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Broken Promises

Author: Bekki Aebischer

Disclaimer: I dont own any of these characters..they belong to Jason Katims and Melinda Metz

Summary: This is the sequel to "secret habits." Liz and Max are now together and they can finally make their own destiny..untill Michael and Tess find a way to return to their home planet. Who will leave for good and who will stay on Earth. Will Max become the fearless king or will he follow his heart and stay with the one he loves.

Category: M/L

Part: 1

Rating: PG-13

"Order up" Jose the Crashdown's cook yelled to Liz. Liz walked up to the counter and smiled at Jose. "Sorry about that. We are really busy today." Liz sighed apologetically. Liz had been working for 5 hours with no break. A wave of exhaustion and dizziness hit her. Liz shook her head, but the room continued to spin. Trying to ignore it. She began walking to the tables when she felt someone grab her waist and pull her into the back of the restaurant. Automatically Liz knew it was Max. No one else made her knees weak or made butterflies jump in her stomach.She turned facing him and looked into his sweet, but devilish eyes.

"Max I really should be out there taking orders." Max lifted Liz's chin so he was face to face with her. " I think you have been working overtime lately. Especially in your condition. I am not saying that I don't think that you can handle yourself or anything. It's just that you always seem to push your self over the limit." Liz eyed Max. "Max I promise to talk a break within 15 min. We've just been.." Max's lips stopped teh words form Liz's mouth. Within seconds they had both lost control. Max already had Liz up against eh wall. His hands wrapped tightly around her small waist. Her arms clinging to around his neck. Both of hem forgetting where and what they wee doing Maria ran back and forth form each table, finishing and taken orders. " Michael where the hell is Liz?" Michael shrugged with a dumbfound expression on his face. Maria rolled her eyes and then sighed in frustration as she opened the door leading to the back of the Crashdown. "WHOA!!" Maria yelled jumping back in surprise. To find Max and Liz in a heavy makeout session. Neither budged to Maria's outburst. Maria stood staring in disbelief that Max nor Liz were paying attention. " I said WHOA!!" Max and Liz broke apart and looked at his feet with his eyes easily finding Maria's face. " Um..sorry Maria.. I guess we.." Maria already feeling a little a bad for interrupting the two lovebirds. " Listen I know you two are joint at the hip, but could you makeout on a day where we aren't so busy?" Liz lightly kissed Max on the forehead and then walked over to Maria. " You're right. I will get back to work now." Liz said with a hint of sarcasm. Max quickly stopped Liz before she headed back to the front. "Liz...please remember to take it easy." Max said with more worry than he had wanted. Liz smiled and replied "I promise." Maria followed Liz and they both began taking orders. Liz continued to run back and forth through the restaurant. The room began to spin and the noises of the crowded restaurant swam through her mind. She shook her head, but it didn't help. Spinning and spinning it went. Liz felt her knees give out and picture of things go pitch black as she cried out Max's name. Max paced back and forth in the back of the Crashdown. With Kyle and Alex sitting on the nearby sofa watching. Alex watched Max."Hey Max. Are you okay?" Max immediantly looked up at Alex. "Um..yeah I'm fine..I was just thinking..about Liz." Kyle quietly chuckled to himself. "Man, you got it bad!" Alex jokingly nudged Kyle's arm. Max was about to respond when he heard a loud crash followed by a scream. Kyle and Alex glanced at eachother and then got up to follow Max, but he was already gone. Maria and Michael were arguing in the back when they too heard the crash. They too ran to the front to see what had happened. Maria led the way as she squeezed her way through the crowd of people. Only to find her best friend lying on top of broken dishes in a spool of blood. "OH MY GOD! LIZ!" Max heard the words echo from Maria's mouth, but only one word pierced his heart. He could feel the tears stinging his eyes. Max didn't have a care to hold them back. He didn't have to hide his feelings and worries towards Liz. Max contiued to push and shove his way through. Ignoring the rude comments that people were throwing at him. Nothing mattered right now, but getting to Liz. His eyes shot back in horror to find his beloved Liz lying in a pool of blood. Max knelt beside Liz and lifted her head. Not caring that his clothes were soaking up the blood. " Liz can you hear me?" There was no answer. "Damn it." Max lifted Liz into his arms and began carrying her to her bedroom. Max looked over to Michael and nodded in the direction of Liz's bedroom. Michael understood what Max was going to do. He was going to heal Liz's wounds, but not here. Although if it were neccesary Max wouldn't hesitate and everyone knew that. Max kicked Liz's bedroom door open and carried her in and then lightly laid her down on the bed. Being as careful as possible to not harm wounds anymore. Once he had her settled on the bed. Max lifted Liz's shirt up and placed his hands on her upper stomach and everyother area of her skin that was pierced by the dishes. Max struggled at first to make a connection with her. He began to feel the her feelings and her body's exhaustion. Max cringed at the thought of Liz aching this way and him not knowing about it. That would change and he was sure of it. Maria, Michael, Kyle, Alex, Tess, and Isabel finished closing the Crashdown and then hurried up to Liz's bedroom. They quietly walked in not wanting to disturb Max that is if he was still making the connection. Michael and Isabel could feel that he was so they didnt enter the room, but they stood in the doorway. Liz's eyes opened on demand by the force of Max. She tried to lift her head, but Max made her stay down."Please Liz just lie here and rest. We can talk later." Max leaned down and softly kissed her lips and then her forehead."I love you." Max moved over and laid with her. He signaled the gang to wait awhile before bombarding her with questions. The others silently nodded, but Maria who demanded to see Liz. Michael moved Maria to the door entrance."There she is. You see her. Now come on she needs to rest." Maria was about to respond, but Michael already had her down the stairs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWO HOURS LATER Max could feel Liz stirring around in her sleep. He sat up and looked down at her. Lightly he touched her cheek."Sweetie it's okay. I am right here." Liz turned to Max and grabbed his hand. "Max I don't feel so good. I am so dizzy, and I can't think straight." Max immediantly touched her face once more as he held the tears back."Liz please. You have worn your body out. You work to hard. Starting tomorrow I am going to take your work shifts. I am not letting you go back to work untill your strength is fully back. When I saw you there today lying there..." Tears dripped from his eyes. Liz touched Max's lips." I am so sorry and I promise to be more honest with you on how I am feeling. Max I don't want you having to take my.." Max leaned down and passionately but gently took Liz's lips. " No more talking Liz. I love you." Liz spoke once more." I love you too Max. I know that we can get through anything as long as we are together.", and with that Liz recieved Max's lips. Max laid on Liz' s bed unable to sleep. He wanted to be awake so that he could be there for her. Max turned over and looked at her sleeping. Her face was still pale. Max lightly caressed her cheek. Whether she was sleeping or awake he wanted to always be comforting her. Touching her. He was interrupted in his thoughts when he saw the bedroom door crack open. It was Maria, Isabel, Alex, and Kyle. Max smiled and gave them the okay to come in. He noticed that each of them were carrying flowers, balloons, and candy. Max gleefully eyed each one. "Awww for me! You shouldn't have." Isabel smacked Max's hand. "Get a life Romeo." Maria quickly joined in. "Yeah Space Boy." They all joined in laughing. Forgetting Liz was asleep.Max felt Liz move."Hey sweetie. You have company." Liz smiled and began to set up regardless of Max's looks insisting that she stay lying down. Before Liz could greet everyone Maria leaped at her offering a humungous hug."Liz if you ever do that to me again I will kill you." Liz laughed. "I love you to Maria." Isabel walked over and eased Maria's grip."I guess we all are a little excited." Kyle stepped up to the corner of Liz's bed. "You might try a relaxing method. The Great Buddh..nevermind." Everyone laughed at Kyle's obvious embarrassment. Liz turned again to Kyle."What? The Great what?" Kyle put his hands in his pockets and stood behind Alex. Alex nodded his head trying to shake the laughter." I hope you are feeling better Liz. You really had us scared." Max tightened his grip on Liz's hand. He then leaned over to Liz's ear. His lips "behr"ly touching. "You sure did." Maria darted her gaze towards Liz." I don't think you should be working for a while." Max quicky became vocal."You're absolutely right. I am going to be taking her shifts until I feel that she is better." Maria began to get all teary eyed."Aww..what a guy. Michael needs to take lessons." Max laughed and liz kissed his forhead. Alex scanned the room."By the way where is Michael and Tess for that matter?" Everyone threw on a puzzled look. Isabel