Kiss and Tell - Vol. IV - The Pains and the Pleasures

Author: Desdemona

Rating: R for course language, etc. Must be some NC-17 bits in there somewhere...
Summary: A challenge from Amy. AU. After A Timeless Kind of Love, Angel learns the meaning of second chances. Not entirely B/A at the moment, but hey you've had the past three chapters for that.
Spoilers: As I said AU. However, you'll need to read Kiss and Tell, as well as, An Ordinary Affair, and A Timeless Kind of Love first.
Disclaimer: They aren't mine. If they were mine, you think anything after season 3 would have happened. Well...yeah, IWRY would have happened but that's it.
Distribution: Want it? No, don't joke with me. You want it? Fine, take it! It's yours, just tell me where it's going. Hopefully, will get up on my site eventually, and is open to Land of Denial, Beth's site and BAU. Thank you to everyone who sent feedback on the last 3 parts and for all those who responded to my new fic The Better'll be happy to know I'm working on it and there may be more up soon.


Angel opened the official looking envelope, it was from a legal office and was addressed to Mr. Liam O'Leary. No one addressed things to him with the name Liam. Only three people used his real name; his mother, his father, and his sister. He tore it open and glanced inside. The word divorce caught his eye. "What the hell?" he asked out loud, closing the apartment door and seating himself in an oversized armchair.

This document requests a divorce and equal division of assets between party A: Mrs. Buffy Anne O'Leary and party B: Mr. Liam Angelus O'Leary. The divorce is precipitated by irreconcilable differences and is following a two year separation period.

Angel looked down and saw Buffy's signature, initials and then another signature on the appropriate lines. `Tomorrow would be our second anniversary.' Angel saw everything was in order. It mentioned the conditions of child support and the fair division of their remaining mutual assets. He could find no fault in the document and all that was left to do was sign it. But it weighed heavily on him. `Two years? She waited two years? Why now? What happened?' Angel O'Leary stuffed the paperwork back in its manilla envelope and headed into his bedroom to pack.


Ten months of planning had culminated into this event. They were going to be married. It was just a simple ceremony, one that everyone could attend, even small Aidan. They were married in their backyard by one of the local judges who could officiate. Family and friends were there to wish them luck and offer their congratulations. No one knew of the problems that already began to eat away at their relationship.

The ceremony was beautiful, as Buffy had seen to all the details. The garden was decorated with teal green bows and festoons of pale pink flowers and cascades of white silk. Buffy had an eye for beauty, to be sure. The garden had been transformed into something out of a fairytale, but their marriage was anything but. The bride wore a long white gown that was simple yet elegant, it too was festooned with pink blooms and teal ribbon, the dress itself was made of the rich white silk. She was breathtaking, and her smile was glorious. Angel could hardly think of all the things he was missing when Buffy stood so beautifully before him. She was the only thing that made him stay as long as he did; she and Aidan. They were his tie, his family. The only family he'd ever known, but it wouldn't last. Nothing in his life ever did. When he slipped the diamond encrusted platinum band on her finger and pledged to `love, honour, and obey until death did them part', it was a lie, and he knew it.

Aidan's first birthday was a little over a month away and Buffy and Angel were supposedly happily married when he left. There was no obvious reason, just a lot of little ones. Angel O'Leary did not stay in every Friday night to change diapers and sing poor renditions of nursery rhymes to his son. Angel O'Leary did not go to bed at eleven o'clock every night and sleep with only one woman. Angel O'Leary did not torment himself with 6 nights of abstinence a week. Angel, in general, was not so impressed by the married lifestyle. So, on a quiet September evening Angel called Willow and asked her to watch Aidan while he stepped out to run some errands. The red-head happily obliged since Oz was touring with his band and she was a little on the lonely side. Little did Willow know those errands would take him to an old friend who lived in San Francisco and he had no intention of returning that night, or any night in the near future. Before Willow arrived Angel packed everything he could take easily into the trunk of his car and then went and kissed his son's forehead as the innocent young boy slept on. When Willow got there half an hour later, a hastily scribbled note was waiting on Buffy's pillow, Aidan was still sound asleep upstairs and his bags were already ready to go. He said good bye to his wife's best friend and sped away from Los Angeles.

Buffy got home at seven o'clock as she did every Wednesday night, expecting to find her son safely upstairs in his bed, dinner waiting on the stove and her husband welcoming her home with a gentle embrace. That night she only got two of the three, Aidan was upstairs happily dreaming, Willow had made her a light dinner, but Angel was no where in sight. Willow announced that Angel had said he was running some errands and didn't say when he'd be back, but it's been nearly four hours. Buffy began to feel a ball of dread form in the pit of her stomach, but she told Willow to head home, and that she'd talk to her tomorrow. She never phoned and didn't go to work the next day. Buffy spent nearly 24 hours in a near catatonic state just clutching the letter in her hands.

Don't ask me to explain because I can't, but I know that I won't stay any longer. I'm not meant to stay here with you and Aidan. You deserve something better. I'm sorry, I wish I deserved you. I wish I was a better person. Tell Aidan I love him.
All my love,

When anyone asked about Angel Buffy would mumble something along the lines of `bastard' or `Just like him.' They'd both shared the abandonment of their fathers and knew what it felt like, yet he did the same thing to Aidan. After a while, people stopped asking. One night after work Angel's office was cleared mysteriously and Buffy came in the next day to find a framed photo from their wedding that had sat on his desk now sitting on hers. She promptly threw the thing in the garbage and went home for the day. Life was up in the air for Buffy and Aidan but time heals all wounds, or so some genius philosopher guy said. The question was, how long and how much?



Angel drove his black SUV along the highway from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Buffy had asked him repeatedly to get rid of his impractical car and get something he could drive that was comfortable for Aidan too. He never did. Maybe that was a sign of things to come. The car was everything wild he'd loved and he had refused to let it go, even for his precious son. Ironically, he now had the very family car he despised.

Despite what people were sure to think, he loved them. Buffy and Aidan were huge parts of him, but he didn't fit into their world. A car cut him off and Angel honked loudly and flipped the careless driver off. The dark blue sedan continued to weave between traffic and once past the slower moving cars sped onward. Angel was wont to admit from time to time, he was far more domesticated then he let on. Since leaving Buffy he cooked, cleaned and cared for himself which was something he'd never done before. Some nights he cut dates short just because something would remind him of her and his mind would be clouded all night. Early on her learned not to go for blondes anymore, he couldn't finish what he started, or he'd call Her name in the throes of passion.

