The Way It Should Have Been


Synopsis: Buffy makes up for that little dance she did with Xander in When She Was Bad.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they're the property of the evil mastermind Joss Whedon. I was just letting them have a little bit of fun while he wasn't watching and I'll put them back when I'm done!! :-)
Author's Notes: Surprise happened in this, but Innocence never did because Angel still has his soul. Buffy decided to make up for the little dance she did with Xander in when she was bad, and I think everyone can guess what happens!! Feedback is always appreciated, this is my first fic so don't be too brutal!!!


Angel glanced around the semi-darkened room, looking, searching. She was here, he could feel it. He just didn't know where. He glanced down at the note he held in his hands and reread it, even though he had memorized it the first time he had read it.

The Bronze. 8:00. Be there. Stand by the bottom of the stairs. There's something I need to make up to you.

Written in her careful script, it stimulated his curiosity immensely. He tried to think of what it was she needed to make up to him, what it was that this was all about. He glanced at his watch for the third time in two minutes and saw it was 8. He looked up again, almost impatiently, the waiting killing him. His eyes swept through the crowd, searching for her blond head, but she wasn't on the dance floor. He glanced up at the stage, where the DJ was set up, taking requests. He thought he saw her, but in a moment she was gone, and the DJ nodded as he took a CD out of its case and cued it up. As one of those annoying techno songs ended, the DJ spoke into the microphone. "Okay, the next song is a special request, and the lady who requested it has reserved a special spot on the dance floor for this one. She gave me a message, too, she says 'sorry, baby, this is the way it should have been.' Man, I gotta say, whoever you are, you sure are lucky. So here's her song, Sugar Water, by Cibo Matto."

Angel glanced around the club again, looking for her. As the first note of the eerie music began, he saw her. She stepped down off the last step and made her way slowly towards him, bobbing gently to the music. He swallowed. She looked beautiful and sexy and it took all his willpower not to run up to her and claim her as his. She got many admiring looks as she walked up to Angel, but she ignored them, focusing on the man she loved. "Hello, lover. I'm glad you came. Does any of this seem familiar to you?" she asked, coming to stand before him. She gestured at her dress, burgundy in color that set off the highlights in her hair, and then around, indicating the music. He frowned, trying to remember. He'd definitely heard the song before...and that dress...suddenly everything clicked. Realization dawned on his face and Buffy smiled.

"Yep, that's right. When I came back from L.A. after being away all summer and was a total bitch to everyone. This is the song I danced with Xander to, and I thought it would only be fitting if I made it up to you. So come on," she said seductively, leading him by the hand onto the dance floor.

They made their way to the middle and then Buffy turned to him, a smile on her lips. He grew harder as she began to dance, hypnotizing him with her body. She swayed to the music, finding the rhythm and letting go. She turned around and ground her ass into his rock hard penis, making him moan softly.

All eyes were on them as Buffy continued to torture Angel with her body. The girls looked at them in disgust, partly from what Buffy was doing and partly because she was doing it to Angel. The guys all got instant hard-ons and they would have all killed to be Angel at that moment.

Buffy slowly circled Angel, like a predator circling her prey, waiting, taunting. She took his hands and placed them on her ass and made him sway with her to the music. She placed her hands around his neck and leaned closer to him, licking his neck and making her way over his cheek to his lips. She licked them, daring him to part them. He took her dare and her tongue invaded his mouth. She kissed him passionately then suddenly broke it off and spun around so her back was to him. He growled, frustrated, and Buffy grinned. Her plan was definitely working, she could feel his hardness thrusting into her ass. She knew Angel could smell how ready she was, how much she wanted him, but she wasn't about to stop her game.

She took both his hands and guided them down to wrap around her waist, but not before running them over her rock hard nipples and arching slightly into his touch. She leaned into him and they continued to rock to the music. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"Mind if I cut in?" some guy who Buffy realized was the captain of the football team asked as he walked up. Buffy and Angel swung their heads around to look at him, glaring at the jerk that interrupted them.

"Sorry," Buffy said as she began to move downward, swaying from side to side, until she was squatting down with her back to Angel. She looked up at the guy, and he swallowed, well aware of the fact that she was less than a foot away from him, practically on her knees. "But we were busy. So why don't you go and take care of that...pressing problem, hmm?" she said, looking at his bulging zipper before pivoting around to face Angel. She looked up at him and smiled. He swallowed too.

She reached around and held onto the backs of his legs as she stood up, running her hands up his firm ass as she continued dancing. He growled at her and she grinned an evil grin.

