you look all rugged. My Mountain Man."

"You make me sound like I'm some doll you like to play with," he protested, although the effort behind it was half-hearted at best. Buffy heard it, too, and pulled back to look at him.

"You never seem to complain when," she winked, her eyes sparkling and dancing with the joy and happiness that filled her to the brim. Never in a million years had she thought that they would make it here...but they had finally made it and were actually living it, living and loving and laughing together. It was new, but there was an ancient, familiar feeling to it as well, as though it had been around though they had been together forever. It was new, but it was there was something about it that was much older. Comfortable. Home.

He shifted, sliding across cool sheets until his body was pressed tightly against hers. His hand seemed to move on its own volition, smoothing a gentle path from breast to thigh as he smirked. "You can do anything you want to me. I promise not to say one word."

"Does moaning count? Because you always do lots of that," Buffy giggled. She nuzzled the sensitive spot right beneath his jaw as her tiny hands came up to caress his chest lightly, drawing teasing circles with the tips of her pink fingernails. His hands never stilled their movement as he traced a protruding shoulder blade, sparking the nerve endings beneath her skin to life as the other teasingly fondled a heavy breast, tickling the sensitive underside. "Ooh, good touch..."

Angel smirked, brushing his lips against her forehead, moving his hands up to smooth her unruly golden locks from her face as he glided his lips across her cheekbone, inching his way to her lips. She tilted her head up expectantly and, never one to disappoint, he rewarded her with a sweet, gentle kiss, tangling his hands in her hair and turning her head this way and that, trying to find the perfect angle to kiss her.

"Perfect way to wake up," she sighed happily, burrowing deep into his chest. "A good night's sleep, sun shining, birds chirping, no demons or vampires or fighting kids..."

"Shh. You'll jinx it," he admonished playfully, tracing the sleek line of her jaw before tilting her chin up to kiss her again. His tongue darted out to lick her pursed lips, teasing her, begging to be admitted. With a giggle, she opened herself for him, inviting him in as her hand glided down over hard muscle, smirking against his mouth when he rippled under the attention.

She teased him, walking her fingers along the dark arrow of hair that bridged stomach and groin, feeling him stir against her. A strangled moan escaped him as he began to thicken, his kisses becoming more heated, the fingers in her hair tightening to hold her in place. Like she was really thinking of going anywhere.

"I like this," Buffy whispered when they broke apart, his lips skimming her jaw to root out the tiny spot behind her ear that he knew drove her crazy. She moaned and arched into him as he latched onto her soft lobe and pressed soft, warm flesh against him, silently entreating him to touch her.

"Like what?"

Her breath caught in her throat as he nibbled the tender shell of her ear. When he moved on down to explore her throat, keeping his caresses light and teasing, she clarified. "Waking up with you every morning."

Beaming, Angel pulled back to look at her. He leaned in again and nuzzled her throat, his words as much of a caress as his actions. "I love you."

Shivering deliciously, Buffy ran a hand through his hair, smoothing the unruly strands out while she lightly scratched her nails against his scalp, enjoying the rumbling chuckle he rewarded her with.

"I love you too," she smiled, bringing his face back up to hers. The innocent grin turned into a smirk and her eyes took on a wicked gleam as she asked, "Think we have time for breakfast in bed?"

He had her pinned beneath him before she even finished the sentence, his elbows braced on the mattress on either side of her head to support his weight. "Maybe even an all-*I*-can-eat, if we're lucky."

Buffy groaned good-naturedly, burying her head into his shoulder as she muttered, "God, when did you get to be so corny?"

"Corny?" Angel repeated, sounding through he was hurt but her comment. One look at the silly grin on his face told her otherwise. "I thought I was being pun-y."

"It's too early for your puns, Angel," Buffy chastised teasingly before moving her lips down to glide along his neck. He tilted his chin upward, giving her better access as she explored the smooth column, nibbling with blunt, teasing teeth before soothing the irritated, slightly reddened skin with her sleek tongue.

He sighed and let his hands wander, quickly finding her soft, supple breasts. Zeroing in on her sensitive nipples, Angel tweaked them expertly, rubbing the rough pad of his thumb over the hardened flesh, sending bolts of pleasure zinging through his lover.