Even dating was becoming more common. He'd never actually dated before her. Everyone was a one night stand, possibly friends, but never a date. Now, Allie spent more and more time at his place, they weren't serious or exclusive but they weren't exactly single either. Angel watched as the road signs said only 12 miles to LA. He watched the ever darkening horizon as LA got closer and closer.

Two years. And she filed for a divorce now. After six months with no effort on her part to reach him he hadn't thought about it anymore. Aidan would be almost three. He'd be walking and talking. Angel was hurt he'd missed so much but he knew it was probably better. He'd seen Aidan's first smile, heard his first laugh, seen his first step, and listened to the young boys chirps and coos and having mocking conversations with him. Aidan was well loved by his father. Every young boy reminded him of the son he'd lost; both of them. Aidan wasn't his first child. Ethan had been born way too early; 2 months early to be precise. He lived maybe 48 hours before his tiny body gave out. Dru had been devastated. She'd gone mad shortly there after. Angel could remember the tubes and wires snaking from his tiny body and as he watched with Dru in a wheelchair on the other side of the incubator as the heart monitor flat lined and nurses told them nothing could be done. Dru had held the tiny boy in her arms briefly before they'd taken him away. Ethan Kyle O'Leary was buried in a small cemetery just outside New York. He couldn't remember the last time he'd visited. Once Dru was institutionalized for depression and suicidal tendencies, they'd not spoken again. He hadn't seen her until she showed up on their doorstep to bring about the beginning of the end. It was that conversation that began to sew the seeds of doubt in his mind. He did miss the fun that they'd had in New York and he did miss the wild untamed beauties he'd left behind. So he left Buffy and everything he held dear, just to find he wasn't that person anymore, and then, his own pride kept him from returning. Angel watched for the next road sign. 5 miles to Los Angeles. "Come on, love. We'll be late if you don't hurry" Spike called up the stairs. He'd been with his girl for just over a year now. After he replaced the head photographer at her advertising firm he'd seen her. She was unusually sullen and she avoided him like the plague, but William "Spike" Byron was not to be deterred. He'd persevered and eventually won the love of the beautiful and beloved blonde. It didn't matter to Spike that she had a son by her soon to be ex husband and that her last relationship was still a sore topic at best. "Buffy, darling, the gala won't wait for you" he called. She laughed down the hallway. They'd been living together for six months now and everything was perfect. Aidan was a joy, too smart for his own good, and Buffy was finally opening up and looking forward to their upcoming nuptials. "I'm coming Spike" she yelled back. Aidan came careening round the corner and down the stairs to talk, "Mommy looks pretty" he declared before charging for the kitchen where his Aunt Willow and Uncle Oz were making some PB&J for him.

Before Spike could yell again she got to the top of the stairs. Her dress was black and had red accents. It was layered with a short black dress cut on a bias on top and a longer swatch of vibrant red cut on the opposite bias hanging out from underneath. She had pulled her hair back into a bun and silver earrings dangled from her earlobes. "You're a vision, pet" he announced. Buffy smiled happily and descended the stairs to reach him. Spike helped her with her coat and then put on his own over the traditional tux he wore. "Aidan, have a good night" she called to the boy who was still in the kitchen. The toddler ran out once again, "bye, I'll take good care of Aunt Willow and Uncle Oz" he promised. Buffy smiled at him, she had told him he was the babysitter since he refused to be considered a baby. "Good night, my handsome little man" she said as she kissed his cheek. The toddler turned away to go back to the kitchen still rubbing his mother's kiss off his face. "Bye Wills, Bye Oz" she yelled through the house before she and Spike left for a night at a company party.


At seven there was a knock at the door. "They just left an hour ago" Willow remarked in confusion to her husband as she went to get the door. She threw it open and looked at a face she was fairly certain she'd never see again. Without a moment's wait she slammed the door in his face once more. Little did she know, the locks had not been changed and he still had his key. Letting himself back in, Angel walked into his old home. Little had changed except the house was far more comfortable for a growing child. Toys were thrown across the floor and a small backpack hung at the end of the stairs. "I thought the door slamming made it fairly obvious you weren't invited in" Willow declared without turning around. "This is my house" he returned evenly. She faced him and her green eyes threw fire, "this hasn't been your house since you left two years ago, you son of a bitch" she hissed. Giggles sounded from down the hallway toward the kitchen and Angel looked longingly. "Get out, she's not home, and if she was you would still be on your ass outside" Willow assured him none too pleasantly.

"Aunt Willow, Aunt Willow, Dana threw peanut butter all over her tray and…" the dark haired toddler called as he ran out of the kitchen before he saw the stranger in the foyer. Aidan promptly hid himself behind his aunt's legs. Despite intimate friends and family Aidan was a shy boy. Angel looked at his son. The boy was nervous under the intensive stare of his father. The toddler had dark hair and dark green eyes. He was a handsome boy from what Angel could see, but he was rather hurt that his own son feared him. `It's understandable since you haven't seen him since he was a baby.' "Hi Aidan" Angel whispered. Willow took control of the situation once more, "why don't you go help Uncle Oz clean up Dana, kay Aidan?" The small boy nodded and walked back to the kitchen but kept his confused eyes on his father.

"Get out Angel" Willow requested once more. "I need to talk to her, Willow" Angel insisted. As the red head ushered him forcefully to the door she remarked mockingly, "I'll tell her you stopped by." Before Angel could say anymore he was locked outside once more. "Night Aidan" he whispered. Spike and Buffy got home at midnight and met Willow and Oz in the living room. The couple's baby girl, Dana, slept soundly in her car seat on the floor beside the sofa. "Ah, I didn't get to say goodnight to the baby" Buffy pouted as she crouched down to observe her goddaughter. The baby slept soundly. Spike hung up their coats before joining his girlfriend in the living room. "Uh, Buff, I- uh" Willow blabbered. Buffy smiled fondly, "what is it Wills?" "Angel stopped by" she spit out finally. All the colour drained from Buffy's face. "Wh-what?" she whispered as she sank onto the sofa, "did he see Aidan?" Willow made a sheepish face and nodded sadly before sitting beside her friends who was having a nervous break down. "Why don't I help you get, the little princess into the car" Spike suggested to Oz. The two men swiftly departed to get the baby ready to go home.

