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Ethan Rayne's Bio

Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs), was a friend of Giles when he went by Ripper and was in an occult that was based on summoning the demon Eyghon, which is able to posses human bodies. Ethan first came to Sunnydale on Halloween, causing everyone to become their costumes. ("Halloween"). When the spell was reversed he skipped town. He returned when the demon Eyghon returned and attempted to kill everyone who was formely in the occult, including himself and Giles. Proving himself to be a coward he attempted to get the demon, who was currently possessing Jenny Calander, to kill Buffy instead of himself. However, Angel got possesed, and destroyed the demon from inside. ("The Dark Age") Ethan disappeared again after that. He returned again under the employment of Mr. Trick, who has him make candy which turns adults into teenagers. ("Band Candy"). After that spell was broken, he left again. He returned once more for Giles' birthday. He appeared as though his oldtricks were over, but instead turned Giles into a demon. ("A New Man"). When Giles was turned back, Ethan attempted to disappear from town. However, Initiative guys got a hold of him an locked him up. That's the last that's been seen of him since.

First Appearance: "Halloween"

Last Appearance: "A New Man"

Current Status: Locked up in some type of prison.

Significant Others: None

Defining Quote: "I've really got to learn to just do the damage and get out of town. It's the "stay and gloat" that gets me every time."

Episodes Appeared In: "Halloween", "The Dark Age", "Band Candy", "A New Man" Back To Recurring Characters Page
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