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Faith's Bio

Faith (Eliza Dushku), presumably 20, was the slayer called upon the death Kendra. She was a wild card from the begining. She acted cold-hearted and nonchalant, but really she had a lot of personal pain. Buffy tried to help her, but everytime it seemd like she was making progress, Faith would show up the next time the same as always. She acted like slaying was a game, and that it was more for kicks than for destiny. She watched her watcher die, which screwed her up A LOT. This climaxed when she convinced Buffy to get wild and reckless, like her. They began acting outside the law, stealing and eventually ending with Faith stabbing a human. She preteneded not to care, but really freaked and went to the enemy himself, the mayor, and began working for him to "make up for" her killing. She became a rouge slayer, and pretended to still be on the side of the Scooby Gang, but that charade didn't last long; Buffy and the Gang secretly found out about her and then used her to get info on the Mayor. Then, on the eve of the Ascension, Faith shot a poison arrow and hit Angel -- the only cure being the blood of a slayer. Buffy inteded to get Faith's blood, but instead put her in a coma. Faith got out of the coma about a year later, and looked as if she were back to her old bad self, but she ended up being sorry for her actions and turned herself into the LA Police.

First Appearance: "Faith, Hope and Trick"

Last Appearance: "Who Are You?"

Current Status: Appeared on WB's "Angel" For two episodes, presumably now in jail in LA.

Defining Quote: "What can I say, I'm the world's best actor." and "Isn't is crazy how slaying just always makes ya hungry and horny?"

Episodes Appeared In: "Faith, Hope and Trick", "Beuty And The Beasts", "Homecoming", "Revelations", "Amends", "The Zeppo", "Bad Girls", "Consequences", "Doppelgangland", "Enemies", "Choices", "Graduation Day Part 1", "Graduation Day Part 2", "This Year's Girl", "Who Are You?" Back To Former Characters Page
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