"I'm sorry, Buffy, I know you're still upset about the whole Angel thing" her best friend consoled. "Why did he show up Willow? Why did he show up? All he had to do was sign the fucking papers!" Buffy stated her voice rising hysterically. Willow pulled her friend into a hug, having no answer to those questions. "Ssh. You'll be fine. You're happy with Spike and Aidan loves him. Just talk to Angel, get him to sign the divorce papers and then send him on his way" Willow suggested. Buffy sniffled and nodded.

"I'm in LA" Angel told Allie as they spoke on his cell phone. "Why the hell are you in Los Angeles, baby?" his sometimes flighty girlfriend inquired. "I have to settle something" Angel answered vaguely as he unpacked an overnight bag that was always in his car in case a need arose. He still remembered days in New York where he'd take off for weeks sometimes more just because the mood struck him. "What kind of something?" Allie demanded. Angel sighed loudly, things were becoming more involved with Allie and after seeing Aidan again he wasn't sure he wanted things to move forward with her. "Taking care of something with my wife Allie" he announced dryly. He heard her gasp over the phone line. "You're married? What am I your whore? You're cheating on your wife with me?" she asked shrilly. Angel shrugged on his end, "I guess, in essence. We've been separated for almost 2 years but… Allie? Hello?" Angel realized she'd hung up. `Well, that takes care of the problem with Allie.' Looking at the empty hotel bed, Angel realized how much he missed the white satin comforter and warm cotton sheets that he and Buffy used to share. With another sigh Angel took off his clothes except his boxers and climbed under the scratchy hotel sheets. `I miss her so much.'


"You aren't dressed for work, love" Spike declared as he returned from the shower after eating his breakfast. "I'm not feeling so well" Buffy told him with a fake rasp to her voice. Spike looked concerned and sat beside her on the bed, "too much to drink last night, ducks" he teased. She cracked a wry smile but shook her head. "Alright, I'll tell Giles you're sick today, but call me at lunch, so I know what's going on with my darling" he told her pressing a gentle kiss to her brow. "I love you, Spike" she told him as he left the room. "Love you too" he returned before she heard him head down the stairs and out the door.

Buffy rolled out of bed and looked down at herself. Her flannel pink and white plaid pyjamas were not going to cut it for clothes when she met her ex husband. She quickly headed to the shower and then got dressed for the day in black jeans and a white sweater. She found Aidan trying to pour his own cereal in the kitchen when she got there and quickly helped him before there were Fruit Loops all over the floor. "Aidan, just ask next time please" she admonished. The little boy smiled innocently at his mother and took his cereal into the family room to watch the morning cartoons on PBS as he ate. Buffy then set about calling the babysitter to tell her not to worry about coming today and then she ate her own breakfast. The house was spotless by lunch time, as Buffy had much nervous energy to expend. In the kitchen she made some Spaghetti-O's for herself and Aidan then made sure her son was well fed and put down for a quick afternoon nap. While he slept she fidgeted anxiously on the couch. Angel would come soon. He knew that she'd always taken Monday afternoons off. She was sure he'd arrive, and that was why she'd fought tooth and nail with Aidan to get him to take a nap. The toddler hated them; he hated being treated like a baby. As Buffy nearly hyperventilated in the kitchen the doorbell rang. She went to answer the door and found her husband, soon to be ex, waiting on the stoop.

After a long pregnant pause Angel asked, "Can I come in?" Buffy stepped out of the doorframe but said nothing. Angel stepped inside and marvelled once more at the lived in quality the house had taken on. "I think we need to talk" Angel announced to his wife who was silently closing the front door. "Talk? What is there to talk about?" she asked, still not turning to face him. Angel pulled the neatly folded documents from the inside pocket of his leather jacket. "You know, Buffy. Two years and I hear nothing from you and Aidan and now you hunt me down to get me to sign these divorce papers" he answered. She sighed heavily and walked into the living room to take a seat on her large white sofa. "Angel, I realize this seems out of the blue, but I should have done this years ago" she declared facing him. Her eyes were a mix of pained sadness and resentful anger; both of which were justified and understandable. "I am sorry, Buffy. I made a huge mistake that day" he offered.

Last night, Angel had come to the conclusion that if necessary he would beg and grovel to be part of Aidan's life and hopefully Buffy's once more. The conclusion hit him after about two hours of the constant plague of happy memories. She was everything and Aidan was his redemption. Nothing meant more to him than the two people residing in this house. But his admission now elicited anger in the petite blonde, the likes of which he'd never seen. "You think?" she mocked. Angel sank into a white armchair and looked at his soon to be ex wife. `Not if I have anything to do about it.' "Why now Buffy?" Angel asked wearily. She stared back angrily, "I don't know. I should have done this two years ago. I mean you made it pretty clear that our entire marriage was a farce. So why don't you just sign the fucking papers and be out of our lives for good," Buffy returned. Angel looked after her as she stormed out of the room and up the stairs. Not about to let her run away from this Angel followed. She walked swiftly toward their bedroom and moved to slam the door behind her but he wedged his shoulder against the door. "Don't lock me out Buff, because I have no intention of signing these papers" he told her as she went to work folding some laundry with her back to him. "What, do you want an annulment so you can claim we don't even exist?" she retorted. "No, I want to help you. I want to get to know you and Aidan once more," Angel announced. Buffy turned to face him, her face was a mask of distrust. "It's too late, Angel. At least for me" she declared. His hopes fell a little. She was seeing someone, but she hadn't said he couldn't see Aidan. "Sign the papers and our lawyers can set up visitation rights" she bargained, turning her attention back to the laundry. His hopes were squashed completely, she insisted on a divorce. As he watched her for a moment, the light caught on the lavish diamond now adorning her ring finger. "You're engaged," he deduced with great pain. She turned to face him once more. "We're done here, Angel. You can go" she command. After Buffy heard the front door close she sank down onto the bed and cried. It didn't help that he looked as gorgeous as always. `Why couldn't he put on some massive amount of weight or something?' She had no idea how long she lay there crying and thinking to herself. Eventually Aidan crawled onto the bed with her and rested his tiny head against her shoulder and tried to console his mommy. "I love you mommy" he told her. She cradled her precious little boy against her and cried harder.

