Kiss and Tell--Volume III--A Timeless Kind of Love

Author: Desdemona

Rating: R for course language, etc. Must be some NC-17 bits in there somewhere.

Summary: A challenge from Amy. AU. After An Ordinary Affair, life continues, and brings a new adjustment with it.

Spoilers: As I said AU. However, you'll need to read Kiss and Tell, as well as, An Ordinary Affair, first.

Disclaimer: They aren't mine. If they were mine, you think anything after season 3 would have happened. Well...yeah, IWRY would have happened but that's it.

Distribution: Want it? No, don't joke with me. You want it? Fine, take it! It's yours, just tell me where it's going. Hopefully, will get up on my site eventually, and is open to Land of Denial.

Author's Note: Hah! I have returned again, and as I promised things are getting posted. For those of you who were asking, I'm sorry but as always, RL is being a bitch.



"How was your first day of maternity leave?" Angel asked as he stepped into the chilly house he'd grown accustom to over the past weeks. "Boring" she yelled back from the living room. Angel threw his things down by the door and went to find her lying on the couch dressed in a tank top and shorts. `How she could ever be warm enough to wear that I will never know.' "How's Aidan?" he asked perching on the side of the couch to look down on her. She had been reading some trashy magazine but was now staring up at him. "We're both fine" she replied with ease, already interpreting the next question would be if she was okay. This was a frequent question and answer over the last weeks. She was due in two weeks and Angel was still clamouring to have every one of her needs met. "Can I get you anything?" he asked anxiously. Buffy smiled, "No. I'm fine." "I have to go shower" he started. Carefully, Buffy lifted herself up onto her elbows on the couch. "I'm not going to hold you back" she told him with a grin. "Care to join me?" he teased. "We both won't fit," she replied, "besides I've been liking my showers decidedly cooler recently." Angel carefully pressed his face into her neck, kissing the warm flesh there. "As have I" he returned smugly. She cracked a wry grin at his response. "I'm thinking it's been for different reasons" she replied though the thought ended in a moan as he sucked on her neck. "Are you sure about that?" he asked. "Not anymore" was the reply as she pulled his face down to hers. Mutual molesting of mouths resulted for a few moments before Angel pulled away. "I really have to shower, and then I can make you dinner" he stated. She pouted but nodded her head. "I'll be back before you know it" he whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek and bounding up the stairs. `At least two more months of celibacy may be hard pressed to accomplish at this rate.'

It was Friday, and as such, they traditionally watched the old movies that ran on television that night. Buffy was sprawled along the floor using a pillow to support her head as Angel walked in with their popcorn. Angel lay beside her pulling her into his arms. "Mmm" she moaned happily snuggling back against his body. Angel flipped on the movie which happened to be Dirty Dancing. Far from one of his favourite movies but it would keep Buffy happy so he watched. "Can you believe Oz and Will are getting married tomorrow?" Buffy asked pressing herself against him more fully. "They've been grinning like idiots for the last week" Angel replied feeling his body respond to her actions. "Yeah, but we'll probably grin for months after Aidan is born" she returned oblivious to her effect on him. He didn't answer her, merely enjoying her scent and feel flow over him. "He's going to have so many pictures taken it's not even funny" she continued. "Aidan will be fine" Angel answered finally. His girlfriend was too far along her pregnancy to force the issue, even if they'd agreed to start sleeping together again, but God did he want to fuck her right now. "When are Cordy and Doyle getting here?" she asked. With only a few weeks left to go, Cordelia and Doyle were heading down to California. They were the only family Angel truly had, so she was grateful to have them. "Another week" Angel replied tersely. Buffy's eyes flashed wicked as she felt him press his rampant arousal into the small of her back. She gently pressed back against him again, hearing his soft hiss of pleasure. "So, I was thinking maybe we should let Cordy and Doyle stay here, I mean their practically your family. They could have one of the extra bedrooms or even the apartment downstairs." Buffy continued babbling as she ground back against him. Angel had lost coherent though patterns a while back and was now just making agreeable noises. "Maybe they could stay a while, I'm sure Cordelia and I will get along fine and well I don't know much about him, but Doyle could be hot. I really dig the accent" she murmured. He pressed back against her soft flesh for a moment before the statement broke his lustful haze. He stiffened causing Buffy to laugh softly and give him a teasing smirk. "Just checking to see if you were actually listening" she told him. "You have no idea how not funny that truly was" returned flatly. "I thought it was funny" she returned with a grin. Angel didn't answer just rolled her onto her back before kissing her fully. His lips made their way down her neck and along her collarbone. Teasingly, he traced her delicate bones with the tip of his tongue. "What I would give to fuck you right now" he whispered against her heated flesh. She moaned her approval of the statement. Angel slowly worked his way back up her neck and returned to her full flushed lips before pulling away. "How long after you have Aidan?" he asked. "Six weeks" she replied brokenly. "We're going to be taking a lot of cold showers" he predicted.


