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Oz's Bio

Daniel "Oz" Osborne (Seth Green), 20, first showed up as Willow's love interest. When he found out about Buffy and the gang's little secret ("Suprise") He took it all in stride and helped them out. He soon discovered that he was a werewolf ("Phases") and decided to have himself locked up every full moon. He was an active member of the group until he discovered Willow and Xander kissing, (Lover's Walk) and broke up with Willow. They soon made up, though, and he resumed a more active stance in the group. Later, a female werewolf comes to town named Veruca ("Wild At Heart") and makes Oz realize that he must contain the beast within. He decides to travel the world and figure out how to contain his werewolf. He does it, but when he returned and found out about Willow and Tara, he got so mad that he returned to werewolf stage. He realized that only Willow could make him mad or sad enough to change, so he has left sunnydale, perhaps forever. Oz is a passive, easy going, nonchalant guy. He is always keeping things in perspective, and very witty. He played for the group Dingoes Ate My Baby.

First Appearance: "Inca Mummy Girl"

Last Appearance: "Wild At Heart" (as a regular) "New Moon Rising" (as a guest star) "Restless" (in an alternate reality)

Current Status: Unknown

Significant Others: Willow (Seasons 2, 3, and 4) Veruca ("Wild At Heart")

Defining Quote: "Present. I may be a cold-blooded jelly doughnut, but my timing is impeccable."

Episodes Appeared In: "Inca Mummy Girl", "Halloween", "What's My Line, Part One", "What's My Line, Part Two", "Surprise", "Innocence", "Phases" "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered", "Becoming, Part One", "Becoming, Part Two", Season Three (except "Consequences", "The Freshman", "Living Conditions", "The Harsh Light of Day", "Fear, Itself", "Beer Bad", "Wild at Heart", "New Moon Rising", "Restless"

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