Angel drove back toward the city and his hotel. He hadn't seen his son and Buffy was obviously more than little bitter about their break up. "Jesus Christ" he cursed aloud as he drove through the busier LA streets. He passed by Ripper Multimedia and then thinking quickly he turned into the underground parking lot. He parked his SUV and walked into the familiar building. It teemed with life as it always did. A few interns passed loaded down with files and heading toward the printing room while Angel noticed Shane, a former colleague, walking up the steps toward the offices. He picked up the pace to catch the younger man. "Hey, Angel, man" the young man greeted with a friendly handshake. `At least someone is glad to see me.' "Where are you headed?" Angel asked as they continued upstairs. "To give these proofs to your replacement, actually" Shane explained. "Ah, who has Giles got replacing me?" Angel asked casually. "Not just Giles, man. Your girl is apparently really interested in photography" Shane teased. Apparently the boy didn't know how badly that hit him because he kept up with a couple of raunchy jokes. "What is his name?" Angel cut him off angrily. Shane startled at the older man's anger, "uh… Spike… Spike Byron" A snarl escaped Angel's lips. `That little ass wipe was touching my wife?' Ignoring Shane completely Angel took off for Giles office.

He had intended to grovel for some job, but now he had every intention of reclaiming his old one. Spike was a little shit who'd plagued his existence as long as he could remember. William Byron went to high school with him in New York. The annoying boy had been two years his junior and had all but worshipped him. Angel at the time had loved anything ego boosting, and Spike had done nothing but lavish him with compliments. The boy was eventually taken under Angel's wing, after a rigorous and violent initiation. Spike learned everything from him and Spike had cleaned up the pieces after he'd left Drusilla. No doubt the little ponce had followed his precious Dru and then bewitched his way between Buffy's creamy thighs after he left. At the thought of Spike between his wife's legs spiked his anger even higher and he barged directly into Giles' office. Giles stood abruptly at the unexpected entrance of a guest. "Angel! What the hell are you doing in Los Angeles?" the older man raged. Angel knew he'd be facing an extremely pissed off father figure, and had anticipated the rage that flowed of Giles in palpable waves. "I got the papers, but I'm sure you knew about that" Angel bit back, his own rage barely contained. Giles sat calmly on the edge of his desk a smug smile on his face. "Well, Buffy called in sick today, so I suggest you head back to where you came from" Giles mocked with a smile still plastered on his face. "I already talked to her," Angel declared, "where's Spike?" Giles laughed at his rage, the old man was not intimidated at all. "Angel, Spike is none of your concern. Sign the bloody papers and be on your way" Giles told him. "Spike is a little ass wipe, shit for brains, gold digger who is about to get his ass kicked for touching what not his, once more" Angel clarified stalking closer to his former employer. Giles straightened again, "you still love her" he deduced. Angel said nothing but began to pace. Giles laughed once more, "I'd be happy to see you beat the living shit out of that annoying bugger, but I'm afraid it wouldn't do much good. Buffy wouldn't appreciate it much." Angel growled and continued to pace angrily. "Spike is a lousy employee, and I have a feeling he's cheating on Buffy" Giles explained watching Angel closely. He didn't like what Angel did to Buffy but he appeared to be the lesser of two evils at the moment, and though Spike appeared to get along alright with Aidan, the lad needed his real father. "Spike is crafty, I'll give him that much. And I can't fire him without getting Buffy up in arms. But I can't help it if Spike is forced out by a little friendly competition" Giles announced. The older man shared a smile with Angel. "Would you care to participate in a competition?" Giles asked. Angel grinned once more, "It's not a competition when I already know I can win" Angel told him in return. "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning, Mr. O'Leary" Giles announced.


Spike panted harshly as he fucked the living daylights of his secretary, Cassidy. "God, love, you're good" he grunted. She was spread over his desk and Spike thrust into her dripping cunt with wild abandon. The soft sound of the door lock being jimmied was missed by Spike as he dropped over the precipice and spilled his seed inside of the willing bitch under him. Spike never even opened his eyes until the door slammed loudly. At that noise his eyes flew open and looked into the eyes of his long time mentor. And by the looks of it, Angel was not pleased. Spike pulled out of Cassidy and hurriedly fastened his pants to face Angel. Cassidy languidly rolled off the desk and straightened her skirt and quietly left the room, giving Angel a quick look over and a suggestive leer. "Hey, mate, how's life?" Spike greeted. Angel looked over his old friend in disgust, "I hope you're up for a challenge William. I'm your new partner" he announced. Spike looked him over and laughed, "You forget, mate. I'm the Big Bad around this haunt" Spike declared prematurely. Angel laughed, "All you're doing, my boy, is taking care of Daddy's leftovers. That's all you've ever had." Angel turned to leave and slammed the office door behind him. Spike never saw the disgusted glare Angel gave Cassidy or the violent removal of Spike's nameplate from the door.

Buffy finally rose from the bed at five o'clock, as Spike would be home at six. Aidan had left her half an hour ago to watch cartoons. Buffy rose and began to fold the laundry once more. She caught sight of the gold band that now adorned her finger. Spike was a good man; he would take care of her and Aidan. She didn't need someone like Angel O'Leary. Aidan liked Spike, but on the other hand he barely remembered Angel. She help back the next set of tears that threatened to fall and put her work away before going downstairs to start dinner. She checked on Aidan, who wore his Spider-man pyjamas to watch his favourite Blues Clues video. Buffy smiled at the sight. He looked so much like his father. She angrily shook the thought from her head and moved on to the kitchen again. She pulled the chicken from the fridge and began to prepare dinner. At six o'clock Spike stormed into the house and made his way into the kitchen. "Bloody hell" he exclaimed as he threw down his briefcase. "What happened?" Buffy asked gently as she continued to cook the stir fry they were having for dinner. "My old chum from New York is in LA and he's waging war" Spike ranted as he sat down at the glass top table. "Why?" she asked. Spike groaned and sank against the seat. Aidan came into the room to sit at the table. "I haven't a fucking clue, ducks" he groaned. Buffy looked pointedly at Aidan as she reprimanded, "Spike, language please." Spike looked sheepishly at his stepson, "Forget that, little man." Aidan smiled forgivingly and helped himself to the food his mother placed on the table. The little boy studiously avoided the vegetables in the mix before his mother yelled at him. Aidan loaded his plate with a little rice, some chicken and two or three carrot sticks. Before they could begin eating a knock at the front door sounded. "I'll get it, you guys eat" Buffy told them. She walked to the front door noticing an unfamiliar black SUV in the front driveway. She opened the door to see the car pull away and found a single white rose placed on the stoop. There was a card attached: I'll see you soon.

Buffy frowned at the threat, but carried the rose inside. She headed upstairs and hid the rose discarding the card. For some odd reason she knew this would anger Spike and she didn't want that. `Or maybe you're just living in denial that you don't love Angel anymore.'