Saturday morning had the pair up and ready by nine, much to Angel's chagrin. "C'mon I have to go do the maid-of-honour duties" Buffy said as she waited for her lover to finish throwing the dishes into the dishwasher. "Can I come back home and sleep afterwards?" he asked through a yawn. "Yes, sweetie" she replied, "I will phone you at noon to make sure you get up to get ready for the actual wedding." Angel begrudgingly drove his girlfriend to her best friend's apartment where action was abound. For all their effort at a small simple wedding, the flurry of people today would suggest anything but. Buffy leaned down to give Angel a soft kiss before heading into the chaos that was Willow's house.

Buffy stepped in to see the bride just about ready to physically attack her mother through the phone. "What's going on Will?" Buffy asked laying a calming hand on the red head's shoulder. "Mother, was just explaining how all of our flower choices were wrong" Willow bit out. "Well what can I say Willow, you should have known the yellow roses were a sign of death. You should have picked white for fidelity and truth or even red for love but yellow..." her mother returned as condescending as always. "It's good to hear from you Mrs. Rosenburg" Buffy greeted with a falsely pleasant tone. After finishing the call, Buffy lead Willow away from the phone and into her own bedroom. Willow smiled gratefully to her maid of honour, before pacing her room like a caged lioness. "I can't believe her, on my wedding day no less" Willow ranted unhappily before dropping beside where Buffy was perched on the bed. Trying to distract her friend Buffy asked, "What's Oz doing now?" Willow smiled slightly, "He's with the band helping them to set up some speakers and things at the reception hall." Heaving herself to her feet, Buffy tugged her friend up as well, "C'mon, Wills, we've got girly stuff to do to get ready for your blessed event." Willow's smile broadened. "What's the countdown at now?" Buffy asked as they left for the salon. "Four hours, twenty two minutes, and... sixteen seconds" the red head replied checking her watch. "If I ever get like this, please slap me" Buffy teased. Willow grinned, "As long as you promise I can hold Aidan first." Buffy laughed, "It's a deal."

The shrill sound of the phone woke Angel. He glanced at the clock. Noon. "Hello?" he answered. "Hi! Have you rolled yourself out of bed yet?" she asked pleasantly. Angel groaned, "All I need is half an hour, why can't you let me sleep?" He heard her laugh at him. "But I love you and I miss you and I hold grudges" she replied evilly. "You can be quite the bitch, Summers." "And you're my bitch" she returned. "I'm up. I'll see you in a couple of hours" he groaned. "See you later, sweetie" she replied. "Don't wear yourself out" he warned her. "Like Will would let me do that. She's just as protective as you are." "Goodbye, Buffy" he intoned. "Later" was her quick reply before she hung up.

The wedding was ready to begin at two o'clock and both the bride and groom were fidgeting nervously with huge grins on their faces. "Ten minutes, Wills" Buffy announced walking back into the small room that held the blushing bride. "I'm going to be married in ten minutes" Willow gushed with yet another sappy smile on her face. Buffy grinned in return, Willow was just too happy for her to poke fun at the stupid smile. "C'mon we gotta get you already to walk up that aisle" Buffy remarked, bending stiffly to scoop up their bouquets. She passed the larger to Willow who accepted it then pulled her friend into a tight hug. "You have no idea how much you being my maid of honour means" Willow sobbed happily. Buffy rubbed her friends back. "You'll return the favour sometime soon, I hope" Buffy replied shedding some tears of her own. They pulled away each smiling despite the tears still gently rolling down their cheeks. "Look at us ruining our make up" Buffy teased. Willow laughed softly and gently tried to wipe away her tears. "I love you Buffy" she remarked with a soft smile. " I love you too, Wills" Buffy returned still smiling gently. A knock sounded on the door. "Wills, Buff, you guys ready?" Xander called through the door. Xander was escorting Willow down the aisle. Her parents were too caught up in their latest trip to Bolivia to bother returning even for their only daughter's wedding. Not that they even liked Oz. It worked out just as well, now someone who really cared about the bride would give her away. "Coming Xand" Buffy called hastily through the door. "Show time" she whispered to her nervous companion. "Okay" Willow returned before heading to the door with Buffy bringing up the rear.

