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The Comeing

The clock went on, and on and on. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock she could not bear that sound any longer, she had to get out of there. Tick tock, tick tock.
She was not having a very good day. She had had an argument with riley earlier, about what she could not remember. They seemed to be in that stage of a relationship when they would argue about anything and everything. She hoped it would soon pass. That was extremely early this morning she had then had to hunt down this demon who had, what seemed, appeared out of no wear, this had been tricky, fighting the forces of darkness in broad daylight and trying not to be seem is extremely difficult. How ever she had managed it. But now this! This was the last straw of the day! Tests!
When she had left high school one of the things she had been glad about was the fact that the tests that they seemed to have every single week would stop. And they did. It was now very rarely they had any type of test but when they did they were hard. Extremely hard!

The lady at the front of the hall stood up and announced
"The Exam has now ended"
People raised from there seats With relief on there faces, it was over, the horrible two hours was over, and it would be another year until she had to do it again. Buffy was extremely relieved.
She got up and strolled out of the hall. She still had another lecture to go to in an hour, how they could do that to a student Buffy did not know. To make them sit through an exams like that then go to a lecture. She thought about skipping it but decided that would be a bad idea. She had missed a lot of this class lately with both slayer duties and also Riley duties. Anyway she would feel better after a milk shake with willow.

Meanwhile deep beneath the ground they gathered, hundreds of them. Gathered to see the sight, or as it sometimes was to not see the sight. Vampires filled the sewers that day waiting for him to arrive. Waiting to see if the prophecy came true. The prophecy that told of a new leader to unite all vampires, a demon with mixed blood of a thousand races. And now he has arrived!
Heavy footsteps where heard in the distance and all vampires fell silent. This was an occasion to be remembered old and young vampires (the ones who usually stay away from ancient rituals and just live for the feed) the steps stopped and out emerged from behind a corner a tall largely built demon, obviously a cross breed of several demons. The crowed went wild cheers so loud they echoed up through all the drains in sunnydale. And as people sat in their beds they heard the eerie sound but dismissed it as their imagination. Finely he had arrived!

"What was that?" Buffy stood still. Willow turned around to face her
"what was what?" was her reply
"I was sure I herd something. I don't know what"
Willow stared at her with wide "what are you talking about" eyes
"you're right, its probably just my imagination. come on we have milk drinks to get"

"remind me again. Why are we going to Giles?" Anya didn't like Giles apartment it was all dusty with old books. And it smelt so British
"so you think we should just forget about That big ugly scaly thing we saw slivering into the sea?" Xander replied
"Yes! Finally we are thinking on the same wavelength"
"Anya! It could be dangerous. I mean it had Scales!"
"Goldfish have scales and there not dangerous!"
"But are goldfish the size of a human?"
They arrived at the courtyard outside Giles house and hammered on the door. They waited a few minutes and then knocked again.
"Oh well he not in can we go now? We can have some fun at your place if we do" Anya was clearly desperate to leave
"Oh no. you've bribed me with offers of sex to Much and this time Im not going for it!….. But feel free to try to bribe another time!"
There was still no answer. So Xander tried the door. It was open so they entered cautiously not knowing if that was a good or bad sign.
"Giles! Hay Giles you there??" Xander shouted from just inside the door
Anya walked strait in and over to the desk. "hay he's written something down hear. 'LA airport 12.50'
A worried look came over Xanders face. " You don't think he left do you left us and went back to England!"
"No… well probably. who'd want to stay hear if they didn't have to. You know hear being on the Hellmouth and all"
"We have to go tell Buffy!"

Buffy and willow walked slowly along the darkening road back towards campus.
"Me and Tara are going to the Bronze tonight. You want to come!"
"The Bronze. Long time since Iv been there! But still no I meant to be going on the Hunt tonight. In fact it's quite dark already I better hurry back and get some weapons."
"Yeah it dose seem to get dark more quickly thease days. I wonder why?"

"My fellow Demons of the Night. In just two days time comes the night of Eternal darkness. If the correct rituals are performed That night will never end. Meaning we will be free to walk the earth any time we please!" Cheers erupted from the crowd as the thousands of vampires grew more existed.
"You must fetch me the ingredients for the ritual tonight! This is what I need…."

