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Buffy Summer's Bio

Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), 20, is the Slayer. She's the chosen one, the world's last chance against the impending threat of demons and vampires. Gifted with superstrengths, she fights demons and vampires, and now gods, at the source: the Hellmouth, aka Sunnydale, California. She moved there from LA as a sophmore in High School after being kicked out of her old school for burning down the Gym ("Welcome To The Hellmouth"). She quickly became best friends with Xander and Willow after she saved them from some vamps and they discovered her powers. However, she also met Principal Snyder, who had it out for her since day one ("The Puppet Show"). She also met Angel, a mysterious helper who she developed a crush on, but who also turned out to be a vampire with a soul ("Angel"). Angel and Buffy later began "dating". Buffy and Angel eventually slept together on Buffy's 17th Birthday, but that caused Angel to loose his soul and become a murderer. ("Suprise" and "Innocence"). Buffy eventually had to kill him, ("Becoming Part 2"), and got so sad that she ran away to LA and went by the name Anne ("Anne"). She later returned, and continued her slayer duties: kickin' demon ass, and Angel eventually returned ("Faith, Hope and Trick"). As a senior, she scored so well on her SATs that she got into great schools like Northwestern, but she realized that she had no choice but to stay in Sunnydale and fight evil ("Choices"). She had always been somewhat of an outcast in Sunnydale because of her slayer duties, but she was given the class protector award at teh prom because her class mates felt graditutde for the many times she had helped them ("The Prom"). Buffy is notorious for being one of the strongest, youngest slayers in history, and is presumably also the first to quit the watchers counsil ("Graduation Day Part 2"). After Graduation, Angel and Cordelia left, and Buffy and Willow went on to attend University Of California - Sunnydale. She continues to patrol. There she met new love interest Riley Finn, and the Initiative, which she joined for a short time. But when Maggie Walsh, head of the Initiative, tried to kill her, she got out of that situation. Riley, who was also a member of the Initiative quit later as well ("New Moon Rising"). When Buffy's mom developed a tumor, Buffy moved back home to her mom and new "sister" Dawn. She is now dealing with the death of her mother, but she still kicks serious demon ass.

First appearance: "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" The Movie

Significant Others (Major Ones): Angel (Seasons 1, 2 and 3) and Riley (Season 4)

Defining Quote: "No, it doesn't stop. It never stops. Do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous? I would love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or, god, even studying! But I have to save the world. Again." and also "Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends...No hope. Take all that away... and what's left? (Angelus) "Me." (Buffy)

Episodes Appeared In: Every Episode

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