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Jacob Young


Young At Heart

You could say that Jacob Young (Rick) is doing some very controversial work these days, at least according to the actor's grandparents. The 18-year-old, who plays a 16-year-old on B&B, chickles, "Whenever Rick's love scenes come one, my grandparents switch the channel! I think they do that because they're not really used to seeing their grandson as someone who's in a romantic relationship." Especially since Rick's on his way to becoming a father. But Young's grandparents know that the idea is to support their grandson. "They'ss wait a few minutes and then turn right back to the show," grins the actor. "They're very happy for me and are very loyal B&B watchers." Except for those love scenes.

Young...But Not Restless

When Young landed the role of Rick, he says that he had no idea how prominently the character would be featured in the storyline. "I thought it was going to be a really small part," he says. "I'm so happy that they're using me so much. Let's hope it continues."

As much as Young's life has changed in the past year, his on-screen counterpart's life has changed tenfold. Since January, Rick nearly was killed in a car accident, had a kidney transplant, lost his virginity to his baby-sitter, clashed with his folks over that affair, then learned tht he himself was about to become a parent. "Hopefully, kids who are watching [the show] will become more aware," he says. "If they are paying attention, they're going to get a valuable lesson about pregnancy, abortion, and STDs."

Young is excited to witness whatever the future may have in store for his character as the show heads toward the new millennium, but he admits that he would eventually love to cross over to the silver screen. The fact that his look often is compared to Brad Pitt's seems to be a good start. "I think it's fine, but I want my own identity," he says. "I'd love for people to walk up to Brad Pitt someday and say, 'Hey! You look like Jacob Young!"

Jacob Young, July 2, 1998

Rosie6904: Jacob, do you have a girlfriend?

Young: No. I do not.

Blue_eyed_blonde_chick: Do you get offended when people refer to you as "that TV hunk"?

Young: I guess it just comes with the territory! You can't really be too serious about it, you know?

Lovable_girl98: One of the other girls in the room thinks you're God. How does it make you feel?

Young: Geez! Well, thanks, I think! I'm just Jacob!

Rosiegurl: How did you get into an acting career?

Young: Eight and a half months ago I decided to pursue acting full-time. And I was just right out of high school. And it happened that it hit that quick. I started the show as soon as I decided to get into the industry. Bel-Phillips, the production company, saw an ad that I had placed in a magazine and they called me into casting, and I ended up beating out 250 some-odd other men for the role. And I guess the rest is history as they say.

Maine93: Do you think of this as your future career or do you plan to attend college and do something else?

Young: For now my schedule is just completely full every week. Right now there is just too much time being consumed by the show, but I do plan to go to college.

SummerDaizy: What is the best thing about being part of the cast of The Bold and the Beautiful?

Young: The other cast members. They're great people, really friendly.

LonelyRide: If you took a look on your telephone list, who would be the most famous person on it?

Young: It would be, uh, I guess Lou Diamond Phillips. He was a close friend of my manager, and now a close friend of mine.

SummerDaizy: Do you share any personality traits with Rick?

Young: Yeah, you know Rick and I run on a parallel, I believe. Except that he's two years younger than myself. So basically I try to reflect on how I acted at 16. So basically, yeah, a lot of characteristics.

SummerDaizy: What kind of challenges face you when you're acting?

Young: The biggest challenge is the memorization. There is anywhere from eight to 30 pages of dialogue a day. And we have no cue cards or teleprompter, so everything has to be memorized. It's very difficult, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Sindyjo: Was it hard doing the scenes when you had the car accident?

Youngr: Not really, because after the accident I was out of it for a while, so I didn't have to say much!

Cindrella_1: What's going to happen with you and Bridget?

Youngr: Well, there's a lot of exciting stuff happening this summer with myself, but I have no idea what my sister is going to be doing.

SummerDaizy: What's the most embarrassing moment that you've ever had on the set?

Youngr: Wow. I guess just messing up continuously, maybe 10 times in a row! You start to get really hard on yourself, you know, pretty embarrassing!

Blue_eyed_blonde_chick: Do you ever wish that you could just be a regular person and not famous person?

Young: Well, um, I definitely enjoyed life before the show when people didn't know who I was. But I definitely enjoy being who I am today, too, because it's exactly what I hoped. But you better be careful what you wish for.

