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Xander Info.

Full Name: Nicholas Brendon is actually his first and middle name: Nick prefers keeping his real last name private.
Nickname: Nicky
Birthday: April 12, 1971
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Born In: Grenada Hills, California
Grew Up In: Grenada Hills, California
Family: Mom and Dad are Kathy and Bob. They divorced when Nicky was eighteen. He has two younger bros, Christian and Kyle, who aren't in showbiz. "They're doing the school thing," Nick says. His identical twin brother is Kelly.
Switcheroo: "Once, Kelly and I tried to fool everyone, but we got caught. In sixth grade, we has two sets of twins, and they put us in different classes-- we decided to switch classes. The other twins got caught, and gave us up."
Education: After graduating high school, Nicky logged one year at L.A.'s College of the Canyon before leaving to pursue acting full time.


Actors: Jack Lemmon, Jim Carey, Rosie O'Donnel, Johnny Depp
Movie: Some Like It Hot
TV: The Simpsons, Seinfeld reruns, The X-Files
Music: Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Beck, Cake, Nerf Herder
Song: "Sorry," by Nerf Herder
Does He Sing?: "I sing for my loved ones. I sing in the shower or in the car. Maybe if I weren't acting, I would try to sing. But the public is lucky that I'm acting-- my singing wouldn't go over too well."
Food: Pasta, sushi, and Carnation instant chocolate drink for breakfast
Color: Blue
Book: The Giving Tree
Car: Range Rover
Pet: Zoey, a once homeless mixed-breed stray dog he took in
Pet Peeve: People who drive Humvees. According to Nick, the statement they're making is," 'I have money and I'm going to show it off.' It's ridiculous. They're so large you can't get around them."
Irrational Fear: Heights
On Acting: "It's like being a kid and playing with Matchbox cars in the dirt again. It's called acting 'cause you make believe, you pretend."
Goal: "To take care of all my friends and family, to stay a nice person."
First Kiss: "It was in eighth grade. It sucked because we had friends spying on us. I was embarrassed when we got caught, so I had to break up with her," Nick told Teen magazine.
Talking the Talk: Occasionally, traces of his own stutter emerge.
Favorite Phrase: "Yeah, yeah."
Vampires, Yes or No: "I'm into sci-fic to the extent that I like to consider the possibility, what if that stuff was out there? But vampires? Nah."
