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Dawn Summers' Bio

Dawn Summers (Michelle Trachtenberg), 14, is the mysterious Key. Not much is known about the Key, save that the Slayer must protect it and Glory desperately wants it. The Key was given sentience and sent to Buffy as her sister with fake memories of Dawn to make sure the Slayer would protect her/it. She had a crush on Xander and now has a crush on Spike. She resents being treated as a kid or a thing. She amd Buffy have the classic sibling rivalry thing going. She resents Buffy for the attention she gets for being the Slayer. Very little else is known about Dawn... yet.

First Appearance: "Buffy vs. Dracula"

Significant Others: None yet.

Defining Quote: "(Buffy) still thinks I'm Little Miss Nobody. Just her dumb little sister. Boy, is she in for a surprise."

Episodes Appeared In: Season 5 Back To Current Characters Page
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