Rosiegurl: Do people recognize you when you walk down the street?

Young: Sometimes. Once in a while. As a matter of fact, last night somebody did. They just praise you, though. And they only know you as your character. It's definitely interesting.

SummerDaizy: What are your favorite TV shows?

Young: I really like Spin City. And up until this last season, I loved Seinfeld. And Frasier. That's about it.

E72098: Do you hang out with your onscreen family?

Young: Not so much, but the people who play the younger crowd, like Adrienne Frantz, who plays Amber. And Mick Cane, who plays CJ. We tend to hang out quite often because we're about the same age.

Girl_56_98: How are you related to Ridge Forester?

Young: On the stage I'm related, we're half brothers. Offstage, no, we're not related.

Beth0024: Where are you from originally?

Young: Tillamook, OR, where the cheddar is made!

Sindyjo: Have you ever modeled before?

Young: That's what I wanted to do before I got into acting, but they told me I was too short.

Maine93: How do you feel about acting out sex roles being a teen yourself, and how do your parents feel?

Young: My parents are very supportive. I don't mind so much, it's the fact that you have to be as real as possible doing the scene, but in the back of your mind know you're still acting. It's kind of a difficult thing, but it's part of the job!

Rosiegurl: What do you like the least about acting?

Young: Really nothing, because it's definitely a passion. I love what I do. I don't think there's any downside to it.

Rosiegurl: Do you come on the Internet very often?

Young: I do. Once in a while. I did a lot more before I got on the job. On the show.

Trickynicky9318: Whose the most fun to work with?

Young: Oh, I would say Katherine Kelly Lang, who plays Brooke.

Shortyv16: When you get mail, do you actually read it, or do you have someone else answer it for you?

Young: I read all my mail. And I respond to all my mail too — myself.

Speppi_snatter: Were you thrilled when Usher appeared on the show?

Young: Yeah, it was a great addition to the show. I wasn't as excited as probably the majority of the girls in the United States, though!

El_chulo23: Who is your favorite actress?

Young: Meryl Streep.

Rosiegurl: If you got to date anyone in the world, who would it be?

Young: LOL! Geez. Let me think for a second. Probably Cameron Diaz.

Acoolbabe11: What kind of music do you like?

Young: I listen to anything between big band to even cutting-edge stuff today, and pop, hip-hop.

FightingIrishDancer: Is there an upcoming triangle between you, Amber and CJ?

Young: I don't think between CJ. But possibly another person.

J_a_y_bird: Did you ever think you would be on TV as a kid?

Young: I definitely dreamed of it. You don't really know what's going on on the screen but you think you'd like to be that person etc.

Thats_Pretty_Nifty: Do you think you are the hottest guy in showbiz?

Young: Definitely not! LOL!

J_a_y_bird: If you could kiss anyone on the set, who wold it be?

Young: Anyone on the set! Probably Hunter Tylo!

Ak99lj: When you go back to your hometown, do people treat you differently?

Young: Yes, definitely. I wasn't real popular in high school. But now I'm the hometown hero and very popular when I go home.

Sindyjo: When you get approached on the street do they call you by your character name or your real name?

Young: They typically call me by my character name because that's who they know me as.

CuteLover: Do you like working with Katherine Kelly Lang?

Young: Yes, she's an amazing lady on and offscreen.

Oldsuzuki: What time do you have to be on the set and how many hours?

Young: Typically I'm on set by 8:30. And they are usually 10- to 11-hour days but sometimes more.

Caseopia01: Can you tell us what will happen with you and Amber

Young: I can't give that information away, but I can guarantee there's going to be some great stuff this summer.

E72098: Jacob, do you get along with Ron Moss?

Young: Oh, yeah, everyone in the cast is wonderful people. Everyone is looking out for each other.

J_a_y_bird: Do you like doing these chat things?

Young: LOL! Yeah, I enjoy it!

Karenb_coolchica: Have you ever meet anybody from Beverly Hills, 90210?

Young: I've met just about every one of them at one time or another.

Angelluv16: Do you still keep in touch with the friends you had before you were famous?

Young: Definitely. They really give you the reality check. Because they were there before. You can trust them. It's the friends after you find fame that you have to be wary of.