Buffy whined, wanting more, and Angel was more than happy to give it to her. He dipped his head down and rooted out a ruddy nipple, pulling it between his teeth and giving her several harsh lashes with his tongue, using the right amount of pressure to drive her wild. She whimpered, her beautiful features contorting in pleasure as she slid a hand down his back, scratching her nails against his skin lightly.

"Still too early for my humor?" he smirked around a mouthful of nipple. Buffy sighed, pushing her ample chest into his face, demanding more of the attention he was lavishing her with.

"Mmm hmm," she murmured, dragging her fingers through his tousled hair. "But not for some sexcapades."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were just using me for my body," Angel said, his mouth dipping into the valley of her breasts. He rested there for a moment, his hands cupping her lightly, squeezing the soft mounds of pillowy flesh around his face, surrounding himself with her completely. His cock was pressed against her thigh and he rubbed himself against her smooth skin slowly, leaving a little trail of sticky fluid in his wake.

"I am," she giggled, arching up beneath him. "It's the only thing you're good for."

With what sounded suspiciously like a growl, Angel moved down to smother her slightly distended belly with warm, chaste kisses. Buffy moaned and her hands found the back of his neck, sifting through the short hairs as he set to work covering every inch of her with his lips. He brought his hands up to hold her hips in place, immobilizing her completely while he glided his lips across firm, tanned skin.

"Angel," she sighed, her fingers never stilling their movement as she dragged her leg up underneath him, her tiny foot teasing him. Smirking, she maneuvered it up to his straining erection, wiggling her toes against his hard flesh. Angel gave a little moan and a thrust against her, craving the friction.

He had not moved from her belly, seeming determined to bathe every inch of her with his tongue. When he dipped into her belly button, she giggled and said, "Honey, the whole devolving-so-you-can-mark-me-with-a-thorough-tongue-bath thing isn't really necessary. In about two months I'll be showing just how much I belong to you."

"Humor me here, Buffy."

She craned her neck, watching him work. "Angel, trust me, you've already staked your claim. You're as bad as the dogs that pee on fire hydrants to mark their territory. Y'know, instead of getting me all fat, you could've just gone to the mall and had a t-shirt made that said 'property of Angel; hands off.'"

Angel shrugged. "I'm very thorough," he said, pausing to smile up at her. She couldn't help but return it, reassuring him that she was only teasing. "A shirt wouldn't get the job done. Besides, hands aren't a threat, but eyes...eyes most definitely are."

"Then change hands to eyes and you're set," Buffy returned smugly. "Besides, you've done more than enough to make sure every guy out there knows I'm taken. There are my rings -- and believe me, this rock is quite intimidating, and I've usually got the kids with me. Nothing scares guys away like two small children."

He shook his head, pressing a tender kiss to the slight curve of her lower belly, breathing in the heady scent of her arousal. "Wouldn't work. They can bypass the kids and the wedding ring, but pregnancy? That's the universal back off sign for men."

Buffy sighed in mock irritation, thumping her head back against the pillows. "Still feeling like a fire hydrant."

She would have continued, but Angel chose that moment to part her legs with his big hands and bury his head between her thighs. He went immediately for her clit to distract her, and by the sharp intake of breath issued from her lips, he'd succeeded. Spreading her legs for him, Buffy pushed herself up into his face, obviously not in the mood to be teased.

Which was exactly why Angel promptly abandoned her clit in favor of skimming over her plump lower lips, his tongue barely grazing her hairless, moist flesh. Buffy whined and tried to pull his head back to where she needed him the most, but Angel would have none of it. He always enjoyed inflicting the slow, sensuous torment too much to let her have what she wanted so soon. He easily caught her hands and pushed them away, circling her opening with his tongue before delving up into her tight, hot passage, his hands holding her thighs apart.

"Annnnnnngel," Buffy whimpered, grasping the sheets beneath her to keep from grabbing at him again. She knew doing so would only delay her climax, as he would surely draw out the teasing even more. Closing her eyes, she forced her body to relax, concentrating on the amazing feeling of Angel's sleek tongue between her thighs.

Satisfied that she was going to let him play, Angel smirked and brought his hands up, holding her open with his thumbs as he licked and nibbled up and down her bare sex. He flicked her clit and was rewarded with a sharp buck of her hips, but he moved away again after only a moment. Bringing his hands up to hold her still, Angel moved closer, forcing her legs apart to make room for his broad shoulders.

