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Loaded's artical on Athony Stweert head(feb 2001)

Buffy’s Frightfully English mentor, Giles

Anthony Stewart Head is The Watcher. His role, as stammering Englishman Giles, involves
looking after the rebellious Buffy.
“I teach her, train her andmake sure she’s doing her job” he exsplains. “The watcher dose have a
dark side, though. He was a rebel in his teens, went on to dabble in black magic and ended up
killing somebody.”

But there are much worse things in Anthon’s own past. Black magic and murder are one thing,
but playing the lead in those will-they-won’t-they Gold Blend adverts that plagued the nation in
the early 90s should be a crime punishable by death. They told the story of two neighbours who
fell in love over their shared love of instant coffee. Did he flee to America to escape the shame?
“well” he laughs, “the ads made my TV career kind of go into hibernation in England — I just
couldn’t shake off the gold blead image. People said I was too high-profile, but hear high-profile
is a good thing. So it was a good move.”

And do you drink Gold Blend, or is the punch of a good US cup of Joe just too hard to resist?
“I’m a cappuccino fan now. But my first drink of the day is still a cup of tea.”
I bet he still pines over that lady with the thin blonde hair piled on top of her head like instant
cream on top of a bozzy trifle, though Or have the septics stolen his heart? If he had to marry one
girl who would it be? Buffy, the coffee bird or our cover girl Anya?
“Anya? Good grief. Anya is barking mad. Buffy’s a little too young for me... I wonder. I suppose
it would be the girl from the coffee ad.”
Aaaaaah, sweet.
“well, you know, you need to give me a few more choices!”