SWG4MD: If you could act with one certain person, who would it be?

Young: I'd like to act opposite Johnny Depp.

Angelluv16: How old were you when you first decided to become an actor?

Young: I had always done stage. And I really found a passion for it when I was about 16. But seriously, not until 18.

What a Bold and Beautiful World

B&B's Jacob Young takes Soap Opera Monthly backstage for a very exclusive look at what most people never get a chance to see!

The Bold and the Beautiful isn't the only show that shoots at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, The Price Is Right, The Young and theRestless, Politically Incorrect, and The Late, Late Show With Tom Snyder also call CBS TV City their home. It's not really a city, by the way, but rather a pair of buildings offering generous studio space.

Findings one's way around the place isn't easy. B&B's Jacob Young Rick ), who joined the halfhour soap late last year, says, "There are a lot of different locations I go to other than Stage 31 ( B&B's stage ). There's the production office, wardrobe, hair, and makeup and many other places. It took me about two weeks to really get the lay of the land. Everyone was very helpful about showing me around, but I did a lot of exploring on my own."

Now that Young is a pro at finding his way around CBS, let's tag along with the actor as he shows us the ins and outs of the place B&B calls home: "You have to have your identification badge with you when you come in every morning," says Young. "Even when the guards know us by face, it's good for everybody to know that the employee hasn't misplaced his or her badge."

Actors' mailbox are listed alphabetically, so Young has to lean over to pick up scripts and fan mail. "I've started airing in some of the foreign markets," shores Young, "so I've gotten letters with some pretty interesting stamps."

After shooting scenes, actors sometimes check in with wardrobe for a fitting. Costume designer Lori Robinson says, "When a character joins the show, I'll talk to the producers and writers to see what look they want. Rick started out with a vintage '50s look, but as he's grown rebellious, we've gone with some darker tones."

Young gets touched up before the scenes from hairstylist Donna Moss, who is often asked if she's related to B&B star Ronn Moss ( Ridge ). "We were married, and we never divorced, but Shari ( Shattuck, ex-Y&R's Ashley and Moss' reallife wife ) is okay with it," jokes Donna."

Young receives notes from stage manager Bret Warren, the liaison between the producers and directors in the control booth and the actors on the stage floor. "You learn to work with each actor individually," explains Warren.

Production office assistant Adam Dusevoir meets and greets folks at the reception desk. ( Keep an eye out for Adam --- it's rumored that many successful people in showbiz have gotten their starts at this desk. ) "Adam's helped me out tremendously," praises Young. "He's the point person when the actors call the office."

There hasn't been a B&B/Y&R crossover since 1995, but that doesn't stop actors from each show from meeting in the hallway. Here, Young chats with Y&R's Christian LeBlanc ( Michael ). "Christian's a really good actor," smiles Young, proudly showing off an Soap Opera Monthly cover featuring himself.

"Ian ( Buchanan, James ) uses this room when I'm not here. If we're both working on the same day, I have a different one, so I guess you could say this is his room," laughs Young. "I really like it a lot. It's right near the stage, and it has a leather couch, a bathroom, TV and VCR. It's like a little hotel room."

What A Difference A year Makes

The cast and crew helped Jacob Young (Rick) celebrate his birthday by honoring him with a setside cake. "It was chocolate, which is my favorite," says Young. "When I went on the set to beign working, they were putting the candles on the cake. I thought it was really nice of them." Young's birthday celebration continued later that day when he was joined by several close friends at a restaurant near the studio. "It was a special birthday for me this year," notes Young. "A year ago, if someone had told me I'd have a part of The Bold and the Beautiful, I wouldn't have believed it. I couldn't have imagined how different my life would be in one year. So I have a lot to be grateful for, and I was glad that I got to celebrate it with the show and my friends."

Young Man, Old Soul

From surfing to the Swing Era, a wide range of diversions captivate the heart and soul of Jacob Young (Rick Forrester, The Bold and the Beautiful), who turned 19 in September.