His chin glistened with her moisture as he explored her. Rubbing his face against the softness of her inner thigh, Angel slowly slid one hand up her body, gliding up across the indentations of her ribs, over her heaving breasts and aching nipples, up the smooth, tempting column of her throat, and skimming her jaw before reaching his final destination.

His thumb circled her lips, leaving a sticky trail of her arousal around her mouth before she opened for him. Greedily, she sucked on his finger, immediately fixating on the digit and swirling her soft, supple tongue over it, making his cock jump.

Angel began an easy rhythm, his head dipping between her thighs steadily as he suckled at the reddened flesh that was tinged a deep crimson with her arousal. He could almost hear the blood pounding beneath the surface, her little whimpers of pleasure distracting him as he continued to cover every inch of her sex with his tongue.

Panting harshly, Buffy's hips bounced on the bed as she moved with him, pushing herself against his infinitely talented mouth. She was rapidly approaching her peak as Angel focused on her clit again, drawing the tiny bud into his mouth and holding it between his teeth while flicking it mercilessly. Buffy screeched at the pressure, nearly biting his finger off as she arched off the bed, her hands moving on their own accord to hold his head in place.

Somehow, despite her grip, he managed to pull away. Buffy whimpered and, with more than a little difficulty, lifted her head so she could glare down at him properly. A groan issued itself from her throat as she saw his face wet and glistening with her liquid pleasure, the erotic sight turning her desire up a few notches.

His finger slipped from her mouth when she opened it to speak. "What?" she panted, trying to push him back where she needed him the most.

"You know," he returned with an evil chuckle, dipping back down to trace a few quick circles over her highly-sensitized clit while maintaining eye contact.

Buffy whined, spreading her legs wider. "Angel..."

"Beg me, Buffy," he demanded, his voice low and husky.


"Uh uh, that's not begging...gotta say the magic word," Angel told her as he licked her again.

It was the only way to get what she wanted, and she knew it. Not that she really minded, since turnabout was fair play. "Please. Oh God...Angel, please," she whimpered. "Please...I need--"

Her voice squeaked and her back arched violently as he resumed his previous position, all but attacking her little nub as he slipped a single finger inside her tight heat, easily finding the spot at the roof of her sex he knew would drive her wild and rubbing it mercilessly.

He drew her clit into his mouth and began sucking harshly, his cheeks hollowing with effort. Pulling back, he ran his tongue over the bud before focusing on it once more, drawing Celtic knots and circles and lashing her over and over again, delighting in her quivering and high-pitched moans as he pleasured her.

Shudders wracked her body as she arched up, her head barely touching the pillow as she came long and hard, soaking Angel with her arousal. Wave after wave crashed over her as she gasped his name, thrusting her hips up into his face. Before she could come down he was tracing the letters of his name with his tongue, drawing out her orgasm for a few more moments.

With the smug look of male satisfaction firmly on his drenched face, Angel quickly nibbled his way up her body, capturing her lips in a carnal kiss as she came down from her incredible high, breathing harshly against his mouth as he laved her lips with his tongue.

Buffy recovered quickly, and before Angel knew it she had him pinned beneath her and was devouring his chest. She bit down on his nipples as she writhed against the hard muscles of his stomach, his erection nestled neatly between the cheeks of her firm rear as she rocked atop him slowly.

He groaned and twined his fingers in her silky hair, watching the sunlight glint off her locks as she abandoned his flat nipples for the smooth planes of his abdomen, licking up and down each crevice, moving slowly and painstakingly, teasing him as he had teased her.

Her breath was hot on his skin as she reached the wiry trail of hair. Her tongue traced it down to the nest of dark springy hair surrounding the root of his large, jutting cock, the mushroom-shaped head already leaking drops of silvery white pre-cum. Smirking wickedly, she veered off course and headed for his extremely sensitive hipbone, running her tongue over the bump as her hands played with the soft hair on his thighs.

"Buffy," he whined, trying to tug her over to his aching cock.

She looked up at him and grinned. "Don't dish it out if you can't take it, Angel," she chastised before resuming her exploration of his body, giggling as he surged up against her when she hit a particularly sensitive spot in the crease between leg and groin. Tugging at the dark hair that surrounded the base of his cock with her teeth, she licked around the base of his hard cock, enjoying his sharp intake of breath as she moved her lips up, finally touching him where he wanted her to.

