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Harmony Kendall's Bio

Harmony Kendall's Bio

Harmony Kendall (Mercedes McNab), 20, was Cordelia's best friend during high school. That is, until Cordelia began dating Xander, and then Harmony began to see Cordelia as a loser. After that, she acted very meanly to Cordelia, as well as the other scoobies (as she always had.) With Cordelia out of the popular picture, Harmony assumed "head bitch" of the school. She was beutiful, blonde, stupid and shallow. Only once did she do a nobel thing; she helped Buffy battle the master, along with the majority of the school ("Graduation Day Part 2"). However, she was turned into a vampire, and returned to Sunnydale with Spike ("The Harsh Light Of Day"). She was just as dumb, in love with Spike, although he could barely stand her. He kept leaving, and she kept taking him back. Eventually, she ended it with Spike, and formed her own gang, declaring herself "like totally arch enemies" with Buffy ("Real Me"). But when Buffy was after her, she turned again to Spike, and they got back together. However, when she learned Spike was in love with Buffy ("Crush") She attacked him, and left, presumably for the last time.

First Appearance: "The Harvest"

Last Appearance: "Crush"

Current Status: It looks like she's had it with Spike for the last time. She took off for L.A., where she met up with the "Angel" gang in "Disharmony". After Cordelia saw how evil she was Harmony split, and her current whereabouts are unknown.

Significant Others: Spike (Season 4 and 5)

Defining Quote: "If that girl had an original thought her head would explode" (Anya, about Harmony)

Episodes Appeared In: "The Harvest", "Invisible Girl", "Surprise", "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered", "The Wish", "Graduation Day, Part One", "Graduation Day, Part Two", "The Harsh Light of Day", "The Initiative", "Pangs", "Restless", "Real Me", "Out Of My Mind", "Family", "Crush"

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