This athletic and sensitive young actor's love of surfing began in the Pacific Northwest, when he was in his early teens. "Soon as I was out there the first time, it just got to me," he says. "It isn't really about surfing," Young points out, sitting in his dressing room at CBS Television City in Hollywood. "It's about being in touch with yourself. It's an amazing thing to paddle out there on your board and be one with the water. I wonder what was going on in the mind of the first guy who surfed, the guy who thought up the idea of riding in the waves. You're skimming on water. It's an awesome feeling that you can do that."

Sometimes he enjoys the sense of solitude out there, waiting or that next big wave. "Even when you go with other peole, you tend to paddle to the left or right of them. Sometimes you feel like talking. It all depends. You find your own dimensions. Surfing means something different to each person, I think. Some folks look at it jsut as a sporst; others are looking for a kind a spiritual feeling. It's a little bit of both for me.

"It's peaceful," he says, describing the sea at its most benign. "Dolphins coming up underneath you and being playful is fun. Being out there and watching a sunset, sitting on your board till it's pitch black - that's nice too."

The sea "can be scary," he concedes. "From the start, you've got to learn to appreciate the water, recognize that it's a mighty force and respect it. Don't ever take it for granted, because as soon as you do, the sea will 'take' you - for your final ride. There's a little of that danger that does appeal to me. It's definitely a thrill."

Some surfers follow the sun, "always looking for that wave that's bigger and better," he says. "But that's not for me. As long as I can surf and enjoy the waves, I'm a happy guy.

Among the other things that make Young happy is doing pretty much anything that relates to the 1940's, form searching for vintage slacks in thrift shops to grooving to some classic swing music at specialy clubs aroung town.

Young says the movies of the '40a have inspired him. "They had quite a style to them. The stars of that era had a real charisma. There were such great character types, like Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. It made that whole time period so cool. I used to go to my grandfather's house and just pop the old movies into the VCR, one after another, all day long, and really get into the spirit of that time," he adds. "I also loved to go through my grandfather's photo albums and look at the old cars, the clothes, the hairstyles. The '40s had a lot of class."

Today, one of his favorite pastimes is checking out the racks of vintage fashions at Jet Ray, a second-hand clothing emporium in Hollywood. "It's all classified into certain time periods ," he explains. "So if you're looking for a particular thing, you'lle probably find it there. It's fun. It's good -quality stuff, and everything is reasonably priced.

"When I put on a pair of those slacks," form the past, he nots, " I feel like I'm a part of that time. You can sort of imagine that you're really back there."

Young is gaga for the swing sound of that period, too. He collects CDs of the origianl big bands as well as of such current "in" groups as Squirrel Nut Zippers and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. "They have outrageous names, but they're phenomenal bands," he says, grinnign. "It's a big-band swing with a little bit of kick to it."

His taste isn't limited when it comes to performing, however. Back in Tillamook, Ore,. Young took roles in plays and musicals in high school and at community theaters. "They were fun to do," he says, and certainly an indication of where he was heading, career-wise.

But life hasn't been a total breeze for him, either. Family tragedies, which he will not discuss in detail, have left an indelible mark on his psyche. "I have had quite a few tragic losses in my short life, he acknowledges. "I'm learing to accept the fact that tings happen for a reason. And I've spoken with other people who have had similar experiences. There's always that choice when things are rough, when you feel yourself slipping downhill and you don't want tjo give a blankety-blank about anything. But you have to; you have to make a choice. That's what I did. I said, 'Look, I'm going to be as successful as I possibly can regrdless of what turmoil or tragedy comes my way.' It's not easy, but I'm here to tell you that it can be done.

The actor's religion helped him find the right path. "I'm Christian," he notes. "I found God about six years ago. I was not raised Christian, but good morals and values were the standards in our home. Religion trainging wasn't a strong point when I was a kid, but my parents taught me right from wrong. They left it up to me whether I wanted to pursue some kind of religious belief. It's the best thing that ever happened to me."

After relocating to San Diego, he completed his basic studies at a private Christian high school. He worked as a waiter to pay his tuition. "I tried my hand at modeling but didn't really so a lot," he says. Young instead focused his energies on acting. He signed with a talent manager, investing $80 in an ad that appeared in Junior Variety, a version of Daily Variety. B&B;s casting director , Christy Dooley, saw the ad and called Young's manager. The show was recasting the role of Rick and wanted to take a look at Young. "I came up and read for the part," he says. "There were a couple of callbacks. I did a screen test. Then, came the call that I got the part. It meant moving up here, starting work right away. Everything was boom, boom, boom."