She made a quick pass over the tiny leaking slit, curling her tongue to clean him properly before sliding him into her mouth, taking him all the way down in a single bob of her head. Shouting in surprise, Angel pushed his hips up, driving himself deeper down her throat. She usually teased him first, licking him as though he were a lollipop before taking the head of his cock into her mouth and running circles over it, tracing the ridge with her tongue.

Obviously too impatient to torment him, Buffy pulled back only to engulf him again, her mouth hot and wet as she slid his pulsing cock back inside, feeling him swell further under her ministrations.

Angel whimpered as his hands found her head. He threaded his fingers through her hair, twisting it up and away from her face. With more than a little difficulty thanks to the sinfully delicious things she was doing with her tongue, he lifted his head to watch himself disappear into her mouth again, his hips jerking involuntarily at the sight of her lips wrapped around his girth.

Feeling him studying her, Buffy rolled her eyes up and locked gazes with him, smirking around a mouthful of cock and humming softly. Angel gasped, his hips bucking forward on their own volition, trying to bury every inch of himself down her small throat. Seemingly whole-heartedly for his mission, Buffy relaxed her muscles and took him down, not stopping until the wiry hairs at the base of his erection were tickling her nose.

"Bu-Buffy, oh GOD that's good, that's so good," he mumbled incoherently, transferring her hair to one hand so he could cradle the back of her skull with the other, aiding in the steady bobbing of her head, his fingers tightening convulsively against her scalp when she scraped him ever-so-gently with her teeth.

She brought a hand up and cupped his heavy testicles, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure to make him whimper. His head fell back against the pillows and his eyes slid shut as the sensation of her tending to him so completely made it impossible to do anything but lie prone beneath her.

She was sucking and humming and fondling his balls and he was slick with sweat and about to explode any second...which was exactly when she stopped. It took a moment to register in his mind that his cock was no longer surrounded by her warm, moist, delectable mouth, and a strangled "Wha--" escaped him before he realized why she'd pulled away.

"Can't have you finishing before we start, now can we?" Buffy grinned from her kneeling position between his legs. She leaned down to lick the underside of his cock, tracing a prominent vein with the tip of her tongue as she made her way from root to tip before pulling away again.

Quickly straddling his hips, Buffy guided him to her entrance and sank down, enveloping him in hot, wet satin, caught open-mouthed as she felt him fill her completely. Her tiny body stretched to accommodate his large girth, her legs tightening around his hips as he filled her completely. She let out a long, high-pitched keen and her hands made their way up to his pectorals, bracing herself against him so she could move easier.

Angel wasn't about to let her take control so easily. He granted her several long, hard thrusts that sent her squealing and bucking above him, her head falling back as she rocked with him. Smirking and grabbing at the flesh of her hips, Angel pulled her against him as he pumped up into her, stretching her with each thrust. It was easy to catch her off guard, and Angel chuckled at her annoyed gasp when he pulled out of her.

"Where do you think you're going?" she demanded from astride him. Smirking up at her and taking in her wildly messy hair, glowing skin, and heaving chest, Angel didn't bother to reply as he pulled her down to the bed once more.

In a second she was on the mattress beside him, and another passed before she was lying on her stomach beneath him. Settling himself between her warm, soft thighs, Angel braced his elbows on either side of her shoulders, trapping her underneath him quite effectively. He leaned down to nuzzle the silky flesh of her back, wanting to go slow, to love her properly and reverently, the way she deserved.

"Trapped...just the way I like you," he murmured, his chest rumbling with a chuckle.

"And what are you planning on doing to poor little defenseless me?" Buffy returned, wriggling her hips a little. "I'm hoping it involves sex."

His sweaty cheek stuck to her skin slightly as he trailed a hand down her side, his fingertips lingering on the curve of her full breast before continuing his descent to her hip. Buffy shifted her weight onto her elbows as well and tilted her hips up just enough for him to slip his cock between her thighs.

"It does," he whispered hoarsely, leaning down low to speak into her ear.

With achingly slow movements, Angel gripped himself with one hand and slid the thick tip of his twitching erection against her soft folds, letting her wetness seep over him. He sat up and moved his other hand down to lightly fondle her clit, scraping his fingernail against the quivering flesh, making Buffy jump beneath him. The torment went on until Buffy couldn't stand it. She reached down and grabbed his cock, giving him a squeeze, making him swell even more in her palm.

"Do it already," she demanded huskily, dragging him down to her sopping entrance and waiting impatiently. Angel chuckled and batted her hand away, abandoning her clit in favor of spreading her lower lips with his long fingers and nudging at her entrance with the head of his cock.