"There it is again!" Buffy stood still
"that sound I heard earlier. Its kind of like shouting! Listen!"
"I cant hear anything"
I scream erupted from one of the nearby campus building
"Now I hear something!"
Buffy ran towards the direction of the scrams and straight into one of the student housing buildings. Ahe ran up the stairs as fast as she could and burst through the door onto the third floor. What she saw shocked her. There must have been 30 vampire in front of her. Never had she seen so many vampires working together since the day of the Mayor ascension. They seemed to be trying to capture the students as opesed to simply eating them like they usually did.
Buffy ran at the first one she saw stake in hand and drove it into his chest and he turned to dust she swung around just in time to hit another before he got to her. But two slow to hit both of the two vamps running at her from each side. They knocked he flying and she hit the far wall with a great power. A tall vampire leaped onto her but Buffy brought her stake up so he landed right on top of it. She got to her feet. 6 vampires were moving slowly towards her. And suddenly they charged. They hit Buffy with a massive force sending her crashing through the window. She fell the three floors and hit the concrete ground unconscious!

"Buffy???? Buffy?? Can you hear me?" It was willow leaning over buffy with Tara by here side
"Oh my head!" was all Buffy could say
"what happened?" Buffy had noticed Tara didn't usually make many contributions to conversations but for once she had.
"Vampire. Lots of them!.. oh My head really hurts! Oh my god the peole are they okay!"
willow said "There's nobody up there! Tara checked"
"The vamps must have gotten them. I have to tell giles he might know something! You two go home ill be okay now"
"Buffy you need to see a doctor!" there was a deep concern in Willows voice
"Will! Im the slayer remember. I can survive dropping out of a three story window onto concert now Go!"

"We have been walking around for ages cant we tell her in the morning!"
"Anya! We have only been looking for her for 10 minuits!"
" well it seems like longer!"

Buffy arrived at Giles house and hammered on the door. No answer. Why was he taking so long! She almost gave up but then the door slowly opend
"Giles thank god your in !" she pushed past him then turned around to face him "there were 30 vampires on the campus! They kidnapped people and I couldn't stop them because they threw me out a window!" she was rambling, "they are obviously up to something you have to find…"
"Buffy!" that stopped her right in her tracks
"Hi!" came a voice from behind her
she slowly turned and saw a Boy, he must have been about 15 standing leaning on the kitchen counter . he had short brown hair combed forward in a French crop style and was obliviously wondering what the hell she had been talking about.
"Buffy this is my nephew Chris. Iv just been to the airport to pick him up. He will be staying for me for a while"
"Oh!" was all Buffy could say. It occurred to her that she had just been talking about Vampires and he was probably in hearing distance. Did he know about the mystic and Demonic side of the world? Or was he an ordinary teenager? It was better not to take the chance.
"Giles! You should have said he was coming I would have taken hi to the film with me and willow. " she turned towards Chris "Im telling you it's the best vampire film released. Totally realistic.!"
"Well" said Chris " Maybe Ill see it another time. If I get board at all during my stay"
"And how long are you staying?"
"Im not sure"
Buffys face went grim in the last few years everyone who was around her had know about the slayer thing she would have to get used to keeping it a secret again
"My Brother and his wife are having a few problems so im looking after him until they sought things out" Giles explained.
Buffy really couldn't wait for this boy to leave. If he ever did, to sought out their new vampire problem she had to improvise
"So Giles! In this film there were these vampires. Lots of Vampires at least 25! And they threw this really powerful girl out of a window and while she was unconscious they kidnapped all the people in the building! Unfortunately the film cut out I didn't see the end. What do YOU think could have been happening!"
"The film cut out! Shit! Did you gat a refund?" Criss was obviously trying to be sociable but this was the wrong time.
"Chris!" said Giles "why don't you go into town and get the stuff you'll need for your first day at school"
"Hay im trying to talk to Buffy hear"
"I think shes a little to old for you"
"Well shes more than a little too young for you!"
Giles face went red "We are not romantically involved!"
The Door Burst open "Buffy Giles has gone missing and there's a big Fish demon that went into the sea…" Xander out of breath looked up to see Giles standing in front of him "Giles! You haven't abandoned us! Grate you can help us with the Big fish monster!"
" Yes! Because Giles is good at guessing film endings!" Buffy shouted trying to cover up for the mistake Xander had made by not noticing Chris. "Hay who's he?" Finally his eyes came across Chris
"this is My nephew!" Giles took the question " and he's just leaving"

