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Angel's Bio

Angel (David Boreanaz), The Vampire with a Soul, 274, Has gone by a few names in his day, including Liam before he was a vamp, Angelus while he was a vamp and Angel after he got his soul back. The Irish boy Liam was born in 1727, and lived until he met Darla in an alley. She turned Liam into Angelus, a crazed member of the undead. He tortured and killed hundreds, among them Drusilla, who he drove crazy and turned into a vampire. Eventually, however, he killed a gypsy, and her tribe cursed Angelus with his soul, thus creating Angel. Angel roamed the streets of New York for a while, until Whistler came to him and brought him to LA where he saw Buffy. He immediately fell in love with her and vowed to help her. However, when they had sex, he experienced one moment of true happiness, thus lifting the curse and returning Angel to Angelus. Buffy sent him to hell, but he returned. He eventually realized that never being able to be with Buffy was too much, so he left for L.A. where he rights wrongs to make up for the murders he performed as Angelus. Liam was a drunk, lowlife partier who diudn't know the meaning of an honest days work. Angel is a good person with a cold exterior, and Angelus is a crazy murderer.

First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"

Last Appearance : "Graduation Part 2" (As a regular) "The Yoko Factor" (as a guest star) "Fool For Love" (in a flashback)

Current Status: Appearing weekly on the WB series "Angel"

Significant Other: Buffy (Seasons 1, 2 and 3)

Defining Quote: "As long as there's injustice in the world, as long as scum like you is walking...the streets... I'll be around. Look over your shoulder. I'll be there."

Episodes Appeared in: "Welcome To The Hellmouth", "The Harvest", "Teacher's Pet", "Never Kill A Boy On The First Date", "Angel", "Invisible Girl", "Prophesy Girl", Season 2 (Except "Inca Mummy Girl"), Season 3, "Pangs", "The Yoko Factor", "Fool For Love", "Forever"

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