Taking matters into her own hands, Buffy pushed back against him, causing him to slip inside her shallowly. She gasped as his long, thick cock invaded her heat once more, Angel answering her with a deep moan as he slowly inched his way inside her until he was buried to the hilt.

"Oh God, Angel, you feel sooooooo...oooh," Buffy whimpered as he shifted his hips against her. He didn't pull out at all, just rotated his pelvis, wanting to brush against every single nerve ending he possibly could.

He leaned down to brace himself up on his elbows again, and Buffy arched her back carefully, mindful not to let him slip out any, her head falling back to rest on his shoulder. Laving the old scar on her neck in short laps of his tongue, Angel pumped into her shallowly, setting up a relaxed, leisurely rhythm. Buffy mewled beneath him, meeting him easily as he palmed a warm, sticky breast and rubbed her nipple with the pad of his thumb.

"Ooh Angel, that's goooood, yeah," Buffy sighed as his lips skimmed her throat before moving back to the sweaty nape of her neck. He continued to move as the sunlight spilled over them, highlighting their flushed skin as little gasps and moans and the wet sound of flesh on flesh filled the air.

Speeding up his thrusts a bit, Angel continued his sojourn down her back, licking away her sweat as he nibbled down her spine, drifting over to tend to each shoulder blade as his hips rocked against her. He couldn't help the moans that escaped him as he moved within her, the friction sending shockwaves of pleasure slamming through his veins. She was so hot...he wanted to stay buried inside of her forever, trapped in the soft, yielding haven of her body.

"Buffy," he murmured, skimming his lips up her throat to root out the tiny spot behind her ear. Taking both of her breasts into his hands and squeezing none-too-gently, he continued with, "this just won't do," and promptly pulled out of her. Again.

Startled that their contact had been so rudely broken for the second time, Buffy craned her neck so she could glare at him. He smirked in return and she dropped flat onto the bed, her rear at an enticing new angle, her hands reaching back to pull him into her again. "No, it's doing. You're doing it perfectly, keep doing it," she begged.

He reached down, digging the tips of his fingers into her haunches before flipping her over with ease, covering her with his large frame and surging back inside her before she even had time to process the move.

"ANGEL!" she shrieked, automatically bringing her legs up to wrap around his waist, creating a soft cradle for him between her shapely thighs. He sighed her name, taking her right leg and tugging it up over his shoulder. The move allowed him to slide even deeper and he grazed tissue that hadn't yet been touched, making Buffy buck up against him.

"Better?" Angel asked. He trailed his hand back down her thigh to take hold of her rear, angling her up a bit for deeper penetration and making sure he hit the bit of raised flesh at the roof of her sex as he thrust again.

Buffy drew in a sharp, high-pitched breath at the shift and arched up into him, grinding her hips against his in need. "God, just DO IT!" she panted. Angel brushed her hair out of her face gently, the sweaty tendrils sticking to his skin as he flipped them onto the sheets underneath her.

Satisfied with their position, he leaned down and licked at her lips as he pulled back before slamming into her again, sending the headboard of the bed bumping against the wall as she moaned beneath him. It happened twice more before Buffy had the presence of mind to remember the sleeping children.

"Shh," she said, struggling to get word out without moaning, "the kids."

Angel smirked at her, continuing his seductive rhythm with cock and tongue. "They've slept through worse," he reminded her. Bracing his elbows on the mattress on either side of her head, Angel kissed her slowly, somehow managing to keep it light as he nudged her with his hips again, driving himself deeper, filling her completely.

He loved her like this, almost (but not quite) helpless with her leg over his shoulder, the other secure around his hip, open and vulnerable and so needy for him. He deepened the kiss, his tongue venturing into her mouth to seek hers out, demanding she play. Buffy was only too happy to accept the challenge, managing somehow (being the Slayer helped a lot when she attempted the Human Pretzel Act during sex) to wrap her arms around his back and arch up until they were chest to chest, hip to hip, groin to groin, connected completely.

They were both panting, sweat slicked bodies moving in tandem, their languidness quickly segueing into frenzy. Angel's thrusts lost their finesse, the deep, thorough strokes giving way to short, harsh pumps of his hips as they surged towards climax.