Angel sat in one of the pews half way up the aisle. He didn't feel right about sitting near the front since these were really Buffy's friends and not his own. He heard the soft strains of some classical ballad start and stood with everyone else as the wedding party entered the church. There were two small children each holding a ring, Oz's niece and nephew, then came two of Willow's cousins, Heather and Vicki, and her highschool friend, Tara. At the end of that line, came his girlfriend, her beautiful blonde hair pulled up on top of her head with a few golden curls escaping to brush her shoulders. White tufts of baby's breath decorated her hair. She wore a navy blue silk gown that fell to her ankles and carried a bouquet of white carnations. He'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life. She was radiant. He couldn't imagine her looking any better even on their wedding day. At this thought he gently touched the black velvet box nestled in the pocket of his black suit. She spotted him in the crowd and smiled softly before continuing to the front. Angel was mesmerized by her beauty as the service went on. He was only half aware of the vows that were spoken and the rings that were exchange. He could only think of how soon he could be once again within this church with his son waiting in Willow's arms as he and Buffy said their vows. However, it had taken him a while to come to this conclusion. He'd never thought himself the marriage type. Or at least not a formal marriage. Angel had always thought that if he ever settled down it would only be himself and a long time girlfriend, but he had an intense desire to see Buffy in a long white wedding gown striding up the aisle toward him. So, caught up in his fantasy was he that Angel almost missed the rector pronounce Willow and Oz man and wife. He clapped appropriately as they left the church still giddy, but his mind was focussed solely on the blond maid of honour and so it would remain.

"We're going to get out of here, Wills" Buffy told her friend as Angel waited patiently by the door. "Oh, okay, Good bye!" Willow smiled enthusiastically and hugged her friend. "Have fun in Rome" Buffy remarked as she and Willow parted. "I will but you have to try and keep that boy in until I get back" she told her friend. "We'll see Wills, but I'm not promising anything" Buffy joked rubbing her belly affectionately. Willow laughed and hugged her friend once more before Buffy could escape the crowds and get back to Angel. It was only ten o'clock, but when you were just over nine months pregnant that was a long day. "You ready?" Angel asked slipping his arm around her and leading her away. She nodded happily and rested her head against his shoulder. "I'm so tired" she whispered to him. Angel planted a gentle kiss to her crown before opening the door and leading her into the night.


A week passed slowly but without incident. Buffy steadily getting less and less sleep which was making her more and more irritable, which was making Angel get less sleep and more irritable, ultimately making Angel's employee's and colleagues hope that baby came sooner than later. Which was the case when late Thursday morning Angel answered his phone. "Hello, Angel speaking?" he answered with half his attention on the phone and half on the layout on his desk. If he'd glanced at the caller ID he might have had less of shock when he heard her voice. "Angel, I kind of think I'm having some serious contractions" Buffy replied, point blank. "What? Since when? How far apart?" Angel rushed as he stood from his desk to grab his stuff. "Since just after you left for work and about every...uh..." he heard her grunt as a contraction came over her, "ten minutes." "Okay, I'll be home in fifteen minutes okay? Call me on my cell if anything changes. She made a sound of approval she hung up the phone. Grabbing his bag and telling his secretary where he was headed Angel took off from the office as fast as he could.

Speeding, Angel got home in just over ten minutes. He found her spread on the couch, panting harshly and whimpering pathetically. He stopped and crouched beside her. "You okay?" he asked softly. She nodded though her body was tense with pain. "I'm going to get your bag and then we'll be out of here. Just hold on, sweetie" he whispered pressing a kiss to her forehead and then dashing upstairs. As the pain ebbed her body relaxed and she sank into the couch she listened to Angel's heavy footsteps on the floor above. Returning mere seconds later with her black duffel bag tossed over his shoulder, Angel gently lifted her from the couch and walked her to his car parked haphazardly in the driveway. "And you complain about my parking" Buffy muttered to him. He made a non committal grunt before helping her into the passenger seat. He threw her bag in the back seat and then after locking the door to the house returned to the car. "This really isn't a family car" she told him running her hand over the leather interior. "We'll get you a nice family car" he teased. "Oh thanks" she quipped before her face turned to a pained scowl again. Grabbing her hand in one hand and keeping the other on the wheel, Angel backed the car out of the driveway and navigating it quickly to the hospital.