cleared her throat and began speaking to Max, but didn't dare make eye contact. "Umm..him and Tess had to do some exploring." Max felt the anger in him rise, but kept it cool with Liz sitting right there. "What kind of exploring." Him letting the anger out through his voice accidently and everyone sensed it. Kyle and Alex gave eachother worried glances and then mutually agreed. To get the hell out of there. "Hey Max we are just going to go.." Max sharply turned his head and firmly said. "No. You both..all of you are apart of this now. Isabel answer my question." Isabel firmly stood tall. She wasn't going to let Max get to her. "Michael and Tess are determined to find away home. Max you know this. Tess and Michael went to the granilith." Max didn't respond, but his heavy breathing gave his intense anger away. Everyone knew that Max needed to be alone. So without question one by one they headed downstairs to get something to eat. Liz turned so she was facing Max. "Maybe we should go after them." Max scanned Liz's face. "No I don't want you to go anywhere. You are still pretty weak. You need to rest. Isabel, Alex and Kyle will go. I am going to ask Maria to stay here with you. Man that will be a battle." Max meaning to keep the last part about Maria a thought. Liz was about to argue with Max, but Max kissed her lips and then her forehead."Trust me." With that Max slowly left Liz's room not wanting to go, but knowing that he had to talk to Michael and Tess. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOMENTS LATER- Liz couldn't lie down. She couldn't do anything. Max had been there for whenever she needed and him. He was in crisis mode and she was unable to comfort him. Suddenly Maria briskly walked in obviously angry. Liz didn't need to say anything. She knew what she was thinking. Liz put on a devilish smile and looked at Maria."Lets go!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max and the others had finally reached the cave at which they were born. Where the granilith was. He signaled the others and they began walking to the cave. Max noticed that it was already getting dark. Good thing he had Liz and Maria back at the Crashdown. The anger he had felt earlier concerning Michael and Tess slowly came back to him. "Damn him." The words spoke through a sigh. Isabel turned towards Max."Calm down Max." Max sarcastically smiled. "Yeah right Is." Max turned around to make sure Kyle and Alex hadn't chickened out. No they hadn't but they were keeping there distance."Come on boys." Max said jokingly. He could hear them mutter shutup which made Max laugh more. Isabel shook her head. "What grade are you guys in?" Kyle and Max rolled there eyes. Alex replied. "Whatever one you are in." Isabel froze. That comment made her feel good. She turned and smiled at Alex. Max noticed this."Could you guys knock it off." Isabel sharply eyed Max. "Oh but it's okay for you to makeout and flirt with Liz Parker." Kyle and Alex bothed made noises."OOOOH." Max stopped walking and turned to Isabel. "That's different." Max continued walking before Isabel had a chance to argue. They entered the cave and were now standing in front of Max and Isabel's birthplace. Kyle walked up to Max." Maybe they aren't here anymore." Just then they all heard screaming and laughter come from behind the pods. Max walked to the pods and crawled behind them. He saw Michael and Tess jumping with happiness. Max felt his anger boiling. He stood up and walked behind Michael and Tess. " A party huh? How come I wasn't invited." Max's eyes were full of anger and hate. Michael and Tess froze. Unable to say anything, but sense Max's anger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Maria! Slow down. There isn't any reason for you to be driving this fast." Maria turned to Liz. Liz quickly screamed."Watch the rode Maria." Maria laughed." You are freaking out over nothing." Liz sighed and sat back in her seat to settle her nerves only to find them rise again with a blood hurrdeling scream. "Maria!!! Watch out!!! The paramedics put Maria and Liz in seperate vehicles. Kyle and Alex ran up to the ambulance truck. "Can we ride with them?" The man shook his head no."We dont have anymore room. The trucks are full of paremedics trying to keep your friends alive." Kyle looked at Alex."We have to find out what happened." Kyle walked over to his father. "Dad what happened?" Valenti signaled Alex to also come over and here this. "Maria must have been speeding. The curves down this hill are tremendously sharp. When turning she was going so fast that she lost control. Coming up the other lane was a cement truck. When Maria lost control the car sped into the other lane. The upcoming cement truck." Valenti wiped the tears forming in his eyes. "We have got to tell Max." Kyle and Alex nodded in agreement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max had been driving for 25min. although he felt likeit had been longer. Everyone was quiet. NO one knowing what to say. Michael sighed in disgust when he saw that there was a clearly a traffic jam up ahead. "Max take a right up here. YOu can avoid this mess if you take a right up here. Max silently agreed. They slowly began passing the accident scene. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex lifted his head and took a breath of fresh air. Only to find his eyes locking on a familiar object. Alex stepped back and hit Kyle. "Isn't that Max?!?" Kyle didn't need to answer. He knew it was. Kyle immediantly began running after the slowly speeding vehicle. Alex and Valenti followed. "Max!" All three continued to yell while waving and jumping up and down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max turned his head and looked at the guys. "Did you hear that? I thought I heard someone call my name." Michael rolled his eyes. "I think you are a little confused Maxwell." Max braked the car. He whoarsly whispered. "Don't push me Michael. I think you have done enough today. Don't you think? Oh and the name's Max." Max turned around and sighed in frustration. What was with Michael and his attitude? Max was deep in thought when he was startled along with everyone else by the pounding on his window. Max opened the door. "Kyle? Oh I am so glad we found you. Where is Liz?" Kyle grabbed Max's jacket. You need to come here. We need to talk. Kyle, Alex, and Valenti led Max to the crash site. Max froze. "That's Maria's Jetta and ....Liz was with her." Max turned to Valenti. "What hospital? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Max parked his Jeep and headed into the hospital entrance. He walked up to the nurse's counter. "Excuse me. Could you tell me what room Liz Parker's in." The nurse eyed Max suspiciously and then answered with "Room 29, level one." Max nodded a thank you and once out of the nurse's sight. He ran towards Liz's room. Max passed room 25, 26,27,28, and finally room 29. Max took a deep breath and walked in. Liz was lying there sleeping, with a bandage wrapped around her head. Max slowly walked to the bed, pulling up a chair, and sat beside her. He grabbed and held Liz's hand. "Why can't I protect you? I have brought you so much pain and hurt to your life and Liz I am sorry. I keep thinking over and over about what Michael said. Me going home. I am expected so strong and to be this great king. How can I lead an entire kingdom when I can't even control three people. Liz I am not that strong. I was always getting pressured into being stronger. So I did, but Liz it isn't really who I am. Would you be better off if I left? Is that my only way of protecting you? By staying away? Where would you be right now if we had never met? But I love you. Liz I am so confused! Max began to pull his hand back, but felt it being squeezed. "Liz can you hear me? It's me." Liz slowly turned her head so that she was facing Max. " Max are you really here?" Max started crying as he responded. "Yeah I am really here." Liz slowly shut her eyes and reopened them. "Promise?" Max smiled. "I Promise." He kissed her forehead whispering ,"I love you." , as he sat back up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once arriving at the hospital Michael asked and found Maria's room followed by Isabel, Alex, Tess, and Kyle. They all quickly assured that she would released within a week along with Liz. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THREE DAYS LATER- Liz regained conciousness to find Max sleeping in the chair next to her. To her surprise she was feeling a lot more lively. She sat up in a position where she could face Max. He was so perfect when he slept Liz thought. About ten minutes passed and Max began to wake up. He stretched and rubbed his eyes to find Liz staring at him. Max automatically smiled. "What? Why didn't you wake me when you woke up?" Liz lightly laughed. "I was content with watching you sleep." Max smiled even bigger. I like watching you too. Although I prefer you awake." "Oh yeah and why is that?" "Because I can do this." Max leaned over and kissed Liz passionately and forcefully. They continued this for at least ten min. before they heard a whoa. Neither one of them responded. Maria sighed with disbelief and yelled."Whoa!" Max and Liz startled looked up to find Maria on crutches and Michael standing beside her. Max and Liz began laughing and within minutes Maria and Michael were laughing too. Maria gave Max a look expressing for some alone time with Liz. Max relunctantly agreed. "Liz I am going to go get a soda, but I wil be right back!" Liz kissed Max once more giving him her okay. Max walked out of the room signaling Michael to come with him. Michael shut the door behind him closing the amounts of laughter coming from Maria and Liz. "What seems to be the problem Max?" Max continued walking beside Michael but not stopping to meet his eyes. "Liz is being released from the hospital today along with Maria. I want us all to meet at the Crashdown. We need to talk." Michael stopped walking, but Max didn't. "Max it's going to take time to settle this." Max stopped and turned so he was facing Michael. "We settle everything tonight and thats a promise." Max continued walking to the soda machine. It was going to be a long night. Max returned to Liz's room to find her and Maria dancing. "Liz what are you doing! You should be resting." Liz walked over to Max and quickly kissed him."Max, Maria was helping me gather my stuff. Remember I am leaving like in ten minutes!!" Max laughed to himself. "Right I knew that." Oh he didn't want tonight to come. Would he stay with Liz or would he leave to fulfill his destiny as King? Max leaned his head down and then slowly circled around to Liz. Max eyes widened in shock. The look on Liz's face was horrific. He could see the hurt and pain seeping through her face. "Liz." Max reached out for Liz's hand, but Liz pulled back. "Max don't you understand. You don't have a choice, but to leave. Your destiny is with them." Liz leaned her head down and then back up, but this time her eyes were drenched in tears."There isn't any room for me." Liz sprang up out of her seat and headed the Crashdown doors, but stopping before she left. "Goodbye Max." Max looked up to the ceiling and muttered no under his breath. He wasn't going to let her walk away this time. Max ran out after her, but she was no where to be seen. Max waited outside of Liz's hospital room. Her and Maria were having a girl talk. Max didn't even want to know what they were talking about. He silently chuckled to himself. I wish Michael and I were still that close, but after we found out that I was suppose to lead. Michael and I seemed to drift apart. Max was lost in thought. Not realizing that Liz and Maria were staring at him with a smile. "Hey! Are you ready to go?" Max shook his head trying to clear his mind. "Yeah, only if you are." Max leaned in closer to Liz and gave her a quick kiss." I can't wait to have you all to myself!" Liz kissed him one more time. "Me either." Michael walked up to Maria. "Hey." Maria just smiled. Michaei looked over to Max."Lets go." Max quickly glanced at Michael and back to Liz. He put his arm around her and they walked down the hall and out of the hospital together with Michael and Maria following. Michael called out to Max."Hey are we still on tonight?" Max sighed in disbelief towards Michael."You know we are." Michael shook his head and laughed as he and Maria pulled out of the parking lot in Maria's Jetta. Michael driving of course. Liz eyed Max."What was he talking about Max?" Max looked nervously at Liz." Um. I called a meeting tonight at the Crashdown. Everyone is going to meet us there in about fifteen minutes. Liz looked down and then back to Max. "Oh." Liz sighed and then spoke again." Max, is everything okay." Max held Liz's face to his."Liz I promise that everything will be okay. We just need to work some things out." Max kissed Liz and then opened the Jeep door for her. Neither one of them saying anything on their way to the Crashdown. Max and Liz pulled up to the parking lot of the Crashdown to find that everyone was already there. Max grabbed Liz's hand and they headed into the Crashdown.Neither one knowing what heartache this night would bring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay Max we need to tell them." Isabel said as soon as Max and Liz walked through the door. " I know." Max pulled a chair out for Liz. "Please sit." Liz looked at Max with concern and then she sat down. Max walked until he was centered between everyone, but closet to Liz. "To make a long story short Michael has found a way to get us home. To our planet." Michael stood up and interuppted Max. "We don't know how long the Granilith's time travel will last. We need to hurry and decide whether we are to stay or leave." The room fell quiet. Isabel took a deep breath and then spoke breaking the silence. " I for one want to know where I came from. I want to meet the rest of my family. The life I never knew. Although my life here has been wonderful, but I will always have this empty void if I am not able to explore my other roots." Isabel was now in tears. "I need to do this." She then sat back down being comforted by Alex's warm embrace. Michael was the next one to speak up. " I have no doubt in my mind that I am leaving. This has been a dream of mine since the day we were brought here. It would be crazy for me to give this chance up." Michael turned towards Maria." Although while I was here I ended up falling in love with you, Maria. Something I didn't plan on doing." Michael kneeled down on his knees. "Maria will you return with me?" Maria gasped in shock." Oh Michael I don't know what to say. Please Michael I love you more than anything, but this is a big decision to make. Let me think about it." Michael leaned in and kissed Maria lightly. "You got it." Michael and Isabel turned to Max. Not needing to ask Tess. They already knew what she wanted. Max scanned the street once more for Liz and then sighed in disbelief. He began walking further down the street when he felt someone pull him back into the Crashdown. It was Michael. " Maxwell, come on. You aren't going to find her right now. Just give her sometime to think. I know this must be hard and all with you leaving to go home, but.." Max shrugged Michael's arm off. " Who says I am leaving. I am content here with Liz. ", and with that Max once again ran out the doors in search of Liz. Liz slowed her pace down as she began to feel a little dizzy. She didn't want Max to go, but she aslo didn't want to him to give up going home for her. Was she being selfish by wanting Max to stay. Liz had already lost Max once. She didn't think she could handle it again. Liz took a deep breath and headed to the one place that her heart was screaming for. Max grunted in pure frustration. "Ahh. Damn it!" He had been looking for Liz for nearly three hours and there wasn't any sign of her. He began to worry. What if she was too weak and she passed out. Maybe she is laying on the streets of Roswell all by herself, wasting away. "Stop it. Get ahold of yourself." Max brushed his hands through his hair and headed on home. Max headed towards his bedroom window. Not wanting to speak with any of his family. Especially Isabel. He knew that she would be furious with him for not making an official decision and then walking out on them earlier at the Crashdown. Quietly Max reached for his window, but then stopped realizing that is was already open. Max raised an eyebrow. Sure of the fact that he had shut it. He never left his window open. Max cautiously climbed in not knowing if someone was in there. It was too dark to tell. Once inside Max froze. He could hear someone quietly breathing. Someone was sleeping on his bed! Max tipetoed to the light switch and flipped it on. His heart racing with nervousness. Max felt his nerves and heart come to a relaxing point as he looked upon Liz lying on his bed. She looked so worn out and pale. Max smiled and laid down beside her. Not wanting to wake her up. He began caressing her hair until he too fell asleep Liz began to wake up. She opened her eyes and then stretched her arms. Liz quickly froze when she realized where she was and all of the events that had tooken place yesterday came back to her in a rush and the fact that when she looked over to see Max sleeping next to her didn't help the situation. Liz took a deep breath and then quietly edged herself away from Max. Yesterday she thought she was ready to face Max about him leaving , but now she wasnt so sure. Only two more inches and she was completly of the bed. A rush of calmness hit her, but not for long when she felt Max grab her arm. "Liz I'm not letting you leave. We need to talk." Liz shrugged his arm away and stood over by his window. Max promptly got out of bed and rushed to Liz. She put her hands out to stop him from moving any closer. "Max listen it was wrong of me to come here. I don't even know why I did. I guess I was hoping that I could forget the meeting at the Crashdown and pretend that it didn't even happen, but it did. Max you belong on your home planet with your family , Michael, Isabel, and Tess." Max continued to walk closer and closer to Liz until she was pushed up against his bedroom wall. Then bringing his arms around her waist. He was close enough to kiss her. " I belong with you. Liz I thought about it over and over. I kept thinking to myself. Like would.." Liz continued what he was saying." ..I be safer if you left." Max gave Liz a puzzled look. " That seems like something you would say." "You know me too well, and I know you. We belong together. I don't care about my past or my destiny. The king that everyone wants me to be isn't me. That was a fomer me. Liz I am not who they think. I won't change or give up my feelings for you because they want me to live the life of someone else. I love you. I plan on marrying you someday and having a family. The bottom line is Liz. If I am not with you then I am not with anybody!" Max not letting Liz respond by kissing her lips for he knew that she felt the same way. Liz pulled from Max so that she could see his face." I love you Max Evans." She then pulled him back for another kiss. Michael, Maria, Isabel, Alex, Kyle, and