Buffy raised her other leg in a silent plea (although the gasps coming from her mouth were anything but quiet) and Angel cradled it in his large hand before throwing it over his shoulder as well, changing his angle yet again as he pounded into her. Reaching her arms back, Buffy gripped the headboard for better leverage, meeting him thrust for thrust, driven by the bone-melting pleasure that prevented her from staying quiet.

Buffy cried out, promptly burying her face in his shoulder and attacking his collarbone with her mouth to keep from being too loud. Groaning her name in response, Angel sped up more, taking her ruthlessly, pounding into her until she was sobbing his name, tossing her golden head from side to side on the sun-drenched pillow.

Blindly, she reached for one of his hands, still clutching the frame of the headboard in the other. Taking it in hers and lacing her small fingers with his much larger ones, Buffy looked up at Angel, her eyes telling him what she needed. Their gazes were locked as they stroked her clit together, the sensitive flesh quivering beneath their interlocked fingers. Buffy leaned forward and rooted out his lips, taking them in a possessive kiss as she arched and shuddered beneath him, finally exploding in a flurry of bucks and pants.

Angel felt her core clenching around him rhythmically and let himself go, groaning her name against her lips as his hips jerked spasmodically, quick spurts of warm, living seed flooding the flesh that was contracting around him. Moving purely on instinct, he broke their kiss to throw his head back and pump into her helplessly, determined to deliver his seed as deep inside her body as possible.

Collapsing on top of her, completely spent, Angel gathered his precious wife into his arms, careful not to crush her as he gave her his weight, knowing she craved the contact as she came down. He was beginning to soften but did not pull out of her, wanting to stay inside of her as long as the laws of biology would let him.

Her eyes were still squeezed shut as she came down and she opened them to find him staring at her, his gaze nothing short of adoring. "I love you," he murmured before kissing her again, gently this time, barely grazing her lips.

"Mmm, you too...I'm going to be pregnant forever, aren't I?"

Angel pulled back to smirk at her. "No, Buffy, just for five and a half more months." He paused, nuzzling her throat. "And then nine more, and nine more after that..."

"So, basically, forever," Buffy said, tilting her head up to give him better access as she played with the sweaty hairs at the base of his neck.

"There's just something about the sight of you carrying my child...I can't help myself," he admitted as he pressed a final kiss to her neck.

"So you're saying you like me best when I'm fat, swollen, and bloated?"

He chuckled, kissing her forehead. "I'm a sick, sick man."

"Part of your charm," she said, trying unsuccessfully to suppress a yawn. She snuggled down into the pillows again, closing her eyes.

"Oh no you don' sleep. Time to get up," Angel chuckled as he rolled off of her and drew her to him. She quickly set about making herself at home on his chest, wiggling around until she got comfortable. "Buffy, you know we can't stay in bed forever. Maddie--"

The baby monitor that sat on the nightstand went off at that moment, and Buffy groaned, burying her head into the crook of his neck and silently hoping the baby would just cry herself back to sleep. She knew it was wishful thinking, of course, and sighed as she moved off Angel.

"Impeccable timing, as always."

"I'll get her, you rest," Angel murmured against her temple.

"I knew there was a reason why I loved you," Buffy smiled.

Leaning down to kiss her cheek, Angel slid out of bed, crouching down to pick up the pajama bottoms that had landed on the floor the night before. Buffy sat up, the sheets pooling at her waist as she watched Angel rub his chest absentmindedly. He stood before her completely naked and she took in his form appreciatively, her gaze roaming over toned muscles, the ripples of his abs, lean cut of his hips, trail of dark curly hair leading down to his...

"I know what you're thinking and no, we don't have time to go again," Angel said as he quickly pulled on his pants.

Buffy pouted prettily, her lower lip jutting out. She leaned forward on her hands and knees, nipping at his stomach as she groaned, "Not even a quickie?"

He ran a hand through her hair and gently tugged, pulled her head away before she caused a big problem. "Madison seems to have other plans," he said, gesturing at the baby monitor, the sounds of baby babble filling the air.

"And we decided to have kids...why?" she asked, pout still firmly in place. Her breasts were squashed between her arms, and Angel couldn't help staring down at her cleavage. Noticing, Buffy's lips turned up in a wicked smile as she rose on her knees, giving him a full view of her naked body, her skin still luminous with the sweat from their activities.

