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Demon - A creature in the family of the creatures which walked the Earth before humans, but were banihsed to another dimension. There are large varieties of demons, including vampires. Some can look human, others cannot. Some have human-like limbs, others appear more animalistic. Most "demons" are actually hybrids of humans and demons. A true demon is much larger than a demon-human hybird, and harder to kill.

Dust (as a verb): To kill a vampire. Developed because of when a vampire is killed, they appear to turn to dust.

Feeding - What Vampires do; the process of drinking blood from a human and using it as food.

Gypsy - A group of people who practice powerful magic and perform curses. It was gypsies who cursed Angel with a soul.

Hybird - A mix of two species.

The Initiative - Secret government funded organization which hunts demons, vampires and other paranormal beings and kill them or capture them. They perform expirements on the ones they capture, resulting in further knoweledge of the beings or causing them to no longer be harmful. The only base was in Sunnydale, but in a battle between Buffy and Adam (See bios for more info), it was destoryed, and the Initiative dispersed.

Robot - A complex machine which appears human, but have no feelings and are made of metal.

Scooby - A member of the Scooby Gang.

Scooby Gang - The group of friends/ aquaintances of Buffy that help her patrol, fight demons, research vamps/demons, etc.

Sire - The vampire who turned another person into a vampire is the latter's sire. For example, Darla is Angel's Sire, Angel is Drusilla's sire and Drusilla is Spike's sire.

Slayer - A girl called once a generation to be the worlds best hope against demons and vampires. Endowed with super strength, fighting ability and skill, and a quick healer, the Slayer must protect the world from vampires and demons by destroying them.

Slayerette - A lesser used term for a Scooby.

Stake - A wooden object which is sharp and in the shape of a cone; used to kill vampires (as a noun); the act of driving a stake through a vampires heart (as a verb).

Vampire - A demonic creature who feeds on human blood to survive. They appear human, until they prepare to feed, then they reveal their vampiric form. They have sharp fangs, super strength (not as much as the Slayer, though), and no soul. The only way to become a vampire is to be bitten by another vampire. Vampires do not age and have eternal life; the only way to kill a vampire is to decapitate it or stake it through the heart.

Watcher - A person selected to find and guide the Slayer. they help the Slayer train, and prepare them for the threats they face. A Watcher must be very book smart when it comes to demons and vampires.

Watcher's Counsil - A counsil stationed in England which employs all watchers. This counsil trains people to be watchers and select who shall be the official watcher for the new Slayers. The Watcher's counsil often tests the slayers to make sure they are suited to be the Slayer; they also possess the most information about demons, hell-gods, vampires, etc. in the world.

Werewolf - A human who becomes a large wolf every full moon. To become a werewolf you must be bitten by someone who is a werewolf already.

"We Hate Cordelia" Club - A club formed by Xander and Willow, of which Xander wass the treasurer. No longer in existance.

Wicca - A synonym for a witch, or, what a witch does.

Witch - Someone who practices wicca and witchcraft. Witches can perform spells, enchantments, curses and other such things. The more powerful a witch becomes, the more they are able to do. The power of a witch is classified by levels. A practicing witch must be certified or their practice is illegal.

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