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Rupert Giles' Bio

Rupert Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) was Buffy's watcher when she came to Sunnydale ("Welcome To The Hellmouth"). He worked as the school librarian to have access to all the books about demons or vampires. He stuck around after being fired from the Watcher's counsil ("Helpless") so he could help Buffy and the Scooby Gang. When he was young, he was angry because of his destiny to become a watcher, so he joined a cult with then friend Ethan Rayne, lead by the demon Eyghon and went by the name Ripper. He's also a talented musician. He was recently rehired by the Watcher's counsil at the demands of Buffy ("Checkpoint")

First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"

Significant Others: Jenny Calander (Season 2) Joyce Summers ("Band Candy") Olivia (Season 4)

Defining Quote: "What am I? I'm an unemployed librarian with a tendency to get knocked on the head."

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