She squealed in surprise as Angel hauled her up against his body, his mouth slanting over hers in a deep kiss, one hand snaking down to fondle her clit. Moaning, she pushed herself closer, knees braced on the bed for balance as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Because we can't seem to keep our hands to ourselves," he said as he pulled away, making a show of licking his fingers clean. Moaning at the display, Buffy tried to kiss him again, but Angel reached out and placed a finger against her lips, preventing her. He bent down and pressed a gentle, loving kiss to her forehead, his lips resting briefly on her skin, his nose in her hair. "Now get dressed before I get distracted."

Buffy smiled as she groped around on the floor on her side of the bed, searching for her nightgown. She pulled it over her head as Angel headed out of the suite, opening the door to find four and a half year-old Connor with his hand poised, ready to knock.

"Hey, buddy," Angel greeted his son, lifting the boy easily and hugging him. "Anything wrong?"

"I thought I heard knocking," the boy said matter-of-factly.

Angel stole a quick glance over his shoulder, smiling when he saw Buffy turn a bright shade of red. "Knocking, huh? I think it's a little early for company."

"I thought maybe Aunt Cordy forgot her keys again," Connor said as he wiggled in his father's embrace. Taking the gesture for the hint it was, Angel lowered his son back to the ground.

"Well, it seems to have stopped now," Angel said, sharing another look with Buffy, who groaned and buried her head back into the pillows. "Your baby sister, however, is still determined to wake up the neighbors. Go hop in bed with Buffy and Madison and I will be right there."

"Dad, we live in a huge hotel!" he reminded Angel, who had disappeared down the long hall. "We don't have neighbors!"

"C'mere, wise guy," Buffy called. She held her arms out in invitation, and Connor raced over to the large bed and hopped in, giving his stepmother a good morning kiss on the cheek before setting out to build himself a mountain using every pillow available.

"What do you think you're doing?" Angel teased as he entered the room again, his dark-haired fourteen month-old daughter balanced on his hip. The baby was cooing happily, babbling nonsense as she tried to stick her finger in her daddy's mouth. He bit down on it lightly and Madison squealed in delight, bouncing against him.

"Mountain climbing," Connor replied as he tried to take the pillow Buffy was leaning against.

"Pillow stealing!" She grabbed him and held him down, eliciting a surprised shout from the boy before letting him go again. Connor quickly clamored back to his 'mountain,' attempting to scale it.

Buffy smiled as Angel crossed the room to her side of the bed, opening her arms expectantly. "Come to mommy, Maddie," she cooed. Shrieking when she spotted her mother, the little girl began struggling to break free, reaching for her. Angel chuckled and handed her over to his beloved wife, who smothered her daughter's face with kisses as she clutched Madison against her chest.

Sliding into bed beside them, Angel plucked Connor off the tall heap of pillows and pulled his son onto his lap. "Da-ad," Connor complained.

"No jungle gym building in the house, remember?" Angel reminded him.

Connor turned to Buffy, a hopeful expression on his face. She smirked and said, "He's the boss, I just live here."

"Buff-ie," he whined in the same voice that had failed with Angel.

She quirked an eyebrow at that. "Buffy? What, is the 'Evil Stepmother' neon sign above my head flashing again?" Buffy teased, careful not to squish Madison as she leaned down to loudly kiss Connor's forehead. He only called her Buffy when he thought she was 'being a big meanie.' His words.

The little boy shrieked as he tried in vain to escape, glancing up at Buffy and saying, "Daddy, Mommy's being eeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllll today!"

"Ma!" Madison babbled, copying her brother and clapping her chubby hands together in delight.

"She is, huh? I don't know, I don't *see* any warts..." Angel smirked, leaning over to examine his beloved. "Do you?"

Connor giggled as Buffy's face darkened good-naturedly. She shifted her daughter and brought a hand up to her face, skimming her features as she asked, "Oh no, do I need to reapply my wart-hiding make-up? I can't have you finding out how wicked I really am, it'll totally mess up my evil plans."

She shared a look with Angel, depositing Madison on the mattress between them before leaning over and tickling Connor. The boy struggled to escape his father's gentle grip as Buffy's fingers assaulted him before scrambling into Angel's lap, hoping he would protect him.

Madison, seeing her two favorite boys sitting inches away, immediately crawled over to her brother and latched onto him, shrieking "On-ohr!", her best attempt at saying his name.

"I'm hungry," Connor announced as he bent over and, with Buffy's help, pulled his little sister onto his lap.