"whatever you say Uncle. Perhaps Ill see you later Buffy"
"Right whatever"
They all stared bewildered as Chris left the house
"Grate now I have 15 year old boys trying to chat me up"
"Now back to the Vampires" Giles changed the subject "you say there were a lot of them and they kidnapped people they didn't just eat them and leave them dead?"
"nope kidnapped them! Anyway I thought British people were meant to be all posh and polite not.. well like him"
"if you mean Chris then I assure you most British teenagers are just like the ones in this country as are most of the Adult. Now back to Vampires. Ill consults my book to see if there are any special vampire days or rituals that are approaching that would need a human sacrifice. You get back on patrol and keep your eye out for any activity"
"Hay what about the Fish monster!" came the voice of Xander
"Oh yes ill also look into that as well" with that Giles disappeared into one of his back rooms

Deep below the earth there He stood admiring the captures in their cramped cage
"Just a few more days and you will be used to bring about the most fundamental change in Earths future history!"
A small bald vampire approached and waited to be commanded
" Did you get it?"
"Yes Master hear!"
The small thing handed him the item. One of the many needed to complete the ritual.
"Ah yes, the head of a chaos demon. A disgusting creature but handy in many rituals! You may leave now." The vampire left the room as the head was heald up to the cage
"see this?" the men and women were weeping inside the cage one got up enough courage to speake
"what are you!?"
"I'm am the savior of this world!" He almost shouted the words " now back to my question do you see this?" there were a few nods from the 15 or so people in the cage "This will be your dinner tomorrow!"

"What!" Was Buffys response to her mother's demand
"as long as your home for the weekend you can help me out a little."
"But shes 15! I was left alone at 15"
"And look what happened to you. You end up putting your life in danger every day"
"that's my destiney. It had nothing to do with.."
"Buffy I don't want to hear anymore you'll look after Dawn while I go to the gallery and that's finaly!"
"And I don't want you slaying anything around her"
Bufy knew she wasn't going to win this one but she couldn't let it get in the way of her duty. She marched into dawns room
"Iv been told I have to look after you so your coming to Giles"
"What!" sisters are sometimes so much alike especially in their response to things they don't like "But"
"But nothing. You think I want this I have important things to do. Which is why we are going to Giles Now!"

They left they house both equally annoyed with the situation. Dawn was planning to spend a relaxing day in front of the TV and on the phone but now she had to spend her time at that stupid English guys house. Unfortunately they ad to walk there, Buffy hadn't gotten around to getting a license and no one she knew with a car was a round. It was times like this she missed Oz and his old van. It occurred to Buffy that Dawn would be able to drive soon. She was growing up so fast.
They arrived at Giles about 10 minutes later, quite good timing for her and after entering her first question was "The Nephew hear?"
"No he's still out" replied Giles with his head buried in many books on the table
"So did you find out what it was"
"Well firstly Xanders sea monster is nothing to worry about. They're a peaceful race only come to land to mate then go back into the sea. As for the vampire I have found several things Firstly is a prophecy"
"Oh I Hate those!"
"Buffy your not allowed to talk about that sort of stuff while Im around! Dawns voice came from behind them
"Oh. What's dawn doing hear?" Giles had only just noticed her
"Mom made me bring her. Now Dawn would you like the would to possibly end or just shut up"
"ill shut up"
Giles continued to explain that the prophecy in question foretold the coming of a ultimate unstoppable vampire. Who would bring with him the night of eternal darkness.
"and when I looked up the night of eternal darkness I relished it was tomorrow! If the proper Rituals are performed Day will never be seen again and vampire will be able to walk around whenever they want."
"That cant be good"
"But also while cross referencing to find anything with a mention of eternal darkness I found something else. Apparently A New incredibly powerful vampire is supposed to arise and bring forth this prophecy" He picked up a book and began reading from it " A Vampuric Demon will arise in the end days. He will have the blood of many within him and will bring about the night of eternal darkness to rid the world of the infestation"
"Vampuric?" Buffy said "Iv never heard that term before"
"Oh Vampuric .. it erm.. I believe the definition is to have Vampire qualities"
"So is this guy a vamp or not"
"I don't know.. I believe he may be a cross bread of many types of demon. The Vampire being the most dominant part. You see that bit where it says "He has the blood of many"? I think that means many demons"
"Can he be staked?"
" I believe so. Yes"
"where can I find him then" Buffy was redey to get this over with quickly.
"Im not sure. You could try the normal vampire hang out. And I think there is a book that has some clues in. I orderd it from the magic shop it might have arrived."
"Okay you go get that. Ill start hunting. Dawn You stay hear"
"What! Its already boring when there's people hear but being all by myself!" Dawns reply was in the her usual winy way that Buffy hated so much
"Tough!" and with that buffy stormed out the house closely followed by Giles.

