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Season 2

The Saga continues......

-When She Was Bad- The summer vacations over and Buffys on a Bummer which has Xander and Willow worrying about her and has Buffy Further distencing herself from Angel. But she has to pull herself to gether when her friends are kidnaped by the anointed one in a plan to resurect The Master

-Some Assembly Required-Cordilias about to lose her head, litrually. when buffy discovers parts of dead girls are going missing and being made into the perfect woman. the only part missing is the head

-School Hard -Angels on friends Spike and Drucilla turn up in town for the night of st Vigeous. but they get impationt and decide to raid the parent-teacher night at Buffys school. Buffy has to try to protect her fellow students, teacher, and mother while still protecting her secret.

-Inca Mummy Girl -Xander just has this way with woman they always seem to be, monsters and this one is no exseption when he falls for a beutifull young girl who is really a thousend year old mummy who is sucking the life out of peole in the town.

-Reptile Boy- Buffy and Cordilia become party budies as they attend a college party but thing go a bit wrong as the boys that invited them decide to offor them as a sacrifice to a demon in exschange for welth

-Halloween -one of giles old friends causes trouble when he makes evreyone turn into what ever their costume is on Halloween night. and Spike decideds to take advantege of the situation

-Lie To Me-Buffys old school 5th grade crush from LA moves to sunnydale but unknow to buffy his purpose is to deliver into the hands of Spike in exschange for the imortal life of a vampire. in the meantime Angel confesses all to buffy about his past with Drucilla

-The Dark Age- Giles past is catching up with him as a murder victem is found outside the libery that he know. its up to Buffy and the gang to find a way to defeat a demon that giles helped create that has now taken possesion of Mrs calender

-What's My Line (Part 1) -Theres a lot going on for Buffy and Angel is part one of this two partstory. and that dosnt include finaly going out on their first date. As Angel and spike hunt each other down Buffy finds something she never thourgh she would. Another Vampire Slayer

-What's My Line (Part 2) - in this conclusion Buffy reluctintly joins forces with new vampire slayer Kendra to save angel while Cordilia and Xander have a close incounter of their own in buffys house

-Ted -Buffys mom has a new boyfriend and buffy dosnt like him. and with good reason to the only problem is that evrey one elce seems to love him.

-Bad Eggs - a school project about parenting turns rotton when the eggs evryones ooking after take contoll of them, things are made worse when a couple of wild west vampire come to town

-Surprise (Part 1 of 2) - Spike and dru are triing to assemble the judge, to use as an altimute wepon againt buffy, but they have to find all the pieces first something Buffy and the scobies are triing to stop.after failing to stop the judge falling into spikes hand buffy still has a party to go to. but even that gose wrong when back at her house she gets intimet with Angel something which makes him lose his soul.

-Innocence (Part 2 of 2) -Now that Angel has turned into the evil Angelus Buffy relises she must destroy him. meanwhile giles relashionship with Jenny calender takes on a new twist and willows hopes are dashed when she finds out about xander and cordilia

-Phases - a wearwolf desends on sunnydale and Buffy tries to protect the mostly human thing from a pocher while still protecting the public from the warewolf. Willow dosnt realise how much danger shes in when she turns her romantic intrests from xander to Oz

-Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - when cordilia sucumbs to peer presure and dumps xander he inlists the help of a which to get her back. but the spell has diffrent outcomes to what he hoped

-Passion -when Angels obsesion with tormenting buffy take a dangorous turn, a turn towards her home she has to have a serious talk with her mum. Jenny begins trying to right her wrongs especially with giles.

-Killed By Death - Sick with a rageing fever Buffy is admited to the hospital, where she encounters a young boy who brings with him nightmares of buffys past and present. meanwhile xander swars to protect her from Angel while shes in a weekend state which makes Cordilia jellous

-I Only Have Eyes For You -Buffy inlists her friends to help a tourtured spirit haunting the halls of their school to find peace. Giles thinks that the gost is Jenny trying to send him one last message but Buffy knows better

-Go Fish - Somethoings killing off the school swim team and as buffy apoints herself their protecter xander gose undercover to find out the real truth.

-Becoming (Part 1) - Its an emotinal time for buffy as she decides its time to kill angel. she questions her decishion when willow finds finds the secrent that may restore his soul but can she do it in time?

-Becoming (Part 2) - Hell prepares to swallow the world with giles in angels hands buffy gose to kill Angel. Willow manges to resore his soul but its to late buffy has to kill angel to save the world