DISCLAIMER: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox, etc. I'm just borrowing them for a little while. No copyright infringement intended so please don't sue.
SPOILERS: Angel Season One, especially the episode "I Will Remember You." Buffy Season Five, post Into the Woods, as Riley is gone.
NOTES: 7/29-I'll have a chapter posted soon. Right now, its just the summary of the story.
Love is eternal. No matter what twenty year old Buffy Summers does, she can’t stop feeling the love that her and Angel shared. Both are tortured souls, torn apart by a fate that made him the very thing that she is sworn to kill.
Now, Buffy is tired of fighting. The wear and tear that slaying is putting on her soul is getting to be too much. The fighting is becoming futile and Buffy is tired of losing the ones that she loves. First Angel, then Parker, and finally, Riley. Angel had made his mark on her soul, and her life was never the same after he left. When Angel stops by for a visit, old feelings arise, and soon, Buffy finds herself falling in love all over again.
A Mohra demon is in Sunnydale and Angel has come to fight it. But as he comes face to face with the demon that made him human, Angel finds himself thinking about the past. Memories of being able to kiss Buffy in the sun and eat ice cream in bed with her and make love to her without any consequences make Angel wonder if he made the right decision when he asked the Oracles to turn back the day. Now, he could make the same mistake and become human again, or kill the demon and leave Buffy once again.
While he is in Sunnydale, more problems arise. Buffy is having trouble dusting the easiest of vamps, and Angel decides that he must go to the Oracles, have them give Buffy the memory of the day. The biggest problem arrives when Buffy hurts her back and has to go the doctor. The diagnosis could change their lives forever.....
Both Buffy and Angel must deal with the fact that no matter how far apart they are, their love is eternal and nothing can change that. Angel must make a decision.....and quick. Will he decided to become human at the cost of the lives he is destined to save or will he leave Buffy once again?