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Riley Finn's Bio

Riley Finn (Marc Blucas) was introduced as a psych major and the teacher's assistant to psych professor, Maggie Walsh. Buffy met him the first day of College ("The Freshman"), and he quickly developed a crush on her, and Buffy later recipricated the feelings. He appeared a normal guy, but turned out to be a special agent field commander for a secret demon-hunting government organization, called the Initiative ("The Initiative"). He kept this a secret from her, as she did with her Slaying, until the inevitably crossed paths ("Hush"). They were at first weirded out, but soon only became closer. However, Maggie Walsh, who was also the Initiative leader, turned out to have created Adam, Season 4's baddie, and also had been feeding mind control devises and strength-enhancing drugs to Riley and the other ops. Thus, Riley came to Adam when he called him, even after he was kicked out of the Initiative because he freed Oz when he was captured on the basis that all werewolves were evil ("New Moon Rising"). But Riley eventually resisted the control and ripped the mind controller out of his chest ("Primeval"). He then joined the battle that was going on between Buffy and the demons that Adam released from the containment cells they were being held in in the Initiative HQ. The result of the battle was the end of all things Initiative. However, the strength enhancing drugs left Riley at risk of a heart attack, so he had to be operated on, but he survived ("Out Of My Mind"). However, he began to feel that Buffy didn't love him, so he went to a vamp nest and got vampire "suck jobs". When Buffy found out, she was heartbroken, and she and Riley got into a fight. Riley then threatened that if Buffy didn't stop him, he would go to South Africa to fight demons with some former-Initiative guys. Buffy showed up, but not in time, and Riley left for South America ("Into The Woods"). Riley was the posterboy for hard work - he was detirmined, talented, often suceeded and smart. However, he was too average and therefore somewhat dull. He also had a jealously streak when it came to Angel, Buffy's bf before him, especially after Angel kicked his ass ("The Yoko Factor").

First Appearance: "The Freshman"

Last Appearance: "Into The Woods"

Current Status: Fighting demons in the South American jungle.

Significant Others: Buffy (Season 4 and 5)

Defining Quote: "You don't understand, I'm good at things. That's what I do. I work hard, apply myself, get it done."

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