Buffy smiled happily as she glanced at the drugs in the IV beside her. `I love the guy who invented epidurals.' "Feeling better?" Angel asked with a small smile lighting his face. "You have no idea" she returned. He chuckled softly at her statement. "You look tired" she told him. After waiting ten hours excruciating hours at her side, who wouldn't be. For someone so small she was very strong when she was in pain, and the deep red gouges in his hand where her nails sunk in could prove it. "Go get a coffee" she persuaded, " the doctor said it would be at least another hour before any of the action started." A soft knock interrupted his answer. Giles pushed the door open slightly, and looked into the room. "Buffy, how are you?" he asked. "I'm fine Giles, but we're getting down to the wire now" she informed him. Giles stepped farther into the room, nodding his hello to Angel who was perched beside her bed. Buffy stopped and took a few deep breaths as she felt a contraction come over her. The epidural was beginning to wear off, but since they were expecting her to deliver within a couple of hours there was nothing they could do about it. The contraction lessened and she opened her eyes to see Angel hovering over her intently. "Go get a coffee," she whispered, "Giles is with me and you will be back in five minutes. Besides, Aidan can wait at least that long. I don't want him spoiled even before he's born." Angel cracked a weary smile and slowly left the room to get the coffee she insisted, and the one he sorely needed. "A little anxious, I take it" Giles surmised. "We both are" she replied. Buffy glanced down at the long string of computer print out pilling beside her. She saw another contraction building slowly and mentally prepared herself for it. Gritting her teeth and breathing through the pain was all she could do now. " Are you sure you're quite alright?" Giles asked tensely, ready to spring into action if necessary. The life long bachelor had no experience in delivering babies, not that she was any better. " The doctor checked me about fifteen minutes ago and thought it would still be another hour" Buffy told him. Giles nodded relaxing enough to sink into one of the chairs beside her bed. " How was work today?" she asked. "Faith threw away another of our top clients while on one of her rants" Giles answered with resignation coming into his eyes. "Could you pull them around with another exec?" she asked hopefully. "Actually, they'd been hoping to work with you. They saw the campaign you did with Angel in England, and wanted to hire the two of you to advertise their new chain of stores" Giles reported to her. "Really, what store?" she asked excitedly, almost forgetting she was in labour and would be on maternity leave for the next eleven months. " It was a chain opening in Paris, I believe it was called `Verre Noire.' They sold antique jewellery and such" he explained. "I'm not exactly going to Paris any time soon, now am I?" she remarked dejectedly. "They settled for Faith, rather unhappily. Then, for her to react as she did. Well, needless to say I doubt they'll be coming back even for you or Angel" Giles finished. Buffy groaned in pain as another painful contraction swept over her, this time unannounced. As the drugs wore off the contractions were getting progressively stronger. As she took deep breaths through the pain Angel returned with his coffee and with his free hand took one of hers. Giles at the same time slipped from the room, telling Angel that he'd be in the waiting room if there was any news.

"Congratulations, a healthy happy baby boy" Dr. Montero said over the sounds of the squalling baby and Buffy's exhausted sigh. The doctor quickly placed the baby on Buffy's chest and nurses surrounded him, cleaning him and trying to keep him warm. The anxious parents took their first look at their child. "He's beautiful" Buffy whispered as she stroked his cheek happily. Angel bent down and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before examining his son again. "He's got you're eyes" Angel told her. "And the rest of him looks like you" she surmised with a smirk on his face. Angel looked at the tiny baby that was finally settling on his mother's chest, he had a wet mop of dark head, and his dark green eyes were squinted shut as he tried to adjust to the light room. "We're going to have to take him for just a moment so he can get weighed and checked over by a doctor but he'll be back in a few minutes" a friendly nurse told them as she lifted the baby into her arms. Buffy nodded, looking delighted but utterly exhausted. "Does he have a name?" the nurse asked before leaving the room. "Aidan Brynn O'Leary" Angel supplied for nurse, already acting every bit the proud father. The nurse smiled politely and left the room cooing softly to baby Aidan. Angel looked down at his girlfriend and smiled, she was fast asleep. He pulled a chair up beside the bed once more, and took a seat. Gently he pushed a strand of hair off of her forehead. She groaned and opened her eyes slightly, "just so you know, Aidan will not be having any siblings for quite a while." Angel chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her crown, before replying "we'll see."


Angel pushed open the door to their home as Buffy carried the precious bundle that was their son. Aidan was happily dozing in his mother's arms. His tiny fist was curled up by his mouth and his head of dark hair was nestled comfortably in his mother's cleavage. A few friends were crowded in the front hallway. "He's beautiful" Willow whispered as she came closer and gently traced the side of Aidan's face. Buffy smiled happily at the compliment. Angel was busy setting down both Aidan and Buffy's things. He watched as all the women surged at Buffy, `oohing' and `awwing' at his son. "He's already a ladies man" Doyle commented to his long time friend. "Did you expect anything else?" Angel mock boasted. Doyle laughed. "I just hope my princess doesn't set her mind on a wee one of her own" Doyle remarked as he watched his girlfriend hold the tiny boy and coo to him in his sleep. "Our Cordy? I think you'll be safe for a while. She'd rather play with my children until they're wet or dirty, then she'll give them back." Angel assured him. Sure enough, Aidan soon realized he was no longer with his mother and promptly wailed until he was passed back. The baby's dark green eyes shifted uneasily around the room, he wasn't used to this many people at once. He was only three days old and this was his first adventure outside the hospital walls. "I think he's hungry, excuse me" Buffy stated before carefully climbing the stairs to the nursery. " Congratulations, Angel. He's quite a handsome little boy" Giles commented. Angel nodded his thanks. "He looks just like his father" Cordelia announced. "Don't say that, you're insulting the poor lad" Doyle returned. Everyone laughed for a moment. "We should go, I know Buffy probably wants to settle in again" Giles interjected. The group of friends nodded and started heading towards the door. "We'll see you later, daddy" Cordy teased as she kissed Angel's cheek then breezed from the house, dragging Doyle with her. Giles left at that time as well. "Congratulations, Angel. Tell Buffy I'll call her tomorrow" Willow requested before she and Oz left the house.