"Do you ever stop eating?" Angel laughed, keeping a close eye on his children as Madison climbed all over her brother.

"No," he replied with a huge grin, leaning against Buffy, who had moved over and was snuggling into Angel's side.

Madison used Connor as a human bridge, making her way back into her mother's lap. "I don't know about you," Buffy said, pressing a quick kiss to the boy's dark hair, "but I could sure go for some of Daddy's famous pancakes. I worked up a big appetite." She winked Angel.

"Yeah!" Connor shouted, turning to his father excitedly.

"How did I get nominated for breakfast detail? You're the woman, you go cook," Angel said.

Buffy rolled her eyes at him as she attempted to keep Madison from crawling over the side of the bed. "I don't think I can, I'm still pretty tired."

"What makes you think I've got any energy left?" Angel countered, leering at her. "I did all the work."

"If that's what you want to think..." Buffy trailed off. Angel's smile grew feral as he leaned over and kissed her hard, effectively ending more banter that could be harmful to young ears.

"Eww, APD!" Connor cried, making a face as he watched the two kiss. Madison clapped her hands and moved between them, gripping Buffy's nightgown so she could hoist herself up into a standing position, leaning heavily on her parents as she pawed at their faces.

"I think you mean PDA," Buffy corrected as they broke apart, reaching over to muss his hair affectionately. "And it's official, you're not allowed to spend any more time with Aunt Cordy."

Angel chuckled as he pulled Connor onto his lap again and wrapped an arm around Buffy's thin shoulders. Madison had plopped down on her mother's lap and appeared to be trying to eat her own foot.

"Your daughter's hungry, and she's going to need those toes when she starts ballet," Buffy said, burying her head in Angel's shoulder. "Go make your starving family some breakfast."

"Food!" Connor agreed, bouncing up and down on Angel.

Angel cocked a brow at his wife. "And what do I get out of the deal?"

Buffy smiled saucily at him and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "I'll let you do that thing to me later."

He pulled back to look at her, mockingly scandalized. "I can't believe you'd try to bribe me with that. And in front of the children!" His grin turned wicked as he kissed her again before lifting Connor off of him, depositing the boy on the bed.

"It works every time. You're so easy," Buffy giggled, reaching down to pull the trailing covers off the floor, covering Madison in the process. The little girl shrieked at the game and began clawing her way out of them.

"You know it," he smirked, then turned and ambled over to the kitchen in their suite. "Eating up here okay?"

"Fine by me. Less walking involved," Buffy said.

"Too hungry to walk!" Connor agreed.

Buffy hoisted Madison up onto her hip as she climbed out of bed. Connor was right at her heels as she made her way into the sitting room of the suite. She turned on the TV, quickly flipping through the channels until she reached the Cartoon Network. She set Madison down next to Connor and said, "Breakfast and cartoons, what better way to spend a Saturday morning?"

"I can think of a few," Angel muttered when she entered the kitchenette.

Buffy giggled and walked over to give him a quick kiss. "Insatiable," she murmured against his lips.

"Always," Angel replied with a wink before returning his attention to the pancake batter he was stirring.

"Oh, I promised the kids we'd make cookies today, and you just used up all the eggs in here, which gives me the perfect excuse to trash your precious kitchen downstairs," Buffy said.

Angel turned from the stove to glare at her. "If you think I'm letting you anywhere near *my* kitchen after what happened last time--"

"I swear, Angel, you love that stupid kitchen more than me," she returned, sidling up to him and brushing a kiss against his mouth when he turned his head to look at her.

"At least it doesn't know how to talk back," Angel smirked.

Buffy wrapped her arms around her husband's waist, cleaving her body with his, and leaned her chin against his bare shoulder. "You love when I talk back. Makes the sex hotter."

Angel chuckled and turned to sneak a quick kiss. "As if it needs to be."

"Yeah, for an old married couple, we do go at it rather frequently," she agreed, pressing her lips against his tattoo before moving away from him to set the table.

"At least once every few hours when the gang's around to watch the kids," he mused, sounding incredibly pleased with himself. "And when they're not, well, that's what Veggie Tales are for."

"You're just so sexy, I can't resist," Buffy murmured, mindful of the curious ears a few feet away. "And you love it."

Angel leered at her. Mind-blowing wakeup sex, quality time with his family, breakfast and Pokemon, maybe a trip to the zoo with the kids, and some kinky fun planned for later. Life was good.



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