"Do we have all of the ingredients?"
"Yes sir" he was back the measly little bald man cowering to his master "All we need now is a Human of pure quality to chant the words"
"Rituals can be tricky things. I mean what human especially one that's pure and good would cant something that would end their whole world. Hence the reason why we don't tell them what it dose"
"Excellent idea master" Grovel, that all this guy ever did!
"Do any of our prisoners qualify"
"Im afraid not. May I suggest a child sir"
"you may. But it will of course be my idea. A child it is then. I think the children's ward of the hospital should do don't you?"
"Yes sir"
"Make sure you don't get one that will die on us"

She was bored Very bored. As she flicked from channel to channel there seemed to be nothing interesting on. She had grown out of Cartoons and hated the Daytime chat shows so that left soaps. Something that was okay in small doses. Dawn came across a soap that she enjoyed more than the others so stopped at it. It was an Australian soap called Neighbors. From behind her she heard the front door open.
"Thank god what took you guys so long. I have resorted to watching…" Her voice trailed off as she turned to see Chris standing at the door
"Em Hi" He said "I just have two questions for you. Who are you and what are you doing in my uncles house?"
She did not like being challenge by complete strangers who where the same age as her. Especially if they were incredibly cute boys
"No Ill ask you those two question! Apart from the one about the Uncle because my uncle dosnt live hear. But I do know the guy who dose. So answer them"
"Well if you insist, I couldn't refuse to answer to such a beautiful girl as yourself" Dawn went bright red and Chris continued "My names Chris. My Uncle Rupert lives in this house and that's why I'm hear. Now are you going to answer?
"Well.. I suppose. My names dawn"
"what a lovely name" she went bright again
"Im hear because My Giles is My sisters watch… I mean friend."
"OH you must be buffys sister"
"you've know her?"
"I saw her briefly I tried chatting her up but I guess she don't go for younger guys"
Jealousy inflamed within Dawn. Hear was this really cute boy her age and he fancied her 20 year old sister
Chris sat down beside dawn on the sofa and they talked some more. Dawn lost all sense of time and it seemed they had been talking for hours and hours. And then they talked some more.

Buffy walked the streets which were crowded with people, there were several places Vampires stayed during the daytime, which it would still be for another few hours, they could be in the sewers or in some tombs in the cemetery. But considering Giles had said that practically all of the vampire in town would be working for this guy a tomb would probably be too small to hold them all. Practically everywhere was to small except the sewers unless they were all spilt up. So the sewers it was then. She hated this part. She crouched down to drain at her feet and began to lift it when she heard something
Lots of something's coming from just across the street at the hospital. Her original paln she left behind and ran towards. The large building.

The moment she was in the building she knew it was vampire. It could have been the smell and it could the fact that all the blinds were pulled down in a way to not let any light in.. It was odd. It was very rare that vampires attacked during the day. Apart from the obvious sunlight issue there were also a lot more people around to call the police and fire guns at them. There was no-one around but she heard noises coming from a door. She looked through the small window and saw Vampires More of them than at the student housing. A lot more. One of them was extremely noticeable A large mussely demon he had the ridges and teeth of a vampire but more as well other things that made him look other than a vampire. This must be the one Giles was talking about. A lot of humans were all huddled in the corner. The majority of them were children. Buffy saw one of the Vampire bring one of the children up to the large guy. He felt its forehead and shacked its head. The boy was then flung back in to the crowed and then another was pulled up a little girl with a bow in her hair. Buffys eyes went quickly back to the boy and saw that one of the vampires was about to dig his teeth into the boy neck. It was time buffy acted.