Tess were still at the Crashdown. None of the could move or speak. They were all trying to comprehend the fact that Max might not leave with them to go home. Nobody wanted to even think about life on their planet without Max there. Michael stood up and began pacing. " I can't believe Maxwell! Why would he even consider staying here. When he could go home?" Alex rolled his eyes in disbelief and then spoke up. " To be honest. Iam sick of the way everyone is acting. Max is in love. Why cant you be happy for him. I know Max would probably rather see you guys stay, but when each of you made your decision he didn't give you slack about it. He just nodded. Because he respects your decision and he wants you to be happy with your life. Who is he to tell you what to do. He has obviously made his decision and all you guys can do is sit here and whine." Alex glanced over at Isabel and then walked into the back of the Crashdown. Maria quickly followed along with kyle. Michael went over and sat next to Isabel and Tess. Neither one of them needing to say anything. TEN MINUTES LATER- The ringing of bells from the opening of the Crashdown door caught the attention of Michael, Tess, and Isabel. Followed shortly by Maria, Alex, and Kyle. It was a teary eyed Max and Liz. Everyone quickly noticed how pale Liz was, but no one chose to say anything. Max scanned the room. " We need to talk. Please sit down." No one bothered arguing with Max. Max helped Liz sit down seeings how she had just been released from the hospital. Max then continued to pace around the room. " Okay I am just going to say it. I have decided to stay here on Earth with Liz." Gasps echoed around the room. " I am not doing this to hurt anyone. I have to look out for me once in awhile. I have changed as much as I can to fulfill everyone's dreams for me to be this great king, but when it comes to how I feel about liz that is something that I will not budge on and if you really knew me then you would know that." Max sighed knowing that he had gotten what he was feeling out in the open. Liz sat in shock, but feeling very flattered that Max to hear him say these things to everyone. She smiled knowing that this was the man that she would spend the rest of her life with." Max felt himself feeling a little dizzy. He automatically looked over to Liz. Walking over to her and pulling her aside. 'Are you okay?" Liz was about to say that she was fine, but she no longer felt like lying to Max. " Actually I am feeling real dizzy." Max nodded. " I thought so." Liz gave him a puzzled look." How did you know. I didn't say anything." Max smiled and lightly caressed her cheek. He then leaned down and whispered in her ear. " I feel your pain. Just a minute ago I felt dizzy." Liz felt good knowing that her and Max were (nysnc), but the thought also frightened her. She didn't want Max hurting because of her. Max began lifting her up. " Max I can walk." Max shook his head and insisted that he carry her upstairs. "Liz I dont want over exerting yourself." Liz didn't even bother arguing with him because she knew that she had already lost. Liz silently laughed to herself. "How did I get so lucky?" Max gave Liz a soft kiss. " I ask myself that everyday." Liz kissed him back. " Max laughed. " Liz if we don't stop now we won't.." Liz kissed him again. " Would that be so bad?" Max sighed in defeat. " You got me there." Max laid Liz down on the bed. " I will be right back I need to make sure I didn't make too many people with my speech. " Liz grabbed Max's arm. " Max you don't regret choosing to stay do you?" Max surprised by her question sat down next to her and cupped her face in his hands. " Liz the only regret I have is not making my decision to stay sooner." Liz could feel the tears rushing to her eyes. Max quickly kissed her tears away and then whispering " I love you" while walking downstairs to deal with his fellow compadres. Max hurried down the stairs wanting to get back to Liz as soon as possible. He noticed that Michael and Isabel were the only ones still down there. Max sighed walked towards them. " Why are you guys still here? I thought you would have been gone by now." Michael turned to Max. "After all that has happened Maxwell I don't know what to do." Max bit his lip and then sat across from Michael and Isabel. " I am sorry." Isabel looked up. "For deciding to stay?" Max sarcastically laughed. " No I am not sorry for deciding to stay. I am sorry that it is so hard for us to make our last days together a litte more pleasant." Michael stood up and then knocked the food condiments off the table. " You just don't get do you? Maxwell you just ditched us for a crush." Max stood up feeling hurt by Michael's comment. "Liz isn't a crush. She is the love of my life and you know that." Max feeling the sadness and anger hit him at once ran outside to get some cool air. He opened the doors from the Crashdown and ran further outside. He could hear Michael and Isabel running after him. Max heard a car horn honk and turned right to see it heading straight for him. Before he could do anything the car hit Max throwing him against the car windshield and on to the ground. Isabal screamed and Michael yelled " Max." They both quickly rushed over to him. Max was barely holding on as the blood left his body. Michael lifted Max and carried him into the Crashdown to Liz. " Hold on." Max breathing heavy didn't respond. Liz sat straight up as her whole body began aching. She stood up, but then fell down hard onto her bedroom floor. In her gut she knew Max was in trouble. That the pain she was feeling wasn't really hers. "Max. I am coming." Liz muttered under her breath as she struggled to sit up. Isabel and Michael carried Max up the stairs and towards to Liz's bedroom. " Isabel grabbed Michael's shoulder. "Why are you taking him up to Liz's room. What makes you think she could heal him any better?" Michael looked at Isabel as he realized that he didn't have a clue. " I don't know. It just feels right." Once Liz was able to stand up she opened her door, but was stopped dead in her tracks to see Michael holding a badly injured Max. " Oh my God Max!" Michael passed Liz and laid Max on the floor then he grabbed Liz's wrist. " You have to help us help him." Liz nodded as tears dripped from her eyes. " What can I do? " Isabel nodded and then turned to Liz. " Remember when Max was in New York and you made a connection with him. We need you to do it again. Make a connection with Max and tell him to fight the pain. While you keep him here mentally, Michael and I can heal him physically. Liz wiped her tears, although she knew that wiping them wouldn't do her any good. Her tears would run forever with seeing Max like this. Liz touched Max's face and closed her eyes. Focusing on Max and only Max. She could see images of her and them together as she searched through his mind. * him healing her * him telling her the truth * them kissing * him crying after he broke up with her * him longing to be with her * him seeing her and kyle. his feelings. * him caring, but trying not to show it when she was sick with her eating disorder. * him hearing kyle talk to her about not sleeping together * him sleeping next to her * him seeing her in the hospital after the car accident * him making the decision to stay with her Max sat straight up, breathing hard. Michael, Isabel, and Liz were all trying to regain there breath also after making the connection with Max. Max turned to Liz and hugged her immediantly. "Thank you Liz. You saved me." Max turned to Michael and Isabel hugging them and also telling them thank you. Michael spoke. " Maxwell everything that has happened tonight has got me thinking. You love Liz and now I realize how much you too need eachother. I may not agree with you on your decision, but I respect it and I am sorry for the crap that I have given you about it. You are the only family that I have ever known. Besides Is." Max leaned over and touched Michael's shoulder. " We will meet again. This is not a goodbye and you have my word on that." Michael and Isabel smiled. They both walked out of the bedroom. Knowing that Liz and Max needed to be alone. Max nodded his appreciation and then engulfed a crying Liz into his arms. " You see Liz. We feed off of eachother. I am not complete without you and your not complete without me. We will be together Liz." Liz smiled and looked at Max. " Always and Forever." Max noticed that Liz was thinking something else. She got up and walked over to her door. She locked it. Then Liz walked over to her window shutting and locking it. Max utterly confused sat and stared at Liz. She walked over to her stereo and began playing her Dido cd. Track one "Until Your Resting Here With Me" putting it on repeat. Liz turned around and gave Max a devilish smile. "Are you tired?" Max eased his back against Liz's bed and replied. "No." Liz nodded her head. " Me either." Liz removed her sweater revieling a yellow tank top that revealed her flat stomach. Also she removed her shoes. Liz looked confused at Max. " What's with all the clothes?" Max smiled and immediantly removed his shirt and shoes. Liz walked over to him with a smile. Saying " make love to me Max." Max smiled and then took Liz into his arms as he removed her tank top. " I love you." as he took her lips. Max slowly opened his eyes as he stretched trying to wake up. A smile came to his face as he watched Liz sleep in his arms. Him and Liz were really one now. Max had never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would one day make love to Liz Parker. The smile remained on his face as he kissed