Refresher Course



RATING: NC-17 for oral sex and consensual sex

SUMMARY: Buffy "forgets" how to do something and Angel, with the help of a popsicle, reminds her.

DISCLAIMER: < insert dramatic sigh > No, they aren't mine. I tried to sue for custody, and I would've won...threatening to go after Joss with a butter knife didn't exactly help me, though. Anyway, they belong to Joss and not me. And the idea belongs to the writer of 'Jawbreaker'.

TIMELINE: late in Buffy Season 4/Angel Season 1

SPOILERS: None really. All you need to know is that Angel's curse is permanent and he and Buffy are together, they see each other when they can. Angel lives in L.A. and Buffy lives in Sunnydale. There is no Riley Finn, because he sucks and I don't like him.

DISTRIBUTION: TNS and Fate's Intervention if they want it, anyone else just ask.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I was watching Jawbreaker the other day and was inspired. Watching Rose McGowan make some guy deep-throat an ice pop made me laugh hysterically and I got the idea for this fic. It's pretty much first. Sorry if it blows. *g* No pun intended, of course.

FEEDBACK: I'm a feedback whore. Let me know if you like what you see. Flames will be mocked, because it's fun. :-)

DEDICATION: To Rose McGowan for being so incredibly evil in this movie. Learn it. Live it. Love it. *g* And for all you fic writers out there who are just so much better at this stuff than I am...forgive me. I'm still new at this stuff.


"Buffy? You okay in there?" Angel called from the bedroom, shifting on the bed slightly. He heard her rummaging around in the kitchen of his apartment for something and wondered what she was looking for. The vampire ran a hand through his spiked hair and glanced again at the doorway. When Buffy didn't reply, Angel slid off the bed and was about to go looking for her when she spoke.

"Where do you think you're going, lover?" she asked with a smirk. Angel's eyes bulged when he saw she had changed into a tiny black nightie that barely grazed the top of her thighs, and he felt the first stirrings of longing pass over him. His cock jumped to attention, hard and aching already.

"I was going to look for you," he said with a playful growl. He eyed the ice pop she was twirling between her fingers, wary of it. She had that look in her eye, like she wanted to play...

She grinned at him and slowly walked over to join him by the bed. "Sorry if I kept you waiting," she said sweetly. Angel gave her a half-smile that he knew made her melt and pulled her flush up against him, giving her a roll of his hips. Her eyes darkened with lust at the feeling of his erection pressing firmly against her stomach. Buffy stood on tiptoe to kiss him, her free hand snaking down to caress him through the silky fabric of his boxers.

Angel moaned as an electric jolt shot through him, his rock-hard cock straining to get free and be buried in her warm, tight heat. Buffy pulled back from his embrace and held the popsicle up to his lips, looking expectantly at him. "I thought *you* were hungry. I'd rather eat something else," he said with a raised eyebrow, his hand tracing the silky skin of her inner thigh to emphasis his point. She smirked at him.

"Well, I seem to be having a problem," Buffy told him, her eyes large and dilated with passion. She leaned up to press kisses along his jawline, her experienced tongue snaking out to lick the smooth column of his throat.

"Wha-what kind of problem?" Angel asked breathlessly, exposing more of his throat to her questing tongue.

Buffy suddenly pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. He tried to thrust up into her, but was restrained by both the fabric of their clothes and Buffy evading him. She took the popsicle and trailed it down his hard chest to his left nipple, circling it with the cold treat and delighting in the way it hardened.

"I forgot how to give a good blow job," she said flatly, leaning down to suckle the sticky juice off his chest. "I was hoping you could help."

"Help?" he asked, her words barely registering through the haze of desire in his mind. He was distracted by the musky scent of her arousal and the hard buds of her nipples pressed tight against the lace of her nightie, and could barely contain himself long enough from ripping it off, flipping her over, and burying himself deep in the haven of her body.

"Yeah," she said, holding the pop up to his lips expectantly. "Show me."

"You want me to suck the popsicle?" he asked skeptically. She nodded and smiled sensuously.

"I can't remember what to do," she said, her lower lip jutting out. Angel leaned down and sucked it gently into his mouth, his hands traveling down to brush across her hard nipples through the fabric. She moaned and arched into his hand slightly, her breath coming short.

"And what makes you think I know what to do?" he asked with a knowing smile. She shot him a look and reached down, quickly shedding him of his boxers.