The next day Buffy dragged herself into work, despite her lingering melancholy. The last thing she expected were the pointed stares she received from the staff as she walked in the door. They looked at her as though she would break into hysterics at any moment. "Spike, why is everyone looking at me?" she hissed to her lover. "Don't you remember that table dance you did at the gala, but then again you were fairly drunk at the time" he teased. "I wish I'd been there to see that" a third voice intruded on their conversation. The voice was achingly familiar and both Buffy and Spike's heads shot up to look at the interloper. Angel stood above them on the steps smiling happily at their discomfort. "What the hell are you doing here?" Buffy hissed angrily to her ex, trying to conserve some dignity by lowering her voice. "Didn't you get the memo, dearest? I'm working here once more, right along with Spikey" he declared with a sickly sweet smile. "No you're not" Buffy insisted, trying to assure herself more than anything else. Angel sent a more sincere smile in her direction, "I'll see you around Buffy."The darker man brushed past the pair on the way down the steps toward the junior executives offices. "You know, Peaches?" Spike asked with a steely glint entering his eyes. He finally realized what Angel's statement had meant.`All you're doing, my boy, is taking care of Daddy's leftovers...' "That's your soon to be ex husband?" Spike nearly yelled. In a state of shock at this new revelation Buffy merely nodded her head. "Fuck" Spike hissed as he stormed off to his office. `Angel saw me with Cassidy. And if he's looking to trip Buffy up, that bloody bastard will tell her what he saw.'

The intercom rang in Buffy's office as Mary sat beside her helping to sort through the possible options for her newest campaign. They looked at each other briefly before Buffy pressed the button, "Yes?" "Buffy, we need to talk. We're going to lunch in twenty minutes" Angel's voice dictated on the other end of the line. "I'm not your freaking servant, and I don't want to go" the blonde retorted. `How dare he demand she go to lunch with him.' She made a disgusted noise toward the machine on her desk and turned back to the computer screen while Mary kept her attention rivetted on the wall or anything else unobtrusive. "I will come and get you in twenty minutes, Buffy. And I will carry you out of this building, kicking and screaming if necessary" his voice finally assured her before the connection was severed. "So, do you like the bottle displayed better on the black silk, blue silk, or white silk?" Buffy asked ignoring her ex-husband's demands for the time being. Mary failed to reply to the question and the blonde finally turned to look at her secretary. The older woman had her attention fixed on a portrait sitting on Buffy's desk; Angel was smiling to the camera, holding a sleeping two month old Aidan in his arms. "What are you going to do about him?" Mary asked sadly. Buffy frowned and shook her head, devoting her attention once more to the pictures on the screen. "I like the black one best" Mary supplied before leaving to go to her own desk once more.

"Good afternoon Mary" Angel greeted as he slipped into his wife's office. She was typing furiously on her computer and then checking the advertising proofs she had displayed over her desktop. " We're going now" Angel announced. "You will most definitely be going, but I sure as hell am not" Buffy stated with no inflection and never lifting her eyes from her work. "I expected as much from you," Angel replied and placed a bag from the local deli on her desk, "so I ordered in." She finally raised her glare to meet his eyes. She looked radiant in her rage, but the chilling coldness of her angry gaze swept through his veins. She was obviously not pleased. However, her husband dolled out the portions of the sandwiches and soup he'd purchased before sitting across from her desk intending to eat his lunch as well. She still stared at him, wearily looking at the meal placed before her; a bottled water, ham and cheese sandwich, and a styrofoam bowl of vegetable soup. "You can eat it. I didn't poison it or something" Angel teased her. "You never know these days" she returned dryly and opened the container her soup came in. It was good, but she already knew that. She often went to this deli for lunch, with both Angel and Spike. "So what do you think we need to talk about?" she asked ignoring her companion while consuming her food. "Aidan." "Why? What is there to talk about? After the divorce I'm more than amenable to allowing visitation" she returned cooly. No hint of emotion one way or the other clouded her voice. Angel stopped and looked at her. She didn't meet his gaze but it didn't matter. In the hunch of her shoulders, in the haphazard cut of her once immaculate clothes, in the small wrinkles that were beginning to mar her beautiful face, he could see her defeat. She was tired, and just wanted things to end. Unfortunately for her, Angel had no intention of giving up just yet. "Well, let's speak in hypotheticals for now. Until the divorce goes through, how am I supposed to see Aidan? Divorces can take years, you know" he warned. `Or life times, if I have any say in it.' "When do you want to see him?" she asked in return. "Could I take him out to the park on Saturday?" Angel asked, hoping perhaps he could convince her to go with him. "If he'll go with you" she consented blandly and turned back to her work, ignoring her lunch; having only consumed half her bowl of soup. Angel realized her side of the conversation was now over and after just over a year together Angel had learned it was pointless to try and pull her out once more. She only got angry and lashed out in return. She was hurt, he could see that, but her infinitely cool exterior was bothering him. He wanted to see any sort of emotion from her. Even if it was her lashing tongue. "I'm not giving you that divorce Buffy" he told her as he moved from the room, with his lunch. She raised her head and very nearly screamed in rage as he left.


