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Buffy & Angel Chronicles - Season 2 VHS Set

Contains These 3 Videos Named By The Episodes They Contain:

This is a great set. Every episode is suspenseful, chilling and exciting. "Surprise" and "Innocence" deal with Angel losing his soul. This complication was totally unforseen when I first saw it. it took me by suprise and made these episodes so interesting. Also in this episode, Oz joins the group and Jenny Calander is revealed as a gypsy. Ms. Calander's secret was also a shock. In "Passion" Jenny is killed, another one that took me off guard. It also contains the great one liner "Sorry Angel, changed the locks." These three epsiodes proved how amazingly surprising season 2 really was, with so many unexpected twists occuring. "Becoming Parts 1 and 2" are a pair of possibly the best episodes of Buffy ever. Spike teams with Buffy, Joyce discovers Buffy's the slayer, Angel is killed by Buffy, Kendra is killed, and Buffy leaves Sunnydale. I couldn't take my eyes away. Every scene, especially in "Becoming" left me on the edge of my seat. Although "I Only Have Eyes For You" ddin't focus on the same major story arc, it was so chilling that it was still an excellent episode. Only problem with these tapes is that since there are only 6 episodes, so many great episodes, like "What's My Line" are left out.

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