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Darla's Bio

Darla (Julie Benz), is Angel's sire. She transformed him in Ireland, and after that she took him to the head vamp, The Master. Angel, however, defied the Master, and Darla went with him and left the Master. They wreaked havoc together, killing many and eventually Angel sired Drusilla who in turn sired Spike. The foursome then went on for even more terror. However, when Angel got his soul back, they broke up, since he wouldn't kill, and she rejoined the Master, becoming one of his favorites. Eventually, she came to Sunnydale under the Master, and encountered Buffy. She didn't last long after that; Angel, proving to Buffy that he was good, staked his former lover when she tried to shoot Buffy ("Angel"). Later, in "Angel: The Series," Wolfman and Heart resurrected her as a human. But she was sick, and the save her, Drusilla turned her back into a vampire.

First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"

Last Appearance (On Buffy): "Angel" (undead) "Fool For Love" (in flashback)

Current Status: Currently a recurring character on the WB series "Angel"

Significant Others: Angel (Back in the day)

Defining Quote: "Don't whimper and mewl like a mangy human. Kill. Feed. Live!"

Episodes Appeared In: "Welcome To The Hellmouth", "The Harvest", "Angel", "Becoming Part 1", "Fool For Love"

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