"You know, while I was dancing with Xander, he got hard," she whispered in his ear as he pulled her close to his body, protectively.

"Gee, how could that have happened?" Angel asked sarcastically. Buffy ignored him and continued.

"And I felt him, and all I need to say is you have nothing to worry about," she said, a smirk on her face. The compliment went right to his penis, and it grew even harder, begging to be touched. It had become very painful, and Angel wasn't sure how much more of this sweet agony he could stand.

He began to speak, but Buffy cut him off, kissing him softly and using her tongue to stroke his. The song ended and they looked up to see just about everyone in the club staring at them. All the guys had a longing look in their eyes and Angel knew it was for Buffy, that they wanted her to help them get rid of their little 'problems'. All the girls had jealous looks in their eyes and Buffy knew it was from them wishing they could have just done that to Angel. They just looked at each other and smiled.

Angel smelled Buffy's arousal as it began to slide down her inner thighs. "O-kay," the DJ said. "Well, I think all the guys here will be needing to go take a cold shower or two after that one. To keep up the mood, here's Too Close, by Next."

The music started and Angel looked at Buffy questioningly. "You wanna get out of here or you wanna give the guys another show?"

"Think you can handle it?" she challenged.

"Well, I know what I get when we get home. They can only dream," he replied.

"I think we should leave. I'd love to stay and all, but I kinda want to go home and call it an early night. Ya know, maybe read a little before going to sleep," she teased.

"Oh, is that what they're calling it now?" Angel grinned. They both laughed and turned to leave. Angel put his arm possessively around his girlfriend as they left, casting nasty looks at the guys who made gestures as they walked by.

They walked out of the Bronze and down the darkened street towards Angel's apartment. Angel's hand wandered down to cup Buffy's right breast and he played with her nipple as they walked. They made it back to his apartment in record time and as he unlocked the door Buffy pulled him down for a long kiss and leaned against the door. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He walked them into the apartment, closing the door with his foot and going over to the bed. He sat down on the side of it with Buffy in his lap as they continued to kiss.

Buffy's hands wandered up and down Angel's chest and he moaned when she raked her nails over his nipples. She found the buttons of his shirt and quickly undid them, anxious to touch his cool skin. She slid the shirt off his shoulders and he shrugged it off, letting it rest on the bed. Angel began to kiss down Buffy's neck, his hands on her back so she didn't fall backwards. He moved his hands up to unzip her dress as he continued to lick and kiss her neck, tracing her jugular vein with his tongue. She shivered into his touch and moaned softly.

He slowly slipped the dress off her shoulders, along with her red bra straps. He moved his mouth down to explore the newly exposed skin, nipping at her collarbone and pulling the dress down over her breasts. He expertly undid the clasp of her bra and she drew her arms out of it, thankful to be free of its confinements. He leisurely made his way down to her breasts, but avoided her rock hard nipples as he teased. She groaned softly and arched into his tongue as it drew circles around her nipple and licked his way across to the other one, doing the same thing.

He stopped his oral administrations to gaze at his lover, her head thrown back, back arched toward him, nipples begging for attention. He took pity on them and brought one hand around to play with one while he suckled and nipped the other one. A sigh escaped Buffy's lips and she purred in contentment. He switched to the other one and did the same before stopping again to look at her.

This time, she gazed back with love in her eyes. A mischievous gleam appeared and she gave him a half-smile. "Why are you still dressed?" she asked as she kissed him again, rubbing her breasts up against his chest and running her hands through his hair. She unwrapped her legs from his body and slid down so her feet were touching the ground. She pulled her mouth away and slid it down his throat, darting her tongue in and out. She sucked on his Adam's apple and laughed when she felt it vibrate as he growled. She felt herself grow even wetter at the sound, it always drove her insane. She nibbled her way down to his pert male nipples and repeated the torture he had used on her, licking around them before taking each in her mouth and biting lightly.

Angel threw his head back as she continued down his abdomen, snaking her tongue down into his navel quickly. She stopped as she came to a block--Angel's pants. She savagely unbuttoned them and yanked the zipper down, relieving some of the tension. Angel lifted his hips as she pulled off his pants and boxers.

She licked her lips in an erotic motion, staring hungrily at his huge erection. She leaned down and licked the head of his penis, causing him to groan loudly. She swirled her tongue around it and Angel's mind stopped functioning. All he concentrated on was Buffy's hot mouth and the wonderful things it was doing to him.

