My Buffy Collection

I have an extensive collection of Buffy/Angel merchandise, but not *nearly* the largest I've seen. For one, I don't
collect the trading cards. I have a very limited selection of the comics, and only 5 action figures. Spike being one of course!)
And I have yet to collect all the DVDs.  I got quiet a bit of my collection on ebay, some at Borders
and Barnes and Noble, and some at Things From Another World. A sizable chunk, though, came from
I will begin withthings that I have and what I think of them. Further down will be my wish list of things
that I want to get. :) Provided I get that far. This page may be under construction for a *while*. Last updated 5/12/04


Lets's start with the books:

  - I love the format of this book. It is, along with it's subsequent volumes, truly the definitive guide for Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

       - A must for anyone interested in the Slayer mythology. I especially liked on story set in England of olde that showed that Buffy wasn't the first slayer who had friends helping her.

 - This is really cute, with yearbook signings by the characters and little inside jokes. Glad I bought it.

 - A waste. Not particularly well written, leaves important stuff out. I'd say more but I was so unimpressed I can't think of anything. 

- Fascinating. Worth the read. I actually have the 4 separate volumes, but I'd buy it in this all-volumes-in-one-book style if I had it to do over.

 -Great book, not canon, but we didn't know that at the time Dori wrote it. After seeing her Spikefeeds over at, I knew I had to get this book, and I'm glad I did. :)

 -Cute book with Spike on the cover. 'nuff said. :)

 - Long book, not for the juvenile reader. Good though.

 -Loved it! While I *am* a fan of the sappy-romantic-inlovewithBuffy Spike, this journey back into the 1940s with Spike and Dru is an excellent read!

 -I used to have this book. Then I gave it away to a friend who didn't have any Buffy books. I know, I'm going to rot in hell. It was really awful. My biggest complaint is that the language was trying way too hard at being Buffy-esque, to the point that it was almost comical. Also, there were plot holes and subplots that didn't go anywhere. I honestly don't understand how anyone could give this a good rating. (there were a few on Amazon).

 - My friend Debbie actually threatened to steal this from me. :) Nice pics of Angel. I'm not as big a fan as she is (My heart belongs to Spike/James), but the pics are pretty well done. More a book for the pin-up crowd though.

Ok, this is just a start, I realized I have so much Buffy merch that this is going
 to be very time consuming!  I will update as often as I can, so check back frequently! :)