Angel closed the door after them then picked up the bags at the foot of the stairs and headed for the nursery. Buffy sat in the rocking chair they'd purchased, with Aidan at her breast. "What was that about?" he asked her softly. She looked up at him, "Nothing. He needed to be fed." "He would have been fine for a little longer, and you know it" he stated. She didn't reply, and returned her attention to her son. "They just wanted to see Aidan, and welcome you home" he reminded her as he moved to crouch in front of her. "I know" she mumbled, finally glancing up at him, " I want them to see Aidan, just why did thy have to come today when I'm all ugly and dirty and fat... Can't they wait a few months until I look better?" she ranted, ending with a pout on her lips. Angel smiled softly at her dismay. "You look beautiful, and even if you didn't, you just had a baby, I think they can understand" he returned. She scowled. "Why don't I put Aidan to bed once he's finished and then you can go take a long hot bubble bath. I'll bond with him while you're having your bath" Angel suggested. A grin split her face, "This is why I love you. You're so thoughtful" she exclaimed. Angel leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. "I try" he whispered against her lips.

Once Aidan had finished feeding and had been placed securely in his father's arms, Buffy hurriedly headed for the bathroom to enjoy her first taste of alone time in days. Angel watched her leave before glancing back to his son. " I'm going to take good care of you and your mommy," he whispered to the infant. Aidan stared back at his father with sleepy green eyes. "You and your mommy mean everything to me and I'll always make sure that you two are okay. Forever." Angel made this solemn pledge to his son while rocked him to sleep. The baby seemed reluctant to drift off, trying to take in everything around him, the sound of his father's voice, the warmth of his father's arms, the very feeling of security and love that surrounded him. "Sleep my sweet Aidan," Angel whispered to his son before placing him in the bassinette and turning on the baby monitor. He left the room, leaving the door just slightly ajar, and crossing to the master bedroom.

Aidan wasn't a fussy baby, but he had tended to enjoy the constant lavish amount of attention he'd received over the past few weeks. " Ugh, I'm coming Aidan" Buffy called down the hallway as she walked toward her son's room. The crying continued only getting louder as her son waited for his lunch. Three weeks had passed and Buffy had given up trying to do everything around the house and take care of Aidan. Her first week she'd run herself rampant and nearly had a breakdown. What little got done each day was as good as it was going to get. Aidan was ten times more important than if the house was spotless. Finally Aidan spotted his mother coming through the door and the crying subsided to mewls as he was lifted from his crib and was given his mother's breast. "There you go, buddy. It's all better now, isn't it" Buffy murmured to her son, as he sucked happily getting all the sustenance he could want. She heard the front door open downstairs before Angel called for her. "In Aidan's room" she called back. She listened as her boyfriend climbed the stairs and walked down the hall towards them. "Hey, sweetie" Angel greeted as he stepped into the softly lit nursery where she sat in the rocker feeding Aidan. "How's my little guy?" he asked as he came closer and ran a finger along the baby's cheek. "Hungry," Buffy answered, "but we're fixing that." Angel watched as Aidan's tiny hand came up and caught his finger holding it in a tight grasp. The baby's eyes cut to glance at his father quickly before returning his attention to his meal. "How about you? Are you hungry?" Angel asked. Buffy smiled gratefully, "I could go for a sandwich." Angel smiled back, "I'll fix that for you then madam. As you feed our hungry boy up here, I'll prepare our lunches downstairs." Angel gently pulled his index finger from his son's grasp, "Enjoy it while it lasts, little man. It'll be a while before you get these kind of privileges again" Angel whispered to his son. Buffy mock glared at him, "He's not even a month old yet, don't start teaching him about foreplay" she chastised. "It's never too soon, my love. Or so I've heard" Angel returned before leaving her with their son. "Ignore you're father, sometimes he forgets he's supposed to think with his brain" she told her son.


Buffy headed downstairs ten minutes later. Aidan was back in his crib, sleeping soundly. "Thank you" Buffy remarked happily as she took the plate with a ham sandwich on rye from his hand. "The least I can do" Angel remarked pressing a swift kiss to her cheek. She took her seat at the table and dug into her sandwich. With the amount of time she spent taking care of Aidan, Buffy often neglected eating properly or taking care of herself. "I told Giles I wouldn't be back this afternoon, I though maybe you'd like a break," Angel suggested as he too ate his lunch, "Why don't you and Willow go out?" Buffy looked at him and gave a happy squeal. "You did that for me?" she exclaimed excitedly. Angel nodded and grinned back at her. "Me and Aidan will have a manly bonding afternoon while you and Willow do the girly things" Angel returned. Buffy smirked at him, "you're going to join Aidan for his nap?" Angel chuckled. "We'll hang while I give him a bottle, later" he concluded. "Good enough for me," she replied. Finishing her meal she threw her things in the dishwasher. "I finally get to shop for something other than a mumu" she cheered as she bounced out of the room then upstairs to change into something that didn't have baby remanets on it.