Saturday came relatively quickly for both Buffy and Angel. He left her alone most of the week, more than content to bait Spike all day. Hopefully, it would drive a wedge through the "happy" couple. Angel wasn't entirely sure if Aidan would go to the park with him but he wanted to try. His on was beautiful, just as he'd always thought he would be. His nose and eyes were most definitely Buffy, but everything else reminded him of the few childhood pictures his parents had of him. Angel knocked on the heavy white door of the house and waited patiently for his wife to come to the door. Eventually she opened it, dressed in her comfy clothes and looking very frazzled. "Hello Angel" Buffy greeted calmly, despite her obviously worn out state. "Good morning Buffy" he greeted with a soft smile which she just rolled her eyes at. She opened the door wider to let him in, then shut it quietly after he entered. Clothing littered the front hallway, and toys were scattered across the rest of the mess. He could hear Aidan's giggles sounding through the house and then a growl. Aidan screamed briefly before laughing harder than ever, just as Spike came in to view with Aidan tossed over his shoulder. "Peaches, what are you doing here?" Spike asked coldly. "Spike, would you put him down, I just got him clean and ready to go" Buffy admonished. "You're letting that wanker take the boy out?" Spike seemed incredulous. "He is his father" she reminded her fiancé. Spike begrudgingly put the boy on his feet again. Buffy shot him a pointed glance and Spike growled under his breath muttering as he stalked from the room. "Aidan, your daddy wants to take you out to the park today" Buffy told the toddler who looked torn between hiding behind his mother and running after Spike. "Park? I don't like the park" Aidan said to his mother his fear evident in his little eyes. Angel watched all this while cursing his stupid idea to ever leave his wife and son. He crouched down to be the boy's height. "Do you like the circus?" he asked instead. Aidan's eyes sprung to life. He loved the circus. All the acts and the big animals fascinated him. "I love the circus. Can I go to the circus, mommy?" Aidan asked. His eyes begging his mother's approval. She nodded to her son who giggled happily at the thought. "We see tigers?" he asked his father. Angel looked him over, "do you like tigers?" The little boy nodded eagerly his eyes alight with joy. Angel laughed at his son anticipation, "then we will see the tigers" he assured him. "Mommy, I'm gonna see tigers with daddy" Aida cried happily as if his mother didn't know. "I know sweetie, but first you have to get you coat on and then we have to put your special chair in daddy's car. The little boy ran quickly to a pile on the floor and began to dig. From the bottom he pulled a red denim jacket and took it to his mother to put on him. She helped him and then the three headed outside to switch the carseat from Buffy's silver sedan to Angel's car. Once all was finished Aidan happily got into his father's car and let the elder buckle him in. "Have fun sweetie, and remember to stay where daddy can see you" she warned while pressing a kiss to her son's cheek. "You're not comin', mommy?" he asked sadly. Buffy just shook her head and smiled brightly. "You and daddy are going to have fun today" she told him. To which Aidan nodded and smiled conciliatorily. Angel smiled to his son who smiled back eagerly, then looked to Buffy. "I'll have him back before dark" he told her before getting in the SUV and driving toward the Los Angeles Circus.

"Looky, Daddy. Tiger!" Aidan cheered spotting the stripped animal in the ring. The large cat was circling the tamer who stood by a large ring. Soon the ring set aflame and the ringmaster announced the trick. Aidan watched in avid interest as the animal was goaded into leaping through the flaming hoop. "Daddy, tiger jumped through the fire" the little boy declared happily bouncing on his seat, nearly upsetting the popcorn he held. Angel laughed at his son's enthusiasm and rescued the popcorn from the boy's lap. "You really like the tigers don't you?" he asked. To which Aidan nodded excitedly, and stood on the seat to see the big cat as it left the stadium. "Would you like to see some tigers next weekend?" he asked the boy. Of course Aidan was in whole hearted agreement. Angel knew he was not playing fair, but he wanted to spend time with his son. "We could go see the tigers at the zoo next weekend" he offered. "Really? Cool!" Aidan cheered and began bouncing once more as the lights came up under the big top. "Can we go see the tigers at the zoo? We'll bring Mommy and Spike too?" he asked eagerly. Angel grimaced at the thought of bringing Spike, the bleach blonde ass was damn annoying day in and out. "We'll see Aidan" Angel told him, "We'll have to ask Mommy." "Why did you go away, Daddy?" Aidan asked out of the blue as the elder helped the boy put his jacket on. "Uh...well buddy... daddy was being stupid I guess. I wish I didn't go" Angel told him honestly. "Will you stay with me and Mommy now?" the toddler asked. "I don't know if Mommy wants me to stay, but I won't leave again. I promise" Angel pledged to his son. And for the first time he was telling the truth in regards to his relationship with Buffy. "Good. I want pizza" Aidan declared. Angel laughed and lifted his son into his arms and carried him to the car.

The sun was setting when Angel's black SUV pulled into the driveway of the Summers' house. Buffy was quickly out the door to collect her son. "How was your day little man?" she asked eagerly as the tiny boy ran to wrap his arms around her waist. "We saw tigers Mommy" he told her excitedly before running into the house yelling for Spike. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble for you" Buffy said civilly. Her face was a careful mask of calm. "We had a good time. I was thinking maybe he and I could go to the zoo next weekend. He seemed really excited about it" Angel replied. "That's not fair Angel. You're making me the bad guy when I say no" She declared her mask slipping to show her anger. "Why do you have to say no?" he replied evenly. They ignored the fact they were having an argument in the middle of the driveway. "Because Spike and I are going away next weekend, we have to go to a conference in Phoenix. He's at Willow's all weekend" Buffy told him. "Simple answer here, Buffy. I'll take care of him next weekend. Willow's got her own family to take care of I'm sure, so why inconvenience her with Aidan when I can watch him?" Angel offered. "He's only know you for a week, what if he doesn't want to go with you?" she argued. "We hit it off this afternoon, and besides that let's ask him, shall we?" Angel bit back smiling blandly as he walked past her and into the open front door Aidan had entered. "Aidan? Can you come here a minute?" Angel called into the house.

The little boy in question ran down the stairs to meet his father in the front entrance. "Where's Spike, Mommy?" Aidan asked innocently. "He went out for a little while" Buffy explained from the doorframe behind Angel. "Do you want to spend next weekend with me, Aidan, while mommy and Spike are away?" Angel asked. Aidan grinned and nodded, "We'll go to the zoo and play all weekend?" he asked happily. Buffy smiled sadly from the doorframe. "You bet Aidan, my man" Angel told him. He turned and grinned over his shoulder to his wife. "I got to go buddy, but I'll see you on Friday." Angel announced ruffling the young boy's dark hair. As he passed Buffy he pressed a kiss to her cheek. He looked at her shocked expression, "I'll put the carseat back into your car" he told her. He gave her a sly smile and closed the door after himself.


Angel walked into the office on Monday morning smiling happily. Saturday could not have gone any better. Spike was pissed and pulling away, Buffy was still angry but she hadn't mentioned divorce all weekend, and Aidan seemed to really like him. He walked up the staircase and into the office he shared with Spike. The blonde in question was already there when he arrived. Spike's cheeks were darkened with stubble from not shaving and his clothes were wrinkled and dirty. "So, I hear you and my wife are going away for the weekend" Angel struck up conversation, hoping he could throw in some jibes that would bother Spike for the next few days. "Yeah, Peaches, the little misses and I thought of it as an early honeymoon really" Spike sighed softly sending a lewd smile Angel's way, never one to be outdone. "Oh, what's this?" Angel asked as he sorted through his mail which Cassidy had so helpfully strewn all over her desk. He held up a memo from Giles reading it briefly, "if I'm reading this correctly, says here that I'll be helping Buffy on the new CK fragrance she's working on" "Oh no you're not Peaches," Spike called, "I'm sure that's meant for me, Cassidy just got it all jumbled up" "No, look, Spikey, it even has my name one it" Angel replied cheerily thrusting his memo under Spike's nose for his perusal. The commission was huge on a deal like Calvin Klien and it meant quite a bit to be offered such a job. But the commission meant nothing to Angel, this was all about a chance to spend time with his wife. It would be perfect. They could be alone with no Spike to ruin his plans or foul his mood. "Looks like we start right after you two get back from Atlanta" Noticing the riotous look on Spike's Angel baited, "Going to run and complain to Giles now?" Spike fumed angrily and stormed from the room.