As she barged into the door she missed the large one with his hand now on the girls head smiling and nodding. She was quickly over to the boy and vampire brought her stake out and plunged it into his hart.
A scream came from behind her. And as Buffy turned she saw the girl being carried out of the room by the crossbreed vampire she started to run towards him but a crowd of vampires seemed intent on stopping her. Her stake went to work. She swung it into the first and the ducked while turning sprung up and into the second. The third ran straight into it . she back flipped onto a table and kicked back three vampires she jumped down and swung her fists into a small bald vampire. He looked shocked and staggered back just before the stake went plunging into her hart. A vampire grabbed her from behind and tried holding her arms behind her. Buffy used her head to flung it backwards. He released her and she swung around. Within two seconds he was a pile of dust. The other vampires had scatted. But the leader had disappeared somewhere with the small girl.
"Are you people okay?" Buffy asked the remaining people and received a few nods from the crowd.
And then she was gone.
She had to find that girl

Giles had arrived back at his house and was reading the books he had brought, Dawn was still there but Chris had once again gone out and Xander and Anya, Willow and Tara where all sitting in various places. Buffy came in looking distressed.
"He's taken a little Girl! She was only about 5 Giles! We have to save her where do I go?"
"I cant find anything to indicate that. But I would suggest somewhere with the most mystical energy probably the nearest place underground to the hellmouth"
"The Old school!"
"No not exactly. There's no underground area under the school. But it would need to be close try the sewers around that area."
This was not something Buffy could do alone there were a lot a vampires and that one really strong one
"Ill need your help guys. You can get any hostages out and try to dust as many vamps as possible but don't get killed! Giles do you have some kind of map of sewer systems?"
"I belive I do actually. We seem to use them a lot."
Giles went into one of his backrooms and came back with a rolled up sheet he cleared his desk and rolled it out weighting it down on either end with two large rocks. Buffy stared at it for a few moments.
"We'll enter here!" she said pointing to an area on the map " Lets go! Dawn go back home now."
"I never get in on the fun!"

With that they all left. It was time to take action!
"Hey guys!" It was Chris heading home "where are you off to?"
"Just out. Go back home and do any homework you got today!" Giles voice was one of authority
"cant I come with you"

"It is time for the feast to begin! For the end to begin for everything to begin!"
He was about to call out for jack to start the ceremony but remembered that the little bald freak had been staked
"Well somebody serve them their dinner!"
to give them credit they did use plates. A group of vampires scoped the red, slimy brains of the chaos demon onto the planets and passed it through the grates of the cage to the shaking humans inside and reluctantly they began to eat.
"Prepare the Girl!"

The gang arrived at the drain they planed to enter threw.
"Guys!" Came a voice behind them. And of course Buffy recognized it immediately
"Riley!" she turned to hug him quickly because they had to get on "good another man to help us out with our mission"
"where have you been?" Riley sounded worried "Iv been looking for you for days I couldn't find you around campus at your house I even went to Giles house a few times and no one was there"
"Big vampire seam going down. By the way how did you find us here?"
"Well I went to Giles house and this kid pointed me in this direction and said you went that way. Who was that kid anyway?"
"ll tell you later. Hes nothing to worry about right now"

Back at Giles house Chris was bored out of his mind and was in his eat to alleviate boredom mode. But after 5 sandwiches and numerous pieces of cake that was even getting boring and he was in danger of getting fat. He decided to wonder the house. It wasn't that big though only one room upstairs, the main living room a kitchen and two other rooms downstairs one of which Chris himself used as a bed room. It occurred to him he had never been in the other one. He opend the door and strolled in. and boy did he get a surprise. The whole room was filled with books. And really old books. Some on book shelves but some just piled up on the floor. He knew his uncle liked books but this was ridicules. He picked one up to read and noticed the Title on the front. "Vampyre"

They were now deep in the sewers but still no sign of vampires.
"quiet!" Buffy stood still and listened closely to the sounds of the sewer " that way! She said pointing
They walked checking every turn as they went, they where all equipped with weapons most your basic stake and cross but Buffy had the crossbow ready in her hands to shoot any of the veil creatures. Then suddenly they were there the tunnel ended entering a large hall, they were high up. It would be difficult to get down to their level. Buffy could jump but the others couldn't
"Okay here is the plan" Buffy had though this through and thought that it could work and work well "Willow and Tara you two stay up here an work some magic Giles, you also stay up here and keep me covered with the cross bow" with that she handed him the large weapon " Riley and Xander you two find another way down and start staking, Anya… do whatever you want. And ill jump down and get the big guy. Is everyone clear?"