Liz on the forehead. Liz felt Max kissing her as she too woke up to see him smiling at her. Neither one of them had to say anything. They were both content with holding eachother. A loud knock on Liz's bedroom door brought her and Max back to reality. Her mother yelled into the room. " Hey Lizzie wake up. School starts in 30min." Max and Liz let out a sigh. " Okay mom!" " Max we had better get going." Liz began to get out of bed, but Max pulled her back. " Don't go." Max said as he began kissing her neck. Liz softly laughed and then replied. " Max we have to go to school." Max nodding his head in agreement let Liz go. "Okay, okay." Liz laughed and then went into the bathroom to shower and change. Once finished she walked out into her bedroom to find that Max had already left for home. So he too could get ready. Liz feeling a litte disappointed that Max wasn't there sighed and then grabbed her books as she left her room and turned out the lights. Max hurried home rushing to his bedroom window and then climbing in to find Isabel sitting on his bed. " Well how nice of you to visit." Isabel said with a hint of sarcasm. " So where were you last night? I mean I knew that you were wanting to spend time with Liz and all, but Mom and Dad were freaking. So of course I had to cover for you." Isabel stopped lecturing. Noticing that Max wasn't paying attention to a word she was saying. He was grinning like a fool. " Okay Max what happened to you?" Max continued smiling. " How is Alex anyways? You know you too should really get out more." Max patted Isabel on the shoulder. " I need to get ready. you.." Max signaling to the door. Isabel nodded, but turned around and eyed Max. " Okay, but this conversation is not over. " Max laughed and finished getting ready for school. Liz stood on the corner street by the Crashdown. Waiting for Maria to pick her up. Liz shivered as she realized how cold it was. " Maria where are you?" She looked at her watch. " You should have been here ten min. ago." Tired of standing Liz sat down and began thinking of Max. " I love you Max." She smiled. Her and Max were one now. The sound of car tires peeling out caught her attention. Looking up Liz raised her eyebrows. Realizing that it was Maria's car. Liz stood up and jumped back as Maria swerved up to the curb Liz was by. Maria lowered the passenger side window and yelled to Liz. Liz leaned into the window. " Maria are you okay? Your driving crazy like!" Maria laughed. " Oh don't be a baby and get in the car." Liz sighed and then got in the car. Maria was really weirding her out. Before Liz had her seat belt on Maria pushed on the gas, jolting Liz back against the seat. " Maria slow down." Liz looked at her speedometer. Maria was going 55 through the residential areas. Liz turned to scold Maria again, but something about her scared Liz. This wasn't Maria. Thoughts raced through her head. What if this is an alien or something evil? And if that was true then where was the real Maria. Liz tried to connect with Max, but she couldn't seem to concentrate. Maybe she was just overly paranoid and she had misunderstood the whole situation. Liz looked to the road to see a sign pass them by reading: Thank You for visiting Roswell. Home Of The Aliens. Liz freaked when she realized her suspicions could be right. " Hey Maria I thought we were going to school?" Maria grinned and then replied. " I have other plans." The way Maria said that ran chills up and down Liz's spine. Liz reached for her cell phone and began dialing Max's cell number. Before she could finish Maria grabbed the phone and threw it out the window. " What are you doing Liz?" Liz cleared her throat and replied. " I was going to call Max." Maria laughed. " Oh Liz. You won't be seeing Max or anybody else again." Max waited by Liz's locker for at least 20min. He had left for school early just to see her. Just then Max saw Michael running towards him. " Maxwell have you seen Maria?" Max shook his head. " No. I figured she would be with you." Michael bit his lip. " She told me that she had made her decision about leaving to go home with me and we were suppose to meet at her locker, but she never showed. All I can say is that I am not leaving this stupid planet without Maria." Max put his hands in his pockets and then looked back up at Michael. " When are you guys planning on leaving anyways?" Michael lingered for a minute. " Um..within two days." Max felt a wave of sadness run through him. He was going to miss Michael and Isabel more than anything. Michael noticed Max was a little to smiley. " What's up with you and the permenant grin?" Max hit Michael on the shoulder." Ha wouldn't you like know." Max walked from Michael and to class. Hoping that Liz had come to school late and went straight to class. Michael stood dumbfounded and then shook his head in amusement. " He gets more of a sense of humor everyday." Michael then headed off to class worried about Maria. Max looked in the doorway of Liz's first period class. He didn't see her anywhere. Max felt his gut twist into knots. He turned around and headed for Michael's first period class. Something wasn't right here and Max was going to find out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Liz attempted to open the car door, but Maria locked the doors and then slapped Liz. Cutting her with her ring. " You stupid girl! Try one more stunt and I will kill you now." Liz could feel her cheek burn as the heat from the vent touched it. " What do you want from me? I know you are not Maria. Where is she!" Maria laughed and then gave a devilish grin. " Oh don't worry about your friend. I didn't really hurt her. I only knocked her out and took a strand of her hair. In which case I transformed! Liz prayed that someone would find Maria. " What do you want from me?" " You are Max Evans weakness. Without you he will easily be destroyed." " No!" Liz screamed as she reached over and turned the car wheel. The car lost control and sped into a ditch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max saw Michael walking into class. He ran over and pulled Michael before he entered the room. " Geez Maxwell. What are you doing?" " Liz wasn't in class. I have a feeling that something is wrong." " Okay. I got the same feeling about Maria. Where is Isabel?" " I don't know, but we don't have time to look. We need to get to Liz and Maria." " You're right. What about Tess?" Michael noted the look Max gave him and he knew that getting Tess what out of the question. " So Maxwell. Where are we going?" " To Maria's. Maria was suppose to give Liz a ride to school. So we will start there." Michael nodded. Him and Max then left for Maria's house. Michael rang Maria's doorbell, but there was no answer. Max pulled Michael's jacket and signaled to follow him to Maria's window. Max peered into the window. " Maria's room is a mess." Michael slapped Max. " Hey no girlfriend bashing." Max laughed and then pryed Maria's window open. Then they both crawled through. Max and Michael began looking around for a clue to where the girls went. When they heard a noise come from the closet. Michael ran over and opened the door to find Maria tied up. " Maria!" Michael untied her and then hugged and kissed her. "Are you alright?" " I think so." Max intervened. " Maria where's Liz?" " I don't know. I don't remember how I got here." " Can I make a connection?" " Yes. Please do." Max placed his hands on Maria's face. The images hit him hard. Max pulled away and stood up. Max cried out in pain. Michael ran to Max. " Maxwell!" Max removed his hand from his stomach to find it cut badly and bleeding. Then Max passed out hitting the floor. Maria and Michael rushed over to Max. " Maxwell!" They both lifted Max onto Maria's bed. " Oh my God Michael what happened?" " I am not sure." " We have to do somehthing." Before either one of them could help Max. He opened his eyes. Michael noticed that Max had regained consciousness. " Are you okay? You scared me." Max rubbed his face and then blinked his eyes. Maria and Michael both caught the change in Max's face expression from confused to angry. " Liz is in trouble. When I made the connection with Maria I saw Liz in the Jetta with a Maria look alike. The car had crashed and neither one of them were conscious." Max began to stutter. " Liz..she..she was hurt in the stomach. I can feel her pain." Max looked down at his stomach and the cut was healing. Maria and Michael were deep in thought of what Max was telling them that they didn't notice him leave. Michael grabbed Maria and they followed Max to the Jeep. " Hey Maxwell. Slow down." " I can't Liz is in trouble." Liz woke up with her head pounding and her stomach aching with pain. " Ahh." Liz then remembered what had happened. She looked over at the fake Maria. Liz noted that she was still unconscious. Liz put her hand over her wound to apply pressure. Hoping that the bleeding would stop. She would have to reach over the fake Maria and unlock the car doors. Liz reached over. She could feel her arm brush against her. Liz was scared, almost in tears. Finally pressing the unlock button. Liz leaned back to the passengers side of the car. She could feel her head spinning round and round. " No. I can't pass out or then I would definately be done for." Liz opened the door. She was stepping out when the fake Maria grabbed her arm and started to pull her back into the car. " No!" Liz cried. Liz picked up a piece of broken windshield and swiped the fake Maria's face. Giving Liz the few minutes she needed to get away. Liz ran as fast as fast she could while still applying pressure to