Friday rolled around again and Angel was eager to collect his son. Buffy and Spike were leaving for the airport at ten, so he was picking up Aidan at nine thirty. He had booked the day off work and planned to take his son to the zoo for the day. At nine thirty when he pulled up to the door he saw Spike loading a large black suitcase that he recognized as Buffy's into the back of her silver Sunfire. "Have fun in Atlanta, buddy" Angel called cheerily as he strode up the walk to meet his wife and son. As he walked in he saw Aidan streak by in nothing but his pyjamas with a towel wrapped around his neck. "I'm Batman Dad" he cheered as he lunged for his father. Buffy followed Aidan around the corner already dressed and ready to go but now flustered from chasing Aidan. "Come on little guy you want to go with….Angel" she greeted as she noticed her husband at the door. "Angel? You're name is Angel?" Aidan asked his father, "Isn't that kinda girly?" Angel laughed heartily, and Buffy cracked a grin, "You're mother once told me that" he confided in the little boy. "My name is Liam, but people call me Angel" "Oh" Aidan accepted easily before scooting from his father's grasp and running up the stairs. "I gotta get dressed Mom! Me and Daddy are going to the circus!" Aidan cried exasperated. "I've been telling him that for an hour" Buffy told her husband an easy grin still on her face. "What did you pack in that bloody bag, ducks?" Spike interrupted with a grumble as he walked back into the house to get his own things. His reappearance broke the easy going contentment that had surrounded the couple a moment before. "I'll go check on Aidan" Buffy offered and headed for the stairs.

Once his wife was gone Angel stalked over to his student. He angrily knocked the bag out of Spike's grasp and pushed the man against the wall, holding him there with a strong grip on his neck. "Listen you little ass wipe," he hissed, "I haven't told Buffy about your little escapades with Cassidy yet, but bet your life if you take one step the wrong way and I see you I'll tell her everything I know. And if I know my Buffy she'll want nothing to do with you after that" "Since when was she your soddin' Buffy, mate, you left her, and I just happened to be there to pick up the pieces. And don't bet that you know her anymore, she's changed since you left" Spike rasped in return with a cocky grin. Angel slammed his knee up into Spike's groin, "hurt her or Aidan and I'll kill you" Angel threatened tightly and released the younger man who fumbled to clutch his aching loins. "Enjoy the sights in Atlanta, the night life is really amazing, but you'll have no time for that because you'll be entertaining my wife. As much as I hate to see you with her Spike, she likes you and you will not let her down." "Okay, Angel, I think Aidan's got all his stuff for the weekend" Buffy called as they descended the stairs. "Spike, what's wrong?" she asked her fiancé who was tearing at the eyes from the pain in one of his lower appendages. "Nothing, luv" he squawked while hustling to take another of her bags to the car. Angel scooped Aidan into his arms and set out to change the carseat from Buffy's car to his own.

"Wow look at that one daddy" Aidan cried pointing at the large Bengal tiger that crept along the faux rocks in its exhibit. Another tiger was sleeping on a lower ledge and a female tiger was carefully watching her cubs roll in the grass while she rested in the shade. "can I have a tiger of my very own?" Aidan asked eagerly. "Tigers have to live in the wild or at the zoo or in the circus, buddy" Angel told him. "But I'd take good care of my tiger" Aidan protested "I'm sure you would, but you can't have a tiger for a pet" Angel told him firmly "Not even a little tiger?" he asked "No, not even a little one" his father explained "Can I have a kitten?" Aidan asked instead turning his pleading eyes to his father, "I asked Mommy before but Spike said I couldn't have one cause he didn't like kittens" "Well where would this kitten live?" Angel asked his son "With you and me and Mommy" his son replied matter-of-factly. "But what about Spike?" Angel asked with a smile, silently applauding his son for leaving Spike out of the little family he created in his mind. "Spike will live with Nikki" Aidan announced "Whose Nikki?" Angel asked. Aidan shrugged and went back to looking at the tigers "He talks to Nikki on the phone sometimes when Mommy isn't home. She came over once but Spike told me to go play outside while he and Nikki talked" Aidan explained. `Talked to her, I'll bet' "Want to go see the monkeys, Aidan? Maybe we can find one that looks like you" Angel proposed dragging his son away from the napping cats. "Kay," Aidan said happily and held his father's hand as they walked away, "can we go look for a kitten tomorrow?"

The hotel suite Angel had rented really was only meant for one. He put his sleeping son on one side of the bed and then went to the desk to look over the proofs waiting for him there. He tried to focus his mind on work but he couldn't. Spike wasn't just sleeping with Cassidy during the workday he also had another mistress, the illusive Nikki. He was desperate for the chance to ruin Spike and though this may be it, he also was not pleased with the thought of hurting Buffy. She had to know, and he'd try and tell while they worked on the campaign. "Daddy?" Aidan called groggily from the bed. Smiling happily at his son's words he got up and went to help the little boy.


Buffy arrived back in a foul mood, just as Spike was. When Angel dropped Aidan off on Sunday night neither Spike nor Buffy was in sight. "Buffy?" he called as Aidan raced upstairs to check on his stuffed animals. No one answered his call. The lights in the house were off and Angel reached over to flip on the lights, the sun had set and the house was cloaked in blackness. The foyer, living room and dining room lit up and there on one of the soft white couches was Buffy rocking silently. He approached her and as he neared he saw the tint of a bruise marring the flesh on her arms where hands had grasped her too harshly. "What the hell did he do?" Angel asked in concern as he crouched before her. She didn't answer just sat quietly. "Dad?" Aidan called from the top of the stairs. "Aidan, why don't you go play in your room" Angel yelled back while gently pulling Buffy to her feet. "He was angry," she whispered brokenly, "doesn't want you taking Aidan out. He thinks you're turning Aidan on him" "Let's get you to bed, Buffy" Angel soothed while he walked her to the stairs. "He's going to her, isn't he?" she asked as they neared the foot of the stairs. "To who?" Angel asked "Nikki" Buffy whispered brokenly. She looked into his eyes, her eyes reflected her weary broken state. "No thinks I know. Spike doesn't even know I know, but I do. He sees her at lunch at a café down the street and some nights I see him leave the office before me, but he doesn't get home until hours later, and then he smell like her" "Why are you still with him?" Angel asked, appalled that his beautiful wife would let herself be treated that way. "It's better to have his twisted love, then no love at all" she answered. Angel nearly burst into tears at that. His confident, witty, glorious wife had somehow been replaced with this hollow shell who merely went through the motions of life. She clutched his hand firmly in her grasp and led him up the stairs. "Stay with me tonight, I don't want to be alone."