"Oh, baby....oh, Buffy," was all he could say as she continued. She slid him into her mouth, marveling at his coldness as she deep-throated him. She slipped him in and out of her mouth before taking her mouth away. She licked his balls and began to suck on them as well, which caused Angel to see stars. He watched her intently through passion-glazed eyes, watched as she pleasured him in ways he'd never felt before. He'd never had anyone this good at giving blow jobs, probably because Buffy was doing it out of love for him, while all the others it had just been out of lust.

She licked his penis as if it was a lollipop, up and down, all over. She felt him start to twitch and covered the head with her mouth again. She swirled her tongue around again and he came violently, shooting his juices down her throat. She swallowed it all and looked up at him as he panted. He pulled her up for a kiss, then flipped her over so she was on her back on the bed.

"Was that good?" Buffy teased.

"Well, ya know, it was okay. Same old, same old. Hey, why're you still dressed?" he smirked, picking up where he had left off before. He pulled the dress down and off her body, throwing it in a forgotten corner. Clad only in her satin red string bikini panties and burgundy shoes, he had never seen a more beautiful body. She was a goddess, and should be treated and touched as one. He kissed a trail down her toned and tanned stomach, dipping into her navel as she had done to him. He removed her soaking wet panties and kissed down her right thigh, toying with her. He placed butterfly kisses down her leg and stopped at her shoes. He unbuckled each one and kissed all her toes, worshiping her body. He removed his boots as well then began the journey back up her body, going up the left leg now.

He licked up her inner thigh and saw her dripping onto his sheets, begging for his attention. Buffy used her hands to try and hurry him, but he pushed them aside. He licked her clit slowly along each edge. "Oh, God...." she screamed as he sucked on her clit, drinking up some of her juices. He slid one finger into her, drawing it in and out slowly as she bucked against his hand and strained for more. He slid another finger in to spread her open, sticking his tongue in and moving it in and out, fucking her with it.

Her breathing became more and more rapid as she drew closer and he withdrew his tongue and replaced it with three of his fingers as he went back to flicking her clit. She cried his name as she strained against the bed and grabbed the sheets, coming in a brilliant flash. He expertly drank, leaving enough so he wouldn't hurt her when they joined. She pulled him back up to her and licked the juices that were all over his face off and kissed him deeply. He broke off and looked her in the eye. He positioned himself at her opening, teasing her horribly. She gazed back at him.

"Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me what you need," Angel said huskily.

"I want you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me. I want you to make me scream. Again," she added and spread her legs in invitation.

Like all vampires, Angel wasn't about to refuse an invitation and slid into her as they stared at each other and gasped in unison. They made each other complete. Buffy wrapped her legs around his hips and slid him even deeper as she leaned back and moaned. Angel started thrusting in and out of her and soon they were crashing into each other, their moans and cries timed with the thrusts.

Angel felt he was close and wanted to have Buffy come with him. He reached his hand down and pinched and rubbed her clit, just the way she liked it. He kissed her as she moaned and thrashed then looked at her again.

"Come for me, Buffy. You can do it. Come on, baby," he said as he continued to pound into her. She arched against him and grabbed at the sheets again, crying his name as her orgasm began. She tilted her head to the side and gave him access to her throat. He quickly vamped and bit into her neck, her sweet blood throwing him over the edge. He came hard, filling her with his juices and collapsed on her, still deep inside. It was the place he was meant to be.

He licked at the wound he had inflicted on her, which had already began to heal. She kissed his forehead as he reluctantly pulled out of her, breaking their connection. He pulled her sweaty, exhausted body close to his and pulled the covers up over them. Buffy turned and gazed at her lover, her head pillowed on his arm. He kissed her forehead and lips before she spoke.

"That was my apology for what I did," she said. "Apology definitely accepted," Angel reassured her as he drew circles on her arms with his feather-light touch.

"Good," she said as she snuggled closer to him. "Because that's the way it should have been."

"I agree. You seemed to have been having a lot of fun at the Bronze," he teased. "I think you liked all those guys drooling over you." "Yeah, it was good, clean fun," she smirked. "They just wish I could've gone home with them instead of you."

"Sadly," he replied, "That will continue to be their wish. I wonder how many cold showers they took...." They both laughed, then Buffy turned to her other side and snuggled up to Angel as he wrapped his arm around her protectively. She fell asleep in his arms as he replayed the night's events over in his mind...Buffy's dance--mating ritual was a better term for it...the incredible sex afterwards. He kind of hoped word got back to Xander about what had happened.

That's definitely what should have happened that night, he thought as he drifted off to sleep, his Slayer in his arms.



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