At six o'clock Buffy's silver grand am pulled into the drive way and none to soon for Angel. For a newborn, Aidan could exhaust someone. "How do you do this everyday?" Angel asked as she came in the front door. Buffy laughed at his dishevelled appearance and exhausted mien. Her son was sleeping happily in his swing in the front living room, while Angel looked completely frazzled. His silk shirt had been discarded likely due to having been spit up on, and his usually perfectly coiffed locks were a dark mess on his head. "Poor Angel" she teased. "I'm sorry, if I ever say anything that makes it seem like I think you're slacking off at home with him, because for a little guy, he can wear you down" he replied as she made her way to the kitchen and he followed. "I'll hold you to that" she replied with a smirk. Angel watched as she started to pull things out of the freezer to make into dinner for them. Buffy carefully heated some soup she'd made earlier and had frozen and then got some bread out before setting the table. All the while, her boyfriend sat at the table and relaxed. Before she could get dinner finished, Aidan's caries began to carry from the living room to the kitchen. Angel groaned and flopped his head to the counter. She ran a hand through his hair quickly. "You serve the soup and I'll got check on Aidan" she announced. Angel gave her a grateful look and then got up to do as she asked. As he placed their things down, at the table Buffy returned with Aidan slung over her shoulder. "The little guy was just left all alone" Buffy stated. Angel smiled and sat down to eat his dinner. "So, what did you get at the mall today?" He asked as Buffy sat down as well, and shifted Aidan so she could eat her dinner with him still in her arms. "It's a surprise, but it's got to do with your favourite number" she told him happily. "Yeah? And what's my favourite number?" was his retort. She grinned evilly, "six."

The night was at hand and Angel couldn't wait. Six weeks. Buffy was going for her exam today and as long as everything checked out tonight he'd finally get to sleep with her after almost four months of forced celibacy. "Hey, Angel?" Mary asked as she poked her head in the door. He looked up and gave his girlfriend's secretary a smile. "Tell Buffy to bring that baby of your's in here. I'm sure the billion photos you and Giles have don't do him justice" Mary teased. "Laugh if you want, but I've seen your desk and how littered with photos of Jared it is" he returned. She laughed, "true, but I want to see the little guy." Angel nodded, "Ill tell her" Mary smiled again and said her goodbye's for the night. Looking at his watch Angel quickly packed up the negatives and proofs on his desk and got his things together so he could get home. He had a special night planned and he didn't want anything to get in the way.

"So, you're an old friend of Angel's" Buffy remarked as she held a bottle to Aidan's lips. The raven beauty that sat on the couch across from her just smiled and nodded. "I'm assuming Cordelia or Doyle told you that he was here?" Buffy continued trying to make conversation. Something about the girl was wrong the look in her eyes, the way she looked at Aidan. This girl wasn't telling the whole truth, and so Buffy was bidding her time until her boyfriend got back and could greet his friend. "So Drusilla, you're here in LA just to see Angel?" she asked. "Please call me Dru" the other woman replied with a gentle smile. Her accent suggested she'd recently arrived from England. "He's a beautiful boy" she gestured to Aidan who was watching her with his dark green eyes as he had his dinner. Before Buffy could reply the door opened and Angel came in, "Buffy, hey. How was your-" he stopped noticing the girl perched on the opposing couch. "Dru" he remarked. `This is not the evening I hoped for.' "What are you doing here?" he asked with a tight smile. "Why, I came to see you, my Angel" she returned her gaze shifting from him, to Buffy, and finally settling on his son. "I had to come and see your son" she lilted strangely. Buffy stood swiftly. "Well, I'm going to take the baby upstairs and get him ready for bed" she announced and nearly flew from the room with Aidan in her arms. "What the hell do you want Dru?" Angel forced from between his teeth. "I love you my Angel" she whispered, " come back to me." Angel grimaced, "you shouldn't be here, Drusilla. I've moved on, and you can do better than me" he insisted trying to force his ex from his home. "But she's not to good for you Angel. She is better than I am. And him, what did that baby do that makes him better than ours?" she asked her voice raising. "Drusilla, I'm happy here, and I'm engaged. Don't ruin this for me, please" he begged as she stepped on to the doorstep. "I would never ruin something that was good for you, my Angel, but you need to come home. We could have so much fun. Just come home Angel" she insisted. Angel sighed, "I'm happy here, Dru." She smiled sadly, "I know you're happy right now" she replied. Angel watched from the doorframe as his ex-girlfriend got into her black Chrysler Sebring and pulled out of his driveway. He watched as her taillights faded into the horizon.