"What can I do?" shock went through the group as they spun around to see Chris standing there
"what are you doing here?" Giles said shocked
"Get out now for your own safty!" Buffy joined in the argument
"how boring Id rather stay here and watch some. .Slaying!"
" what did you say!?"
"Interesting book I read while at uncle Rupert house if I may quote the book ' in every generation a slayer is born, she alone can fight the vampires, demons … yada yada yada" it gose gose on as ypu know. And you Uncle what is it you are .. a watcher? Is it? How boreing oh well Im here to help so?"
"No! its to dangerous!" Buffy was almost shouting at him
"well it could be just as dangerous trying to get out of this place alone!"
"then you can stay up here with Giles and willow and Tara!"

Below the small girl was being brought forward and handed a piece of paper
"Read this!" commanded the leader, the vampire messiah that buffy had come to kill. In the cage one man was being ill due to the brains they had just eaten. And up above them all Buffy was ready for action
The Girl, though crying was old enough to understand that if she didn't read something bad would happen, it happened that she was the best reader in her class but still some of thease words where obviously to hard for a five year old
"On this day, at this hour.." she began "with the s..s" she was stuck on a word
"Sacrifice!" shouted The Cross bread shouted at her "This would take to long for his likeing, ill read and you will repeate what I say!"
and so it began he canted a line and then she repeated it and that's how the ritual started

"Im going down!" Riley and Xander had already left to find another way and giles was standing ready with the crossbow held up. And then she leaped Buffy leaped off the high ledge they were standing on with her arms spread out wide. She then went into a fast spin before landing in a crouched position.
"I was thinking of using the line 'I thought id just drop in' but that's soooo predictable"
Every head in that under ground cavern turned shocked towards Buffy "So ill just stick with hi then"
There was silence all except the deep voice of the master vampire and a little girl who seemed to be repeating what he was saying and then they charged . a hundred or more vampire headed at full spead towards her she would never be able to take all of these down by herself. Luckly she didn't have to . a wooden arrow flew across her head and into the hart of an oncoming vampire as he turned to dust Buffy looked up to see Giles reloading the bow for another shot, and willow and tara holding hands and chanting something. She turned back to see the other 99 that hadn't been killed by that one arrow still comeing towards her, she drew mr pointy and leped into the air landing inside the mass of Vampires her stake was immediately brought in sevrel different directions at once dust started pileing around her but she was getting tred and there was two many she wpuld ned more help than one crossbow from above and soon. At that point Xander and Riley emerged out of a cave a stake in each hand and started running towards her
"gett the hostages!" screamed Buffy
"Xander you take care of that I'm going to help Buffy" came the command from Riley
A large fat vampire pushed Buffy to the floor and landed on top of her .
"has anyone told you that you need to go on a diet" Buffy said as she tried to get out from under his weight. But it was no good he was too fat and in a perfect position to bit her neck . as he was about to lower his head his eyes turned to pain as he realized that his life was about to end. And then… he turned to dust and Buffy saw riley standing above where the fat vampire had been. But he was not there long another Vampire charged into him and knocked his over. And Buffy of course was immediately there to help him out.

"and by this Power!"
The cross bred demon stared at the girl
"And by this power!" he said again
why was she not repeating him. She was looking around at the chaos around them and then she ran. She obviously believed she could escape when most of them were distracted fighting that girl with the blond hair. But she was wrong the large demon grabbed her by her hair
"You will repeat what I said! Or I will snap your neck"
" by this power" she continued It was at this point in the ritual the magic really started to happen. The demon and the girl were standing about 4 feet apart and between tham a small ball of energy started to form glowing and swirling as they both chanted the words.

The ritual was not the only magic going on at that point up above them all next to Giles firing his crossbow was willow and Tara finishing their chant and they to had formed a energy ball. They released each others hands and willow stood up and the ball rose with her she extended her hand with a clenched fist the ball floating just in front of it and with force released all the fingers of her hand to stretch out and with that the ball of energy shot forward with great speed and dropped down the edge of the tunnel it hit the floor and sent shock waves through the ground. Suddenly electric sparks started to flash out of the ground and hit the vampires knocking them to the floor paralyzed.