her stomach wound. Reality hit Liz when she realized that she had no idea where she was. She wasn't in Roswell anymore. The area she was in was desert and rock. Liz turned around to see where her enemey's position was. The fake Maria was now getting out of the car and heading straight for her. Liz ran and ran. She would keep running until she could find help. Liz whimpered in pain. Her stomach wound was getting worse. "Uh." Liz fell to the ground. She could hear the fake Maria catching up on her. Liz struggled to get back up. "Think of Max." Liz told herself. She then got up once again and continued running. " Maxwell. Where are we going?" Max kept his eyes on the road. " To where Liz is." " How do you know where Liz is?" Michael saw the look Max gave him and realized that Max just knew and Michael knew better than to argue with Max when it came to Liz. Maria noticed the area they were in. " This place is desert and rock." Michael nodded in agreement. Max suddenly stopped the Jeep. Jolting Michael and Maria back. " Sorry guys. This is it. " Max jumped out of the Jeep and began scanning the area. " Maxwell. What made you stop here?" Max ignored Michael's question and asked one of his own. " Did you guys here that?" Michael and Maria were about to answer no when they all heard a scream. Max reacted first running the sound. " It's Liz." While Max was running to Liz, followed by Michael and Maria. He was screaming her name. " Liz! Liz!" Liz could feel her breath shortening and besides her stomach. Her side was aching also. She looked behind her to see the fake Maria still following her. " Damn it. Does she ever give up?" Liz felt her legs giving out. She couldn't hold up much longer. Liz's mind wandered as she thought she heard somone call her name. Was it Max? Liz screamed. " Max!" Max froze when he heard Liz call his name. " Liz where are you? Liz!" Michael and Maria caught up with Max. " Maxwell. Now what?" " Liz is over there somewhere. I am not leaving until I find her Michael." After finishing his short discussion with Michael. Max darted to the voice calling his name. " Max! Max please help me." Liz fell to the ground sobbing. She hadn't anymore strength in her to continue. Liz gasped over and over trying to catch her breath. Max calling her name must have been in her imagination. As Max was running he could hear someone crying. " Liz! " He could see something in the distance. The person looked as if they were trying to get up. Max ran over to her. Liz heard footsteps getting louder and louder. As they were getting closer. She began to panic. It must be the fake Maria! Liz struggled to get up, but she couldn't. She felt the hands grab her face. Liz began screaming. " No No Liz it's Max." He hugged her, but pulled back when he heard her whimper in pain. " Oh my God." Max saw the blood soaking through her shirt and on to his. It must have been why I was cut there earlier, Max thought. " Liz let me heal you." " No Max not here. Please lets get out of here." " Liz.." " No Max there is an evil alien here. Disgused as Maria." " Where Liz?" Max and Liz looked to there left to hear a voice. " Hello Max Evans or might I say your highness. Michael and Maria were trying to find where Max went. When from a distance they could see Max holding Liz and Maria? Michael and Maria exchanged looks. " Michael. What the hell is going on? Why does she look like me?" Michael held Maria close to him. " I am not sure, but I do know that clone of you isn't someone we want to be making friends with. Come on. We have to get a closer look ,but bequiet. I don't want that thing knowing were here. Maria nodded and followed Michael behind a rock. Max held Liz as close to him as possible and then questioned the fake Maria. " Who are you?" The fake Maria laughed. " I am Quindor. I was sent here from your home planet. You and your race will die." Max stood up, keeping Liz behind him. " I want nothing to do with you. Why did you take Liz?" " Every King has a weakness. Need I say more. Now prepare to die your highness." Quindor raised her hands and began laughing. Pink light began glowing off of her hands. Max could feel himself weakening, but he wouldn't give up. " No!" Max screamed as he shot green fire at Quindor. Quindor flinched, but not much. " You are going to need to do better than that." Michael told Maria to stay put and then ran to Max. Michael joined his powers with Max. They could tell that Quindor was weakening, but it wasn't going to hold her off for much longer. Maria ran over to Liz and helped her up and then dragging her over to the rocks. Liz began to speak to Maria, but Maria told her not to talk. Then Maria dialed her cell phone. " Hey Isabel I need you and Tess to come to...." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEN MINUTES LATER- " Maxwell we won't be able to hold her off for much longer." " I know Michael, but we have to keep fighting her." Michael nodded and then took a deep breath. Max realized that he wasn't using as much energy to keep the blasting Quindor. He turned to see Isabel and Tess also shooting at Quindor. Max smiled and focused on Quindor. Isabel noted. " Hey she is disentigrating!" Quindor stopped fighting and then backed from the aliens. " I'll be back for you wretched aliens and your stupid humans. With that Quintor disappeared. All four aliens fell to the ground exhausted. Each of them gasping for breath. Max inhaled and exhaled deeply and then turning his head to see Maria holding Liz, crying. " Oh no." Max ignored his weakness and darted to Liz. Max cradled Liz into is arms. " This is all my fault. She was using you to get to me." Max started crying as he healed Liz's stomach wound. " I am so sorry Liz." Liz woke up from consciousness to hear Max crying. The sound immediantly broke her heart and brought tears to her eyes. " Max." Reaching her hand out for his face. " I love you." Max kissed LIz. " I love you too." Liz and Max held eachother as the rest of the guys were headed their way. " Maxwell. This is some serious shit that we are dealing with. I want you to know upfront that I am not leaving until we have this Quindor packing his bags." Max smiled to Michael. " Thank you." Isabel and Tess put their hands on Michael's shoulders. " That goes for us too." Isabel said as Tess nodded. Max lifted Liz into his arms. " Lets get out of here and discuss this mess somewhere else." Max and the others decided to meet somewhere else and talk about there meeting with Quindor. Max holding on to Liz, helped her out of the Jeep. Maria, Michael, Isabel, and Tess followed them into the Crashdown. They all quickly walked up to Liz's bedroom. Once everyone was in Max shut and locked the door. He walked over to Liz's stereo and turned it on. Hoping to drown the sound of them talking with the music. The song "Until You're Resting Here With Me" was the song that came on immediantly after Max switched the stereo on. Max quickly turned the song off and then looked to Liz who was also blushing. Isabel watched Max and Liz. They were embarassed about something. No wait not embarrassed but happy. Isabel looked over to Michael with the confusion. Who was obviously thinking the same thing. Michael was about to get to the bottom of this. " Hey Maxwell is there something going on that we don't know about? You have that stupid gleeful smile on your face again." Max shook his head. " Michael I dont know what you are talking about. We have more important matters to discuss anyways." Isabel nodded. She would drop it for now. Isabel would have to dreamwalk and see what was going on with Max. She had to know. " So what about this Quindor thing? Max what are we going to do?" Max sighed and then sat next to Liz, putting his arm around her. " I want to know how Quindor got down here. She said she was transported from the home planet. The only way she could have gotten here is by coming through the Granilith. We have to close the Granilith." Everyone gasped. Liz laid her head on Max's shoulder. Tess rolled her eyes at the sight and then broke the silence. " Max that means that we won't ever be able to leave Earth if we close the Granilith. It is our only way home." Max nodded. " That's why you guys need to leave a.s.a.p." Michael stood up and brushed his hand through his hair. " Maxwell I am not leaving you to fight Quindor and I was thinking about it and......I am not going to leave." Maria screamed with joy and ran into Michael's arms. Max secretly happy that Michael was staying. " Listen lets go home and sleep on it. We will meet back here tomorrow morning." The guys nodded and then left. So that Max and Liz were alone. " Liz you really scared me tonight." " Max I am fine." " No Liz. Nothing about this is fine. It's my fault that you were kidnapped." " Max.." " I always seem to endanger you." " Max I don't care about any of that." " Liz, maybe it would be better that I went home. You almost died again because of me." " No Max! Without you I am nothing. If you were to live I would die." Max now crying." I'm sorry for everything that has happened.' " I am not. I love you Max." " I love you too, Liz and I will never leave you.' " You had better not." Max and Liz kissed, wrapped in eachother's arms. The sunlight hit Liz's window. The sunlight immediantly woke Max up. With everything that had been going on the last couple of days. Max did anything, but sleep. Max sat up and looked to his right to make sure Liz was okay. He didn't want Liz out of his site. No matter what he had to do she would always be near him. Her safety was all that mattered to him. Max loved her and wouldn't lose her. Liz