Angel climbed the carpeted stairs and entered Aidan's nursery where Buffy was sing softly as she rubbed Aidan's back as he slept. "Is she gone?" she asked as he stepped into the room. Angel nodded though her attention was still focussed on his son. "I don't want her in the house again, there's something weird about her" Buffy stated. Angel nodded again, "she has had some mental problems for a while now" he remarked. Buffy nodded and turned to face him. "We're going out" Angel announced with a soft smile on his face. Buffy's eyes cut to her son who still slept peacefully. "But, Aidan" she replied. "Willow's going to watch him" Angel declared, "Oz was in Baltimore this weekend so she was all too happy not to sit at home by herself." Buffy smiled, "how long have you had this planned?" Angel smirked and winked, "since we got back together." A mocking smile spread over her face, "What's so special about today?" "I think you know, Miss Summers" he returned. She laughed softly and stroked Aidan's cheek before walking toward his father. "When are we leaving?" she asked. "We have reservations for seven" Angel told her. Her eyes widened, "and what the hell am I going to wear?" she practically screamed before she tore from the room. Angel laughed after her retreating form, "Goodnight Aidan," he whispered before grabbing the baby monitor and closing the door to just a crack.


It was six forty five when Angel answered the door to see Willow on the other side. "Hi" she cheered happily stepping into the house. Angel closed the door after her and followed her to the living room. "You know where everything is," Angel offered, "help yourself. Aidan's got some bottles in the fridge and his diapers are under his change table. If he gets cranky he really likes the swing over here. What you do is put him and then turn this crank-" "Angel" Buffy admonished from the bottom step. He turned to see her in a simple red dress that fell to just above her knee from the thin ties around her neck. She looked beautiful with her hair pulled up on top of her head and a diamond pendant hanging around her neck. She smiled softly at his flabbergasted mien. "Thank you Wills" she remarked to her friend. Willow smiled in return, and gestured for them to get going. Catching the signal Angel walked over to his girlfriend and offered her his arm. She gladly accepted and walked beside him to the door, grabbing her wrap and purse off the side table as they passed. "We'll be home before midnight" Buffy called as they left.

"I can't believe you went to all this trouble" she whispered to him over dinner. They sat at an elegant French restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. They were eating some decadent thing off the dessert menu and Buffy was in awe of her boyfriend's hidden romantic side. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me" she told him. Angel smiled with a little mischief lighting his eyes. She saw the spark, and her own eyes narrowed. "What's going on Mr. O'Leary?" she teased. Again he simply smiled and offered his hand over the table. She accepted and was pulled from her seat. "Where are we going now?" she asked as they returned to his car and left the restaurant parking lot. "Someplace special" he answered. She rolled her eyes but snuggled closer and rested her head on his shoulder for the remainder of the drive.

Angel opened her door and helped her out of the car. He kept her hand in his as he lead her into the Los Angeles Botanical Gardens. They walked the darkened narrow paths for an hour, until they stopped in the orchid enclosure. "Buffy, I love you" he whispered. It was hardly audible, the sound of rushing water was close at hand and it dulled the sounds of their conversation. "I've loved you since the plane ride to London, and though our meeting was unorthodox to say the least, I would never trade it" Angel confided. Buffy laughed softly at the memory of their first meeting. "You can't regret it. We probably made Aidan that day" she returned. Angel smiled, "I can't imagine life without you and Aidan anymore," he continued, "I want to be with you always. Forever. I love you Buffy Summers, and I'd be honoured if you would marry me." Buffy's eyes widened as he pulled a small black box from the pocket of his suit. Inside lay a platinum ring with a diamond in the centre accompanied by two smaller garnets on either side. "Yes, I'll marry you" she whispered. A grin split his anxious face and after sliding the ring onto her finger he scooped her into a passionate embrace. "I love you Angel. This is beautiful" she stated as swung her around happily. He set her on her own two feet again to kiss her soundly. Her lips parted and his tongue swept inside her mouth to taste every corner of her that he could. "We should head back home," she remarked as his lips travelled from her own to her neck, "I've got that surprise for you there." Angel groaned hoarsely at the thought. "The sooner we get home, the sooner you'll get your surprise" she declared. Before anything else could be said Angel wrapped his arm around her waist and practically dragged her from the gardens.