At the same time Xander was at the cage where the sacrifices were. As he arrived he looked down at the door to the cage and saw several padlocks and chains. He looked up at the people inside to hear several cries of "please help us"
"Don't worry" he replied "well get you out of here any minute now"

But in truth a minute might be to long the ritual was nearing its end the electric ball between the crossbreed and the girl had grow enormously and now sparks of red electric were coming off of it.
"and finally here this call to bring forth!" the chant continued and without warning a fearsome red beam of light and power extended from the ball to at the speed of light to the ceiling of the coven.

From the other side of the cavern Buffy and riley saw this. The vampires were still paralyzed on the floor and riley was staking one after the other. Buffy knew she had to get to that demon now! So she ran!
"Bring forth the night of eternal darkness!"
Xander was knocked back from the cage as some kind of power serge from the cylinder of energy struck it and then the people inside it. The energy went from one person to another until all were joined in a circle of energy and agony. They almost looked as if they were on fire. Screaming as the energy ate up their soul and body

Up above all chriss could say was "now that is strange"
"And now repeated those last words until the ritual is complete!" the Demon said
but all the girl did was looked scared
"repeate them!"
he didn't have the chance to shout at her again because at that moment buffy charged into him from the side knocking him down. He was quickly back on his feet as was Buffy they stood facing each other for a few seconds before the fighting was unleashed. Buffy was the first to stick with a right hook to his face but then he bought his foot up and kicked her hard enough to send her flying backwards but she was soon up and throwing more punches and kicks as was he. They blocked some of each others attacks but others got through. And finally she made the blow that counted she ducked and swooped her feet around knocking him onto his back. She brought out Mr pointy and held it to his chest
"How do I stop this!" was all she said
"You Cant!"

"Buffy!" came a voice from above it was Giles he was trying to shout something to her
"get the Girl to say the words ' end this now! Estrem ell livre'"
Buffy turned to the girl redy to ask her but it appeared the girl had been listening to giles and knew what to do. However while Buffy was turned the Crossbreed. Pushed Buffy over. And stood up Before ruining away he said "Its not over you know, even if you hunt me down and kill me it wont be over. He will still rise the prophesied one will still rise!" and with that he ran Buffy couldn't be bothered to chase him and turned back to the little girl to here her say
"End this now Estr..rem..elle..l…l…livre"
and just like that everything was dark the energy vanished and the sacrifices collapsed to the floor of their cage. Unfortunately willows spell had also began to were off and vampires started standing up again. Riley had only managed to stake about 20 and there were a lot more than that. But now of them seemed to want to stay and fight. They ran and the other let them. Giles had worked his way down to the level Buffy was on and handed an axe to Xander to free the people inside the cage. Which he then did.
It was time to get out of here

Back at Giles's place they were all sitting down exerted from the nights activities. They had been there about an hour and all the conversations seemed to be about Chiss curiosity with the adventures they had had
"So the mayor turned into a giant snake! Cool, can all mayor in this country do that? "
"No, only that one" it was cler by Buffy voice that she was getting fed up with the constant questions
"I still think Spike was the best bad guy you guys have faced he sounds so funny.. what happened to him?"
"Chris! I think its past your bed time!" Giles said
"what are you talking about I'm 15 not 10"
"My sister has a bed time and shes your age"
"that's you dumb Americans for you. Personally I believe once you get to 13 or 14 parents have no control over you in the sense you do whatever your told without question. They can nogoshiate with you, like If you do that ill give you …. Or I wont give you… But luckily My parents didn't really own anything I used so they had no control over me"
"What about money!" Buffy was intent on catching this obnoxious little twerp out "I had a paper round. I didn't get more form parents unless it was my birthday"
"Well I do have something I can take away from you!" Giles had obvesly figured a way to catch him out "If you don't go to bed now ill make you leave this house and go back to live in England
"shit, you got me there! Oh well I know when iv been defeated!" and with that chiss rose from his seat and walked to his room

"Giles!" Buffys voice sounded worried "Just before that demon ran off he said something"
"He said I couldn't stop the prophesized one from rising. But I thought he was the prophesied one?"
"mabey he was toying with you" was Xanders first impute to the conversation all night
"Perhaps" said Giles "ill look into it in the morning anyway"

It was very late now and it was time they were getting back home. Willow and Tara had the furthest to go all they way back to Campus. But Buffy was staying at her mothers house tonight. If she could ever get to sleep that is
She kept thinking of that demon and what the real threat might be. And when if ever she would have to face it.