opened her eyes to find Max sitting up with such a serious tone sketched on his face. " Max." The sound of Liz's voice touched Max's heart as he then leaned down next to her. " Shh go back to sleep. You need to rest." " Max I am worried about you. Are you okay?" Max smiled. " I will always be okay Liz. No I will be more than okay as long as your resting here with me." Max kissed Liz. Liz smiled and then responded to his gesture willingly. She eased back and looked at Max. " I hate to do this, but I have to get ready for work Max." Max frowned which was followed by a devilish smile. " Maria won't mind if you're late." Max then passionately kissed Liz. Not giving her the chance to back down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Isabel and Tess parked the Jeep in the Crashdown parking lot. Tess turned to Isabel. " Wait why isn't Max here with you? " Isabel sighed. " He stayed with Liz last night and the night before that, and so on. Isabel noted the worried expression sketched on Tess's face. " Isabel you don't think that they are..." Tess flinched as Isabel glared at her. " Now how would I know that. He is my brother for God's sake. Besides if Max know..well then I would know about it. So just drop it. Why are you worried anyways? No offense Tess, but everybody pales to Liz. In Max's eye." Tess noted the point Isabel was trying to get across. She had no chance with Max. They both stepped out of the car and entered the Crashdown to see Michael and Maria flirting behind the counter. " Hey lovebirds. Where is Max?" Michael turned to Tess. " He is up with Liz." Tess gasped and then hit Isabel. Isabel just rolled her eyes. Before anyone could say anything they all could hear laughing and giggling from upstairs. Tess rolled her eyes. As Max and Liz, engulfed in eachother's arms, came down the stairs. Tess walked over to Max and hit him. " Hey we need to talk." Max turned to Tess with an irritated look. " Don't ever hit me. I know we need to talk that is why I am down here." " Yeah with only Liz on your mind. We have more important issues to deal with. Your sex life isn't what comes first here!" Max looked shocked. He couldn't believe Tess had said that. " Listen what goes on in my personal life isn't any of your business. Instead of insulting me. How about trying to help us work this Quindor thing out and another thing leave Liz alone please." Max holding Liz's hand brushed pass Tess and to the center of his friends. " Okay. My plan is that we lead Quindor to the Granilith. Once he is in range we all connect to close the Granilith, but we must leave once we have combined our powers. So that we don't get sucked into the time warp." Everyone agreed with the plan. Maria raised an eyebrow and then spoke up. " How do you suggest we bait this Quindor person, thing there?" Max sighed. " I don't know yet. I was hoping you guys might have an idea." Everyone remained quiet. Tess quickly spoke up. " Why don't we have Liz be bait? She was the one that Quindor went after in the first place." Max felt the urge to hit Tess, but he knew better. " That is not an option! Next!" The gang quivered at Max's anger and seriousness. Tess sure knew how to push Max's buttons. Liz let go of Max's hand. He could tell that she was deep in thought. " Liz. What is it?" He asked with concern. " Maybe Tess's idea isn't such a bad one." Max immediantly shook his head. " I said no and that is it. Period." " Max I am not a litte kid. I can make decisions for myself. I think that if I were able to get Quindor to follow me there that it just might work. I' m going to do it." Max put his hands on Liz's shoulder. " I said no Liz." Liz couldn't believe Max was saying this. She wasn't a child. Liz sarcastically smiled. " Maria can you help me set up for opening?", and with that Maria and Liz left. With Michael quickly following. Max sighed. " Shit. Liz wait." Liz ignored him. Even though her heart told her otherwise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWENTY MIN. LATER- Liz noticed Max, and Isabel sitting in their usual booth. Max occasionally trying to make eye contact with her. She switched waiting sides with Maria so she wouldn't have to face Max. Liz noticed Tess go into the back of the Crashdown. " Hey Maria. Can you watch me for five min.?" Maria laughed and then nodded. Liz quickly ran into the back to find Tess reading a book. " Hey Tess. I need to ask you something." " Sure Liz. Whats up?" " I need your help. I need you to cover me." Tess looked at Liz in utter confusion. " What are you talking about? Cover you from what?" " I am going to bait Quindor to the Granilith. I need you to occupy the guys especially Max. Then after 20min. take the guys out there." Tess stood up. Unable to believe that Liz was saying this. " Listen Liz I would love to help you , but I won't. Max doesn't want you going." " Tess I have never asked you for a favor and I think you kind of owe me." " Okay." " Thanks." Liz hugged Liz and then ran out the back of the Crashdown. " I lOve you Max." Tess sighed and then walked in the front of the Crashdwon. She was suppose to keep Max and the others preoccupied, but how could she. They didn't really pay attention to her anyways. Tess did have feelings for Max, but she knew that he rightfully belonged with Liz. She no longer was going to stand in their way. Besides Kyle wasn't so bad. Tess smiled to herself and then walked to Isabel and Max. Sitting at their usual both. " Hey guys." Max and Isabel nodded. Max was obviously frustrated and in deep thought. Isabel looked to Max. " Max. You and Liz will work everything out." Max looked up to Isabel and Tess with the sadness of a little boy. " I know. It's just I was being such a jerk. I just..just don't want anything to happen to her. That's all. I have to go talk to her. I think she went on a break. I don't see her in the front." Isabel nodded and Tess cringed. " Um no Max. Maybe you should just give her some time to cool down. She might be easier to talk to." Max turned to Tess. " I know you mean well, but I can't wait any longer. It's killing me to know that she is angry with me." " No Max. You can't talk to her." " Huh. Tess. Why can't I talk to her?" Tess shut her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. She may not have gotten along with Liz in the past, but she didn't want her to die. " Max. you can't talk to Liz because she's not here." " What do you mean?" " She left." " Yes you told me that. Where did she go?" Max could feel the fear rise in him. Praying that Tess wasn't about to say what he thought. " Liz went to lure Quindor to the Granilith." " WHAT!" Max clenched his jaw and then brushed his hands through his hair. " How could you let her leave?" " She asked me not to." " and of course you agreed." " What is that suppose to mean?" Max ignored Tess's question. He then rallied Maria and Michael. Telling them they needed to leave. Max and Isabel rode in the Jeep and Tess, Maria, and Michael in the Jetta. Max peeled out of the parking lot at 55mph. He had to get to Liz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liz driving her mother's car peering out the window. Looking for the gravel road that led to the birthplace of Max, Michael, and Isabel. She wiped the tears forming in her eyes. She was doing this for Max and the others. He risked his life for her at every chance he got. It was her turn to do something for him. How was she going to get Quindor to come to her? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quindor began to shake. Meaning that one of the humans was not in the presence of the royal four. She smiled as she disappeared into thin air. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liz felt chills run through her body. Something evil was near. She could feel it. Once she arrived to the entrance of the cave. She parked and then leaped out of the car. Liz walked into the cave entrance to see the four torn pods. The last time she had been here was when she had learned Max's destiny. Walking away from him, but they had found there way back to eachother and that was all that mattered. Liz was startled when she heard someone or thing behind her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " You are either really stupid or you want to die." Liz turned around to see Maria. No not Maria, Quindor blocking the entrance of the cave. " No um.. I came here to see the Granilith." " Oh and why is that?" Liz smiled. She had to fool Quindor. " I realized that all Max cares about is getting home. I came here to destroy the Granilith. So that he wouldn't be able to go home. I want him to feel hopeless and cause him pain as he did to me." Quindor rubbed her chin. Could the human be telling the truth? " Come here. I want to show you something." Liz walked to the Granilith praying that Max would soon arrive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max drove crazy like into the desert. Coming up upon the cave where he was born. Where Liz was. Max jerked the Jeep to a stop and leaped out. Forgetting to turn the car off. Michael, Isabel, and Tess quickly followed. Max hauled to a stop when he heard Quindor and Liz talking. He turned to Michael, Isabel, and Tess. " Shhh. Let's follow." They all agreed. The four crept towards the pods and then the Granilith. " Maxwell. What is our plan?" Max looked behind him to Michael. " I want you three to sneak up behind Quindor and push her towards the Granilith. Then use your powers to force her against the Granilith and keep her there. I am going to go around and grab Liz. Once she is safe I will join powers with you. All of our