They burst through the door giggling happily at ten o'clock. Willow stepped into the hallway to greet them, only to see Buffy and Angel making out heavily in the door frame. "Uh, guys, if you keep that up, the neighbours may start talking" she teased. Buffy broke away and gave her a sheepish grin, but Angel never stopped, he just moved his ministrations to her shoulder. "Well, I'll get out of here" the red head announced as she moved to collect her things. Buffy called after her, though never stopped Angel from continuing his work, "You could stay the night Wills." Willow laughed as she returned and head for the door. "Yeah, I could stay and listen to you two go at it and then I'd get stuck with Aidan duty, while you have all the fun" she forewarned. Buffy laughed and waved her friend away as Angel captured her attention again. Sucking softly on her earlobe Angel waved his farewell as the red head exited. "So, whatever shall we do now?" she asked. "Where's my surprise?" Angel demanded with a phony little boy pout. Buffy simply laughed and pushed the hair that had escaped her coif over her shoulder. "Well, if you go check on our son I'll get your surprise together"she compromised. Angel pouted mockingly again but left to climb the stairs to check on Aidan, "Fine. Five minutes but, I'll come get you after that, whether you're ready or not." A sly smile graced her face, "yeah, you could but then who really loses?" she reminded him. Angel turned to look down on her from the top of the stairs. "You're too smart for your own good, Summers" he called down, "You've got five minutes"

After changing Aidan and putting his son back to sleep Angel had missed his own deadline. "You better be ready, because I'm here" he announced stepping into the darkened room. She lay on the bed before him, she wore a tight burgundy velvet corset that cinched her waist tightly and lifted her full cleavage to the point of nearly spilling over, she had on a pair of black lace panties and adorning her thigh was a black garter. Her blonde hair was now loose and trailed down the bed behind her. She presented a sight that would send any man's mind reeling. "Jesus Buffy" Angel hissed. At least one white candle adorned each surface and cast the room in flickering shadows. Words escaped him at the elaborate seduction set before him. "Well, are you going to just stand there? Or will you come to bed? You seemed only too eager a moment ago" she stated. Angel quickly shed his jacket before crawling up the bed to lounge beside her. Nothing was said. Angel claimed her mouth for a passionate kiss, which lasted long moments before he broke off. He then trailed his kissed down her neck and onto her chest where her bosom heaved so much that it nearly toppled from the top she wore. Her own hands were busy trying to undo his shirt and get it off his broad shoulders. "God, you're amazing" he hissed as he worked at the ties that held the corset to her body. She smiled slightly before flipping them so he was beneath her and she sat on his chest. She leaned down and nibbled along the flesh his shirt had revealed. As she undid the last buttons and finally got the garment off him, Angel had finished loosening her corset and pulled the top off her own body. His hands automatically found their way to her chest and began to palm her breasts. She moaned happily and let his hands continue their work. Angel watched closely as her form relaxed in his hands and she left her body at his will. He quickly flipped them back to their original position with her under him. His hands left her chest and moved slowly downward, over stomach, by passing where she needed him most. His hands reached the black garter, still adorning her thigh. Ever so slowly, he pulled the fabric down her leg and once it was off her traced the path back up again. "Angel, please" she whispered into the dark. Ignoring her plea, he repeated the same path on her other leg. She lay beneath him clad only in her lace thong and panting and thrashing on the bed. Taking mercy on her his hand moved to her centre and slipping under her panties he slid a finger against her slick folds. A shuddering moan escaped her lips and she ground down against his finger. He quickly pulled the thong from her body and set about pleasuring her the best he could. Soon his lips and tongue replaced his fingers. With one quick thrust of his tongue into her wet passage, she shook violently beneath him and let out a muffled scream. While she recovered from her climax Angel shed his remaining clothing, and climbed back up the bed, to her. His rock hard erection poised at her entrance. She stared at him intensely. Her green eyes were clouded with lust and pleasure. Her hands snaked between them and caught his member. She stroked him gently before pulling him forward and placing him just inside her. After thrusting forward, and seating himself fully inside her, he stilled for a moment. He was enjoying the scalding wet heat of her, while she adjusted to his size once more. "Angel" she moaned once his thrusts started once again. Their desires quickly got a hold of them and they mated with a primal lust driven ferocity. As they came they softly cried each others name before collapsing to the bed once more. Angel rolled off her, pulling Buffy onto his chest where she snuggled comfortably in the after glow. "I love you" she whispered before falling asleep.

Angel stayed awake stroking her hair and wondering what happened to his life. He couldn't remember going to bed before 2am on a Saturday night while he was in New York. `I used to go to clubs to drink and meet women until they kicked me out and then I would head home, with at least one female companion to keep me warm for the night.' Instead, here he was with his fiancee, in bed at eleven thirty, and his six week old son down the hall. He was living in a suburb for God's sake! What had changed him so much since he'd partied the night away with Spike, Drusilla, Darla and Penn? One word: Buffy. But was any woman worth him changing his life so drastically? `No. I'm not thinking about this. I love her. I love Aidan. We'll be happy together. She'll make me happy.' On that thought he fell asleep. `She'll make me happy.'

The End!


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