The role on B&B is his first professional actiong gig. "It is like a dream come true in amny respects," he says. "But even though I love what I'm dong, it can be stressful at times, too. WHen I first got the job and moved up here, it was very intimidating. I didn't know L.A. well at all. I don't know how a TV show operated. I was very scared. I think it came through in Rick's character, too."

B&B had aged Rick to 16 when Young took over the part. He describes the character then as being "very out of it, sheltered," someone who hadn't experienced a lot of what the outside world has to offer. "Now, he's experiencing more grown-up things. He's taking charge, standing up for himself."

"I remember my first day vividly," he continues. "It was all too much. I could not stop moving around. There was so much I wanted to know, learn, see, do, touch. It was just overwhelming.

Young credits cast mate John McCook, who plays Rick's father, Eric, with helping him settle in. "He was there anytime I needed suport. Everything ws os new to me, I had questions about the cameras, the sripts, all of it, and he answered every one of them. He was great to me. He still is."

Rick has certainly grown up a lot in the past several months. For one thing, he has been intimate with the more worldly Amber, and is believed to be the father of the child she is carrying. "I get a ;ot of mail from young girls - I'm gald to have that support," he says. "Some of them like Rick with Amber, some of them don't.

The latter would probably prefer him to be footloose and fancy-free, as the young actor is in real life. "I love Los Angels now," he enthuses. "I'm finding it very appealing in so many respects. I'm meeting all sorts of interesting new people, discovering wonderful new restaurants. It has really enlightened me in so many ways, as a person and as an actor.

Of course, it doesn't hurt a bit that he's within a half-hour's drive of the ocean so he can get in some quality surfing, or pay a visit to his favorite thrift shop to pick up a "new" pair of vintage slacks.


No, the spikey haired daytime dreamboat is not doing a Leo DiCaprio impersonation. Young is taking over the role of Lucky on GENERAL HOSPITAL, recording a new album for music veteran Danny Goldberg's label AND dating actress Rachel Leigh Cooke (SHE'S ALL THAT). In short: life doesn't suck.

"The past couple of weeks have been great. I am really having a great time on GENERAL HOSPITAL. Everybody has been so supportive."

Young is taking the role over from multiple Emmy winner Jonathan Jackson. Young says everybody has been asking him how he will be different. The young actor is firm. "I am not filling anyone's shoes. At GH I am wearing my own shoes. Jonathan is very talented actor. But I am going to bring my own element to the role. When I went in for the audition the one thing I wanted to make sure they knew was that I was not going to be like Jonathan. I am going to be me."

Young's much publicized departure from BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL ended with a toughly worded salvo by B&B Exec Bradley Bell.

"When he said that he would never make a mistake like Jacob Young again...well that wasn't the Bradley Bell that I knew. He was coming from a hurtful place. He took my departure personally.", Young says.

The interview had tongues wagging in the soap world but Young says their differences were settled right after his GH audition.

"I went over to B&B right after the audition and Bradley wished me luck. He also apologized for that interview. That was very classy of him". And if they saw each other on the street?

"No problem. In fact we just saw each other a couple of the weeks ago at my manager's house. We are fine. That's all in the past. He wished me 'good luck'".

B&B was Young's first regular TV acting gig and he says he learned a great deal from the experience. "The pace of a show was something that I had to learn. Keeping up that pace was not easy. I also learned how intimate the camera can be."

Making the move to GH was an easy one for Young. He says the popularity of the show appealed to him as did the opportunity to work with veterans like Anthony Geary.

"He was so supportive. He pulled me aside and said I was consistent and talented. That felt so good coming from him. I have noticed that one thing that really stands out at GH is just how supportive they are of the actors. They really want to hear from the actors." As we wrapped up there was one lingering question as his GH debut neared. The hair. The spikey do that graced the cover of every soap mag around the world. You will be happy to know it is staying. "It will be just a little fit the character", Young chuckles.

After his tumultuous departure from daytime, Young realized the most penetrating question that would be tossed his way on his return was about his hair. That's okay by him. He is looking forward to the chance of being known for his work, not being the bad boy of daytime. Okay, being known for great hair doesn't suck either.