"You've sucked cock before and you know it. So do I. Show me what to do," she whispered huskily, leaning down to twirl her tongue around his other nipple, quickly bringing it to attention. He thrust his hips again, desperately trying to gain the delicious friction her body provided, but she pulled back and settled between his thighs, looking up expectantly at him.

Angel propped himself up against a pillow and sighed. Buffy sighed as well, her warm breath tickling his engorged flesh. He put the ice pop up to him mouth and hesitantly swirled his tongue around the top of it, taking a cautious lick.

Buffy smiled when she saw he was going to play and her tongue flicked out to lick the head of his cock. Angel's hips jerked up and he groaned at the feeling of her hot tongue on him. He waited, but she had stopped and was again gazing up at him. She nodded her head, indicating he should continue.

Angel took another experimenting lick, his tongue traveling from the base to the tip. Buffy repeated his motion, licking him like she would a lollipop. Angel hissed and moaned her name, his mouth closing around the top of the popsicle and sucking on it slowly. A trail of juice dribbled down his chin, but Angel ignored it, taking an unnecessary breath when Buffy enveloped the head of his cock in her mouth, her tongue swirling around, sweeping up the tiny bit of pre-cum in the process.

He lost himself to the sensations as he sucked on the cold pop, reveling in the way it chilled him while she made him hot. He nibbled at the side and she did followed his lead, her mouth caressing him as her tongue darted out, leaving a wet trail as it played with his shaft. Angel and Buffy locked eyes, Buffy looking up coyly at him under her lashes when she blew lightly on the underside of his delicate head for good measure.

Angel smiled at her, love welling in his heart even as his cock welled in her mouth. He loved watching her pleasure him, her blond hair hanging wantonly in her face and her eyes dark with passion. He could smell her musky arousal and knew that she was enjoying this just as much as he was.

Without warning, he relaxed his throat and allowed the popsicle to travel deep into his mouth. It hit the back of his throat and he kept going, getting as much of it in as he could without having actually done it in nearly a century.

Buffy obediently deep-throated him, humming as he slid deep into her throat. Angel gave a straggled moan and nearly choked on the popsicle, his body aching for release. His free hand tangled in her hair, gently aiding her as she, following his lead, began to bob her head. His hips starting thrusting lightly into her willing mouth, his erection craving the delicious friction. He watched his glistening shaft disappear into her small mouth, wondering briefly through the fog of desire that had settled over him how it was that she wasn't choking.

He felt a tightening in his balls and knew he was close. His hand in her hair was tightening involuntarily, warning her silently. Angel sucked at the popsicle, desperately seeking release. Buffy was happy to oblige, taking his long, cold length deep into her mouth once more. Angel felt his climax begin as Buffy pulled back, and his cold seed filled her throat. He jerked spasmodically for a few moments as he finished, her name on his lips in a hoarse cry.

Buffy cleaned off the head of his softening cock, swallowing his precious load and licking her lips happily. Angel had collapsed against the pillows, the stick of the ice pop resting beside his head on the pillow. She smirked and crawled up the bed to kiss him softly, the taste of strawberry filling her mouth as their tongues dueled.

"Thanks for the reminder," she whispered huskily, planting kisses on his jawline while Angel's hands made quick work of her dripping thong and black nightie.

"It helped?" he asked with a smirk, his hand delving between her thighs. She hissed as his skilled fingers came in contact with her hot folds.

"Oh yeah," she replied as he leaned over to suckle at her left breast, nipping and licking at her creamy flesh. They lay together, kissing and caressing as Angel felt his cock stir to life again, hard and aching to be buried deep in her body. She was more than ready, undulating against his hand, her honey spilling out of her center. A fierce desire swept them both, and they could no longer take not being one.

"Angel, I need you inside of me," Buffy whimpered as his finger found her clit and gently rubbed it. "Oh God, don't stop..." He removed his finger, much to her dismay, and licked it clean.

"You taste so good, Buffy," he murmured, leaning over to kiss her soundly.

Angel tugged Buffy on top of him. She guided his rock-hard cock to her slippery entrance, teasing him by sinking down so that only his head was inside of her. Angel groaned and tried to thrust the rest of the way in, but she evaded him, his erection brushing against her clit in the process. His hands moved to her hips, but she captured them and twined her fingers in his, pinning him to the bed.

"Buffy," he moaned.

