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Kendra's Bio

Kendra (Bianaca Lawson) was the Slayer called upon when Buffy died for a short time after fighting the Master. She showed up and fought Buffy, but quickly formed a competitive alliance with her. She was a very stick-to-the-books kid of Slayer, and trained and devoted her whole life to being the slayer. She did not understand Buffy's relationship with her friends or Angel or how she was so unknowledgable about ancient demons and the sort. She accidently nearly killed Angel ("What's My Line Part 1"), but wasn't very remorseful about it. She was eventually killed by Drusilla at age 17 when she hypnotized her and slashed her throat (Becoming Part 1). She was a very short lived character, only appearing in 3 episodes. She had a stake called Mr. Pointy, and had a cool Jamaican accent. Her death called upon the new slayer Faith.

First Appearance: "What's My Line Part 1"

Last Appearance: "Becoming Part 1"

Current Status: R.I.P.

Significant Others: None

Defining Quote: "Oh. Dey call me Kendra. I have no last name, sir."

Episodes Appeared In: "What's My Line Part 1", "What's My Line Part 2", "Becoming Part 1" Back To Former Characters Page
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