Spike walked into his house and noticed that it was silent. Buffy was a notoriously early riser and would usually be puttering around the kitchen by now. He figured she may have left early but that still meant Christy would be here to watch Aidan, who should be watching cartoons in the family room. He walked up the stairs and turned toward the bedroom he shared with his fiancée, he'd really have to grovel to get her to forgive this one.

Opening the door he found a sight he never expected to see. His girlfriend was snuggled against the solid bulk of her husband's chest and Aidan slept soundly cradled in his father's arms; and damned if they didn't make a brilliant picture of family bliss together. "Bleedin' Christ" he exclaimed, rousing the two adults who immediate glanced in his direction, naturally shielding their son. "Spike" Buffy whispered "You're a dead man, Byron" Angel hissed in contempt. "I honestly didn't think you had the balls to show your face in this house again." "And I honestly didn't think I'd see you curled up with my bleedin' fiancée" Spike countered "She's my wife, boy, and you hurt her. I warned you about that already" Angel told him with a grim smile. Buffy quickly scooted out of bed, ready to diffuse the situation before it came to blows in front of her son. Spike frowned even more heavily when he saw her attire consisted of only Angel's shirt which he'd already noticed was missing from his one time friend's chest. "Spike, let's go talk about this downstairs" she offered "I think I see all I need to see, ducks" he returned fiercely, "I'll move my stuff out by the end of the week" "Spike, come on. We can't just leave it like this" Buffy chided "Oh yes we bloody can, you and the poof make a lovely couple and I'll just go on my bleedin' way. If I can have my ring back please?" he asked politely with his hand outstretched. Buffy wasted no time removing his ring from her finger but her own anger was beginning to mount as she shoved it into his palm. "You complain about me with Angel. That's rich, Spike. Who's Nikki, hmm? And if I'm not mistaken by the break room chatter, Cassidy has been receiving your affections too" she bit back. "Well, what could I do when my soon to be wife was still hung up on her husband and didn't give a flying fuck about me?" Spike shouted. Aidan whimpered in his father's arms. "Get out Spike" she hissed pointing to the door. "Don't worry yourself about me, ducks, I am long gone. But don't come crawling back when he breaks your heart again."


"You won mate" Spike called while packing up his desk. Angel walked into the office to find his former accomplice packing. Spike was shoving his things into boxes and muttering under his breath. "I didn't win, Spike. It wasn't about wining or losing" Angel remarked placing his styrofoam cup of coffee on his desk and sorting through the files he'd collected from Cassidy. "You may not believe it Spike but I love her, and I would do anything to get her and Aidan back." "Well, believe me, Peaches, you're not out of the woods yet. Buffy may not hate you anymore, but you're still missing something. She doesn't trust you, and she'll never fully trust you again" Spike hissed smartly while hefting his boxes and leaving the room. "Spike, I know Buffy left you, but I don't remember you being fired" Angel called down the busy hallway of the firm. "I'm not gonna bloody stand there while you make puppy eyes at her. I quit" he shouted down the hallway before vanishing into the crowd. Angel looked after him, almost sad for a moment He walked back into his office and began moving his things to the larger desk.

"So Calvin does black and whites, that's his thing" Buffy concluded while they sat in the living room with papers surrounding them, sipping from the wine Buffy had brought up after dinner. It was eleven thirty and Aidan was sleeping soundly in his bed upstairs. "But do we really want to stick to the normal" Angel inquired, "I mean I can take black and whites if you want, but it just seems kind of bland" Buffy looked over the old ads she had done for Calvin while sipping from her glass of Chardonnay, "Yeah, I know. And the other question is, and I haven't asked Calvin yet, but do we want to shoot models or the actual product?" "I don't know. It's all the same to me" Angel returned with his patented half smile. "You're not helping" she whined, giving him her very best puppy dog eyes, just as Spike had said. "I'm just a photographer. I point and shoot, isn't that what you told me in London?" Angel teased. "Oh, screw you. I can do this all on my own" Buffy returned likea spoiled child with a teasing grin. "Think, we've done enough work tonight?" Angel asked. He lounged on the floor facing her as she sat cross-legged in the centre of her pile of paper. She had shed her grey suit jacket a while ago and now sat before him in charcoal pants, a pink knit halter, and no shoes. Her hair was swept into a messy bun at her nape, and she looked every bit the polished business woman he'd met in London. "What are you looking at?" Buffy asked self-consciously as he perused her figure "You" he returned huskily and crept forward like a large panther stalking it's prey. When he reached her, Angel gently pulled the pins from her long blonde mane and smoothed her hair over her shoulders. He pressed a gentle kiss to her throat then another closer to her ear. "Okay, I think you've had enough to drink" Buffy teased breathlessly as his tongue circled her earlobe. "I think I've had just enough" Angel whispered in her ear then kissed a path along her jaw. Finally he reached her lips, and pressed a deep, passionate kiss to them. He ran his tongue along her lower lip, begging for entrance into the moist cavern of her mouth. She obliged and opened her mouth to allow for his invasion.

Angel gently pushed her back onto the carpeted floor behind her. He spread his weight over her, shifting so her thighs cradled his hips and he could press his arousal into her soft form. She moaned in delight and lifted her hands to tug at the buttons on his silk shirt. She kissed the pieces of chest she exposed as each button was released and Angel's hands went to work loosening the knot at her neck that tied her top. Just as his fingers began to work the pink string at her neck a little voice at the top of the stairs called for them. "Mommy? Daddy? I don't feel so good" Aidan cried his voice soft and raspy. Buffy laughed softly and rolled out from under him, "You forget the joys of being interrupted at inopportune times by your son" Buffy told him fixing her top while Angel groaned and rolled over on the carpet. "I'm coming, baby" Buffy yelled to her son and climbed the stairs. Angel half laughed and half cried as he got up from the floor. Following his wife Angel willed himself to calm his raging blood.


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