"I know, baby, I know," she replied as she slowly sank down, pleasure flooding her face as she felt her walls stretch to accomadate his huge girth. She sat quietly for a moment, leaning down to kiss him softly as they felt their souls and bodies become one. Angel was overcome with sensations and couldn't sit still any longer. He rolled his hips to try and get her to move.

Buffy giggled at his impatientness and rose slowly, feeling his erection slide against her silken walls effortlessly. She sank down again, gasping at the pleasure. She began to move faster, her breath coming short and her moans echoing in the room.

They locked eyes as Buffy loosened their hands, hers moving to rest on his hard chest for leverage. Angel countered her thrusts sharply, his hands resting on her hips to aid her. Buffy swayed as her eyes drifted closed and she lost herself in the pleasure and the feeling of Angel filling her. Her hips were churning as she frantically raced them towards climax.

Angel removed one of his hands and trailed it from her hip to her abdomen, pressing it firmly against her sweaty skin. When she moved up and down, he could feel himself deep inside her body. Buffy slowed her motions and, with effort, looked down at him, her hand creeping up to join his. She groaned when she felt what he felt, and together they felt his stroking her inner walls as they made love.

"Angel...oh're so deep," she gasped, her voice breathless and husky. Angel groaned as he shifted and his erection slid deeper into her tight heat. He sat up and latched onto her right nipple, suckling hard at it as his other hand came up to play with her neglected nipple. Angel felt the familiar tingle in his balls and knew his climax was close.

"Come for me, baby," Angel whispered against her breast. Buffy was breathless, her cries of ecstasy, along with Angel's groans, echoing through the room. She thrust down one last time, hard and fast, and felt her body explode, shattering from the pleasure. She screamed his name in fulfillment and slumped against him, her hot body craving the coolness of his.

Angel flipped her over onto her back and pounded into her. Buffy arched up, her hard nipples grazing against his chest as she wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling him slip even deeper. His thrusts were long and even, the head of his cock bumping lightly against her cervix each time he pushed into her. She moaned his name over and over, squeaking when his pubic bone rubbed against her clit, creating a delicious friction that she knew would be her undoing.

Buffy raked her sky-blue nails over the smooth hard muscles of his back, running down to cup his buttocks and aid him in his thrusts. He leaned down to kiss her, his tongue laving her lower lip before dipping into her mouth. His thrusts were bordering on frenzied as he felt his climax approaching quickly and Buffy's hips rose up to meet him, the scent of their love-making heavy in the air.

"Angel, I'm coming...oh God...Angel!" Buffy screamed as she arched up against him, waves of pleasure pulsing through her body. At the feeling of her core clenching rhythmically around his cock, Angel's face shifted into his vampire visage. Buffy bared her throat and felt the sharp prick of his fangs. She came again violently when he began to suck, gulping her blood greedily as his cold seed shot deep into her body. His body convulsed in pleasure and he thrust a few more times as they both came down from their incredible high.

Angel rolled over, taking Buffy with him, their bodies still intimately connected. He lapped gently at the wound on her neck, waiting for it to heal. She was still for several minutes before she stirred, burrowing her head deep into his cool chest and sighing in contentment. Angel pressed a gentle kiss to her sweaty forehead and wrapped his arms around her body, a blissful smile on his lips.

Buffy shifted, causing Angel's soft cock to slip out of her. She whimpered at the loss, but Angel brushed his lips against her forehead again in reassurance and helped her slid down onto the mattress. She snuggled up against her purring boyfriend, her hand idly stroking his chest.

"We should do that again," Angel said with a grin as he pulled the comforter up over their cooling bodies. Buffy giggled and looked up at him with sleepy eyes. She pressed a kiss to his chest.

"I figured I could use some pointers," she replied. "Plus, Willow and I watched 'Jawbreaker' the other night and figured it would be fun to try."

"So you mean Spike is doing the same thing?" Angel asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Buffy nodded and yawned.

"At this very moment," she told him. Angel laughed and pulled Buffy up to kiss her softly.

"I don't think I'll ever understand that couple," he said. She smiled.

"I don't think we're really in a position to talk about strange couples," she reminded him. "And we're especially not going to now, because I'm sleepy." She yawned and rolled away from him. He moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her midsection, pulling her up against his chest. The vampire tenderly kissed her throat as she reached over and turned out the light on the night table, her fingers entwining with his as they rested on her stomach.

"I love you, Buffy," Angel whispered, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"I love you too, Angel," she murmured as she fell asleep in the arms of her lover, the forgotten stick from the popsicle resting on the pillow beside her.



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