powers will activate the Granilith. We will take it from there. Let's go." Liz continued to make small talk with Quindor when she saw Max and the others creep in behind Quindor. She kept her eyes from wandering to them. Not wanting Quindor to know that they were there. Before Liz knew it Michael, Isabel, and Tess pushed Quindor towards the Granilith. Quindor quickly retalliated by grabbing Liz with her. " Watch you Hybrids. I have your little human friend." Max froze when he saw Quindor holding Liz. " No let her go." Max running over to them, forgetting the purpose of there plan. Quindor looked to Max. " Make me." " I said let her go." Quindor tightened her grip around Liz' neck and waist. " AHH." Liz whimpered. Max felt his heart being ripped. Quindor eyeing the royal four. " So your highness. Now what are you going to do? Hmm?" Tess sighed and then walked in the front of the Crashdwon. She was suppose to keep Max and the others preoccupied, but how could she. They didn't really pay attention to her anyways. Tess did have feelings for Max, but she knew that he rightfully belonged with Liz. She no longer was going to stand in their way. Besides Kyle wasn't so bad. Tess smiled to herself and then walked to Isabel and Max. Sitting at their usual both. " Hey guys." Max and Isabel nodded. Max was obviously frustrated and in deep thought. Isabel looked to Max. " Max. You and Liz will work everything out." Max looked up to Isabel and Tess with the sadness of a little boy. " I know. It's just I was being such a jerk. I just..just don't want anything to happen to her. That's all. I have to go talk to her. I think she went on a break. I don't see her in the front." Isabel nodded and Tess cringed. " Um no Max. Maybe you should just give her some time to cool down. She might be easier to talk to." Max turned to Tess. " I know you mean well, but I can't wait any longer. It's killing me to know that she is angry with me." " No Max. You can't talk to her." " Huh. Tess. Why can't I talk to her?" Tess shut her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. She may not have gotten along with Liz in the past, but she didn't want her to die. " Max. you can't talk to Liz because she's not here." " What do you mean?" " She left." " Yes you told me that. Where did she go?" Max could feel the fear rise in him. Praying that Tess wasn't about to say what he thought. " Liz went to lure Quindor to the Granilith." " WHAT!" Max clenched his jaw and then brushed his hands through his hair. " How could you let her leave?" " She asked me not to." " and of course you agreed." " What is that suppose to mean?" Max ignored Tess's question. He then rallied Maria and Michael. Telling them they needed to leave. Max and Isabel rode in the Jeep and Tess, Maria, and Michael in the Jetta. Max peeled out of the parking lot at 55mph. He had to get to Liz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liz driving her mother's car peering out the window. Looking for the gravel road that led to the birthplace of Max, Michael, and Isabel. She wiped the tears forming in her eyes. She was doing this for Max and the others. He risked his life for her at every chance he got. It was her turn to do something for him. How was she going to get Quindor to come to her? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quindor began to shake. Meaning that one of the humans was not in the presence of the royal four. She smiled as she disappeared into thin air. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liz felt chills run through her body. Something evil was near. She could feel it. Once she arrived to the entrance of the cave. She parked and then leaped out of the car. Liz walked into the cave entrance to see the four torn pods. The last time she had been here was when she had learned Max's destiny. Walking away from him, but they had found there way back to eachother and that was all that mattered. Liz was startled when she heard someone or thing behind her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " You are either really stupid or you want to die." Liz turned around to see Maria. No not Maria, Quindor blocking the entrance of the cave. " No um.. I came here to see the Granilith." " Oh and why is that?" Liz smiled. She had to fool Quindor. " I realized that all Max cares about is getting home. I came here to destroy the Granilith. So that he wouldn't be able to go home. I want him to feel hopeless and cause him pain as he did to me." Quindor rubbed her chin. Could the human be telling the truth? " Come here. I want to show you something." Liz walked to the Granilith praying that Max would soon arrive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max drove crazy like into the desert. Coming up upon the cave where he was born. Where Liz was. Max jerked the Jeep to a stop and leaped out. Forgetting to turn the car off. Michael, Isabel, and Tess quickly followed. Max hauled to a stop when he heard Quindor and Liz talking. He turned to Michael, Isabel, and Tess. " Shhh. Let's follow." They all agreed. The four crept towards the pods and then the Granilith. " Maxwell. What is our plan?" Max looked behind him to Michael. " I want you three to sneak up behind Quindor and push her towards the Granilith. Then use your powers to force her against the Granilith and keep her there. I am going to go around and grab Liz. Once she is safe I will join powers with you. All of our powers will activate the Granilith. We will take it from there. Let's go." Liz continued to make small talk with Quindor when she saw Max and the others creep in behind Quindor. She kept her eyes from wandering to them. Not wanting Quindor to know that they were there. Before Liz knew it Michael, Isabel, and Tess pushed Quindor towards the Granilith. Quindor quickly retalliated by grabbing Liz with her. " Watch you Hybrids. I have your little human friend." Max froze when he saw Quindor holding Liz. " No let her go." Max running over to them, forgetting the purpose of there plan. Quindor looked to Max. " Make me." " I said let her go." Quindor tightened her grip around Liz' neck and waist. " AHH." Liz whimpered. Max felt his heart being ripped. Quindor eyeing the royal four. " So your highness. Now what are you going to do? Hmm?" Max stared into Quindor's eyes. " Please don't hurt her. Let her go. I will do anything." Quindor could easily see the pleading in Max's eyes." Anything?" " Yes. I will do anything. Just don't hurt her." " I want you to come back with me to our planet." Max eye's widened along with Isabel, Michael, Tess, and Liz. Michael loudly voiced his opinion. " You can't be serious. Maxwell isn't going with you. None of us are!" " Oh is that right. Then say goodbye to your precious Liz." Quindor stretched her hands out. Claws began growing out of her fingers. Quindor scratched Liz's cheek. " Ahh. Human skin. So tender, and easily cut." Then she brought the claws to Liz's stomach. Max clenched his jaw. Screaming for Quindor to stop. " I said No!" Max felt a surge of energy flow through him as a green power exerted his body, hitting Quindor in the face. Quindor let go of Liz and went flying into the Granilith. Michael, Isabel , and Tess each joined their powers in with Max's. The Granilith glowing began vacuming everything in it's way. Quindor screamed for the aliens to stop, but there was no use asking. Michael screamed to Max. " The Granilith is going to explode after Quindor goes through. The force were laying on it is too much for the Granilith to handle. Max turned to Michael. " I know. If you are leaving." Michael grinned. " I am not leaving. Besides you can't lead well without me anyways." They both laughed. " Michael we need to get out of here now. You get Tess and Isabel out. I am going for Liz." Max still aiming at the Granilith went over to Liz. Max gasped when he saw her laying down unconscious. Their powers must have effected her! " No!" Max grabbed her, and carried her out of the cave. He immediantly laid her down and put his hands on her stomach. Trying to make a connection. Liz gasped as her eyes flung open. " Max." She reached up for him. Cllinging to him as tightly as possible. " Max I am so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to help." Max cupped her face in his hands. " I know. I am sorry too for trying to control you. I love you Liz.' Liz smiled. " l love you too." Max kissed Liz. Just as the the Granilith exploded. FIVE DAYS LATER- Liz and Maria ran back and forth throughout the Crashdown. Waiting on their customers. Liz and Maria smiled at eachother in exhaustion everytime they passed eachother. Maria stopped Liz. " Remember it's all about the tips." Liz laughed. " Yeah I keep telling myself that." Max, Isabel, Alex, and Tess sat at their usual booth. Alex laughed while watching his two best girlfriends run back and forth. " They sure are working hard aren't they." Max , Isabel, and Tess nodded in agreement. Max noticed Liz go into the back of the kitchen. " Be right back guys." Alex laughed. " Yeah right." Max gave Alex a smile and then followed Liz into the back. Liz was busy getting fries that she didn't hear Max come in behind her. He put his hands around her waist and then turned her around. Kissing her before she could respond. Max smiled. " I am feeling neglected." Liz smiled also. " Oh well I wouldn't want to neglect our number one customer. " What can I get for you?" Max responded." Well I can think of one thing." Liz laughed. " Oh yeah and what is that?" Max leaned in for another kiss. " This." Then he kissed her again. next story in series " A Roswell Prom" coming soon
